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Furry Chat => General => Forum Games => Topic started by: Halfeb on November 25, 2010, 05:15:24 PM

Title: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on November 25, 2010, 05:15:24 PM
Okay, from those of us who are fans of Big Bang Theory, will know this game. Basicly, what you have to do is pose an alternate world that differs from ours in ONE key aspect, then ask a question about that world. The next person will answer it as creativly as they can and explain why. They will then pose thier own alternate world for the next person.

Poster 1:

In a world where humanity is enslaved by an almighty beaver, what food item is no longer consumed?

Poster 2:

The cheese danish.
Reason: Men build damns to please the mighty beaver. The low laying city of Copehnahgan is flooded. In thier grief the people of Denmark don't create the food they're famous for.

In a world where Rhinos are pets, who wins the second world war?

Poster 3:

Reason: Kenya rises to power as a chief exporter of Rhinos. A central power block is formed colinizing north africa and Europe. War breaks out. No one can afford the luxury of Rhinos. Kenya withers, Uganda triumphs.

You get the idea? There's no wrong answers. feel free to have as much fun with it as possible and try to be creative as possible. Remember, the only way the world is different is the one key aspect. Anything else that has changed has to be because of that key aspect. Everyone ready?

First alternate world:

In a world where dogs are the masters and humans are the pets, what sport is not played at the olympics?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: RedWolf "lucifer" Guevara on November 25, 2010, 05:51:23 PM
reason: dogs dont have aposable thumbs and therefor cannot hold the javalin

in a world where i controlled the world in a ruthless dictatorship, what would happen to brazil?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 25, 2010, 06:04:15 PM
Gets blown up.
Reason: AFter several years of dictatorship, Fidel Castro wants a revolution against you. Upon hearing this, you launch all your bombs at Cuba, but you forgot to account for wind and hit Brazil instead

In a world where its always winter, what would happen to all the chili dogs?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on November 26, 2010, 04:24:48 AM
They would be used as currency.
Reason: Chili's need a hot climate to grow. In a world thats always winter, chili's would be rare, but, under the right conditions, would survive, but would be very rare. Making them into a food would be invaluable and, chili dogs would be the new currency.

In a world where people walk on thier hands and use thier feet to hold stuff, who is the leading world power?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on November 26, 2010, 05:02:47 AM
A union of african nations, because they have the largest average foot size in this world, so that makes them able to develop tools at a faster rate, thus weapons and control over the world.

In a world where foxes were the dominant race, what would be the method of communication?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 05:06:12 AM
radio, due to foxes inability to wield pens and other writing utensils, they have to resort to paw activated ham radios to communicate.

In a world where tv was never invented, what would be the biggest form of entertainment
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on November 26, 2010, 05:08:15 AM
puppets, since people have a lack of creativity due to tv's lack of ability to spread new ideas, puppets become the main form of entertainment due to people's small sense of what's entertaining.

In a world where the Confederacy won the Civil War, how will the Judgement Day War from the Terminator films play out differently?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Moongaze on November 26, 2010, 09:16:04 AM
The Southern United States, having been their own sovereign nation would be boozed up on untaxed moonshine and in a pissed off drunken rage, they would all band together to throw bottles at the machines.  The tiny shards of glass that scatter on impact would find their way into crucial parts of the machines vital mechanics, thus rendering them disabled.

In a world where Jesus never existed, what would take place of all the holy wars?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 09:28:51 AM
Territorial wars. Everyone would get up in everybody else's buisness about their land and kill each other.

In a world where water is poisonus, what would replace water sports?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Moongaze on November 26, 2010, 09:37:33 AM
In a world where water was poisonous?  I gotta believe we'd be pretty dead.  So... coffin sports?  Whoever is the best at being dead wins!

In a world where the dinosaurs lived on, either surviving the big space hemroid, or by whatever means to this day, how would that have changed the advancement of man as a species?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on November 26, 2010, 02:41:09 PM
Insted of being a dominat species we would be an everyday dish for the dinner table.
Reason: If dinosaurs lived on, Velocer Raptors would be the dominate species. They eat humans and, as the Raptors evolved like humans did, getting weapons etc, they would eat us, but, before long, have us as cattle and food.

In a world where superheros exsist, what to gun shoots insted of bullets?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Kodachi Devil on November 26, 2010, 03:22:59 PM
Answer: Anti-Matter
Reason: Anti-Matter is the most powerful of all matter, and not even a super-hero can stand up to a concentrated blast of that.

Alternate World: In a world where everything was ironic, including this sentence, what would be the one thing that wouldn't be ironic?

(im curious, because i thought about this many times)
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 11:41:01 AM
Because everything is ironic, nothing would be because it would not be anything out of the ordinary.

In a world where everyday is Thursday, what is the chief mode of transport?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: RedWolf "lucifer" Guevara on November 27, 2010, 11:44:37 AM
jet powered cars

reason:because, y not

in a world where the world is completly under water, how do we breathe?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 12:04:41 PM
Because, eveolutionary wise, we would adapt and have gills.

In a world where no one has thumbs, how are keyboards different?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: RedWolf "lucifer" Guevara on November 27, 2010, 12:37:02 PM
they are not

reason: i reallydont see how no thumbs would affect how keyboards are

in a world there the air was toxic, how would we survive?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on November 27, 2010, 06:23:41 PM
We would end up surviving on nitrogen if oxygen was toxic, because it is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere

if Abraham Lincoln was never shot, then who would have won the vietnamese war?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on November 30, 2010, 06:21:14 AM
It would not have happened

Reason: Due to increasing victories, american would become obsessed with imperialism and have taken complete control of smaller, weaker countries and assimilated them into consumers long before the 60's.

In a world where religion didnt exist, what would have happened to Marx?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Self-sain on December 17, 2010, 01:12:14 AM
They would not exist

Reason- with no need to spread the word of relgion, there is no force that permotes any civilization to concure one and other, thus eventualy haveing diffrent breeds of humans.

In a world where gravity was twice as strong, what would humans look like?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 17, 2010, 01:17:53 AM

Reason- When the child comes out of the womb and sleeps for the first while, the gravity presses down onto the child causing them to flatten out. After they get used to the gravity, they remain that way forever.

If world war 2 never happened, who would win the space race?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 17, 2010, 01:35:57 AM
The germans, as they developed the first feaseable rocket-propultion systems in the A4 (later known as the V2 rocket system)

If people lived under the ground instead of over it, what would happen to dogs?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on December 17, 2010, 06:27:05 AM
They would be as big as Rhinos.

Reason: Without humans on the top world, dogs would never have been domesticated. In the wild, now given much more competiton the strongest and biggest survive and natural selection would cause them to reach thier biggest size to get the biggest prey.

In a world where all dreams are connected and we can meet each other in them, whats the main export of America?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Self-sain on December 17, 2010, 12:30:24 PM

Without the need for the internet, dreams would just basically become a better version, thus little changes.

What world the world be like without any trolls?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 17, 2010, 09:29:57 PM
The world would be far worse off. Seeing as trolls are simply just the mindless, the grotesque, expressing themselves through annoyance. With such people then running rampant, the breaking of laws would be the next course of action, leading to many more cases of violent crime and actions such as theft.

If the beatles did not exist, what would the situation be in russia? (DO NOT LOOK UP WHAT THEY DID TO THE KREMLIN! DX)
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on December 18, 2010, 12:49:58 AM
the kremlin wouldn't be there because in reality the kremlin was a hallucination created by Paul Mccartney drunkenly one night after a show. If the beatles didn't exist, then the kremlin wouldn't exist.

In a world where my satellite dish works what show would I be watching?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 18, 2010, 12:59:42 AM
You would be watching Seinfeld. Because it is commanded.

In a world where narcotics didnt exist, what would the state of animal rights be in?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Self-sain on December 19, 2010, 03:45:01 AM
The same, because I said..and because you interpreted my thing wrong

In a work full of devastation, who will unite our people within our nation?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Alexei on December 19, 2010, 04:31:09 AM
Maybe a guy with blue hair, a girl with puple hair and their cat.

If the gulf war never happened, who would have won the 2008 election in America?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on December 19, 2010, 07:11:48 AM
me, because in a weird quirk I went back in time and stopped the gulf war but got stranded causing me to be old in the present, and thus win the election.
In a world where tom cruise was straight, what would we watch on tv?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 19, 2010, 07:14:13 AM
A guide to being straight with Tom Cruise, as people Idolise him too much.

In a world without music, where what would the state of texting be?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on December 19, 2010, 08:51:39 AM
It would no longer be a social thing, but, only used for professional purposes.

Reason: Without music, alot of slang wouldn't be made. Without slang, alot of texting words would not exsist, and all texts would take forever to write, like a letter. People grow board and emails become too popular, the internet explodes and is now only used for emails and texting is only used for business purposes.

In a would where the colour purple makes your eyes explode, who is the prodominat world power?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: on December 19, 2010, 08:53:31 AM
Saudi Arabia. Because of their culture's love of purple for their fancy clothes, all soldiers are dressed in purple but they wear shades to protect from the color.

in a world without the furry fandom, where would the world be?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 19, 2010, 08:56:28 AM
In a black cultural hole
Reason: Furry culture allows for artists and writers to roam more freely, and we take up the internet trolls' time, alloting for other people to forward themselves. Booo altruism.

In a world where dial-up was the only internet access, what state would the textile industry be in?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Halfeb on December 19, 2010, 02:01:28 PM
It would be the leader in the stock market

Reason: With only very slow internet avalible, less people spend lots of time on the computer, therefore learning skills and trades. With the skills and trades being learnt at such a high rate, textiles would be in great demand. Their prices would rise, as would thier stocks and they would then be more powerful then oil comapnies or banks.

In a world where super powers were something everyone had, what would we drive?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Aoren Deringer on December 19, 2010, 02:03:15 PM
Super powers... We can fly. Who needs to drive?

In a world where public forums are the main form of government decision-making, what would be the current state of the international stock market?
Title: Re: Counter-Factuals
Post by: Self-sain on December 20, 2010, 08:35:54 AM
None, there wouldn't be any sufficient government that could with hold the power to successfuly use it, so there wouldn't be a point of having one

In a world many moons away, what Is there national theme song