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Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Arilys DuskFlare on July 16, 2009, 10:28:00 AM

Title: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Arilys DuskFlare on July 16, 2009, 10:28:00 AM

No flaming, you have problems or doubts, post them here.
Good grammar and spelling, please.
No God Modding.
Try to post once or twice (more, preferably) a week to keep it alive, please.
Wait for others, don't make two or three pages of just two or three people RPing.
You only have two or three weapons, depending on their size. (You start with some and find better ones later, I don't mind. But you'll have to leave a weapon.)
Anytime you use magic, you get tired, the more magic you use, the more tired you get.
If I remember anything else, I'll update this post, so keep an eye on it. (but I'll probably say something.)

Character Sheets:

Other Stuff I Forgot:

My Character(s):
We need a bad guy xD

Name: Foxx DawnKit
Age: 16
Species: 'Red Fox'
Appearance/Clothing: Pure white fur covers his muzzle, tip of ears and tail, neck, chest, belly and part of his arms and legs (half way to his elbow on his arms and halfway up to his knees). The rest of his body is covered in a brightish orange fur. His long black and white hair goes past the middle of his back and his tail is bigger and fluffier than normal. His eyes are of a greenish brown color.
He wears a pair of light gray sorts that reach his knees and a white t-shirt. Over that, he wears a long blue cloak, sometimes covering his head with the hood. His sword is strapped to his back in a silver blue sheath.
Weapon(s): A sword with a 30" long and 2" wide silver blue blade with a darker blue hilt.
Powers: Wind and some Hidden ones <.< >.> * mysterious sound*
Other Stuff I Forgot: I think that's all, lol.

Name: Cynrich Krad (Yeh yeh, I know, it's 'Dark' written backwards, xP)
Age: ??? (probably old, came from another world and stuff, lol)
Species: Dragon
Appearance/Clothing:   Like that, but he wears a long black cloak. Keeps his head covered for a long time.
Weapon(s): Jet black sword with a bright green gem on the hilt.
Powers: Fire and Darkness.
Other Stuff I Forgot: He can use his dark powers to control someone, and he is quicker and stronger than normal. (He's a bad guy, what were you expecting?)

Spells and Others

Ok, so I decided to have some weird names for the spells, lol.

Wind: Aetharyn
Fire: Rhaebryn
Water: Oworyn
Earth: Thryldor
Cure Spells: Lómil-Gamir
Dark: Eäroriand
Light: Eäriol

These are some that I remembered. If you have any other powers, I'll update this section of the topic ;)

Ok, I guess that's it. Oh, something's missing...... The actual RP xP. *walks off to start the RP*

RP Link:
Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: PhantomStone on July 22, 2009, 02:47:37 PM
Name: ixlander of silver lake
Age: 30
Species: dwarf
Appearance/Clothing: stocky, tan colored weathered skin, bronze colored hair, steel blue eyes. he wears plate mail, steel colored mostly with blue accents, the symbol of the silver hand is emblazoned on his chest armor. along with a long light colored cloak. no helmet to speak of. but his cloak has a hood to color his head when he wishes.
Weapon(s): a large two handed hammer and a book.
Powers: light. cure/ healing magic.
Other Stuff I Forgot: a paladin of the silver hand. a champion of the light.

Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Arilys DuskFlare on July 22, 2009, 03:42:41 PM
Heh, go ahead. But I think it'll take a while for someone else to come here x3
Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Sakamoto Kumiko on July 24, 2009, 07:04:51 AM
Name: Zari Ravier (a.k.a. Zii)
Age: 17
Species:  Sugar Glider
Appearance: Grey and white fur with large black circles around her eyes. Large black ears, small pink nose, upside down black isosoles triangle of fur pointing to the nose. Long, messy black hair, a medium length grey and black tail. A long black jacket, dark brown skirt. Brown half shirt obertop of plain white shirt. Floppy black hat which covers over one ear and sometimes falls in front of her face. Saggy, crossover brown belts with small trinkets and dodads hanging from it. Pocketa of jackets filled with scavenged items.
Weapons: A long bo with a retracktable blade. A jo-yo.
Powers: Fire and Earth
Other Stuff: Zari is very precocious and usually living in her own little world. She uses sarcasm a lot and tends to vent her anger on people she shouldn't get fixed up with. She likes to make jokes and she travels with others on a regular basis, usually just on a gypsy bandwagon or something; just to get where she needs to get to. Zari never knew her parents and has been a pickpocket and a scavenger for most of her life.
Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Arilys DuskFlare on July 24, 2009, 12:42:17 PM
Go ahead. Hopefully more people will join lol
Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 24, 2009, 02:33:21 PM
Name: Cyrus Erushin
Age: 17
Species: Winged Drolf
Appearance: ( ) wears a pair of black cotten pants under a hooded leather robe.
Weapons: 2 meter long bo staff, reinforced with steel braces at the tips and the center.
Powers: Light and Darkness
Other Stuff: Cyrus has three personalities; His main personality is a seemingly cynical person, who has moderate control over both light and darkness, his other personality is a zealotish paladin-like attitude that has a large control over light and no dark control, his third personality is very kind and caring, but has the opposite of his paladin-like personality in the way of control. He usually takes odd jobs, such as guarding caravans from bandits and often keeps his powers to himself, fearing people would misjudge him for his contrasting elements.
Title: Re: A Darker World OOC and Character Thread
Post by: Arilys DuskFlare on July 24, 2009, 08:54:31 PM
Go ahead ^w^