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Author Topic: RETURN OF THE SAGE OOC  (Read 1431 times)

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Offline Artemis

  • Gregarious Gnu
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  • Coloring: credit to wallace on deviantart for this nifty avi
  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: is almost 200lb
  • Build: Pretty masculine
« on: December 26, 2009, 05:58:40 AM »
     The village of Euglaria.  It’s of average size, and is very peaceful.  It is the border village of two   factions; Elvarn the Divine Empire and Rechlia kingdom of all.  There is a school in this village, a school for magic wielders and soldiers alike.  Most of the students who go there become soldiers, but there are a few who go to learn the ways of mental power.  There was one student, who above all odds passed the test for both sides of the school.  To become a warrior and a mage.  The deans, deciding to experiment, chose to allow him to attend both schools.  Though his training took many more years he became equally powerful with both the sword, and the book.
 Graduating top of both classes he joined the Rechlian army, and fought in a war between Rechlia, and Garlho, a country in the east.  After finding himself in amongst twelve men who survived the bloodiest battle of the war, he resigned from his post, and began adventuring on his own.  After years of traveling the world and combating things some would only dream of he became something even more powerful.  He became a Sage.  He returned to Euglaria one day, and for one day only and told them that they’d never see him again.  Not in this lifetime.  He moved deep into the Darkling Woods, where the darkest creatures lie, and stumbled upon a child.  This child had a strange marking around his eye, as if a branding from the gods.  The sage raised this child and taught him everything he knew, but the child would need many more years of training, and becoming stronger to become a Sage like his mentor.
One year the Sage decided to travel back to Euglaria, and he took the child, who was now a young man, with him.  When he returned Euglaria was a full-fledged stronghold that had taken many battles.  On top of that, the stronghold was property of Garlho.  Disgusted by the realization that his country needed him in his time of need, he conjured all of his power, and brought down the entire northern wall.  The Sage and his student would join forces with Elvarn, who were now fighting Garlho, and fight in the war.  After many years, the Student was almost ready to become a Sage, but in the battle before the ceremony, he became reckless, and was stabbed several times before he finally fell.  The wrath of the Sage wouldn’t end until the stronghold of Euglaria was nothing but rubble.
A few years later, after Rechlia was restored to half of what it once was, the Sage built a giant Temple, in honor of his Student.  He even named it after the student.  The Temple was called Arcane, and this was the first building of New Euglaria.  The sage spent the next forty years training a league of Sages, and creating a great library within the Temple.  When the Sage finished his last text, he died.  His body was simply too old to withstand the immense power within him.  The Sages who trained under him began to teach students of their own, but none were as powerful as the original.  Each one had their own element.  Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water.  This is your story.  You start as a pupil of one of these elements (more than one is allowed, but try to get them all).  Work your way up to become your very own sage, and when you do, go and venture with a colleague or travel alone.  When you graduate, however, you will be permanently bound to the Temple, and when your elders call on you, you must answer.

We need a teacher for every element that has been chosen by someone else, so please try not to have a water (or any other element) pupil with no Teacher.  That would suck.   

Nickname: if any
Age:  below 15 for student.  Above 35 for teachers.
Rank:  pupil, sage, teacher
Misc Info:
Misc Info:
Misc Info:

Name: Artemis
Nickname: Sparky
Age: 14
Rank: Pupil
Element:  Fire
Misc Info: Wears black cloth pants wrap around his feet, a black cloth long-sleeve shirt, and a pair of black nylon shorts.
Misc Info:  Has a hidden tattoo of a fireball on his shoulder/arm
Misc Info:  Has dark blue eyes that at one glance feel as if they’re piercing your soul!
The kind of people who take the lead, are the ones who die most famously.
Those who follow, die in peace.
Which one would you prefer?


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