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Furry Chat => Rants and Advice => Topic started by: Vinny Raccoon on June 16, 2011, 05:26:32 AM

Title: a simpler time
Post by: Vinny Raccoon on June 16, 2011, 05:26:32 AM
dose anyone recall a time when people used to have value's such as being polite to one n other and haveing respect for one n other and showing pride in the value's the value most? well i do!
times has changed and not from da better, but to the worse!
people used to show pride and had respect for one n other, now its sort of gone down hill since da 70's
i am dissapointed to be in this evil erra! yet let alone of what pride we lost as people from da ground up!
now, the world feels like its being runed by hedistic fools that lost there way through neglatic and abuse and being spoiled rotten and i for one only wish uppond to protect mankind and everyone on this rock that we live on from annihilation that comes from hatred, money, greed, and power so far no hope of that.....

these people make me sick :(

it i'd offended anyone out there, please forgive me :( for that this is a rant that should not take lightly! think what i sed, and consider the actions of your own consequences
respect others tho you'll shell be respected back!
and one more thing.... do somthin nice for people, tho you'll be rewarded in return but don't go expecting a rewarded in return or you may get nothing in return

this is Vinny Raccoon wishing you and everyone to be nice to one n other and show some morally for pet sake!
Title: Re: a simpler time
Post by: Døvu on June 16, 2011, 10:52:10 PM
i would have to agree with you 100%

I was riding my bike through a cross walk yesterday and this kid tried to make me fall. He was half my size and I knew I could turn around and make a scene and make him hurt, and do society a favor and teach him some respect, but I didnt. I kept going and let it roll off my back, and I dont know why. Ive always been such a passive person and have been coming onto an epiphany that I need to fight fire with fire now. I dont want to be a violent person, but now im the edge.
Title: Re: a simpler time
Post by: ^Geist^ on June 16, 2011, 11:43:48 PM
This is entirely true but I can only 1/2 agree with you. I may not have respect for a person but that does not give me any right just to be a jerk because I can.
I personally feel people have to earn my respect ,not because of false perception that I am superior, but that I just don't trust people anymore. I'm not nice person but thats just me. I'm the kinda person thats gonna tell you something regardless or not of you not liking it.Im not going to run around shoving people other though.
There is evil in the world and there always will be as long as opinions exist and when it boils down to it opinions decide who you are. Anyone can define evil due to their own biases and the way they were brought up. According to most people my moral compass is way off from "normal" people. Some say I'm a completely ignorant negative person while I just argue I am a realist(cynical though). The planet and society as a whole is indefinitely doomed for failure. Where we are right now as people is just gradually going downhill. All we can really do now is delay the process of our "extinction" so to speak. The lines between good and bad have really been blurred this past century especially nowadays. A persons moral compass nowadays is completely different than someones from lets say 200 years ago. I mean we got people blowing up fellow humans because of their view,opinions and perception of life. I don't ever believe we can all live in peace as a civilization due to again opinions. This false perception of world peace imo is complete garbage.I know for a fact I could never agree with EVERYONE on this planet on most issues. Yet again we are all only human we are not a legion or hivemind.

Like it or not though money is how we currently as a planet function.You may not be able to buy happiness but you can buy things that can make you happy.Rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer increasing this social gap between the 2. Which makes me conclude that things are only worth as much we make them feel they are worth. If you really thing about it a 100$ bill is just a slip of paper. There is nothing set in stone saying this is worth x x's.We as a planet value things that are really worth nothing. I'm not going to start pointing fingers as I am also guilty of this.I value my material items more than I should. Maybe because I'm young and I don't really value a lot of things. Maybe because I wasn't born in harsh conditions or maybe because I frankly don't care. I don't value my life,both me being alive and how fortunate I am,  some people say as much as I should, but who is to tell me how much emphasis I should place on it. I feel there is no purpose to life, If I die today or tomorrow doesn't really matter and my death never really will unless I do something "big" but even then I will eventually be forgotten. There are only a few things I really care for being my friends and family regardless of being a more "loner" kinda person.

P.s. Sorry about the whole life kinda ramblings once i start though i cant stop. X3
Title: Re: a simpler time
Post by: Taco <3 on June 17, 2011, 03:16:04 AM
I would partially agree with both for the simple fact that it depends on how you look at life that you respond to others
Title: Re: a simpler time
Post by: on June 17, 2011, 09:36:13 PM
People have always been like this, you're just noticing it right now