The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 06:48:37 AM

Title: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 06:48:37 AM
Alyx Finally escaped the one place she called home. instead of driving the cute little lotus cars her older sisters drive, she catches the bus. scrambling in with her heavy backpack and her violin case a kind older gentlemen helped her to a seat. she found the simple generous gestures in life were always a good sign for a good day. she looked down at her hands, it was the first day her Junior year in high school, everything was gonna go smoothly this year. she vowed that she would not get involved in the popular drama game her two older sisters play. as usual she would blend in with the crowd this year. The bus ride was short, she got off at the stop practically in front of her school, some of the students that attend the same school as her got off too. the large school would be crammed with new freshmen this year think that they are all that. in the field she saw her sisters, captains of the Cheer leading squad, surrounded by the football team. Her sisters Angelica and Amanda (twins) had the attention of the infamous, rich, charming, handsome husky anthro Capitan Devin Marshall. Alyx basically ignored the crowd as she entered the school. she was not going to be late for class on the first day of school.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 25, 2010, 08:27:04 AM
Halfeb skated glided down the street on his skateboard. His bodyboard bag and school bag on his back. He smelled of beach and salt water. He loved smelling that way. He watched as people sat in thier little metal coffins as he did what he saw as putting towards a healthier planet. That, and, he found it much more relaxing then driving. Plus, he got to go through the park and do a couple of tricks on the way. He eventually reached school and saw the usual crowd of cheerleaders and jocks. He was quite happy not to be one of them, and it almost sends a shiver down his spine that he could have become like them if he tried out for the football team. He walked in and saw the younger sister of the two main cheerleaders. They annoyed him, not because they were so peppy, he was good with people being happy, but, they were so shallow and segredated other girls, and spread hate and cruelty, and that never sat right with Halfeb. He saw that thier sister was different though, just by the way she dressed and carried herself. He thought there maybe hope for them yet. He stopped next to her, cause his locker was next to hers. "Hey." He said casually, "You must be Angelica and Amanda's little sister." He added in his usual surfie way.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 04:39:44 PM
Alyx was could this guy know who she was. she stopped blinking "yeah..I am Alyxandra" Alyx never really had any friends, any friend she would make who abandon her to be with the popular group with her spoiled sisters. "just call me Alyx though" she set down her violin case and extended her hand.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 25, 2010, 04:55:47 PM
He smiled and shook her hand. "Nice to meet ya. They call me Halfie. Your sisters are pritty popular. Pity they don't put it to good use." He said as he shoves his boards into his tall locker and pulled out some books covered in writing. Mostly lyrics from songs, poetry and peace slogans. Also pictures of people surfing and skating. "I mean, your sisters are nice enough to most, but, they could really use thier status to make this school a better place for those who arn't doing it so good." He told her before smiling, "But, I'm sure you already know stuff like that."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 05:09:48 PM
Alyx snorted "its like that at home too, they really don't care about people who are below them..." she rubbed her fingertip together "you have to have money, nice cars, fashion, a mansion to catch their eye..." she looked at a locker "hey...interesting my locker is right next to yours" she grinned as she opened it. she didn't have any pictures in hers, she put in her violin case and took out the unneeded school stuff and backpack and put it in the locker, she took out her Biology science text book and notebook. she then felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise. she slowly turned...there was Devin Marshall and his buddies... inwardly she groaned irratably "Ew.." was all she said to them,  Devin frowned "don't be like that sweetheart" he reached out and touched her hair, she backed away. she looked at Halfed "see ya halfie" she walked in the direction of her class.

((btw you can play as Devin if my character is not around))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 25, 2010, 05:23:19 PM
Devin looked at Halfeb. He shook his head and walked away. Halfeb shook his head too. "Man, wrong kind of love he's trying to spread." He said to himself as he got the last of his books and headed to his first class, agriculture. He liked agriculture. He knew he would be self saficient when he got his own place. Even knew where he was going to build and everything. There was this area near the beach, a plot of land that had been for sale for years and no one ever bought it. It was one of the photos in his locker.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 05:26:45 PM
Alyx some what charged into the classroom and sat down on in one of the lad like desks. she relaxed deeply into her seat, she stretched then waited for the final bell to ring.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 25, 2010, 06:00:42 PM
Will looked at the school with a sigh. Another year of humiliation ahead, oh boy. If his parents didn't drop him off and pick him up every day, he wouldn't even go here. He fixed his glasses and walked into the school, ignoring the crowd of people near the cheerleaders and football team. Remembering his locker spot from orientation, he put his backpack inside, taking out the book for his first class along with a notebook for taking notes. Last year he averaged a B- only because he didn't do the homework for each class. He knew the subjects well enough that he never bothered to do it. Looking at his watch, he noticed that it was almost time for first class. He made his way into the classroom, taking note of everybody in it. The only one who stood out was the snow leopard. He never got her name, but she looked similar to the twin cheerleaders, so he figured she must be one of them as well. Unfortunatly, the only desk left was next to her. He sighed as he made his way to the desk and sat down. He set his book down and stared at the chalkboard until class started.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 06:08:43 PM
she had seen this kid before, he looked so nervous being around her. she cursed her sisters inwardly for them and their friends being so cruel to him. pulling out a peice of paper, folded it and wrote... hey there, whats your name? sliding the note next to his hand, she gave him a genuine, friendly smile. she began to hope that this year she would make a friend that would not abandon her to be popular with her sisters.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 25, 2010, 06:30:58 PM
He saw her smile, looked genuine enough. She could just be trying to get friendly with him just so she can copy off him though. It would be nice to have a friend who didn't, but he couldn't be sure of her intentions. He handed the note back to her without a word on it. Her reaction to this would tell him if she was sincere. If she really was, he would try and make it up to her later. But in the likely case that she wasn't, it was nothing new to Will.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 06:39:02 PM
she looked at the note, nothing, she smiled sadly. she wrote down something then handed it back, her heart pounded wildly. Want to hang out at Lunch? I know a good place where the jocks wont get to you... she was trying to sound sincere. this was hard for her, to reach out and make a friend, it used to b easy, but now. Not so much. the the mouse anthro teacher came in and started taking role. she flashed another smile, this time it was more gentle.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 25, 2010, 06:53:28 PM
Hmm, hang out at lunch with her? She's being persistant. Could this really be a friend? The teacher came in so he put the paper beneath his book. His name came up in the role call. "Here." He wasn't sure about having lunch with her, but it was always lonely in the library. If anything, it would be nice to sit with someone today. He'll take a chance this time, and hope it won't come back to bite him. When the teacher turned around to the chalkboard, he took the note and wrote, "Okay, where should I meet you?" Making sure the teacher was still looking away, he handed back the note.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 25, 2010, 06:56:16 PM
she pratically beamed when she read the reply. she quickly wrote down auditorium  handing it back she, took down some notes. she felt so happy. she knew today that it was going to be a good day.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 02:19:25 AM
He read the note, Auditorium. He slipped it in his pocket before focusing on the teachers words. Nary a smile crept upon his face while he listened. He was absorbing every piece of information being sent to him. Everything else was blocked out of his mind. All of his attention was towards the lesson.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 26, 2010, 04:13:52 AM
Lesson was easy, the bell rang right in the middle of the teachers sentence. all the other students scrambled to gather thier stuff. Alyx closed her book slowly "what class do you have next? I have High level Literature"

((High Level= advanced))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 26, 2010, 04:20:49 AM
Halfeb sat in his agriculture class. He was probebly the only one who took it seriously. Or wasn't using what he learnt to grow marajuana. The teacher, an mid 40's blue heeler walked into the class. After a quick roll call, they got up and went out to the little farm the school had for this class. He was doing his best on the corn that he was trying to grow as the teacher taught them all about plowing and stuff like that. He already knew all that stuff though, across the yard from the farm was the classroom where Will and Alyx were sitting he smiled and nodded. He then took his shirt off because he was so hot working on the farm. However, oddly enough, it didn't click with him to take his beanie off. He got back to work before a few minutes later, the teacher came over to him, "Jones, put your shirt back on." The teacher ordered him.
"Why, sir?" Halfeb asked looking at him. The teacher then pointed to the classrooms, where a few of the female student body we're staring out the window at him, a few of the male student body too. And, even a few of the female staff. He nodded to the teacher, "Got it." He said before putting his shirt back on.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 04:24:44 AM
"Physical Education." He told her without looking at her. He gathered his books and began to walk out of the class. He paused briefly before turning around and said, "My name's Will. What's yours?" Hopefully he wouldn't forget her name. He always had a hard time with names.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 26, 2010, 04:28:31 AM
"Alyx" she smiled. giving him a small, friendly pat on the shoulder "see ya at lunch: she said excitedly, maybe too excited. she skipped down the hall to her locker. she was going to switch out her text books for the summer reading books.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 04:53:12 AM
Will walked to the gym for phys ed. The teacher turned out to be the coach of the football team, a badger complete with a cap that said "coach" on it and a whistle around his neck. Today was just getting to know what the next few weeks were going to be and what they needed to have for gym clothes. They finished a half hour early so they were allowed study hall for the rest of the period. Will took out his notebook and a pencil and begun to draw Alyx. He didn't have photographic memory, so it wasn't very detailed, but you could tell it was her if you looked at it. He couldn't get her out of his head for some reason.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 26, 2010, 05:04:56 AM
In liturature class she had it with her sisters... they sat on either side of her. texting friends and each other. Alyx made sure her phone was in her locker.
"Alyx" Amanda whined "was Devin with you this morning!" the teacher shushed her, Alyx no interest in replying, she wanted lunch to get here soon....
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 26, 2010, 02:34:18 PM
Halfebs Agriculter lesson was a double, as with all his practical classes. He looked over his fine work. He always loved working with his hands. Seeing something grow or be created because of him. He also noticed some of the first corn was coming through early. Luckily the teacher had been tending to the crops and small school farm over the break. He was so proud of his good work. He had planted them the year before. He was so very proud. He only found it a little sad he couldn't eat it himself, he had to use it as feed for the farm animals. He shrugged, "Oh well..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 26, 2010, 04:32:08 PM
Alyx finally leaped out of her seat when the third bell rang for her third class. which she looked down at her schedule, smiling that she had a free period. she half skipped back over to her locker, putting away her literature stuff she got out her violin case and a ran back over to the auditorium. sneaking in, she smiled at the peace and quiet. she walked over to the stage climbing up the steps, she placed violin case down opening it to reveal her dark red violin. gnelt she removed violin and bow. she inhaled before playing a slow, soft, beautiful melody
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 26, 2010, 05:06:30 PM
Halfeb heard the third bell ring. It was his free period. He saw one of two other classes also had free period, so, he thought he would grab his guitar from the music room and made his way to the auditorium. He was no John Butler, but, he could play. He quietly opened the door. He heard a violin. He watched Alyx playing, not sure if she even knew he was there. Her playing llifted his spirits. He loved live music, to him, it was like, the evidence that there can be some things in this world that can be all about peace and love. Listening to her play, he definantly felt it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 26, 2010, 11:01:04 PM
Will's third class  was social studies. This class was the worst. Literally every single student in here, except him, didn't care about the subject. He was easily the best student in it. The teacher, after talking a bit about what they would learn that year, decided to read a book and let them have the rest of the period for themselves. Will took out his notebook and begun to doodle again. He usually drew very morbid things, skulls, flames, all very macabre. His thoughts turned to Alyx. Did she really want to be his friend? Should he even go to the auditorium for lunch?
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 05:01:14 AM
Alyx continued to play her music until it ended with a slowly, lovely sound, as it echoed through the auditorium. she paused, sensing a presence.  "I hoped you enjoyed my performance?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 05:10:31 AM
Halfeb clapped as he walked in. "That was beautiful." He told her before taking a seat, "Do you play in the school marching band?" He asked as he gently started to play. (This is the song he's playing )
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 05:24:58 AM
Alyx snorted "No, I am a classical musician, though if I had the training in some of the wind instruments, I would of" she grinned, as she set down the Violin and walked to the piano at the corner of the stage. "I met a boy today, is name is my grade year, always teased. ever since I came here I have always wanted to reach out to him...but knowing my popular sisters, such a friendship would ruin their 'perfect' reputation" she laughed heartily "like that is gonna stop me, I have always wanted to be his friend" she smirked as she began to play Beethoven. 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 05:45:36 AM
He smiled, "Thats a good train of thought. Reach out to those who don't have it so well. High school can be tough." He said as he continued playing, "For some reason, we as teenagers only feel happy when we make others miserable. Which isn't how it should be." He added before changing key into the chorus of the song, "We need to show friendship, like you did. So, you should be proud. I'd like to meet this dude too. Hopefully we can spread a little bit of harmony and love."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 05:51:14 AM
"Hopefully" Moonlight Sonata flowed sweetly in the room "he is kinda reserved because the Jocks are are such Neanderthals to him... Devin Marshall is stubborn, Dimwitted, stupid and mentally weak and has not idea what love and peace is. he see's through the minds eye of the seven sins and his macho man personality" she continued to play more. "Will does not deserve this kind of treatment, I can see in him that he is a wonderful person"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 05:54:33 AM
He nods and smiles, "I think what Devin has an idea of is lust, not love. Always thinking with his little head, if you know what I mean." He says with a smile. "Well, at least I'm glad to see you don't follow your sisters. I think they got the same idea of love as Devin. Which in its own way is kinda sad." He added. He started to play the moonlight sonata with her on the guitar.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 06:04:39 AM
"My sisters, along with my whole family is just a failure. both of my parents are having a romantic affair, my sisters have had pregnancies more then one, luckily miscarriages and a couple abortions were a result. my sisters just want to party, shop, flirt, torture" she sighed "I once had to pick up my drunken sisters from a party in the one of the luxury beach houses when I was right in the middle of a music lesson"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 27, 2010, 06:56:34 AM
A black limo pulls up in front of the school building. Students starts forming around the black limo waiting to see who it is. A big guy, dressed in a black suit, comes out of the passenger seat. "Clear out of the way!" as he opens the back door. Students cleared out of the way, yet wanted to see who it is. "Man, your causing a scene." The transfer student climbed out of the car. "Then yet again, this dang limo didn't help me out at all." He looked at his escort. "Don't follow me or will beat you to death" looking at him with serious look in his eye. The escort looked at him angerly, then backed down. "Looks like our last indecent final got into your thick skull." He got his messenger bag out of the limo and left. Ho'ne walked around the building. Ho'ne heard some Beethoven. He looked around and found some furries hanging around. He was about to leave. when he heard someone said "My sisters, along with my whole family is just a failure. both of my parents are having a romantic affair, my sisters have had pregnancies more then one, luckily miscarriages and a couple abortions were a result. my sisters just want to party, shop, flirt, torture" she sighed "I once had to pick up my drunken sisters from a party in the one of the luxury beach houses when I was right in the middle of a music lesson" He stopped and replied "Every family is f**k up in their own little way." He said as he walks a little closer. "Some worse then others, but it would be on depending on ones point of view."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 27, 2010, 07:02:33 AM
Halfeb leans backwards and tilts his head back to see the new person joining them. "Hey." He said, welcomingly. "Its a pity your sisters are like that. Those little abortions could have been great people. But, because they only think of themselves, they go ahead and kill the life inside themselves." He said stilll strumming along with her.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 27, 2010, 07:05:29 AM
"In the end they just end up killing away their lives." Ho'ne commented "By the way where is the office anyway?" Looking at the door he just entered.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 27, 2010, 07:14:16 AM
A small purple fox in casual attire sits at a small lunch table, pulling out a small lunch bag, avoiding eye contact, he was thinking.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 07:17:25 AM
Alyx raised an eyebrow at the new comer "you just passed it..." she said slowly "it was by the front doors to the right, it had a sign over it?"  she sighed as she ended the piece, looking at the clock, ten minutes to lunch. "those children though would have suffered the life of an orphanage, my sisters have no love for anyone but themselves" she began to play a piece called Dark Night of the Soul (( it was slightly dark, but it wasn't cheerful, more sad then angry. she began to go into a trance of thought, as she played, suddenly the tune changed, when she tought of her brand new year, becoming a more cheerful tune. then slowly ending it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 27, 2010, 07:28:07 AM
"I thank you, lovely melodee, but it's no gloomy sunday" Ho'ne leaves for the door. "Now I must make my leave. Laters....and don't believe the rumors" as he left.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 07:31:30 AM
Gloomy sunday...what? she thought to herself, immediately she found him odd and ...rather cocky. rolling her eyes, from her folder she took out several sheets of music papers. she needed to finish her piece she composed. she wanted to show it to Will when he got here. "I love music..." she said aloud
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 27, 2010, 07:44:32 AM
Cerise grabbed her lunch tray and left the lunch line. She looked around the lunch area, the tables seem full of people and less seats. As she kept walking, Cerise saw an opening and sat right next to a purple fox. "Hello there." She smiled at the quiet fox as she opened her milk carton.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 07:48:32 AM
her new piano piece. in which she called "angel's whispers" was a romantic sounding song with a touch of sadness. lunch already started, she began to wonder if Will was actually coming. she became anxious in her seat. she wanted him to come, she wanted to show him her new creation, share it with him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 27, 2010, 07:56:18 AM
Ho'ne walks out of the office and head straight past lunch. Not making any efforts to make eye contact with anyone. He just walks past them as if there just mere obstacles. He head out the door that leads to outside.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 27, 2010, 03:24:18 PM
Sain looks up at the older girl, "umm..." he looked away, slightly blushing from embarrassment. He wasn't very good at social interactions, "hi" he finally said.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 27, 2010, 04:20:53 PM
Lunchtime. She was waiting for him in the auditorium. Why am I even going? She'll just be like all the rest. Speaking of which, a group of jocks were getting closer to hima s he walked down the hall. "Nice glasses, nerd. Mind if I borrow them?" One of the jocks shoved him against the lockers and took his glasses. Raucous laughter filled the halls as they imitated, poorly, him being nerdy. Luckily, a teacher walked by, "Is there a problem here?" The jocks froze. While it was fun to pick on nerds, it could get them off the football team. "Uh, no ma'am. We were just helping him find his glasses. Here ya go." They handed Will back his glasses as they walked to the cafeteria. The teacher went back into her room and the hall was empty again. Will sighed as he put his glasses back on. "Oh great they bent the frame." Now they didn't fit quite right on his face. If he went to the lunch room, he'd have to deal with them again, so the auditorium it was. Upon reaching the auditorium, he opened the door and saw Alyx sitting at the piano. He waved to her as he walked towards the stage.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 06:35:02 PM
Alyx saw Will, waving frantically at him she smiled happily "I am so happy your here! I want to show you something!!!" she waved him over to the stage. she patted the space next to her on the piano seat.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 27, 2010, 07:00:01 PM
Will walked up to the piano. He looked down at the bench, unsure weather or not to sit. He saw her smile, reassuring him. He sat down on the bench next to her. Could this really be a friend? Someone who didn't want to use him and actually "hang" out with him? His heart raced. He didn't know what to think.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 27, 2010, 07:02:43 PM
"Your name is Sain, right?" She asked, making conversation with him. Cerise always saw him away from everyone else around school, and never really had a chance to talk to the boy since they were in different grade levels.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 27, 2010, 07:16:33 PM
Alyx began to play her music, the soft, warming, beautiful melody filled the room again as she played with all her heart in it. she would look at him occasionally she she played, but she always had a smile on her face. she basically memorized the music, she didn't have to look at the music sheets.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 27, 2010, 07:37:00 PM
"Yea.... can I help you?'
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 01:25:07 AM
"Well I'm Cerise." She introduced herself with a smile as she opened a pack of oreos. "You want some?" Cerise put the pack towards him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 01:28:36 AM
His eyes widen, 'omg my one weakness' he thought to him self, he took one and nibbled on it, 'so good'. He looked at Cerise, "thankyou, so can I help you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 02:42:23 AM
"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you." she giggled, putting an oreo in her mouth.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 02:45:23 AM
His ears went back as he blushed, his tail flickering, he out an Oreo in his mouth. "I never seen you before what grade are you in?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 28, 2010, 02:57:47 AM
Halfeb nodded and looked at Will. "Hey man." He said to him casually as Will walked to the stage. He had seen Will a few times, had even tried to help him once or twice.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 04:35:46 AM
Angelica and Amanda... in the back of the school, smoking and texting, they sighed, in unison they stared down at their phone, they have been texting three boys each. each claiming that they like them. Angelica put her's out "why is Alyx hanging out with that Nerd kid?" she asked. Amanda shrugged "no idea Angie, I think she is doing it just to be different" Angelica smiled "well, looks like Darien Randall and Alyx are hooked up tonight" Angelica stared at her twin, instead of straight hair, her's was perfectly wavy. "Darien Randall? school President? the most influential guy in school? wtf Amanda?"  
"He never told you? Darien Randall, School President, soon-to-be valed victorian, has had a massive crush on our baby sister since she has gone to school here? besides I think its time for our baby sister to get out more often"

as Alyx continued to play, she felt her phone vibrate, she stopped, rolling her eyes, a text message. checking it, her eyes pratically bugged out of their sockets as she read you have a date with Darien Randall tonight, don't be late, 5:00 sharp.
she groaned as she did a face plant into the keys, making a very unattractive sound. again her sisters set her up with another guy. "why do they do this to mee!" she whined.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 04:50:01 AM
Will was in a trance. The song he heard was beautiful, like Siren song. He was enjoying it until she banged her head on the keys and woke him out of it. Her complaint about someone doing something to her made him curious. He looked over at the Dingo, who shrugged, and looked back at Alyx. "Is something wrong?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 04:58:24 AM
"I hate my sisters..." she said darkly, she showed him the text message, "what am I going to do??" she asked, she sighed and rubbed the spot on her forehead "they do this to me all the time, it really bugs me..." she groaned.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 05:12:59 AM
Ho'ne walks around the corner noticing a familiar music. He followed it, he found the same furries he found in the atrium. "Well hello. I just found two girls smoking and texting. Before I came here....Is that normal here?" He asked out of curiosity.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 05:18:54 AM
the twins saw him, they noticed him earlier, noticing his wealthy status, they perked up, giving him a flirtatious grin with a hint of seduction "no..its not, were just being bad" Amanda said with a wink, Angelica smiled and quickly answered a text message. "I am Amanda Phillips, thats my Twin Angelica" the sexy snow leopard twins. they shared their mothers bright blue eyes. Alyx got the vibrant green eyes. "hopefully you have not met our sister..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 05:26:48 AM
He just smiles and replies "Nope, don't know who's related to who. What kind do you smoke?" He asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 06:00:57 AM
Reading the text, he saw why she was distraught. Then an idea went into his head so brash and against his way of life, he had to try it. "Uhm Alyx. If, if I may, you could, uhm, maybe, come over to my house, uhm, for, for a study session, uhm, so you wouldn't, uhm, hafta go." I can't belive I just did that. How could I be so stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 06:22:58 AM
Alyx smiled "really! sure, I would love to come over! not because of the weird predicament my sisters put me in, but also this will be fun! oh gosh this is so exciting!" she began to play a happier tune. Rondo Alla Turca by Mozart. a fast, upbeat piece. she began to laugh and she smiled over at him. 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 06:27:49 AM
Ho'ne grabbed a cigarette from one of them. "Thank you ladies." As he lights up his cigarette. He takes a hint and exhaled then just grinned at them as asked "Now which one of you can show me the way around the school?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 06:30:17 AM
both Angelica and Amanda looked at each other "well, you can choose one of us, or you can have both, your choice entirely" Angelica winked. they began to hope that he noticed the sexual innuendo. "let me guess" Amanda said knowingly "did our little sister, Alyx show you to the front office?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 06:32:14 AM
His ears perked up. He smiled for the first time in as long as he could remember. "GREAT! Uhm, I mean, great. Uhm, I could walk you to my house or I could give you my address so you can find it". This was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Nothing could even compare. He just wished his glasses weren't crooked so he could look nice.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 06:33:32 AM
Ho'ne just look at them and grinned "Now it should be a crime not to chose the both of you." He grinned as he puts his arm around the two. "Now your little sister Would she happened to be a Snow Leopard like you? And plays a violin?" He asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 06:40:23 AM
Amanda and Angelica laughed in Unison "not just Violin, Piano and Cello,oh! and she can sing too. by the way, the glasses she wears in just a disguise" Angelica replied.
"well enough about her...lets go show you or so called 'fabulous school' " rolling her eyes, Amanda cut in.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 06:43:26 AM
"So she has some musical talent...." He said as he walked along with them. But he chuckled at the "fabulous school" "I am gonna love it here" He thought to himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 06:47:55 AM
The Lunch bell rang, lunch ended, Alyx groaned, she didn't want this moment to end now. she looked at her schedual. she had Pre Calculas. Math cam easy to her, she smiled as she stood up "well I guess we should get going" out of impluse she hugged her new friend. then she got a good look at him, his glasses were slightly bent, but she found him oddly adoreable
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 06:52:04 AM
Will was stunned. This was way too good to be true, yet he wasn't complaining. He gently hugged her back, then proceeded to walk out of the auditorium. "Oh! One second Alyx." He took out the picture he drew of her and scribbled down his locker number and address. "Here. Can you meet me at my locker after school?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 06:54:09 AM
The bell rang Ho'ne looked around "Well ladies that leaves us with two options. Continue what we were doing or head to class." Ho'ne said walking the opposite direction "Personally I prefer that tour" He grinned
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 28, 2010, 06:57:47 AM
Halfeb walked up to the stage and read the text over her shoulder. "You know what you should do? I think you should go. With me and Will here too. And We'll do our best to put his so far off you, your sisters will know not to do it again." He said with a smile. Sure, he liked spreading peace and love, but there was no peace or love in being forced to be with others. He heard the bell. "Hey, class time, I might catch ya'll after school. Hopefully. You're a couple couple of kids." He told them before grabbing his stuff and heading to his next class. Biology.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 07:04:31 AM
Alyx stared at the picture he drew. she had no idea that she that to him, she looked so beautiful. "yes...I will, wait what class do have?" she tried to hide her blush. "whats your locker number?" she pulled out her phone, plugged in his number and locker number. just in case, she waved goodbye to halfeb beofre she walked beside him.

The twin gave him a mischievous look "we can continue the tour" Angelica said, Amanda nodded in agreement. but then they saw their dear little sister, talking to...William! Amanda looked furious. as she stromed to her younger sister "Alyxandra what the hell are you doing with him!!!"

Alyx growled, she was ready to defend and protect him at all costs " he is my friend" he tone was cool, calm "and there is..NO WAY IN HELL I AM GONNA LET YOU PICK ON HIM DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" with Alyx opera singing training her voice was loud, menacing and everyone stared. a teacher came out, and frowned at her. she didn't care, she wanted everyone to hear her. "And cancel that date with Darien, I am doing something else wither you like it or not Amanda...I knew it was you who set me up" she grabbed Will's hand "lets go"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 07:16:29 AM
"Okay." Will thought best not to argue with her. "Uhm, I got pre-calc now." She defended him. In front of everybody. He wanted to give her the biggest hug he'd ever given someone, but thought he might miss his class if he did so decided against it. "Thanks for standing up for me."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 07:23:02 AM
she walked over to her locker. placed in her violin case. she hugged him quickly then pulled away "I also have pre calc " she said with a grin. she sighed heavily. "sorry, I have had enough of the tyrants here" she hugged him "I'll protect you"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 07:27:23 AM
He felt like a new man, teenager, guy. He felt great. She would protect him, even though she didn't know anything about him. This was truly the best day ever. "Shall we?" He extended his arm to hers in hopes that they could hold hands as they walked.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 07:32:54 AM
"sure" she smiled as she took his arm and walked. she recived a couple glances and people began talk, but she didn't mind, ignoring them, someone called out "awww, you guys look great together!" sarcasm dripped from their words. she basically rolled her eyes and smiled, he was after all in her eyes adoreable. I would not mind dating him...wait! what am I thinking, i don't know him...but it never hurts to get to know someone she smiled as she saw pre calculas class.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 08:41:02 AM
"I'm a senior." Cerise answered, as the bell rang. She gathered all her things and handed Sain her pack with a few cookies left. "You can have the rest, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around more." She waved goodbye and walked to the hallway crowding with people. Cerise let out a sigh when she realized that her next class was pre-cal. Her worst subject, 'Great, almost an hour of not understanding anything.' She thought to herself as she entered the classroom.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 28, 2010, 08:57:35 AM
Halfeb showed up to his chemistry class, but he was the only one. Something was wrong. Then, he realised his mistake. He was ment to be at pre-cal. He yelled a curse word then took off he was going to be late. Sure enough, when he got there class had already started, but, not for too long. There was one spare seat, next to cerise. He had seen her a few times, but, they very rarely hang in the same circles. He tip toed to the empty seat and sat down while the teacher was writing the class up on the board.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 09:08:16 AM
Cerise quickly pulled out her homework as she forgot to finish it last night since she was working late once again. "Ugh, this doesn't make sense." She whispered to herself, erasing incorrect answers.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Halfeb on November 28, 2010, 09:30:49 AM
Halfeb looked over at Cerise's work then pulled out his own. He had no idea if he was right or not. He generally had a grasp on the idea of what they were learning, being good at it was an entirely different matter. But, he could see cerise was worrying, so, he slid his homework to her. "See if that helps you make sense of it." He whispered.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 04:15:23 PM
"Bye," he mumbled under his cookie infested mouth. "Will Sain Valentine, please report to the guidance office, will Sain Valentine, he quickly gatherd his things and ran off to the guidance office. 15 mins later he was leaving, looking at his new schedule, he got all his class  bumbed up do to his perfect scores on his test last year, he had pre calc this period. He quickly ran to his class, when he got in there, he felt a little intemadated, seeing how it was only upper class men, but he then noticed the girl before, he quickly grabbed the seat on her right next to the window, he sat down and smiled.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 28, 2010, 04:24:48 PM
Will entered the classroom with Alyx. Unfortunately, the remaining seats weren't next to each other. His ears drooped as he let go of her hand to sit down. Precalc wasn't his favorite subject, but he got through it just fine. Halfway through the lesson, he forgot he didn't have his book with him. He went straight here from the auditorium. But it was worth it to have Alyx stand up for him like that.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 04:53:58 PM
Alyx sat at the table that was next to Cerise and Halfed, she smiled at Halfeb when he slid his homework to her. she noticed that five out of ten of the problems were incorrect, the remaining five were surprisingly correctish. since they were rows of individual desks. she slid over quietly, she took her homework, looked at it, then fixed the five problems that had the correct answered but had minor problems "there" she said "you had some minor stuff in last five problems but otherwise you did them correctly" she flashed a grin as grin at her.

"Miss. Alyx, would you like to do the next problem?" the teacher stared at her, along with some students. Alyx boldly got up, walked to the front of the class, she took the
pen from her teacher and quickly did the problem. her handwriting was neater then the teachers.
"very good Alyx sit back down please" Alyx walked back to her desk, smiling.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 28, 2010, 05:37:07 PM
Ho'ne just chuckles as the girls stood there at awe. "Well your sister has some good vocals." Mmm She might do me some good. Ho'ne thought to himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 06:46:18 PM
"You go that right..." Amanda said, she was more in awe about then Angelica was...

Alyx noticed her table partner Sain, she felt bad for not noticing him, she smiled "sorry, I didn't reply right away" she grinned "whats up?"

Post Merge: November 28, 2010, 08:08:41 PM
she didn't recognize him, but she wanted to reach to more then just one person, so she decided, that who anyone was, she would hope to become friends with...if they wanted her to
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 08:15:25 PM
"oh... umm nothing, hi, I'm Sain Valentine, who are you" he tried to not look so intimidated by the fact that he was the only under class men.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 08:19:12 PM
Alyx didnt want to say her last name but she knew she had to try "Alyx Phillips..." she said her last name as if it were poison... though she recognized his last name "your father is friends with my dad"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 08:23:06 PM
He wasn't sure how to respond, his family didn't have friends they just had acquaintances. "Well... yea, so what grade are you in?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 08:26:08 PM
"Junior..." she smiled a bit. "this is supposed to be a all senior class...but I guess not now" she smiled again "my family has friends, though, they act like friends when together"  she then frowned "then they talk badly about each other behind their all wealthy societies"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 09:43:57 PM
Cerise smiled at Halfeb and Alyx. "Thanks guys." She passed her homework to the person in front of her to turn in. She took a glance around the classroom to take a break from writing the examples on the board, she noticed a familiar purple fox from lunch. She looked over to him and then back to her notes. 'You have to concentrate on your work.' She thought, but couldn't help but steal another glance.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 09:45:27 PM
"A foundation built on lies, is but a family born of politics", he laughed to him self a little, "well that's the way I always saw my family", he saw cerise looking at him in the corner of her eyes, he looked away, blushing a little, his ears went down, as his heart accelerated a little.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 10:13:11 PM
She wanted to go talk to Sain, but that was nearly impossible to do in the middle of the lesson. Cerise sighed, finishing her notes on the new topic.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 10:18:48 PM
He took a gulp, thoughts running in his head, he finally grew the courage to lean over, placing his hand on hers, "hey if you need any help, I'll be more then glad to help you.." looking cerise in her eyes, he leaned back in his seat.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 28, 2010, 10:36:27 PM
Cerise grinned at Sain, a light pink tint forming on her cheeks. "That would be great, I'm always having problems in this class." She was ecstatic, to have a reason to see him more often.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 10:50:19 PM
"OK" he said as the bell rang, he got up to got to his next class, he had to pull out his schedule, he had gym last, 'fml' he thought to him self.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 28, 2010, 11:37:42 PM
Class was a breeze, she ran to the gym. just like Wills class, you didn't have to dress down. she realized that all of her least favorite people were in this class, as it turned out, they're were only three girls (he being the third) that were in this class. she sat on the floor, the teacher (also the football coach) looked pleased to see that most of his class was his football team. luckily she didn't seem to be noticed, though she noticed Sain Valentine, she waved at him in a friendly manner.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 28, 2010, 11:58:33 PM
He waved back, then running off to get a soccer ball, then ran to an empty spot on the field.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 12:14:06 AM
Grabbing a soccer ball as well, standing in place, hackey sack style Alyx began to do tricks with the soccer ball. she was never a real talent at soccer, she just enjoyed the sport as a hobby, kept her in shape. the P.E teacher watched her as she continued. this relieved her stress. out of the corner of her eye she noticed the walk up to her. "ever thought about joining the soccer team?" he asked
she shook her head "nope"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 03:03:12 AM
Will's last class was science. This was his favorite. Figuring out how world is put together was one of his favorite hobbys. Today's lesson was an introduction to photosynthesis. Will completed the work sheet with ease and handed it back to the teacher. Having the rest of the period for "study," he pulled out his notebook and begun to draw. He wanted to draw Alyx some more, but feared that might make him look like a stalker, so he opted to draw monsters from greek myth. Gorgons, Krakens, Centaurs, all that. It was his favorite thing to learn about, besides science.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 03:20:09 AM
and then.....the last bell rang, Alyx smiled when it happened. she walked out of her history class and to her locker. looking at the drawing of herself, she looked around for will, grabbing her stuff, she finally found his locker and waited there for him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 03:49:46 AM
Final bell, time to meet Alyx. Walking back, he found her there waiting for him. "Hey Alyx!" He waved as he talked. "So, uhm, didja wanna come over right away? Or did you have something else you had to do first?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 03:52:54 AM
Alyx smiled "I have nothing else to do, lets go!!" she was excited "but..ummm, would your parents be okay with it?" she asked.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 04:20:11 AM
"They'll be ecstatic. Although they'll probably ask if you're, uhm, you know, my girlfriend. Just a heads up." He started blushing furiously through his fur. Desperate to change the subject, he thought of something to say. "Anyway, uhm, we need to catch the bus to get to my house. Let's go."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 04:25:35 AM
"Im okay with that" she smiled, she blushed slightly, she followed William out of the school "eugh!" then she inhaled fresh air "ah...yes..." she snickered to herself
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on November 29, 2010, 05:00:10 AM
max walked out of the kitchen area with a large cloudy container of food the class had just cooked, he noticed alyx and will walking past heading for the doors. just as the two got outside he caught up with them. "hay, aren't you the alyx? i heard someone talking about you." he looked at her smiling calmly still in his chef's uniform from class. "anyway, I've heard some good things about you. here take this, i think you might like it." he calmly gave her the sealed container of fresh food before walking back inside. "i might see you around!" he called back to the two strangers while turning a corner and disappearing from their sight.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 05:02:59 AM
Will was stunned. Some guy just walks up and hands you a jar of mystery food? This is a weird first day of school. "Who was that? Friend of yours?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 05:10:00 AM
"I...guess" she opened the jar of food, strawberries!! she ate one then handed it to Will "want one? they are especially sweet"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 29, 2010, 05:34:19 AM
"Well, then ladies where to next?" Ho'ne asked after the fiasco
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 05:43:41 AM
"Da'ummm, okay." Will took a strawberry and bit into it, the sweet juices trickling down his throat. "Oh wow! These are good. Oh jeez we're gonna be late for the F8 bus to my street!" He took her hand as they jogged towards the bus station. Wheh, just made it. They boarded the bus and sat down next to each other.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 05:47:15 AM
"whew made it" she said as she sat down next to him, she looked down and noticed they were still holding hands, she blushed slightly
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 06:45:55 AM
He noticed that they were still holding hands. "Oh, sorry." He took his hand away and held onto his books, blushing deeply as he did. "It'll be the 4th stop where we get off. Then its just a short walk to my house. If my Dad mentions fish, don't ask him about it."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 07:31:39 AM
Alyx at first wanted to know, but then at the same time she really didn't want to know. as the fourth stop came, she pointed out the window "is this your stop?" she asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 29, 2010, 07:40:46 AM
"Yup." Will pulled on the signal line to stop the bus. When it stopped, he led her off the bus and began walking her to his house. He'd never done anything like this before. He hoped his parents wouldn't embarrass him too much. She said she didn't mind coming over just to hang out, but what would they do? He didn't really think this through very well. He saw his house on the right, a nice 2-story house, just like all the others. Painted white all around. "Remember, don't ask about fish." They walked up to the house and opened the front door. "Mom, Dad, I'm home. I brought a friend over for a bit." "Oh Will thats wonderful!" Alice, his mom, walked out of the kitchen wearing a white apron, blue skirt, and white blouse. "It's so nice to meet you. Will never brings any friends of his over. My names Alice dear. What's yours?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 29, 2010, 08:07:21 AM
Once the bell rang, Cerise quickly left her art class. She rushed to her locker, wanting to leave school as early as possible to make it to the bus station on time.  Suddenly a guy ran into her, dropping all her books as she fell on the floor. "Excuse you!" Cerise yelled, but wasn't able to find out who bumped into her because of the many students in the hall. Some students let out a snicker as Cerise sighed and started collecting a few papers that fell out of her binder. 'Just my luck.'
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 29, 2010, 08:34:29 AM
Ho'ne grew bored, just hanging around the school, just hanging around "them" "Imma gonna bail. Laters" he said to the sisters
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on November 29, 2010, 10:18:12 AM
"oh, I'm sorry. let me help." max said realising what had just happened. he knelt down to help this stranger who he had run into. "are you OK?" he asked the woman picking up the papers that he had knocked loose.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 29, 2010, 04:20:33 PM
Sain sat on the side of the curve, waiting for his dad. 'He said he would come get me' he thought to himself. Fifteen minutes passed, and he saw a black crome car pull up, he stood up, but then saw someone else get in. 'I guess he forgot' he thought to himself as his ears went down, he stood up and began to walk in the direction of his house.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 29, 2010, 08:51:54 PM
"Yea I'm fine." Cerise smiled, "just kinda in a hurry to catch the bus." She chuckled as she got all her things together. "Thanks for helping me." She said happily as she got up.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on November 29, 2010, 08:58:56 PM
"it was nothing, you better get going if you need to catch a bus." he said to cerise letting her pass. he slowly walked towards the back of the school.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 29, 2010, 11:31:09 PM
Cerise made it to her locker and put a few notebooks away. Exiting the school, she walked over to the bus stop, and right when she turned the corner, the bus was just leaving. 'Guess I'll have to wait.' Cerise went over to the small bench and sat, as she pulled out her sketchbook and a pencil.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 29, 2010, 11:56:07 PM
as Hi'one left, Angelica and Amanda sighed with relief, then looked at each other " keep an eye out for him...he is after Alyx"
"I know"
the twins sighed in unison, then looked at each other. they know that they have had set bad examples to their sister, but secretly the twins wanted her safe, that was their reason from excluding her from their friends. to protect her from their fate
"Lets go...since she already left"
"amanda sighed "i'll cancel the date..."

Alyx shook Alice hand "my name is Alyxandra Phillips, you just call me Alyx though" she said, she could barely contain her excitement and nervousness in her own voice, "its such a pleasure to meet you!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 30, 2010, 12:16:09 AM
Just when Cerise was about to start a quick sketch, she spotted Sain walking on the other side of the street. She gather her things and crossed the street, ambling over to Sain. "Hey there!" She grinned at him, as she took a step to stand beside him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 12:22:00 AM
His ears went up a little seeing his new friend, but then went back down. "Hey" he faintly said.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 30, 2010, 01:07:07 AM
Cerise picked up on the change of tone, "what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 01:23:37 AM
"Nothing I'm not use to.... but hey what's up with you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 03:42:30 AM
Ho'ne exists the school. He notice his chofer "Crap!" He muttered hiding inside the school. He looks around finding anyone that he might know to give him a ride.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 03:52:28 AM
Devin Marshall and his buddies were chilling in his super expensive SUV in the student parking lot, blasting music and wolf whistling at hot furry girls that walked past. none of the staff at the school dare challenge Devin, his parents, being the political leaders of this state had word in every matter, so being so spolied, this guy got everything he wanted...except one thing he could not have. Alyxandra and Cerise. the only two girls in the school that have not fallen for his charm. 

((sorry Moonfiz, i have a plan :P))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 03:58:55 AM
Ho'ne looked over to the furries in the suv. He looked at them with disgust. But he needed to get away from those drones that looked over him. "God I am gonna hate this" He creeps up them without the chofer looking. "Hey" he said coolly.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 04:00:49 AM
"Well Alyx, you just make yourself right at home. Alice walked back into the kitchen singing to herself. "Now that you've my mom, let me introduce my dad." Will walked over to the living room and showed her a small vase that sat on top of a shelf. "This is my dad, John. He doesn't talk much but he's really a nice guy. Listen, I gotta go to the bathroom. When I get back, I wanna show you something." Will walked up the stairs and went into the bathroom to do his buisness. Alice came over with a sad smile on her face. "He didn't tell you about his father did he? Eaten by sharks on a fishing trip. He was only three when it happened and never quite accepted it. He could really use a friend Alyx. Please don't judge him too harshly." She went back into the kitchen, continuing supper as she sang.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 04:05:49 AM
Alyx thought she was gonna cry, looking down at the vase she sat down on the couch, she gave the vase a sad smile, "Hello Sir, my name is Alyx...Will has gone through so much during the two years, I was to afraid to do I am gonna make a difference to your son" she whispered the vow. "I have never judged him harshly, nor will I ever. I am so sorry that you lost your life in a tragic ordeal, but I promise to help make Will happy once again" she wiped tears from her eyes as she gently put the vase back on the shelf.

Devin stared at the new comer, he replied in the same cool like voice "sup? the twins not enough for you" his tone though was not inviting.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 04:11:17 AM
Will returned from the bathroom to Alyx. He noticed she was crying "Ok, I'm back. Hey, are you alright?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 04:14:01 AM
He just look at him, with no emotion, and replied "I am just using them, for my own gain. Nothing more, nothing less."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 04:20:40 AM
Alyx quickly wiping her eyes smiled, feeling better "yeah!" she smiled wider "so...what was it you were gonna show me?" 

Devin snorted, he knew what the twins were like, they appeared stupid, but that was just a cover for something he already figured out...over hearing them talking about their sister...his target. "well, good luck with that, just to let you know, they are not all as they seem dude" one of the friends piped in
"seriously, they are scary.." a couple of them shifted uncomfortably in their seat. a silver open hood Lotus Elise drove by, the twins were in it, Amanda was driving. "hey, Hi'one wanna lift?"
Devin frowned and flipped them off, Angelica replied the same without even looking
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 04:24:41 AM
"I've seen and dealt with worse" Ho'ne disagreed "Yea, I need to get away from my goons I have over there" He shifted his head to where his chofer is at.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 04:28:47 AM
Devin rolled his eyes as he went back to his blared up music, Angelica got in the back and let the Ho'ne get in shot gun, as Amanda drove off. the twins were silent, for a moment before Amanda asked "so, you have an interest in my sister... Alyxandra, what do you want with her?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 30, 2010, 04:30:37 AM
"Hmmm... I missed the bus, was going to wait for the next to arrive, but then I saw you!" Cerise smiled, "You mind if I walk with you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 04:35:20 AM
He put his finger up to his lips and coolly replied "that is top secret info you're asking." He grinned making the comment "I'll let you know but I might have to kill ya" with a serious look. He looked at the surprise look and just laugh. "I am just playing." He grinned and slouched a bit "I am making a band. Not only your sister can sing, he can also play."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 04:36:58 AM
"Oh yeah! Its in my room. This way." Will showed her to his room downstairs. Opening the door, you could see the walls we're plastered with drawings of all sorts of things. The school was in some, as well as the auditorium. His mom was in a couple, as well as some self portraits of himself. There was enough pictures to make up the entire yearbook. Taking out a shoebox underneath his bed, he opened it up and took out a folded picture. "Here it is. Take a look." Unfolding the 8x10 paper, it turned out to be a portrait of his mom, perfectly detailed down to the smallest degree. "What do you think?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 04:51:28 AM
"WOW!" Alyx almost screamed. she was so amazed by the detailed artwork, she looked around, memorized by his work, she sat down cross legged in the middle of the room "wow..just wow Will"

Amanda laughed as she pulled out a CD case, put in the CD, and went to track four, 'My laughing Demon', the most popular rock song in the nation. the beautiful, enchanting song came through the speakers as Amanda handed him the CD case of the popular Black Rose. with the name written in calligraphy 'Lyrica Greene'
"shhh..its our secret... never notice why she has no music videos, she is a 'mystery' "
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 04:58:21 AM
"Everyone is. Some hides it better then others" Ho'ne remarked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 05:00:29 AM
Angelica and Amanda burst out laughing "sorry, you fell for it, that was just too funny though" they both knew that he was going to be difficult but since he was innocently want to start a band. they left the joke out "okay, so ...why Alyx, why cant you or one of your band members sing?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 05:08:41 AM
Ho'ne shook his head and brushed off the joke. "All my band members are in England. There is no point of bringing them here anymore."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 05:16:20 AM
"ahh..I see" Angelica finally said " though, Alyx is a classical musician..." they didnt want to do this but ..." if you wish to see her in performance, this Saturday is the Annual Classical Music Celebration, Alyx will be performing... most likely it will bore you but she will be on stage several times"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 05:22:56 AM
"Like I said 'Everyone is a mystery" he grinned
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 05:26:56 AM
Will beamed with pride. He'd never shown enyone besides his mom his artwork before. Then he got an idea. "Uhm, Alyx? Would you mind if I drew you? For real I mean."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 05:31:02 AM
Alyx looked at her new friend, smiling "sure you can"

", where do yo wanna go?" Amanda finally asked, they were downtown now, heading over to their own home "we are gonna go home"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 05:36:05 AM
"Just drop me off here" He didn't care where he was going. He just didn't wanna be home anytime soon.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 05:40:25 AM
Amanda pulled over "well, here you go" dropping him off, Angelica got in the passenger seat. and then drove off "okay, Amanda, why did you invite him?"
"because he wants our sister in his band, knowing him, he probably has more then just that in his plan"
"riiight..." Angelica replied "okay, so whats your plan?"
Amanda sighed "well, since Alyx classical performance is coming up, her music style is not the same as his.."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 05:43:22 AM
Will smiled as he took a notepad lying around and a pencil. "Okay, just relax and try to be as still as possible. This will only take a bit." Taking his pencil, he begun to draw the outline of her face. Etching ever so carefully with his pencil the finer details of her face. After about 10 minutes, he was done. A simple pencil sketch that rivaled most of his other works. "And signature here, and done. What do you think?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 05:50:22 AM
"wooow..." she stared at it for a while...she then pulled down her hair from a ponytail and took off her glasses " actually what I really look like" she pushed her hair out of the way. "but I prefer the drawing other to unreal" Alyx was indeed extremely beautiful, but she never liked flashing it around like her older sisters did...she averted her green eyes back to the drawing, it was soo...amazing
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 06:12:36 AM
Ho'ne just wandered a bit until he found a park "I guess I just chill here then"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 06:25:48 AM
Devin and his buddies saw that other guy in the park. slightly high from some...stuff, he stumbled from the car to the guy was standing. grabbing the cuff of his shirt, slightly lifting him "YOU! stay away...from Alyx, you hear! she is mine!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 06:31:37 AM
Suddenly Will realized he was gawking at her. Blushing, he came to his senses and begun small talk. "So why do you think the real you is so unreal? I think you look great either way."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 06:32:15 AM
Ho'ne was unphased from his threats "I suggest that you get your hands off me and continue your marry little way." He had a killer look in his eye.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 06:39:00 AM
Alyx laughed, her eyes lit up "thanks..." putting back on her glasses and her hair into a ponytail, from her bag, she produced two tickets "I am... performing in the Annual Classical Celebration, balcony and VIP passes for both you and your mom" she smiled "this Saturday, oh and its formal dress too...I would be delighted if you both came" in her weird way, she bit her bottom lip and looked over the rim of her 'glasses'

Devin shoved away Ho'ne, storming away angrily, he kicked over a garbage can....
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 06:47:53 AM
"Really? For me?" VIP and balcony passes to a concert and  a great friend all in one day. This was easily the best day of his life. He opened his door to tell his mom. "Hey mom! Alyx just gave us tickets for a concert she's playing in on saturday! Can we go? Please?"  "Hmm, I don't know Will. Saturday I've got bowling with my girls." Wills heart sank, his ears drooped. "But, but..." "Oh honey, I'm just teasing. Of course we can go. It's formal right? I'll iron your suit for you." Will began to laugh. Tears of happiness rolled down his cheek as he turned around and gave Alyx the biggest hug ever.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 06:53:10 AM
Ho'ne just act if nothing happened SIGH "This is why I hate jocks." It was getting late he decided to call in but he would give a different address. He like the park here it's nice and calm....a siding from the jock rage.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 06:58:01 AM
Alyx at first was startled. then laughed as she hugged him back. she just hugged him, having a huge grin on her face. "I'll have..." she counted with her fingers " seven performances, and hopefully they won't bore you" she pulled away and sat back down, she noticed something hidden in the corner of his room, a painting...she couldn't quite tell, but something about it drew her to it " that?" she asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 07:04:54 AM
Will looked at the painting he hid in his corner. In his haste to show Alyx his art, he forgot about it. Without saying a word he got up and walked over to it. Slowly, he picked it up and looked at it. Turning around he gave it to her to see. It was a picture like the one of his mother, except it was of a vicious shark baring its teeth. It had blood stained teeth as it was thrashing around the ocean. It wasn't a very fun picture to look at. "Sometimes, when I dream, I remember them so clearly that I draw them when I wake up. This one, this nightmare keeps coming. I don't know what it means, so I keep it here just in case one day I find out." "Alyx, will you be staying for dinner dear?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 07:13:05 AM
Alyx looked at Alice "ummm, I would love to" his mom left, looking back at Will, his pain stricken face pained her as well, deeply. from her violin case she silently drew her violin and bow, she began to play a slow, sad melody she wrote in the 8th grade... she called it "Broken" it symbolized her own broken family.  and the sadness deep within her heart she wanted to show him that she also, had something she couldn't figure out. when she stopped she opened her eyes. her striking eyes stared at him " there are no words...that can describe your pain Will, and no words I can say that will comfort you...actions of kindness and simple affection to one an other are steps to help a broken heart" ....

((intense moment of awesome connection!! hey Ho'ne, can I play as one of your band mates??))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on November 30, 2010, 07:17:36 AM
Ho'ne told his chofer to pick him up three blocks away from the park. He stands there waiting.
((Yea I but Im gonna ask you in the concert though))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 07:21:45 AM
((mmmkay)) Alyx felt soo good yet stupid saying that, the word 'affection' slipped out of her mouth, unsure what to say, she sat there...not quite sure what he will do.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 07:22:57 AM
Will was getting light headed, he was having trouble standing still. This wave of feelings that came over him was clashing with his previous happy emotions. The song she played emitted sadness so much, that he thought maybe she had some too. He wanted to talk with her more, but it was too much for him to comprehend at the moment, so he collapsed onto the floor. Just then, his mom came in. "Who's that playing the vioWILL!" She ran over to him to check if he was breathing, he was. Pulse was fine too. "Oh thank god Will. Don't do that to me. What happened to him?" She looked at Alyx, awaiting a response.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 07:28:11 AM
Alyx, who was admittedly freaking out tried her best to explain "Oh ma'am! I am so sorry, he was showing me that painting and I wanted to show him a song I wrote and he looked ill and collapsed!! Oh my goodness I am terribly sorry" she was on the verge of tears, she inhaled and exhaled slowly, to keep herself from crying. she put away the violin "ma'am, if I must leave then just tell me so"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 07:33:14 AM
"It's okay dear, he just collapsed from exhaustion. He must have had a long day at school is all." She took Will and placed him on his bed. "We should let him rest for now. I'll take you home." She smiled at Alyx, "He'll be fine dear, don't worry." She walked her to her car and begun the drive to her house. "Which way dear?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 07:47:28 AM
Alyx told her the directions to her house, ashamed of what she has done, she apologized again before leaving the car. she ran into her LARGE house, and into her room. placing her stuff down she went into the bathroom, she began washing her face as she began to cry hysterically. she felt like !@#$ for doing that. finding his info in her pocket, she left him a message, saying

"Will, I am so sorry, its all my fault...I didn't mean it to end like that, you gave me quiet a scare, hopefully you'll wake up feeling awesome tomorrow, I have no regrets meeting you today, you are truly an amazing person Will...see ya later, sleep well, bye"

even though it was 5:00, she went to bed. her checked in on her before they went to go cook dinner, they would wake her up later.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on November 30, 2010, 09:54:30 AM
max walked down the street towards his house when he saw someone standing alone on the side of the road. "you waiting for someone?" he said walking up to the stranger now in camo cargo pants and a loose black shirt.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 10:27:16 AM
"No, but I doubt we are going the sane way, I could walk you home though"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 30, 2010, 02:30:10 PM
"I'd like that." Cerise said softly as she blushed and looked down on the sidewalk.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 04:06:04 PM
He stared to walk and talk to her, telling her about how he loves soccer, some of his views on religion vs science, abdominal about how he hates but can't help the fact that he thinks political. As he was talking cerise lost her balance and almost fell, he grabbed her hand, pulling her up, and began walking again, but he didn't let go. He turned and looked at Ger waiting for her to catch up
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on November 30, 2010, 05:05:47 PM
Cerise walked to him, her hand still interlocked with his. They made it to the apartment buildings where she lived. "Thanks for walking me home." She smiled at him as she gave him a hug. She turned and walked towards the building, "I'll see you tomorrow!" She yelled, as she turned away smiling the whole way. It was nice, getting to know him better, Cerise couldn't help but feel excited and nervous for school tomorrow.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 05:18:11 PM
He waved as she left, he noticed his phone ringing, it was his dad,more or less. "Hey Susan, yea sorry walking a friend home.. Susan!" He began to blush, "yea ill wait to he gets here" he sighed
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 06:22:12 PM
Alyx woke back up around seven, she smelled food, getting up, not bothering to look presentable or change out of her pajamas, she went down the long flight of stairs, rubbing her eyes in the light of the dining room. Angelica, also in her pajamas noticed her.
"well, you look like a sexy mess" Alyx knew Angelica was teasing, she just glared at her as she sat down, still blinking. "whats going on?" her ears were a little lopsided, her hear a camera sound, Angelica took a picture of her on her black berry phone.  Alyx didn't bother to yell at her, she was to tired. Amanda brought out Pizza, her ears perked up. if there was one thing that all the sisters had a weakness for...was pizza.
"you hungry?" Amanda asked, Alyx took a slice "starving" she chomped down on the savory finger food. the sisters ate in comfortable silence. after the first, large slice, Alyx reached for another "where is mom and dad?"
Amanda made a very unattractive snort "where do you think?" Alyx thought for a moment "well, did Phillipe come by?"
"Bingo" they replied in Unison. eating their slices then grabbing another. Alyx decorated hers in parmasan cheese before eating it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on November 30, 2010, 08:19:26 PM
" Mr.Valentine, why didn't you want me to pick you up today"?, "Sam I told you sain is fine, and well dad said..", "oh I see... well get redy when you get home your parents are supposed to go meet the Phillips for work" "ok" Sain sighed
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on November 30, 2010, 10:36:00 PM
Will woke up, still very groggy. Looking at his clock, it was 7:30. He was in his pajamas even though he didn't remember changing into them. He found a note on his dresser from his mom. "Went to store to get medicine and tea. Be back later. Love Mom." He went into the bathroom to "go" when he caught sight of himself in the mirror. "Look at yourself. Pathetic. You had her in your room and you couldn't do it!" "She likes my drawings." "She pitys you. The only reason she even came over was to see how miserable your life is! You misbegotten freak!" "Stop yelling at me." Will was trembling. He felt like he was gonna break down and cry. "Or what?! You are nothing, do you hear me? NOTHING!" Will was in tears now, he couldn't speak. He lay on the bathroom floor, crying his heart out.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on November 30, 2010, 11:13:16 PM
Alyx began to worry about Will, jolting up from her chair she ran to her bedroom, picked up her cell phone and called him again. the sound of the ringing filled her ears...waiting
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 01, 2010, 01:57:42 AM
Will heard his phone ringing in his bedroom. Ghostbusters. He pulled himself together as best he could and went to answer it. It was from an unknown number. He never answered his phone if he didn't know who it was from. He let it ring and go to voice mail. He noticed he had a text as well. Opening it up, he saw that it was from Alyx. "Hahahahahahaha, she actually texted a freak like you! What a waste of her minutes!" Will just sat there looking at the message.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 02:52:47 AM
she heard voicemail "Hey, Will, its Alyx, calling to check up on you, hope you are doing gave me quite a scare, I was extremely worried that I hurt me back at this number, hope to hear from you, bye"

Alyx hung up, she sighed heavily, her heart beating wildly I seriously hope he is alright.... she thought to herself.

Gabriel and Felicity Phillips, wealthy business people and politicians. in the office, they barely looked at each other. they have always hated each other because of the arranged marriage. they waited for Mr. Valentine and his associates to join them in the office...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 01, 2010, 03:03:12 AM
The screen changed to notify him of a voicemail. If it was important, they'd leave a message, he always thought. Listening to the message, he heard something he hadn't heard in a long time. Silence. The voice wasn't there anymore. He smiled as he called her back. "Hello? Alyx? Its Will. Sorry I didn't pick up earlier, I didn't have you in my phone yet. I'm fine, I was just really tired. Are you alright?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 01, 2010, 03:08:43 AM
Sain sat out in the bored room, waiting for his parents to finsh with there meting with the Phillips.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 03:12:09 AM
" Hey Wiil" she replied happily. "I am totally okay, I was just extremely worried about you! I had a nap as well...glad your okay though"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 01, 2010, 03:26:06 AM
"That's good. I'm really groggy right now, but before I go back to bed, am I still invited to your concert?" Will's mom came home and heard him talking downstairs. She decided to listen in without letting him know.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 03:31:24 AM
"of course!" she replied with maybe to much enthusiasm " why would I ever change it? I seriously hope to see you there! now, get some sleep, you deserve it"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 01, 2010, 03:34:47 AM
Mr.Valentine looked at his fellow company, "a grand ball, like the ones in ancient Minfist, that is what we need, and only our most elite will get an invitation, makeing it that more extravagant" he smiled, he had a devilish look on his face, he looked at the Phillips, waiting for there reaction.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 03:39:34 AM
Felicity had a look of extreme approval, Gabriel eased back into his chair "what will come from it? the ball will indeed cost a great amount of money...and of course, how will this be able to help our plan Valentine?" 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 01, 2010, 03:39:58 AM
"Great. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye Alyx." He hung up his phone and realized he forgot to go to the bathroom. He opened the door and saw his mom at the top of the stairs smiling at him. He smiled back at her and went into the bathroom. Heading back to his bed, he turned around "Mom? We can still go to Alyx's concert right?" "I wouldn't miss it for the world." "Thanks mom." He went back into his room and crawled into his bed. Even though it was around 8 o'clock, he felt like he could sleep through the entire night.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 03:43:01 AM
Alyx closed the phone, a huge smile on her face, she did homework untill 9:00 then went to sleep...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 01, 2010, 04:29:24 AM
max walked down the street towards his house when he saw someone standing alone on the side of the road. "you waiting for someone?" he said walking up to the stranger now in camo cargo pants and a loose black shirt.
Ho'ne was about to answer when a black Cadillac came along. "Yea it just got here." He was about to step in the back seat, then he looked back. "Hey do you need a ride?" Ho'ne asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 04:35:14 AM
Alyx dreamed that was alarming......Alyx was on stage, but with no audience, she was singing her whole heart out, but no one could hear one..she then with a frightened voice began to list of peoples names she knew..."mom, dad, Amanda, Angelica...Will?!" she began to repeat his name over and over again...a crimson violin appeared in her hands...with a note that said "beloved"...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 01, 2010, 04:36:35 AM
"na, i live nearby. you should watch your self around here, theres allot of idiots." max said before continuing towards the park.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 01, 2010, 04:37:54 AM
Ho'ne replied "I would watch out in the parks...their is a angry jock on the loose" He put in with sarcasm and left in Caddi
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 01, 2010, 05:07:46 AM
max just smiled and continued walking, thinking about the four new people he had sort of meet in the last few hours.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 01, 2010, 11:45:28 PM
Will woke up feeling great. He reached for his glasses on his night stand to see what time it was. 12:03. Good thing it was saturday. His alarm should have woken him up earlier, but it was no-where to be found. Streching, he walked upstairs to make himself breakfast. He found his box of Captain Crunch, some milk, his batman glass with orange juice, and a bowl and spoon on the table. Another note from his mom was there. "Went to store to buy new dress socks. Love Mom." After he finished his breakfast and cleaned his plate, he went back to his room and found the invitation lying on the floor next to the picture of Alyx. He picked them up and sat on his bed. Putting the invitation on his dresser, he grabbed his coloring pencils and begun to color it in.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 01, 2010, 11:58:14 PM
Alyx has been dress rehearing for several hours, from six in the morning to noon. at one her sister was taking her to get her hair done. she hoped that it was not extravagant... as she practiced her solo, the composer stopped her "sorry Miss Phillips" he walked past her...she looked to see what was going on. to her elegantly dressed, tall, extremely beautiful fox waited by the stage "Miss. Douglas! excellent to see you here " Charlotte Douglas...her enemy in the musical business, the orchestra had the look of dread. every one disliked Charlotte. luckily due to her school work she could not be in this performance. Charlotte gave her a death glare as she approached " does it like to be in the spotlight tonight, ALYX" she said her name, almost spitting it. Alyx didn't reply, not wanting to cause a scene. Charlotte had to sit and watch this one.

Post Merge: December 02, 2010, 01:06:25 AM
Once the Rehearsal was over she called Will as she waited for her sister come and pick her up.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 02, 2010, 04:11:07 AM
"every one pay attention, this is an important opportunity to prove how good we are."  "its just orderves how hard can it be?" "and why do they need US, its Saturday!" "look, ether we work tonight, or we fail the course.......that's what i was told." max said to the enraged hospitality students that had been volentered to work the concert by the school. "OK we need waiters over there prepping your stations and trays." said a tall fox in black pants, a white long sleeve shirt and a black apron with the schools logo on it. "kitchen staff are with me in bays prepping the food and drinks." said max immediately after now back in his chefs uniform.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 02, 2010, 05:05:14 AM
Will heard his phone ring. He never gets tired of his ghostbusters ringtone. He checked the caller id. Alyx! He composed himself so as not to sound too glad to hear her call. "Hello? Alyx Hi! I'm doing fine, how are you? What time should I be at the concert?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 05:08:17 AM
"concert starts at sisters are gonna pamper me..." she said the last part with dread "hair, nails, shopping, everything...not looking forward to it." she smiled "but I have a feeling you will be mighty handsome" she was completely honest, she was never a teaser.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 02, 2010, 05:15:56 AM
Will blushed. He never thought himself much of a looker. "I don't know about that, but uhm anyway, I finished your picture that I started yesterday. I was gonna give it to you after the concert, if that's cool."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 05:24:00 AM
Ho'ne was in his room, with a white dress shirt and black tie, pants, and vest. About to put on his on his dress shoes, when there as a knock on the door. "Come in." Ho'ne answered. A servant walks through the door, with a phone on a silver plate. "Master Ho'ne, your parents are on the phone." Ho'ne replies "I don't wanna talk to them." The servant picked up the phone and talked to it. "Master Diheart, is busy at the moment-" Ho'ne heard muffled yelling as the butler pulled the phone from his ear. "Yes Madam." He listen to the phone. "Yes Madam. Yes I would tell him." The servant hang up the phone. "Master Ho'ne, your parents wants you to know to enjoy the concert, be home early." "Thank you James." Ho'ne replies. "Oh and NOT to get into trouble" James said rolling his eyes. "Yea thank you James, I owe you for taking the hit." "Yes I let you know what I want soon." As James leave, "James, do you mind coming with me to the concert?" James looked at him with a smile "Be honored Master Ho'ne." "Lets go we are gonna be late. Oh I also got a box and backstage access." Ho'ne said as he put on his coat. "Mmm? No wonder your parents said not to get into trouble." James said as he he help Ho'ne to put on his jacket. "What is your plan, Master Ho'ne?" Ho'ne replied "All in good time James, all in good time." As they left the castle.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 05:28:17 AM
Alyx smiled in delight "i would be honored" she smiled, a loud car horn blared in her ears... "AUGH! YOU GUYS!!!!" she yelled at her anxious twin sisters. "i gotta go" she groaned. " see you soon!!"

((TIME WARP!!!! just a step to the left...and a jump to the right...))

Alyx stared at herself in the mirror of the so called 'dressing room'. her sisters...went full OUT!! even though she wore a simple black gown,manicure and pedicure, her hair was a simple, yet extremely elegant hair do. she had no idea they ordered a diamond jewelery set. necklace, bracelet, earrings...Alyx was more shocked then surprised, sighing heavily to herself she stared at the clock, waiting... it was only five thirty. many people gave her bouquets of beautiful flowers...some were in vases...and a bit on the extreme side. she removed her glasses and set them in her bag. her heart pounded with excitement and fear
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 05:38:24 AM
Ho'ne and James sits there waiting on the box waiting for the show to start. "Master Ho'ne the girl that is preforming. She goes to your store doesn't she?" Ho'ne just siting there reading the pamphlet. "Yes she does, I heard she is good too." "Mmm..." James just said. Now they wait for the concert to start.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 02, 2010, 05:39:18 AM
"get those out!! jenny the quiches need to come out! where did the other half of my staff go!!!!!!" max yelled, barely maintaining order in the now hurrying kitchen as wait and kitchen staff rushed about getting finger foods out to the people arriving for the concert.

a few minutes later the door opened to a medium sized storeroom and max stood there with a handfull of lit firecrackers. he threw them into the room full of his missing staff, shutting and holding the door until all the firecrackers had gone off. "BACK TO WORK!!!!" he shouted opening the door again to see the twenty or so startled students.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 02, 2010, 05:48:31 AM
Will was in the car with his mom. She wore a simple black dress and raised shoes. She also wore earrings studded with fake diamonds. He was wearing a simple black suit and tie, his hair combed back and shoes shined. His glasses made him look like Marty McFly at the prom. They parked in a parking ramp next to the concert hall and walked inside with his picture, covered in brown paper bag sheets. They walked up to the gorilla valet guarding the balcony stairway and showed him their passes. Checking them for authenticity, he opened the velvet rope to let them pass. "Whats in the package?" Will was petrified at the gorilla talking to him. He could barely sputter out a word when his mom chimed in. "Its a gift for one of the performers sir. He would like to give it to her after the show, in person, if that's alright." "Of course Madam. Just gotta check. Here's a tip for ya kid, chicks dig confidence." He chuckled as he closed the rope and returned to work. They walked up the stairs and found their balcony. Setting the picture before him, he sat down in his chair. Making sure his phone was off, he quietly waited for the concert to begin.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 05:57:45 AM
Alyx heard in the distance,something that sounded like odd.she shook her head, sighing heavily. her door suddenly opened, her mom came in "Alyxandra!" she sang. she wore a lovely dark blue gown. her sisters also came in, wearing matching lighter blue ones, more form fitting though. "we just came by to say, good luck!!" her mom gave her a kiss, took a picture and left. her sisters followed. alone..again. she heard the orchestra stop practices, she left her dressing room only to be greeted by her fellow performers, the guy she was doing a duet with. in his twenties, a very handsome black wolf. "good luck Alyx"
"you too Malcolm"

as the lights died down and the audience stopped talking. a white cat woman came on stage, dressed in a peach colored dress. "Good Evening and Welcome to the Annual Classical Celebration!"
Audience applauses. she spoke again "tonight, many talented performers will perform the most famous pieces to share with us tonight. but please let me introduce our first guest, Malcolm Bishop, a student at the Royal Academy of Music, he will perform 'Music of the Night'!! "

Malcolm appeared on the stage...and began

after his performance was over, the woman came back "now our next performer, is one of the great classical success stories in the past twelve months, she has attended several academies to reach this level of skill, known nation wide, please welcome, Alyxandra Phillips and in her performance, Think of me!"

Alyx stepped onto the stage as the audience clapped loudly, she slightly curtsied. before it grew quiet again

Think of me, think of me fondly,
when we've said goodbye.
Remember me once in a while -
please promise me you'll try.
When you find that, once again, you long
to take your heart back and be free -
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen,
or as unchanging as the sea -
but if you can still remember
stop and think of me . . .

Think of all the things
we've shared and seen -
don't think about the way things
might have been . . .

Think of me, think of me waking,
silent and resigned.
Imagine me, trying too hard
to put you from my mind.
Recall those days
look back on all those times,
think of the things we'll never do -
there will never be a day,
when I won't think of you . . .
(music )
Flowers fades,
The fruits of summer fade,
They have their seasons, so do we
but please promise me, that sometimes
you will think of me!

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 02, 2010, 06:57:27 AM
Listening to the first performer, Will begun to feel relaxed. Royal Acadamy or not, he thought Alyx would be better. After his performance, Alyx was introduced as someone who was known nationwide for her musical skills. "Nationwide?" Will looked at his mom who shrugged back at him. He couldn't believe he was friends with a nationwide star. As the song began, Will begun to feel the same as yesterday. Her music was so beautiful that it put him in a trance. His mom noticed and helped steady him. He wasn't going to pass out this time. He was determined to hear the whole song. And he did. By the time the song was over, he was quietly crying. He clapped as loud as he could for Alyx. He stood up in the balcony and clapped until it hurt, then clapped some more.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 07:17:45 AM
Ho'ne grinned "Mmm I want her now." Ho'ne thought. "James I am going to the restroom. Stay here and enjoyed the show. Don't worry I'll be back." James looked at him with serious "You better Master Ho'ne." and continued to watch. Ho'ne took the elevator to the first floor and continued to walk to the backstage. "Do you have access here?" "Yes, I do" Ho'ne pulled out a badge from his inner pocket. "Here you go, Sir." The bodyguard looked at the badge "Sorry your Highness. I didn't realize who you were." Ho'ne just grinned at him "At ease, You are just doing your job." Ho'ne said as he passed by "Thank you sir." Ho'ne walked past furries carrying prompts and stuff. "Ah here is her room" It read Alyxandra. Ho'ne walked in the room, full of flowers and letters. He found a armchair near the door. "And now I wait." As Ho'ne sat on the door.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 02, 2010, 11:10:30 AM
max was pleased to see the entire staff working properly (after his little show of intent) so he decided that he would take the food for the performers along with the head waiter Ricca. (the fox from earlier) the two took the cart of different foods backstage, soon getting swarmed by both performers and staff. "max take these round to the rooms of the two on stage." Ricca said handing him the two trays.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 03:27:14 PM
Alyx exit the stage. sighing heavily as her beating heart pounded in her ears, she had to go in her room real quick to get her violin, when hse opened the the door, the over powering smell of flowers threw her off for a second, she grabbed her violin, as she turned around, she saw Ho'ne, startled she jumped back "holy crap!!"
"Alyx! you have three minutes!!" the stage hand told her. "okay" she called back, she put her hands up "wait here" grabbing her violin and bow she left her room.

her performing partner in this one, a talented tap dancer, she was going to duel of who can be faster. as began to dance on the stage, Alyx in the shadows played her violin at the same wicked speed as the dancer.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 07:15:34 PM
"SORRY!" Ho'ne yelled when Alyx left. "I think I scared her a bit" Ho'ne thought to himself. "Oh well. Lets see what's there to read here" Ho'ne took out a pamphlet and read it "Mmm I wonder how good she is on the piano?" he mumbled to himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 02, 2010, 07:21:31 PM
max walked into the room and was a little startled that the room wasn't empty. "hello again, so why are you here?" he asked putting down one of the trays of foods.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 02, 2010, 07:25:09 PM
Will watched the dancer and listened to the music. According to his playbill, Alyx was playing offstage. He listened intently to the sounds filling the concert hall as he thought about why someone as famous as her would like a nobody like him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 02, 2010, 08:06:29 PM
Sain and his dad came walking in the back, sain holding a bundel of flowers, his dead waking with a smug look. They both walked in her dressing room, sain's dad loooked at hone with a look of judgement, "why are you here" he abrutly said.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 09:47:18 PM
nationwide...ha!! she laughed to herself as she continued to fiddle my dad must of switched the introduction...i absolutely hate it when he does that... song ended, dancer bowed and Alyx left stage. she stopped in her door way when she noticed...many people in her dressing room "can I help all of you??" she asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 02, 2010, 09:57:26 PM
"Ah miss Phillips must of been a quite a long time since I seen you, you where by yea high" he said giving a devilishly handsome yet still slightly smug smile, sain offered the flowers.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 10:17:20 PM
James looked at the time on his pocket watch. "Master Ho'ne has been out too long, I wonder if went back stage." James got up and exists the box and heads his way towards backstage.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 02, 2010, 11:16:52 PM
Cerise handed the meals to the guests sitting down and watching the performance. She was a waitress for the night since her mother was able to talk to a friend to get her here. She walked into the kitchen where it was all hectic. "Here, these are for table 21." They handed her two plates as Cerise quickly went off into the big auditorium.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 11:19:13 PM
"oh, thanks" she took the flowers and placed them gently on the table. she recognized him, but then seeing Sain...she remembered him as his Father "yes, i remember you vaugely though, deeply apologize..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 02, 2010, 11:29:53 PM
"No reason to remember an old fart like me" he began to laugh, then his face became hard, and his voice stern" Give this to your father" he said, handing her an envelope, he smiled once again, "your doing a wonder full job girl, come Sain, let us be off" Sain waved as they departed.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 11:31:20 PM
"bye..." she gave a slight wave.she looked down at the envelope, then to Ho'ne "and, may I help you now?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 11:36:43 PM
James looked around for any mischief that Ho'ne had made. He notice the girl that was preforming tonight. Talking with somebody else. He walked up to them. "Excuse M-" as the door shuts. Sigh

Post Merge: December 02, 2010, 11:39:24 PM
Ho'ne got up and looked at Alyx. "I have a request." as he got closer to her, pinning her closer to the wall. "I want you-" putting his hand on the wall she is leaning on. "To join my band" He smile pleasantly.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 02, 2010, 11:40:30 PM
Cerise went out to the back, 'Finally, my break time.' She sat on one of the chairs in the hall. 'So tired...' she thought to herself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 02, 2010, 11:43:43 PM
"really now?" she asked, craning her face away from his, but still looked at him she never liked the idea of being pinned against the wall. "why is that?" she glanced at the clock...had to be on the stage in ten minutes, after the orchestra piece.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 02, 2010, 11:56:38 PM
Ho'ne just smiled "For starters you have a beautiful voice." Easing up "You show that both in the cafeteria and tonight's concert." Ho'ne said as he looked at the beautiful flowers in the dressing room. "Lilies....How nice," He took one and smelled it. "poisonous for some but a lovely jester for spring." Ho'ne stopped and looked at Alyx to see if she was listening. He cleared his throat and started back again "And your two lovely sisters told me you played various of instruments. Piano was one of them. I only ask you to join me," He picked up the violin look as if he was recalling memories. "You don't have to answer now of course." As he puts the violin back in it's place. "I can wait after the show for your decision." Sitting back down on the armchair.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 12:58:38 AM
"I appreciate you compliments..." she said slowly, she had six minutes left. "what kind of music is it?" she asked.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 03, 2010, 01:12:45 AM
"I play from anything that can involves rock. That includes soft rock, grindcore, deathcore, tech-rock, hard rock, metal, both death and black, etc etc." waving is hand on the last part. "Of course I can provide the equipment. I got a couple of songs that we can do. All I need really is a bassist, or guitarist, and a drummer. You can be our lead singer. I like to do more grindcore then anything, but of course I don't mind playing softer songs."  Ho'ne pause for to think for a minute. "Shouldn't you be ready here soon?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 01:50:31 AM
she nodded, as s stage hand came in "you on Alyx!" she left the room, but as she did so...Jayden, another performer pulled her by the hand. draggin her onto the stage, as the music began, and dipped her...oh hell no! she thought in horror. Jayden began to sing his song. forcing to dance with him ballroom style, she was ungraceful and awkward, and everyone laughed. finally he placed her in the piano bench where she did her piece...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Sol on December 03, 2010, 02:03:22 AM
Sol listened to the melody of the song, and applauded as yet another musician left the stage. It was good to be around other people, but he still felt alone, and if it was up to him he wouldn't have it any other way. Glancing back at the kitchen entrance once again he let out a sigh. Rhythmically tapping his fingers he thought to himself, "wheres my damn food?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 03, 2010, 02:06:55 AM
James was waiting out the door, then Alyx stepped out. "Excuse m-" cut off once again. "Oh fiddle sticks!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 03:06:57 AM
Alyx quickly exited off stage when she was approached by her teacher. "remember, yu have a dance performance, change into this quickly" she looked own at her outfit, sighed then went back to her dressing room.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 04:17:36 AM
Will was beginning to get that feeling. "I gotta go to the bathroom Mom, I'll be right back." She nodded as He made his way through the hall. Asking for directions from one of the bell boys, he found his way to the bathroom. I hope I'm not missing anything good, he thought to himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 04:50:16 AM
Alyx decided not to go back, so she changed in the bathroom, when she finally changed, she was met by her sisters...wearing the same exact outfit. black tube tops, black dance pants and jazz shoes "ready lil'sis"
they stared at her, a ahrd look. Alyx rolled her eyes "yees..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 05:15:43 AM
Will left the bathroom feeling much better. To his surprise, he saw Alyx with her sisters near the womens bathroom. "Alyx!" He jogged over to the group, noticing they had matching outfits on. Seeing her like this, Will begun to blush deeply. She was very beautiful tonight.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 05:25:23 AM
Alyx's heart leaped when she heard Will's voice call her name. she turned around "WILL!" she cried, opening her arms to hug him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 05:37:27 AM
He grabbed her and gave her a mighty hug. "Y-you sounded a-amazing out there!" Letting go of his hug, he saw her face. He didn't think it was possible, but she looked even better up close. He noticed the twins glaring at him. Gulping, he turned back to Alyx. "Uhm, d-do you have to g-go on st-stage soon?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 05:46:44 AM
Alyx glared at her sisters, but they only rolled their eyes and walked away "not really" she smiled, hugging around his waist. she could hear his pounding heart...she smiled. "i am so happy you are enjoying yourself..." she then looked up at him "I find your stuttering very adorable" she said with the up most honesty.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 05:52:53 AM
Ho jeez, she likes my stuttering oh jeez. "R-really? Y-you like my st-stutter?" Will remembered the Gorilla. Confidence, schmonfidence. Wills heart was like a freight train. Having her hands around his waist didn't help to slow it down. He fixed his glasses as he looked back at her. "W-well, I like y-your outfit."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 06:01:01 AM
she smiled , she was a humble person, never really into stuff like this. but she looked at the time, she had ten more minutes. a CRAZY idea past through her head, she never had the urge in her life to...kiss someone. I am seriously going insane... she told herself.
"ALYXANDRA!!!!!!!" oh boy... her sisters had to desperate to yell like that....spotlight freaks. "I gotta go...see ya later, okay?" she said in a groan. but before she did, she kissed Will on the cheek, blushing she gave a small wave then ran, her sisters, who saw everything yelled excitedly "OH MY GOD ALYX DID YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT!!!" for the whole world to hear. Alyx spread out her arms and began to pretend she was flying...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 06:11:22 AM
Will just stood there, stupefied. He put his hand to his cheek and watched as Alyx ran down the hall. He turned around, his face frozen in a look of pure bliss. He walked back up to the balcony and sat down. "There you are, I was beginning to wonder if you fell in. What kept you?" Will just stared out into the concert hall. "Will? Honey, are you okay?" "I think she likes me Mom." "Who, Alyx? Did you meet her on your way to the bathroom?" Will nodded as he rubbed his cheek, his smile growing. His mom knew a thing or two about love and could tell what happened. She smiled as she looked up towards the ceiling, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "He's growing up John. Just like we wanted."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 06:23:12 AM
"Alyx and Will huh...." Amanda stared at her, then at Angelica "i think you guys look so (censored) adorable together"  Angelica nodded "well, what can we say, Alyx is finally in looove"
Alyx, did not reply to her sisters teasing. she couldn't possibly be in love, more like....a huge massive crush that...yeah, might crush someone. she shook her head as she stretched. unlike her sisters, Alyx was not a natural born dancer, but since her sisters were so picky about the body, she too had to become a dancer to keep her "figure". the music went on, she pulled a emerald sash around her waist along with her emerald mask, at several different times, the three sisters came out, doing a solo. once done with the, they danced in unison. the colors, green, purple and blue. flashed, the dance ended with each sister in a complicated and flexible position. Alyx, being in the least flexible position. piece ended, audience was over...except for the party that happened for VIP members only.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 06:34:02 AM
Hearing that the show was over, Will and his mom left their seats and headed to the backstage to meet Alyx. Will was still in shock after the kiss, so his mom had to show the bouncer their VIP passes. "Whats with him?"  "He's just a little starstruck," she said, winking as she did. Working their way through the crowd, they found Alyx's dressing room. Knocking on the door, they waited for a reply. "Alyx honey? Its Will and Mrs. Artello. Can we come in?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 06:37:34 AM
Alyx changed back into her gown. she opened the door "yes! hi, please come in!" she stepped aside, seeing Will, she gulped, she wasn't going to pretend it never happened, but she offered Alice and Will a seat "please, sit!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 06:43:51 AM
"Thank you dear. Will? Didn't you have something you wanted to give to Alyx?" Will snapped out of his daze long enough to remember his picture. "O-oh yeah. Uhm, Th-this is for you Alyx. Its the picute I d-drew for you." He handed her the picture, trying his best to keep his composure.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 06:55:25 AM
she took the package carefully, opening it eagarly, she smiled with delight at what she saw "oh! you colored it" she smiled "oh Will, its beautiful"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 03, 2010, 10:53:53 AM
max walked back towards the kitchen with Ricca, "nothing but the after party left, hope the others kept the kitchen in order." the two walked past sol and noticed how lonely he looked. "hay you hungry? theres plenty of leftovers in the kitchen if you want." max said opening the door to the kitchen. "I'm going to kill them........" "why?" max looked into the organised, empty kitchen. "they ditched us.........looks like this just got interesting. and as for killing the others, wait till Monday and I'll help........."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Sol on December 03, 2010, 11:46:20 AM
Sol began to follow the two staff members, and as he looked around it seemed as if they were the only ones left. "what happened? You two get left behind?" He asked, looking at the deserted kitchen before them. He'd already waited 30 minutes for food, and it looked as if now the only way to get it would be to make it himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 03, 2010, 12:25:44 PM
"yea you could say that..... the others left so now the two of us have to finish the setup of the after party before we can go." max said showing sol to the leftovers. "help your self to anything here." he smiled noticing a note. 'sorry we ditched on you guys but we did our part. i was even able to convince the others to finish up with the setup. see you on Monday.' "hay Ricca, you gotta see this!" he called walking away, leaving sol alone with the large containers of foods.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 03, 2010, 05:10:18 PM
Will beamed. "Y-you really like it?" This made him very happy, yet also very confused. Meeting his first friend in years only yesterday and already he got a kiss from her? He didn't want to get too excited just in case it was some silly crush, but couldn't help himself. The feeling was too great to ignore. "H-hey, um, d-did you wanna grab some food?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 03, 2010, 05:53:17 PM
A waiter came by to tell Cerise her break was over. She got and followed him as they were heading into the room where the after party was being held at. "Ok Cerise, you're going to be walking around the place with a plate of drinks. You offer drinks to people, of age of course, they accept and once you run out go to the back to get more. Go it?" Cerise nodded, "yup, no problem." She smiled as the waiter left to talk to the other employees. 'Dont they have the good life.' She thought, as she went over to the back.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 03, 2010, 06:29:16 PM
"yes I am very hungry!" she smiled as she gently set down the picture, it was framed, she sure was gonna hang it up. she really didnt want to go to the VIP party...but since food was there, she decided to go with it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Sol on December 03, 2010, 08:16:42 PM
Sol looked at the containers in front of him. "eh, better than nothin" he thought, and began to chow down. He took a box of the food and went over the the door. Looking through the window he saw a few furrys left, just cleaning and setting up for the afterparty. Meanwhile musicians & others alike began to enter the party room. "guess its time for me to get out of here." Sol set the container with the others and walked out of the kitchen. He began to for the exit when he realised his jacket was still laying on top of his chair. "ugh" he said as he walked back to get it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 04, 2010, 12:22:31 AM
Ho'ne stomach growled. "Mmm, I should of ate before I came. I guess I should go and get something." He got up and left the dressing room. "Master Ho'ne that's where you where." Ho'ne looked behind him and found James waiting by the door. "I been looking for you Master. What are you doing in there?" Ho'ne continued to walk towards the hall. "Getting Miss Alyx to join my band James" Ho'ne replied. "Another band? Don't you think you already upset your parent with the last one?" James pondered as they entered the hall where everyone was eating at.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 04, 2010, 04:06:07 AM
Entering the hall where the party was, Will begun to feel uneasy. He had felt it the entire night, even before she kissed him, but now he had to ask. "Uhm A-alyx? Can I ask you a question?" He gulped. He wasn't sure if he was ready for the answer. "W-why do you want to be my friend? You're a nationwide star, and I'm j-just a nobody. Why me?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 04, 2010, 04:25:24 AM
her eye twitched at Nationwide star "I am not actually Will, my father lied to the audience..." she smiled up at him. when she saw her father in the crowd, a death glare was shot in his direction
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 04, 2010, 04:51:41 AM
"You're n-not known nationw-wide? You should be. You're v-very good." His mom chuckled to herself at her son's smooth talking. They walked to one of the tables with some crackers, cheese, and assorted meats on it. "S-so even if you're not famous, why would you want to be f-friends with me?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 04, 2010, 05:28:40 AM
Alyx smiled "because I wanted to, i don't know how to explain it but...I am very drawn to you lets just say"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 04, 2010, 06:05:07 AM
"Piiittyyyyyy" Will shook his head. Not here, not now, please. "Then c-can I ask you another question? W-why did you kiss me? N-not that I'm C-complaining! It's just that, well we've known each other f-for 2 days is all. A-aren't we going a little f-fast?" Will felt like he had an entire butterfly garden in his stomach.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 04, 2010, 06:09:35 AM
Alyx stared straight into his eyes "I have no idea why..." she told him honestly "trust me, I am just as confused as you are" she she smiled "but I don't regret it" a waiter came by with eclaires, she grabbed two and handed one to him "I..sorry that it happened.."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 04, 2010, 06:18:38 AM
Will took a bite of his eclair. Chewing for a bit, he replied, "I'm not." He gave her a small hug to show he meant it. "I don't w-wanna hurt you. If it's alright with y-you, I'd like to just be f-friends for now." He took another bite of his eclair. Man these things are delicious. He noticed her sisters staring at them from across the way. He turned his head towards the floor and pretended not to have seen them.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 04, 2010, 06:23:35 AM
Alyx's heart sank...her brain agreed to be friends, but her poor heart seemed to be broken, she pulled on a happy smile as she ate her's. they were good, she noticed her sisters "don't mind them" she said gently "they only have claws in a pack" her stomach fluttered, she could barely eat, she felt so hurt somehow, but right now was not the time. she smiled and grabbed some punch, giving the crystal glasses to both Alice and Will, then grabbing one for herself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 04, 2010, 06:36:46 AM
Alice nodded to Alyx as she took the punch. Alice saw a cat with drinks walking by. She didn't normally drink, but this was a special occasion so she took just one. Will took his punch and took a sip. "Thank you. It's n-not that I don't l-like you Alyx, I do. You've shown me that maybe I d-don't have to keep hiding myself anymore. B-but I don't know how to be a good b-b-boyf-friend." He didn't even want to think of that word, let alone say it. "Scaaaaarreeeeed." His heart lept up into his throat. "I-I don't wanna lose my only friend." He couldn't help but feel sad. He was so happy earlier, and now it was gone. If he could, he'd kick himself for ruining this night.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 04, 2010, 06:45:29 AM
Alyx was extremely touched "I don't know how to be a good girlfriend" she smiled gently, "but if friends makes you more comfortable then I understand" she blushed and looked at her feet. her sisters started to make kissing faces. Alyx blushed even more.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 04, 2010, 08:48:15 AM
Ho'ne looked around the dinning room. He saw four familiar faces. The first two was the twins. He saw them making kissy faces at a direction. Ho'ne followed where their eyes where looking and found Alyx and the lynx he saw yesterday at school. "James, I found some 'friends' I would like to greet first before we sit down." Ho'ne said as he moved towards the twins. "You know, if you keep that face up, it will stay that way." Ho'ne remarked as the twins continued to make kissy faces.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 04, 2010, 11:08:30 AM
"do you two need anything" asked the head waiter Ricca walking past Alyx and will. "hay i saw you and max yesterday, never seen him be so friendly with a stranger before. do you know him?"

max walked into the kitchen and noticed sol. "your free to join the party if you want. go out and socialise you look like you could use some company."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 04, 2010, 01:34:08 PM
Cerise went to the back to put more drinks on her plates. She pulled out her cellphone and looked at the time. 'Gonna be a long night.' she put her cellphone away in her pocket and walked over to the person pouring drinks. "More already?" She asked as Cerise nodded.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Sol on December 04, 2010, 03:42:43 PM
"oh uh, wow thanks." Picking up his jacket he made his way back into the main room. Standing quite akwardly, he noticed  everyone was talking to one another and was caught a little off guard. Looking for a table to sit down at he thought to himself, where can i get a drink? (not a beer)
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 05:02:34 AM
Alice's phone buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out, she saw it was her work. She looked at Will with an apologetic face. "Sorry honey, I gotta take this." Will nodded as he continued to mingle with Alyx. The phone call was her boss, she was needed at work right away to fix a critical error. She hung up the phone as she tapped her son on the shoulder. "Will, honey, that was my boss. He needs me at the office right away. We're gonna have to leave early." Will felt like he'd been punched in the gut by Mike Tyson. "B-b-but we just, we just started the after party." "I know dear, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you and Alyx, I promise." Will turned to Alyx, looking in her eyes. "I gotta go. Thank you inviting us to the concert. This has been the best night of my life Alyx, thank you." He gave her a hug and started to leave with his mom.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 05:21:36 AM
"Oh, your welcome!" she hugged Will, then Alice. "you know ma'am, I can take Will home after the party if you want?" Alyx sighed heavily "my sisters...hired a limousine and driver"

The twins smiled at Ho'ne. "so?" Amanda continued to watch Alyx. "in about..." she looked at the clock "twenty minutes she is gonna give a performance on the piano..." pointing to the red velvet red curtain. "she does not even know she is" Angelica commented.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 05:27:52 AM
Will's ears perked up at the thought of staying. His sad mood replaced instantly with happiness. "Can I mom? Can I please?" "That would be great Alyx! I'll just have to add you to our christmas card list." She hugged Will as she left the hall and walked to the car. "Hey Alyx, who's that guy talking to your sisters over there?" He pointed towards the trio.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 05:32:06 AM
"his name is Ho'ne...he wants me to join his band..." she rolled her eyes "I don't like all" music started playing, people, mainly older couples started to ballroom dance. Alyx curtsied "shall we dance?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 05:34:19 AM
"Really?" looked a bit happy. "I have yet to greet your sister and tell her how beautifully she played." Ho'ne grabbed one of the twins hand and kissed it. "I fare thee ladies" and grabbed the other one and kissed it as well "Abdul." Ho'ne left to see Alyx leaving some where. "Well then I guess I have to wait for a bit" Ho'ne thought. "Come James lets find our table." Ho'ne said heading the other direction.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 05:46:16 AM
Will did his best to bow, but ended up doing so very awkwardly. "I don't know much, a-aside from old movies, b-but I'll try." He took her arms in the position, and begun to dance with her, again awkwardly. "Why don't you l-like him? Is it because he's friends with your sisters?" He was beginning to get the hang of dancing.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 06:01:30 AM
"no...he just, so cocky, I don't like it, full of himself as you may say...but I may just be guessing, I really don't judge people harshly, he just gave me a bad impression"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 06:38:54 AM
Meanwhile, Alice was driving to her office when she begun to feel woozy. "Up, Maybe I shouldn't have had that drink." The car begun to veer off the side of the road as she struggled to maintain control. Unfortunatly, she wasn't able to. The car slammed into a tree at 55 mph, crushing the front end and shattering the windshield. Alice was out cold. "This is OnStar. I've detected that you've been in a crash. Police and Ambulance units are on their way."

Will continued to dance with Alyx. He was beginning to smile again as they danced. He knew he didn't want to have a serious relationship, but this was really nice.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 06:49:01 AM
Cerise stared at everyone dancing and smiled to herself. They all looked so happy. "Hey, get back to work!" The head waiter gave her a stern look. She quickly apologized and went about to walking around the large ballroom.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 06:51:13 AM
Amanda went to the stage, she signaled the guy to shine the light on Alyx "Alyxandra ...please come stage and give us a performance...please?"
Alyx stood there, mortified. but as everyone stared she charged to the stage to the piano. "one song!" she yelled. she stared at the piano....she banged on the keys, making such an unattractive song before she marched off the stage and out the party hall, infuriated
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 07:09:42 AM
Sain grabbed Cerise by the hand, pulling her next to him, he slid his finger tips into the palm of hers, and smiled. "Dance with me?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 07:10:02 AM
"Well that was rather disappointing" Ho'ne said as he continued to eat his steak dinner. "But I bet she plays better than that. SIGH  I wish I could hear her play, for real." Making a disappointed face.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 07:17:12 AM
Will thought of something to say to help Alyx feel better. After all she had done, he had to do something. The only thing he could think of was, "Do you wanna go outs-side?" He extended his hand to her and smiled gently at her, as if to try and make her feel better.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 07:20:08 AM
She smiled at Sain, "I'd love to." She laid the plate down as she walked with him onto the middle of the room. Cerise glanced at the waiters as they gave her a confused look, but she shook it off, it didn't matter to her at this moment.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 07:22:38 AM
Alyx smiled "yeah..." she smiled, hopefully the cold air will help... she quickly wiped away the angry tears..."there is a garden out back..."

Post Merge: December 05, 2010, 07:24:33 AM
Amanda sat next to Ho'ne "lets talk..." she said sternly "about Alyx...don't worry your not in trouble, its important"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 07:30:01 AM
"Sure thing." Ho'ne put his fork and steak knife. "What's there to talk about?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 07:33:20 AM
He put his arm around her waist, holding her palm in the other hand, he danced with her. He seemed quite elegant and smooth, and he was, he had done this before he could read, but on the inside he wasn't so swab. His heart was pounding, her hands where to shake ecstatically if her where to remove them from hers, he looked down at her looking into her eyes, "forgive me if this seems..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 07:40:23 AM
"Alyx is a stubborn child, you already know that...she is not used to all this sincere attention. if you want to gain her trust, you need to become friends with her...don't shower her with gifts or anything. come in smooth...Alyx is sharp, clever and does not trust easily. Alyx would make a great singer for your band, and we know that. your not the only one who has offered her a lead position"  Amanda took a champagne class, saluted him and took a sip " if you only want her for the money...thats kinda low, unless you see her on a deeper level"

((Sain, you heart thorb :P))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 07:46:26 AM
Will let Alyx lead him into the garden behind the concert hall. It was filled with beautiful flowers and Paper lights. They sat down on a stone bench as Will looked at the flowers. He turned to Alyx, still wiping away tears. "D-do you want to talk about it?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 07:51:16 AM
Alyx half laughed to herself. she sat down "i am generally upset about my sisters parading me around like a poodle...and my confused feelings." crap...he is not ready to know yet! that I have a massive crush on him...but too late now  her hands rested in her lap as she stared at the lovely paper lamps. she half smiled, it was sad... sad smile
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 07:52:35 AM
Cerise looked up at him blushing, she couldn't say anything, it was like her body had a mind of its own. Her face slowly moved up towards his, her eyes closing.

((He is XD lol))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 07:54:02 AM
"Thank you for the tip. I'll remember that." Taking a glass of champagne taking a sip of it. "Oh I am not into money. I have plenty of it. I merely looking for approval." Ho'ne quickly added in before she left.  
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 07:57:55 AM
He leaned in, slowly embracing her lips with that of his own. He could feel her smooth skin, The heat of her breath, if his fur wasn't so dark he think he about be as red as he is purple. He pulled back looking at here, "...haste" he said, finshing he sentence.

(( so lost, idk what that is @.@ ))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 08:02:46 AM
Amanda smiled, approaching Angelica. "I think he likes her..." she began. Amanda shrugged "maybe, but its hard to tell with him, he is quite charming though" recalling the kiss her planted on their hands.
"well it makes sense..he is obviously interested in her..." Angelica added in again
"he is attracted to her music, and I can't blame him...when she sings that 'one' particular song...I l aways cry"
Amanda and Angelica nodded in agreement as they clinked their glasses...

(( I said "Sain you heart throb" and Moonfiz agreed...lool oh btw I will get the envelope to Mr.Phillips))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 08:07:47 AM
"James I think we should go now." Ho'ne said as he got up and left. "Already? I mean it isn't even over yet." James protested. "Yea, I know it is getting late here. We should go." Ho'ne said waiting for James. "Well that is a surprise." James muttered under his breath.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 08:11:36 AM
Amanda remember something...she sneaked Alyx contact info into his jacket pocket, she smiled in amusement as she went on socializing.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 08:12:59 AM
"I didn't mind at all." Cerise looked at him, her arms wrapped around his neck. "You saved me from my job." She softly chuckled.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 08:15:25 AM
Ho'ne was looking for his phone in his jacket when he found a piece a paper with a phone number. It gave a big smile as he looked at Amanda "Thank you" he muttered under his breath as he left.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 08:22:09 AM
((I know I mean I don't know what that means >> ))

He smiled, but then his face had droped, it went from happy, to sad and fearful. when they tunred to look who it was, it was his dad, his face was hard and stern, "come my boy let us be off you wouldn't want to keep your mother waiting now would you" he said in a smooth gental voice, his face was now soft and happy. Sain nodded, walking away, he tunred to wave and say bye, but he felt a deathly stair in the middle of his neck, as he was riding home his dad tunred to him, "what where you doing with that.. filth. She is worthlee, she isn't worthy to be assoicated with a valeninte, she is just the help, she will live like a dog, and DIE LIKE ONE" his father yelled, he riased his hand, and sain tightned up and flinched. He put his hand down, "the help.. al they do is filth of our world"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 08:28:02 AM
Gabriel Ringed Mr. Valentine...

Amanda nodded in return. her mother approached her "where is Alyxandra? I need to talk with her about her embarrassing performance" the twins tensed, if their parents knew she was ... having feelings for Will, she would be in deep trouble. "I have no idea mother..." Amanda replied. Angelica went back to socializing, her mother sighed heavily "when you see her, tell her that I want a word with her"
"yes mother"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 08:35:10 AM
She waved back to Sain as he left with his father. "Uhhmmm..." Cerise slowly turned around to see the head waiter. "Your lucky no one has complained about this, now get back to work your suppose to service these people not dancing with them. Who do you think you are, a princess?" He handed Cerise the plate of drinks as he left. A lady came by a took a drink as Cerise let out a small sigh and continue on pacing around the place.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 08:37:13 AM
"C-can't you talk to your parents?" He was reminded of his mom, of how she was always there for him. He couldn't imagine someone's parents not. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it. Whatever it was would just have to wait.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 08:38:00 AM
"Hello, ah yes Gabrial, did you recive me letter?"

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 08:44:52 AM
"No..." Gabriel grumbled "why? did you give it to one of my daughters?" Gabriel rubbed his temple "also, I need to tell you that one of our allies bailed out on us"

Alyx snorted "talk to them? no, in the Upper Class world, its all about status, nothing good ever comes out of self image" she sighed as she stared at Will. "I am...very sorry for kissing you earlier" oh, dang it, she was going to say it "but I REALLY like you... a, alot on the romantic side then the 'friends' side...I know it makes you feel uncomfortable and I will not ever do anything to you that makes you feel uncomfortable" she smiled "hopefully thats helps you understand why I am so frustrated"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 05, 2010, 08:54:14 AM
When Ho'ne got home, he sunk out of his room in his regular clothing. He hoofed it to the park he liked. He found the same bench he sat and relaxed. "Should I call this number?" He began to question himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 08:56:02 AM
"I j-just don't want to hurt you Alyx. You're the only f-friend I got." He took her hand and brushed her hair back. Looking into her eyes,  "I-if you really want, we could..." His phone buzzed again. He sighed as he took out his phone, twice in a row must mean its important. It was a text from an unfamliar number. He opened it up and silently read it. His face froze as he did so. He read it again to be sure he didn't misread it. Frantically, he checked his voicemail from the earlier call. It felt like his heart stopped. His hands begun to tremble as he sat there, paralyzed. "Alone"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 09:01:31 AM
seeing the look on Will's face, she became immediately concerned. "Will...what's wrong?" her voice was shaky with concern "will?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 09:11:52 AM
"Muh, muh, my mom's at the hospital." He could barely speak. He looked at the text again, it had a number he could call for a free ride to the hospital. He dialed it and gave them the address to the concert hall. He hung up his phone and looked at the ground. "They'll be here in 5 minutes. I should go wait out front." He got up and walked off towards the entrance of the hall. He shuffled past people like a zombie. "You can't help her."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 09:17:04 AM
Alyx was horrorfied. but she had...a crazy idea. grabbing Will's hand she quickly dragged him away from the crowd and down to the parking structure where lines of expensive cars sat, they approached a black ferrari scuderia. she used the code to unlock the car "get in" she found the keys and put it in the ignition "god I am gonna do something stupid" she turned the car on, the loud, purr like sound of the engine was music to her ears...she was a sucker for cars.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 09:20:15 AM
Normally, Will would have protested that they weren't old enough to drive on their own, but due to the shock of hearing that his mom was in the hospital, he couldn't think straight. He strapped himself in and stared into the windshield.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 09:29:00 AM
Alyx looked at Will, her heat reach out to him, as she leaned over and kissed his other cheek...god she was hopeless... "she will be okay" she said before she decided to take him out of the shock, top speed, street race style, down the ramp, on the turn she did a drift, tire squeals echoed and engine roared. before she hit the streets, at the required speed.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 05, 2010, 10:35:35 AM
"Jake, who do you think you are giving orders?" asked a stern voice from behind the waiter confronting Cerise. he stood perfectly still, frozen in place as Ricca walked up behind him. "go and help max in the kitchen." she demanded turning to Cerise "don't worry about Jake, he just likes to think hes in charge but max and i are." she smiled calmly tacking the tray off her. "you can go if you want, looks like its winding down. just check in with max first."

max dashed around the kitchen finishing both drinks and foods at once.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 05:20:48 PM
Will couldn't do anything. He felt the kiss and the adrenaline from her driving, but he couldn't move. It was as if he was looking through a body that wasn't his. He was twitching slightly. It was like yesterday, all the emotions he felt, but worse. He was beginning to feel queasy as she drove. He knew he didn't have much, if any, control over his body right now, but hoped that he wouldn't lose it while in the car.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 05:21:37 PM
"Oh... I see... it matters not they will be dealt with," he squeezed his champing glass in his hand, "severally" he laughed, "now about that letter, children what can you do with them, " he eyed sain as he said this, "but the details are within it, it shall be Sunday after next, I will have only the best performers there, so will you daughter be OK with hiding in the shadows?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 05, 2010, 06:47:07 PM
"yes, I think she will" Gabriel replied, he then noticed his Ferrari zoom past seeing Alyx. his face became hard and angry. "what about our betrayer Valentine?"

Alyx stopped infront of the ER. "go now!" she said shaking him "WILL!!" she yelled at him, shaking him "snap out of it! your mom needs you!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 05, 2010, 07:10:35 PM
"Don't worry" he said walking into his office now, "ill have my men deal with them, tell me public, or private" he said with a smile.

Sain rest his head down on his bed, that was his first time, what happend why did he do that. More importantly why does he feel the urge to do it again.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 05, 2010, 07:32:24 PM
Will shook his head, trying to unclasp his seat belt, but fumbling. Finally getting out of the car, he ran into the waiting room. He ran to the receptionist and tried to ask her where his mom was, but couldn't speak. "Will Artello?" He nodded. "Not many Lynx come by here. The doctor will see you in a moment. Please have a seat." The receptionist picked up the phone as Will found a seat. "You could have stopped her."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 05, 2010, 09:41:25 PM
Cerise thanked Ricca as she left to the kitchen. "Um I'm going to be leaving now." She said as the head waiter turned around and gave her a look.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 06, 2010, 04:28:26 AM
After awhile of thinking Ho'ne decided to call. It was dialing, so he was relieved that it wasn't a fake number.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 06, 2010, 04:31:08 AM
Alyx saw her phone, it rang her fathers name, she sighed as she drove back, she wanted to be with Will, but right now he needed space. as she sped back she went to the parking structure her father...was waitinf for her in the next spot over. crap.. she thought to herself. she didn't bother make up a lie. that sneer he wore was not a good sign.

"Make is public Valentine...more humiliation" he then closed the phone, Alyx began to shake and she gulped nervously. she bowed her head "father..." she said as calmly as she could.  he circled her "my GPS told me you drove MY car to the hospital...why?"
"I was helping a friend, his mother was in a car accident" she replied truthfully. her father stopped in front of her, he was tall about 6'3, muscular and menacing. his green eyes showed no love...for anyone. his jet black was slicked back. he was handsome, but scary.  "who is your friend Alyxandra?"
"William Artello"
"ah yes...Alice Artello is one of my employee's, an extremely good one at that, she was in an accident...sorry to hear that" his voice unemotional. Alyx gulped. he stared at her.
"do you have any...close relations to Will?"
"we are just friends father"
"really now? do I expect to believe that? he is very handsome"
how dare he ask a question like that! she did not say that out loud. how can he see through her like that. "Alyxandra, I want you to know this. through out our family history, we do not concern ourselves with the matters of love it always gets in the way of everything"
Alyx heart was being crushed. she wanted to cry, but she dared not to show her weakness. " partnership is more valuable then emotions"
LIAR!! she thought. her heart was beating so fast. "thats why your mother and I are married...we are together because our parents brought us together and we are happy"
Alyx couldn't take it... she was being punished for her helping someone she found dear to her. "but father-"
"don't you dare interrupt me!" he snapped, she became quite. he sighed "I am allowing you to be friend with Will because his social status is reasonable and his mother is a very good employee of mine, a hard worker. I am sorry to hear that she is in a painful situation that might put her job on the line"
Alyx became very frightened "Father, if it pleases you, I will pay with my own money for the medical bills instead of the insurance policy you offer"
Gabriel smiled and patted her head "why, thoughtful of you to take responsibility"
"please...don't fire her..." the mind on a man who was always about business had a secret soft spot for his daughters, "I won't, she is a valuable employee..." he began to walk away, Alyx didn't realized that she was holding her breath. her phone rang, she scrambled, finally she opened it "hello this is Alyxandra Phillips?" the number was unreconizeable
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 06, 2010, 04:37:41 AM
"Alyx? Umm, Hi!" He realized he sounded stupid saying that. "This is me, Ho'ne." Hoping she won't hang up
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 06, 2010, 05:03:16 AM
damn...the twins she thought " are you" she replied, right now, he was innocent, so she thought she would give him a chance.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 06, 2010, 05:09:31 AM
"Listen, I want to apologize for my behavior in the dressing room. I am really sorry if I made you uncomfortable in anyway.  I tend to get carried away. A lot" He added at the end. "I hope we can start over and forget that ugly mess."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 06, 2010, 05:12:30 AM
"go ahead just be careful, there may be some drunk people out there." max called to cerise seeing her heading out. "hope you enjoyed your shift." he smiled as if to say that he knew why she was heading home.

(one quick thing the head waiter is Ricca and the head of the kitchen staff is max.)
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 06, 2010, 05:14:19 AM
"its fine...I have gone through worse, like being force kissed by Devin Marshall" yeah...nasty memory, though she did get the satisfaction of kicking him where the sun don't shine. "but anyways, I think you want to hear my answer to your question about your band"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 06, 2010, 05:20:56 AM
Ho'ne almost forgot about it. "Yes, please."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 06, 2010, 06:02:42 AM
"I...will join your band, as long as you agree to one thing, you need to let my friend Will come to practices if he wants too"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 06, 2010, 06:08:34 AM
"Yes of course!" almost yelling with excitement. "Who is your friend? Can he play? I'll teach him if doesn't." asking so much with little breath he had.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 06, 2010, 06:16:46 AM
The doctor came into the waiting room. "Will Artello?" Will stood up. "Follow me." He followed the doctor down the hall. He almost didn't want to see what happened to his mom. "Your mom is very lucky to be alive Will. Just a broken sternum, broken arm and some bruising is all she sustained. If she hadn't been wearing her seatbelt, she probably wouldn't have survived." Will was stunned. His mom almost died? He pushed the thought out of his mind as best he could. "Here she is. Be careful Will." He turned into the room to see his mom lying on the hospital bed. She was wearing a neck brace and had tubes running into her arms. Her left arm was in a cast while the rest of her was in a hospital robe. She was awake at the moment, and she was glad that she was. "Will! Oh honey I'm so glad to see you." Will walked up to his mom, gently squeezing her good hand. "Are you okay mom?" "I'm fine, thank you. Listen Will, I'm not going to be able to come home for a while, so you're gonna have to take care of yourself. Take my card from my purse and use it to buy yourself food. Will nodded as his eyes welled up with tears. "That's my son." "Okay, we have to let her rest now Will. We'll give you a cab to take you home." Will looked at the doctor as if he just asked him if he wanted to kick babies. He turned back to his mom, who smiled at him reasurringly. "It's gonna be okay Will. I'll be fine." Will swallowed as he nodded back to his mom. He took her credit card from her purse as he went back into the waiting room. He realized that Alyx had left him. He didn't even notice until now. Not that he expected her to stay, but it would have been nice.

(Back at Will's house)

Will entered the dark house, not even bothering to turn on any lights. "Look what you have done." He walked downstairs to the bathroom. "Your mother is hurt because of you" He used the toilet and went into his room. "You could have stopped her, but you we're too busy having fun." Will couldn't keep it in anymore. He fell to the floor, curled into a fetal position, and cried his eyes out. He vomited until there was nothing left. Dry heaving, he cried until he was too tired to stay awake. He fell asleep on the floor, waiting for the next day.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 06, 2010, 09:23:04 AM
((Ohh okies my bad serp XD;))

Cerise walked to the nearest bus stop looking down at the sidewalk. If it was one thing that made her nervous, it was walking alone late at night. She thought about her kiss with Sain and it made her calm down a little. She smiled to herself and blushed just thinking about the kiss. Just as she got to the stop, the bus pulled up. Cerise sigh with relief that she didn't have to be out here longer, as she quickly went inside the bus. As she sat down, she pulled out her cell and sent a text to her mom. 'Just got on the bus, going to be home soon.' It said. She put away her phone and laid her head against the window, as she tried to fight the urge to go to sleep.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 06, 2010, 10:37:31 AM
"hay max, its time to finish up but no one is leaving." Ricca said leaning through the kitchen door. "I'll see what i can do." he sighed walking past her. he silently climbed up onto a clear table and politely asked for everyones attention, "may i have your attention? the night has come to a close and you all seem to be having so much fun but i must inform you that if you do not leave i will be forced to make you." no one paid him and worry and disregarded him as a blowhard. "OK then....." he walked back into the kitchen irritated at their ignorance. "well you tried.......please don't do anything stupid." "no promices!" he called grabbing a bag from under a steel countertop. "just tell me, is all the glassware out of there?" "yea why?......." Ricca asked now a little worried. max stood up with a BB gun and a small rubber ball. "this should get them out fairly quick." he grinned walking back into the dinning area.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 06, 2010, 03:33:24 PM
"Good" he said as he hung up the phone, he called a new number, "8am , at the school use the gray one" he hung the phone up and smiled leaving his office.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 07, 2010, 01:05:29 AM
Alyx sighed "no he can't...but his name is Will Artello...look, I am sorry but I got to me tomorrow around... 3, sorry bye" she hung up.

Alyx drove home in the Ferrari that night. when she got home, she got out of her gown, showered and dressed in pajamas. taking her phone, she called Will, it went straight to voice mail...

"Hey Will...its Alyx, I am very sorry that I left, I had to deal with some family issues. otherwise I would of stayed...I sincerely hope that your mother is okay, I am very worried. please call me when you get this message, otherwise, I hope you don't mind me coming by tomorrow...Sleep well"

((serp, lol, dont scare them :P))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 07, 2010, 10:26:38 AM
"oh no you don't!!!!" Ricca said grabbing him and pulling him back into the kitchen before anyone noticed him. "and what were you intending to do with that?" "well when a rubber ball is fired out of a BB gun, it ruptures into smaller rubber bullets that leave bruises at the worst." he said in an evil-matter-of-fact voice. " many of those drinks have you downed?....." "just...." he rolled his eyes trying to think "if it takes you that long to remember than you've had to many. stay here, I'll clear out the guests and your coming home with me so i can keep an eye on you." Ricca turned to leave the kitchen but then stopped. she turned around and grabbed the BB gun off max then went out into the main hall.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 07, 2010, 04:46:55 PM
The cab driver stared up at Kitt "Where did you say your going?" Kitt sighed and held out a piece of crumpled paper, deciding against trying to use his limited English again, an address and street name scrawled across the paper. The Cab driver grunted and handed the paper back "You have some money right, kid?" Kitt nodded and the driver jabbed his thumb over his shoulder "Jump in then..."

Sitting alone in the back of the cab, Kitt watched the city roll by through the window. The Cab driver glanced in his rear-view mirror and grinned "New to the city? Where're your parents kid?" Kitt looked away from the window and shrugged "They are home... I come here to get schooling." The driver nodded appreciably and turned a corner  "Ah, 'migrant then? Kinda young arent you?" Kitt shrugged again and turned back to the window, ignoring the driver's curious stare...

The block of flats rose up from the street, though only twenty floors it was taller than any building Kitt had seen. Even when he'd gone to the nearest town to his home village it was mostly small. The cab drove away as Kitt walked up to the front door, carrying all of his possessions in his single rucksack. The door opened, thankfully, to the key that had been posted to him. Leading into a small stairwell that lead up to the tenth-floor, and the small apartment therein.

Kitt reached the apartment, locked the door, dropped his bag and himself onto the small bed, and slept... A new city, a new country. And hopefully, a new life...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 07, 2010, 05:50:05 PM
((Time warp time))

Sain got out of the car, with his father right behind him, "good bye my boy, get to class, wouldn't want you to be late" sain sighed as he took a breath and left. His father put on some dark shades and walked over to a man standing by the school, "are you sure you don't wish to reconsider?", "yes" the man said abruntly "well then", his father handed the man an envalope, when he opend it his face tunred into panic, "wait please don't!" He ran at sains dad pleading, he simply put his hand on his chest and slightly pushed him back, putting his hand back in his pocket. A gray SUV flyes in front of sain's father plowing the man into the school wall, nearly cutting him in half, he had blood dripping from his mouth. "This is why I wear shades, give that to your wife will you, maybe she will be more helpful." He said turning away, and getting back in the car.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 07, 2010, 09:42:37 PM
Will awoke in his pile of dried fluids. His glasses were stained from lying in them all night. He didn't remember if he had school today or tomorrow. He didn't care. With great effort, he stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As the hot water ran over him, he thought of his mom in the hospital. He wanted to cry, but there was no tears left in him. "What's the matter? Can't shed a tear for your poor mom?" Will worked on getting the vomit out of his fur and wiping his glasses. "No surprise really. If you had gone with her, you could have stopped her. Having gotten his fur and glasses cleaned, he exited the shower and dried off. "You couldn't be bothered to think of her though." He went to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and a glass of water to clean the carpet in his room. Kneeling down, he began to scrub. "You were too busy having fun, with her." Will was getting annoyed. "Shut up." "If you hadn't been dancing with her, you could have saved your mom." His hands were trembling as he struggled to hold the glass. "Shut up." "It's because of Alyx that your mom is in the hospital!" "I said Shut UP!" With all his strength, Will threw the glass at the wall, shattering it and coating several pictures with water. In a blind rage, he tore down every single one, ripping them all to shreds. "Stop yelling at me!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 07, 2010, 10:01:19 PM
since Will din't call back, Alyx became worried. her dad, surprisingly gave her the ferrari. she took the sleek black car to Will's house. she knocked loudly "Will?" she called, no answer. should I? she thought as she reached for the door. it was open, she slowly turned it, opening it slowly. "Will?" she called. she gasped when she saw dried up vomit, the place was trashed... "oh no.." she said to herself. "William!" she called out "are you okay?!" she had her phone out, ready to call 911.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 07, 2010, 10:07:18 PM
Will heard Alyx's voice. He came out of his room and came upstairs. While his face was clean of vomit, his eyes were still puffy and red from all the crying he did. *sniff* "I'm okay Alyx. Wh-what are you doing here?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 07, 2010, 11:48:43 PM
Cerise got out of the car and walked to the school doors. She was able to take the car today since it was her mothers day off and she was glad because the public bus was always full of rowdy people.When Cerise got there, she stood against the wall. They had formal dance classes at the school during the weekend and she wanted to try it out on her days off.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 08, 2010, 01:33:34 AM
'The deed is done, I leave the clean up for you, when you feel it should be done' a text Mr. Valentine sent to Mr.Phillips, Sain sat there looking at the other pepole he was the only one not paired up, 'dam' he thought to him self. "Mr. Valentine, shall we," the teacher sighed, gesturing for him to get up and dance with her, "fml.." he mumbled under hi breath.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 02:37:50 AM
"i called you ... I got worried..." she smiled "well, I have a couple things I want to talk to you about...hopefully you'll be okay with it" she went into the dining room. "Will, if you don't mind, I am going to pay for your mothers medical bills" she sighed " because I can't help but feel guilty... but also because you and your mother are very dear to me"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 02:41:54 AM
"She admits it! Its her fault!" Will ignored the voice in his head. "Why d-do you feel guilty? You didn't m-make her crash. B-besides, h-how can you p-pay the medical bills?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 02:55:05 AM
"Will, my father is a multi - Billionaire...and I am using my money to pay for everything, why do you ask I feel guilty, because I should of been careful, taken good care of your mom..." she teared up slightly, but she smiled "but, she didn't lose her job...I made sure of it" she smiled. "its the best I can repay you for my carelessness"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 03:09:27 AM
"My mom c-can take care of herself, she just lost control this time." Will walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. "But th-thank you. This means a lot to wait, did you say multi-billionare? As in, you're family is rich?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 03:15:12 AM
"yeah... my family is...super rich, always has been for generations" she didn't say it with pride like others would have. she looked around " you get dressed and I'll lean up, and don't you dare say that I can't because I am rich!" her stubbornness was exposed as she strode over and began to clean up the mess.... " you want to get get well flowers for your mom before we go to the hospital?"

Gabriel re read the letter from Valentine as he was at the sight. mess cleaned up and not a speck of evidence left. he then texted Valentine the mess is cleared the date for the dance can be possible, but how about a more extravagant ball, Such as a Masquerade on Halloween, we can call it "All Hallow's Eve Ball"? just an idea to consider
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 03:24:31 AM
Will looked down to realise he had been wearing a towel this whole time. He went to his room to change, trying to soak in that his first friend was loaded. "We can use her." That was the last straw. That voice had taunted and pushed him for the last time. "YOU SHUT THE **** UP ABOUT HER! SHE'S MY ONLY FRIEND AND I WON'T LET YOU TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY! SHUT UP ABOUT MY MOM! SHUT UP ABOUT EVERYTHING FOREVERRRRRRR!" Will was just yelling at the wall, his fists balled in anger. He had never said anything like that before. It felt good to let it out.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 03:36:27 AM
as Alyx was cleaning, she was startled by Will screaming about something, she had a small cut on her finger, with a hint of blood. she sucked on it for a bit. better. she finished quickly, she loved cleaning. all the pictures that he didn't tear badly she placed them neatly on the coffee table. she was humming as she worked. all clean, she didn;t mindcleaning up the vomit I really hope Will and Alie get through... she sighed as her phone buzzed...dear lord, it was her mother. she answerd anyways
"Alyx, darling, can I get your opinion on something?"
"let me guess, you can't decide wither or not cream cloth would look better for the wedding or not?"
"how did you know... anyways, your sisters also think the cream would better, but I think we should go more white?"
" what shade is it?"
"almost bleach..."
"don't use it...cream and gold look lovely together"
a pause before her mother squealed with delight "yes it does!! okay gotta go!" *click*
mothers... she thought as she hung up with an amused grin.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 04:11:32 AM
Will picked out some blue jeans and a Lord of the Rings t-shirt. He walked upstairs and saw Alyx cleaning up the mess he made. The pictures we're stacked on the table, his stains cleaned up. She was really good at cleaning. "Alyx? I kn-know I asked you this before, but I w-want a serious answer this time. You're rich, beautiful, and t-talented. I'm a nobody who turned down your f-friendship the first time. Why did you r-really want to be my friend?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 04:24:48 AM
she smiled at Will, she held out her hand "Will, I want to be your friend because your the first time ever who has valued my friendship, all the people who were my friends wanted to get close to be because they knew of my family status. and also, why would a boy like you want to be friends with a rich, beautiful talented girl... who hasn't had one true friend in her life because like all the other people have stereotyped me as a snobbish, rude, greedy person when I am not? I see you...and I think 'my god, does he actually see me for who I am?' I am just an ordinary, everyday kinda girl... with a family who actually know how to belong in a world of Wealth...and also, because you have a big heart, and I truly value that, and I am so disgusted by all those bullies who are too god damn blind to see that"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 04:42:11 AM
Will took her hand, brought her close, and kissed her. It was very awkward, as he wasn't very good at it. He pulled away, and looked her in the eyes. "Thank you." He went into the kitchen and rummaged through the refrigerator. He found a granny smith apple, his favorite. He took a bite out of it and grabbed the carton of V-8. "You want something to eat?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 04:48:04 AM
Alyx stood there, under her fur, she was blushing the deepest red ever... "N-no t-thanks" she replied to his offer. she she stood there shakily as she twiddled with her thumbs..her heart and mind were doing the salsa... deeep breaths Alyx, its just a kiss, deeeeeeeeep breaths....... she tried that...didn't work "w-well, shall we?" as she mentioned towards the door
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 08, 2010, 06:03:07 AM
Cerise still stood by the wall, not knowing what to do. It was her first time here so everyone already had assigned themselves a partner. She looked down at floor, "Excuse, are you the new student?" She looked up and saw the teacher infront of her. "Yes." Cerise replied. "Oh that's great, finally a partner for mr. Valentine, mr. Valentine come here! I found a partner for you!" She called to him. Cerise blushed when she saw it was Sain that was going to be her partner.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 06:26:58 AM
"Yes, lets go see my mom." He came back, apple finished and thrown in the garbage. He grabbed his house key and opened the door. "Ladies first," he smiled as he thought about how good of a mood he was in. Not 15 minutes ago he was blindingly furious, and now was extremely content. Maybe all the feelings he'd been holding back finally built up to the point where they caved in, causing him to have a mental breakdown. Maybe he was tired of being anti-social and wanted to start making friends. He didn't know, but he decided to think about it later.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 06:31:12 AM
*inside Alyx's mind*
Oh gosh, I cannot believe that this happened to me! I mean what do I do or say to him! just play of, no, no...kinda tried that, didn't work, kiss him...nooo, that would not work either. god I am so hopeless... maybe tell him again that you like him no, no, no,no  he is upset about his mom, that would be too much on him right now... Alyx went through the door to the Ferrari...Will's mood suddenly changed, she smiled as she approached her new car "yes...I have a sports car" she grinned as she leaned against it. she dangled the keys "can you drive?"

Gabriel was at his office, doing some paper work, he happened to look up and his eyes landed on Alyx's photo. her gently picked up the frame and held the photo. she looked like a movie star in this picture. he set down his pen and rested his chin on his knuckles... then he picked up the frame of the twins. Angelica and Amanda, age 18 Alyxandra age 17...the name he picked out for her instead of Amelia. he loved his daughters dearly. even though he wanted a son, but his girls filled that empty hole in his heart that his unfaithful wife could never fill. Now...if I only treated them with the love and care they deserve, allot of the things in the past would have never happened...if I never left you Cadence...maybe our girls would be happier he thought to himself as he set down the frames in their proper place.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 08, 2010, 07:47:03 AM
max woke up in a strange bed, he felt the black velvet under his scaled skin. he opened his eyes and saw an upside down clock reading 1:27PM, he looked around slowly holding his head. the room was dark black. the door opened and Ricca stood there with a tray of food. "so your finally awake." she smiled walking towards him "so do you like my room?" "please tell me i didn't do something stupid last night?" he said taking the trap thankfully.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 08, 2010, 08:32:30 AM
Locking the door to the house, he walked up to the Ferrari. "Unfortunately, no. I was supposed to take my permit test on my birthday, but I never got around to it. Would you mind driving again?" He took off his glasses and wiped them as he spoke.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 08, 2010, 02:19:58 PM
((Emrelda that text was sent to your dad))

Sain looked up and saw Cerise, "hi there.." he said, not wanting to hurt her. There couldn't be any harm in taking a class with her could there? No, of course not, he took her hand a gently pulled her in his arms, "He is such a lovely dancer" the teacher said.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 08, 2010, 05:24:18 PM
"So, your from... Slovakia?" The prefect looked down at Kitt hesitantly, eyebrows raised as he looked over the young wildcat. He himself was a wolf, dark furred and blue eyed, an awkward silence stretched out for a moment "And... You speak English?" Kitt nodded "Yes, I speak. But little..." The wolf sighed thankfully "Ah, good. We dont have anyone in the school who speaks-... Who speaks your language. So its good you know some English already, anyway, I'l show you round the site a bit."

The tour was short, and the prefect's explanations of the different areas even shorter. Finally he pushed open a door and smiled "This is the Design-Tech area. I guess this is where you will spend most your time. Your taking Motor maintenance and Woodwork courses right?" Kitt nodded and glanced around. The room was large, machinery lining the walls of all shapes and sizes, the smell of fresh cut wood prevalent everywhere. He grinned "It looks very good. Better than school back home."

The prefect nodded and glanced down at his watch "I gotta go kid, you'l be alright alone right?" Not waiting for an answer the wolf turned and headed out of the room quickly, leaving Kitt alone in the room, wondering where on earth he was supposed to go...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 08, 2010, 07:15:45 PM
"define stupid." Ricca joked. a little while later the two were in her lounge room watching TV. both max and Ricca were completely comfortable around each other, max sat upside down so his legs were up on the back of the chair and his head hung near the floor, Ricca was laying across the lounge using Max's bare chest as a pillow. "what are we watching?" "i....don't you know where the remote is?" "no......i thought you had it." "well then i guess we're watching the mystery show."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 08, 2010, 11:21:42 PM
A girl walked in to the main design-tech room, through one of the several double doors, that Kitt could only presume lead to other classrooms. She was feline, silvery fur and while not stunning, she held an air of quiet attractiveness. She grinned and wiped her hands on the green apron she wore over her clothes "You the new kid then?"

Kitt nodded, tail flicking anxiously "Yes. I am told, to go and meet my teacher. But I do not know where..." He trailed off into quiet mumbled, bashfully stumbling through the sentence. The girl's smile merely widened "Your from Europe then too. I'm from Britain myself, small city called Sheffield, moved over here with my step-dad." She walked over and took him firmly by the hand, still grinning "C'mon. Miss Arstel will want to talk to you..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 08, 2010, 11:28:09 PM
((I know it was))
"sure" Alyx got into the car, and started up the engine... she waited for Will to get in.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 12:16:47 AM
She smiled at Sain, "I didn't know you took classes here." she said, as they started dancing. "Wow, your teacher is right." Cerise kept messing up while they were dancing, while Sain was excellent with his steps.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 12:50:33 AM
"I don't know why I do this, I'm better then every one here" he wish he didn't say that, "I meant that I had more experince then every one else, I've done this for my whole life, but you seem to be doing quite well"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 01:25:31 AM
"Thanks." Cerise grinned. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble yesterday Sain." She looked at him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 01:44:28 AM
"It's far from your fault" he said looking down at her, and turning away
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 09, 2010, 05:09:35 AM
Will hopped in the drivers side seat and buckled up. As they started to drive, Will began to wonder about Alyx's dad. "So w-what does your dad do that m-makes him so rich?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 05:21:07 AM
"well...he owns several huge media companies such as National Media, Harmony Records, The Daily Caledonian . my father and mother both own the biggest Fashion industry in the world, I am sure you have heard of it through your mom, its called EnVouge?" she turned when the green light came on, she looked around breifely for a florist shop. "yes, also miniature industries that are connected to them"  she found the florist shop. she didn;t get out of the car yes "so, yeah... very difficult"

((I made them up lol))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 09, 2010, 06:48:39 AM
Will was speechless at hearing the name EnVouge. His mom worked there, and thus, worked for her dad. "I'll be j-just a minute." He walked into the flower store and purchased 2 roses. He wasn't gonna pay 50 bucks for a dozen roses. He got back in the car and continued their conversation. "S-so, your dad owns EnVouge? My m-mom works there."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 06:56:04 AM
she nodded slowly "yeah...luckily my mom doesn't know about your mom yet, she is not as ... understanding as my dad" she looked at the roses..."be right back" Alyx bought a dozen roses, and a get well card. when she came back she put them in the trunk "your roses..." she smelled them and smiled happily  "you have excellent taste, its rare to find fragrant  roses" she drove off and parked close to the hospital entrance. she handed Will the Get Well card "don't tell your mom, yet about the bills, untill she asks about it, I kinda want it to be a surprise"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 09, 2010, 07:08:48 AM
Will looked at her roses, then back at his. It was the thought that counts, right? "O-ok." They walked up to the receptionist, who directed them to the same room as last night. Alice was sitting up watching tv when they came in. Instantly, her face light up. "Will! And Alyx too! What a surprise." Will walked up to his mom and hugged her, being careful of her casts. He showed her the card and roses. "Alyx helped me pick these out for you mom." "Oh thank you. They're beautiful. Alyx? Would you excuse me and Will for a minute? I need to talk to him in private. You can have him back in just a minute." She winked as she finished her sentence. "Mom!" Will began to blush.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 09, 2010, 07:12:33 AM
Ho'ne was in his green house wasting away the day.I need to make a band meeting Ho'ne thought. "James, would you kindly hand me the phone? I need to make a call." James comes in the green house. "Here you go Master Ho'ne." handing him the phone. "Thank you James." Taking and dialing the phone. "I hope Alyx and Will isn't too busy"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 07:16:11 AM
Alyx laughed "its okay" she left, back to the receptionist, who looked up at her "can I help you?"
"yes, I am here to pay for Alice Artello's medical bills" the receptionist laughed. "you?! nu uh!"
Alyx needed proof. so she handed her credit card. the bill turned out to be $3,200. and the receptionist eyes bugged out "umm...okay Ms. Phillips, if you just take care of some of the paper work"

**moments later**

Alyx returned to the bench and waited, a doctor came by in a flurry "are you Ms. Phillips?" the doctor asked, at the time, Alyx was reading a book she started on last night, she looked up "yes, can I help you sir"
all he said was "thanks you, for helping Mrs. Artello" before walking away. Alyx only smiled "your welcome..." her phone rang, it was Ho'ne, she picked up "Hello, Alyx speaking"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 09, 2010, 07:20:07 AM
"Good afternoon. If you not too busy I wanted to call a band meeting" Ho'ne said while tending to some plants.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 07:22:04 AM
ah..of course she mouthed "well, what time? at the moment I am at the hospital, visiting a friend, but later around...4 o'clock I should be free from then till whenever"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 09, 2010, 07:28:08 AM
"Are they ok?" Ho'ne questioned
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 09, 2010, 07:31:35 AM
After Alyx left, Alice brought Will closer. "Will, I need you to understand. We can't afford to pay the bills right now. We're gonna have to cut back alot for a bit to pay them. "M-mom. Alyx is gonna pay for everything. T-turns out her dad owns Env-Vouge. Sh-she even helped you k-keep your job." Will smiled as he spoke. Alice's face was frozen in surprise, slowly turning into a smile as a tear ran down her cheek. "Bless her heart. Hardly even know her and she's helping us out so much. I have to bake her a cake." Will chuckled as he looked out the viewing window. "So h-how long will you be in here?" "The doctor's say I'll be able to leave in 5 days, but a full recovery should take me the whole month. Will's smile shrank as he held his mom's good hand. "Don't worry, everything's going to be fine. Now go and have fun with Alyx today. And don't give me a sad look or youre grounded." Will hugged his mom one last time as he left and met up with Alyx. He saw that she was on the phone so he just sat down next to her.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 09, 2010, 09:10:11 AM
max woke up and noticed that he and Ricca had both fallen asleep during the show and he was now pined into position by Ricca, who was now curled up using his chest as a pillow lightly making a purring like sound in her sleep. <just great, i'm hungry......>
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 09, 2010, 04:36:17 PM
Kitt walked out of the Design-Tech block, the girl leading the way. He'd seen the DT teacher who had been friendly but spoke very fast "So your name is Katka?" the girl nodded, rummaging distractedly through her bag "You realise, this is Slovakian name?" She glanced up and grinned "Yeah. My, grandmother I think, was Czechoslovakian. I never met her, but my dad named me after her..."

Shaking his head, Kitt frowned "Is not Czechoslovakia. The country, it split up after war. Now Slovakia and Czech Republic." Katka shrugged apologetically and slung her bag onto one shoulder. Without the green apron, which was unflattering and several sizes too large, she was slender and beautiful in a quiet and unobtrusive way "Sorry, Like I said I never knew her. And i've never been to the country. Come on, you can tell me about where you live... What the country of my heritage is like." She grinned and took him by the hand again, leading the way out of the double doors.

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 04:43:48 PM
"Ohh..." she saw how he turned away and felt bad. 'Shouldnt have brought it up if it was going to bother him...' " Hey, how about we go somewhere together after this?" Cerise asked, slightly blushing.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 06:07:21 PM
Seeing Will Alyx repliled " yes, she is doing much better" she grinned "so is the time okay with you? I have to run some errands before"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 06:17:58 PM
"Umm... Idk know if I can"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 09, 2010, 06:36:30 PM
"Well I am glad to hear that." Ho'ne replied "Yea that's fine. I'll see ya then." Ho'ne hanged the phone and continued to tend to his plants. "James we are expecting visitors." Ho'ne handing the phone to James "Yes Master Ho'ne."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 06:48:51 PM
"I'm sorry..." she looked down. 'Why did you even ask that, he probably doesn't like you that way. '
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 06:50:08 PM
"On second thought... what did you have in mind"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 09, 2010, 06:51:34 PM
"It sounds real nice. Snow in the winter, sun in the summer... And your English is really good. You said your brother taught you?" Kitt nodded, trying to keep up with Katka. She walked fast, almost buoyantly, and was still grinning "Yes. We learn some at school. But my brother teaches me more..."

 Katka stopped suddenly just outside the school gates "Well, My Step-Dad is gonna pick me up from the car park down the block. I'l see you tomorrow then" She hugged him tightly and let go, waving and setting off at a jog down the road. Kitt watched her leave and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He sighed. The thought of going back to an empty apartment was incredibly depressing after meeting her...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 07:00:27 PM
Cerise lit up as she looked at him. "We can go to the downtown district, I have the car for today so its not a problem getting there." She grinned.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 07:08:10 PM
"I never been downtown... is it safe?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 09, 2010, 10:28:53 PM
Alyx put her phone away "so, how is your mom?" she asked.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 10:47:56 PM
"Depends where your at. But where we're going is safe, trust me." She smiled at Sain.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 09, 2010, 11:10:32 PM
"Alright then" he said smileing back
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 09, 2010, 11:24:07 PM
"Shall we?" She grabbed his hand. "I don't think she'll notice us gone." Cerise gently pulled him, walking to the exit. She got the keys to the car and opened it as she got inside. Sain got inside the passenger seat as she turned on the car. "So why are you taking dance classes?" She asked, as she turned onto the street.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 04:57:39 AM
"She's doing good. She s-says that she h-has to be in here for another w-week before she can go home, a-and another month after that to fully heal. She says she's g-gonna bake you a cake when she heals, to say thanks." Will removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He was starting to cry. "I-I don't know how to thank you Alyx, b-but I s-swear I'm gonna find a w-way."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 05:11:21 AM
Alyx just hugged Will "you and your mother being in my life is a true gift I will ever want" she stood up, smiled and took his hand "come, I'll show you my place" as she led him out the hospital
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 05:22:46 AM
Will hugged her back. Walking out of the hospital, he hopped in the passenger seat. As Alyx got in, he thought to himself "I should have held the door open for her." As he finished thinking, it finally dawned on him where they were going. "W-wait, we're going to y-your house? L-like where your p-parents and s-sisters live?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 05:31:31 AM
"yes, you are going experience... the Phillips 'Main' house" as she drove off. the drive was rather long, when they finally reached the Phillips home, a couple of paid gardeners were tending to the yard as she drove the Ferrari into the...biggest garage ever, lined up with every kind of sports car thinkable. " is a sports car freak" she closed, the garage door closed automatically. "ready?"

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 05:44:53 AM
"No." Will was petrified. While he was fine around Alyx, he was still apprehensive talking to other people, not to mention he was still getting used to the fact that his friend was rich. "B-but lets g-go a-anyw-way."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 05:49:02 AM
Alyx stood in front of him "okay, my mom and dad at work, my sisters left town on a shopping spree, they wont back until later tonight" she smiled, then blushing, upon realizing she is home alone,with him...she turned around and open the door to the kitchen, non of the staff was there, so she walked through there to GRAND Victorian style dining room.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 05:59:23 AM
Will exhaled a sigh of relief at hearing that her parents or sisters weren't home. He followed her into the dining room, and his jaw dropped. This room was extravagant. The table was huge, spanning almost the entire length of the room. This one room was probably as big as his house.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 06:04:27 AM
Alyx opened the window to reveal 'part' of the huge property her family owned. "here, I'll get us something to drink" she left and came back with two Sprite soda cans, giving one to Will "here you go"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 06:11:14 AM
Will took the can and opened it, Sprite was his favorite. "Thanks." He took a sip and looked out of the window at the sprawling landscape. He looked back at Alyx. Gotta think of something to say, something cool. "S-so, do you wanna do s-something tonight?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 06:17:52 AM
Alyx shrugged, "like what?" she smiled as she took his hand and led him to the living room...which was monstrous size, also Victorian style.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 06:27:56 AM
Yes, now keep it going. "I-I dunno. G-go see a m-movie? M-maybe just hang o-out? Wh-whatever you'd like to do." He took another sip of his sprite, this one a bit longer than his first.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 06:33:47 AM
Alyx sat down, she patted the seat next to him "we could go see a movie..." but had a home theater in her own home. she was trying to figure out what he wanted, she cocked her head slightly, looking over the brim of her 'glasses' "I have a question I wan to ask" but before she could stop herself, her blurted "why did you kiss me" before she could cover her mouth. oh no oh no oh no oh no!!!!! her thoughts screamed at her. she was blushing so deeply, she thought her face was on fire.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 06:42:39 AM
Will sat down and took another sip. Hearing her question, he paused for a minute to think. "You were the first person to want to be my friend, you invited me to your concert on the first day, you stood up for me in front of the school, you kissed me, twice, you came to my house to check on me, cleaned up my mess, and you payed for my mom's medical bills. It seemed like a really good idea." Wow. He'd never said so much without stuttering before. He was about to say something else, but instead let out a large burp. smooth. He smiled sheepishly as he excused himself.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 06:49:50 AM
Alyx then roared with musical laughter, "Will, I kissed you on the cheek twice...not on the lips silly" she curled up, still giggling hysterically. "oh Will, your very funny, thats awesome..I have not laughed that hard in a while" she relaxed, sighed, stareing up at the painted celing Though...I really wish. honestly that he had some amount of romantic feelings for me...well, this is heartbreaking she sighed, smiled.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 10, 2010, 06:55:47 AM
Ho'ne stood in his green house kept looking at the clock. "Sigh I wish it was four o'clock already!" Growing little bit restless.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 07:04:43 AM
Alyx eased herself up as she sighed. she wanted to tell him...but how? she has never experienced this...though she did notice the piano and went straight for it, maybe music will help. she opened the flap to reveal the keys, she began to play a simple melody...she hummed along.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 10, 2010, 04:49:40 PM
Kitt walked along the street, weaving between the people who walked in large crowds. He sighed. In his village, he had known everyone, could walk down the winding streets and knew every face he saw. He shook his head determinately, drawing a few strange looks, he had moved to the city for work. Had moved using his brother's money. There was no point in being homesick...

A car pulled up to the curb. It was sleek, an old Porsche 911 in white, its age showing with numerous dents and scratches. The door flung open and Katka jumped out. She waved quickly to the driver, who Kitt could only assume was her father, and jumped up onto the sidewalk. She grinned and put an arm around his unprotesting shoulder "I couldnt bare to see you walking home alone. So I asked dad to catch you up and drop me off... So, do your parents live downtown? When'd you move in?"


Kitt fumbled with the keys to his apartment, Katka staring wide-eyed "-But that is so coool! You live here alone?" Finally managing to open the door, Kitt nodded. Katka leapt in before he could, squeezing past with surprising speed. The apartment was small, incredibly so with a single kitchen, shower and bedroom. Kitt closed the door behind him sheepishly. It was only now that he realised he was alone in the apartment with a girl. If his brother had been here he would have wolf-whistled himself to death...

"So you said your bro' paid for this?" Kitt nodded, leaning against the kitchen counter "And your parents where cool with that? You got the place entirely to yourself?" Kitt shrugged "My father is not happy. He says I do not know my place in life... That I should have stayed like my brothers. But he also say that he... he..." Kitt visibly struggled for a moment, drumming his fingers on the kitchen worktop "... He say he let me go. Only so I can find out what the world is really like..."

Katka nodded curiously, jumping onto the single couch. She stretched and grinned "Well. I reckon almost every kid I know would want what you got here... Not the whole, coming from a poor country, and family trouble... But your own apartment!? Man, your lucky..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 05:32:45 PM
Tell her man. She's right there. "I can't just tell her." Why not? Cmon, it'll be easy. "But what if she says no?" Then she says no and you're just friends. Will groaned as he got up off the couch and walked towards the piano. He listened to the melody being played and watched as her hands gracefully danced across the keys. Her music was so beautiful that he decided to wait until she was done to talk.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 06:45:10 PM
Alyx slowly finished the melody, if she smiled as the last note was played. she looked at Will who was sitting next to her on the piano. "my favorite piano..." she said softly. she traced the keys again.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 10, 2010, 08:20:17 PM
"Its l-lovely," he said as he looked at the ivory keys. "But only h-half as lovely as you are." Excellent move! Will looked at Alyx, "Th-there is another reason why I kissed y-you Alyx. I-I think I l-l-l-l..." Cmon, you can say it. Just slowly sound it out. Will gulped as Alyx looked at him. His heart was racing. "WILLITHINKILOVEYOU!" Damit, you're supposed to say her name! Not yours! Will could have died from embarrassment on the spot from making such a mistake.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 10, 2010, 09:33:40 PM
Alyx sat there is shock... she didn't catch everything but she did catch I Love you Alyx went from sad, to happy, to ecstatic, to joyful... she took his hand. and pulled him into a hug, "me too..."

(sorry, no make out scenes, gotta keep it G-PG)
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 11, 2010, 01:38:57 AM
AS Markus walked out of his joovie hall he glanced around looking for a help wanted poster. He noticed one for a band. HELP NEEDED IN NEED OF A BASSIST. PLEASE CONTACT MASTER HO'NE. Markus quickly dialed in the number and called this "mMaster" Ho'ne. As he waited for the mystery person to pick up he entered into clothes shop looking for some nice Black tripps and a Slipknot t-shirt that fit his huge Bear torso.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 11, 2010, 01:42:40 AM
((LOL, you need to post on the OCC!!))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 11, 2010, 03:21:48 AM
 (Darnit  :P) Will hugged her for what seemed like an eternity. There ya go. See? No problem. Just when they were done hugging, a clock chimed out at half past the hour. "3:30. When exactly are your parents and sisters coming home?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 11, 2010, 04:10:19 AM
she looked at he clock and made an eeping sound...oooh crap, she forgot "hey...ummm...I want you to come with me to a band meeting...real quick" she kissed him breifely before she grabbed him and pulled him to the music room which was down the hall FILLED with beautiful cultural artifacts from around the world
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 11, 2010, 04:25:46 AM
"Guh, sure." Will had no experience playing any instrument, but if it meant he could be with Alyx a bit longer, he'd at least try it. "You didn't tell me you were in a band. What don't you do?" He said with a smirk.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 11, 2010, 04:40:13 AM
"I have never really been in a band either" she said sheepishly. " remember Ho'ne...he wants me to be in a band, thought I give it a try...he said you can come and watch" she winked. "you don't have to play."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 11, 2010, 04:40:59 AM
Markus got bored and closed his phone tired of waiting for a pickup. He looked over and saw a good sized Slipknot shirt and bought it. He left the store and headed to his house. After about 3 minutes he passed by his stepfathers work, He decided to pop in and say hi. He walked in and asked the receptionist to take him to his stepfather. "Of course I can show you to Mr. Erikson Mr. Haze." She said. They walked back into the offices of the news paper his Stepfather being the Chief Editor and all. "Mr. Erikson you have a visitor." He turned and looked at Markus and hugged him. "Boy you've been gone to long. Your mothers at home with Ellie. Go see her." "I will thanks Dad- ur I mean John." "Hey its ok to call me dad." He laughed and went back to work Markus headed home watching the scenery that had changed while he was gone.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 11, 2010, 04:51:40 AM
James enters the greenhouse with the phone "Sir, there was a phone call waiting for you." Ho'ne picked it up asking "Why didn't no one answered it?" Redialing the number. "My apologies Sir, I was busy setting up the equipment you asked." Ho'ne was waiting for the person to pick up. "Your excused James, please prepare refreshments for my guests." "Yes, Sir." as James left the room.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 11, 2010, 05:01:54 AM
Markus felt his phone vibrate he looked at the num,ber and noticed it was Ho'ne. He answered it 'Well look who decided to pick up." He smirked as he continued walking through the downtown area. "I noticed a sign for a bassist. I just so have happened to substitue once for KoRn." He walked into a coffe shop and asked for a box of donuts. "So do you want my help? And what'll I be playing? Metal Death or black Grindcore Nu?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 11, 2010, 05:12:23 AM
"Wait one moment please" Ho'ne said in confusion "James" He paused "When did I put up ads for a band member?" "I have been meaning to tell you that I have been putting ads around town for new members, Sir. I hope it doesn't bother you." Ho'ne looked at him and said "Looks like I owe you again. Thank you." He went back to the phone "Right now it's still a new band, we play any type of rock. If your still interested go this address 210 W. Washington St. It's a big castle you can't miss it." 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 11, 2010, 05:16:37 AM
"Any kind? I guess if it gets me money then I can definatley deal with it. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Hope you don't if I stop by and say hi to my sick sister" He took the box of donuts and went on his way only about ten minutes away from his house. He had gotten a box of Elli (his stepsisters) favorite donuts. He walked until he got to a white house and went inside.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 11, 2010, 05:20:21 AM
"Take your time, I had a band meeting at 4. I will make sure that it won't go without you." Ho'ne waiting for 4 o'clock.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 11, 2010, 05:30:50 AM
"Markus closed his phone and went into the kitchen thinking he would see his mommy sitting there reading her books she always liked. But when he walked in she was sleeping with the phone on her hand. Markus walked over and took it out and listened to the message. It was his real father "Hi Motia its Curt Haze. I want to see my son. and if you dont let me I will take this to court!" Makus deleted the message and laid the phone back in her hands. It was about 3 mounths old. He decided to go see Ellie hoping she would still be awake. He walked into her room to see her playing with some toys. "Hey. Kido guess who got back from camp toady and brought donuts!" Ellie turned around with a big smile and ran up to Markus and hugged his leg he picked the little Snow Leopard in his arms and kissed her. "How long have you been back?" "Well I went and said hi to dad and got you some chocolate sprinkled donuts!" He gave her the box and cared her into the living room. "How was it here without me being here for 6 months?" She looked at him and said with a stuffed mouth "It was ok I went to the doctors as usual and e also went to the beach." He set her down on the couch and grabbed his bass. "Listen Kido, I'm going out to get us some food and maybe a birthday present for Mom. She looked in and nodded excidedly and then put her fingers to her lips. "Good love you, Ellie I'll be back around 7." "I love you too Markky!" She yelled after him. He left and headed for Ho'ne's Castle.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 11, 2010, 11:35:59 PM
Katka lay across Kitt's sofa, grinning up at him. He shifted uncomfortably and grinned meekly back. With a flick of her hair she stood up "Well. I've seen your house... Literally your house... So why dont you come round mine? Its not that far away really." She grinned at Kitt who shrugged "Sure. Why not?"


The house itself sat out of the city centre, unremarkable from the many others either side of it. At the front the same old porsche sat, now silent, as Katka unlocked the front door. Kitt followed her through into the hall. Katka pulled off her boots, indicating for Kitt to do the same, and walked barefoot through to the living room. Her father sat on the couch with his feet up, watching a football game.

He grinned as Katka walked in, smiling to her "Hey girl. Who's the friend?" Katka grinned back, already walking through to the stairway "Kitt, he moved over yesterday... C'mon Kitt, I'l show you my room." Kitt followed Katka obediently, nodding an awkward hello to her dad as he walked up the staircase. Katka's room was the third of only three, for the house was not all that large. Kitt hovered uncertainly at the doorway before being dragged in by Katka. She grinned "Whadya think?" Glancing around Kitt rubbed his neck and shrugged "Is nice?"

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 04:10:07 AM
Alyx hugged Will, resting her head on his chest... "afterwards we can go do something" she said softly
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 04:15:38 AM
Will hugged her back. "That would be nice. Ho'ne is that guy who was with your sisters yesterday right? I thought you didn't like him?"  Will looked around the music room. It was filled with just about every instrument you could think of. There was even an accordion sitting in the corner.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 04:26:26 AM
"yeah...well, I only did it because I knew he would continue bugging me about it" she let out a heavy sigh "we should start going..." she reluctantly pulled away and picked up her violin case
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 05:15:22 AM
Will looked at Alyx. She didn't seem like she wanted to go, but she didn't say anyone was making her. Maybe it was because she wanted to make Ho'ne quiet. Whatever the case, he decided to go along with it. When they got to the garage, Will got a better look at all the cars her dad had. "Same one as last time then?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 05:22:02 AM
"well, which car do you want to arrive in?" she smiled mischiviously "your choice" she twirled down the row of shiny cars "CHOOSE MY DARLING FRIEND!!" she said dramatically, she bent down on one knee, her hands above her heart

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 05:25:01 AM
Markus turned the corner immedietly confronted by a huge castle. He walked over to the gates and pushed a button that looked like it called the someone to open the gatefor him.  Hmmm well I hope this isn't that punk I beat up at the Job For A Cowboy concert last year during the end of the semester he thought.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 05:40:01 AM
Will tugged at his shirt collar. "Uhm, lets see." There was so many to choose from, there was only one way to settle it. He put his hand over his eyes and spun around, holding his hand in front of him. "That one!" He stopped spinning and pointed forward. It was a cherry red convertible with spinners. "Is that one ok?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 05:43:51 AM
Alyx got in and turned it on, the garage door automatically opened. the loud rumbled of the car filled the garage "Will....about your confession, are you actually truthful" she blushed "because...I don't want another broken heart again"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 05:52:04 AM
"Alyx, the last thing I want to do is to hurt you. I know I said yesterday that I didn't want to be serious, but somewhere between then and now, something changed. I feel like a new man somehow. We can just be good friends if you'd like. As long as you're my friend, that's all I need." He smiled as he wiped his glasses on his shirt. They were fogging up for some reason. "Waddya say?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 05:58:40 AM
"well, I want to know what you want" as she drove down the street "I honestly I want to experience what a romantic relationship is like because I have never been in one...but also I want to make you happy because it warms my heart to see you happy" she was trembling and heating up, she rolled down a window a crack. "but also... you make me..feel as though Cupid decided to shot an arrow through my heart"
stupid...made no sense...
she drew closer to Ho'nes home
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 06:06:32 AM
Will scratched the back of his neck. She really likes ya sport. What are ya gonna do? Will thought for a moment about what to say. This was important. "I want... to be there... for you, like you were for me. If you want romance, I'll do my very best to be romantic. I think that together, we can do anything." Not bad, not bad. You're getting better.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 06:13:24 AM
oooookaaaay.... she thought she was happy, he wanted to try it "okay we can, I'll do the best too" suddenly she saw the castle up a ahead, her jaw dropped "what is this??? the castle has been empty for years..." she shook her head. as she drove up the ridiculously long drive way. she stopped the car as she eased back into the leather seat, she began laughing "oh my gosh, this has got to be the best day of my ENTIRE LIFE!" she leaped out of the car, violin case in hand as she twirled around, chanting "he likes me he likes me he likes me he likes me!" fun and games were over, when she fell into the water fountain out front, luckily her violin landed into a soft bush. and there was one thing no one knew, Alyx was hydrophobic, meaning, she was deathly terrorfied of water, she flaid in the water as memories form the past flashed before her eyes...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 06:18:27 AM
"ALYX!" He tried to get out of the car, but was stopped by the seat belt. Quickly, he undid it and sprung out of the car and ran towards the fountain. The water was only knee deep and lukewarm, and so was Alyx. "Are you ok Alyx?" He extended his hand to her to help her up out of the fountain.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 06:21:15 AM
Markus saw a Snow Leopard fall into a fountain just on the otherside of the yard. He yelled from the gate, "HEY! CAN YOU LET ME IN!!!" He wondered how they got in, he decided he was over in the back side.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 06:28:40 AM
grabbing his hand she pulled herself out, clinging to him "oh dear...oh dear...t-t-t-too m-m-m-much.." she stood there shaking like a leaf, her eyes closed as she began to think of other things besides that... there was a guy on the other side of the gate. on the back side of the building. "g-go GO AROUND DUDE..." she sank to her knee's as she crawled over to her violin..."okay, okay" her hands shaking hard, she could barely grab the handle to her violin case
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 06:32:50 AM
Markus signed not wanting to go ALL the way around but decided it would be easier than trying to jump the gate. He arrived at the other end and walked up seeing the Leopard cold he took of his coat and offered it to her. "Here take this, you need it more than I do. By the way I'm Markus are you here for the band meeting? He looked at Will and kinda smirked at him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 06:35:40 AM
not really looking she took it but the smell was different, it was not Will's soft scent. she looked at it, then back up at the two boys. "w-w-w-ha?" still kinda in shock she looked back down again.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 06:40:30 AM
Will knelt down and grabbed her violin case and helped her up. Putting his arm around her, he spoke to the new guy. "Y-yes. M-my name's W-will. Th-this is A-alyx." His stutter was back. its alright man, we'll work on it with other people. "Th-thanks for the j-jacket." He saw him smirk when he looked at him. He was too concerned for Alyx to care at the moment.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 06:42:18 AM
"Haha. Not used to the smell of bear?" He picked up his bass a bit higher on his shoulder as to make sure it didnt fall. "Hey I think I remember you from school, aren't you one of the Phillips sisters?" He then looked at Will, "And arent you the kid they always pick on?" He let out quite an obnoctious laugh.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 06:47:39 AM
Alyx came to, she gave him a nasty glare as she threw back his jacket at him. "what do you care?" she growled. "why does everyone have to care that I am with someone that I actually hold dear in my heart" she stormed away to the door, taking Will by the hand, giving it a encouraging squeeze.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 06:51:55 AM
Catching the jacket he put it back on. He started after them. "I just thought all of you Phillips were part of the popular crowd." He got in front of them blocking their way. "Hey sorry if I some how offended you." He stuck out his hand trying to shake Will's. "Let's start over. If I'm going to be in a band with you guys I don't wanna be in a fight."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 06:54:53 AM
Alyx snorted "I am definitely not part of the popular crowd, trust me" she gave Will a gentle gaze, she was feeling better now "I am also in the band", she rubbed Will's arm "he isn't but if he wanted I can teach him music"  she gave him a sly wink
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 06:59:55 AM
Will looked at Markus with a scowl. He didn't like his first impression. We can give him a second chance right? Will slowly put his hand with Markus' and shook it. "I'm w-willing to try a-anything o-once." He saw the guitar on his back. "Wh-what do you p-play?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 07:02:51 AM
"I play Bass. It's been what I've done since I moved outta the ghetto. I could give you my life story but you'd think ill of me if I did."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 12, 2010, 07:04:28 AM
Alx's phone lit up, it she had a voice mail from her father, "Alex!" he said in a frantic voice, "where are you, move to a hidden location. You need to get out of where ever you are, you are in danger, and every one around you is to! You need to get away from every one before they come and get you guys." A black van pulls up next to the trio, they didn't know where it might of came form, and they didn't notice it until it go there. A large man dressed in all black, head to toe, got out, putting on a pair of brass knuckles. As every one was to busy looking at him three other men, went and grabbed all of them. The one holding Alex pulled her away, only a little farther away from the rest of the group. "Tell your dad, this is only a warning, we don't like you guys on masters Ho'en's land" the one they all where looking at earlier said. He began punching the two of the boys, cutting open there lips, bruising there faces, making them cough up... the following description is unavailable because they break the forum rules. The two men let the two go, throwing them on the ground as they quivered in pain, the last one threw Alex down, "stay away from them, if you don;t want them to get hurt" he said, as they all got back in the and and drove off.   

Else where...

"My my Mr.Phillips, that was one act you put on for your daughter, still one hell of an actor I see" Mr. Valentine said laughing. "Yes, yes, I do what I need to protect my children" he said fixing his tie The two men walked into the room where Will's mom was, "now to protect the future of my town, we must eliminate all hope, and destroy any corruption that these common dwellers might of put on our perfect off springs." Mr. Valentine took a needle, and stuck it in the ivy that went into Will's mom, she was out cold so she saw nothing. Mr. Valentine put air bubbles into the ivy, this will cause her to die suddenly and without warning, the vital lines where also cut, just in case any one wanted to save it. Mr. Phillips put a small note in her hands, that was addressed to will. The two left, and the women died withing the hour.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 07:13:16 AM
((waiiiit no one reply yet!!! this is not how I wanted it to go! *face palm* okay lolz,))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 07:14:28 AM
Markus looked up after being beaten by the mob. "Your lucky you jumped us (insert cuss word here) or else I would've beaten you cold." He tried to stand and limped on over to Will. "Hey buddy you okay?" He shook him. "I think your girl needs ya." He got up agaian and limped over to Alyx. "You okay?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 07:19:32 AM
Alyx clutched her stomach "y-y-yeah..." she crawled to Will and held him in her arms "Will...Honey, are you okay" she dreaded the worst...that was not her fathers men, most likely ... one of his associates. "Will?" she was crying now.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 07:24:26 AM
Will coughed up some blood as he struggled to get up. "What the **** kind of welcome is that?! What did we do?!" He felt Alyx's fingers barely touch him. He crawled over to her, coughing up more blood as he did so. "What just happened?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 07:25:38 AM
"Hey buddy. Glad you ain't you know." He looked after where the van left and started over to the entrance. Hey I think they slashed your tires!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 07:34:30 AM
Alyx grabbed Will and hugged him close, she was holding him as if he were precious. she was shaking and crying, "oh god Will, its gonna be okay..." it was not going to be okay and she knew it... something terrible happened, she didn't know what but... this was going to be the last straw. "what has this world come to, why can;t I just love people and not be punished for it"

Gabriel called Valentine, only to have voice mail " Valentine, you are insane, killing one of my employee's like this" he hung up, his voice was rather cool and dangerous. he said nothing about his daughters, at any time now, Alyx will come in and demand an explanation. He saw her and William together. she looked happy. unlike many other wealthy families, he was gong to let his daughters chose who they wanted to be with. he stared out of the window what have I done Cadence...I am going behind our daughter's back to protect her... Valentine you have have one more chance before I put you on the line... Alyx is a fighter, you are going to have difficulty with your plans. he ended up taking a car, with several passports and driving to Castle Ho'ne
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 07:41:07 AM
As he was held by Alyx, he felt something. Something he had felt before, but not this strong. Fear. Fear was part of his life, but never had he feared he might die like this. He spoke to Markus. "Slashed out t-tires? G-guess we're w-walking h-home."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 07:45:49 AM
Markus looked back and smirked. "Nah we got a ride." He took out his cell and called Vinny Lombordi a fox from the hood who happened to deal up in here. "Hey Vinny listen we need a ride.... Yah we just got the crap beat outta us... I dont care there's someone's boyfriend dying here just get us back to my place!" He looked over at Will and winked. "Ok... Fine $50 but no more thats enough for gas from here to the hood.... haha yah cool see ya soon." "We got a ride!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 07:51:35 AM
"okay.." she looked down at Will, she kissed his forehead "I am seriously scared right now...your gonna be okay?" she whispered. her phone rang...her father. "Dad?"
"Alyx, Will's mother is dead..." Alyx dropped the phone...instantly hanging up.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 07:55:42 AM
Will, with great effort, stood up. He was still woozy from the beating, but could at least stand on his own. He heard Alyx's phone ring. When she hung up so suddenly, he became concerned. "S-something w-wrong? B-besides wh-what j-just happened?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 07:59:38 AM
Markus walked back and reached over to his bass case and took out a Glock-9 and countyed his money. "Alright we got $3,000 here... $2,950." He picked it up and stood leaniong on the wall. "Whoo this hurts more than that time I took on that gang."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:03:15 AM
no, no, no! how could have this happened? how was she suppose to tell him... guilt spread across her face as a blue corvet came into he parking lot. her father came out of the car. "Alyx, Will, you guys need to leave now!" he looked down at the stricken Alyx. " Alyx, I am sorry...there was nothing I could do to stop it" he turned to Will, creating a lie. "your mother..." he could not say it but the look he gave Will told him everything. Alyx stood up, she looked ashamed for everything.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 08:09:11 AM
Will looked straight into his eyes. No. No, no no. "Mom? No. No." Will begun to tear up, his insides began to quake with emotions. It can't be. There has to be a mistake. He grabbed his arms, shaking from the blow that had been dealt. "Why? Why sir? Why?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:15:42 AM
"because many are afraid..." is all he said. but he gripped his shoulder. he gazed at Will " Will listen to me, more is gonna happen...I want you, to protect Alyx...she needs you, your mother was a terrible lost but will never leave you behind, she may be gone physically but she is here with you right now, helping you... you have been protected, now its your turn to protect" he looked at Alyx, who's green eyes darted back and forth between them two men "take care of her...please"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 08:18:34 AM
A purple wrecked up truck pulled in "Hey Markus where you at man!" Markus looked up and looked at Alyx and Wil and made a motion with his head to follow him. "Hey Vinny here's your 50 just take us to my place."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 08:21:56 AM
We gotta protect Alyx now. We'll cry later. Will sniffed as he nodded to Alyx's dad. He looked at Markus, then to the truck, then to Alyx. He extended his hand to hers. "Lets get out of here."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:23:38 AM
"go with him" he gave Alyx a package "take this...instructions are in there" he left quickly as he came. I will not have my daughter be in the middle of this mess he thought to himself.

Alyx felt suddenly encouraged as she took his hand. "okay...sorry Ho'ne" she said under her breath.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 08:27:57 AM
AS everyone jumped in to the truck Vinny took off and after a while came up on Markus's place. "Ok my sisters inside with my mom lemme just grab some stuff we'll likely need. Come in if you want we probably have dinner started."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:32:37 AM
Alyx nodded silently she rubbed her dry eyes. she looked up at Will. "I...feel so horrible." she croaked. "I feel like I have ripped lives apart..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 08:38:18 AM
Will took her hands. "We can feel bad later. Right now we gotta listen to your dad and get the heck out of here. I'm gonna clean up my face quick." He went inside the house with Markus, having him show him the bathroom. He got a good look at himself in the mirror as he washed up. There was blood everywhere on his face. His glasses were broken during the beat up so he could only see right in front of him. He washed up and used his shirt, he didn't want to ruin a towel, and went back to Alyx. "Is there anywhere you know that we can go that no-one else does?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:40:15 AM
"well" she opened the large envople, with two passports and two tickets...on the 6 o'clock flight to... " would you like to go to London?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 08:45:25 AM
"Any place is better than this rat hole." He noticed the blurs around him turn towards him. "N-not you guys, in g-general I m-mean." Will leaned in close to Alyx. "How do we get to the airport? I don't have any cash for a cab on me."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 08:48:29 AM
"I do..." she said, "we should go now, we will worry about the necessities later" she took this opportunity to kiss him sweet but breifely "I am sorry..." she said. she touched his arm as she called a cab.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 12, 2010, 12:42:38 PM
James ran in side the greenhouse "MASTER HO'NE! Your guest are being attacked!" Ho'ne looked at him with surprised "WHAT?!" Ho'ne ran out like a bat out of hell. He dashed out of the door only to find out he missed everything "***********!!!!" He bellowed out in rage. Out of anger, smashed a giant vase with a punch. Breathing heavily, Ho'ne ran back inside "JAMES! Get me footage of what happened outside! NOW!" Ho'ne pulled out his cellphone and dialed Please pick up the phone Alyx
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 12, 2010, 03:15:45 PM
Katka closed her bedroom door, sliding a latch across to lock it. Kitt watched nervously from beside her bed "Why do you lock the door?" Katka shook her head decisively, glancing nervously from the door and back "I dont want to be overheard... I need to ask you a question." She walked closer, eyes searching "Your dad, Kitt... What was he like?"

Kitt shrugged "Like any dad. He cared for me, I guess." Katka nodded, chewing on her thumbnail. For once her exuberant happiness was gone, replaced by worry and apprehension "And-    And did your dad ever. Hurt you?" Here Kitt frowned, staring at her "Well. No... Katka, why do you ask-" She held up her hand, interrupting him "You see. In the day, my dad is fine. He's like any other dad. You saw him... But every night he goes out, to the bar. He shoots some pool, he has a few drinks."

There was a knock at Katka's door and she jumped, eyes staring wildly. Her dad knocked again "What are you kids doin' in there? Katka, you know I dont like it when you lock your door..." Finally he sighed and walked away back down the stairs, calling as he went "I'm goin' down for darts night Katka. I'l be back late, so get yourself to bed while im gone..." The front door closed with a slam and the house fell quiet.

Katka shook her head, eyes now pleading "He says- He says, him and mum where better off alone. That I'm the reason she killed herself... He shouts these things. He hurts me, and in the morning he remembers none of it." She was crying now, tears rolling down her cheeks. Kitt stared with no idea of what to say "Every night, from when I was six. I try to keep positive, try to pretend my life is normal... But its not true. I just- I-" Finally, Kitt drew her into an awkward hug. He glanced out of the window as Katka continued to sob uncontrollably into his jacket, and wondered whether he could have expected his new life to have been anything like this...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 12, 2010, 05:23:26 PM
As they waited for the cab, Will's thoughts raced. Meeting Alyx was single handed the best and worst thing that's ever happened to him. If he hadn't met her, his mom would still be around, yet if he hadn't, he'd never had known any sort of love. It was a double edged sword that made him sick to his stomach. The voice in his head tried to console him, saying that even if he was there to save his mom, they would have beaten him up anyway and done it. It did little to help. The past 2 days have been hell, and he was sure that it was going to get worse before it got better.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 05:34:42 PM
Alyx felt miserable, knowing that she hurt everyone around her. sinking into a couch she tried hard to understand why she was a cause of such disaster. she wanted to run away and hide. she hurt Will most of all, she wouldn't be surprised if he know blamed her. right now she didn't dare reach out to him, knowing that it was useless. she basically curled up in the corner of the couch and said nothing. closing her eyes she wanted to just vanish... but she sneaked one look at Will before she rested her head on the arm rest and stared off into space. after a bit she realize her phone was ringing but she she fumbled as she took the call "hello?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 12, 2010, 06:45:12 PM
"Alyx?" Ho'ne said with bit of relief and guilt "Is everyone ok? I am so sorry. I heard what happened. I tried to come and help as quickly as I could but-" Cutting himself off, feeling as if it was his fault and there was no excuse.  "I had nothing to do with it, I would never treat my guest like that. I promised to find out who did it and make them pay."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 12, 2010, 09:05:14 PM
Markus showed Will to the restroom as he ran into the kitchen to find his mother and sister not in there. He ran into the next room finding them. "Hey how're you guys?" His mother looked at him and she was very upset. "Th-They took John. Th-they said if you love us not to come after him." "WHO! I want to know WhO?" He ran into the room and hugged Ellie who sat on the bed crying. "Momma I love you and Ellie but I'm going to make this all better I promise." He ran out of the room before his mother could protest. He went into his room and opened a safe and took out a shotgun and some ammo, and a bag of money. "Momma," he said passing back by Ellie's room "I'm going to get Dad back I promise." He ran through the living room notcing Alyx on the phone. "Hey I got us a ride." He grabbed Will and helped him up and took him to the Garage, it had two cars in it an Mustang that was in poor condition and a new Pick-up truck. "Good thing my mom let me have the truck." He through his bag and gun in the back and started up the truck and oped the garage. 'Alright we're in business!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 12, 2010, 09:37:36 PM
Alyx smiled "we are okay Ho'ne... everything is okay" she sighed "so, I don't know whats gonna happen... just that" she looked at the tickets and passports, getting up and throwing them away. "I am scared..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 12, 2010, 09:41:26 PM
Finally Katka's sobs turned to muffled breaths that heaved and shook, and finally they too subsided. Kitt moved to pull away, already feeling awkward and unsure, he attempted to shrug out of her grip. The movement triggered an instant reaction as Katka grabbed a hold of his jacket by the lapels, staring up at him with tear-rimmed eyes "Please- Please just stay. I cant go another night, knowing hes going to come back, drunk off his face... Please." Her wrists, now visible where she gripped Kitt's jacket, where ringed with dark bruises. Sighing, Kitt nodded "Sure, I stay..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 04:37:25 AM
Ho'ne listen to the stress in Alyx voice "Hey, everything will be fine. Where you at? I'll come and pick you up. Is their anyone else with you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 04:38:19 AM
Will tried his best to look at Markus, but without his glasses could only look at the truck. "L-listen. I-I am n-not l-leaving w-without Alyx. W-we need to g-get s-somewhere safe, and i-if the same p-people w-who beat us g-got y-your dad, th-then they can c-come here. W-we need to f-find a hiding s-spot b-before we do anything."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 04:39:38 AM
"I am...somewhere in a ghetto...the guy Markus was also you know any place where can go for a couple nights?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 04:46:55 AM
"Markus?" sounding so surprised "OH Markus, possible bass player.... Wait he got hurt too?! Listen find out where and give me a call. I'll be there shortly."  Ho'ne left into the garage and looked into the key box hanging from the side door. "Where are you...Ah here it is." He took a key and walked towards a black Cadillac and drove out.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 04:53:54 AM
Alyx quickly found the directions and told him, she sighed "hey..come quickly, please" she sighed " we only need a two day get away...then we'll come back normal again" she hung up, sighed then relaxed, falling asleep.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 04:57:38 AM
"Ok, I'll be there in a flash. Insert Direction" the built in GPS in the Cadillac found where they where. "Ok it's not too far of a drive." As he got closer he began to call Alyx. "Hey I am here, where are you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 04:59:25 AM
Alyx jumped from her seat... "oh...were coming" she ran to Will. "hey come one" she grabbed him and pulled him to where Ho'ne was
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 05:02:56 AM
Will grunted in pain as Alyx pulled him away. "Augh, not s-so hard." When they got to Ho'ne, Will squinted to try and see his face, but couldnt. "Ho'ne? I-is that you? Wh-where are we g-going?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 05:04:50 AM
Alyx got into the back seat. she began to feel to drowsey to wake up. as soon as she sat down, she fell asleep.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 05:10:48 AM
Markus backed out of the garage into the drive looking at Ho'ne. "Hey who are you? If your here to help I got a pistol and a shotgun and some money." He jumped out and walked over to where Will was looking at Ho'ne.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 05:22:00 AM
Ho'ne looked at Markus with a confused look "I am sorry who are you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 05:24:50 AM
"I was with these guys when we got jumped in front of some Castle." He gabbed his ribs and grabbed the hood of the car trying to not fall over. "Aww F---- that hurst!" He looked at Ho'ne again. "So I ask again who are you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 05:28:05 AM
Ho'ne looked at him with guilt, then looked down at the ground. "I am the owner of the castle you where attack in. I really do apologize for what has happened. I will pay for the medical bills, and any other damages." Ho'ne answered. "Right now I must take you all where it's safe."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 05:29:23 AM
inside the mind of Alyx...
I hurt everyone...I am the meaning of disaster
"no you are not Alyx..."
yes I am!
the voice laughed "have you ever though of yourself as a door to a new path?"
no...augh what does that even mean! I have torn the one person I deeply care about life apart!
"It was all innocent wasn't it? you never meant to do it?"
I-I..well...I guess, but still! it should be my fault!!
"no its not, your just the innocent bystander...but heed this...maybe the reason why Will's life has changed because now, he has someone else to look after now?"
my dad said that to him... but he loved his mother greatly! and I destroyed his only chance of sanity
"no you didn't, actually you increased it"
"because of you, he will become Stronger...."

Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 05:34:09 AM
Markus glared at Ho'ne "Pay my medical bills? How about you tell me where my father is!" Markus yelled thinking it was Ho'nes men who jumped them. "If you going somewhere I'm going too, but I'll be taking my tru--" He fell to the ground holding his ribs tighter. "Crap! Why does it always hurt more after words?" He got up and hobbled over to the truck and got in. "You lead the way! Will!" Markus yelled throughing him the pistol. "Kepp 'er safe, bud."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 05:35:22 AM
"Wait what about your dad?" Ho'ne questioned after hearing that.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 05:37:08 AM
"He was taken by someone! Wasn't that your men who beat us?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 05:39:10 AM
Alyx woke up...gabbing Will she pulled him in the car, closing the door. sitting up front, she looked at Ho'ne. "thanks...allot" she sighed as she curled up in her seat, falling asleep. again
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 05:41:25 AM
Ho'ne looked back at Alyx but felt as if he didn't deserved it. "No those weren't my servants." Looking back at Markus "There is no security at my castle." Ho'ne looked at him "You and who ever is living at your home are coming with me."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 05:46:01 AM
Markus looked down. "They can't." He said still looking down. "My sister... Ellie. She has Lukemia. She has to stay here for treatment." He looked back up at them with tears in his eyes. "If we find these men then I'm going to tear them limb from limb!" He started up the truck. "Alright lead the way, bud."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 05:49:46 AM
The gun hit will in the arm as it bounced off and hit the ground. He looked around to find what hit him, then found it. A pistol. Don't even think about. You cant see past your arms anyway. This was true, however, they needed some kind of protection, and a gun would look menacing enough. He took it and checked the safety. It was on. Just then, Alyx pulled him again, this time into a car. He coughed up a little blood this time. "H-Ho'en. S-sorry ab-bout the b-blood." His eyes were getting drowsy. Dont fall asleep man. Fight it! You wont wake up if you sleep now!
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 05:56:17 AM
she slept breifely, but as she woke up, she realized her 'glasses' were on her, she put them on Will, "can you see betterish..I'll buy you some GOOD ones later" she teared up a little bit as she touched his cheek "I am so sorry..." she scrambled back into the back seat. "don't fall asleep now...we will get help, I promise..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 05:59:08 AM
"Hey don't worry about it." Ho'ne said to Will, looking at him. He helped him sit up. "Just focus on staying awake." Ho'ne closed the back door and looked at Markus "Sorry, no is not a answer." Ho'ne got his phone out and dialed. "James, I found the victims. I need them transported. One is a leukemia patient and the other is injured. You know what to do." He paused for a moment to listen to James. "Yea, I owe you one." Ho'ne looked at Markus "Listen, you are now under protection of the Euthanization government. Heinous acts was committed on government property, I don't plan to let this go by. Please get in the car, and follow the directions on it. I will watch over your family with my life." Opening the door to the driver side.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 06:02:47 AM
Markus looked down and signed. "Hey man I owe you big." He said grabbing the Shot Guna dn bag of money. "There's an old Winchester above the fire place if that even matters. Oh and I'm Markus, I never caught your name." He held out his hand. "And don't worry about the car she'll be alright."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 06:04:32 AM
The glasses, to his amazement, worked. They weren't perfect but her could see a bit better now. He was beginning to get really drowsy now and having difficulty staying awake. Stay awake! His head began to tilt as he drifted off, but when he was almost lying down, his stomach seized up again, causing him to vomit into the back seat and waking him up. Every part of his body was on fire at that moment. "S-sorry, a-again." He told Ho'ne without looking up.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 06:11:29 AM
Alyx rubbed Will's  back... she was beginning to feel more and more miserable. she could do nothing to help.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 06:11:53 AM
Ho'ne looked at him and said " My names is Ho'ne Diheart. And you owe me nothing, it is me who owes you." As soon as he said that he heard Will belch and apologizing. "Don't worry about it Will, just get better." Ho'ne let them go. He looked around and went inside the house meeting the residence.

Post Merge: December 13, 2010, 06:18:28 AM
Ho'ne picked up his phone one more time calling James. "Hey, the Cadillac is coming by take care of who ever is in it. That is a order."  He hung up the phone waiting for them to come and pick them up.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 06:20:39 AM
Markus turned and threw the gun and money into the passenger seat. "Alrighty, kids we're going on a road trip haha!" He laughed as he closed the door and sped off. "Thanks H----" He said speeding off. "Anyone mind if I have a smoke?" He took out a pack of cigerettes and a lighter from his coat pocket.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 06:34:31 AM
Will wiped his mouth and sat back up, coughing as he did. There ya go. Just stay awake for a bit longer. "Where are we going?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 13, 2010, 06:36:22 AM
"Says here we're going to some appartment building down by the beach."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 13, 2010, 06:41:54 AM
"somewhere where you will get treated..." she touched his shoulder gently..."you know Will, I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me now..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 13, 2010, 07:10:36 AM
Will was going to say something, but couldn't hold out any longer. He collapsed in the back seat of the car before they could make it to the beach.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 13, 2010, 08:11:03 AM
A car pulls up to the drive way. "They are here, we will take you to a safe place don't worry." Assuring Markus's mother. "Come on lets go." Taking their hand to the car. They left leaving nothing but old memories.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 14, 2010, 06:54:53 PM
Alyx shook Will, "don't you dare fall asleep!!" she yelled, she was shaking him gently, but her voice was high with worry "please dont please!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 14, 2010, 07:11:30 PM
Will didn't know where he was. Looking around, all he could see was black.  "Hello?" His echo sounded back to him. Will was terrified. Was he dead? "You're not dead Will." He looked for the person who spoke to him, but couldn't see anyone.  "Mom?" "Yes Will. It's me. Your father is here too." "Mom, Mom I'm scared. I don't want you to leave." Will was in tears, his speech coming in between sobs. "Shhh, It'll be alright honey. Listen, you have to do something for me Will. You have to forgive the men who killed me." Will was immediately furious. "What?! Forgive them?! Never!? I'll never forgive them!" "If you don't, it will haunt you for the rest of your life, and harm those closest to you. Please Will, try for me." Will wanted to yell and scream at his mom for saying that, but trusted her as he always did. With great difficulty, he managed to mutter "I'll try." That's my little man. We have to go now Will. Make us proud." "Look out for Alyx boy, I know you can do it." "Mom? Dad?! Don't go! Please, don't go!" Will woke up immediately, coughing up a storm.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 14, 2010, 11:49:35 PM
"WHOA Buddy! You need some medical attention!" Markus called Ho'ne. "Hey where's the nearest Doctor?" Markus said not thingking of even trying to figet with the GPS while he drove.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 15, 2010, 12:42:34 AM
max woke up up again and decided to head of home. "hay Ricca, wake up." he said poking her to try and wake her up. "what? what now dad?" she moaned half asleep, she opened her eyes and noticed who her pillow was "aahhh! sorry max, didn't realise. whats up?" she sat up rubbing her eyes. "i was just going to get ready to leave." he walked over to a window and looked out over the nearby beach. "you never did tell me how you got this place."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 15, 2010, 02:23:16 AM
Ho'ne answered his phone. "Don't worry there will be doctor's where we are going, only the best" Ho'ne assured him. "The limo already pick us up and we'll be seeing you guys there."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 15, 2010, 02:27:52 AM
"Alright, I'll se you there. *hangs up phone* Alright looks like we have some doctors where we're going don't worry Will." He smiled looking at him in the mirrior.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 15, 2010, 02:31:03 AM
a short while later max walked out the door of the apartment complex and turned to find himself inches from walking into a parking limo. "wasn't expecting that....." he said as a Cadillac pulled up right behind it.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 15, 2010, 02:32:38 AM
Will was so weak from the ordeal that he couldn't respond. It took all of his energy to stay awake. It felt like every fiber of his being was being torn apart at the same time. He had to be strong though, to last until they could get a doctor. He breathing had slowed and become calm, while his coughing and vomiting had stopped, for the moment. He'd already gone under once, he didn't think he could come back a second time.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 15, 2010, 02:37:19 AM
Markus pulled in and parked. He jumped outta the car, "Hey I'm going to go catch up with Ho'ne and get us a doctor out here." He strted to run in and bumped into Max. "Hey buddy!" He yelled look back at him and noticed he had a chefs uniform on. "Whats up with the outfit?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 15, 2010, 02:48:34 AM
"it's nothing, what happened!" said moving over to the car thinking to himself <i knew i should of left a spare change of clothes here last time....> "wait I'll get Ricca to help get them upstairs." he ran back over to the call buzzer and presser her button. "Ricca, get down here! it's will and Alyx!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 15, 2010, 02:53:09 AM
Alyx tried her best to wake up Will...but she couldn't, giving up, she had an idea, leaning out and looking at Max "hey! whats the hottest sauce you got?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 15, 2010, 02:59:09 AM
The limo pulled up aside them. Ho'ne got out of the passenger side. James comes out of the apartment number 1 "Master Ho'ne the doctors are waiting inside." Ho'ne looked at him "Why are they waiting, when they should be treating?" James looked back at him and snapped his finger. Doctors came rushing out. 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 15, 2010, 03:05:14 AM
he looked from alyx to will and back again. "to hot to give to him in his state.....but I've got something else, I'll be right back." he ran inside as Ricca walked out. "what in gods name happened to you lot?!" she ran over to alyx. "we should get him inside. big guy, help me carry him!" she called to Markus moving around to get will out of the car before the doctors could get to him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 15, 2010, 03:13:47 AM
Markus ran over to Will. "Alright on the count of three. 1....2....3...." He lifted him up onto his shoulder and carried him into the room yelling at the doctors, "Move! Your in the way." On the way in he tripped and fell to his knee holding his ribs. "Damn not agian. Here take him he handed him to the doctors. I'll wait out here for the monitor to return."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 15, 2010, 03:26:34 AM
Alyx sat next to Will, holding his hands "your gonna be fine..." she sobbed "please..?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 15, 2010, 03:29:57 AM
Will couldn't hold out any longer. Just before the doctors began to work on him, he turned to Alyx and smiled. "Ok." The doctors politely removed Alyx from his side, as they needed to work on him fast to save him. As they were hooking him up to their equipment, he drifted off into sleep.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 15, 2010, 03:32:48 AM
max came back out with a small jar. "give him one of these and a bucket if you need to wake him up later" he said to alyx quietly before going out to help the large bear into Ricca's apartment. "so anyone going to tell Ricca and  what happened?" he asked quietly with Ricca standing next to him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 15, 2010, 03:34:37 AM
Markus sat at the front of the room waiting for Max. He let out another scream as he felt his ribs shift under him. He had two maybe three broken ribs. He looked at his face in the mirrior acroos the hall and saw he had a black eye. "Your one ugly mofo." He laughed at himself. He noticed Max who helped him tnto Ricca's appartment. "Ahh! Adrenilen is great for the first 30 minutes but then you fee- AHH!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 15, 2010, 03:35:45 AM
Alyx went into the other room and waited, it was quiet. she prayed for Wills life... she cried a little, but more and more she began to feel better about herself...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 15, 2010, 11:33:36 AM
Cerise and Sain left the arcade, both laughing. They spent most of the afternoon there as she smiled at him. "Thanks for ditching class with me." Cerise grabbed his hand and softly blushed.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 15, 2010, 05:35:17 PM
It was getting dark, the beginning of a storm looming over the city. In Katka's bedroom on the second floor, overlooking the street below, she glanced up from her sketchpad at Kitt. He shifted uncomfortably and moaned "You say sketch would be quick-" Katka put a finger to her lips and grinned, sticking her tongue out slightly as she concentrated on her sketchpad "You cant rush art Kitt... Anyway, you said you wanted to see my sketches."

Kitt shrugged "I was just surprised you drew art." With a grin Katka chewed on the end of her pencil "Surprised? Well, its finished now." She turned the sketchpad around and showed Kitt. He grinned. The sketch was good, though he supposed he wasn't much of a critic, life on a farm didnt really give you much experience with fine art.

Suddenly the downstairs door slammed loudly. Katka dropped her sketchpad, eyes wide with fear as the pad clattered to the floor. She mouthed silently "Dad's back..."

The pair walked downstairs slowly. Muffled curses and the sounds of someone stumbling came from in the living room, and when they entered it by the small staircase Katka's dad was leaning against the fireplace. He stared at them wildly "You flea-ridden mongrel... What are you doing with MY daughter?"

Kitt made to back away, but the man advanced. Even from across the room they could smell the spirits on his breath "And you!" He pointed suddenly to Katka and took another step closer, raising his fist "Your mother and I where happy! We had everything!" he swung and smacked her across the cheek, stumbled, and moved to attack again "Why did you have to be born! We didnt want you!" Katka quailed under the onslaught, backed up against the stairs.  He struck again, drawing blood, rising up above her.

"Get off her!" Kitt shouted in a moment of bravado, and new-found anger. He barged into Katka's father, shoulder meeting surprised flesh with a dull thud. The man stumbled backwards drunkenly and his head met the stone fireplace with a loud crack. Kitt stood panting, breath drawing hard and ragged. A thin spattering of blood flecked the fireplace and oozed out from where the man lay, silent and unmoving. What had he done?
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 15, 2010, 11:45:07 PM
"No problem" he looked at her, "come I want to show you something"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 16, 2010, 01:29:53 AM
"Okay..." she said as she looked up at him.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 16, 2010, 02:09:26 AM
Sain took her into the woods, there where alone, they walked for about 15 mins. Until they got to a small open area that lead to a lake. The moon glowed beautifully as it shined giving a peaceful feeling setting the mood.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 16, 2010, 04:50:50 AM
The doctors worked feverishly on Will. He was in bad shape. Unlike Markus, who had been in more of his fair share of scuffs, this was his first, and did not take it well. His nose was broken, as well as 3 ribs. He had internal bleeding and sustained a lot of damage to his organs. Despite having collapsed once before and being very weak, they were able to save him and make him stable. After finishing up, they left the room to let him rest. Its all anyone could do for him now.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 16, 2010, 04:59:27 AM
Ho'ne walked up to the doctor "How is he doc?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 16, 2010, 05:02:58 AM
The doctor looked into Ho'ne's eyes with a sad look. "The Lynx will survive, Master Ho'ne, but he is in no shape to go anywhere right now. He'll have to stay here for about 3 days before he can safely go anywhere else." He looked back towards the room. "Whatever happened to him, its a miracle he survived it. Will there be anything else, Master Ho'ne?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 16, 2010, 08:09:35 PM
Cerise looked around in awe. "It's so beautiful here..." she said softly as she let go of his hand and walked towards the lake.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 16, 2010, 09:22:07 PM
Ho'ne had a pleased look "He survived that's all it matters. What of the others?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 16, 2010, 09:31:14 PM
"The bear is in slightly better shape, but he too will need rest. The leopard wasn't harmed at all, physically that is. She seems very distraught about the whole thing." The doctor sighed as he looked up towards the ceiling. The doctor noticed the monitor standing next to Ho'ne with a confused look on his face. "Perhaps Master Ho'ne could enlighten you as to why we are here."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 17, 2010, 02:00:47 AM
"Ok this is the situation. Those three were assaulted on Euthanasia's property. We are responsible for what has happen on our land." Ho'ne was about to exit the door. "You are to take care of their every needs, as well of the bull's family...That's a order." As he left out the door
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 17, 2010, 02:13:48 AM
"Yes sir, Master Ho'ne." The doctor went back into Will's room to check on him. Vitals were doing fine, heartbeat, breathing normal. Will awoke, very groggy under the medication. "Welcome back, Master Lynx. How do you feel?" Will just groaned in response as he looked around the room. "You're in rough shape sir, its a miracle you're even alive." Will looked at the doctor. He tried to speak, but could barely talk because of his fatigue. "Easy now, don't strain yourself. Let me get closer so I can hear you." The doctor leaned up close to Will so he could listen. "Alyx. Ok?" The doctor did not know who he was talking about. "Let me go find Alyx for you ok? But only for a minute, you need your rest." The doctor went into the main room where everyone was. "Whoever is named Alyx, the Lynx wants to see you."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 17, 2010, 02:15:40 AM
Alyx stood up and walked over to Will, she breathed a sigh of relife. sitting next to him, she ginned widely "hey you..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Self-sain on December 17, 2010, 02:22:41 AM
He walked up behind her, "something her is quite beautiful indeed.."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 17, 2010, 02:29:45 AM
Will smiled as Alyx entered the room. He was glad she was okay. He motioned her to come closer so he could speak to her. "I'm glad. I met you." He smiled at her again as he layed his head back. Maybe it was the drugs, the vision from his parents, or that Alyx was here, but was really comfortable with himself right now.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 17, 2010, 02:34:32 AM
Alyc smiled and took his hand "I am glad I met you too Will" she smiled even wider. "you gonna be just fine"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 17, 2010, 02:40:28 AM
He smiled back at Alyx and drifted off into sleep. The doctor came back in at that time. "Sorry Ma'am, but we're gonna have to let him rest now."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 17, 2010, 02:58:00 AM
Ho'ne saw Alyx enters Will's door. He decided to wait by it. "Sigh What a day this been"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 17, 2010, 03:05:30 AM
she got up and left, seeing Ho'ne she gave him a grateful smile "thankyou..." she said smiling.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 17, 2010, 03:19:38 AM
"Please don't thank me, it's my fault that you guys got hurt in the beginning with." Ho'ne thought, " I am really sorry for what happen, please forgive me."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 17, 2010, 04:14:43 AM
Alyx nodded, understanding, she walked into the empty kitchen and sat down in one of the chairs, much more relaxed and happier now. "I'm...sorry the band thing didn't work out today"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 17, 2010, 04:24:01 AM
The doctor walked into the other room with Marcus and his family. He went over to the small one and squatted down to her eye level. "So, you have lukemia, hmm? Don't worry. Me and my friends are going to do our best to help you and your family."  He chuckled and messed up her hair as he went to consult with the other doctors about how to best treat everyone.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 17, 2010, 04:32:38 AM
"Mm?" Seem to forgetting about it. "Oh, I am not worried about it now. We can always find time to do that whenever." He said as he looked what was in the fridge. "You thirsty?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 18, 2010, 02:16:58 AM
"no...not really" she smiled "thanks" she eased back into her chair, she was feeling very tired and very drained. "I...don't know what to do"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 18, 2010, 06:22:58 AM
Ho'ne walked over to the seat across from her and sat in it. "The only think we can do is bid our time, I guess." Taking a drink.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 18, 2010, 06:47:04 AM
Markus woke up not knowing where he was, he looked around the unfamiliar place and tried to stand instantly doubling over and screaming from pain in his ribs. "Ahh f--- what's going on? Where am I?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 18, 2010, 06:55:22 AM
The doctors came back into the bear's room with a needle. The doctor from before talked to Marcus, the others addressed the mom about her daughter. "Calm down, Master Bear, you'll make it worse. You're in a makeshift infirmary. Master Ho'ne has appointed us to see to your recovery. You've been badly beaten, mostly in your chest area, resulting in 3 broken ribs. It's going to be at least 2 days before you can walk again, with crutches, I might add."  "In order for us to help your daughter, Ma'am, we'll need a blood sample to determine exactly how far along the disease is. We may be able to save her if its not too integrated into her bloodstream. May we have your permission to take a sample?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 18, 2010, 11:56:27 PM
Alyx sighed as she made circular motions on the table, resting her head on her arm she sighed heavily " too much for my poor brain to handle"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 19, 2010, 01:33:02 AM
""Of course you can have a sample of blood doctor." Ellie ran over to Markus. "Are you okay Markkie?" "Yah Ellie, I'll be okay in a few days." He sat up against the couch.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 01:43:52 AM
The group of doctors nodded to the other doctor who was tending to Marcus. He got down and talked to Ellie. "Your brother's going to be just fine. However, I'd like to talk about you." The doctor sighed. This was not going to be easy to ask her. "We... need a sample of your blood to help us find out how far along your Leukemia is. Without it, I don't know what we can do to help. I won't make you give it to us, but it would really help us heal you." He looked at Marcus with a saddened face. His eyes we're beginning to tear up. He hoped it wasn't too far.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 19, 2010, 04:30:15 AM
Ho'ne got up "Here let me show you your room. James, should be here in a few with extra clothing." Opening the door for her.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 04:50:22 AM
"ummm...okay?" she followed but she began to feel uneasy
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Moofinz on December 19, 2010, 05:14:18 AM
She turned around to face Sain and blushed. She wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 19, 2010, 05:45:32 AM
"He went out and bought some clothing, if that's that's what your wondering." He opened the door to her room. "Please let me know if you need anything else." Closing the door behind her.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Muscular Bear182 on December 19, 2010, 08:50:35 AM
"Markkie?" Ellie said looking at Markus ((with a "K")) "Ellie, I love you and I want you better and so do the doctors." He said looking at he, "They're just like the other doctors." Ellie looked at him and nodded and then back at the doctor, "Only if I can have a lollypop!" She giggled.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 08:57:57 AM
The doc smiled. But then realized they didn't have any lollipops. "Uhm, Hey Bill! Go to the store and grab some lollipops for Ellie here!" One of the doctors then left the room and headed for his scooter. "I'm afraid we don't have any right now, but Bill there is going right now to go get you some. While he's gone, I'd like to take that sample so we can analyze it please." As the doctor walked out of the "infirmary," he passed by Ho'ne. "Master Ho'ne, I'm going out to grab some lollipops for our patients. Shall I get anything else while I'm out?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ho'ne Diheart on December 19, 2010, 09:04:59 AM
"Extra food, James is already buying clothing for our guest." Ho'ne requested. "If you please." Before entering his own room. He looked at the bed and sighed. He climbed in it laying his head on the comfy pillow just wanting to sleep.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 11:26:15 AM
Ricca walked out and ran into the doctor. "so how are they? and where are you off to?" she asked calmly. "don't forget the rice!" "can you believe this? he's sending me out on a grocery run for my house. well i guess he really wants to make them something to eat."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 06:30:48 PM
"Madam, I am going to get some lollipops as incentives for our patients and extra food as requested from Master Ho'ne." The doctor put on his helmet as he started up his scooter. "They'll be fine, but they need to stay here and rest for a few days. If you have any other questions, the other doctors will help you." He took off after that towards the boardwalk to pick up food.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 07:32:52 PM
((Hey Macid its about time you woke up :P ))

Alyx looked around her room, but she didn't stay, she left and went straight into the room where Will was sleeping, luckily the doctors were not there. she sat down in a chair next to Sleeping Will, she suddenly felt her eyelids grow heavy, crossing her arms on the bed, she rested her head on her crossed arms before she fell asleep ...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 07:40:27 PM
Will woke up slowly, adjusting his eyes as he did so. He tried to get up, but could barely move without his chest flaring up in pain. He fought through the pain and managed to get himself up to a sitting position on the couch he was on. He saw Alyx sleeping in a nearby chair. He wanted to know how long he'd been sleeping, or what day it was for that matter. His stomach growled to remind him that he hadn't eaten anything since that can of sprite he had at Alyx's house. Maybe she could get him some food as well. Tentatively, he tried to wake her by talking to her. "H-hey Alyx. Y-you awake?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 07:47:37 PM
Alyx shot awake, Will was awake. she stood up, knocking over the chair. "OH WILL!! your awake! you must be hungry!, okay I will get you food!" she dashed out of the room, she tripped then scrambled up and ran into the kitchen, she made him a ham sandwich (yes she can cook, not like Max though :P) grabbing a water bottle and an apple she hurried back, setting the tray infront of him, she grabbed the knocked over chair, and brought it right next to Alyx bed, she was grinning like an idiot. "how are you?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 08:01:14 PM
Will just sat there, dumbfounded. She seemed very hyper today, or happy, he couldn't tell the difference. "W-well, aside f-from the searing p-pain, I'm ok." He wanted to take a bite of the sandwich, but instead scarfed it down. He adjusted himself on the couch bringing on another wave of pain. His face strained in protest to his actions. "H-how about you? Y-you seem... e-energetic today. Wh-what time is it?" He took the water bottle and chugged that as well.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 08:06:17 PM
"I m not hyper, just happy," she watched him eat "slow don there, do you want a stomach ache on top of your pain?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 08:17:53 PM
Will coughed as he drank the water, his insides flaring up. As it subsided, he looked at Alyx with a serious face. "D-does it even m-matter anymore? Both of my p-parents are d-dead." He took another sip of water. "M-my life has always b-been t-troubled, but not like th-this." He sniffled as he tried not to cry in front of Alyx. "Wh-why me? Why does it h-have to happen to m-me?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 08:53:55 PM
-_-......"real polite. guess I'll drive." Ricca said watching the doctor ride off. she went over to a parked black hemi with 2 dark red racing stripes. she got in and started the loud engine before driving off, not without a little wheelspin as she took off sideways out of the driveway.

((guess i should mention her talents are being a Waiter, driving and drawing.))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 08:54:38 PM
Alyx stood up, "I can't answer that question" her tone was no longer happy, she looked sad, angry, scared. she left the room as she called the hospital, then the funeral home. she came back in "you mothers funeral is tomorrow...I suggest you go" Alyx wasn't cheerful anymore, she turned around, before she left the room she said "I think its best that we don' friends anymore... I cause you too much grief...this is the only way I can protect you" tears formed in her eyes as they spilled over, this was the only she can protect Will from anymore harm. "Goodbye Will..." she walked slowly out the room and outside,unnoticed. she finally broke into a run, she ran down the hill, she saw the street. but didn't see the car that came out of no where, the car swerved and Alyx jumped out of the way, bumper hit her thigh, hard. she flew s couple feet as the car stopped. she saw a snow leopard with long black hair step out "kid, are you nuts!" she yelled, through blurry eyes, she looked up at the driver
"s-s-sorry.." as her vision cleared, the snow leopard was beautiful, she had long black hair and dark green eyes...
"My name is Cadence Harold, I am a doctor"
Alyx didn't want to tell this woman her real name "Mary Lang..." she replied. Cadence checked her thigh...Alyx winced in pain constantly" didn't break, but you definitely bruised it"
I bruised it! Alyx was enraged but Cadence surprised her "its also my fault...come on. I'll take you to my place"
Cadence helped her into the passenger seat... "thank you ma'am..."
"its not a problem" Cadence replied
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 09:02:49 PM
"Alyx! ALYX!" He screamed for her to come back. He didn't want to lose anyone else. But it was too late, she was gone. Will broke out into full tears. Everyone he had ever loved had been taken away from him. He was alone for the first time in his entire life. Why did he have to be alone? Why was having somebody else with you so hard? One of the doctors heard the commotion and ran into the room. Seeing Will crying hysterically, he injected him with some morphine to calm him down, lest he injure himself further. As well relaxed under the drug, all he could think of was how badly he wanted to go after Alyx.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 09:12:53 PM
((In case you didn't know Cadence and Alyx look...VERY much ;) ))

Cadence stopped at a light, she looked at the girl...she was crying. "whats wrong?" she asked
"I-I left Will behind" she sobbed
"who is Will?" Cadence asked, the girl told her the whole story, Cadence, who lived at the house at the bottom of the hill below Ho'ne's castle. Cadence had felt something similar, long time ago though. she guided the Girl in. "stay here...I am gonna get him"
"but he is wounded!!" she cried " trust me Mary, he will be fine"
"m-m-my name is no Mary, sorry I lied" Cadence only smiled. "then what is it?"
"Alyx, please don't go! I already told him that I can't be friends with him, he will be mad at me"
she nodded, once Alyx fell asleep as she left to Ho'ne's castle she didn't know why she went but something told her to do so. she was glad to have her Kit with her. the drive was short and the door was open, Cadence sneaked past the Doctors. she saw a lynx boy...crying. she knelt down beside him, he was on morphine
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 09:20:04 PM
He heard his name being called. He tried to look through his tears, and saw Alyx. "Alymmyfuh!" The morphine had relaxed him to the point where he could barely talk, but he had to tell her not to leave. "Alymun, nnudu benimu." This isn't working. Gotta make it work though, can't lose again. He tried with all his might to reach out to her, still crying as he did so.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 09:23:19 PM
((attack of the future you!!!!))

max walked into the room happily before noticing the older version of Alyx next to an apparently high will. "..............0_o.............I'll just leave you two alone........." he said slowly walking backwards out the door he came in.

"found you!" Ricca called to the doctor finding him down at the shops, she slung an arm over his shoulders and smiled happily. "any you do know that you wont be able to carry all that stuff on your scooter. i could help get it to the others if you want.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 09:28:34 PM
"Well, I was only planning on getting a few things for right now, then coming back later, but if you're offering, sure." The doctor walked with Ricca through the shops, picking up fruits, vegetables, bread, and of course lollipops. After a short while, they finished their shopping and loaded the grocerys into her Hemi and drove back to the house.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 09:31:12 PM
Cadence touched his god...this boy loves her... she looked around as she noticed Max "hey you, come here" she hissed. "Alyx ran off, I almost hit her with my car and such" she waved her hand "I need you to help me with something"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 09:44:44 PM
"she ran of......your here.....-_0" he just stood there unsure if he should do what she said, or run away before some cataclysmic disaster. "OK, so what do you need Alyx, i mean what was your name?" he cautiously walked over, still in his chefs pants and jacket.

"so whats it like to be a doctor? i was thinking of going into medicine but my grades aren't high enough. so i stuck to my calling in the family business of hospitality." Ricca drove quickly through the streets, making sure to drift slightly every chance she got.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 09:49:13 PM
Alyx? "ummm... okay, look, my name is Cadence Harold, I am a doctor, Alyx ran out of no where and I almost hit her with my car" she reaised an eyebrow "do I look like Alyx that much?" she asked
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 09:49:58 PM
The doctor sighed. "Honestly, its not all that great. I mean sure it feels fantastic when you save someones life, but if you don't, they label you as responsible, even if you did everything you could to help." The doctor was about to continue, but then slapped his hand on his face. "Aww crap, I forgot I rode my scooter."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 09:59:02 PM
max just nodded hesitantly. "you more than look LIKE her, apart from the obvious age difference your the same person." he stood there next to her looking down at Will. "so why are you here?"

"oh yea, you did ride a scooter there. guess I'll have to drop you of there later. max will kill me if i don't get this stuff back soon." she giggled looking over at the doctor calmly "I'm Ricca by the way, i never did catch your name."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 10:02:17 PM
"how Bizzar?" she looked down at Will "are Alyx and Will... more than friends?" she asked "because it seems that they are way past the friend stage"  Cadence told him the story. "so..?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 10:06:52 PM
"Bill, my name's Bill. Master Ho'ne will kill me too if we don't help those guys get better. What the heck happened to them?"

Will could barely understand what the two were talking about, but caught a name, Cadence. Who was this person? He felt a mild pain spring up his spine, but thank to the morphine, it wasn't that bad. He started to feel sleepy, but fought it so he could stay awake with Alyx. He felt that if he closed his eyes, she wouldn't be there when he opened them.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 10:13:32 PM
Cadence finally noticed Will falling asleep "umm... since I am Will's doctor, something tells me that he needs to be near Alyx" she picked him up and brought him into a bedroom upstairs. when she came down stairs, she saw a limping Alyx enter the room. "I thought...I told you not to go..." she was gasping and breathing hard. Cadence gaped at her.
"KID, ARE YOU NUTS!" she yelled, Alyx only grinned "yes"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 10:27:17 PM
"i don't know. no one tells me anything. it seems like it though." he said as he helped her carry will upstairs. he followed her back down and saw Alyx. he quickly jumped the last of the stairs and supported her so she didn't fall over. "we gotta stop running into each other under these circumstances....."

"i don't know. no one tells me anything." she commented driving up the driveway and seeing a car she had never seen before. "i think we're missing out on something interesting..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 10:31:29 PM
Alyx smiled at Max " I thought I was not coming back..." she was burning up with a fever "guess fate didn't want that" thats when she fainted. Cadence sighed "now she probably broke her femur and I have to put a brace on it...JUST what I wanted" she half smiled though...god she looked familiar. "whats her last name?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 10:41:33 PM
As they carried Will upstairs, he felt like he was coming apart from the inside out. When they set him down on the bed, he writhed in pain on the bed, coughing a fit. Too much excitement for you today, man. Rest, you'll feel better when you wake up. Will didn't want to sleep, but couldn't fight it anymore. The combined stress and morphine was too much and he fell asleep within seconds.

"I got a feeling this is going to be quite the adventure, eh Ricca?" He got out of the car and grabbed as much as he could before going inside and seeing Max helping Alyx up, with Cadence watching over them. "Whats going on here?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 10:48:04 PM
"Phillips i think, so where should i put her down?" he sighed lifting her up off her bad leg. bill and Ricca walked in as soon as he finished his sentence. "don't bother asking. i did and I'm still trying to comprehend the abnormality of the circumstances." "i don't think i want to know......but if you need some where to put her you can put her in my room nextdoor.

((oh dear god!!! is cadence going to turn out to be alyx's mother!!!!!))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 10:51:07 PM
Cadence paled "I see..." she shook her head I can't be... "yes, lay her down, i need to work on her leg" her hands were slightly shaking.

((how did you guess? well, Alyx's real mother))
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on December 19, 2010, 11:09:10 PM
((it just suddenly his me. well after you lead on that you were starting to recognise her....and the whole you from the future was kinda out of the question....or is it?.....))

max laid alyx down on a lounge so cadence could work on her leg "are you OK? you seem kind of, on edge."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on December 19, 2010, 11:14:11 PM
"Where are you going?" Kitt tried to pull Katka back, but she slapped his hand away and continued to pack her bag "Away... I'l phone the police, but I dont want to be here..." Kitt followed her as she stuffed clothes into her rucksack "But I dont understand. We should phone ambulance, tell police what happened-"

Katka turned and grabbed him roughly by the upper arm. She was stronger than her appearances would suggest, and she stared him hard in the eyes "That man was a bully, and a terror. He ruined my childhood. You killing him may have been the best thing that has happened to me..."

Kitt winced and pulled out of her grip "It was accident, I just try to stop him hurting you." With a short laugh Katka picked up her bag "Well, you definitely managed that..."


The streets where almost silent, lit now by the humming streetlamps, Kitt and Katka passed almost no-one as they walked. Katka walked with a fierce determination, as if she wanted to get away from the house as fast as possible. Finally she stopped and Kitt almost walked straight into her. She blew on her hands, breath rising as mist in the cold air, and pulled out her phone "Okay, I'l phone the police, tell them my dad fell and has hurt himself. Then we leave..."

Kitt shook his head "You are crazy. Where you go after?" Katka grinned, a manic glint in her eye as she dialled 911 "Your place of course..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 19, 2010, 11:14:32 PM
"i am perfectly fine" she worked on her leg slowly, Cadence convinced herself that it was a different Phillips, that made her feel better
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 19, 2010, 11:36:56 PM
Bill took the bag of lollipops where Marcus and Ellie were. "Here we are, a lollipop." He handed it to Eillie as the other doctor swabbed her arm with a cotton ball. "This may hurt a little, be brave for us ok?"  He drew as much as he needed, then handed it over to another doctor for analysis. He patched her up and smiled. "There, wasn't that fun?" The other doctor went straight into the other room, where they had their equipment set up. Putting the sample under a microscope, she analyzed it and slowly smiled. "Whats the diagnosis?" "We're not too late, but we need to act fast.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 20, 2010, 02:41:12 AM
"all done" Cadence stood up, for the second time, she carried Alyx up stairs to the room where Will slept, the bed, being monstrous placed her on the other side, there was a good distance between the two teenagers, Alyx's fever died, she left the room, and then, began to make a phone call for the first time in years. to Gabriel.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 20, 2010, 02:52:49 AM
The doctors huddled around a table in their lab, which was actually the rec room. "Alright everybody, here's the situation. The Lynx, Bear, and Leopard are fine. The little bear, Ellie, is not." 'Her leukemia is in such a state to where we can save her, but we need to begin treatment as soon as possible. I've run through our options, and found that the best course of action is a bone marrow transplant." The other doctors nodded in agreement. "We'll need to bring her to the hospital to do it. How soon can we get her there.?" "The patients are sleeping right now. To have her wake up in an unfamiliar place, with or without family, would be a disaster. We should wait till she wakes up, then take her and her mom there immediately." "Very well. I shall inform master Ho'ne of the plan." With that, the doctor left searching for Ho'ne.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 20, 2010, 03:17:46 AM
Alyx woke up to see her leg braced, she rolled over, seeing Will, she stared at his peaceful face. "I am really sorry for doing that to you Will...but it seems that fate wont let us part..." her leg was feeling better "well...hopefully the storm is now going away"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 20, 2010, 04:05:01 AM
Will had another dream. He was sitting at a dinner table, with 4 spots set. He looked around the room, and saw no-one else. He got up and went into the kitchen to find a pile of dishes int he sink, and the smell of baked ham coming from the oven. There was no-one here either. He walked around the whole house, which was strange and alien to him, and found no-one. He walked back downstairs, but as soon as he did, he heard a baby crying from back upstairs. He ran to the upstairs bedrooms and went to the door that was the loudest. When he opened the door, what he saw he could not believe. It was his mother. She was in the bathtub, and a baby Lynx sitting on the tile crying. When he saw the baby, he instantly changed to its perspective. He was now crying because his mommy was gone. No-one was there to comfort him. He turned around to where the door was and saw the shadow of Alyx walk away. He cried harder as he tried to get her to come back, but she didn't. He was running down the hall after her now. She wasn't running, but was always just out of reach. He called for her, "Alyx! Don't go! Please, come back!" She didn't turn, as if she didn't hear him. "Alyyyyyyxxxxx!" They were in a thorny forest. Will tried to avoid the gnarled branches that came after him, but tripped on a root and fell face first into the dirt. He looked up to see Alyx walking away even further. "Alyx! No! Please! I need you!" The vines grew closer, encircling his body as he lay there in tears.

In the real world, Will was tossing and turning in his sleep, mumbling about his mom and Alyx.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 20, 2010, 04:10:02 AM
Alyx became instantly worried, gently she tried to wake him, "Will, wake up, its me, Alyx, listen to me! Will, I am here, I came back, I came back!!" she waited, she looked to the door and back to Will, "Follow my voice, please!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 20, 2010, 05:10:45 AM
Will awoke, startled and frightened at his horrible nightmare. He saw Alyx next to him on the bed. Without saying a word, and ignoring the pain, he grabbed her and started to cry again. She was all he had left, and he didn't want her to go away. He didn't care about whatever pain she brought him. Being alone in this world was worse than anything.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 20, 2010, 05:15:08 AM
"oh Will, I am so sorry...what I did was terrible" she hugged him tighter, "I promise I wont do it again okay?"   

Cadence tried to talk with Gabriel but he did not answer. she was still curious though... she walked back to the room, Alyx and Will were hugging each other, she found it touching.Cadence walked in though "hey Alyx, how is everything"
Alyx smiled up at the snow leopard woman. smiling, "thanks...Cadence, your an angel from heaven"
Cadence let out a laugh as she sat down,Alyx could not help but admier her EXTREME beauty. like herself, she also had raven black hair and green eyes, but they were darker... she had a weird thought, she felt like she was staring at an older version of herself. Alyx was suddenly very disturbed by this, but she casted that thought away.

Gabriel was in an intense meeting, his eyes looked sunken and he felt drained. he wondered if his girls were okay, his twin daughters were home, but has not heard from Alyx, he checked his phone, his blood ran cold. Cadence called, he checked the message.

Gabriel, I believe I have met (sigh) our youngest daughter... she looks just like me, its kinda freaky and I have no idea what to do? (click)
Gabriel sighed "I can't believe they met...hopefully Alyx and Valentine is unaware"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 21, 2010, 05:30:11 PM
Will had calmed down to the point where he could stop crying. The morphine was wearing off and he was beginning to feel the pain again. He let go of Alyx and lied down on the bed. He was about to talk to Alyx when he noticed her sitting in a chair off the bed. But she was also on the bed too. Will looked back and forth at the two for a bit before finally speaking. "A-am I seeing d-double?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 21, 2010, 05:36:15 PM
both Cadence and Alyx were becoming intensely disturbed, Cadence walked over Will's side. "My name is Dr. Cadence Harold" Alyx smiled at will as she got up, her leg was filling a bit better, but not great she limped over to a different chair, sitting down. "I kinda hit your friend with my car" Cadence chuckled as she checked up on Will "those doctors did a mighty fine'll be up and around in a couple of days"

Alyx watched Cadence, the way she walked, talked, looked... like an older version of herself, she shook her head as chills ran down her spine. this was not cool.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 21, 2010, 05:51:59 PM
Will's ears drooped the moment he heard Alyx was hit by a car. "I-is A-alyx g-gonna be o-k? P-please, sh-she's the only f-friend I-i've g-got left. P-please t-tell m-me shes g-gonna be ok." He was so worried about her, that he had forgotten completely that Alyx was in the room listening to him talk about her.

One of the doctors came to check on Will, but found that he wasn't in the room. He heard talking coming from upstairs and went to check it out. The bedroom door was cracked ajar, allowing him to see Will and two snow leopards. They were just talking, so he decided to eavesdrop for a little bit.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 21, 2010, 05:55:06 PM
Cadence chuckled "she will be fine Will, nothing bad, she just bruised her bone, Alyx is strong" Cadence looked at Alyx then smiled, he had a feeling someone was the door. "you may come in sir"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 21, 2010, 06:09:26 PM
"Dangit." Bill opened the door and introduced himself. "My name is Bill, I'm one of the doctors overlooking Will's recovery. He wasn't in his room we put him in, so I came here looking for him. You seem to be doing fine, eh Will?" Will nodded at Bill, his eyes still puffy from his crying. "Y-yeah. I'm o-okay." The doctor nodded back, and turned to Cadence. "May I ask you of your name, Madam?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 21, 2010, 06:20:03 PM
"Dr. Cadence Harold I work at the new hospital outside of town" she extended her hand to bill
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 21, 2010, 06:24:38 PM
He extended his hand to shake hers. ((Bill is a fox, btw) "Oh another doctor? I guess there's no harm in letting you take care of wait, did you say you work at the hospital outside of town?" Bill felt like he struck gold. If he could explain the situation of Ellie to Cadence, they could get her in easier and cure her Leukemia!
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 21, 2010, 06:30:51 PM
"yes I do, I am an Oncologist, head of the Oncology Dept. (cancer doctor) I also work with sever wounds and injuries"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 21, 2010, 06:35:57 PM
"That's great! We have a little girl here named Ellie. She has Leukemia and according to our research, we can cure her entirely, but we don't have the equipment to do so here. If we can get her to the hospital, we can save her. Can you help us Cadence?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 21, 2010, 06:38:47 PM
Cadence looked at Alyx, then at Will, she passed by Bill, coming down stairs she saw Ellie, such a sweet girl. she knelt down to meet eye level with her "Hello Ellie, I am Dr. Cadence, I am here to help you"

Alyx walked over to where Will, lay, sitting in a chair beside the bed. she smiled "see my lovely accessories?" she showed her cast on her left thigh. she was trying to be funny.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 22, 2010, 08:38:41 AM
Will looked at her cast. Not a perfect one, but it seemed like it would get the job done. He turned to her and smiled, At least she's alright. "Its b-beautiful." It was at this time that it finally dawned on him. He didn't have a family. He wouldn't have a home very soon either. He was 16 years old and he had nothing to call his own. His face drained itself of emotion. He had cried so much in the past 24 hours that there just wasn't enough water left in him to make any more tears. He turned his head towards the ceiling and took his glasses off, setting them down on the side table. His head felt like it was being split in two. "I'm so tired. Why can't I just rest?" He spoke his thoughts rhetorically, not expecting an answer.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 22, 2010, 08:54:04 AM
"such...intensity is draining, so much emotional turmoil" Alyx was looking at Will, she was smiling softly but her smile did not reach her eyes. she answered a phone call. after hanging up she told Will of the funeral time. she remained silent after the corner of the room, she saw a piano. seeing it she looked at Will "do you want me to play music?"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 22, 2010, 09:07:01 AM
Funeral, his mother. How he wished she could hold him in her arms again. But she never will. Will remembered how good her music made him felt before, how he applauded at the concert. Yet, for all the good feelings it brought him, he didn't want to be happy right now. He just wanted to see his mom again. "Alyx. D-do you r-remember the p-portrait I showed y-you of my mom? I th-think I tore it up y-yesterday. I d-don't remember." His entire body seemed to be burning. His breathing had become sporadic as he tried to start crying again, despite not having tears to shed. "W-why did I do it Alyx? W-why did I tear up m-my mom?" He brought his hands to his face to try and hide himself from the world. 
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 22, 2010, 06:23:00 PM
Alyx had to think for a moment "Will, you didn't tear it up, I distinctly remember you tearing up others" she sat down at the piano, she needed to play. playing a soft, sad melody...
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 22, 2010, 09:56:05 PM
The music washed over him like a tidal wave of emotions. Each note filled the room with a sound that seemed to say, It's ok. Will's crying transformed into sniffling as he calmed down, her music always seemed to have that effect on him. It's possible you didn't tear it up, but you did do a number on most everything else. There's only one way to find out. When Alyx finished the melody, he asked her, "I h-have to go f-find the picture Alyx. I-I just gotta f-find it."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 23, 2010, 03:21:40 AM
"We can Will!" Alyx limped over to the bed "just right now you are not in any position to go anywhere!"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on December 23, 2010, 03:37:34 AM
Will tried to get up but his arms seized in pain, forcing him to collapse back onto the bed. "Augh. Why d-did they h-have to b-beat me so bad? Ehehehehaugh *cough*" His attempt to lighten his situation helped to ease the pain, only a little though. He had been up only for a little while, and yet his eyes had begun to get heavy again. The excitement had wore out what little energy he had left. He squiggled slightly in the bed to make himself comfortable. "W-we have to g-get it before the f-funeral. P-promise we will." With that, he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep again.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on December 30, 2010, 04:14:39 AM
Alyx nodded as Will drifted off to sleep "I promise Will" she gently gripped his shoulder and sat down in the chair.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on January 15, 2011, 12:46:05 PM
max calmly walked into the room with a tray with two bowls on it. "are you hungry, i made enough for everyone..." he asked trying to interupt as little as possible.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on January 15, 2011, 08:13:57 PM
Alyx smiled "I know I am" she got up to help him, even though she limped "let me help"
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on January 16, 2011, 11:16:50 AM
"no, what kind of gentleman would i be if i let you help me in your condition? now please, sit." he said calmly smiling and putting the tray down on a nearby table. the smell of clam chowder filled the room along with the sound of the doctors and other guests eating down stairs. "hope you like it." he calmly left the room and went back down stairs where he ran into Ricca. "hay Ricca, could you look after things here for a while? i just need to go home to pick up some stuff." "sure, take your time." she said not looking over at him, she was to busy talking to the doctor she had met earlier.
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on January 16, 2011, 05:11:35 PM
Bill had changed out of his doctor scrubs and into a pair of jeans and and t-shirt. Since everyone was stable, he didn't see a reason to keep his professional clothes on. As he was talking with Ricca, another guest came down stairs and talked to her for a little bit. During this, Bill took a taste of the clam chowder everyone was given for lunch. It was delicious! When the two were done talking, he turned to Ricca. "Did you make this? This is great."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Grace.E on January 16, 2011, 06:42:41 PM
Alyx ate heavily, she was halfway done, when Cadence had to come over "kid, quite eating so fast!"  Alyx pouted, as Cadence snatched her spoon away. "do you need a bib?" Cadence asked, the two snow leopards stared stubbornly at each other for a long moment, then Alyx snatched her soup spoon back. "no, I do not need a bib thank you very much" she ate some more. "this soup is sooo goood" Alyx groaned happily
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on January 16, 2011, 10:23:01 PM
"no, max made it. cooking runs in his family. his father once told me that every generation has broth for blood and are born with a soup spoon. so whats with a scooter anyway? got any other form of transport?" she joked calmly until she heard something that made her stop, "hay Ricca, 'borrowing' your car!!" the hemi engine started and speed out of the driveway seconds later and all she had to say was "he's lucky i like him..."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: Ares the Ram on January 17, 2011, 03:12:51 AM
Bill took another spoonful of his chowder before responding. "We've got 2 other cars, but since I wasn't really planning on getting more than a few items, the scooter seemed like the quickest idea." Just then, he heard the same guy from before yell that he was taking her car. "So that guy that drove off in your car made this eh? He should seriously consider a cooking career."
Title: Re: All I ever Wanted...
Post by: serpington on January 17, 2011, 03:25:50 AM
"he is. his dad is leaving him a big company once he finishes school."