The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => General => Forum Games => Topic started by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:27:46 AM

Title: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:27:46 AM
Well, instead of continually answering questions via PM or getting off topic elsewhere, I decided to open my version of Meet the Staff, minus the Staff part. I am Shinzuu Katame. My fursona is a wolf-tiger. A black wolf's body and fur, with silver tiger stripes. And since no one reads my profile and assume my avi has a diseased eye, his right eye is neon green and feline.

I have served in the Air Force for 5 years, 1st year was ROTC in high school. I am actually 5'11", one foot shorter than my fursona. I have studied martial arts since I was 3 and am an avid disciple in 2 different arts. I was born in 1986. Yes, I am Asian, no I am not Japanese. I speak it, but I am not it. My greatest pet peeves revolve around incompetent people. I am a very aggressive and competitive person. I am also brutally honest and not afraid to say what's on my mind. My mate is VeeSmith and I'm one of the very jealous significant others that you hear so much about. In other words, the jealous boyfriend. I tend to be very prone to violence, and I have a mild case of insomnia. I keep in very good shape and do occasional weight training. I am a very big computer nerd and one of my favourite past times (outside of pc/video games) is writing/drawing/RPing.

Any questions you have for me, please post here, and stop flooding my inbox or getting me in trouble for going off topic elsewhere. Question may include the popular "do you hate me?"
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: White Wolf Guardian on March 05, 2010, 02:38:00 AM
I don't remember you writing an intro so I suppose I'll just say.. Welcome to TFF! *Hugs the Shinzuu* Do you hate meeee? *Puppy Eyes*
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:39:49 AM
no, I don't hate you, White. *gives White a snugglez*.

Oh, just a side note, also. Yes, I do do anthro art, but please don't ask for anime art. I've long since retired, and I find myself unable to get back into that arena.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:41:46 AM
You remind me of a person

Hey aren't you Richard Simons?

(if you watch Family Guy you would get the joke)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:44:19 AM
You remind me of a person

Hey aren't you Richard Simons?

(if you watch Family Guy you would get the joke)
I saw that episode, and no I don't have anywhere near the physique of that little man. Do you always like trying to find out what irritates me? because you have been doing a fine job of doing just that for the last month. Please leave the irrelevant and pointless questions out of this thread, please. This is a serious thread.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:45:10 AM
Jeez fine

What Martial Arts are you an avid disciple in? (you mentioned 2)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:48:14 AM
I've studied all 3 original variations of Tai Chi (the martial art, not the exercise, though the exercise is just basically Tai Chi martial arts warm-ups), since I was 3 years of age. At 13, I took up an old, 600 year-old Japanese Martial Art, called Hokken Ryu. I have been studying the Kenjutsu (sword art) aspect of the style. Everyone who studies it has to learn its hand-to-hand aspect before taking a field. (Oh, in case you need a reference, I am 23 right now)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:49:24 AM
What inspired you when you were making your fursona?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 02:54:34 AM
Vee was actually my inspiration and also the whole reason I became a furry. I wanted to be her wolf, but at the same time, I had my pride as a tiger (born in 1986, year of the tiger). The creation of my fursona's physical appearance came from my personality of being shrouded in darkness with hints of light and after my actual physique, and my wish to be another foot taller. The eye thing was actually to distinguish him as a particular hybrid, the eye giving him the sight of a feline, while having the sight of a canine in his other eye. So you can say that the right eye was his enhancement. The scar on his back was actually based off an old scar I had when I was first studying in Hokken Kenjutsu Style. The scar I had was roughly the shape of a small katana on my lower back, which I promptly had removed by a dermatologist in high school because I had joined the swim team. And I had always wanted to grow a long, thin pony tail.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:56:27 AM
One last question before I quit interviewing.

When and why did you create your Kin Chronicles series?


Ta ta for now
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 03:12:49 AM
Kin Chronicles had been inspired by many things. First off, I've been writing books and stories for a number of years, but I have yet to find a publisher who is willing to print them for a decent price. Now. All my books up until December of '07 had all been realistic fiction, western fiction, completely futuristic, or copyright infringing spoofs. It has also been the same for the 4 manga that I've written. In the past 7 years, a particular author had always caught my eye and had written the most captivating series I've ever read in my life. That series is called The Sword of Truth Series written by Terry Goodkind. I took all my knowledge of mythology of every kind as well as the concepts of a fantasy fiction/medieval fantasy and decided to come up with something new. After I met Vee, I thought to myself, "you know, many people are oblivious to furries or have very bad misconceptions of furries. Maybe I should write a book series as captivating as Terry Goodkind's and introduce the world to furries." That, of course, went off without a hitch, and went through a 9 month planning process. I did my best to match the style of Mr. Goodkind and weaved plot and sub-plot webs for the story. Having accomplished that had kept the dream going. Now, as you know, I had previously contacted DelRey Publishings through one of their already-existing authors. However, my lack of creativity of names led me to the place where we are today. The rest, you know. However, this has all been a great drive for me to keep at it. Originally, I had planned for a trilogy. However, after joining this forum, ideas and inspiration had begun to fill my mind and I had come to make it a 5 book series. I already know what each of the first four books will be about, though no details, minus the first two books, which are both in the writing or planning stages now. This is the first time I have created a series, as well as my first in writing a fantasy fiction. Now one of the greatest contributions to me even thinking of tackling this actually came from my frequent readers back in Illinois who have read my books since high school. And as an added drive for me, I decided to brush up on my "Ye olde english" as well as write it in British English instead of American English, though some characters will talk as if they were from there. It's because of readers like you and many others that continue to inspire me to keep writing this series, as well. Knowing how you all feel and knowing that people actually read it, brings great warmth to my heart.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 03:17:19 AM
I know I said I would stop asking questions for tonight

but why'd you all of a sudden stop updating your Kin Chronicles writings here? (not really suddenly but..)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: WingedZephyr on March 05, 2010, 04:23:38 AM
Thread moved to the Games board.

The Meet and Greet section is reserved for welcoming new members.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 11:27:42 AM
I know I said I would stop asking questions for tonight

but why'd you all of a sudden stop updating your Kin Chronicles writings here? (not really suddenly but..)

I actually took a break from it for February. I had many things going on, including doing commissions and requests. I recently just finished drawing them, and just need to color ALL of them. And my neck is starting to hurt from it, but I have begun writing again. Should be up soon.

Thread moved to the Games board.

The Meet and Greet section is reserved for welcoming new members.
Thanks, Zeph. I really didn't know where I was supposed to put it, since people have been asking me questions of myself in the last month, many resulting in me getting reprimanded for going off topic in another thread.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Timmy Fox on March 05, 2010, 03:01:26 PM
Are you a furry?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on March 05, 2010, 03:45:12 PM
was it difficult having a long distance relationship with you and Vee? ive only had relationships with people like in the same town with me or only a village away so i wouldnt know...

and if so, how did you two get around said difficulties?.... also feel inclined to smack my paw if this question is too personal  :S
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 04:35:47 PM
Are you a furry?
yes, I am. now please keep the questions serious and refrain from pointless questions.

was it difficult having a long distance relationship with you and Vee? ive only had relationships with people like in the same town with me or only a village away so i wouldnt know...

and if so, how did you two get around said difficulties?.... also feel inclined to smack my paw if this question is too personal  :S

Well, I'd be lying if I said it was easy. I think the biggest obstacle was just being apart from each other. Things like hugging and kissing, just were missing, as well as just being able to know the other is alright. I cannot tell you how many heart-attacks (metaphorical) that i've had when I hear about Vee getting sick or lonely or just having a bad day. But the thing is, because we had been apart most of our two years, it kind of proved how strong our bond was, and, if anything, had made it stronger. We had coped by calling and talking to each other every night, reassuring that we'll make it through. Lo and behold, we did. I'll tell you, Vee was not the least bit happy, especially since it's only when I have a gf, that other women start hitting on me, and the like. I have no idea how women know when a guy is taken, and when he's not, a girl doesn't want him. Kinda weird. But yea, I think that having it been long-distance for such a long time, we've learned to treasure every minute together, and I think that's something you can't always learn with only people who live near you.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on March 05, 2010, 04:41:47 PM
n'aaaw  :3....

thanks for the 'from the heart' answer buddy   ^_^
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 04:43:19 PM
no problem. I have nothing to hide from the world, so it's not a bad thing. This place is for questions like that. Because I think posting all your questions about me on here is better than sending me 10 PMs.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 08, 2010, 05:02:08 AM
I could have swore I heard you and Vee live togather. Am I wrong?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 01:59:32 PM
no, you are not wrong. we are indeed living together now for 3 and a half months.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Buddywolf on March 08, 2010, 02:09:45 PM
Is every one here your nom now?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 02:24:32 PM
yes. everyone is nom now, because i've been havin' the noms for a number of weeks now.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 08, 2010, 06:34:29 PM
I'm not sure if this has been answered somewhere, but. You cast roles for your characters in your books with people on TFF. Are you doing this for some beneficial reason? Or is it just for poops 'n' giggles?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 07:15:25 PM
Long story, short. DelRey said that I needed more names for the characters and that my variety wasn't exactly cut, so I decided to cast. Which, by the way, has made the story more interesting overall.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 08, 2010, 07:54:40 PM
I see...Do you have a "Cryptonite"? By that I mean weakness, if you didn't get the refference.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 08:01:39 PM
Vee is my only kryptonite.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on March 08, 2010, 08:14:44 PM
*appears to take her bow then leaves the thread to watch it closely from the distance, making sure everyone behaves*
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 09, 2010, 06:19:34 AM
D'aww...How sweet...

Moving on...

Did you create a character, in The Kin Chronicles, describing you? Maybe not physicaly, but personality wise.

Did you create a character, in The Kin Chronicles, describing what you wish you were?

What inspired you to write? Not about anything in specific, just in general, what made you pick up the pen and write.

Do you like junk food?

Favorite color?

Have you ever ripped an idea from something else and implemented it into a story of yours? Like something major, not like names of people or towns, but like a species. For example, If I were to write a story using the names of Wolf-Kin, Fox-Kin, etc. Have you done something of that nature?

Do you get annoyed at me flooding you with PMs of questions about your RP?

What is your opinion of me? (I'll cry if it's negative, but I really wanna know. And you don't have to answer if you don't think it's serious enough a question.)

Uh...Favorite anime?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 09, 2010, 06:55:16 AM
D'aww...How sweet...

Moving on...

Did you create a character, in The Kin Chronicles, describing you? Maybe not physicaly, but personality wise.

Did you create a character, in The Kin Chronicles, describing what you wish you were?

What inspired you to write? Not about anything in specific, just in general, what made you pick up the pen and write.

Do you like junk food?

Favorite color?

Have you ever ripped an idea from something else and implemented it into a story of yours? Like something major, not like names of people or towns, but like a species. For example, If I were to write a story using the names of Wolf-Kin, Fox-Kin, etc. Have you done something of that nature?

Do you get annoyed at me flooding you with PMs of questions about your RP?

What is your opinion of me? (I'll cry if it's negative, but I really wanna know. And you don't have to answer if you don't think it's serious enough a question.)

Uh...Favorite anime?

Shinzuu was originally based off of me, and that is still true with Kin Chronicles.

The character I created that I wanted to be, would probably be anyone who was rich.

For Kin Chronicles, it was Terry Goodkind's work. For others, just an idea that managed to flourish in my brain.

I love junk food, but I don't eat as much since I turned into a health junkie after basic training.

Favourite color is black.

Yes, actually. One of my first stories was actually a fanfic of mine that was actually a sequel to both Final Fantasy 8 and Diablo 2. It worked, but I lost interest very fast since I couldn't think of any alternatives for names and the like.

No, they're good questions, for the most part. however, I wish you had asked some of those questions before posting and that you didn't ask some of the questions because you were supposed to read ALL the side notes before asking.

Overall, I think you're ok. Sometimes very dimwitted and having blond moments every hour or so, but you're a good guy. I am glad that even though you're a total goofball sometimes, you can be serious when you need to be. And I respect that a lot.

My favourite anime is actually a toss-up between DeathNote and Gundam 00 (which is, by far, my favourite Gundam series after season 2 came out. before, it was Gundam Wing that tied with DeathNote)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 13, 2010, 05:14:04 AM
It doesn't help that I'm blond either, haha. I would prefer Deathnote over Gundam, I just can't get into it.

Did you always want to write growing up? Or did you have another career choice?

Do you have a character in your books you relate to? Maybe a personal dilema you both share?

Same question as above, but with someone elses work, maybe an anime.

You said you made a few Mangas, what were they about? Titles? Plot? Are they antro-based?

Speaking of anthro-based...Is that all you write about?

What is your Steam name? I won't add you if you don't want...But I'm curious to know.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 13, 2010, 05:51:57 AM
growing up, i hated writing and i hated reading, too. my original career choice was to be in the miliatry. after 5 years, i said it ain't for me.

I relate to shinzuu because he is pretty much almost a direct personification of me. (I mean the original, but furry Shinzuu is also roughly the same.) Personal dillema? Being persecuted for (censored) I didn't do.

hmmm, i can't really say. i think all this up with only what i want in mind. nothing in particular outside.

First one I ever made was in 2001, Shinzuu Saga, this one was actually based on Rurouni Kenshin and the Korean Ragnarok Manga, but with a storyline, setting and characters completely original. The second was Saith, a college drama manga about the nerdy girl and the pretty-boy jock. The third one I wrote was the first in JRC Productions which was a revolutionary manga, where each page is written by a different author, which the manga was doctrined by me and two close high school friends, thus JRC, Josh Ryan Cory. We worked on a second project, too, but that has yet to see fruit on Chapter 1. None of these are anthro-based as these were before I became a furry and no one in JRC, aside from me, is a furry.

No, it is not all I write about. In fact, Kin Chronicles is the only furry-based anything, that i'm writing. I'm still working on my other books in my spare time when I hit writer's block or run out of paper. My second book is done all via PC, and is the only one that isn't on paper. The rest, I follow my normal steps.
1) Brainstorm
2) Story development
3) Plot Weaving
4) Sub-plot Weaving
5) Rough draft (Paper)
6) Editing
7) Final Draft (Paper)
8) Final Version (PC)

Well, my steam Login is Duomillenia because people can't seem to find me as: {W.o.F} Black Kat (Katame)
feel free to add me if you want. I only play CSS until my gaming comp gets mailed over. then i'll be having a hayday on L4D2.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 13, 2010, 06:46:12 AM
"W.o.F."? World of Furries? A parodic variation of World of Warcraft?

Anyway...I meant to ask if you like animals and what your favorite was in that last batch, but it slipped my mind. (Blond moment!  :P)

Do you like animals? If so what is your favorite?

Do you collect anything?

How did you become a furry?

Who is your favorite super hero and villian?

Who, other than Terry Goodkind, do you idolize and why?

What are your prefered book/game/movie genres?

Do you think I ask too many questions? And are you annoyed by it?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 13, 2010, 06:56:50 AM
WoF was my baby clan on CSS, Weapons of Fate, but that ship has sailed.

I love cats. I love them to death. I also love huskies and shiba inu's.

I collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards, MMORPG's, all my artwork, and a few other things that i can't think of at the moment.

I dated Vee, and it grew on me.

My favorite hero is probably still Iron Man. As for villain, I'd have to say it would be Onslaught.

Hmm... that's a toughy. I'd have to say Captain Carl Roah of the United States Army. He is a man that has persevered many tough times and somehow found a way to do so while maintaining his integrity and dignity. He's now a flight officer and married with 2 children.

Book-wise, I prefer Star-Wars specific, but in general, Action/Espionage. Games, no real favorite, just if it catches my fancy. As for movies, I love action and horror movies the most.

No, actually. I'm glad that you ask because it shows I still have friends on this server and people who might be genuinely interested in my life... Aside from Vee, that is. :P
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 13, 2010, 07:29:30 AM

No, actually. I'm glad that you ask because it shows I still have friends on this server and people who might be genuinely interested in my life... Aside from Vee, that is. :P

Oh man, you have no idea how warm and fuzzy that made me feel. I have such a big happy face on. <3

I'd ask another batch of questions, but I'm tired and about to head to bed.

I'm still smiling lol

Post Merge: March 14, 2010, 07:19:56 AM
Alright, a few more.

Do you have a favorite book/game/movie?

What is a Shiba Inu? Sounds like something from Naruto lol.

What is your favorite candy?

Do you drink coffee in the morning? Or something else?

Uh.....Hmm...Was there someone in your life before Vee?

Is your room messy?

And do you sleep alone?

Oh, and if you had a life-time supply of one item, what would it be?

Post Merge: March 14, 2010, 12:23:25 AM
Another merge, but I thought of these while doing the dishes just now, which I still need to finish...

You mention incompetant people being your greatest pet peeve, do you have others?

Are you making a book about the "Betrayal of the Guardians"? If so have you been secretly using your RP to get ideas? Or maybe even make the book solely on what goes on in the RP :O?

What is your prefered style of music?

I'm gonna stop pestering you for now and let you catch up lol. Back to dishes for me!
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 14, 2010, 05:38:59 PM
Book: Soul of The Fire by Terry Goodkind    Movie: Zombieland    Game: Resident Evil 5

Shiba Inu is a Japanese dog that looks like a mini-husky. It's kinda funny that its sign says "Shiba Inu Dog" because "Inu" is Japanese for "Dog". So if we translate the sign at pet stores, it would say "Medium Dog Dog".

Anything Reese's

I used to drink coffee. In fact I was an addict from Junior High up to Freshman year in High School. Since then, I haven't drank any, that was 2001, btw.

there were 21 women in my life prior to Vee, but none at the same time. My relationships lasted only between 2-6 months, before they tell me the same thing. "Sorry, but you're more like a brother to me, than a lover." Only 1 ever dumped me for bad reasons, and still are not on good terms with.

No. I have a mini-Vee. On our first Valentine's 2 years ago, I gave her a Valentine dog in "Knight In Shining Armor" armor from Build-a-Bear named after me, and she gave me a bride Build-a-Bear named after her. We both hold those to bed.

Hmmm... lifetime supply. Money.

Liars. Lying's my greatest of all pet peeves. I've struck an ex for lying to me before. Not proud of it, but that's the gravity of my pet peeve of lying.

No, my RP is not part of my book series. However, the last book is called Betrayal of the Guardian, but it takes place while Shinzuu and the cast are still alive. The RP is based on an experiment of the realm and kinda a way to get people to read my story more. XP

I listen to pretty much any music. However, the one type of music I listen to most is either Alternative, Country or Russian Industrial Rock (mainly Rammstein and Megaherz)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 16, 2010, 11:53:14 PM
Well with all those women, who wouldn't want a life time supply of money? You a playah.

You mention being in the military, Airforce specificaly. If it doesn't bring back any horrific memories, have you ever killed someone? Or done something resulting in the death of someone?

What did you pilot? If you did fly something, what was your favorite?

Have you ever wanted to pilot something specificaly? Or something different than you already piloted?

Why the Airforce?

Do you play any instruments? If so, what?

Why did the previous women in your life consider you more of a brother? If you know.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 12:06:40 AM
I'm not a playa. never was. Just attracted girls and they figured out that I'm just more the "Brother" kind of friend.

Nope, I have no blood on my hands. However, I was almost charged with attempted murder in Junior High, when i lost my cool and attacked the wrestling team's captain and almost snapped his neck off.

I've flown anything that came out of repairs. My favorite would have to be the Hornets. Though I will say, for the record, Raptors are really fun in high G's.

Yes, actually. The one thing I've always wanted to fly was a Cessna T-1 jet.

IDK. I didn't want to spend 712 days of my life on a boat, I wanted to fly, the Army is a military whore-house, and the Marines were jerk-offs, though that recruiting sergeant still bugged me even after signing in with USAF.

I play piano, saxophone and guitar (Helped when Guitar Hero came out, lol). I am also a singer.

You know what? I have yet to receive an answer about that. One girl, a blond, just told me about all the "sweet" things I did for her, but that's stuff that you do for a gf. Walks in the park, moonlit stroll on the lake, movies, dinner, being intimate and romantic. But then again, that girl was the one that called me on my cell and said she forgot my number.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Buddywolf on March 17, 2010, 11:22:14 PM
Is you xbox live G-tag renewed to gold yet?  :)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 18, 2010, 12:03:27 AM
no, my job hasn't even started yet, so I can't afford it at the moment.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 18, 2010, 12:10:42 AM
What is your new job exactly?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 18, 2010, 12:18:30 AM
I'm a salesman at Best Buy. My credentials from my last sales job at Fry's got me a really high starting salary.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 18, 2010, 01:59:19 AM
Fail blonde is fail.

Hmm...I had a good one cooked up...But it slipped my mind...

OH! How do you get rid of writers block?

Do you prefer fast food, home cooked food, or premade frozen food?

Do a barrel roll?   :3

What, in your opinion, was the most romantic thing you have done for a woman you were going steady with?

How did you meet Vee?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on March 18, 2010, 02:03:43 AM
Do you want to just copy my reply to how we met in my Meet the Staff board to answer his last question?
I'm sure it'd be easier, so go ahead if you want to.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 18, 2010, 02:06:48 AM
I never thought to look there...Maybe I'll give it a look see. 0:)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 18, 2010, 03:44:06 AM
Writer's block. Work on something else, and it'll come to me.

Home cooked, thank you.

I've done too many.

I moved in and got engaged to Vee.

I met Vee in the Habbo Hotel UK server back in early 2005
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 20, 2010, 05:56:55 PM
Yeah, I read about it in her post, interesting story.

Do you believe your color to be right? And do you take it seriously?

When you right or read dialogue for your characters, do you imagine how they sound individualy? Or do have a generic male and female voice lodged into your head?

Who, other than characters of yourself or Vee, are your favorite in your books and why?

Are there any..."Naughty" scenes in your books? From what I remember, Shinzuu and Vee get married and have children.(Can't remember on the children)

You seem distant, everything okay on the homefront? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but if you need to vent or something...I'm here for ya. ;)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 20, 2010, 07:19:42 PM
The color would be right at a different spectrum of my more dormant personality. But on the whole, I BS'd it so I could get Black, mainly because that's the only kind of deck I run.

No, I actually do have a vision and audio in my mind playing as I write it all down, as well as reading it. I take my writing very seriously, and I write in a fashion where I know the reader can indulge in it because I become a part of it. You can ask Vee on this one. Depending on who I'm writing about at the time, my facial expression and my attitude are completely different.

Hmm.... My favorite outside those two would probably have to be either Alister or Bahamut because Alister has the whip-sword and no tongue, so he's literally like a silent killer. Bahamut, I enjoy very much because though he uses common, conventional weapons (i.e. generic broadswords) he maximizes their usage plus he has his jousting lance, which is unique in itself because unless you're riding horseback, 99% chance is that you're not wielding one.

No, not on the children. However, there is a sex scene in the book, but it's not graphic. It's just a description of what they see and the feelings inside them. However, most of it will be deleted from the TFF version. If you want to read the full, unedited version of that part, or other parts of the books, you will find it in Soryu's new forum (not furry only). I'm posting the books here and that site ONLY. I decided against posting on FA for numerous reasons, but the bottom line is, censored version on TFF and Unrated Version on MOD.

Well, just been really busy with beta testing since the 17th, so yea, I'm very distant, aside from the fact that my orientation still hasn't started yet.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 20, 2010, 10:48:34 PM
If you had to write something about me, what would your attitude be/facial expression.

Also have you ever been to a rave party?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 20, 2010, 10:54:21 PM
Let's see... interesting and unique... and reminds me of Chrono when it comes to RP's. My face would be one of a smirk and turn into a frown at the though of RP's.

I've been to many rave parties in my life. I've stopped since my second year in the USAF.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 20, 2010, 11:38:34 PM
Let's see... interesting and unique... and reminds me of Chrono when it comes to RP's. My face would be one of a smirk and turn into a frown at the though of RP's.

Awww that's cold man, even though I told you to answer honestly, I didn't expect that.

Why does that thought make you frown?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 20, 2010, 11:44:48 PM
like i said, you're starting to remind me of Chrono when it comes to RP. That was an HONEST answer. You're a good guy, but when it comes to RP's, you just start reminding me of Chrono when he was RPing with us, and that thought makes me angry.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 20, 2010, 11:46:36 PM
Well what exactly did he do wrong that I remind you of now?

forgive my curiosity but somethings i'd like an answer to
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 20, 2010, 11:51:11 PM
For starters, not paying attention to EVERYTHING that people posted before you. Also, going off on a tangent into your own little world. Not using common sense is another one. Also, posts that don't make sense. (i.e. hitting someone in the face with a shield and saying that they're falling forward after that kind of impact. That usually forces a person to fall backwards)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 21, 2010, 12:13:14 AM
How very kind of you Mister Katame, i'll be SURE to do everything in my power to avoid doing that in the future

Anyways do you consider your highschool years years well spent?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 21, 2010, 12:18:34 AM
Well wasted was more like it, however, the connections I've gotten since then have somewhat paid off. I am good friends with WNBA wonder, Candice Parker. I got to know one of the gaming development workers for Sony Japan. I know two of the nation's best counter-hackers. I got my name out in the Choir world and I've met my best friend there. Oh, and it was there that I developed my anime enough to do commissions that were worth well over 50 dollars.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Buddywolf on March 21, 2010, 04:17:58 AM
If you were invited to another rave, would you go?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 21, 2010, 07:02:21 AM
No, I probably wouldn't. I usually only go to pick up women, and I already have Vee. Furthermore, I'd be afraid to go, cuz this is Maine... country-folks who have raves should be questioned and interrogated.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on March 21, 2010, 04:15:38 PM
*clears throat* Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Buddywolf on March 21, 2010, 04:21:45 PM
questioned? interrogated? just for having a rave?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 21, 2010, 04:24:22 PM
just a more polite way of saying, I don't want to imagine what would classify as a rave out here.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Buddywolf on March 21, 2010, 04:27:38 PM
I see. Ok then.
What if you got a free year supply of doughnuts for going to a rave? Would you go then?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 21, 2010, 04:28:54 PM
No, I probably wouldn't. I usually only go to pick up women, and I already have Vee. Furthermore, I'd be afraid to go, cuz this is Maine... country-folks who have raves should be questioned and interrogated.

that's weird, I thought the East was party central (although Rave would probably translate to all nighter party with techno music, New York has a couple of 'em)

Any styles of Martial Arts you want to learn in particular, or generally intrest you? (besides the ones you practice)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 21, 2010, 04:47:41 PM
No. As much as I love doughnuts, I wouldn't want them everyday.

No, I probably wouldn't. I usually only go to pick up women, and I already have Vee. Furthermore, I'd be afraid to go, cuz this is Maine... country-folks who have raves should be questioned and interrogated.

that's weird, I thought the East was party central (although Rave would probably translate to all nighter party with techno music, New York has a couple of 'em)

Any styles of Martial Arts you want to learn in particular, or generally intrest you? (besides the ones you practice)

Actually, there is one in particular, and I've already taken a semester's worth of lessons. Aikido. The only element of martial arts that I have never practiced and is the polar opposite of every other martial arts.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 23, 2010, 08:26:50 AM
Long time no ask questions, hur hur. Anyway. Like yours and Vee's new avis, there cool. Though I like Vee's more cause of the protruding fangs, I find that appealing on furries. :3

Have you ever been hurt by someone or hurt someone(Seriously) during your martial arts practicing?

Do you have any belts? Black belt, brown belt, etc.

Can you do a back flip with out any assistance with elevation?

Have you read my story in progress? I'd really love to hear your input, I just finished and added chapter two of it.

You packin' any heat?

When are you going to accept my friend request on steam? I added you a couple days ago. Atleast I think it's you...Do you like in Maine?  :S It has to be you...I saw your group "Weapons of Fate". My logic is undeniable!!( (
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 23, 2010, 12:49:26 PM
During practice? Let's see. I've been hurt once by my master during a lesson on Japanese sword techniques in Hokken. What would've probably broken the average person's entire rib cage, broke 2 of my ribs (only time in my life I've ever had a full fracture). That was about 1 1/2 years ago. The only other time was in 3rd grade during TC lessons when I was getting my first bow staff lesson. Short version, I ended up chipping my bottom rib on the right side. It wasn't a full fracture, but yea. In tournies every year, I pretty much get my arms dislocated every time I ever fought 9th and 10th degree Black Belts in TKD (It's amazing, the difference between 7th degree- to 8th degree+). It's nothing new, but it still hurts.
Hurting others seriously? Umm.... well, back when I was 18, during my second year as Head Sempai and Master's Assistant, they rewrote the waiver for lessons because I lost my cool with my students (always get the arrogant rich brats who think they're unbeatable after watching 1 kungfu movie). My 22 students left early, 2 were bed-ridden for 1 week and 1 was actually in the hospital for 2 days. Of course, I wasn't sued because the original waiver states we're not responsible for "injury". However, the new one even covers "Possible incapacitation and/or death" (rewritten after that incident). I was severely reprimanded by my master (She was my master since I was 3) and let's just say I lost my position as Head Sempai for like a month, wasn't hard to get it back.

I am a disciple, so I'm not under the belt system, even though the people who pay for the lessons do. As a disciple you go through training with the belts, but you go further than they do and learn more. But my position is Head Sempai/Master's Assistant (literal translation is Master's Hand). Similar to a 10th degree, I guess you can say. Now as for the paying students, they are people who really either don't have the potential and/or the heart to take it all the way, so those people are the "commercial" students, not disciples. It's similar with my Hokken master, but there are no "commercial" students there. He's very well off, so he actually only takes disciples. The test is ridiculous. Again, for Hokken, I am also Head Sempai, and this one, we don't have a belt system.

Backflip? I used to. But after the military, I've been very top-heavy, and my muscle structure changed drastically, so not anymore (Now 32 waist and 42 chest).

I've been reading from time to time, but I'm juggling quite a few things, but after a few more, I'll start writing some comments via PM.

No, I do not own any personal guns. Money that could have been spent on that was spent on SCUBA gear, a SureFire flashlight, computer games, extra uniforms, starch, food, and my DS +accessories/games.

Weapons of Fate has long since disbanded. My new clan is here:
I'll accept your friend request when I sign into Steam next, when I'm done BETA testing DBO.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 25, 2010, 06:40:51 PM
Got any pointy objects then?

Do you sleep with pajamas? Or...Nothing? :o

What is your favorite food?

Top 3 characters in your RPs? (Yeah, I'm waiting for my honorable mention, rawr. :P)

When joining RPs, do you take names from your books? Or other stories you've written?

Do you swear on a regular basis?

When do you go to bed usually?

What color is you hair!?

What size shoe do you wear?!?!

If you couldn't tell my the last two, I am running out of questions. I also asked your shoe size because recently I was talking to someone and everything I told him, he passed on to someone else. I then asked him "You gonna tell him your shoe size too?!". I felt it would be funny and ironic.  o.O
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 25, 2010, 07:13:20 PM
A pencil, lol. No, I know you mean weapons. I have a collection 3 special hand-crafted butterfly knives: One from Germany, One from Brazil and One from Italy.
I have a katana and a sakabatou (reverse-blade katana).
I also have 2 Chinese straight blades: one is normal, with a highly decorated, blue handle and sheath. The other is a custom extended blade that's 3 inches longer than standard and has a wooden scabbard and handle. Both have a golden hilt and gold linings 16kt.
I have 2 combat knives that I personally dismantled and molded my own handle for the blade, so that it's both CQC ready as well as throwable if necessary.
Finally, I have 2 switch-blades that I have dismantled and customized with tighter screws and a stronger spring.
(All my knives are specially sharpened with a special kit I have for that)

Before this last Christmas, no, but I got PJ pants the depict tigers and dragons, so I wear those at night, now. Naked? Used to sleep in the nude all the time, up until this last October.

Food? Oh, that's a tough one. But generically speaking, Chicken. Anything that has chicken, I love it.

Hmmm... in out of all my RP's. 1) Kiana 2) White (Kin Chronicles) 3) Railu

No, I use the names from Characters I've created over the years. There's Shinzuu, Korius (Shinzuu's half-brother), Lorazys (Shinzuu's half-sister. Original was named Hitomi), Soria (RPG Female Sorceress name), Valius (RPG Warrior Name), Valia (Same as Valius, but female), Lazaryos (RPG and DnD Warlock/Sorcerer).

If I lose my cool or under stress, yes.

Depends on when my insomnia decides to give up.


10 1/2 Wide or 11 Wide. Depends on the brand.

Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 25, 2010, 11:03:04 PM
Yay, you picked one of mine! :D

Why Railu?

Make it out okay after Vee saw the post?

Do you have any scars?

Ever hospitalized?

Injured on the battlefield?

Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 25, 2010, 11:15:44 PM
Because of how he looks and his chain.

Yea, she loved it.

I only have 2 that are still visible. I used to have had more than 30 different scars on my body from training, but those were removed by my ex-dermatologist while they were still within 2 weeks old.

Once, in 8th grade. It was on the infamous 8th grade camping trip that took place 3 months after the 8th grade DC trip. I got bitten by a mosquito at around 830am CST, and it grew to the point of my skin tearing by 9am CST. The teachers freaked so badly, they rushed me to the ER with a girl who broke her leg on the ropes course. The two of us were forced to stay there the whole day until supper. They actually hooked an IV to me because even though they gave me a strong, hospital-only benedryl (250 grams), the infection had bloated my hand even more, and I was losing fluids like crazy.

Only time I've ever been on the battlefield was to deliver soldiers, weapons and supplies. The only "injury" I ever got was diarrhea from eating lunch there, and not my freeze-dried rations.

Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 26, 2010, 06:25:17 AM
Guess you didn't need to barricade your door after all.

Do you have a TV?

What's your favorite show?

Do you shower before you go to bed? Or when you get up?

...I'd put more...But I juts got amigrane, I can barely see straight. Gonna turn in early. -.-
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Ruffie Tealet on March 26, 2010, 01:49:26 PM
Umm you mentioned you are asian. But you didnt mention which ethnicity you are, you ruled out Japanese. So im guessing either chinese,korean or taiwanese?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 26, 2010, 02:39:12 PM
No, I do not, though there is a usable one in front of my room, it has no AV jacks.

I would have to say Gundam 00. But if anime doesn't count as shows, I would have to say Two and a Half Men.

Used to be both, but now it's just when I get up.

Umm you mentioned you are asian. But you didnt mention which ethnicity you are, you ruled out Japanese. So im guessing either chinese,korean or taiwanese?
I am Chinese. Specifically from Hong Kong. My family tree has been traced back all the way to a little over 300 years ago. Though my mother's side has quite a bit of Royal Guards, all my ancestors originated from the GuanZhou Province. So I guess you can say I'm almost a Hong Kong Pure Bred.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Srgntcuddles on March 29, 2010, 08:45:01 PM

Would you mind if I asked you very personal questions? That reguarding your sex life.
Have you ever lost a limb? Toe, arm, finger, etc.
Ever fear for your life?
Have you ever had a near death experience? If so, explain?
If you asked me one question, what would it be?
Would you be wierded out if I said I love you?
What kind of hair style do you have?
Any pets?
What kind of furry are you?
What digimon did you pick? And what tamer?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
What kind of bed do you sleep on?
Where were you on the 15th of December 1997!?
What are your favorite 3 quotes?
Why is all the rum gone!?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 29, 2010, 11:15:01 PM
No, I don't mind.
Once. It was the first time I flew an F-18 Hornet.
No. The closest I ever came to "Near Death" was during a bunker dive in Miami. My tank stopped pumping air, and the nearest person was pretty far off, but staying calm and swimming strongly works fine. I've had others, but nothing that makes my life flash before my eyes. Oh, the closest, I think, was in 3rd grade, during an ice show I was performing in. Girl in front of me lost her balance a bit and almost nailed me in the face with her skate. I didn't know it, but the crowd was scared and my mom got it on video.
"Where is your brain half the time you're posting on the Forum?"
Right now? Growing out the "L" look for PortCon.
Used to have 2 cockatiels and 2 parakeets, but I no longer live with my folks, so no.
A very avid one.
I chose them all. I'm doing the mega event, so I have all 4 different tamers and all 3 different digimon.
I prefer 2, but sometimes a third one for my back is great.
It's a fold-out one like the ones in hotels, but not as thick. (Lotsa springs in my back)
I was getting my first exposure to REAL Martial Arts Tournaments. (Not the ballet-like crap you see on ESPN)
Hmmmm.... let's see. "Love is life. If you miss out on love, you miss out of life." -Shinzuu Katame, "At least I have chicken." -Clingon proverb, "There are many things men think worth fighting for. How you use your arts will define your abilities and your worthiness." -Yiu Kwan & Yamamoto Shindo (Both my masters)
Because I drank it all!!
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 29, 2010, 11:37:33 PM
Ever played a 'Mech Warrior Game

or at least heard of the term 'Mech?

I need someone who knows about them, it's driving me a lil' crazy that no one here likes 'Mechs
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on March 30, 2010, 12:40:15 AM
Would you mind if I asked you very personal questions? That reguarding your sex life.
No, I don't mind.

But you have to keep that in PMs.

"Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend?" :3
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 30, 2010, 12:41:42 AM
I repeat my question about weather or not you've ever played a Mechwarrior game, heard of the term 'Mechs, or at least have played Battletech
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 30, 2010, 12:57:06 AM
Would you mind if I asked you very personal questions? That reguarding your sex life.
No, I don't mind.

But you have to keep that in PMs.

"Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend?" :3
of course I love you. and I am already your friend.

I repeat my question about weather or not you've ever played a Mechwarrior game, heard of the term 'Mechs, or at least have played Battletech
yes, I've beaten all the Mechwarrior and Battletech games. I've even been one of the lucky few to play the full 4-player and full cockpit MechWarrior simulation game in North Pier of Chicago, Illinois. As for mechs in general, you're talking to the biggest anime nut job on this side of world, of course I know what mechs are. if you haven't noticed in a lot of other threads, I am particularly a Robotech and Gundam Fanatic.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Gabag on March 30, 2010, 01:03:32 AM
Holy crap... guess I'm not as avid as a gamer as i make myself to be

ANYWAYS, what's your favorite Mech from Battletech?
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 30, 2010, 01:28:54 AM
Was and always will be the MadCat Prime.
Faster than normal Madcats and more heavily armed, with a higher response time. Payload of 200 missile rather than 50 and carries and extra anchor with two higher caliber cannons for arms.
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on March 31, 2010, 06:04:09 PM
Only time I've ever been on the battlefield was to deliver soldiers, weapons and supplies.

Can I ask where that was? (like, what country)

Oh and also... How did you get into rp'ing (not just on this site, in general)
Title: Re: Ask the Kat
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 31, 2010, 06:56:47 PM
Iraq, where else?

Well, I've been doing DnD since Elementary School. (Primary school is what you probably refer to it as)