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Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: Undead Angel Cat on February 22, 2007, 09:38:46 PM

Title: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Undead Angel Cat on February 22, 2007, 09:38:46 PM
Some people who are animal lovers go to the extremes of going vegetarian or even vegan which is the greater extreme of not eating animals or animal products such as meat and dairy.
I'm just wondering since we're all furry afficionados here, how anyone else feels about vegetarians and vegans.
Personally, I feel bad about the way they treat cows.  Sure it could be worse, but I don't really like the idea that they impregnate the cow, just so it can produce milk, only to take away the calf soon after it's born. And then if it's a boy calf, or if in the case that a calf is born sterile (like for example...when twin cows are born, which isn't very often...if it's a boy and a girl cow born together..chances are those cows are both going to be born sterile) they're basically sold for beef or veal.
Of course it would seem the cows don't really care anyway, and some of them are very stupid and stubborn.
I also don't care much for pigs myself.
But if anyone told me to eat a cat I'd have to kill them. Cats are sacred to me. :3 It'd be like going to India and telling everyone to eat cows. :p Although nothing in my religion says anything about eating cats, I wouldn't want to eat a cat because I love them so much, I see them more as a companion animal.
Here's my beef with it. :p (haha, cute pun eh?) If it's bred for food, eat it. If it's bred for a companion (dog or cat) don't eat it.
Although I am curious about eating horse meat.
I feel bad about eating cows though, and if I didn't like meat so much I'd consider going vegan. But I like milk and I like beef. xx
But, I've decided I'm not going to eat veal. I'm sorry but it's just cruel to eat a calf that hasn't had a chance to live yet.
I don't think it's right to eat young animals personally. Although I'll also eat eggs..but technically the eggs that a chicken lays havn't been fertilized anyway...
And milk's not actually killing the cow...
The scriptures also say you can eat animals and in the Old Testament before Christ died to pay the full atonement for our sins, animals were used as sacrifices symbolic to the ultimate sacrifice that would be made.
So I dunno. I love animals, but I don't go to the vegetarian and/or vegan extreme. I played with the idea of going on an organic diet though (which would prolly mean I'd have to kick the soda habit but :p ) buuuut...
I dunno. I like meat. I feel bad for the animal. But then again I also believe the animal goes to a better place.
What're your thoughts on this? :3
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: ephemral on February 22, 2007, 09:44:51 PM
I'm not for abuse, but I am for eating meat. I try not to think about wether or not something raised for food lived a good life or not.
If I did how in the world could I eat a hot dog?  :snicker:
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WovenSky on February 22, 2007, 09:51:38 PM
Eh,  I don't really care about eating meat I can't live on vegtables i'd turn feral and kill my cat......
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Rhakshi on February 22, 2007, 10:00:54 PM
hmmm cats are sacred. But eating things like cows does not bother me that much, but right now there starting to learn how to clone meat. Weird... Yet cool.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Undead Angel Cat on February 22, 2007, 10:08:11 PM
Cloning meat huh? Heh. I wonder if that's safe...or effective anyway...I mean...I don't really like the idea of tampering with the natural forces around us.
It just seems...oddly wrong to me.
Or maybe I've just been watching too much sci-fi. :p
Then again I'm not sure what the church's official stance on cloning is...personally I believe all living beings have a soul of some sorts. But of course, it was created in the wisdom of God. I don't feel that we're ready to take upon that role yet as we aren't perfect yet.
And yes, cats are sacred. And anyone who hurted a cat I would have to hurt them back.
...Unless it was Buddy but he's a demon. :p
In any case I'm not up for animal abuse either. They seem to treat the farm animals pretty well, although they don't give cows as great of hay as they do horses. The big reason for that being that the bacteria in their rumen breaks down all the bad stuff, whereas horses can't eat all the stuff that cows can because horses are monogastic and don't have the special bacteria that can break things down. So cows can actually eat stuff that other animals cannot.
Of course, they belong to the ruminants!
But at the same time it would make more sense to feed cows quality food to make quality milk wouldn't it? :p
Far as venison is concerned, I think the reason deer meat tastes weird is because they eat all kinds of wild stuff. And they're ruminants too. XD
Oh I don't know. I think it bothers me to a certain degree but as I said before, not enough to not eat meat.
And as long as we aren't eating cats. :p
I also don't really believe that whole chinese eat cats deal. If they do, they probably do that in china. The chinese food here's been americanized anyway.
It's chicken darn it! I refuse to believe otherwise!
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WingedZephyr on February 22, 2007, 10:13:40 PM
As for me, I eat meat, but also don't support abuse. And cows are in fact one of the stupidest animals (I'm not saying that to be mean - that's what my biology teacher told  me and I figure she would know). So, basically, the animal doesn't really know what's going on anyway. Again, not that that means it's okay to treat them cruelly. Sure, cows should at least be able to live their lives, so I'm not too fond of the veal idea either.

But, reality is, the animals raised for food are going to be killed anyway. It's not like every time I pass on a hamburger I can say "oh, I saved a cow today!"

Besides... salad = hamburger? I don't think so.  :P

Let's just all eat noodles!  :razz:
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Rhakshi on February 22, 2007, 10:43:40 PM
heh, cloning sounds okay to me. Since I go to church, and they'd probably be more concerned with cloning humans. But that just raises to many questions.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WingedZephyr on February 22, 2007, 11:15:14 PM
The church is pretty much against any cloning, human cloning is generally just talked about more, since everyone is awed by the idea of another one of him/her walking around. Churches don't like the idea of people trying to "play God," so they want scientists to keep their paws off any and all fetuses. Personally, I think cloning for medical purposes is okay and will probably be acceptable as years pass, but I don't think people cloning will ever happen (at least not commonly). As for the animals, who knows. Cloning them wouldn't be all that different or a whole lot, if at all, better or "nicer" for the animals. They're still born, they still live, they're still killed, and we still eat them.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Rhakshi on February 22, 2007, 11:20:22 PM
actually no, not to my beliefs we don't. And I think cloning meat would be awesome, as they are apparently doing already.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Goblin Cat 😸 on February 22, 2007, 11:47:14 PM
Personally when I get out on my own I plan to at the very leat be a vegitarian. Chickens, cows, and pigs are treated horribly, and I'd prefer not to eat them. But I actually have to since I live in a 'meat and potatoes' kind of residency with my parents.  :squish:
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: airraiser on February 23, 2007, 12:09:58 AM
I eat meat, and enjoy eating it. Though personaly I think it would be better if we killed them the way every animal does. But hey that's me. I personaly would prefer to hunt my own stuff, but then again I don't have the heart to kill it. Dude I avoid mice in the road when I can. But I did have a converstaion like this last night at work. I was complaining about the new way to kill a Lobster. Yea eletrocution is SOOOO much better *eyes the creepy people who clame they are more civilized for doing this* Anyway one of my coe workers brought up an interesting point.

Out in the wild would a wolf taking down a deer think HUMMM is there a more humaine way of killing this deer then ripping it's throat out? My guess is no. If there was a higher up preditor then us who used humans as a food source, would they think of killing us humainly? Probully not. IMO that's what went wrong with the human race, they forget that we too are Animals. We too are part of the food chain, but sadly most people think that they are some supreme being higher up then our feral friends.

Oh BTW about Lobsters, you should never eat a lobster if it's predead, cause you dun know how long it's been dead and sitting there. Besides I live in Maine, grew up here. No people from England are going to tell me how to cook a lobster. (Yes I got seriously pissed when reading this artical, more civilied then people in france *Snarles* )
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WynterPayne on February 23, 2007, 12:17:17 AM
I dont mind eating meat.... actually theres alot of vegetarians / vegans that still eat meat, and dont know about it....

Marshmellows, Jello, Jelatin, pudding.... are all flesh based products..
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Rhakshi on February 23, 2007, 12:28:24 AM
yes this is very true.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Link4009 on February 23, 2007, 01:26:35 PM
I know I may seem cruel, but Steak is too damn tasty to give up x3

As for the Vegans/Vegetarians I don't care if they don't eat meat, as long as their not sending me Slaughterhouse videos to try and get me to stop eating meat. >.>
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Azura Brightwater on February 23, 2007, 02:46:19 PM
I eat meat and I quite enjoy it. I don't think I could ever be a vegetarian and I could certainly never be a vegan. Still, I think that killing animals for food should be made as painless as possible for the animals we are killing. In my opinion making animals suffer unnecessarily is immoral.

There are choices we can make as consumers for better treatment of animals on farms and such. One example is I buy eggs that a from free range farms. They are a bit more expensive but the pay off is that they are also lower in fat and cholesterol than regular eggs and buying them does support more humane methods of farming. I haven't seen any "free range" milk or meat where I shop but  I'm willing to pay a little extra if it means I can be reasonably assured that the animals providing my food are being treated as decently as possible.

If I ever had to become vegetarian all I can say is it's a good thing there's pasta to fall back on.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: KajiKitsune on February 23, 2007, 06:18:01 PM
As for me, I'm very carnivorous. Take away my protein and I'll hunt you down for it!
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: BethanieStealsCheese on February 23, 2007, 08:03:51 PM
Eating meat is essential to our bodies. Period.

Anyone who is Vegan or Vegetarian can debate this with me if they so choose, but going completely off of meat is not healthy.  Never was, never will be. Meat has good fat in it, and protein. The proteins in meat are different than the proteins in Veggies, and therefor do different things for your body.

I am all for the ethical treatment of animals, trust me I am! I do feel awful about the way our food is killed, not only from the animals standpoint, but from a health perspective. Chickens that are raised to be food on average have less than a three foot living space their entire lifetime, which means they are kept so close that they do not get a chance to exercise, meaning our meat is more packed with fat. Also, disease among close quarters runs ramped, so they have to load the chickens with antibiotics which are not good for us to ingest. Also, because of the lack of exercise, the chickens on average do not grow as big, so there is steroids used to aid in that process. Another thing not good for our bodies.

As for cows, there is the same thing wrong with their treatment, steroids, tons of antibiotics.. none of it is good. I think more of us could stand to eat less meat. Not cut it out altogether, but eat less meat and more veggies. Meat has become the focus of meals now, and there isn't a healthy balance of veggies and fruits with it. We do need to eat less meat! It's a fact. Some of the animal fats in meat are not good for us! Also, like I said before, it isn't healthy to eat just veggies, and it also isn't healthy to eat just meat, or mainly meat; either. Meats can not give you the same benefits veggies can!

It's all about balance, people! I'm all for more ethic treatment of our meat, but the reason it is done the way it is is simply because they are not thinking of anything but the quickest and easiest way to do it. Why? 'Cause everyone eats so much of it because it's become the focus of our meals, and there is a huge demand for it! So, eat less meat, balance your meals out with veggies, and there you go. That will help, it's a step. The next step is to get involved and find out ways you can support, or start change.

Anywho, I've jabbered on enough. :)  :snicker:
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Undead Angel Cat on February 23, 2007, 08:58:15 PM
*eats a bunch of meat* Lawlz. XD

Well on a serious note I agree with you with the regards to balance.
A lot of things are going organic now. If I could afford it, I'd go organic, which means I'd buy the organic milk and eat meat that's made from animals that havn't been fed all those drugs and hormones and anti-biotics and the like.
When you really think about it, you can go organic and spend the extra money on the food...or you can spend more money at the Doctor's office being sick.
But then again I'm also a junkfood-addict and a choclaholic...and I drink too much soda for my own good.
Never really knew about the jell-o thing though...guess I never thought about it that way. Ah well.
Some meat is good for you, but one should be balanced with regards to it. That's the way our bodies were designed.
Although one has to wonder where the animals get the proteinns from? The grains?
Or perhaps the animal's capable of making the specific proteins that we need, that we can't make ourselves.
Those thoughts aside, it would make sense that our meat/food would be healthier if the animals were treated in an ethical manner. If you're happy, chances are you'll be healthy. Or at least happiness contributes to healthiness.
Why do you think California cows make such great cheese?  XD (ok back to the silliness now)
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WingedZephyr on February 23, 2007, 11:12:32 PM
It actually is possible for people to live without meat because the really important part about meat isn't so much as the protein as the other nutrients it provides (can't remember which ones exactly at the moment), but those can be found also in meat-less combinations of food, such as beans and rice. The problem with that is, most (or at least a lot of) vegetarians/vegans only think it's the protein they need and don't eat the right combinations of food to get those nutrients.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: BethanieStealsCheese on February 24, 2007, 01:19:33 AM
Aye, they can live. They aren't healthy, though.

I had a tutor once who was a vegan her entire life and her lower abdomen stuck out really far, and the only reason her doc could give her for it is because over prolonged time, it is inevitable for gases to stay in the stomach from eating only veggies.

Aye, there is more needed than just protein, but meat is essential to be healthy. It's still all a balance, but eating only veggies is not healthy. Lots of veggies is good, but totally cutting out meat is not healthy.
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WingedZephyr on February 24, 2007, 05:13:54 AM
Fair enough  :)

I'd expect vegans to have it much harder than vegetarians though because they cut out a lot of the other options for protein, like cheese and stuff. But, it's all for the animals after all, right?  :P
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Smitty the Airship Pirate on February 27, 2007, 03:40:54 AM
I'm for eating meat Ill eat any meat besides companion pets i get my paws on since growing up in Indiana I love to hunt and like to eat anything I kill.  Did ya know Chinese people eat every animal on the Chinese zodiac?  Also the reason vegans and vegitarians are often unhealthy is because they eat nothing but veggies there is a certain sugar in veggies in the cell wall of a plant cell that we cannot digest I think it is called glucose or some other ose thing without suplements or meat a vegan or vegitarian can die by ingesting too much veggies, thank god I paid attention in biology.
here's a list of all the meat I had in my life
alligator tail
veal=cow calf
beans hey its  a meat look at the pyramid
all kinds of fish
and so forth

Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: WingedZephyr on February 27, 2007, 04:22:11 AM
Fish could be companion pets too but you ate them...  :yeah-yeah:  :P
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: dragnmastralex on February 27, 2007, 05:19:52 AM
go find an african lion and ask him how he feels about it and does he eat meat... he will give you the answer I would  ^_^V
I'm a strong meat eater, i'll just about eat anything you throw in front of me cooked. I look at it not from a human stand point that loves animals, but as an actual animal that doesn't hunt for sport or for trouphies, but for food.

thats why ppl shouldn't be a vegetarian, if you don't eat the meat others already hunted or raised to be killed then thier deaths were for nothing. EAT the meat and make thier deaths mean something other than a shallow kill. If you stop eating it the killing won't stop, if 1 million stopped eating it the killing wouldn't stop there would be just more waisted deaths. If god made the animals not to be eaten he would have made them intelligant enough to run from humans or learn to talk lol (or be too cute to kill like a kitten!). If a shark on the coast of the ocean can eat the idiot swimmers, that prooves we aren't the highest on the food chain and that even the animals like human meat!
Title: Re: Something to think about: Eating Animals
Post by: Adelrausch on March 03, 2007, 12:54:02 AM
Well, I myself am a vegetarian...sorta. xD I drink milk and eat eggs and fish, though. I don't really like milk by itself, it's gotta have chocolate or something in it. I love tuna fish. <3 Beans are good and everything....I just don't like the possible "after effects", if you know what I mean. XD After reading the posts here and looking at the current food pyramid, I know I should at least be eating some meat, but not too much. No matter what my diet is like, I'll always be against animal abuse, though. x3 Yeah, I've gotta say that I was alerted about animal treatment by a friend that told me not to watch this one video, but of course I did....and watched another video recently. So....yeah. ><; Of course, that affected me greatly.

I know some people just don't think about any of that stuff or don't watch the videos because they know they wouldn't be able to eat it anymore if they actually knew what went on. I'm not going to be ignorant and describe the acts or anything, though. I've learned from experience that some viewpoints I have (not neccessarily vegetarian/vegan) just aren't accepted by other people.

Eep. I do believe I started to ramble a tad bit.  :peek: