The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Szhival on July 28, 2009, 02:30:00 AM

Title: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 28, 2009, 02:30:00 AM
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________

Tokyo is now the beating heart of the planet.
Afther the Third Kurile War with the Siberian Alliance, the city has grown to be the biggest on Earth. Over five kilometers high skyscrapers scratch the sky, while the underground tunnels and storerooms pierce the soil almost as deep. It's home of the most modern technology, both the humongous Space Elevator, and the Planetary Nano institute. Traditional, antic wooden Shinto Shrines shielded with glass share space with hundreds of steel, concrate and glass buildings. People from outside the country are even common then the home population. Each day millions of Skycars fill the sky, full of furs going to work, returning home, shopping, traveling. The Mt. Fuji War Memorial, a museum constructed over the crater made when a continental missile hit the mountain, glitters like a wondrous gem, showing all visitors the last meters of snow over the ashed remains of the mountain. Every year, the snow cover shrinks, as people walk meters over it on glass-made pathways.
Yet the heart is black...
The world is now mostly run by corporations, which bosses resident on the highest levels of the biggest skyscrapers. The government is nothing more, then a puppet circus, while the police is outmanned and outgunned by not only the crime syndicates, but also most of the private security companies. Gunshots and air duels are almost as common as traffic, especially in the lowest, devoured of sunlight levels of the city, where all light is given only by countless neon commercials. Implant-filled individuals and bounty hunters with remote droids wadge a gray war on the streets every day.
...and full of wonders.
Magic has finally showed it's face. Still it can't beat the wonders of technology, thou some urban legends say, that it's just waiting for the right moment to show everyone, that it's more powerful then anything on earth. Right now, it shows only a percent of it's possibilities - healing magic, some simple combat manipulation, strenght encasement... nothing, that couldn't be done better with technology, as some say. But they forget, that magic is free.
Everyone wants to be here
Beings of all races, genders, professions and beliefs gather in this one big hub of life and death, of light and darkness, becoming a part of the most amazing megalopolis that ever existed. When will you come to visit it..?

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Griv Merchandise
The sign on the door was covered with rust, dirt and something, that smelled like blood. The whole warehouse looked and smelled like something that died only a few days ago. But it was to late to turn back now - the door opened wide with a loud, ear-piercing sound. Behind them stood a short bat, with goggles on his eyes and an oversized headphone over his left ear. Griv, probably.
- Ah, so you're the one that was supposed to come here for some 'special' items? Baah, of course yes, no other customer uses this door -
With a sharp-toothed grin, and not waiting for any words, the bat turns back and inside the storeroom. After a minute of walking down a dirty corridor, and a trip with an elevator, that looked more like made from rust then from metal, the bat stopped in front of a large, almost labolatory-cleen hall.
Personal Items
Read the label over the first section of shelves and tables.
- I still don't understand why anyone would want to still be using these. I know, hand-to-hand weapons were popular in the old days, but now when anyone more important then a mall employee has either some basic armor, maybe a skin hardening implant, or even that medieval protection charms crud, all of this is not worth more, then a lead pipe. But anyway, sincefurs still want them, I sell them. I've got almost every kind of hand weapon you can imagine, from ancient roman swords, to modern toys like a sword with a atomic-splitting blade, same technology as used in large-scale mining. Plus bows, and crossbows, most useful from all of this rubbish, and of course any kind of arrow you can imagine. And by that I mean, that if we allready don't have it on stock, the I can get it made for you for a small fee. -
The bat grinned again, but didn't give much time to watch weapons that he considered worthless, quickly walking away to another section of the store.
Property protection
-My favorite place. Got everything that was ever made to deliver a bullet. The reliable AK47, for example. Almost two hundred years old, and still you can bet it's used in every conflict on the damned planet. Bah, one of my agents found a stash in a swamp in Vietnam, that was over one hundred eighty years old, and guess what? They still worked. But, if you're not into antique designs, we also have the latest product from almost all arms dealers in the world, some of them still haven't been showed to the world. Sniping rifles, shotguns, handguns, even a few various Gatling guns, if you're able to hold them or got attachment implants. Rocket launchers, grenade throwers, naplam launchers... it's also all here. -
After a while spend walking between shelves with more guns, then one would require to arm a midsized army, the bat finally moves on to the last section of the warehouse.
- Dunno who thought of that sign, I think it's awful, but it sums up what have we got here. Lasers, plasma guns, Tesla stunners, EMP generators... anything the scientists could ever think of. Some of these are prototypes, some even not fully tested... we have a discount on those. Also, it's here where we have stored our implants, some smaller personal robots and droids, and most of the explosive goodies, like the C8 or molecular eradicators. Baah, but I think we had enough of a tour, and you'd want to order, right? -
The bat went through a door to the side of the hall, which surprisingly, ends in a street alley. Seconds later, shots filled the air.
You haven't seen it all...
Said the blood-splattered graffiti. With a soft growl, the bat took a bullet out of the side of his vest.
- You never learn, do you all? I have stress analyzers, a personal forcefield, and... -
Two levitating, metal spheres slowly flow over the smoking remains and next to the bat, each not bigger then a basketball, each armed with four still hot machineguns.
- ...that weapon-detector implants are no more useful, when no one needs to carry a weapon with himself any more.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Ok, this is [kind of] an inventory guide, mainly around weapons. I'll still post two more, about vechincles and more general equipment, and a second one about factions and notable characters of the city.
Because I'd want you to start planning your troublemakers, I'll reveal the simple [I hope] rules of character creation.
Each person has only two scores, thou you can also call it a scale. It's a nine-point system, which reflects if your char is either more feral, or more technological.
Feral  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Technical
1 in this scale means a 'pure feral' character - someone who can bearly be called a being and not an animal. He possesses tremendous strengths, endurance and agility, but not quite the thinker, or even a talker. Note, it doesn't mean a wild beast.
9 is a pure technological character - someone who could be called a nerd. Weak in terms of strength and agility, his mind is superior. A great hacker, a brilliant scientist, but also a successful businessman - this characters to be the best should be as close to 9 as possible.
5 is the middle ground, the 'average guy' - taking some advantages from both of the power of his mind and muscles.
This scale also represents the affection for technology and magic - a 8 or 7 char won't be able to use almost any magic, while a 3 or 2 can't use most advanced implants and top-tech items. But - a 1 char is to primitive to understand how magic works - he might use it instinctual, without even knowing he's doing it. A 9 char is the opposite when it comes to technology - he has a wondrous knowledge about anything technological, but his body is too fragile to handle most of the implants, his arms to weak to hold a plasma rifle.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

Note: this is just an opening post for now, I'd like to see how many furs would be interested in this small world that my imagination has created in my head. I'll edit this post with more details and info on the rules and such, as soon as anyfur willing to join writes me a PM. No char profiles needed right now, just help me building my ego, by saying you'd like to try out this little world I want to create for you ^^

Note2: I'll update this post with the translation progress, so you won't have to search the whole topic to find updates. Still, feedback would be greatly appriciated ^^
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Vamp on July 28, 2009, 06:57:24 AM
That piece was beautiful. Breathtaking. I would love to join this masterpiece of writing.
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on July 28, 2009, 12:42:47 PM
same, wonderfully written, i really felt like that could be the begining of a good book, and that i could read more... i will join for one....  :3
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 28, 2009, 01:13:08 PM
Gangs and corperations run the world, magic is on the rise, and implants are commonplace...its Shadowrun in a different country! :D
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Thaddeus Q. Wolfe on July 28, 2009, 05:37:25 PM
this little wolf would also like to sign up. ^.*_,\/"
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 29, 2009, 12:18:20 AM
What is this Shadowrun you speak of? O.o''

Griv Merchandise
The sign on the door was covered with rust, dirt and something, that smelled like blood. The whole warehouse looked and smelled like something that died only a few days ago. But it was to late to turn back now - the door opened wide with a loud, ear-piercing sound. Behind them stood a short bat, with goggles on his eyes and an oversized headphone over his left ear. Griv, probably.
- Ah, so you're the one that was supposed to come here for some 'special' items? Baah, of course yes, no other customer uses this door -
With a sharp-toothed grin, and not waiting for any words, the bat turns back and inside the storeroom. After a minute of walking down a dirty corridor, and a trip with an elevator, that looked more like made from rust then from metal, the bat stopped in front of a large, almost labolatory-cleen hall.
Personal Items
Read the label over the first section of shelves and tables.
- I still don't understand why anyone would want to still be using these. I know, hand-to-hand weapons were popular in the old days, but now when anyone more important then a mall employee has either some basic armor, maybe a skin hardening implant, or even that medieval protection charms crap, all of this is not worth more, then a lead pipe. But anyway, sincefurs still want them, I sell them. I've got almost every kind of hand weapon you can imagine, from ancient roman swords, to modern toys like a sword with a atomic-splitting blade, same technology as used in large-scale mining. Plus bows, and crossbows, most useful from all of this rubbish, and of course any kind of arrow you can imagine. And by that I mean, that if we allready don't have it on stock, the I can get it made for you for a small fee. -
The bat grinned again, but didn't give much time to watch weapons that he considered worthless, quickly walking away to another section of the store.
Property protection
-My favorite place. Got everything that was ever made to deliver a bullet. The reliable AK47, for example. Almost two hundred years old, and still you can bet it's used in every conflict on the damned planet. Bah, one of my agents found a stash in a swamp in Vietnam, that was over one hundred eighty years old, and guess what? They still worked. But, if you're not into antique designs, we also have the latest product from almost all arms dealers in the world, some of them still haven't been showed to the world. Sniping rifles, shotguns, handguns, even a few various Gatling guns, if you're able to hold them or got attachment implants. Rocket launchers, grenade throwers, naplam launchers... it's also all here. -
After a while spend walking between shelves with more guns, then one would require to arm a midsized army, the bat finally moves on to the last section of the warehouse.
- Dunno who thought of that sign, I think it's awful, but it sums up what have we got here. Lasers, plasma guns, Tesla stunners, EMP generators... anything the scientists could ever think of. Some of these are prototypes, some even not fully tested... we have a discount on those. Also, it's here where we have stored our implants, some smaller personal robots and droids, and most of the explosive goodies, like the C8 or molecular eradicators. Baah, but I think we had enough of a tour, and you'd want to order, right? -
The bat went through a door to the side of the hall, which surprisingly, ends in a street alley. Seconds later, shots filled the air.
You haven't seen it all...
Said the blood-splattered graffiti. With a soft growl, the bat took a bullet out of the side of his vest.
- You never learn, do you all? I have stress analyzers, a personal forcefield, and... -
Two levitating, metal spheres slowly flow over the smoking remains and next to the bat, each not bigger then a basketball, each armed with four still hot machineguns.
- ...that weapon-detector implants are no more useful, when no one needs to carry a weapon with himself any more.

Ok, this is [kind of] an inventory guide, mainly around weapons. I'll still post two more, about vechincles and more general equipment, and a second one about factions and notable characters of the city.
Because I'd want you to start planning your troublemakers, I'll reveal the simple [I hope] rules of character creation.
Each person has only two scores, thou you can also call it a scale. It's a nine-point system, which reflects if your char is either more feral, or more technological.
Feral  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Technical
1 in this scale means a 'pure feral' character - someone who can bearly be called a being and not an animal. He possesses tremendous strengths, endurance and agility, but not quite the thinker, or even a talker. Note, it doesn't mean a wild beast.
9 is a pure technological character - someone who could be called a nerd. Weak in terms of strength and agility, his mind is superior. A great hacker, a brilliant scientist, but also a successful businessman - this characters to be the best should be as close to 9 as possible.
5 is the middle ground, the 'average guy' - taking some advantages from both of the power of his mind and muscles.
This scale also represents the affection for technology and magic - a 8 or 7 char won't be able to use almost any magic, while a 3 or 2 can't use most advanced implants and top-tech items. But - a 1 char is to primitive to understand how magic works - he might use it instinctual, without even knowing he's doing it. A 9 char is the opposite when it comes to technology - he has a wondrous knowledge about anything technological, but his body is too fragile to handle most of the implants, his arms to weak to hold a plasma rifle.

Hope this looks clear... it definitely looks better in my home language, in which I've written this setting... and am trying to translate it from.
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 29, 2009, 12:24:25 AM
its either a pen and paper rpg, or a story series about magic reawakening on earth about one hundred years before the time of your rp, side-effects of the magic were the awakening of dragons...humans turning into elves, orcs, dwarves.... technology was also on the same level as your role-play
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 29, 2009, 12:27:03 AM
its either a pen and paper rpg, or a story series about magic reawakening on earth about one hundred years before the time of your rp, side-effects of the magic were the awakening of dragons...humans turning into elves, orcs, dwarves.... technology was also on the same level as your role-play

Seems like something I'll have to google about ^^'
Thanks for the info.

Umm... still, this is all my own ideas ^^'
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 29, 2009, 12:33:44 AM
can you PM me the rest so I can have my character ready for the rp :3
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 29, 2009, 12:52:22 AM
You know polish? xP
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 29, 2009, 12:53:46 AM
You know polish? xP
google translator....along with some mental corrections on my own :3
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 29, 2009, 01:09:25 AM
You know polish? xP
google translator....along with some mental corrections on my own :3

Unless it translates hand [and some mental >.>' ] notes I doubt it will work...
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 29, 2009, 01:10:21 AM
if you PM it to me, it will all be in text, which I can have translated....
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on July 29, 2009, 01:23:56 AM
if you PM it to me, it will all be in text, which I can have translated....

Rather in .jpg I'm translating it from my notebook
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on July 30, 2009, 02:02:14 PM
yay, i like the look of this, and i speak slovak, kinda like polish, kind of...  :P .... and yes this looks like itl be great, cant wait for more updates on character creation....  :3
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Gabag on August 03, 2009, 03:26:54 AM
my few questions
1. Will there be aircraft of some type?
2. Can I create my own organization?
3. When will this start?

Have a nice day and thank you
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on August 03, 2009, 05:31:36 AM
my few questions
1. Will there be aircraft of some type?
2. Can I create my own organization?
3. When will this start?

Have a nice day and thank you

Ad. 1 Not aircraft as we know it, sice the invention of flying cars makes jets rather obsolite, plus, navigating a plan through a 3km tall city full of flying cars would be quite... tricky.
Ad. 2 It depands, but at least at first, until I see all the cogs I created work togather I would have to decline. Lather on, in-game... who knows ;3
Ad. 3 As soon as this overworked panda finishes translating several hand written notes on corporations and factions.

Thank you, and hope to see you ingame.
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Gabag on August 03, 2009, 05:32:56 AM
well if an aircraft of some type was allowed
would a Valkyrie Air Superiority Missile Frigate be acceptable?
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on August 03, 2009, 09:19:35 AM
actually i dont think aircraft would become obsolete, they could most likely reach speeds much higher than jet-cars... run longer distances due to fuel capacity.... and if technology has gotten this far im sure that computers would be advanced enough to show a route, using traffic news from other computer networks, the quickest route... also remembering that not everyone would be able to afford a jet-car, so aircrafts could be used by gangs. Also aircraft may be not how we think of them now, if you intergrate jet-car technology with large aircraft you could get a very fast manouverable vehicle, almost like an oversized jet-car... what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on August 04, 2009, 12:01:08 AM
@Gabang: A what? O.o''

@Kitteh: I'm thinking sound-speed busses ;D

...almost donem, btw ;3
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Gabag on August 04, 2009, 12:14:19 AM
@Gabang: A what? O.o''

@Kitteh: I'm thinking sound-speed busses ;D

...almost donem, btw ;3

the missile frigate is a spaceship that fires missiles at other ships
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on August 05, 2009, 04:41:31 AM
Ok, I kinda run out of ideas for corporations, so here's a template to create your own. You can do more then one, but might include in-game only a couple of them. Also, please send your ideas ONLY in PM.
Name Of Company [NOC] <-shortname
Short description, mostly a little about the corporation past and what does it deal in.
Good relations: with what other corporations it's in good terms with, or cooperates with. This can be either another corporation idea you send, or a general note, which I will use to determine a corporation. For example, an engine producing corp might have good relations with a vechincle producer
Bad relations: same as above, only the relations are bad. It might be only competition on the same market, or even a full-scale hidden war.

Hope this isn't confusing. Sorry for the delay in starting the rp, but work's being a pain in the ...    ._.''

Also, thanks for support from everyone interested.

@Gabang: What use would that be in a megalopolis?
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Gabag on August 05, 2009, 04:49:09 AM
Ok, I kinda run out of ideas for corporations, so here's a template to create your own. You can do more then one, but might include in-game only a couple of them. Also, please send your ideas ONLY in PM.
Name Of Company [NOC] <-shortname
Short description, mostly a little about the corporation past and what does it deal in.
Good relations: with what other corporations it's in good terms with, or cooperates with. This can be either another corporation idea you send, or a general note, which I will use to determine a corporation. For example, an engine producing corp might have good relations with a vechincle producer
Bad relations: same as above, only the relations are bad. It might be only competition on the same market, or even a full-scale hidden war.

Hope this isn't confusing. Sorry for the delay in starting the rp, but work's being a pain in the ...    ._.''

Also, thanks for support from everyone interested.

@Gabang: What use would that be in a megalopolis?

I would use a missile frigate, megalopolis or not, i'd be able to shoot down a rival's air limo with one shot
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Szhival on August 05, 2009, 05:05:59 AM
Ok, I kinda run out of ideas for corporations, so here's a template to create your own. You can do more then one, but might include in-game only a couple of them. Also, please send your ideas ONLY in PM.
Name Of Company [NOC] <-shortname
Short description, mostly a little about the corporation past and what does it deal in.
Good relations: with what other corporations it's in good terms with, or cooperates with. This can be either another corporation idea you send, or a general note, which I will use to determine a corporation. For example, an engine producing corp might have good relations with a vechincle producer
Bad relations: same as above, only the relations are bad. It might be only competition on the same market, or even a full-scale hidden war.

Hope this isn't confusing. Sorry for the delay in starting the rp, but work's being a pain in the ...    ._.''

Also, thanks for support from everyone interested.

@Gabang: What use would that be in a megalopolis?

I would use a missile frigate, megalopolis or not, i'd be able to shoot down a rival's air limo with one shot

Ok, then since when any rational army would let you park one in their city? Sorry. You might be a captain of one, that's stationed on high-orbit, and you're off duty in town, but that's it.
Title: Re: Tokyo 2152
Post by: Mathais on November 15, 2009, 10:40:53 PM
Well written and excellently organized. Do you trp?