The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Gabag on October 20, 2009, 12:18:54 AM

Title: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 20, 2009, 12:18:54 AM
The year is 40,001, Humanity is at it's peak. Due to the fact that no wars are fought anywhere, ever, Humanity and other races banded together and founded the sport "DeathMatch". It is held in a large arena type building with enough seats to house a small country inside. Global satellites are prepared to capture the footage and stream it live to viewers at home. At first the only arena combatants were war criminals, promised with pardons for their actions if they fought each other to the death. The sport's rising popularity and technological advances has allowed arena combatants to defy death, even when they have lost. Weaponry of the past, future, and fantasy are all allowed (within fair limits like no nuclear weapon catapults), and the arena changes scenery to the Arena Master's liking. The current Arena Master, Gabag, rules the arena with an iron fist. Renowned for his 1000-0 win/loss streak, he is a fearsome combatant, able to rend even the toughest of combatants. In a desire to get better gladiators, he has released a competition to any soldiers, bounty hunters, and otherwise proficient in arms usage, with a hefty prize of 100,000,000,000 dollars on the line. You are one of these new combatants, trying to make a name for yourself, or fighting for other reasons. Whatever they may be. WELCOME TO DEATHMATCH!!!

(characters and ooc stuff on ooc board)
Title: Re: DeathMatch (Revisited!)
Post by: Armalite_ on October 23, 2009, 02:20:27 AM
Spike sat on the cold steel bench in his cell. He was in the shadow of the tall wall he was up against as the tiny window was the only source of light above his head. He closed his eye as he listened as his other eye was covered by a patch. He sat perfectly still, breathing slowly. A chain rattled from way down the hall outside his cell door. He opened his right eye. His paws planted firmly on his lap. He waited and waited. Footsteps grew louder and stopped at his door. The sound of a key twisting within the lock was followed by the opening of the narrow slit in the door. A guard peered inside but was careful to keep his distance as he called his name. "Spike?..."  Spike kept still. His white-tipped tail slithered out from the shadows and Spike stood up, creating a silhouette in the light. "Yes?" Spike answered. "I got dinner for you."  The guard replied. Spike tilted his head and asked. "What is it this time?" The guard was quick to answer. "Your favorite. Lamb chops." Spike moved closer to the door, his heavy chained shackles rattling as he walked. He was held back by his restraints attached to the wall. The guard slid the plate through the small opening and looked in Spike's glowing yellow eye. "Bon appetite."  He said, sliding in a spork after the plate. The slit shut and the sound of the key returned followed by the disappearing footsteps. Spike looked at the spork and then at the plate of nasty looking meat then back at the plastic eating utensil. He flicked it away. He shrugged. "I've had worse." He said out loud, a sinister grin spread across his face. He picked up the paper plate and walked back to the bench where he ate with his hands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch (Revisited!)
Post by: Gabag on October 26, 2009, 07:41:08 PM
Kaine looked up at the new trash brought before him (Spike) "Mr. Spike, your wanted of over 3000 counts of first degree murder (for exaggeration purposes) your penalty is fighting in the Arena, congrats maggot!" he literally spat into spike's face.

(a few minutes before)
Two guards kicked down the door to spike's cell and forcefully yanked his chains loose and dragged him to the arena dome. Thousands of hungry hands clasped at them from steel bars, but it didn't matter, for they came only for spike. Violently shoving him into a teleporter directly linked with Kaine's office.
Title: Re: DeathMatch (Revisited!)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 26, 2009, 09:34:35 PM
Chrono was being escorted by six soldiers, and his 'lawyer' to the Arena arm-cuffed and a visor over his eyes. The arm-cuffs were not to protect the civilians who noticed the small spectacle of a dragon being escorted to who-knows-where, but to protect Chrono from mob paranoia. The paranoia that turns regular hard-working civilians into a mob of weapon-toting militia drunk on the fervor of 'heretic hunting'. If he so desired, he could kick the guards around him to the ground and tear apart the next person he came across, if he so desired. However, he desired protection from the masses, which the government provided through a deal: Become one of the top 5 gladiators in the world-renowned sport of "Deathmatch" and we will protect you and your family. He came up to the gate, and his lawyer, who looked like a spindly bean-counter in a pin-stripe suit came up to one of the registars and handed over an electronic folder that contained Chrono's official history and weapon experience. The registar looked over the folder and Chrono awaited to see if he was accepted....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on October 28, 2009, 10:21:48 PM
Spike flinched as the spit hit his face. He looked back into the eyes of Kaine and smiled, his lips curling back to show a row of fangs in a murderous grin. "Thank you kindly...But I don't recall murdering more than 500..." He wiped the spit off his face with his shoulder, looking back at Kaine. "But I request that as long as I fight that I get my knife and my old MG3."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 28, 2009, 10:42:21 PM
Blaire entered, her blue eyes glowing within the shadows of her hood. Her brown hair flowed from the hood like great silk waves. She looked around and snickered. Her white fangs showed as she walked up to the attendant. "I am here for the fight. I am in need of a cell..." She looked at the man and leaned on the counter smiling under her hood. The man smiled and eyed her. "Sounds good miss. Here you are." He handed her a number and key. She smiled and nodded thanks to him. "See ya round." She stood and walked down the hall. She sighed and went to her cell. It seemed a tad larger and a little more clean. "This will do I suppose," she said as she put the key in the slot and opened the door. Blaire walked in and sat on the bed after shutting the door behind her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on October 29, 2009, 12:03:58 AM
Philly stepped off the bus, finally arriving at the arena.  It was a wonder that he even managed to pay the bus fare.  He walked up to the door and sighed.  "I'm not sure if I can do this...but I have to try" he said pushing through the doors into the sign-up area.  He stood at one of the desks but didn't say a thing.  Instead he backed up towards the door leading out to the sleeping cells and tried to slip in without anybody noticing.  "Maybe I don't even have to fight...maybe I can find where the money is stashed..." he thought to himself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 02:09:25 AM
Blaire stood and shrugged. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go look around." She opened her door and closed it quietly. She spotted a Raccoon and smiled. She jogged over waving. "Hey! Are you another competitor?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 29, 2009, 02:22:51 AM
Chrono felt the visor come off his face and a guard pointed a gun at the back of his skull. "You know the drill 'heretic', go to your cell, your old armor and gun are in there waiting for you..." there was a hint of fakeness in the guard's anger, as if he sympathised with what hes going through, and somewhat wished he didn't have to treat him like this. "Yes sir..." his gaze un-changed as he walked with two of previously six-man escort towards a rather clean and tidy 'cell'. "Heh, a heretic gets an apartment room for free as long as his life is on the line..." he joked to himself as the guard shoved him in.

The instant he went through the door, sensors triggered the door to shut and his arm cuffs to come off. A voice resounded through the room, sounding like it came within the room, but was far away. Shes somewhere in this arena, but looks like you'll have to wait till they let you out before you can sad the voice ended with a chuckle and then silence. "Thats it, I'm changing your voice to a females...that chuckle is just too creepy coming from a guy" he said in silence before going to don his armor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 02:46:34 AM
Blaire decided it was pointless to even try and make nice, they were only going to fight. One killing another. "Sorry, thought you were someone else," She said as she turned and walked away. There must be SOMEONE her I know.. she thought to herself. She continued down the hall, unaware that it wasn't her cell's hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on October 29, 2009, 03:24:53 PM
Philly turned towards the wolf that had noticed him.  He clenched his fist trying to figure out what he was going to say.  Fortunately she left before he had the chance to explain.  "That was too close.  I need to be more careful"  he thought as he turned down yet another corridor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 08:03:09 PM
Blaire continued forward, down the hall. She found a small rock and began to kick it. The sound of it hitting the walls echoed through the corridor. A man followed not far behind her. She turned in curiosity of who it was. Her ears twitched as his aura radiated a threatening strength. She smirked and continued walking, pretending to not acknowledge him. The man moved faster to catch up with her. Blair turned quickly and saw he had vanished. When she turned back around she bumped into the large wolf. "Excuse me... But you're in my way," She said looking past him. He snickered and leaned against the wall. "I haven't seen you around these parts before," He said eying her vigorously. Blaire held her breath and tried to push past him. "Please let me through." The male just laughed and pushed her into a corner. "My name is Coru. Care to tell me your's?" Blaire just growled and stood silent. Please let there someone be around here....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 29, 2009, 08:51:40 PM
Chrono got his armor on and his gun holstered to his side when he reached the door. He tried to open it from his side, and it wouldn't budge. Gladiator Chrono is not yet approved to leave his room... wait two more hours... a monotone rang out in his room. "You obviously don't know me..." he said to himself before taking out his pulse rifle and shooting the corners off the door before kicking it down. I suppose I should tell you shes right..... here Chrono walked out the door, completely covered in armor, and turned to see someone blocking the hallway. He took out his pulse rifle and aimed it at the person. "Move or you'll have to find your head when it falls to the floor...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 08:56:31 PM
Coru turned and spotted a dragon. "Yea... sure whatever buddy." He winked at Blaire before walking away. She stood stiffly, her fists clenched tightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 29, 2009, 08:59:40 PM
Chrono growled and took out the guy's left knee before going to the increasingly familiar woman. "I've been wearing a no-vision visor ever since I got here, care to tell me your name, Miss Wolf?" he said in a calm manner, despite the anger he just showed a few seconds earlier.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 09:02:18 PM
Blaire turned to him and bared her teeth. The male looked familiar, as if he were and old friend. The green marking under her eye glew dimly as she thought. She recollected her mind and smiled casually. "Blaire. Blaire Moon. And you are?" She asked looking at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 29, 2009, 09:06:59 PM
He took his helmet off, adjusting whatever mane got in his eyes. "Chrono, Chrono Blackwyng, and to imagine you of all places... although your eyes certainly retain that exotic beauty... or should I speak about something else Blaire?" His eyes had a red glow around the iris, but unlike Blaire's, his were always visible.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 09:10:41 PM
Her blue eyes illuminated dimly as well, showing the swirling of black that seemed to swirl into her pupil. Her green markings dimmed, as if they had turned off. Blaire smiled slightly. "My eyes are the only thing that haven't changed. But I see your eyes still retain that dark mysterious side that you tend to hid from others." She smiled and crossed her arms. Her eyes were the only thing visible underneath her hood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 29, 2009, 09:16:45 PM
His face briefly went to a frown before a grin crossed his face. On pure impulse, he picked her up and while seemingly closing his eyes shut, lightly shook her about in a rather tight hug. "Whats with the arm-crossing, what did I do to not deserve a hug?!" he said in terrible attempt at being sad.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 29, 2009, 09:32:46 PM
Walking down the hall ignoring the screaming wolf boy with a blasted off knee cap pasted against the wall, Gabag met the two old competitors whom he had heard much about.
"Hello there... Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gabag, and you are?"
He asked of both the dragon and wolf.

(Back at Spike and Kaine)
Kaine put on a pair of completely unnecessary reading glasses, as if to compensate for something like low intelligence or not being clever. "It's a deal you homicidal maniac, now get out of my sight before i kill you myself"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 29, 2009, 10:08:48 PM
"What? A girl can't toy around." She hugged him tightly around the neck. "How have you been?" She looked behind him and saw a man approaching. "Hello? Nice to meet you Gabag. My name is Blaire. This here is Chrono." She dropped down and stood next to Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 30, 2009, 02:00:58 AM
Chrono put his helmet back on and bowed. "Heard that you're the champ around here, that true?" The government warned that if he has to fight the champ, use of his sinful magic is completely allowed for that match. He only used it if he had to fight someone, and if shadow flame wouldn't be enough, so basically he would have used it even if they advised against it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 30, 2009, 02:06:31 AM
"Indeed I am the champ, shame about the hatred against Dragons... one saved my life in the war y'know, I owe a lot to dragons, guess I get the chance to finally test myself against one!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 30, 2009, 02:13:57 AM
Blaire pursed her lips and opened her mouth as to say something but nothing came out. Finally she spoke. "I guess I'll see you around you guys. See ya Chrono," She said waving as she turned and jogged to the arena. "I wonder what it's like sitting in the stands... Are we able to watch the other fights.." She said to herself aloud. She walked out onto the stands. A dark gray sky hung over head. "I wonder if anyone will me fighting today."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 30, 2009, 02:15:18 AM
"alright see ya, besides I gotta get going!" Gabag called before he ran past Blaire, tackling a previously unseen corporate spy.

"You think you can steal this idea and make a crappy franchise out of it eh?!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 30, 2009, 02:46:31 AM
Chrono scratched the back of his helmet. Only just got out of my 'cell', and I already have no idea where to go... Well, unless you're going to fix that door you shot down, I'd suggest you just stick with Blaire, who knows if another horndog like that wolf earlier is going to- Blaire is perfectly fine with handling herself... No shes not, or you wouldn't have even seen her get held up, face it... you've got to cover her 24/7 if need be, I'm not letting you be laid back when we both are after her for the same reason, even if your reason is two hundred times more innocent... Chrono sighed before following Blaire, his pulse rifle at the ready.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 31, 2009, 12:59:34 AM
A rain drop hit Blaire's nose gently as the gray skies let it's sorrow pour out. She sighed and remained where she was. She thought for a moment and decided to check out the arena grounds. She leaped over the railing and dropped to the dirt below. She started walking around, looking as every crack in the wall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 01, 2009, 02:18:26 AM
Chrono followed her over the railing, but made the rails bend with his weight on accident. He turned around to make sure nobody was following him before following Blaire again. I'll tell you when someone gets close, since we both want her... stop relying on yourself all the time! If you didn't base your decisions purely on instinct, I would ask you for help....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 01, 2009, 10:28:03 AM
"right.. you remember your training.." it wasnt a question...
"duck, roll, run, shoot..."
"you dont do any of those four... you die.. simple as that Kitt.."
"you ready?"
"thats meh boy!"
Kitt slid the ACP repeater into his thigh holster, performing a few light stretches in his armour... it felt.. reasonable...
"right then... you been waitin for this day most your life... you ain the oldest, you aint the strongest.. but you got what them slaggards aint got... you got fightin spirit and a family behind you.."
the family the man spoke of was the rest of the fighters guild... regular contributers for fighters to the arena... the pair walked down the corridor towards the raining Champ and two other competitors...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 02, 2009, 02:33:06 AM
Spike grinned and gave Kaine a salute before getting up and walking out of the room. He made a turn down the hallway, having no intention of being sent back to his cell, instead, he made his way over to the arena. He reached the gate that combatants would enter from and stared through the bars. He noticed a dragon and a wolf standing in the sand that was mixed with dried blood. He smiled through his lips and just continued to watch.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on November 02, 2009, 09:52:45 PM
Philly continued down the corridor, turning every now and then looking for the prize money.  He opened a door and stepped inside one of the press boxes looking down over the entire arena.  He walked over to the pane of glass and pounded his fists on the glass.  "Where the devil is the money at!" he shouted, angry partly at himself for not being able to get a trace on the cash.  He was usually good at finding hidden things.  "Wait a second...what if the money isn't even here in the arena.  Or what if there isn't any money at all....."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 12:10:11 AM
Blaire turned as Chrono landed behind her. "Oh.. hello Mr. Blackwing," She said with a little chuckle. She stopped walking and looked at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 12:19:58 AM
Chrono stopped in his tracks and reached behind his head to scratch at scales hidden under the armor. "Can you stop calling me "Mr. Blackwing", I'm not high-class enough to be given that Blaire" He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm just trying to make sure what happened in the hallway doesn't happen again...unless you want it to..." Chrono trailed off, catching a competitor staring at them. "Stupid voyeur, maybe I should put a shot in one of his eyes..." Chrono gripped his pulse rifle and made a quick judge of the angle from him to the competitor....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 12:56:10 AM
"Oh stop... He's simply looking. I'm just messing. Why are you so tense?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 01:08:18 AM
Chrono sighed and lowered his rifle before looking back at Blaire. "Being called a heretic and having the threat of an angry mob breathing down your neck usually does that to anyone, but enough about excuses. I'm more worried about horndogs like that wolf in the hallway than voyeurs like that guy behind me..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 01:10:48 AM
"Coru is the least of my worries. I doubt he could do much harm to me." She walked a little away from him after turning around. "Come, walk with me.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 01:17:04 AM
If you come up with some stupi- Will you shut up already, dang, you're worse than my siblings... Chrono nodded and walked up next to, then leaped back onto the railling. "Or should I be a normal person and walk up it?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 01:20:28 AM
Blaire smirked and ran at the wall. She vanished and appeared next to Chrono. "Try that"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 01:24:58 AM
His helmet slid back and Chrono shot a rather nasty look. "No, I'd rather not run into walls... since I can't teleport" his look broke into a smirk before the helmet slid back on and he, in complete disregard for Blaire's consent, sweeped her off her feet and carried her down the street. "Bwahahaha..." he said just loud enough for Blaire to hear, and nobody else.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 01:27:48 AM
Blaire pretended to squirm around. "Oh no what ever shall i do?!" She said loudly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 03, 2009, 01:29:35 AM
Little did the couple know they were getting stalked, by one Spike, convicted of over 300 murders (says he committed more but bodies were never found)
His record states he's highly dangerous and likes to pretend to be your friend, then stab you repeatedly and shoot anyone nearby.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 01:33:11 AM
Chrono thought about her question for a few moments before looking back down. "Marry me, or is a kiss the most I'll get?" there was alot of joking in his tone, since he knew it was way too early for the first option to happen.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 01:34:45 AM
She laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe some other time lovey." She pinched his cheek jokingly and just relaxed in his arms.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 03, 2009, 02:15:35 AM
Chrono walked over to a stand that sold meat and bread. "Two T-bones and a loaf of French bread if you would kindly package for me..." He took out a card in his suit that waivered whatever food he bought as either his "breakfast, lunch, or dinner". He was given the food in a metal container that resembled an ammo crate, and took the handle of it in his jaws before finding a place to sit down...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 03, 2009, 02:16:56 AM
The Vendor wonders why the dragon guy would hold a metal container in his teeth, when the announcers blared.

"Everyone, we have a special match, with someone trying to take down our reigning champion!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 02:24:29 AM
Blaire's ears perked as she heard the announcement. "Oh fantastic! The first fight of the day!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 03, 2009, 04:00:24 AM
Spike's ears lifted. "Fight?" He slumped down, his arms dangling through the cross member's of the gate. A sinister grin crossed his face as he kept his focus on the wolf. "...She seems nice." He concluded, pulling out a candy bar from his pocket and tearing it open. He crossed his arms and chewed on the snack as he awaited the fight to commence.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 03, 2009, 04:28:35 PM
Kitt stood, back straight, arms crossed behind his back he watched through the bars... first fight... hopefully this would be a good one to watch....
Sliding the ACP repeater into his thigh holster he relaxed, leaning against a ferrocrete pillar... a few metres to the left of him a fox munched on a candy bar, leaning against the bars... ignoring him for some competitior Kitt snapped back the full head and face mask and unsrtapped the light chest plate.... sighing a breath of relief he stretched, waiting for the fight to start...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on November 03, 2009, 07:23:05 PM
"A match already?  I guess they don't play around.  Well I might as well kick back and watch the fight.  I've got some of the best seats in the place." Philly said dropping back into a seat behind him.  "Hopefully nobody well come in here.  I don't need to know what will happen if I get caught trespassing and I'm not even signed up."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 03, 2009, 07:37:22 PM
Blaire dropped from Chrono's arms and ran to the arena. "Come on!" She shouted turning back to him. She turned back round and ran through the entrance. She darted up the stairway and to the stands. "I hope we're allowed to watch!" She said excitedly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 03, 2009, 08:02:13 PM
Y materializes besides Spike and imitates his position with his arms through the bars.   His features distorte and shifted as the nanites tried to find a reasonable position to sit.

"Reigning champion, huh?"  No mouth could be seen on his face but it was obvious that he was the speaker.  The voice seemed to come from all over the room and echoed itself a millisecond later.  "Pehaps analyzation is in order"  All at once the nanites briefly flashed red to indicate that they were recording.  Y looked over at Spike leaving part of his face temporarily behind as he did so.  "So have you seen the champion fight yet.  I'm new here so I could use all the information I get."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 03, 2009, 09:23:58 PM
Kitt watched the figure who had appeared warily.... reaching tensly for his ACP repeater it slid easily out of the thigh holster... and with an audible ~ka-chunk~ he locked a stack of ACP's (accelerated charged particles) into the back of the short assault carbine style weapon .... he took a step forward and motioned to the shifting figure...

"you a competitor then? i suppose its good meet you, the names Kitt Szabo.... unless this is a meeting that i shall regret?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 04, 2009, 01:56:20 AM
Y turned about to look at the figure leaving a wake of black particles scrambling to reattach themselves to him.

"Only if we see each other in the arena.  Y-4MA74RUK0R1N at your service.  You can call me Y."  Y's eyes didn't show it but he was scanning Kitt profusely, identifing markers in his stance and tone of voice.  This way if they did meet in the arena he would be ready. 

"I am forbidden to fight anyone outside the arena.  Doing so would break the contract I signed, giving me a one way ticket to solar damnation.  So tell me Mr. Szabo, have you seen the champion fight."  Even without a mouth it was obvious that he had the grin of a Cheshire Cat plastered to his face.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 04, 2009, 02:36:43 AM
Chrono smiled under his helmet before racing Blaire to the stands, beating her there by four seconds and ten meters. He looked over the rails to see who was competing against the champ of the arena.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 04, 2009, 04:35:15 AM
Spike turned around to the two other competitors that had appeared while he was chewing. "Huh...fresh meat." He looked at Kitt then at the one who obviously (atleast to Spike) wasn't made of anything biological. He tossed the candy wrapper over his shoulder and rubbed his paws off. He approached the two, his hands in his pockets and staring at them both with his golden left eye while his non existant right eye was hidden under a patch. He noticed they both, unlike Spike, were wearing armour. The closest thing Spike had to armour were his torn jeans. He didn't even wear a shirt. Spike scratched his scar covered chest and walked right up in between the cat and "machine" known as Y. He held out his hand to both of them. "I'm Spike."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 04, 2009, 04:28:36 PM
"no.... i must say i have not even seen the reigning champion.... you could say... i am a newbie to the arena.... its a pleasure to meet you too Y, and im glad to hear you wont fight outside the arena.. for if you did i am sure... it would not bode well for me...."

Kitt turned to Spike who had held out a paw.... with a loud ~Schnik~ he unloaded the ammo stack from the repeater and slid it into his thigh holster before taking the profered hand... "Good to meet you Spike... Names Kitt Szabo..." Folding his arms across his chest he looked up to Spike and Y, both of whom where a good deal taller than the stocky feline... "so.. youre a contestant too i suppose Spike? you fought in the arena before?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 04, 2009, 08:00:13 PM
"Ladies and Gentlemen, We have the honor to introduce, the Recreation of the End of the World tonight, ladies and Gentlemen, in the red corner, our favorite champion, hero of the rebellion against the Emperor, and devout soldier, GABAG!!!!, In the Blue Corner, is the Draconian General he fought against in the war, evil fellow, who likes to skin people alive as a hobby, ZEDONIOUS!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 04, 2009, 08:46:39 PM
"Hmmm, its starting..." Y turned towards the arena, looked over at Spike (Y didn't need to turn to see the fox, it was simply a formality that the lesser biologicals insisted upon.) and scanned him quickly.

"Why aren't you armored?  Many of the other biologicals are almost covered head to foot." Y's confusion was laced with overtones of admiration. 

The fighters he observed were cowards, armored in a futile attempt to protect their frail lives.  Y himself wasn't armored in the technical sense.  Individually the nanites that formed him could break at the slightest pressure.  However when bonded even diamonds had trouble cutting through his body.  This biological didn't have the fear of injury that his fellow fighters so plainly presented...or so it seemed.

"You are in the attire of a high mortality citizen.  You look more like the collateral damage of a fight than the fighter himself.  Explain."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 04, 2009, 08:57:47 PM
Spike pulled out out a cigarette and lit up. He blew the smoke from his nostrils and stared at Y before answering his question. "Well...I don't believe I need any. It's something I never really cared for at the least. I'm a killer, not a fighter." He looked at Y up and down. "You don't seem to have any  weaknesses...whats up with that?" He turned away from the two and lifted up his eye patch, rubbing the empty eye socket that caught a sudden itch. He placed the patch back down and turned back around.

He took another drag and looked at Kitt. "A pleasure it is to meet someone who acts like I'm a normal person once in a while, what a feeling it is. Yes, I am a contestant but no, I haven't fought here before. It was a court order for me to be here...otherwise, I would have been strapped to a table and put to death by now."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 04, 2009, 09:17:25 PM
"Well, it seems we are both here against our will.  And I do have weaknesses...just none that I talk about or show."  The few loose nanites curled around the floating smoke and quickly devoured it.

"Speaking of which, let us observe our so called 'champion' and see if he has any."  Y dispersed himself into a black concetrated cloud and floated upwards a few feet for a better view.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 04, 2009, 09:25:32 PM
" A normal person? im very sure i dont know what ya mean...."
Kitt undid a clasp and shrugged off his light chest plate, that with his visor and armoured shoulder pad where the only armour he used. He relied on his diminutive size and speed... but unlike Spike did not wish to go into a fight without anything... heaving an appreciative sigh he stretched.....
"gah'd armour may mean ya dont get killed as much... but dang it gives ya bad cramp...."
He strode over to the bars and watched the two competitiors silently for a few moments....
"Gabag's won...."
He turned back to the pair, leaning on the bars. "Anyone whos bet on this other guy aint gonna have a great time...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 04, 2009, 09:34:40 PM
Jumping up and down after entering the arena to limber up, Gab took a few deep breaths and readies his assault rifle/ At the sound of the go signal he immediately vaulted over a fallen pillar and took out a grenade to prime.
(no saying i win without me actually winning!)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 04, 2009, 09:41:13 PM
"its just a gut instinct... but look at this guy... his stance eh?... m' not saying he's gonna be easy meat.... but i'd put my credits on Gabag...."

(wasnt saying you would... its just kitt having a gut instinct and a little bet at the same time xD )
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 05, 2009, 01:11:18 AM
Spike nearly smiled at Kitt's words. "...You really have no idea who I am do you?" He chuckled. "You ain't heard of the serial killer in the sands of North Africa?...He sure ain't anything close to...normal." Spike spat out the word. He bit on the end of his cancer stick and looked at Kitt. "Where might you be from?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 05, 2009, 05:43:37 PM
" nope... i got no idea whatsoever who you are... " Kitt looked up at Spike, watching as he spat out his remarks... "well... ya see i havnt heard of this serial killer whoever he is cos im fr'm eastern europe.... we dont exactly get much information after russia took over again with the communist regime..."
He watched with mild interest the fight taking place, concentrating more on the figure of spike... looking him up and down he looked beaten in... maybe even starved.... but these mattered little to Kitt... to him it was the person underneath he was interested in...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 05, 2009, 05:51:15 PM
Chrono was just about to look behind to see if Blaire caught up, but saw three guards and Coru fast approaching. "Of all the-" a projectile whizzed past his head and he saw Coru with a rather low-caliber pistol in hand. "Theres the one you're looking for, he shot me in the knee and vandalized the arena!" Chrono growled before taking out his pulse rifle and re-opening that wound in Coru's knee, and making a new one in his right arm and left knee. "You're getting really annoying, why don't you just have the guards take you to the medical room before you bleed to death?" one guard rushed him, but Chrono caught his head in his armored talons and pushed him off the railing and into the arena. The other one fired at him, sending the surrounding crowd into a panic as well as leaving the last guard to carry Coru to "safety".
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 05, 2009, 06:47:33 PM
A few very high caliber rounds exploding by the serial killer and the Slovak comes as a reminder that they aint here to talk about feeling, they are here to watch people kill each other.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on November 05, 2009, 08:29:02 PM
Philly stood up out of his seat and determined he needed to get out of the press box before he got caught.  "I really want to finish watching the fight, but I have to find that prize money....and maybe it's all hidden in the champions room.  I just need to find out where that room is."  The raccoon walked out of the press box and down the hall towards the main corridor.  "I figure his room will be the best room in this place."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 05, 2009, 11:14:59 PM
Despite the rounds that threw up debris around Spike, he was unmoved. This wasn't anything new to him. Coming from Africa, he'd seen the worst of genocide and in some cases took part. To him this was just another day at work. He'd been in several fire fights in the nearly lawless part of the nation where you could pay any form of authority to look away. Spike was merely a fox and in some areas an angel of death. He'd seen it all. He looked at Kitt then at the fight beyond the gate. "Wanna watch?" He asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 05, 2009, 11:19:26 PM
Kitt flincked at the gunfire... he had grown up around it... but that made it all the worse... at least in the arena if you died you where brought back in good enough condition... shruggin back on the light chest armour he turned back to Spike....  "yeah sure..." He stepped over to the gate, leaning on the bars watching the fight progress...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 08, 2009, 07:18:56 AM
"Did you make any bets?" Spike asked, keeping his eye off the cat and on the fight. Suddenly, he felt something crawl over his boot. He looked down and saw a large rat scavenging for food. Without hesitation, he stepped away and raised his right boot in the air and brought it down on the rat's head with ground shaking force. There was a faint squeal and crunching noise. The small body stopped moving almost instantly. Spike wiped his nose and returned back to his original posture against the gates.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on November 08, 2009, 07:40:44 AM
"i havn' the credits to make no bets.... just watchin to learn bout the tournament..." Kitt looked down as Spike crushed the rat underfoot, before turning back to the fight....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 08, 2009, 05:39:19 PM
"It's mindless ain't it? And's like some kind of art." Spike watched as the two combatants struggled to kill one another. A pool of blood from the rat began to pool arounf Spike's boots. His lips curled back and Spike's fangs formed a smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 08, 2009, 05:42:52 PM
Chrono continued to fight against the guard, who was annoyingly using cover almost excessively. But that maneuver paid off, with Chrono being pushed over the railing and plumetting into the arena. Looks like another day in the life of a 'heretic'.... an all too familiar voice chimed in his head before he blacked out on impact.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 09, 2009, 01:15:14 AM
Blaire sat down in one of the stands and looked around. "Where did Chrono disappear to?" She asked herself. She shrugged and sat patiently.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 09, 2009, 01:19:16 AM
Chrono opened his eyes and noticed he was just outside the entrance to the spectator's ring of the arena. Did I just go to sleep? Maybe, I thought it was real...but I guess anything is possible during a mental story like that... Chrono shook his head before heading through and then looking behind him. He spotted her in the stands a good three rows above and quickly bounded over other spectators to sit next to her. "I... took a wrong turn..." he said with a smile as his helmet slid off.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 09, 2009, 11:30:29 AM
SWAT turning into cover, Gab was out of ammo for his assault rifle, so he took out his AA-12 and opened fire, knocking his opponents gun on the ground and making him dash behind a rock.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 09, 2009, 07:44:13 PM
"I would suggest paying attention, my organic compatriots, it seems that collateral damage is going to be common" A small voice hissed into two's ears and quickly buzzed away. 

Y stayed mostly dispersed just above the arena.  Watching as the fight played out.  At this range he was having trouble predicting movement and weaknesses.  The list that he was compiling on both competitors was filled with the word "UNCONFIRMED WEAKNESS".  The satellites that streamed the fight around the world were tampering with his view of the battle and more than once he found himself viewing a childrens cartoon.  On the ground he wouldn't have a problem but up above there was so much interference that he was practically blind.  That meant 2 things...

1. He would have to collect most of his information by actually fighting his opponents.

How ineffiecent...

2. When he did fight he would have to stay mostly on the ground.  If he did go airborne he would only have a few seconds before the interference began.

Ahhhh, SPAM!! (OOC: That's how he swears)

Y quickly hovered over to where he saw another pair of obvious fighters waiting for their turn  They seem interesting, perhaps a visit is in order.  You never can have too much information.

The dark cloud that is Y flew down and reeassembled himself besides Chrono.  "How are you this delightfully violent day?"  Y said almost humming.

((OOC: had to move this post or else it wouldn't make sense))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 10, 2009, 02:41:11 AM
Blaire laughed and stared down at the arena. "yea, uh huh... sure," She smirked. She put her weight on her arms as she leaned forward. "This place is pretty boring... Don't you think?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 10, 2009, 02:48:51 AM
Chrono smiled and lifted Blaire up so she would be sitting on his lap. "Thats only because the competitors don't have any flashy weapons... unlike myself" he blew a whisp of black flame just close enough to briefly warm Blaire's face.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 10, 2009, 02:52:04 AM
Due to the match being over quickly and the crowds desire for blood still unsatiated, the announcer picked two names out of a hat.

"Will Blaire and Spike please enter the ARENA!!!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 10, 2009, 02:53:21 AM
Chrono's jaw dropped and sadness almost overfilled his eyes. "You're fighting before me?!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 10, 2009, 02:59:30 AM
Blaire's ears perked up as she heard her name. "Yes... Time to let out the crazy animal," She said grinning widely. Her eyes glowing a dim purple she stood and leaped into the arena. Her giant blade appeared on her back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 10, 2009, 08:58:11 PM
Y glared at the organic dragon who had decided to ignore him (Inferior organic...If it weren't for the contract I signed I'd kill you here and now) and turned his attention to the girl who had been called into the arena. Y created a new file titled "Blaire" into his 1000 terra-byte hard-drive and wished that he could observe the fight more closely without worrying about static and personal danger.  Then again...

"Is this so called 'Blaire' a friend of yours?" Y attempted to establish another conversation with the dragon, hoping this time the organic would pay attention.  If the two girl and the dragon were were joined in the organic pact of 'friendship' then perhaps he could gain information on 'Blaire' (if a small amount) while extracting information on the dragon.  Of course he would have to take the ineffecient route of actually talking to the organic. 

Chatting up an organic...

Maybe the sun would be less pain, at least to his mechanical ego...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 11, 2009, 01:20:17 AM
Chrono looked at the odd looking thing talking to him. "More than that, whats it to you?" the temperature around him rose ten degrees as his dark flame responded to a faint hint of a threat, wether thought up or actual. "Anyway, names Chrono... you?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 11, 2009, 01:44:23 AM
Spike's ears pricked up at his name. "FINALLY!" Spike plowed through the gate's side door and took hold of his knife off the shelf. He carefully removed his prized belt fed machine gun from the rack and strew the bullet chains over his shoulder. He carried the MG3 in his right arm against his shoulder and walked out into the arena. He saw who he was fighting and widened his eye. "...Figures...Would've been nice to have introduced myself to her first atleast." He said, cocking the large lever on the side of the gun, followed by the clicking the first round being loaded into the firing chamber. 
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 12, 2009, 02:31:47 AM
Blaire smiled and looked at her opponent. "I'm Blaire, Pleasure to meet you," she smiled chuckling slightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 12, 2009, 04:42:41 AM
"Spike...The pleasure's all mine." He said with a small bow, grinning. He waited. He wanted her to make the first move. Killing her in a hail of gunfire wasn't exactly "entertaining." He held his knife in his left hand and kept his ground.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 12, 2009, 07:57:44 PM
"My name is far too complicated for most organics like yourself to remember, so just call me Y"  Y's sensors flared at the spike in temperature but he ignored it.  It would take the heat of a plasma torch before he began to feel uncomfortable.

"I'm asking because you two seem like an interesting pair.  And the way the both of you act around each other is rather confusing"

Y was lying of course (lying came easily to him...and being a machine no one could ever tell when he was).  He knew now that these two were...intimate.  But by talking like a robot with no clues about organic emotions could get the dragon to let his emotional guard down...if only a little.  Perhaps if he got the dragon to relax enough he may even accidently let a few secrets slip.

A disgusting that required making (shudder) friends with the dragon.

It would have to do...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 12, 2009, 09:48:34 PM
"First things first, don't act like you can get information about society out of me, I'm the last thing society wants someone to be... and regarding me and Blaire, thats on a "need to know" basis, not information that can be easily pryed like an aluminum package of chips" Chrono thought something was up with Y, he was asking things that even most outsiders wouldn't bother with. Add this oddly non-metallic scent constantly wafting through his nostrils, and Chrono had almost zero confidence that this Y was anything worth trusting.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 13, 2009, 02:08:43 AM
Y begins to chuckle at Chrono's response which quickly turns into a metallic guffaw.  The guffawing ends quickly as he looks the dragon straight in the eye.

"Very good organic,  firstly a hostile response is information itself.  You anger easily when personal subjects are brought up.  Secondly, the only things this pathetic little world doesn't like are killers, black magicians, thieves, and abominations.  And from the look of you it isn't hard to guess.  And thirdly you've let slip something that is easily usable against you.  Thank you so much for making this easier my draconic friend."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 13, 2009, 03:13:41 AM
"And you just proved that if I shot you with a whole clip of EMP rounds Mr. Y, you'd be twitching, then incinerate yourself due to data overload and being unable to compute with most of your functions, Don't think I don't know how machines tick, killed enough of 'em, have a couple of 'em stashed on my wall"
Said still reigning Champion Gabag, who came to sit with Chrono to watch the match but instead sees the robot making the dragon uncomfortable.

"Rule # 1 of the Arena, don't trust machines, don't know what they could try to pry from our minds, trust in only your gun"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 13, 2009, 03:18:05 AM
There were few things that made Chrono enraged, one was someone trying to make a move on Blaire, but another is someone laughing at him like they're superior. Hes met twenty people who tried to put him down because of their own ego, and they're either six feet under, or dust in the wind. In one fluid motion, he grabbed Y's jaw, and slammed it into a nearby seat, then curb stomped his neck. But he didn't stop there, he rammed his hand into Y's chest and turns up his dark flame to the point where his own armor starts to deform. Thats right, let him burn... hes insulted your suffering, he deserves no less a dark voice echoed in him. It wasn't until after that he realized Gabag was right next to him, and he immedeatly felt regret for showing his 'other' half.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 13, 2009, 03:23:42 AM
"Chrono you gotta learn that machines need a little time to get accustomed too.., until then ya gotta show em' who's boss, Now take your seat and enjoy the battle friend."
Laying his feet on the now on the ground Mr. Y, and using him as a footrest, he beckoned Chrono to sit down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 13, 2009, 03:24:59 AM
Blaire smirked and vanished in the crisp air of the arena. She let out an eerie laugh as she appeared behind Spike. "Let the fight begin," She whispered tauntingly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on November 13, 2009, 03:28:08 AM
Chrono nodded and sat down next to Gabag. "Thanks for not reporting me... or is near-death beating allowed?" he didn't get in trouble for shooting that wolf in the knee, but he wasn't sure that it was "okay" to be mauling every contender that gave you a look.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 13, 2009, 04:22:55 AM
Spike frowned. Somehow that seemed grossly unfair. "As you wish." He whispered back before he swung his left arm in a backward motion, the underside of his forearm catching the side of her face with jawbreaking force. Using the momentum in the same instant, he dropped lower to the ground and placed his combat boot behind her left foot paw before pulling her leg right out from under her. She fell to the floor. Spike was ready over top with the knife about to stab her in the face as he did with so many of his other victims until there was nothing left but a gaping hole of ground brain matter. Instead, he kept her pinned to the floor. He sat on top of her smiling playfully, his hunting knife dwindling between his fingers as he gently ran the blade along her throat without leaving a mark. He then held the knife high in the air about to bring in down on her throat and froze. "...This is where you disappear..." He whispered through his lips to her without a sound.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Philly Tanuki on November 13, 2009, 07:45:10 PM
After what seemed like ages walking around the place, Philly had no idea where he was at or where he was going.  "I suppose I could talk to some of the people around here and find out whether or not they know anything.  But I'll have to be careful, lest I end up splitting my earnings with some fool."  He turned and looked up at a sign above a door that read "Stands".  He pushed through the door and entered into the light.  Looking around he saw what looked like a dragon, a soldier, and a metalliac foot rest.  He walked over subtley and sat down behind them, not saying a word.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on November 13, 2009, 09:00:06 PM
((OOC: Could you guys wait until I respond before using Y as a foot rest. 

A. He doesn't have a jaw to grab. I tried to make it clear that he speaks through speakers in his nanites. 
B. Being made of nanites, a punch would go right through him and cause severe damage to Chrono's fist similar to that of a sandblaster.
C. The impact of slamming into the seat would disperse him like a sand. 
D. EMP "rounds" would do minimal damage only taking out a few nanites at a time.  EMP Grenades may do the trick but the bullets would be like shooting a swarm of locusts with a BB gun. 

I'm not complaining I would just like to respond before people think that he's down and out.  You've already talked to people about this Gabag and I would like to be shown the same courtesy.  I'll allow Y's humiliation for now.))

Y disperses into a black cloud, causing Gabag's feet to thud soundly on the ground. The cloud flies at and past Chrono, who feels like sand and crushed glass is tearing across his body, and whirls upward.  Y reforms still floating and shouts down to Chrono  "Very good organic.  Very good.  I hope to fight you in the arena soon."

Y's form shifts into that of Blaire's, blows Chrono a kiss, and disperses again as he flies off cackling.

I take it back. This is going to be fun...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 14, 2009, 02:23:07 PM
(Yea we'll wait before using him as a foot rest... but being resistant to nearly everything man.... not my favorite type of villain, when you joined, I didn't imagine nanites meant being resistant to every punch every bullet, every stab, etc.)
P.S. there's an OOC for these sort of discussions for a reason
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 14, 2009, 08:58:07 PM
Blaire smirked and vanished. Her voice echoed on the wind. "Let's play a little game" She laughed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on November 15, 2009, 11:06:42 PM
Spike stood up and played with the knife in his hands. "I like games." He said, smiling and looking down to where Blaire had previously appeared to be.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on November 17, 2009, 12:29:56 AM
Blaire snickered and gently touch his neck with her cool breath. "Then let's play," She said, her voice cold yet seductive at the same time. She let out another laugh and appeared quite a far distance from him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on November 30, 2009, 10:10:39 PM
(revival post:
people who are battling please post or ill get new combatants)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 01, 2009, 12:46:32 AM
((I did post!))

Blaire ran at him and pulled the large blade that had been strapped to her. She swung at him. His chest began to bleed as a large gash spread across it. She smirked and let out a dry laugh. she passed him and whispered in his ear. "let's play love." She vanished with that and reappeared at a safe distance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 06, 2009, 04:31:39 PM
Spike clutched his chest with his left hand and lifted the machine gun in his right. The roar of bullets left Blaire with 3 bullet wounds in her stomach. As shells bounced out of the firing chamber, Spike let go of his chest and held his weapon with both hands for better aim.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 01:36:03 AM
Blaire laughed and stabbed spike in the left shoulder and dragged it down almost cutting him in two. She pulled sword up and watched the blood run down its silver blade.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 07, 2009, 02:42:54 AM
Spike fell to his knees. His left arm separated from his body and fell to the floor, the limb hanging off by a few layers of flesh and exposing part of his rib cage. Spike let go of his gun and reached around with his right hand, grabbing his left hand on the floor before ripping the rest of the limb off himself. He swung the severed arm with bone breaking force against Blaire's face, breaking her jaw. "Now try laughing." He weezed. Blaire's blade had also punctured his lung. He dropped the limb to the ground and pulled the knife from his belt. He surged forward with his arm, stabbing Blaire in the throat. He pulled his knife out of her neck and stabbed again, and repeated each movement of his arm while stabbing faster and faster as blood sprayed from the wounds all over his face and chest.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 02:46:19 AM
Blaire kicked him away with all her might and managed to cut his head off with whatever strength she could gather. She used the rest of the magic she had left to heal what wounds took to her throat. She then moved her jaw and placed it back in socket.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 07, 2009, 02:49:20 AM
(uhh blaire I don't think it would be possible to survive that many blows to the throat and come out not caring)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 02:51:23 AM
((Oh please! when I dragged my blade down him, his heart was most definitely SEVERED! So maybe... he should be the one being jumped on. And if you tell me I'm being ridiculous... No one can freakin move after their heart is hindered... trust me!))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 07, 2009, 02:55:15 AM
(well the fact you also took 3 high caliber bullets without caring also is a reason to note my worry, i'm not saying spike could die, its a very very probable outcome, my concern is the fact you manage to kick someone off you after they repeatedly shanked your characters throat.)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 07, 2009, 02:56:33 AM
((Ahem, If I may be so bold to point out, The heart insn't located under the left shoulder.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 07, 2009, 03:02:05 AM
(How about you both just die from blood-loss and call this match a draw?)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 03:02:14 AM
((gabag... he shot me fine, but You still can move and most the time warriors don't let anything get in their way. Shots hinder, not stop. Severing arteries stop! My character doesn't quit... especially when she isn't absolutely killed or stopped. So, on account that you can still move yea maybe not swim 30 miles or some outrageous feet but you can still move a decent amount. So unless his heart is on the right, He shouldn't have stabbed my person in the first place. and I dragged the blade downwards... I clearly stated that... and the blade was sure to strike it. I know where the heart is located. Hence why I said, dragged the blade...))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 07, 2009, 03:04:27 AM
((Spikes right.  Every school kid knows that it resides just barely to the left of the right pectoral muscle.  Only thing you'd hit is a lung which he pointed out))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 07, 2009, 03:06:17 AM
(actually the heart is located on the right side of the body... (, i'm not saying spike WOULDN'T die, but his death wouldn't be immediate and would still be able to do a little bit more before bleeding out from the massive wounds)

Post Merge: December 07, 2009, 03:07:24 AM
(this match shall be a draw, end of discussion!)

With both of the competitors dead, with Spike bleeding out, and Blaire unable to bring oxygen into her lungs, the medical crews pick the bodies up and move them to the medical ward, where their marvelous healing talents are being put to work.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 07, 2009, 03:12:51 AM
((Ok yeah, I don't want to keep arguing. A draw's fine with me...But I killed Blaire first...*laughs and runs off*))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 07, 2009, 03:15:28 AM
Y looked on from afar as the combatants were taken away.

"Foolish organics, trying so hard and getting absolutely no-where.  I doubt they have the capability to even be a challenge to myself, let alone the arena champion."

Y waited patiently as the minutes ticked by, simply watching the spectators interact until his name was called.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 07, 2009, 04:37:17 AM
Spike awoke with a start on a hospital bed. He was attached to several machines by wires that ran deep below his skin as they worked to put the skin back together. He looked down at his severed arm which was now re-attached while also aching from breaking the bone against Blaire's face. "I'm not doing that again." He groaned while he was slowly put back together.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 07, 2009, 05:55:30 PM
Anger was seething from every pore of his body in the form of dark flame. Even though they were explicit in that she will be brought back, it still doesn't take the anger from seeing ones mate getting cut up by the same fox that he had seen earlier. For once, I agree with you, my feral half... He will burn!!! [/i] he thought before walking down the aisle, not saying a single word and going towards the medical room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 09:04:46 PM
Blaire remained unconscious. Her vital signs were normal yet her mind was lost in a deep trance. The image  and pain of what she had just witnessed clung to her untouched skin. I need to be more careful. No more close calls. I'm not losing anymore[/i]
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 07, 2009, 10:30:25 PM
As Chrono was almost storming his way to the Medical Bay, he ran into the same wolf that tried to make a move on Blaire. "Hey you dragon punk, wa-" he was cut off as Chrono grabbed his head and burned his face to the point where the skin fell off in flakes, and his flesh almost medium-rare. He either passed out from the pain, or died from it since he had a look of shock before collapsing to the side of the hallway before Chrono continued his near-running pace to the Medical Bay.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 07, 2009, 10:36:26 PM
Blaire opened her eyes and sat up quickly. "Damn it!" She said slamming her fist on the bed. She ripped the IV from her arms and got out of the bed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 08, 2009, 05:59:50 PM
Chrono got to the door, and it opened before it could be melted to the ground. It may have been his flames shaping his armor, or just an unusual pattern of melting but Chrono's armor started to show teeth and cavernous openings in the eyes that now had black flame pouring out. "Burn~" a voice that emenated from the armor said before a black tongue of flame shot out from the face-guard and directly at Spike.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 08, 2009, 08:33:22 PM
Blaire spotted Chrono and grabbed something she could throw, something that would stop him momentarily. She found a scalpel. "That will do." She threw it into an opening in his armor. It went right into his skin. Oddly enough she knew the weak points on his armor and body plating.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 08, 2009, 10:23:48 PM
Just as Blaire went to subdue Chrono, the med bay doctors, also seasoned veterans, reached for their insta freeze canisters and managed to freeze the flame in mid-air.

"You shouldn't harm ze patients in here, You could seriously disfigure them"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 08, 2009, 11:29:44 PM
Chrono looked at Blaire, and the flame almost instantly vanished. "S-Sorry, Bla-" he was cut off by his own mind as he blacked out and dropped to the ground, his body recovering from the flames trying to force itself out of his body.Eh, if shes alive and well, then its pointless to cont- Burn!! Chrono forced himself to get up and shot not only one jet of flame, but two more from each of his hands.

Chrono didn't care if his body was burnt to a crisp in the process, Spike had to pay....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 09, 2009, 12:11:34 AM
Blaire ran out of her room, slipping on the floor. She quickly recovered herself and stood in front of Spike's medical area. She put her arms out, waiting for a blow from the angered dragon.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 09, 2009, 12:17:34 AM
Spike looked over to the right from his bed. He spotted the dragon and Blaire from his left eye while the black patch that was usually over his right was gone, exposing the empty eye socket. He watched as flames shot from his hands he lay there and smirked. Spike showed no fear. He wasn't afraid of death let alone Blaire or the dragon. He would accept his fate with an evil grin stretched across his face. He smiled and waited. Suddenly, Blaire stepped in between him and Chrono. The smile immediately disappeared and his face changed to a look of confusion.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 09, 2009, 12:34:49 AM
Blaire could sense Spike's awareness of the situation. I'll explain later! She 'said' to him. Her mind cut off from his before a thought from his mind could respond. She continued to look at Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 09, 2009, 01:41:23 AM
Chrono stopped the flames and just stood there like a statue, both stunned and confused at Blaire stopping the person that had inflicted pain on her. "W-why?" was all he said before 'backlash' took effect, sending explosive jets out of all of his suit's joints, and then sending a crippling wave of pain and burning across his entire field of senses. This renendered him numb to everything else, and blood started to leak out of the helmet before he let out a pained sigh and collapsed, followed by an eerie stillness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 09, 2009, 01:44:03 AM
The Doctors immediately picked up the dragon and placed him on one of their beds and began operating tests on him.

"He should be fine in 2 hours time Miss"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 09, 2009, 01:59:54 AM
Blaire stood silent and still. Thoughts ran through her head. "Alright..." she quivered.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 11, 2009, 06:00:07 AM
Spike sat up on his bed, his jaw hung open. He watched Blaire as she stood with her back to him. Spike thought quickly for something to say. "...Thanks." He finally said having it be the only thing he could think of.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 11, 2009, 09:22:57 PM
Blaire turned and smiled. "No problem." She walked into his room. "I apologize for his irrational behavior." She smiled and looked back. "He tends to be a tad overprotective."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 12, 2009, 01:07:43 AM
Chrono started to regain consiousness, but the feeling that came with it was not pleasant. It felt like his insides were being cooked from the inside out Massive backfire from using an unmastered ability to such an extent, a rookie mistake at best... he thought as he tried to get up. "" his voice-box tried to vibrate longer than a second, but the burns made it painful to speak, let alone breathe or even lift himself up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 13, 2009, 06:08:58 PM
Blaire looked at Spike. "I'll see ya around. 'Right?" She left the room and saw that Chrono was awake from the corner of her eye. "Oh lord..." She jogged around the corner and slid a little. She entered the room and looked at him somewhat disgusted. "What the hell were you thinking?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 13, 2009, 07:17:21 PM
Its going to hurt to speak... so let me just think this... even though I was informed that you would be brought back alive, it didn't help with the anger I got from seeing you get stabbed to death by Spike, oh, and I probably disfigured that wolf that was hitting on you earlier... Chrono fell back on the table with an audible thud and let the doctors finish their work. He was mentally awake, and speaking would only make his conidition worse.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 13, 2009, 08:06:58 PM
She looked at him, her eyes showed no emotion as she suppressed the fear she felt. You need to let it go. I can take care of my self. I'm not the same defenseless girl you knew. It's been a year.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 13, 2009, 08:20:06 PM
Chrono's next breath was more drawn out, a sad attempt at sighing. Fine, I'll leave Spike alone, but i'd perfer if you were here during the procedure I'm going through, in case just so happen to have a fit of impatience... just kidding One of the doctors took his helmet off and began working on the neck. It was then his eyes began to let out the shadow fire that was only going through his mouth and hands. Do I look scary, or did I stop seeping fire?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 13, 2009, 08:22:57 PM
Blaire stopped breathing for a moment and ran over to the table. She held his head, covering his eyes with her hands. She put her face down next to his ear. "I'm here, And I'm not going anywhere." She kept her eyes closed to keep from watching the work being performed. Fire continues to seep.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 13, 2009, 08:39:41 PM
Chrono saw her cover his eyes, and immedeatly noticed the issue. Wait, let me fix the eyes... he opened his jaw and another steady strem of shadow fire erupted, but the flames in his eyes died down, letting the inner red glow shine out. Shadow flame, it cooks steaks as well as destroys ones foes, get yours today...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 15, 2009, 12:51:08 AM
Must you always kid at such a serious, frightening time... Her voice trailed off as she showed fear. She shook her head and stayed focused on keeping him calm. Her hands weren't burnt from the short time holding the flames back. She spoke again. You need to focus on stopping the shadows.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 15, 2009, 01:53:45 AM
Spike sat up and got out of the bed. He walked down the wing to where Blaire had left. He pulled his eye patch from his pocket and carefully placed it over his empty eye socket. He looked down at the new scar Blaire had given him across his chest. He looked back up to see her standing over Chrono. He took a step forward but kept his distance. He watched on but didn't speak.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 15, 2009, 02:32:36 AM
Must you always kid at such a serious, frightening time...
Chrono chuckled, making the shadow flame quiver. My neck is used to the heat, so its safer to breathe it than see it. As for the kidding, do you honestly want me serious all the time, I mean, its not like I don't have my whole life to be an uptight flame-head, or are you going to do that for me? he thought with a hint of joking in his tone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 15, 2009, 02:34:16 AM
She put her head back down and nipped his neck. Seriousness is needed in certain situations...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 15, 2009, 02:37:23 AM
Chrono's eyes snapped wide open and he coughed, belching out a quickly dying fireball. Well, that caught me off guard... not that I didn't like it
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 15, 2009, 02:39:33 AM
Chrono's eyes snapped wide open and he coughed, belching out a quickly dying fireball. Well, that caught me off guard... not that I didn't like it
Kain leaned back in his desk, with the unnecessary reading glasses on, watching the security footage of the med bay..

"Man I LOVE this job, don't even need cable to watch my soap..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 15, 2009, 02:42:20 AM
Blaire stood straight up and laughed. I'll be back soon. I need to go get water. You're throat is going to kill. She let go of his head and walked away. Her eyes stayed looking at the ground as she walked out of the room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 15, 2009, 02:43:28 AM
Chrono's eyes snapped wide open and he coughed, belching out a quickly dying fireball. Well, that caught me off guard... not that I didn't like it
Kain leaned back in his desk, with the unnecessary reading glasses on, watching the security footage of the med bay..

"Man I LOVE this job, don't even need cable to watch my soap..."

((BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA  ^U^  I love that!  By the way I'm waiting for aomething to happen so I can post...besides the soap opera *snicker*))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 15, 2009, 02:46:03 AM
The Arena champion pokes Y from behind

"Hey buddy, your up against Chrono next round, good luck."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 15, 2009, 02:49:32 AM
Y turned to look at the champion.

"Excellent, I've been meaning to get that scaled brute back for earlier.  Thank you."  Y's eyes flashed yellow indicating amusement.  "I'll meet him in the arena once he's done in the medbay! ((Y saw him rush in that direction))"  Y dematerialized and flew to his corner of the arena, and waited.

"I do so wonder what they are planning to choose for our battlefield"  If Y could have smiled, it would have been massive.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 15, 2009, 02:51:04 AM
"Hey you creep don't flash yellow here, children watch this station!" The arena champ said, obviously disgusted by the suggestive gesture.

(dont ask)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 16, 2009, 08:46:06 PM
Blaire continued to walk down the hall as she made her way to the Cafe. She spotted a machine and went to it, retrieving two waters. She sighed and sat down for a few moments to think about the fight that had just taken place.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 16, 2009, 10:14:37 PM
*a thin fox gets off a bus, and trips on the way down the stairs dropping all his stuff*
oww that hurt, eh thanks for the rid
*the driver drives away, the fox begans to pick his stuff up when a couple of large bikers come up behind him*
hey buddy you dropped this
*the fox begans to turn*
*the large biker punches the thin fox in the face and chuckes as the thin fox lets out a yelp*
pleas go away
awww that's not very nice
*the bikers began to tear up the foxs stuff*
*the thin fox gets up to try and push the bikers back, thefront biker grabs the fox lifts him up by his head and slams him into the wall*
alright tough guy do something ..... thought not
*the biker begans to punch the fox the fox coughs up blood on the bikers shirt*
why you little (censored) i liked this shirt
*the biker notices a chain hanging from the foxs neck*
ill take this as payment for the shirt
*the biker takes the chain but when the chain snaps off the biker stands still and the chain falls but the foxes catches it*
hehe you mo's just don't know when to stop do you
*the fox smiles as he says that in a high pitch voice and he begans to retract something form the bikers stomach its covered in his blood*
*the foxes licks what seems to be a hidden blade in his left arm*
*the biker says and the foxes look at him *
why are you still alIVE!!
*the foxes decapitates the biker, the other bikers look at him in anger*
lets kill this freak
*two bikers charge the fox he looks at them and pulls out another hidden blade and severs one of there arm off and cuts the others leg off the bikers scream in agony, the last biker laughs the fox notices that the last biker has been putting distance between the two of them*
did your mom never tell you not to bring a knife to a gunfight
*the biker pulls a revolver out and starts to shot at the fox, the fox begans to laugh as the bullets hit him or at least they appear to when the last bullet is shot the biker aims for the head the foxs has a blade in front of him as the last bullets lays in the ground*
*a little old fox comes behind the biker*
he is Germany's grates weapon
*the old man nods his head and the fox kills the last biker*
*pant pant the foxs notices he got blood on the charm and wipes it off*
I'm doing this for you
*he looks at the great dome in front of him*

Excuse me Sir,
I believe you are prematurely posting in a roleplay where you never signed up
please refer to the OOC and Character board, find the DeathMatch board, sign up, wait for me to accept your character

also another thing, visit the training grounds on a detailed way to avoid this mixup in the future
P.S. no cursing and making Bikers seem like the bad people
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 16, 2009, 11:26:23 PM
Chrono's medical platform was then straightened up Darth-Vader style and stepped off to put his helmet back on. A docter grabbed his shoulder to remind him of something, but he shrugged the hand off. "I know, don't overdo it and don't attack during operation, next time i'll fry him after he leaves the medical ward." He said before walking out, the pain quickly fading away as his body starts to repair the minor but somewhat painful damages done by uncontrolled fire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 17, 2009, 01:06:44 AM
Blaire put her head down and drifted off to sleep. She had a violent dream, as she flinched awake. "Oh lord I need to eat or something... and this lack of sleep isn't helping," She said to herself. She opened a bottle of water and drank half of it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 17, 2009, 02:13:21 AM
Chrono walks over to his room when hes stopped by a group of guards. "Your match is up now, come with us..." Chrono shrugged and followed the guards to his side of the arena entrance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 17, 2009, 02:15:15 AM
Blaire heard guards in the hall and ran to check it out. She was too late to see who they were speaking to so she followed their path. "A battle? All ready?" She asked herself. She went out into the stands and leaned against the railing that overlooked the arena.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 17, 2009, 02:31:04 AM
Spike walked up beside Blaire and looked over the arena. "Your mate...he's fighting?" Spike asked while looking down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 17, 2009, 02:42:20 AM
"Mate? I wouldn't say that, It's a long story but Its been a while since I've seen him. So I don't know what to consider him..." She said looking at Spike. She looked back at the arena. "I just hope he's recovered enough.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 17, 2009, 06:49:27 PM
If Y had feet, they would be tapping impatiently.  Y turned to Chrono as the gate opened.

"You're late.  Haven't you ever heard that punctuality is a virtue?"  Y droned crossly, "Well you're here now, my hot-tempered foe.  Let's see how much you can really do...once the fight starts of course."  Y looked up into the stands waiting for the go-ahead.

I'm going to enjoy eviscerating him.  Too bad I have to leave enough of him left for the medics to heal him.   Blast that accursed contract!  Y's eyes phased black in anger at his restrictions.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 17, 2009, 11:03:05 PM
Chrono sighed when he saw his opponent. "Great, of all the fighters...." He quickly went on the offensive, taking his gun and firing a whole clip across the ring and straight at Y, sheathing himself in a protective aura of flire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on December 17, 2009, 11:12:54 PM
Chrono sighed when he saw his opponent. "Great, of all the fighters...." He quickly went on the offensive, taking his gun and firing a whole clip across the ring and straight at Y, sheathing himself in a protective aura of flire.
The Bullets stop in midair and fall to the ground, while the shield of fire forcibly dissipates, due to the Quantum Force-Field which could stop ANYTHING!
Boomed the now really angry announcer

"Ahem.... Ladies and Gents... after that last Brutal... Display of murder you came back for more eh? Well Have I got a treat for you.... In this corner, is some random robot who likes to fall apart at the most inoppurtune times, like a boyfriend who discovered his girlfriend is flirting with her ex, Mr. Yellow (your new codename)"
Applause followed with the mention of Mr. Yellow, with the scientists who made him in the stands with popcorn.

"In the other corner... branded a heretic... hated by all including me.... and all around just a mean person.... CHRONO!!!!"
Lots of booing started, mainly cause the cue-cards told the audience to boo.

"Gentlemen.... BEGIN!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 18, 2009, 12:41:07 AM
Blaire clutched the railing tightly. please don't let him die like I did. She thought to herself. She watch closely at the fighters.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 18, 2009, 01:00:40 AM
Chrono reloaded and repeated what he did earlier, but instead coating his bullets in fire so the increase in heat allowed it to zip through the air at a higher velocity as their heat energy creates kinetic through propulsion. He then got into a defensive stance, his gun shifted to its bulky side to act as a shield in case his flames were countered.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on December 18, 2009, 08:18:43 PM
The bullets hit their mark square and true leaving large holes in Y's chest.  Y took a step back, unprepared for the impact.  A normal creature would have fallen, and in reality many had.   Unfortunately for Chrono, Y wasn't one creature...

He was millions...

The holes seemed to disintegrate backwards as they were refilled.  Y began laughing.

"A GUN?!  IS THAT ALL?" Y cackled at his opponent  "I'll show you how to do real damage!!!"

Y exploded into dust, only to begin reforming as floating metal shards.  The slivers floated completely still for a moment.  A voice came from the shards as they began circling around a single point.

"Let's see if you can handle THIS!!!!!!!" the swirling shards shrieked (say that ten times fast)  "SHRAPNEL STORM!!"

The shards, now a whirlwind of metal, flew towards Chrono.  The arena was filled with its noise as the shards cut through the air at sub-sonic speeds.  The noise was excrutiating, like a banshee's scream mixed with nails on a chalkboard.

Time to die organic... Y thought as he approched Chrono
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on December 18, 2009, 09:28:03 PM
Chrono smirked. Frontal assault... hes underestimating me... Then lets show him that he is not so much different from us... Chrono's fire shield turned into dark plasma by increasing their heat energy ten-fold, he then created a cerimonial broadsword from black flame and stabbed it into the ground. "Pride will be your downfall, Y" As soon as he finishes his statement, a symbol glows on the hilt of the sword. Suddenly Y feels a sudden boost in self confidence as he gets closer to Chrono, regardless of the incrase in defenses.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 22, 2009, 10:41:15 PM
Blaire's ears fall back and her eyes soften. She pushed away from the railing and walked into the building. "I need sleep, perhaps this sharp pain on my chest will go away." She said to herself aloud.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 24, 2009, 04:54:42 PM
Spike looked back at Blaire, staring at her with his right eye as she began to leave. He looked down before he rushed to catch up to her. "Blaire wait up!" He caught up to her. "You never explained why you stopped Chrono from frying me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 26, 2009, 01:23:42 AM
She looked at him and sighed deeply. Her hand reached up to hold her chest. The pain shot through her body. "I guess, no matter what, I can't let someone die on false pretenses... Especially when they put up such a good fight. Plus, you seem like a nice guy." She winked and smiled. She then looked away and let go of her chest.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 26, 2009, 03:04:35 AM
Spike was taken aback by her comment. He'd never had someone say he seemed anywhere close to a nice person. His mouth hung open for a moment before he quickly snapped it shut. "...Thank you." For the first time in what seemed like forever, a smile of happiness formed on his face.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 28, 2009, 01:27:10 AM
Blaire smiled. "So Why are you here in the first place?" She asked, trying to change the subject. She sensed his uneasiness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 28, 2009, 05:58:08 AM
Spike pricked his ears upward then backward. He looked down and crossed his one boot over he other. He looked back up at Blaire. "I was put to trail for the murder of nearly 200 people and instead of the death sentence...I was put here." He said, reaching out and pointing down."...once I told them what I did with the bodies." He laughed lightly. "They weren't too happy about that."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on December 31, 2009, 05:37:32 AM
"Wow, better than my reason. My father is one the many political figures in this god forsaken city and in order to go against him completely, I came here." She looked at him and laughed a little. "Sounds a bit pathetic compared to your story."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on December 31, 2009, 06:47:19 AM
Spike chuckled. "Most kids turn to drugs, alcohol, suicide, and poetry. Not death matches." He smiled and shook his head. "Youth in revolt...What ever will parents do?" He looked down and kicked dirt up. "You know, when I was young, my daddy used to beat me because he didn't know of a better way to raise me. He always wanted me to be just like him." Spike said with a grimace. "He would slap mommy around while I stood in the corner and watched holding Patches, my stuffed bear. I would cry and cry and squeeze Patches as if to squeeze the last tiny drop of hope from him. My daddy would look at me and momma like a couple of rats scurrying around in filth," Spike clemched his teeth. "Daddy thought it would be funny to put a cigar out in my eye!" Spike said, a tone of vicious anger growing in his voice as he spoke while pointing at the eye patch. He looked back down and began to laugh. "One day my mom said she was going out to get cigarettes..." After that, my dad found a knife stabbing through his right eye while little Spike sat over catching him in his sleep. Spike looked up. "Twenty two years...and I'm still waiting for her to come back, Blaire."  A tear formed in his eye. "I wish mommy would come back...She'd be safe with me." The tear drop rolled down his face. 
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 02, 2010, 07:01:43 PM
After taking an unusually long time to hit their target, the bullets give off the 'gift' that the black fire hid: Emp charges. Plus, with his clip being thirty rounds, all thirty rounds hit everywhere on his body, short-circuiting the cloud and making it crash to the floor. "Hmph...Pride before a fall... didn't know it would be literal"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 02, 2010, 07:02:55 PM
"AND THE WINNER IS CHRONO!" the announcer yelled into the microphone before the crowd cheered uncontrollably

everyone thought Entaru would tear the dragon to peices
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 02, 2010, 07:09:38 PM
Chrono re-holstered his rifle and walked off, all too eager to meet Blaire again. I didn't even have to resort to using my other strategy...Oh come on, I wanted to use it, I wanted to see him suffer! What makes you think she'll let us get away with acting that self-rightous?. There was no reply as Chrono climbed up the stairs to reach the spectator stands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 03, 2010, 06:23:05 AM
A mysterious soldier opens the door, and walks toward the counter. Taking down his mask, he reveals a wolfish face, barely visible under his dark hood. He puts his large assault rifle on the counter, asking to sign up. After entering himself into the Tournament's roster, he puts his rifle over his back, and walks down the hall to his cell, ignoring the other poor souls signed up for the arena. Checking his rifle, he continues down the hall, muttering to himself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 03, 2010, 07:00:49 AM
Spike pricked his ears up at the announcement that Chrono had won the battle. Spike looked back at Blaire. "Looks like you got your wish." He smiled and began to walk past her, nodding as he went by. He began to walk down the hallway and turned the corner when he bumped into a new contestant, a wolf by the looks of it. "Woops. Sorry bout that." Spike said re-adjusting the eye patch on his scarred face. "Say, I haven't seen you around here. You new?" The fox asked, crossing his arms.

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 03, 2010, 07:30:51 AM
Arrant pulls his hood down and stares at the fox. After a short pause he extends his hand and says:
"Yes...I am Arrant. No last name, but most refer to me as Arrant der Blut-Jäger. I assume you have a name as well?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 03, 2010, 07:40:51 AM
Spike smiled showing a row of razors. "I do indeed, my good sir. I'm Spike." He slapped his hand into Arrant's and shook twice. He leaned up against the wall and pulled a sad looking cigarette from his jean pocket from having been bent and twisted. He lit up and puffed smoke from his nostrils. He took another drag before he spoke again. "What brings you here, Arrant?" Spike asked while scratching his bare chest with the left of his tattoo and scar covered arms. Spike's fur was a mess while his upper body was riddled with even more scars than his arms and face. Armor certainly wasn't on his list of necessities.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 03, 2010, 07:56:47 AM
"I'm an ex-bounty hunter. My only payer betrayed me. I dealt with him later on," Arrant grins viciously, then his expression returns to normal "but that didn't fix my future. I'm a fighter. Sure there were all sorts of hits put on people, problem is nobody had the cash for me to deal with said people. So I wandered. Eventually I came upon this place, good battles and greater pay, so I decided I'd come in and get some easy cash. After all, I can't go back to my clan..." Arrant stares grimly at the ground for a moment, then looks up and continues talking. "So that's why I'm here. This is the only place I can be."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 03, 2010, 08:06:37 AM
Spike nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a hit put on me. I'm responsible for the the murders of up to and including two hundred it may have heard of me." Spike smiled and almost laughed. "I'm here on court order. Can't leave until the day I die for good. Instead of the death sentence they put me here for me to die hundreds of times over instead of only letting me die once just because I fed off the bodies. It's mostly a cash grab though...For ratings and the enertainment of society."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 03, 2010, 08:15:46 AM
"Ah that reminds me! I have an unfinished job." Puts the barrel of Hellfire to Spike's head, then laughs when the gun clicks, and pulls the handle up so he can see the missing clip. "Nah, from what I've seen, you're one of the better guys." Arrant's smile vanishes, and he puts a clip in his gun. "Last guy I killed made furniture with his victims, and sold most of it on the Black Market. He started saying something before i ended his pathetic life...something about making him into a coffee table? Ah well."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 03, 2010, 11:17:09 PM
Blaire sighed with relief of the announcement. "Well at least that's over." She looked at Spike. "We'll talk later, I'm sorry for what happened." She hugged him and walked down the hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 03, 2010, 11:23:15 PM
Kitt walked past Blaire, raising an eyebrow at the hugging... feeling he'd missed somthing he walked up to Spike who was now talking to some newcomer, a wolf.... kitt stood beside Spike, listening to the conversation, reloading the ACP repeater before re-holstering it on his thigh.... the short feline then looked up, taking in every aspect of the wolf, physical, weaponry wise, and from what he could work out from the conversation so far.. some of his personality...

"hey, th' names Kitt... i see you just joined up..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 03, 2010, 11:41:41 PM
Arrant tucks his gun away, then looks at the other combatant. "Hello, Kitt. I am Arrant. Ex-bounty hunter. With no family and little money after buying my gear, I came here."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 03, 2010, 11:46:10 PM
"No family? ... i'm in the same boat .... reason i joined, i was taken in by the fighters guild, they train fighters for the arena... lets just say, i'm one of those fighters that dont win... and often get blown the crap out of... so, welcome to the arena, have a pleasant day.." he sniggered, leaning against a nearby structural pillar and checking over his ACP repeater, and forearm blades, still keeping an eye on Arrant....

"So... Arrant, you reckon your up for the challenge of the Arena? i've fought in a few of the smaller arenas.... can't say i won that much... actually come to think of i lost all my matches that i faught..." the feline thought for a moment, before shaking his head... "anyway... nothing like this place... this place, is the toughest of the tough.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 03, 2010, 11:51:18 PM
Chrono got to the stands, and quickly caught sight of Blaire, then again... not many dressed like she did. "Hey...I won..." Chrono didn't want to be enthusiastic, because he knew that Blaire was stabbed to death and the match only ended in a draw, compared to his five minute flawless victory, he seemed to make this really easy.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 03, 2010, 11:52:53 PM
"I know I heard. i'm glad for you," She said smiling. "So what exactly happened?" She asked looking at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 03, 2010, 11:56:48 PM
Chrono allowed himself to smile as he took a clip out and then slipped out a bullet with a sparking front cap. "EMP ammunition, specialized for eliminating androids and disabling cyborgs..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 04, 2010, 12:01:19 AM
"Living in the wild has taught me to always be ready for a fight. Remember that, last time someone forgot they were dumb enough to try and wake me. I've fought many people who call themselves the 'toughest of the tough'. Grabs attention. Only thing they get from it is a bullet." Arrant smiles, and pulls his rifle out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 04, 2010, 12:15:05 AM
"ah, I see..." She smiled and folded her arms.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 04, 2010, 12:18:42 AM
Chrono looked at the Arena and then looked at the floor. "How can I make up for what I did in the infirmary?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 04, 2010, 03:39:45 AM
"Don't worry about it. It was no big deal. I resolved it, didn't I?" She looked at him and smirked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 04, 2010, 05:54:42 AM
Spike smirked. "You'll need a lot more than a bullet to stop most the combatants here, Arrant." He said, pulling out the cigarette from his lips. "Believe me, I've tried." Spike said, raising his eye brows and smiling.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 04, 2010, 06:07:55 AM
Arrant laughs "We'll see. I have armor as strong as a lion, weapons as deadly as vipers, and enough skill to match." He pulls his hood back up slightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 04, 2010, 05:58:57 PM
Chrono hugged around her shoulders and lowered his head past hers so she couldn't make eye-contact. "For me it is... my whole family is branded as freaks and all the books we own, read, and practice are banned by every religion and almost anyone with fear of the demonic. The only place I can go to make a living involves death... and my 'demon blood' runs the strongest among my whole family. You saw the first stage of it in the infirmary, thats more than enough that I can bear to show..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 04, 2010, 09:04:14 PM
Y woke up, dazed, in the infirmary.  At first he was confused but then he remember the EMP that had went off.  His eyes blazed red as he shot upright in his bed.

He lost...

Despite everything...he lost...

"NO!!!" Y roared as he flew out of the infirmary

"I CAN'T LOSE!!!! I NEVER LOSE!!!" Y was furious.  There was a flaw in his design.  And the dragon had hit it square...without knowing about it.  He was defeated by a lucky shot.  Y hated luck.  It wasn't measurable.  And to Y, if it wasn't measurable, it didn't exist.

Y was on the rampage, and if he found either Chrono or a scientist, then there would be hell to pay.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 05, 2010, 02:23:54 AM
"It doesn't bother me... I stopped it." She looked at him and sighed. "I'm going to go check out the new comer. You may come as long as you don't scare him..." She smirked and walked past him towards the wolf. She ran her fingers in her hair, her side bangs falling in front of her right eye. The rest of her hair fell around her neck and shoulders covering any scars. "Hey, haven't seen you around here," She said looking at the male. Her eyes were now a warm hazel color.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 05, 2010, 02:33:31 AM
"Yes, I am new to the tournament. I signed up not too long ago." Arrant holsters his weapon, then continues speaking. "I came here to battle, as well as to gather up some money."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 05, 2010, 02:35:34 AM
"Good luck with that. No one has seen a cent of money," she said, "and I've been here for a couple of months." She looked at him and smiled. "I'm Blaire by the way," She exclaimed holding out her hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 05, 2010, 02:46:49 AM
Arrant shakes Blaire's hand. "I am Arrant." Arrant pulls out his knife and starts running his thumb along the edge. "If I don't get the money, at least I get to get some decent fighting in. Marked men and animals don't seem to put up a good fight."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 05, 2010, 02:55:50 AM
"Well you need to have the skills. Most people here aren't what they seem," She smirked. Blaire eyed the knife then the rest of his utilities.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 05, 2010, 03:10:41 AM
Holding the dossier on the new blood Arrant, Kain looked up to Gabag, with a cigar shoved in his helmet respirator.

"The kid has talent hunting people down for a living, used to capturing targets.. he wouldn't last a week in the Arena..." muttered Kain,  taking the cigar out and exhaling deeply. The last week had been hard for him.

Mr. Yellow (Entaru) failed in his first match, and the benefactors who entered him would not be happy to hear about it. Even more concerning Chrono has actually won his first match, some religious higher ups will cry blasphemy.

"Don't be too sure about it Kain, the world's full of suprises... I mean Chrono won today, and didn't even enter into his field of strengths either. Our benefactors will be very angry about this Kain."

"I know... we emailed the coverup... they didn't buy it.... Any other options?"

"One... come to Mr. Yellow with a deal tormorrow... but first send the Nano Shinobi to keep that machine under control... I can't have him murdering my guests..."

"As you wish Mr. Maximus"

As if on Cue, since Mr. Yellow was really pissed, the benefactors provided the Arena with emotionless guards. The Nano Shinobi, capable of restraining Mr. Yellow on a nano level, they tackled him, and quickly took him to Gabag.

(no killing players outside of official arena combat, please, this ain't a strike at you Entaru, so I'm giving Y a chance to vent)

"Well well well... Mr. Y. your creators will not be pleased to hear about this recent failure of yours, and they are angry with the Arena and are threatening to close it down, so I'm offering you a deal. Silently deal with your creators and their company, and we'll give you the freedom to choose your next path in life"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 05, 2010, 06:36:35 AM
"Well you need to have the skills. Most people here aren't what they seem," She smirked. Blaire eyed the knife then the rest of his utilities.

A grin slowly formed on Spike's face as he turned to face Blaire. "No...No they do not." He let out a quiet sinister laugh and turned back to Arrant. "I wonder who'll you'll be fighting first. I'm looking forward to see how you put up." Spike unclipped the chain of bullets that he was using to hold up his pants and held it up in front of Arrant to see. "See these? 7.62 Full Metal Jacket. They'll shoot through armor without a problem." He reached forward and knocked on Arrant's armor. He smiled, took a step back, and re-attached his belt to his pants. "There is a reason I don't bother wearing armor, my friend. Some contestants like to feel safe I guess."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 05, 2010, 01:45:00 PM
"Hmm...well at least, I could see in the dark and wade through some radiation. Or perhaps you're right? I could go for a fight or two without armor. Keep me from getting rusty."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 05, 2010, 05:58:26 PM
Chrono walked up to Blaire and spoke in disbelief. "You mean armor isn't required, then why did they force me to wear it?!" Chrono wasn't aware that during his time outside the armor, the heat he gave off made it nearly impossible to get near him without suffering from either dehydration, or heat stroke. The only reason it didn't affect Blaire was because she was already used to the heat of fire, which is the main reason his family was fine with him being in any relationship with her, same with the local authorities.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 05, 2010, 08:28:28 PM
((Someone should have brought a camera cause this is gonna get funny))

Y ceased struggling as the words hit his audio receptors.  His eyes briefly turned gray in confusion as he tried to contemplate what he had just heard.  Then just as quickly they turned bright baby blue as they widened with delight.

Suddenly his form shifts into a chibi version of himself.  "REALLY!!!" The voice seemed to be that of a 6 year old child as his eyes widened to unrealistic proportions sparkling with (computer generated) tears of joy.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.  They were offering his freedom in exchange for something he had wanted to do all his short life.  His rage was completely forgotton as he began to prance about the room using his nanites as confetti.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!" Again the voice was more childish than any had expected.

The display didn't last however, as Y realized what he was doing and quickly took his old form.  If a nano-wraith could blush, that is what he most certainly was doing.

"Ahem,...sorry about that." His voice took on a more serious tone as he regained his composure. "How do you plan on doing this quietly.  Undoubtedly, the company has put a tracking device on one of my nanites and will be alerted when I approach them.  And If you tear up my contract now then they'll know something is up and dissapear.  The only way I can get at them is if you trick them into the Arena."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 05, 2010, 09:31:21 PM
Blaire looked at Arrant. "You'll be able to move better." She looked at Chrono. "Of course not... They just wanted to see you suffer," she mocked.  She looked at Spike. "Those didn't really help you much in the match," She joked, as she winked to him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 05, 2010, 11:01:51 PM
"Here's what we propose to you Mr. Y. (Entaru are you gonna be free to do w/e in the Arena once the science team is dead or what?)
I'll have one of these Nano - Ninjas pose as you in another Arena match, while the science team thinks your giving it another go, you can take them out, I want no witnesses to this Mr. Y.  Can't have it be said that we have sociopaths who kill outside of the Arena, we'll 'try' our best to revive them, but we'll do it 'to no avail' "

Kain jumped in to say for Gabag before he could say anything, using his hands as quotes for the quoted words.

Gabag looked out the window of the stand, standing there quietly. He was wearing a helmet, and no one could see the single tear stream down his face at ordering the deaths of people.

"I left that **** behind with the military.... why do both seem to follow me everywhere...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 12:03:49 AM
"Heh, maybe you're right. No need to hinder all my skills. Still, I'll be keeping my exoskeleton."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 06, 2010, 12:45:45 AM
"That's fine. Most of us have armor, we choose not to use it. I find it better to be able to move about with speed and precision." She smiled at him and stretched.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 06, 2010, 12:52:07 AM
Chrono looked around before taking off his armor, His shirt and pants are tattered since he couldn't find a pair that could take the heat he gave off. Also, the temperature within a good thirty meters of himself started to rise from the air-conditioned 70 degrees to 105 as his body temperature was no longer restricted. "Well, that feels better."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 06, 2010, 01:00:44 AM
"That's fine. Most of us have armor, we choose not to use it. I find it better to be able to move about with speed and precision." She smiled at him and stretched.
"maybe that's why you 'died' Blaire... maybe your armor could've stopped the bullet." Began Gabag, coming out of the office while hearing Blaire not decide to wear armor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 06, 2010, 01:05:42 AM
"I bet it does." She said to Chrono. She quickly turned. "It wasn't a bullet that killed me. It was the blows to the neck!" She snapped.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 06, 2010, 01:10:31 AM
"A neck brace could have prevented that..." Chrono pointed out, his white eldritch tattoos showing on his black scales.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 01:24:08 AM
"Hmpf. Well, I guess it's a hard choice. Who will I be fighting first, I'll decide whether or not to use armor." Arrant stops running his thumb along the edge of his knife and puts it away. "And besides, they both have their pros and cons."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 06, 2010, 01:49:49 AM
"Alright, I'll do it."  Y was going to do it anyways but wanted to make sure all of the bases were covered first. "I'll just need you to..."  Y trailed off as Gabag exited the room.  He shrugged it off and turned to Kain "I'll just need you to signal me that the match with the Nano-Ninja is about to start and then I'll take care of the science team."

Y turned to walk out the door and just before leaving the office turned back to Kain "Oh, and when the job is done...keep my name on the roster.  This place is just too much fun to leave."

And with that, Y left the office, feeling rather confident that things were looking up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 01:51:52 AM
"So Gabag, I take it you are another combatant?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 06, 2010, 02:08:46 AM
"Alright, I'll do it."  Y was going to do it anyways but wanted to make sure all of the bases were covered first. "I'll just need you to..."  Y trailed off as Gabag exited the room.  He shrugged it off and turned to Kain "I'll just need you to signal me that the match with the Nano-Ninja is about to start and then I'll take care of the science team."

Y turned to walk out the door and just before leaving the office turned back to Kain "Oh, and when the job is done...keep my name on the roster.  This place is just too much fun to leave."

And with that, Y left the office, feeling rather confident that things were looking up.

"The Signal for the hit shall be when the announcer says 'Sanguine my Brother' and you got a deal"
Said Kain, putting his unnecessary reading glasses over his helmet.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 06, 2010, 04:45:02 AM
Y gave Kain a quick thumbs up as he exited.  His mood soured however as he saw the conglomeration that had gathered outside the office.  There was a newcomer.  He wondered how this new meat would fight, but he quickly dismissed the thought.  He had things to do.  Y shoved his way through,  being careful not to push Gabag but intentionally bashing into Blaire to antagonize Chrono.

"One side meatbags and champ.  Wraith on a mission, coming through!"  Y had to get into position for the slaughter and there was no way he'd would be late for that.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 04:57:04 AM
Arrant pulls out his rifle in case something violent happens, but steps to the side to avoid any side fights. "What's wrong with him?" Arrant asks as the strange person walks away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 06, 2010, 05:38:39 AM
Spike stepped back to make way for Y as he made his deliberate and unnecessary push through the small gathering. He watched Y walk past and then looked back at Arrant. "That there's Y. I think he's a little upset about losing the match he just came out of." Spike said, putting his cigarette out on the bottom side of his right combat boot. "Don't worry about him. I think he's a nice guy once you get to know him." He said followed by a chuckle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 05:57:44 AM
"Hmpf. I don't like him," Arrant nods while he puts his rifle away, "I have a bad feeling about him. But I'm sure I'm just being paranoid. Still, something is a little off about him...Surely a little companionship would do him good. I'll see what I can do later. As for now, I'll just hang around until I get shoved into a match."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 06, 2010, 06:05:06 AM
"Pfff. That might be a while, bud. We're selected at random. So it goes. Some contestants don't see the ring for months." He said, reaching up to his face and moving his eye patch aside to carefully scratch the inside of the empty socket. He moved the patch back in place and shook his head. "Sorry. I had something in my eye socket."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 06:09:00 AM
"Uh huh...Well what are the combatants supposed to do in the meantime? Sit here and mingle?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 06, 2010, 06:13:40 AM
Spike made a face. "Uh well...Uh you can either rot in your cell that is now your home, talk and mingle like now, or you can wander about. But I'm afraid there isn't much local color." Spike reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes and pulled out another cigarette with his teeth. He lit up and exhaled. "...and I've just about had it with the local color."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 06, 2010, 08:51:23 AM
"Kistrev Szabo?"
The speaker was a thick set wolf, wearing the white lab suit of the fighters guild technologics department...

"yup, thats me.... you got a reason for vistin' me or is it my birthday?"

The wolf laughed for a moment, before returning to seriousness.. "yes i have a reason for visiting your personage... the guild is perfecting a new armour type for the arena... we need combatants to test it for mass production.... we would wish if you could test it, it far outdates your current armour...."

Kistrev looked down to his armour, the build up of rust, grime and years of accumulated dirt...
"what pay is there in it for me?"

"the wolf smirked, fifty credits are in it for you my friend... although unfortunately you only recieve the payment if you survive.... this is also an offer, i do believe, you cannot turn down..."

"ah... one of THOSE offers.... well, i'l start training with the armour right away..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 02:01:24 PM
"I guess if the combatants don't kill me, the boredom will," Arrant laughs as he pulls an ancient bottle of vodka from his backpack.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 06, 2010, 07:54:40 PM
"I guess if the combatants don't kill me, the boredom will," Arrant laughs as he pulls an ancient bottle of vodka from his backpack.
"there's a new training center, go down this hallway, 2nd door on the right" Gab said, taking out a bullet and spinning it in his fingers

"Mr. Y and Arrant, please come to the arena for your match"

"Guess not then Arrant, you got to fight quickly
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 06, 2010, 08:06:34 PM
((D'OH!  >__<.  Oh, well.))

Y realized that the signal had been sounded.  He had to get to the science team and get there fast.  Who knew how fast that Nano-Ninja would tear apart this Arrant creature.  Y quickly dispersed and flew to his position like a bat out of heck ((didn't know if I was allowed to say it)).

He would make sure that the fools who created him would see the full extent of their work.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 06, 2010, 08:09:22 PM
(no the signal was when the announcer introduced the contestants forgot to mention that, so please go back)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 06, 2010, 08:47:09 PM
Y's fighting again? She thought. Something weird is going on... Her eyes shifted back and forth. "Chrono, Isn't there supposed to be a specific period of time that combatants have before another fight..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 06, 2010, 10:49:44 PM
"so... how does the armour feel for first appearances?"
The lab coated canine watched Kitt perform a few minor stretches, getting a feel for its weight and strengths...

"it feels... light... really light.... i feel like im not even wearing armour..."

The canine nodded, ticking a box on his sketchpad...
"try a few combat manoeveures.... with the jump belt im sure you will be surprised at the agility with the armour..."

Kitt nodded, frowning slightly, with a flick of his wrist a long blade span and locked into place, extending from his forearm down around thirty centimetres past his palm... he raised an eyebrow, spinning and locking the second blade, this one shorter and curved, extending from the forearm to just past his middle finger....

"impressive... though can it do anything more than show off for the crowd?"

The canine nodded again, pointing to the holographic training targets... Kitt swung a few times with the blades, before making a leap for the nearest one... a leap that, with his feline agility, and the jump belts aid, was much longer than expected... he impaled the target with both blades, up to his wrists.. before jumping to the next one, slicing it in half... more targets appeared, and with each slice, every spin dive and stab his style became more perfected.. more individual... until, at the last target, he unlocked the blades, a spining whirling attack that immolated the last target in a flash of silver...

"impressive young Kitt.... much impressive..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 06, 2010, 11:13:01 PM
"Hmm...I'll keep the training center in mind." Arrant hands his Vodka to Spike, then asks Gabag, "Where do I go for my fight?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 06, 2010, 11:24:25 PM
Blaire shrugged and walked out to the arena stands. "This should be interesting.... This not fighting thing blows," She said to herself. She lifted her hand to touch an old scar that was to the left on her chest and going down to the middle of her right side. She sighed and watched as the combatants readied for the battle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 12:29:32 AM
"You just go down in the Pit, jump down from the stands if you really want to" Gab said.

The Nano Ninja was PUMPED! Finally he could do something more then just guard, he got to be in the fabled arena!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 07, 2010, 01:11:43 AM
Chrono shrugged when he caught up with Blaire. "Hes mostly a machine with a mentality, so he might be an exception" he said aloud while watching the unusually... excited Y leap into the arena. This is almost the complete opposite of how he acts.... then again, I did fry his systems with that clip...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 07, 2010, 03:13:06 AM
Arrant quickly removes his armor, wearing nothing but green cargo pants and black combat boots underneath. Gathering the gear from his armor, he checks his guns aren't jammed, he has his weapons, then runs out into the stands and does a handstand on the rail, turning so he'd land on the other side, and falls, landing in a crouched position. He pulls his rifle out, then turns around, ready for the match. "Game time..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 03:16:24 AM
The announcer, was a giant moose with a human brain, and a Tony Montanna style Tux.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Germs and Monsters of all ages... I present you a double feature match! Today in the East Corner, is none other then MRRRRRRRRR. YELLOW! His favorite quote of all time is "Sanguine my Brother" (your cue) "And in the West Corner, it's new meat Arrant, a take no crap bounty hunter, he'll rock your face off then eat it too, Fighters... BEGIN!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 07, 2010, 03:27:29 AM
Arrant slides his rifle to his left hand, pulls out Hellfire and shoots 6 sniper bullets straight towards opposing fighter, then holsters the sidearm for when the enemy gets close so he can use his assault rifle, taunting him "Come on, wimp!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 03:30:15 AM
The Nano ninja who was made to look like Mr. Yellow, nanocised around the bullets and formed a blade out of his arm.
"Next time respect your betters before you speak" he spoke, emulating Mr. Yellow's real personality.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 07, 2010, 03:39:45 AM
"Oh, forgive me, my lord," Arrant laughed, then fired 3 rounds at Yellow, further taunting the cruel combatant, then held out his left hand, and said "Shall we dance?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 03:41:18 AM
Gracefully moving away from the bullets, and pointing the blade at his foe.
"Do try and keep in rhythm."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 07, 2010, 03:46:29 AM
"Rhythm? I'll show you a little rhythm. Come here, don't be shy." Arrant continued taunting the fighter.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 07, 2010, 05:41:25 AM
Spike walked up to the railing near the edge of the stands to watch. He held the bottle of vodka up in salute to Arrant before taking a swig. He leaned against the railing and watched. He was curious to see how the new contestant would hold up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 11:08:21 AM
Kitt walked up the railing beside Spike, flipping and re-locking his forearm blades before leaning against the railing... "sup Spike... do ya think Arrant's gonna realise shooting Y does literally nothing?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 07, 2010, 08:25:23 PM
Blaire spotted Spike and smiled. She walked over to him. "Hey, No drinking on arena grounds," She joked. "So what do you Think about Arrant?" She asked looking down on the field.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 08:29:10 PM
Kitt noticed Blair walk over to Spike, he stayed leaning on the railings, also looking down into the arena... listening to the conversation without wanting to intterupt, he played around with his new forearm blades, still testing and learning with the newer armour...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 07, 2010, 08:30:26 PM
Blaire then looked at Kitt. "How about you?" She asked smirking.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 08:34:16 PM
Kitt looked up, blushing slightly, he hadnt expected to be asked... "uhm... i think he's kinda cocky... but i reckon he'l put up a good fight for what he's worth... just a shame for him that his first opponent is Y.. not exactly an easy round..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 07, 2010, 08:44:11 PM
Y listened as the announcer gave him the cue and moved silently through the stands to the skybox where the science team sat.  The door to the skybox was locked, but that made little difference to Y as he poured himself like sand through the keyhole.  He left some of himself at the door and sealed it.  He could see the science team now.  

They were entranced by the fight below as they recorded data about his imposter's movements.  Y kept himself floating just above the ground as he split into two and made his way to the lights and window controls.  The window shuttered itself with the speed of sound and the lights went out.  The skybox was in total darkness.

There were 14 on the science team.

Five didn't get the chance to scream.

Two screamed and were cut off.

Five more almost made it to the door.

One tried the knob and disappeared

The last one clawed at the door for a few minutes, leaving his fingernails and blood imbedded in its base before being dragged to the center of the room.  They wouldn't find his body.

When Y entered the room it had been painted blue.  When Y left...there wasn't a speck of blue to be seen.

Y hid in the stands in the form of an overweight cat just watching the fight.  If anyone cared to look at him, he was smiling and licking his fingers.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 08:51:44 PM
"Well Come on then, dance with me" he said before flipping at Arrant and going for a downwards cut. He could just turn into Nanites and crush Arrant, but then it would be too easy to do that, he wanted sport. This Nano Ninja was beginning to be exactly like Mr. Y himself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 07, 2010, 08:53:51 PM
Blaire heard a struggle in the Skybox. "What the....?" She said she looked around. "I'll be right back..." She walked over to the skybox and made her way to the door. She looked around and extended one of her nails. She inserted it into the knob and jiggled it gently. She turned the knob and was met with a foul scent. She covered her snout with the cloth she had around her neck. What the hell happened here?! She thought to herself, turning and looking around for likely culprits. But she saw no one.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 09:01:09 PM
Kitt came running up the corridor, following Blaire.. "i think ya kinda knew i wasnt gonna stay put, i heard the struggle as much as you... eugh.. what the frack?" Kitt caught the scent, and saw the horrific scene of the skybox behind her... "mmm... Gribbly... i guess we better alert someone to this?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 07, 2010, 09:12:48 PM
"Yea, Probably..." She looked at Kitt. "How should we tell though? We can't just go up to a guard. We'll get accused."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 09:18:54 PM
Kitt took a second look at the skybox and the lovely new redwashed walls... "how in the name of frack could i do that? you gotta point though....i wait, i got an idea...."

 with that he walked into the skybox, treading carefully he walked to one of the seats and pressed the button set into the arm of the chair for service... it lit up once and Kitt walked back out...

"euugh... this armours new as well... someone will come up to bring some food and they'l find the mess, if we just close the door and get back down to Spike we wont get blamed..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 07, 2010, 09:26:25 PM
((Too late >:3 ))

Y, in his disguise, was sitting not too far away and had been listening to the conversation between Kitt and Blaire.  He waited until the smell of blood wafted into his scent receptors before creating a scene for the crowd.

Y stood out of his chair and pointed towards the skybox and screamed.


The crowd near the skybox began screaming and pointing their fingers at the skybox.  Many ran.  Many were trampled by their fellows.  Some were even pointing at Blaire and Kitt, screaming "MURDERERS!"

In all the chaos, no one could hear Y snickering.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 07, 2010, 09:33:29 PM
Kitt raised an eyebrow, holding both paws up as several armed and not too friendly guards advanced.....


Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 07, 2010, 09:57:28 PM
With everyone ignoring the fight, ratings were going down, when ratings went down, Kain got pissed. When Kain got pissed, someone was going to be eating through a straw for the rest of their life.

"HOW DARE HE! Drive our crowd away!" yelled Kain as he punched his through his desk and floor, eating a piece of metal to calm himself down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 07, 2010, 11:26:57 PM
"DAMN IT!" She shouted. She ran at Y and dove at him. "HOW DARE YOU!" She growled.

((when I say Y I meant what he was disguised as))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 12:02:47 AM
Arrant pulled his left foot back, turning his body 90 degrees to dodge the oncoming combatant, and ripped his blade out preparing to get in a maiming blow while the soldier came down toward him. Just then he noticed the ruckus in the stand, but forced his attention back to the fight before the soldier landed, concentrating on the battle yet aware of a dangerous occurrence. What the hell is going on? Arrant wondered as he got ready for the epic fight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 08, 2010, 02:09:54 AM
Chrono turned around and spotted Y in the stands, and knew it. The whole freaking fight is a set-up! he slithers through the crowd and then grabbed Y, and tossed him into the air by his arm. "I should just beat you down again for faking a match, but knowing you... murder is involved"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 08, 2010, 02:25:08 AM
((Uh i was already on him...))

Blaire growled and bit Chrono's arm. Her eyes were glowing purple. Blue shadow flame seeped from her mouth, as She jumped after Y
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 08, 2010, 02:40:58 AM
((Gabag: you dove after him, Chrono actually grabbed him [sorry, I'm just predicting his answer, probably wrong :P]))
Chrono just watched as she lept at Y. That blue stings... alot Its not our problem, if she asks for help- Think about what you're saying...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 02:58:56 AM
Chrono turned around and spotted Y in the stands, and knew it. The whole freaking fight is a set-up! he slithers through the crowd and then grabbed Y, and tossed him into the air by his arm. "I should just beat you down again for faking a match, but knowing you... murder is involved"
(but he was in disguise as the fat cat i thought Kain didn't tell anyone that, he just told that to himself in his private office and I never dove for anyone!)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 03:06:10 AM
With an unwilling glance at the crowd, Arrant stops to see as big cat getting attacked by Blaire and some other person he thinks is a combatant. Arrant dove backwards to get a better look at the fighting without the fake opponent taking advantage. Arrant fires 2 shots at his opposing warrior as he lands, then runs up to him and jumps up to and off its head, taking a moment to realize how hindering his exoskeleton has been all this time, then running full speed towards Blaire, the cat, and the other combatant, ripping out his sidearm as he sprints.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 03:08:15 AM
Looking up he sees his opponent leave the Arena pit, which means that the match has either been canceled or forfeited, not knowing which, the Nano Ninja flies up to the stands to absorb all the chaos going on.

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 03:17:56 AM
Arrant rushes up to aside the shifty, unknown combatant watching Blaire. "What's going on; who is that??" Arrant asks, holstering his handgun and pulling out his rifle now that he's stationary.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 08, 2010, 03:19:26 AM
((MY character was just attacking the one who accused them.. She isn't aware that its Y))

Blaire let out a roar that had never been heard before. She sank her teeth into The fat cat's arm, the shadow flames surrounding the bite.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 03:25:49 AM
The Astartes guards arrived on the scene, picking up Blaire and taking her away with ease, while other guards tried their best to make some semblance of order known.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 08, 2010, 03:28:57 AM
((That was practically God modding.. Blaire isn't going down without a fight... There is no taking her easily...))

Blaire pulled out a dagger she had hidden in her boot. She managed to find an opening in the guards armor. "I refuse to be accused of this murder!" She yelled, her voice echoing violently. She kicked away the Guard and ran at Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 03:31:09 AM
(what do you expect when all chaos broke loose and there's a dark fire possessed wolf trying to eat Garfield! They just wanted to at LEAST get you away from the cat, not accuse anyone yet.)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 03:33:05 AM
Arrant, not knowing who the big cat was, but still trusting Blaire, fired a shot at Blaire's foot. Grabbing her attention, Arrant yells "GET THE PERSON AND RUN, I CAN ONLY HOLD THEM OFF FOR SO LONG!" then drops a teargas grenade and flash-bang at once, and starts firing off at the guards, letting himself worry about his punishment later.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 03:35:04 AM
The guards had automatic rocket launchers, and helmets that auto adjusted to differing visibilities, thinking the fat cat is just a random fan who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, now the target of a conspiracy (at least what they assume) The quartet of guards formed a little circle around the man, scanning the area with their rifles, which were modified to fire stun rounds, because auto rocket launchers is too messy for live T.V.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 03:39:54 AM
Arrant roundhouse kicked the nearest guard, and ran off into the corridors, using his speed and agility to its full extent to escape the fight without any scars ((not very fond of scars xD)), yet still making sure to grab the guards' attention by slightly maiming 2 nearby bystanders and continuing his hell-bent sprint.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 08, 2010, 03:49:19 AM
Blaire decided to follow Arrant. She vanished and reappeared next to him. "What are we going to do now?" She asked. Her eyes had calmed and shadow flames were dispersing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 03:50:20 AM
Other guards arrived on the scene and sprinted after Arrant, before Kain came out to play

Holding a mini nuke, he delivered his ultimatum to the whole arena.


Fans, Guards, delinquents and the medics all stopped at his words. Not a peep was heard, and not a person dared to move.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 04:00:05 AM
Arrant scolds. Whispering, he pulls his backpack down, and gives commands to Blaire;"You were supposed to grab that cat guy and run for it while I get the guards' attention. But now that this crazy guy has a nuke...Hold on, I have something in my backpack."  Arrant reaches into his bakcpack and roots around for a second, then pulls out a small, card shaped device. "Take this. Duck into a cell, and press the dark button at the top-right. KEEP IT TO YOUR SKIN AT ALL TIMES. It's a chameleon. Very close to dying out. Run like hell, get out of the building. If crackpot over there drops the bomb, at least one person could get out of here... And if you don't make it out alive, you owe me one of those. They're hell to replace." Arrant utters a small laugh.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 08, 2010, 05:42:07 AM
Spike stood frozen. He was still on the railing where he'd just been watching the fight. His eye was buldged and he looked around at everyone in the arena that stood frozen watching Kain and praying. It all happened so fast, Spike hadn't even time to finish the liquor. He didn't breathe. Smoke billowed off the end of his cigarette as he stood still. The bottle slipped from his hand and shattered against the floor, the sound echoing through the arena. Spike wasn't sure if Kain was crazy enough to obliterate the arena, killing himself and what seemed to be his main source of income...but he wasn't about to call him on his bluff.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 08, 2010, 11:25:33 AM
Kain wasn't that crazy, he just that to get everyone to be quiet, he said a low 'Thank you for your cooperation, please take your seats the next matchup will start" and left the arena pitt with his nuke in hand and went back to his office, It wasn't even a real nuke, just cardboard.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 08, 2010, 03:04:01 PM
Arrant pulls his camouflage back, then pulls out a bottle of vodka and angrily walks down to the training hall, picking up his armor and putting it in his backpack for the time being.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 08, 2010, 05:44:19 PM
Chrono didn't even pay attention to Kaines words, but went away from all of the chaos in the stands and to his room. He opened the door and slipped inside, taking off his armor and setting it on a work-table. "Two matches and an all-out panic, well, this place does meet my expectations for violence..." he shot out a steady and high-powered stream of black fire and started tweaking with this ornamental fire shield. All this does is protect everyone else from my powers... it couldn't even stop a bite from injuring me, how about I make some real combat armor out of it? Well, it might be considered unethical to reverse the purpose of the armor, and make it into... well a weapon Remind me which one of us is supposed to be more animalistic...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 08, 2010, 08:04:54 PM
Y had thought that he was caught when Blaire tackled him.  But logic had dictated otherwise.  He had to resist the urge to send a pulse of electricity into her when she bit into him.  Of course, he did fight back but it was mostly kicking and screaming.  When the guards had shown up and taken Blaire off of him, he ran holding his arm which was red with (fake) blood. 

After running into the crowd he decided it was time for the fat cat to disappear and ran in the direction of his room.  After making sure the coast was clear and scanning for biosigns, Y shifted to his normal form and walked calmly into the stands.  By then Kain had made his scene.  Y was unworried when he saw the nuke, for he read no signs of radiation coming from the fake bomb. 

Y made his way over to Kain's office.  He knocked a few times before coming in. 

"I don't think I need to tell you that it's done now...sorry about the mess."  Y smirked a bit (or at least he would have if he bothered to create a mouth)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 09, 2010, 07:08:34 AM
Spike looked around as the spectators returned to their original seats at an amazing speed. He looked around for Blaire and Kitt being nowhere in sight. He stood up on his toes, trying to peer over the tall heads of spectators and guards. He began to walk through the mass trying to see if he could spot either of them and find out what was going on. Apparently there had been a murder but that meant nothing to Spike given who he was. "BLAIRE!?!? KITT!?!?" He called out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 09, 2010, 07:59:50 AM
Standing in the doorway, thinking about the short match he was just in, Arrant decided it was time to get new armor. Sighing, he left the training center to Kain's office to request to send out for some new armor and an upgraded rifle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 09, 2010, 10:43:20 AM
Two Guards had Kitt pinned up against a pillar, both trying as best they could to stay away from the two forearm blades on his armour...
"get of me freaks! how the hell do you think i could murder a whole skybox like that eh?"

The two guards exchanged a confused glance before turning back to the feline only to both recieve a sudden elbow to the face....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 09, 2010, 05:49:24 PM
Reaching Kain's office, Arrant finished his vodka up and tossed it to the side, then knocked on the door twice and stood back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 09, 2010, 07:16:18 PM
Two Guards had Kitt pinned up against a pillar, both trying as best they could to stay away from the two forearm blades on his armour...
"get of me freaks! how the hell do you think i could murder a whole skybox like that eh?"

The two guards exchanged a confused glance before turning back to the feline only to both receive a sudden elbow to the face....
Unfortunately for kitt, they didn't even accuse him, he just assumed, and now with an elbow to their face, they have a reason to shoot now
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 09, 2010, 07:43:45 PM
Unfortunately for kitt

unfortunately for kitt indeed...

Kitt elbowed both guards in the face, kicking another in the crotch before jumping over the moaning figures and running down the hallway... leaping down a flight of steps, all twenty steps at once he smacked into the corridor below, rolling and jumping back to his feet... turning the corner he accidentally caught a guard across the throat with one forearm, catching him off balance a second guard smashed him across the muzzle with the butt of his rifle, bringing the weapon to his shoulder and taking aim at the feline...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 10, 2010, 02:28:57 AM
Blaire relaxed as she entered her cell. She looked at her bed and flopped down on to it. She shut her eyes and was quickly off to a deep slumber.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 05:09:29 AM
Luckly for Kitt, Spike had found the right place to look. He turned the handle but the door to the corridor seemed to be stuck. He was getting frustrated. He walked back a few paces and got a running start at the door before jumping and dropkicking the door off it's frame completely. The door blew out with such force it knocked the guard to the floor and knocked him unconcious. Spike's eyes widened at what he'd just done. "Oops." He looked up to see Kitt. "Kitt! I was just looking for you. What's going on!?" Spike asked as he stood up off the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 05:14:29 AM
Arrant heard a large scuffle in the nearby corridors, and started off to investigate. Then, remembering why he was here, Arrant left a note against the door for his order from the blackmarket. With that business done with, he sprinted off down the hall to where the sound was coming from.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 12:27:36 PM
Kitt put one paw to his muzzle, stemming a major nose bleed... "ugh... Spike?" he looked up, leaning against the wall... "man, its good to see ya... there was some murder up in the skybox n' me n' Blair got accused fer it... if you hadnt burst through that door, most my brains would be across the wall right now..."

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 05:05:42 PM
Going down the hall at a near illegal speed, Arrant hit a wall and started running across it and launched himself into the nearby doorway, landing on an unconscious guard. He jumped off in panic and got ready to run from the other guards, but noticed that only Kitt and Spike were around. "What the hell is going on now?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 08:32:31 PM
Spike was overwhelmed with confusion. "I have no idea. There was a murder, people running everywhich way, and I'm wondering what's up with all this." Spike looked at Kitt. "You're welcome. But now what happens?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 08:48:18 PM
Kitt snorted back some blood into his nose "ugh... god knows...." he stumbled to his feet, leaning against the wall, blood still dripping from his muzzle... "maybe.. oh i dunno.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 08:50:48 PM
Arrant bends over the guard and brings his knife gently across their throat, then gets back up and speaks, "Isn't this a little too much? I get a match as soon as I get here, and during it many people were killed in the skybox, which you and Blaire were accused for... I think this goes a little further than mere coincidence. Something's wrong..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 08:54:53 PM
"You telling me we should have some sort of investigation, Arrant?" Spike asked. "Because Kitt won't last very long if people think that he and Blaire killed the Skybox people. They were with me the whole time and left for a mere second!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 09:00:41 PM
"Hold on..." Arrant reaches into his backpack and pulls his exoskeleton out. "Put this on. Leave the internal heater on low and make it direct to your face. It will get very hot inside, but the heater will make you sound different, and the exoskeleton will make you look like a different person. And if anyone questions you, make up a name and say you are new."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:05:56 PM
Kitt pulled on the exo-armour quickly, grumbling about how it didnt fit and was too large.... he picked up and loaded one of the guards shotguns, turning to Arrant... "good?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 09:15:55 PM
Spike looked at Kitt, the disguise was passable. He gave him a thumbs up. "It'll work for now." Spike looked down at the moaning guard on the floor. "We should get out of here."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:19:39 PM
Kitt nodded, giving the moaning guard a hefty kick in the groin as he passed towards the door.... he walked out nonchalantly, but to anyone who could have seen the room they left was filled with moaning guards and spattered blood.... "right... where we gonna go first Spike?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 09:27:10 PM
Spike shrugged. "I don't know, I was hoping Arrant had an idea." He said looking back at Arrant. "Do you have a plan? We have to tell someone. Who can we trust and who's going to believe a bunch of arena combatants?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 09:30:33 PM
"Well Blaire was there when Kitt was, so we might be able to trust her... Just keep a low profile. If you need some sleep, you can use my cell. Other than that stay away from others, and try not to look too avoidant. Take this flash-bang too, in case you need to escape from something."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:32:55 PM
Kitt took the flash bang, throwing it into the air and miming hitting it a swing with a baseball bat, before catching it again and stowing in a pouch... "right'o"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 09:34:00 PM
"Are you sure it's a good idea to leave Kitt behind?" Spike asked as they walked out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 09:41:24 PM
"No. Which is why I won't be. I'll be sticking close to Kitt, to make sure nothing bad happens. Spike, you'll need to do all the investigating work. I'm a good fighter but when it comes to detective work I'm a liability."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:43:43 PM
Kitt followed the other two, grumbling to himself in rapid slovak about the exo-armour... he listened with vague interest, despite the obvious impact it all had on him, instead deciding to point out quietly to himself how everything was the governments fault, and just what they could do with their policing acts...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 09:46:00 PM
Spike made a face. "What!? You're an assassin and I'm a serial killer. If anything, I think you should investigate. I ain't no detective."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:48:55 PM
Kitt listened to the two argue, sniggering... this could take a while...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 09:50:57 PM
"If you insist Spike...Make sure Kitt doesn't get himself into trouble, I'm off to Kain's office to take care of something. Maybe I can do a little work on the way?" Arrant started running down the halls back to Kain's office.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:54:06 PM
Kitt lifted the exo-suits visor, taking a swig from his hip-flask... "well Spike... seems you got yerself the easy job... or the hard job, depending on how you look at it..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 09:56:29 PM
Spike rolled his eyes at Kitt. "It WILL be the easy job, Kitt." Spike said as they continued to walk towards the cell block.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 09:58:38 PM
"nah, you know me man... trouble is mah middle name......" he paused, taking another swig... "well actually it isnt but thats beside the point..
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 10, 2010, 10:01:47 PM
Arrant arrives yet again at Kain's office and knocks on the door. Not getting a response, he leans up to the door and listens for sign of life, when he hears Mr. Yellow talking to Kain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 10, 2010, 10:12:45 PM
Spike looked up and down the exoskeleton. "Jeez, I might look into getting one of those things myself." He said. "And you're not getting into any trouble if I'm looking out for you. We can use my cell to hang out in. They put me in solitary since I almost killed my guard with a spork. They're too afraid to look into the cell now. It's just down the hall."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 10, 2010, 10:15:48 PM
"with a spork? now thats style..." he sniggered, taking another swig and offering the pear brandy to Spike... "well i suppose if your watchin' over me... nothing could happen"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 10, 2010, 10:52:31 PM
Arrant arrives yet again at Kain's office and knocks on the door. Not getting a response, he leans up to the door and listens for sign of life, when he hears Mr. Yellow talking to Kain.
"Well Mr. Yellow, everything's going down the drain now, we have 3 fugitives on the loose now, possible murderers as well, a few contestants gone rouge, and a lawsuit down our alley..." Kain said, nodding towards the shadow outside his door, he knew someone was snooping in, but who it was he didn't know, for now he would just sound like a concerned CEO.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 11, 2010, 01:48:18 AM
Blaire woke up and looked around. Everything that had happened a couple hours earlier was a blur. She rubbed her eyes and sighed. "I wonder what chrono is up to.." she said to herself as she sat up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 11, 2010, 02:25:57 AM
"I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Kain."  Y recognizes the gesture to play along.

"If I can be of any service I would be glad to help.  Those men created me after all, and the fact that they were murdered so brutally.  They might as well have killed my family.  My functions include forensic investigation.  I would be glad to investigate for the Arena and find the killer and his or her associates."  Y stated in a sympathetic tone.

He was hinting at a way to keep people like the one at the door from snooping about.  He would be the one to investigate his murders and come up with a corporate hit.  One of the Arena's corporate rivals.  Which one would be decided later.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 11, 2010, 02:29:42 AM
"Now that brings up the problem of the contestants who have violently fought against the security" Kain admitted, which was true. Kitt and Arrant had killed guards, a criminal offense by the standards of the DeathMatch arena. Those guards would most likely be rescued from death, but they will cry out for blood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 11, 2010, 02:32:16 AM
The usual sounds of a blacksmith are heard outside Chrono's room as he continues to modify the "armor" he started with. Shadow-dragon forged armor... lighter than kevlar, and more resistant than titanium plating or adimantium chainmail. Praise the flame I managed to at least remember the old forging tradition of my... Ancestor's Ancestor? I don't know, but this is probably past par to the champion's armor; he'll probably be either jealous or furious when our next match comes up and we're stronger. I don't remember rules saying I can't use my powers to enhance my attacks, or even modifing my armor to make full use of my talents. just watch, Kaine is going to throw in a rule right after the match...

Chrono grinned as his armor began to change from a safety precausion to a gladiator's tool for glory and valor...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 11, 2010, 02:36:40 AM
Arrant looked around the halls warily. Are there cameras placed around all of the halls? he wondered. He leaned against a nearby wall to appear casual and continued listening to the conversation.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 11, 2010, 02:55:31 AM
"Yes, that does pose a problem.  Pehaps if they had kept their calm they wouldn't be involved.  No offense to you Mr. Kain but organics can be so fragile minded in the midst of a panic.  A man screams 'fire' and everyone turns into animals, killing eachother just to get away."  Y held in laughter.  

That is what he had counted on when he started the riot.  The fact that Blaire and Kitt fought back just made everything so much more delicious.  Now they were not only wanted as suspects in the murders, but they had killed guards in order to get away.  Their obvious innocence could have saved them if they hadn't fought back.  Now that innocence had all but disappeared as they killed to avoid capture.  

As much as Y hated organics, he loved how easily they were manipulated against one another.

"Perhaps punishment in the Arena would be sufficient.  When captured, they will be restrained and tortured in front of the masses for their crimes.  After all, the Arena's audience are in it for the violence.  Some showmanship and creative torture could bring in, as you organics say, 'Booku-ratings'."  Y stated, with sadistic joy dripping from every word, also hinting at himself for the torturer.  "Those offended by the suspects will be happy and the Arena will be sitting in mounds of cash."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 11, 2010, 03:00:13 AM
"I can't deny the amount of money it;ll bring in, but torture man? It's one thing for people to volunteer to kill other people, but torture is out of the question, our corporate opponents will quickly slam a lawsuit on us and shut this place down."

And yes Arrant is correct, there were cameras everywhere, after all it pays to be paranoid.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 11, 2010, 03:18:32 AM
"It was just a thought," Y said disapointedly.  He had hoped that he might have some fun with the suspects.  Oh, was worth a shot.

"I'm sorry to say that I can't help in this matter then.  I'll get right to work on the investigation and let you know if anything turns up."  Y turned and left the office.  Y closed the door behind him and looked around non-chalantly and saw Arrant.

"Ah, hello again Arrant." Speaking loud enough for Kain to hear.  He had not met Arrant yet but his imposter had.  In fact he had restrained the urge to say 'So you must be the new meat'.  "Mr. Kain has been looking for you.  If you'll excuse me, I have some work to do.  Lets hope next time we meet in the Arena we wont be interrupted by a riot."  Y waved maliciously as he made his way to the skybox for the second time.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 11, 2010, 03:39:44 AM
"Hmpf...he seems a little friendlier than his first impression implies..." Arrant walked into Kain's office holding a piece of paper. "I want to put an order for a new suit on the blackmarket. Here's most of what's left of my money. Enough for the x46 battlesuit, some vodka, and a tip if you make the purchase. I'll expect either a new suit and some drinks or a large wad of money at my cell by tomorrow." With that, he left the room to Spike's cell, to tell them about the conversation he had overheard.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 11, 2010, 05:48:05 AM
Spike sat on the floor opposite to his bed inside his cell. He had propped himself up against the wall to face Kitt while they shared his pear brandy and talked with eachother. Spike lit up a cigarette and looked around the inside of his cell that was decorated with drawings, blue prints for custom weapons and armor, and even souvenier bones from his past opponents (or victims) that he had been in contest with. There was a knocking on his cell door. He gestured to Kitt to put the mask back on before he quickly stood up. "State your business." Spike said to the stranger pounding on his cell door. He was hoping to hear Arrant's voice.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 11, 2010, 02:35:38 PM
"We know you're holding Kitt in there, come out willingly and nobody gets killed," Arrant said, faking one of the guards' voices.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 11, 2010, 09:41:48 PM
Spike looked at Kitt and narrowed his eyes. "You got the wrong cell, buddy." Spike replied before bent down on the floor and quickly dug around under his bed. He pulled out a frag grenade. Spike pulled the pin to the grenade and held the spoon in place so it wouldn't detonate. He looked at Kitt but couldn't see the expression of terror behind his visor. "Get behind the door when I open it." Spike ordered. Spike approached the door, still clenching the grenade in his hand. He pulled the large metal lever on his door and the door clicked open. Kitt was already in place. Spike quickly pulled the door open to see Arrant standing there. Spike was wide eyed and looked down at the grenade he was holding. He quickly struggled to put the pin back in place before his fingers slipped of the spoon. "Arrant, you freaking idiot, I almost killed you!" He said, slipping the pin back into the grenade. "What are you trying to do, get yourself killed? Get in here!" Spike said, pulling him into the cell and slamming the door closed behind himself. Spike heaved a sigh, dropped the grenade to the floor, and kicked it under his bed. "Well what news do you bring us this fine evening?" Spike asked Arrant while lighting another cigarette.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 11, 2010, 09:50:58 PM
Kitt pulled off the helmet, ruffling his fur with one paw... "christ it's hot in there..." he sat down on the bed, kicking up his feet against the wall nearest the door... "yeah Arrant.. spill the beans man" Kitt pulled out his hipflask, downing a mouthfull, watching Arrant closely...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 11, 2010, 10:07:50 PM
"I don't buy your crap for you newblood, get your own supplies or quit" Kain spat as Arrant left before sending the money back to Arrant's account.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 12, 2010, 12:02:39 AM
"They saw the whole scene. Kitt isn't the only wanted man, some cameras in the halls caught me when I slit the guard's neck back a little while ago. Chances are they saw you knock him unconscious too. We're all wanted. Mr. Yellow was also talking about torture, which although was rejected by Kain, the idea's still there. Not a fun idea, either. He also mentioned something about launching an investigation, and when he left the room something was a little off. Something about Y just isn't right..." Arrant spat at the ground, then pulled out some vodka and began drinking. "But that's not important now. We can't show our faces here. For all we know, the guards could be coming for us as we speak. Does anyone know someone we can trust? We can't stay here, and we sure can't just go about our normal schedule." Arrant took a swig, then went into a deep silence.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 12, 2010, 12:21:12 AM
Spike took a drag of his cigarette. He looked down at the floor and leaned against the wall while smoke billowed from his nosrils as he exhaled. "I've got nobody in mind. But we can't just leave Blaire in the dark either. She's in as much danger as we are." He said before taking another drag.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 12, 2010, 12:35:29 AM
"Very well. Where is Blaire's cell from here?" Arrant began shuffling through his backpack.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 12, 2010, 12:40:52 AM
Chrono grins from frill to frill as he reaches for a Phone and gets Blaire's cell number, calling her up in only a few minutes...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 12, 2010, 03:31:20 AM
Y floated just above the ground as he entered the skybox.  The smell and color of blood filled the room.

It was intoxicating.

Y closed his false eyes and "breathed" deeply, trying to fill his sensors with the wonderful smell, as waves of pleasure flowed through every nanite.  All one trillion of them.  As Y reopened his eyes he was reminded that he was here for business, not pleasure.   Y looked about the room with mild disinterest as he began his "investigation"

As he searched the room, he was also searching his database for a likely candidate to pin the murder on.  The Arena was a large business and didn't have many so the list was short.  In fact, Y could find only two.

One was called Brimstone Enterprises.  They were a weapons contractor, and had almost gone out of business when war was abolished.  However mercenaries and bounty hunters were still about so they maintained until the Arena showed up.   As bitter as they were about the Arena taking their main source of income by providing these people with weapons and people to use them against, they were spineless.  In fact their political weight had diminished to the point where they might as well have been a Third World Company.  Pinning the murder on them would destroy them but would accomplish nothing to further the Arena.

They were useless.

The other was DataDyne.  Not only did they survive the abolishment, they thrived.  With their tree-hugger origins, the abolishment allowed its reputation to spread like a plague.  They despised the Arena, because of its brutality and dependence on human suffering.  DataDyne was the leading supplier of eco-friendly appliances and vehicles and the smiling face of what Y hated most. 

Safe, happy, and peaceful organics.

They were even partially responsible for him.  They had built nanites to clean up oil spills and unclog arteries.  His own nanites were descended from those.  In fact they had been furious when they found that the science team had used the plans to make a weapon to fight in the Arena.  Incredibly furious.  If the murder was pinned on them, then the company would fall.  Their virgin white reputation would be stained forever with the blood of the scientists.  They wouldn't dare oppose the Arena then...

Y had found the scapegoat...

Y quickly began to fabricate evidence pointing to DataDyne.  His nanites had their work cut out for them, but they would build unrefutable evidence in the Arena's favor.

DataDyne would fall...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 12, 2010, 05:24:00 AM
Spike looked up at Arrant. "It's in the next cell block over...She wasn't lucky enough to get into solitary." Spike said with a smile. He walked over to his shelf and pulled off his primary weapon from it's metal stand. He held the MG3 heavy machine gun in his right arm and pulled a chain of ammo off a rail next to the shelf with his left hand before flinging it over his shoulder. "Right then, let's go." Spike said, putting his cigarette out on the wall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 12, 2010, 05:35:33 AM
"Hmpf. Doesn't sound very easy. Let's try stealth before fighting. Surely we will run into guards, but we can at least postpone the inevitable. Should Kitt stay here?" Arrant pulls a spare silencer out and attaches it to his rifle, then finishes his vodka and sets it down next to him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 12, 2010, 05:54:35 AM
Spike gave an appalled look. "What? I was going for stealth." He pulled the large Winchester Bowe knife out from his belt and flashed it to Arrant. "This," he held up the machine gun, "is for when the inevitable occurs." Then Spike stopped and thought for a moment. "You know what? You're right." He walked back to the shelf and put the machine gun away. He bent down under his bed and pulled out a "silenced" weapon. He brandished a wooden baseball bat complete with 9 inch nails spiked through the end. He pointed the nailed end at Arrant. Some dried blood, fur, and pieces of flesh still clung to the end of the rusting nails. "I think this might be better."

Spike then looked at Kitt. "It's probably best that he does. Nobody knows he's in here so I don't think anyone would check the inside of my cell...It could give them nightmares." He winked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 12, 2010, 04:14:44 PM
"oh, and i guess my sanity means nuthin'.... nah m' just jokin' Spike... your right, chances are the guards may not even know that your on the hit list... so i'l stay here..."  with that he kicked back his feet, leaning against the wall and snoozing..
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 12, 2010, 06:39:08 PM
"Hold on Kitt, I need to get something. Look around for a phone, and when you find one call this number," Arrant handed Kitt a piece of paper. "Don't say anything other than you want an x64 Battlesuit and 30 bottles of vodka. Also mention my name. Ready to go, Spike? When we're done, we all need to meet up here." Arrant pulled the clip out of his rifle and put a red clip in, checking to make sure nothing is jammed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 12, 2010, 08:08:36 PM
Kitt took the paper without opening his eyes... "battlesuit... vodka... i gotcha.." with that he continued to snore lightly, tail swishing lazily...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 13, 2010, 05:18:53 AM
"Ready as I'll ever be." Spike replied, holding the bat in his right hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 13, 2010, 06:14:41 PM
Arrant slowly opened the door, and looked around for guards. Seeing none, he kicked the door open and sprinted to the nearest corner, crouching next to it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 14, 2010, 04:10:41 AM
Spike watched as Arrant sprinted down the hall and stopped near the corner. He turned to look back at Kitt. "Stay here. We'll be back soon...and don't forget to close the door behind me." Knowing Kitt well enough, his words meant nothing. Spike looked back into the doorway and without looking cautiously he walked out into the hallway nonchalantly with the bat resting on his shoulder. He walked up beside Arrant and squatted. Spike leaned over to one side to look around the corner and down the hallway. With no guards in sight he leaned back and nodded to Arrant before standing back up and silently hurried down the hallway, gesturing for Arrant to follow.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 14, 2010, 11:39:32 AM
A Single guard walked past Spike and Arrant, waving hello as he whistled past with his steaming cup of coffee. (don't assassinate he's not shooting you or kicking you!)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 14, 2010, 05:12:37 PM
Kitt opened one eye, watching Spike.... as he walked out Kitt kicked the door closed with one foot, leaning back against the wall, stretched out on the bed......

"bored, bored, bored..." 

he picked up one of Spikes knives, flipping it, handle over blade a few times.... boredom already setting in... he looked over to the door...
"meh.. i'l make that phonecall for Arrant... keep my mind of boredom for a while...."

Kitt pulled out an old cellphone, dialing the number on the paper arrant had given him, placing the order he sighed, twiddling his tumbs.....

"wow.... soooo bored......"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 14, 2010, 07:37:09 PM
Arrant watched as the guard walked past him and Spike. When the guard was gone, Arrant stood up and started walking down the halls toward Blaire's cell.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 15, 2010, 02:29:14 AM
Spike smiled and saluted the guard as he passed. He followed Arrant down the hallway. "How do we even know if she's in the cell? What if she's not?" Spike asked as they walked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 15, 2010, 02:31:47 AM
Chrono stopped trying to call her since she wasn't answering. He took all of the armor pieces and put them in a satchel while he walked out of his room. He was going to walk to Blaire's cell which was just... right next to his own?

"Huh..." he then heard footsteps from behind, and turned to see Spike...

Spike was all he needed to see to get riled up, he wrapped his arms in fire and got on the defensive. From all hes known about Spike, he killed Blaire and still hasn't recieved 'punishment' for it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 15, 2010, 02:58:43 AM
Spike stopped in his tracks just before he and Arrant reached Blaire's cell. Chrono was in their way and from what he could see, he was still upset about the last match. Spike narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "What's your problem, buddy?" Spike blatantly asked, having no time nor the intention to fight the dragon.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 15, 2010, 03:08:53 AM
Chrono was not in the mood to talk, Blaire was asleep, and wouldn't interfere with what needed to be done. Chrono belched a black flame that almost encompassed the entire room save for the walls.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 15, 2010, 03:23:59 AM
Spike immediately hit the deck. He didn't want to fight. He knew what consequences would take place but the fox was getting agitated. "You idiot! you're going to get us and Blaire in more trouble than we already are!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 15, 2010, 03:33:32 AM
Chrono started to get angrier that Spike was still alive, and his rage leaked out as heat. However, when most of this heat would be absorbed and contained by his 'armor', it quickly makes any metal in the hallway reach temperatures of over 300 degrees and as well as deforming plastic.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 15, 2010, 03:46:38 AM
Spike looked around. The metal in the hallway appeared to be smoking. His good eye widened. Spike looked down at the bullet chain that was holding up his pants. They too felt like they were heating up. He immediately began to work at pulling it off his pants. Suddenly, there was a loud "POP" followed by sparks around the room. One of the bullets had fired from his belt. In a panic, Spike gave up pulling off the belt and instead, pulled his pants off entirely, exposing his pineapple grenade pattern boxers. He whipped his pants at the dragon, having them land on his head. The jeans immediately caught ablaze and so the belt began to erupt like popcorn, shooting against Chrono's armor at point blank range, trusting the armor piercing rounds would do their job. Spike was glad his lat weapon wasn't entirely metal. He stood up, holding the spiked baseball bat in a combat position. Left with nothing but his boxers and eye patch, Spike tried not to think about how silly this must have looked. He would wait until the armor heated up enough. 
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 15, 2010, 02:05:52 PM
The armor Chrono wore was able to stand up to 900 degrees without the slightest melting, but suffered when cold or shrapnel hit it. Thankfully, Chrono got rid of the shrapnel weakness during his 'modifications' and was completely unharmed by the bullets going off around him. However, part of him wondered how Spike was still able to keep his footing since the floor would actually be hotter than the air or walls as Chrono's 'heat aura' went from 300 to 450 degrees. He started walking towards Spike in an upright manner, his fists wrapped in black fire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 15, 2010, 05:03:28 PM
Arrant pulled his dagger out. He had seen enough. He walked up behind Spike, and threw him to the ground, then ripped his handgun out and thres his dagger at Chrono, using full concentration to shoot the butt of the blade to increase it's damage. While the two were slightly disoriented, he sprinted past Chrono to Blaire's door and drop-kicked it open. "WAKE UP CALL! Get your dragon off'a us before she turns us into stew. I'm wanted for murder, and sure not in the mood for a fight."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 15, 2010, 08:31:07 PM
Y stood outside of the skybox with bags full of evidence in his hand.  It had taken him over an hour to physically create the flawless evidence.  Now he had enough to incriminate DataDyne, without trouble.  Y was happy with himself.  With DataDyne out of the way, the Arena would be free to do as it wished.  He might even be able to get the suggestion of torture through to Kain.  Y flew with deliberate speed to Kain's office.  He opened the door and placed the evidence bags on the table.

"I believe we've found our killer...or at least who hired him..." Venom dripped from every word as Y's eyes brightened in sadistic delight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 16, 2010, 12:30:52 AM
Arrant pulled his dagger out. He had seen enough. He walked up behind Spike, and threw him to the ground, then ripped his handgun out and thres his dagger at Chrono, using full concentration to shoot the butt of the blade to increase it's damage. While the two were slightly disoriented, he sprinted past Chrono to Blaire's door and drop-kicked it open. "WAKE UP CALL! Get your dragon off'a us before she turns us into stew. I'm wanted for murder, and sure not in the mood for a fight."
(No one has been charged with anything yet)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 16, 2010, 01:12:17 AM
Spike shook his head and recollected himself. He got to his feet and dusted himself off. The room was heating up a considerable amount. Spike didnt mind, it reminded him of the hot sands of home and he was used to the searing heat. He picked up his spiked baseball bat and head it toward Chrono. Instead of swinging it at him, he turned and broke the glass to the fire hose. He immeidiately took hold of it. ''Time to cool off.'' He turned the spray on full blast. He sprayed in the direction of Chrono. The powerful stream of jet powered water instantly cooled the armor and filling the room with steam and making nearly impossible to see. He aimed the water in Chrono's face in an act of frustration and was trying to drown the dragon.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 19, 2010, 08:36:26 PM
Chrono was blind, but the excessive amount of water in the hair heightened his sense of smell, he could pick out three people, and only one of those scents he knew was faint enough to be identified as Blaire, while a scent trail that lead to her after taking enough of the water to keep his body from dehydrating...

Chrono turned and followed the scent trail, his vision clearing up enough to tell who was Blaire and who was not. He grabbed the 'other' and tossed them out the room before closing the door. He then reinforced it with a wall of his own flame. "Stay....away...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 19, 2010, 08:49:13 PM
Y eyed the evidence on the table, waiting for a response from Kain "As you can see, the evidence that I've gathered indicates that our murderer worked for DataDyne."

 Y was proud of his deceptions and was confident that they would stand up in a court of *shudder* law
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 19, 2010, 11:52:20 PM
Spike threw down the hose and pointed his finger. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. He dropped his finger but instead crossed his arms. "Why?" He asked with a skeptical look complete with a raised eyebrow.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 20, 2010, 12:21:21 AM
Y eyed the evidence on the table, waiting for a response from Kain "As you can see, the evidence that I've gathered indicates that our murderer worked for DataDyne."

 Y was proud of his deceptions and was confident that they would stand up in a court of *shudder* law
"I KNEW IT!" Yelled Kane, punching his entire arm through his desk, making it the 5th desk this week he had to replace.

"Those jerkwads are jealous cause they could only make virtual reality, good work Detective"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 20, 2010, 09:25:16 PM
"I try to be helpful," Y said with a non-existant smirk. "I only hope that it will be enough to convict the murderers.  Seeing as how my work here is done, I will wait in the wings for the next fight.  I do hope you reconsider my suggestion for dealing with the miscreants.  If you do, I'd be happy to help once more.  Thank you for allowing me this pleasure...Mr. Kain."  Y bowed grandly before exiting the office.  He could hear his own maniacal laughter echoing through his AI as he walked, non-chalantly, to his cell.

Y loved being so terrible.  Everyone he murdered deserved their fate.   All organics deserve their fate.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 21, 2010, 01:59:02 AM
Arrant got back up and looked at the door. Arrant, forgetting he has incindiary rounds in his rifle, unloads a clip on the door, the runs up and starts kicking it. He kicks the lock 3 times until he heard a slight crack then gets back and sprints for the door, ending with a drop kick
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 21, 2010, 02:16:42 AM
Blaire Lied in her bed calmly. "sheesh... My head is killing me. Somethings up..." She shut her eyes and focused. Chrono? Where are you?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 21, 2010, 02:44:46 AM
Chrono temporarily snaps out of his anger when Blaire 'talks' to him, but only long enough to reply.I was going to show you my new armor, but I'm using it to fend off some competitors who are trying to barge into your room... should I just have said I'm outside? his bestial mentality returns as he hears someone questionally bashing his foot against a door thats not only coated in fire, but now a blaze from his incendiary bullets. "What are you, fire-proof?" he grabs the fighter, then throws him into Spike. "This is getting pathetic, you're both covered in third degree burns... just give up!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 21, 2010, 03:31:43 AM
Arrant gets to his feet holding his arm to his stomach, then dashes toward Chrono, throwing his arm with full force toward Chrono's face, eyes nearly dark pits from rage.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 21, 2010, 12:20:19 PM
Chrono was losing his own rage as he was facing someone who apparently lost all sense of skill. He easily side-stepped the fist, then shoved the fighter towards a neaby wall, then kicked him in the back. "Spike, I suggest you get your friend here and leave while hes still able to stand, and next time, bring some plastic casing rounds..." Chrono wasn't going to move his foot until either the fighter passed out, or Spike pulled him away from his foot.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 21, 2010, 06:43:25 PM
((Alright, Y's gonna end this here and now.  He's gonna sick the Nano-Ninja Guards on you all.  I would suggest you go quietly, considering they took me down no problem.  This battle is wearing on my nerves and no doubt on all of yours, so it's best if it ends now before one of us gets mad at the others.))

On his way to his cell, Y felt the ambient room temperature jump to over 400 degrees.  "Either someone left an oven open or the dragon is fighting.  With his temper I have the feeling it's the latter."  Y peeked around the corner to investigate.

What he saw pleased him.

The dragon was fighting with Spike and the newest contestant (What was his name again?...Ah, yes...Arrant.)  None of them seemed to be winning, yet the dragon had obviously done some damage to them.  Spike and Arrant seemed to be trying to get into one of the cells.  By the way the dragon was acting it probably belonged to the organic, Blaire.  Arrant seemed to have lost all logic and was attacking the dragon with his bare hands.

Y watched with mild interest as the combatants bashed eachother about.  After a few minutes Y decided to intervene.  Y sent a transmission of the fight to the Nano-Ninja Guards of the Arena.  Y knew they would recieve the transmission to capture the delinquents and act on it accordingly.  After all, two of the said combatants had killed some guards.  Y watched with delight as the Ninjas ran into the fight to end it and capture Spike, Arrant, Chrono, and Blaire.

((Again, don't resist.  I'm just trying to keep the peace.  Y isn't, but I am.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 21, 2010, 11:11:39 PM
((Spike never killed any guards. He only beat them to a pulp.))

Spike was grabbed by one of the guards. He pulled his arm away from the grip. "Don't touch me." He had no intention of resisting but also had no intention of being man handled. He calmly walked out of the hallway with the guards. His fur was burnt off in some places, he was bleeding in others, but he managed to maintain his composure. He walked down the hall wearing only his frag grenade pattern boxers and direly wished for a cigarette as his had been incinerated along with his pants.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 21, 2010, 11:14:55 PM
((its kitt thats killed guards xD ))

Kitt sat on the bed in Spike's cell, leaning with his back against the wall and thuroughly bored out of his mind.... "bored... bored.. bored.... wonder how Spike n' Arrant are getting on... meh, still bored...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 21, 2010, 11:45:03 PM
Chrono pushed Arrant off the wall and into the ground, and then felt a guard whack him in the back of the head with a tazer, only to seem surprised that he didn't respond accordingly. "You think stun guns will work on anything tougher than kevlar?" Chrono said as he sat at the flame-coated door, not moving until Blaire either walks out, or they try to beat him into submission.

Unfortuately for his goals, the latter happened, and he went nuts.

One guard was heavily beaten and two others were cold-cocked before white crosses started appearing on his armor. Soon his movements seemed sluggish, then slow until he literally stopped in a standing position. Then the crosses converged to his head and he collapsed, leaving him unable to resist the guards as they bound his arms and feet. Can't, move... too, tired he thought before beginning to snore, causing the cross of his head to fade away as they dragged him along...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 21, 2010, 11:51:22 PM
Arrant reached into his backpack before the guards got back to him and halted the guards, indicating he would go without struggle. He pulled out a voka bottle, took a sip, and put it back in. When he pulled his hands back out, he held an armed flash-bang, which he tossed at the wall next to him, running toward the nearby hall. When the effects were gone, so was Arrant.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 22, 2010, 12:09:19 AM
However, Gabag wasn't easily escaped as the other guards

"It's time to end this madness!" he yelled before activating the failsafes that every gladiator had inserted into them when they accepted their contract, which makes them fall asleep, no matter how hard they try to stay awake.

(Running from the guards is fun and all, but can we really get back to what this rp is about, which is arena combat, not lawlessness and murder, Entaru's murder was supposed to be a low key thing, but apparently it didn't go as i hoped)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 22, 2010, 12:16:25 AM
Arrant suddenly got tired and his vision blurred. Still running, he slammed head first into his destination, Spike's cell door, knocking himself out instantly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 22, 2010, 05:44:18 AM
Spike stopped in his tracks. He slowly swayed in the air for a few moments before falling backwards, having a guard step out the way to keep Spike from landing on him. He began to snore on the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 22, 2010, 04:32:46 PM
Kitt was already asleep, snoring as he leant against the wall of Spike's cell... tail flicking as he slept...

((back to mortal combat!  :3 ))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 25, 2010, 10:12:03 PM
 blaire stood and opened her door. "what the he'll is going on here!?" she shouted , her eyes went a purple and black swirl of rage, purple shadow seeping from her eyes and mouth. She was angered by the madness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 25, 2010, 10:30:25 PM
Fortunately the failsafe worked on Blaire too, and soon she was sound asleep

(I was getting tired of the drama of 'oh he killed that many people let's run from the guards' style, and i wanted to get back to the theme of the roleplay, just see the failsafe as a way to get this rp back on the road.)

After the asleep contestants were collected, they were taken down to the arena room, where they were going to be picked for the next fight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 26, 2010, 02:28:30 AM
(( I feel somewhat responsible for the problem...I was only hoping to have Kitt and Blaire put under house arrest or something.  Mostly Blaire because Y wants to hurt Chrono through her.  I figured since they were innocent they would go quietly.  I guess I was wrong.  My bad :( ))

Y felt his systems shut down as the failsafe was activated.  He awoke in his cell a tad confused.  But as his memory storage came back online he remembered that a small chip was attached to one of his CTRL-Nanites.  The fact that only one CTRL-Nanite was needed to go offline to bring him down worried Y.  What if...

"So that's what happened!  That dragon hit one of my CTRL-Nanites!  I thought I went down too easy!"  Y's eyes flashed green in realization.  One of the EMP bullets had struck and damaged one of only 10 CTRL-Nanites.  The CTRL-Nanite was Y's equivalent of a brain.  Each one was linked to the others and provided power to his entire system.  Each controlled 1/10 of his one trillion nanites.  If even one were to fail, then his entire swarm would collapse as the network of his brain would be shattered.

"I have the feeling I'm going to have to be a bit more cautious about battling..."  Y began to try to find a solution as he waited for the announcement of another fight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 26, 2010, 02:30:09 AM
"Get a room Green Lights, We're not on HBO, or STARZ, We can't show that sort of objectionable content here!"

Yelled Kain, outraged at Y's Green Lights to Engage
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 26, 2010, 02:42:41 AM
((I'm not gonna ask... :/))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on January 26, 2010, 02:45:53 AM
(By Galactic Code, Coloring of any kind by any DeathMatch Participants in an unusual manner dictated by the Ruling Council is strictly disallowed except on HBO or Starz, cause they are on cable)

The ruling Council is colorblind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on January 26, 2010, 02:59:24 AM
*facepalm* "Alright, alright."  >:( *walks away*
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 26, 2010, 05:28:49 PM
Kitt woke, yawning widely, severly confused to be waking up not in Spike's cell, and in his old 'assassin' armour rather than Arrant's exo armour... yawning again he tested to chek the suit was still in fighting condition, forearm blades flicking out with an audible ~shnik~ he smirked...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on January 26, 2010, 08:03:25 PM
Spike awoke with a start. "NO MORE CHORES, GRANDMA!" He quickly looked around at where he was and the people he was surrounded by. "Hehehe..." He chuckled nervously, hoping nobody heard him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on January 26, 2010, 08:55:41 PM
Kitt looked down at Spike still sitting on the bench and now seemed to have woken up... "grandma?" he laughed, facepalming "spike man, what would i do without you?" he chuckled quietly, sitting back down beside Spike...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 26, 2010, 10:47:56 PM
Blaire's mind traveled to a haunted land. She ran through the dense fog as thunder rolled through the dark woods. She twitched ever so often as her dream continued.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on January 27, 2010, 12:52:42 AM
Arrant started twitching, quietly barking in his sleep, when he woke up to Spike yelling something. He got up and looked around, rubbing his forehead, having a hard time remembering what happened when it suddenly struck him. He did a recap in his head then looked over to where Spike and Kitt were sitting. Sighing, he said "Wake me up when people come to start yelling at us," then went back to his dreams.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on January 27, 2010, 02:31:06 AM
Chrono felt rather muggy as he woke up, and strangely weightless...

It wasn't until he opened his eyes that he noticed that not only hes been bound together, but hes literally hanging off the wall, his body tiled at a forty-five degree angle, only giving him enough wiggle room to move his head forward. He didn't see anyone... just a chair in the center of the room. I guess my armor no longer serves its purpose, they're putting me a in a different room... or maybe its just some interrogation as to why I attacked those two... Chrono stopped his train of thought as the door on the opposite side of the room opened, and terror not only shot down his heart, but dipped it in burning oil and then pistol-whipped it senseless.

At the opposite side of the room was a dragon like himself, but almost opposite in every spectrum, except for her frame, which befitted someone who has just left the battlefield two minutes ago. Although, he could only guess by her armor shape, the voice sealed his fate. "Chrono, I trust my seal did its job... and you havn't been killing too much since then... my little imp?" her chuckle is more of a riddicule as Chrono now thrashes about in his binds.

Anywhere, anyone, anything, was better than having to deal with her of all sentient life!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on January 27, 2010, 03:10:59 AM
Blaire awoke in a room. "Where the hell..." She said rubbing her head.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 01, 2010, 11:40:37 AM
"The new fighters shall be Arrant and Kitt, starting tomorrow" Said Kain in a monotone, before exiting the room and smokin his cigar.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 01, 2010, 01:48:45 PM
Arrant stirred to hear who the new fighter were. "Heh, I guess it's me again." Arrant stood up and pulled his backpack over one of his shoulders, then walked back to his cell where he found a dark exo-skeletal rad-suit. Ignoring it from the events of the day, he walked over and flopped onto his bed where he fell asleep nearly instantly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: KittKat chunky~ on February 01, 2010, 04:27:30 PM
Kitt nodded, head falling back against the wall of the waiting room....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 02, 2010, 01:19:42 AM
Blaire awoke in a room. "Where the hell..." She said rubbing her head.
The door to her room opens up, and a dark armored figure is slinged over the shoulder of a white dragoness in her own set of armor. She drops the armored figure and takes off the helmet, showing Chrono's battered face as she puts the helmet in a nearby corner. "I just came to check up on him, if he wakes up, tell him I'm entering the tournament, as well as my assistant... toodles!" she ends on an uncharacteristically girly tone as she leaves the room, and closes the door. Chrono lets out a groan as he finally regains consiousness "Am I dead?" he asks, not being able to feel anything besides tired.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 03, 2010, 01:12:14 AM
"No," Blaire said flopping down on the bed. She shut her eyes and sighed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 03, 2010, 01:48:53 AM
Chrono slowly got up, then looked around. "Uh... where am I... and what happened to you?" he asked the apparently annoyed Blaire. The injuries on his face began to fade away as the heat of his body sped up the healing process, as well as dulling the pain. Sadly, it did nothing to help his memory or sluggishness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 03, 2010, 02:41:49 AM
"Nothing, Some dragoness dropped you off and claimed she was joining the game, and so was her assistant... whatever the hell that meant," She said annoyed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 03, 2010, 03:01:22 AM
Chrono almost fainted at the notion, as his memories of the dragoness flood back. "The church finally sent her... I'm so dead..." Chrono leaned against the wall, forgetting that he had something to tell her, or at least inform her of.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 04, 2010, 01:43:15 AM
"Why would the church be after you?" She asked, annoyed with his hiding of information and history. "I thought we were honest with each other Chrono..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 04, 2010, 02:07:28 AM
Chrono tried to hold back growling, because this was not the moment to get angry. "I... am honest with you... the church is always after my neck because of what I am... I have no family for the same reason as well! Those religious zealots strung them up by their entrails!!!" Chrono took a few moments to calm down from his outburst. "I took my vengence on them, they are not coming back... however" Chrono looked to the door, as if thinking someone might be eavesdropping through the walls. "That 'nun' was sent to either subdue or kill me, she never told me.... anyway, we met at twilight at the ruins of an old church, two hours after I personally executed the last 'hunter'... something happened to both of us, something that permanetly altered our minds..."

Chrono's right eye turned completely black, while another turned white. "When we were fighting, we got to the point of choking the other, at the same time. That is when it happened: our flames began to mix and blend... part of her power went into me, and the same into her, and after we realeased simultaneously..."

Chrono took a breath before continuing, making sure Blaire was still paying attention. "We both gained dual personalities... the Chrono you know was a product of the white fire... the monster you saw earlier, is now the black flame" Chrono temporarily gagged as he relived some of the mind shattering experienced. "I don't know if the same happened to her, but after that experience, she started to lust for my 'monster' side, trying to anger me to drag it out...."

Chrono started to get sad as he recollected how the fight continued inside his head, his thoughts going on a whole different set of tracks. "I still can't use her flame, and vice-versa for her as well... two months of fleeing from her, I run into you at the estate, and apparently she loses track of me... now unless you want me to explain my entire family history here, I think I said more than enough" Chrono took off his armor, all down to his waist, but no more.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 04, 2010, 02:13:39 AM
Blaire looked at him still angered. "Well I apologize for wondering why some NUN is fixated on MY," She stopped and shut her mouth. "I need to go for a walk..." She opened the door and walked out. Her mind raced as she began to wonder why her reaction was so angered the way it was.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 04, 2010, 02:19:55 AM
Religious chanting echoes off the walls.

"For the Lord Emperor the Heretic shall be wiped clean from this earth!" Began the Acolyte

"Amen" said the procession

the Acoyte accompanied his mistress, the Nun Chrono and Blaire are discussing, on a mission to this arena. He took a path of the Crusader when it came time for choose which sect to join.
The Crusader Sect was mainly focused on the killing and hunting down of the various heretics to the Emperor's powers. They were equipped with futuristic versions of medieval armor that offered greater protection and a large two handed blade. The weapon was crafted of Vermilion ore, and laced with Adamantium sheets, giving it a strange emerald ruby color, various religious symbols traced their way from tip of the blade to the hilt, their meaning unknown to those not in the order.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 04, 2010, 02:21:32 AM
Chrono was going to follow her out, but just stopped at the door. I hope you'll be able to finish that statement, well, at least before I end up fighting her anyway...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 04, 2010, 02:27:16 AM
Blaire stopped and shook her head. She ran back to the room and jumped on Chrono, her arms wrapped around his neck.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 04, 2010, 02:44:04 AM
Chrono was thrown off into next month by her sudden entrance, but figured to just let her have her moment. "I don't plan on dying, or letting her get what she wants... also, want me to strengthen your armor?" he asked while wrapping his arms around her abdomen.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 12:23:35 AM
"I tend to keep away from the armor. It is too heavy for my stature. And agility is my best bet when it comes to fighting... It's not easy to Jump through time in armor."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 12:41:56 AM
Chrono's jaw dropped. "Wait, I thought you just teleport, now you travel through time?!" Chrono almost fainted at the idea of her peeping at him during his younger years, almost taking her with him in his fall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 05, 2010, 12:48:46 AM
Narrator: Egads, there goes a plot twist


The maintenance crew was setting up the arena, for the DUNGEON level (they say level to appeal to gamers)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 01:10:50 AM
"Yes... I'm a time jumper. I have the choice to jump back in time but I choose not to. I just use it to travel to different places."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 01:17:06 AM
Chrono was still unconsious, but in his dreams, he was with Blaire, on a planet far away from Deathmatch, imagining and enjoying the honeymoon they would spend if they ever got married. In reality, Chrono was just hugging her as tightly as he could without killing her or crushing her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 01:21:35 AM
"Hey, you wanna wake up you big lug?!" She nudged. She shook him roughly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 01:24:26 AM
Chrono woke up with a smile on his face, and then a frown. "Its just like my dream, but the scenery and your face are all wrong.... well, lets see if I can make one thing right" Chrono nuzzled her and then kissed her on the cheek. "There, feeling better?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 01:25:59 AM
Blaire looked at him shocked. Her lips formed a small circle, as her blue-purple eyes glistened. "yea, a little." She smirked and nuzzled him back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 01:40:10 AM
Chrono smiled as streaks of black fire came off him. "Here, I'll make it a bit more comfortable for the both of us... its a bit too cold in here" in reality, the temperature went up to 180 degrees centigrade, but it only felt like a nicely heated sauna to them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 01:42:55 AM
Blaire yawned and shut her eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 02:10:18 AM
Chrono closed his eyes as well, letting his mind act as a sonar system while he enjoyed the moment, however short it would be. Usually your dad would barge in on us, even though your room wasn't burning, and then start shooting at me until I either ran, or died in your arms... somewhat funny, yet sad
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 05, 2010, 02:14:47 AM
He has no say in my life anymore. He was trying to protect me from myself. It was quite sad.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 05, 2010, 02:31:22 AM
Considering what I saw you do today... I might need protection from you now and then. Oh wait, I have armor, which happens to not hinder me in the slightest!! he laughs while the room's temperature steadily raises to a constant 300 degrees. the bed they were on was surprisingly heat-resistant and didn't even singe from the contact.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 05, 2010, 08:00:31 PM
Error, you never posted a Character sheet Larry, please remove your 404 Error posts immediately, so we may recheck our databases.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 07, 2010, 11:18:58 PM
Arrant snaps awake, and rolls off his bed onto the floor. Picking himself up slowly, he walks over to his armor and slips inside, instantly noticing it barely hinders his movement at all as he walks outside with his rifle and a bottle of vodka, pulling his gaskmask down with his right hand. He walks down to halls to the training hall, taking an occasional swig as he walks, anxious to try out his new armor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 08, 2010, 01:25:32 AM
Blaire woke up and looked at the now sleeping Chrono. She smirked and wiggled loose from his hold. Her feet padded across the room as she exited. Blaire closed the door silently and began to walk down the hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 08, 2010, 01:48:22 AM
Tossing his now empty bottle to the ground, Arrant tries the limits of the armor, getting ready and beginning to sprint through the halls, the armor like a then metal coat on him as he sprints freely throughout the Arena, completely amazed. As he looks down at his exo-skeleton in awe, he looks up to find a wall, then darkness as he slumps to the ground, unconcious.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 08, 2010, 01:49:13 AM
(we wait for Kitt arrant)
While Blaire was walking, a white robed man, along with his cohorts accidentally bumped into her.
"Excuse us miss..." the leader of the bunch uttered before hurrying onwards towards Chrono's room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 08, 2010, 02:16:42 AM
Blaire looked at the walked towards her room where Chrono was located. "uh..." She sprinted after them, racing past them and running into her room. "Chrono," she whispered. "Wake up."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 08, 2010, 02:20:04 AM
Because they somehow had been found out in their inconspicuous disguises and had been going in the general direction of Chrono's room, which they could've been visiting some other person's room, the group threw off their robes, to reveal armored Crusaders and stealthy Assassins, armed to the teeth with the best of holy medieval style weaponry.

"A tainted one... Kill her as well!" Ordered the lead Crusader, pointing his greatsword at Blaire, and the Assassins sprinted after her, one armed with an ethereal crossbow, and the other with twin shortswords.

The Crusaders went to the room itself and kicked at the door with their mighty boots.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 08, 2010, 02:22:05 AM
Blaire looked at them angered and held onto Chrono. "Oh please let this work!!" She shouted before she shut her eyes tightly and concentrated on getting them out of the room. She opened her eyes and noticed that they were located in another part of the arena. "Where the hell are we?" she asked aloud looking around.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 08, 2010, 02:25:09 AM
Arrant started to stumble up, and after gaining his composure, immediatly got knocked back to the ground as Chrono landed on him. The wolf gave a loud gasp as he fell down, again losing conciousness as he hit.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 08, 2010, 02:35:17 AM
"Find the girl and the heretic!" Shouted the lead Crusader, and the others obeyed, scouring the Arena for any and all traces of them. What they found was minor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 08, 2010, 02:42:02 AM
Blaire stayed hidden and quiet as Chrono continued to sleep.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 08, 2010, 07:29:24 PM
Y came out of his room, hearing the commotion outside, and looked down the hall towards the scurrying Crusaders. 

"Find the girl and the heretic!" He heard one of them yell.  Y floated over to the Crusader with a look of, sincere, concern.

"Is there something I can help you with, gentlemen?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 09, 2010, 01:42:35 AM
Chrono fell off the bed and woke up with a start. "Whats going on, where am I?!" He looked about the room and calmed down. "Oh... thats right... where is she?" Chrono looked about the room, but couldn't see her.

Sadly, Chrono had a habit of not finding things in plain sight.... even if they were right in his lap.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 09, 2010, 01:43:20 AM
Y came out of his room, hearing the commotion outside, and looked down the hall towards the scurrying Crusaders. 

"Find the girl and the heretic!" He heard one of them yell.  Y floated over to the Crusader with a look of, sincere, concern.

"Is there something I can help you with, gentlemen?"
"none of your concern..." Uttered the figure as he brushed past the android with a look of rage
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 09, 2010, 02:32:03 AM
Blaire jumped on Chrono and covered his mouth. "Shhh" she hushed as she let him go slowly. We need to stay quiet... There are men here for you, if it weren't for me being concerned you'd be dead right now.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 09, 2010, 02:41:29 AM
Arrant snapped awake, getting up slowly, feeling his head for injury. Seeing Blaire and Chrono nearby. he shook his head and leaned lazily against the wall. "Okay, am I bringing problems to this place or is this just the average day at work?" shaking his head, he pulled his rifle out and dropped the current clip, putting fire rounds inside. "Whichever it is, I guess I've got another unnoficial fight to start."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 09, 2010, 02:57:43 AM
Chrono didn't notice Arrant, and only hugged Blaire, kissing her on the cheeck. I thought I would've lost you, yay for my big mouth!! he 'said' to her with a smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 09, 2010, 03:01:07 AM
Arrant said nothing more, shaking his head again as he walked down the hall and stood at the corner, monitoring for danger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 09, 2010, 03:03:56 AM
Blaire sighed and looked around. "Hey Arrant..." She said as she stood and ran to him. Chrono, Stay hidden.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 09, 2010, 03:24:57 AM
Arrant looked at Blaire, resting his rifle on his shoulder as she ran to him. "Need some help?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 09, 2010, 03:26:28 AM
It was hard for Chrono to stay hidden, he was half naked, seething black flame, and reeked of musk while being near Blaire. So, he just sits there, waiting to be told to move by Blaire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 11, 2010, 07:50:48 PM
"Well I suppose if its none of my concern then I wont bother.  Find the dragon on your own, you'll most likely not live to regret it anyhow."  Y stated smugly as he moved to exit the cells to find a nice seat for the upcoming battle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 12, 2010, 01:54:49 AM
The nun dragoness, or 'holy one' as her "superiors" referred to as, had just finished meditating. While she was meditating, she had managed to supress her desires for the Heretic, Chro- no, just Heretic. However, she had a strong desire for honorable combat, which tipped her off that her subordinantes not only not believe in honor, they had a tendency to be over-zealous.

This would not be a problem if they didn't resort to killing as their first and only step to purge heretics... sadly, you could set a watch by them if they know a Heretic is nearby, always going AWOL nearly every hour. Luckily, the last hour she was within sight, but not this hour. So, she traversed the halls, looking for her subordinates before they go beserk again. "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother letting them supply me with back-up..." she mumbled as she rounded the corner, seeing at least two of her grunts attempting yet another assassination. Rage would have been seen coursing through her frame if it were made of her holy fire. "If you do not wish to be punished for over-zealousy, turn away from your hunt and return to your post!!" she caught whiff of Him and fought to keep her eyes on the soon-to-be-dead crusaders.

Losing her reasoning to instinctual attraction would be far from the best course of action right now...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 12, 2010, 01:57:50 AM
"But High Crusader... he's a Heretic, no quarter to the dammed!" uttered one of the Assassins, while the other one was smart and just slunk away. The armored Crusaders called off the search, abiet very angrily..

"I swear she's THE High Crusader.. she should be joining us."

"She just wants the glory to herself!"

"I honestly think we should just off her too, she's being over protective of a HERETIC for crying out loud!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 12, 2010, 02:06:40 AM
"But High Crusader... he's a Heretic, no quarter to the dammed!" uttered one of the Assassins, while the other one was smart and just slunk away. The armored Crusaders called off the search, abiet very angrily..

"I swear she's THE High Crusader.. she should be joining us."

"She just wants the glory to herself!"

"I honestly think we should just off her too, she's being over protective of a HERETIC for crying out loud!"

A white fireball whizzed past the Assassin's head before she spoke. "So we stoop to the unholy art of killing in the darkness?! You were assigned to guard the priests and myself should the Heretic turn hostile, the Heretic is to die by my hands, your commanders told you that before-hand, and so have I!!" She draws her long-barrel cannon-rifle out and aims it at the Heretic. "You stay there, the God-Emperor has ordained that I am more than enough to best you, these "assassins" have neither the powers nor inner light to even contest with your first form..."

Chrono frowned and then gave a careless look. "Look, I don't want trouble, never did, your group struck first, I just played "eye-for-an-eye"...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 12, 2010, 02:11:15 AM
"Jeez she needs to calm the froomp down..." Said one of the Assassins.

"Only reason she's alive is cause of me man... I killed that Beserker on Seprus Prime trying to behead her, and now this is how she finally repays me... freakin zealots... saying our arts are unholy, well look at her, defending the Heretic's right to live, thats downright unholy if not outright blasphemy and she honestly expects us to be scared of her, she can't even decide to kill it now or later and whenever she gets near it she gets embarrassed and walks off like she just saw her ex boyfriend."

Then the Assassin Pair got a realization, it may not be true but it's truth enough to them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 12, 2010, 02:21:57 AM
That last comment hit home, and she, beyond Chrono and Blaire, is the only non-assassin to know who attacked first regarding to this escelating vendetta between this Heretic and the Order. "Do not mistake my anger for Heretical sympathy, fool!!.Who sends a squad of elite assassins to kill a family of dragons, who have only one real fighter, and leaves a child alive? They, are the same ones who called me to deal with the same monster you shaped from Heretic blood!! Your mistake is dumped on me, regardless of past events for which I am personally grateful for, that does not outweight the embarrassing failure of your Order to not only do your job, but go hunting for any suspicious activity remotely close to out-right Herecy!!" They were probably somewhat thrown off that she knew, but then again, she had to do research on the one who exacted vengence on the Order, and this interesting history came up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 12, 2010, 02:25:22 AM
"Those dragons were a threat to CIVILIZED Society under the light of the Emperor, real fighter or not the Emperor foresaw the entire family as a future threat, and we had to remove that threat! However a mistake in the mission let one get away... our mission is not yet complete!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 15, 2010, 11:07:59 PM
Blaire looked at Arrant. "Did you see a dragoness run by?" She asked. Chrono, everything alright?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 15, 2010, 11:11:06 PM
Unless you count the whole order of 'holy assassins' right in front of me, debating on wheter I should die today or against her as 'alright', then I might be in some trouble...

The High Crusader was about to start a fight from the way she was now carrying her white flame sword, which materialized a moment earlier.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 15, 2010, 11:14:48 PM
Blaire's eyes widened and she skipped backwards and turned into a full on sprint. She rounded the corner sliding, and falling a bit but continuing on her mission. She spotted Chrono and jumped at him hitting his side. With all of her might she forced him aside just slightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 15, 2010, 11:22:47 PM
Chrono didn't fall, but he made sure that Blaire was not in view of the others. Of course... it might not happen since they look like they're going to fight eachother anyway... Chrono's mental voice had a bit of uneasiness as the cannon was still aimed at him, and it was physically impossible for him to mask his scent since he had not showered in awhile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 16, 2010, 12:08:19 AM
Arrant shook his head and continued to the training hall as if nothing happened, rubbing his head from where he ran into a wall. Pulling out a bottle of vodka, he took a few sips as he casually continued walking.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 16, 2010, 08:36:14 PM
Blaire remained still, hidden behind Chrono. What do they want... Why can't they just go pray or something. She 'snarled'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 17, 2010, 01:03:58 AM
Chrono chuckled at the 'pray', and then got serious again. The nun wants me to fight to the death during the match, while the rest of them want me dead before then.... I wonder if Gabag even knows about this.

While the two waited on the assassins to make a move, more and more random gladiators were signing up, wanting to make a name for themselves by taking on the current competition, among them were other heretics with powers of their own, all hoping DeathMatch will provide somewhat of a haven from the religious intolerance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 17, 2010, 01:07:02 AM
Indeed he does know, but then the Church of the Emperor has saved his life and career on a number of occasions.

Some of them they even started, that he DIDNT know...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 17, 2010, 01:58:27 AM
Blaire held onto Chrono tightly. Haven't they heard, god forgives all.... she let out a light chuckle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 17, 2010, 02:05:56 AM
Sadly, Christianity died long before the 'God-Emperor' was concieved, so that old belief is as dead as the soldiers that fought for him he corrected her before turning his head back to the figures before him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 17, 2010, 02:07:45 AM
"Hey the Emperor is real you Heretic!" one of the assassins yelled at a gladiator who called the Emperor a wuss.

Thnat man was shanked, repeatedly of course, then thrown out the metal wall near Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 17, 2010, 02:19:07 AM
Either way, she scoffed. She glared from behind him at the assassins. They're beginning to really piss me off she growled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 17, 2010, 02:25:19 AM
Chrono covered her neck and nose to stop the growl. As it stands, we're unarmed, and they are trained killers, our odds of getting away let alone winning are slim until we both get some armor....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 18, 2010, 10:00:53 PM
I don't need armor, you need a shower. I can get us out of here no problem. she looked at him and shook her muzzle loose.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 18, 2010, 11:41:33 PM
Chrono first gets a look of realization, then a devious look. I'll shower, but you can't dodge things you can't sense.... or will you be joining me in it? he 'said' with a 'chuckle'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 19, 2010, 07:09:34 PM
Y released a robotic version of a sigh as he sat in the stands.  He wished something would happen.  He looked at the newly rostered combatants as they came pouring in.  These organics have seem to have a hard time trying not to kill one another.  Hmph...I guess that is what religion entitles.  Anyone with different views on life deserves to die in the most horrible way possible...maybe I should start a religion.  Or at least join one.  Then I could justify wanton slaughter because it would be part of my stupid as these organic are, they sure know how to make good loopholes for themselves.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 19, 2010, 07:54:42 PM
An automatic radio ad comes on message.

"Do you Venerate the Emperor, if so come to your nearest Chaplain to enlist, for a limited time they are visiting your local DeathMatch Arena looking for loyal soldiers to protect the Empire. ENLIST TODAY!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 19, 2010, 08:01:23 PM
Y smirked as he listened to the ad.  "Well, isn't that quite the coinky-dink...I suppose I should at least check it out.  After all, the tournament isn't going to start for at least another hour."  Y gave a phony salute to no-one in general and dispersed.  After a bit of floating about he found the Chaplain and rematerialized in front of him. 

"Hello good sir, what can you tell me about the Empire?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 19, 2010, 11:11:19 PM
Ha ha very funny. You wanna get serious now. This is no time for foolish games. She looked at him angered.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 20, 2010, 12:17:58 AM
Y smirked as he listened to the ad.  "Well, isn't that quite the coinky-dink...I suppose I should at least check it out.  After all, the tournament isn't going to start for at least another hour."  Y gave a phony salute to no-one in general and dispersed.  After a bit of floating about he found the Chaplain and rematerialized in front of him. 

"Hello good sir, what can you tell me about the Empire?"

"Why yes good fellow, The Empire stands to protect the Galaxy from threats both external and internal. Those internal threats are heretics, and the external ones are Xenos. If you wish to join us we have a few sects you might be interested. For combat there are the Crusader, Assassin. and Chaplain, Inquisitorial, and a subsect that remains a secret till you join. For religious teaching there are the Priests, Clerics, and again Chaplains."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 20, 2010, 12:39:12 AM
Ha ha very funny. You wanna get serious now. This is no time for foolish games. She looked at him angered.
I thought I was serious... just jumping to conclusions.... he 'said' with a parody of an innocent smile, given his draconic smile looks more predatorial than friendly...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 20, 2010, 01:06:14 AM
"What does the Inquisiorial sect do?" His interest was peaked.  Inquistorial would most likely mean torture, a sport Y relished in.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 20, 2010, 02:54:47 PM
Figure out a way to get out of this mess then! she 'shouted'. Her patience had began to wear thin. She shut her eyes and re-collected herself before saying the next thing. "Can we go? I'm sure we can settle this in battle later" She snarled at the assassins.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 20, 2010, 03:36:46 PM
"What does the Inquisiorial sect do?" His interest was peaked.  Inquistorial would most likely mean torture, a sport Y relished in.
"Imagine Sherlock Holmes meets the Punisher, the combo of the two is an Inquisitor " The Chaplain said
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 21, 2010, 12:16:05 AM
(Um, how about the Church meets the Punisher?)
The High Crusader kept her sights trained on Chrono, who slowly faced her, and then grabbed Blaire before pushing and then holding her in front of him as he ran out of the room, and to his, which was about half-way around DeathMatch, from their current postion that is. You know, they'll probably head to my room... but we're already so far away...

The High Crusader lowered her rifle and threw a glare at the assassins before walking off. "Anyway, for assassins, you stick out in that white armor of yours..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 21, 2010, 12:59:43 AM
(No, Just Inquisitors.. Crusaders are exactly as the name says, same for Assassins, and Chaplains are Priests mixed in with a crusader)

"We may stick out, but you are a heretic yourself High Crusader... watch your back" They said in unison as they backed out of the room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 21, 2010, 02:56:18 AM
Arrant sat in the training hall running his thumb along the edge of his blade, his gasmask hanging by his neck as he took a swig from his vodka. He grumbled about all the arena's side-action before getting up and looking around for someone to challenge.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 21, 2010, 11:45:59 PM
Blaire looked up at him. "Put me down?" she asked. She wiggled out of his arms. She stood in the middle of the hall. "You need to hide. You can't stay here, your life is at risk," She mumbled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 12:20:06 AM
"Well, like you said, I need to shower the musk off... or cover it up with something...." Chrono looked around for something that doesn't smell like a sweating dragon while Blaire came up with an idea.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 22, 2010, 12:24:32 AM
"I meant you can't stay here.... You'll just get hurt, or hurt others." She looked at him saddened but serious.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 01:06:05 AM
Chrono wanted to go off right there, defending his reason for even coming here in the first place, but held his rage and sorrow at bay as he walked into his room, and came back out in full armor, and a knap-sack with only essentials. "Fine, then this will be the last time you'll see me here... then they'll leave to go hunt me in some remote system. But I guess its for the best, ain't it!?!" he yelled before walking to the registar, no longer seeing any reason to continue living on a world that despises who and what he is...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 22, 2010, 01:13:33 AM
"Chrono!" She shouted at him at the highest pitch her vocal cords would allow. "Don't you dare say it's for the best! If you think you can get rid of them then fine! But I'm not taking any part in this!" She growled and let out a rough breath as she turned and walked away from him, angered.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 01:19:37 AM
Chrono, regretfully, didn't even hear her among all the other voices at the registar, and was already signing himself out. As he walked out of DeathMatch, a slug dug into his shoulder and made him turn around. The High Crusader was holding her cannon, and had already reloaded. "Now I don't have to wai-" Chrono didn't let her finish as he leaped on her and started tearing her armor off so he could rip her limb from limb. "First my family, then my birthright, you will not claim my life as well!!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 22, 2010, 01:24:06 AM
Blaire heard from a distance. "What the...?" She turned to see people clearing from the now enraged Dragon. "Chrono! NO!!" She ran to over to the two who were now fighting. She shoved through people and stood over top. "Chrono! Stop!" She went to push him off.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 01:28:30 AM
Chrono, though angry at what he saw as a rejection, did not want her involved in this at all. He pushed her away, then grabbed the dragoness, tossing her and whatever armor she still had on into a nearby building, she bounced off the masonry and hit the ground hard, then he raised her back on her feet so he could continue pounding her. After about ten seconds, she caught his arm and flung him to the ground, stomping on his head to the point where it left a dent in the ground.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 22, 2010, 01:30:28 AM
Blaire looked around. "Where the hell are the guards when you need them!" she ran at the dragoness and with all her might pushed her off of his hand. They both flew into a nearby wall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 01:42:16 AM
The dragoness realized the hit didn't come from the one who was attacking her earlier, it lacked the mass as well as the heat. She only scoffed at her before liftine her up and off herself "Don't get in my affairs Tainted, your heretic made his choice to leave the haven of DeathMatch, guards will not come to save him..." She covered her other hand in white fire so she could properly put her down before going back to Chrono, who was already on his feet and had broken the High Crusader's grip on Blaire. "Get your hands off her!!" he yelled before sending her flying with a flame covered kick. The High Crusader hit the street, then got up with a grin, all aspects of her personality desiring the fight. "Finally, you become the one I've longed for, now to end your life!!" white fire erupted around her as she got ready to fight Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 22, 2010, 01:46:45 AM
Blaire blacked out from the impact of the wall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 22, 2010, 01:47:14 AM
Y smiled at the thought of being an Inquisitor, "Well then, where do I sign and when do I start?"  Y didn't see any downsides to working under the Empire, other than working under the Empire.  He disliked taking orders but something gave him the feeling that it wouldn't matter when he actually started working.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 22, 2010, 01:52:42 AM
Chrono gave off the opposite of her flames as they both clashed firey talon for fiery talon. Sometimes they used fireballs or throws, but most of the fighting was C.Q.C. oriented, well, until they both made swords of their respective flames and went from a brawl to a duel. Neither gave or pushed on the other, as they moved consistently in a circle, trying to find an opening rather than push them back with frenzied cuts.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 22, 2010, 03:06:01 AM
Y smiled at the thought of being an Inquisitor, "Well then, where do I sign and when do I start?"  Y didn't see any downsides to working under the Empire, other than working under the Empire.  He disliked taking orders but something gave him the feeling that it wouldn't matter when he actually started working.
"As soon as you sign up you start.. simple as that, and you sign right now if you want" The man said, brandishing a wicked curved dagger.
"Here's your contract, if you take it you efficiently signed your contract"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 22, 2010, 05:28:52 AM
Y did not hesitate to take the dagger.  He twirled it about in the air with his nanites, inspecting every aspect of it, before creating a sheath for it and placing it in.

"What does the Emperor require, Chaplain."  Y felt himself smile on the inside.  He was glad he didn't have a mouth, otherwise the grin would've scared off everyone.  ((See avatar for the smile he's wearing inside himself))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 22, 2010, 11:31:02 AM
"Investigate this woman... full authority to do what you please for his mission" He said,taking out a picture of Blaire.

"No killing on this one though, just investigating find out her contacts, skills, anything that may be useful"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 22, 2010, 07:02:29 PM
"Ah yes, the dragon's lover.  A fair challenge for my first mission.  Thank you sir."  Y gave a small bow before he turned away.  Walking to his room he tried to think of a way to get her to talk to him.  He hadn't talked to her in person yet so he had that advantage.  He would have to get her away from Chrono however.  This would prove more difficult.

Then he heard the clash of swords farther along the hall.  Y flew towards the sound and found Chrono and another female dragon fighting in the hallway.  He stayed out of sight as he observed the battle, when something caught his eye. 

His target, laying unconcious against the wall.

Y looked at the battle once more.  That poor girl...she could get hurt with those two ruffians fighting so close...lucky for her that I'm such a good samaritan.  Y snickered to himself as a stream of nanites slinked around the battle to Blaire's unconcious body.  Gently lifting her off the ground, like a swarm of ants would carry off their meal, they carefully moved her body around the battle and into Y's arms.

"There you're safe now."  Y chuckled silently as he took her away.  Minutes later they were in his room with her unconcious on his bed.  He knew that he couldn't strap her down...he'd seen her teleport.  He would have to go the nice guy route.  But that would have to wait until Blaire awoke.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 12:51:45 AM
Blaire woke up and rubbed her head. "Damn it." She ran her fingers through her hair which was now matted with blood. "God, of all the places to flippin' bleed." She looked around, unaware of her surrounding. "Where am I?" She sniffed the air and bared her teeth. "Whose there?" she growled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 01:20:09 AM
The fight didn't stop until Chrono had pinned the High Crusader to the ground, his sword at her throat. "Do you swear on whatever honor you have as a crusader, to hunt all that you see as tainted and heretics, save for myself and Blaire? Blaire is the one you disgracefully called 'tainted'" She only laughed and reared her legs back to punt him off, but he punched her hard in the gut, so she fell back down. Between wheezes she was able to give her answer. "I only have eyes for the one that corrupted me five years ago, and hes already within arm's reach... now, one of us must die, or this hunt will never end." Chrono looked around and noticed that Blaire was nowhere in sight, normally this wouldn't be a problem, but right now...

Even if he left, they'd still kill her. So, even though he left DeathMatch, he'd have to go back in and play 'bodyguard' until either the Church loses interest, or they're all too dead to do anything about it. "Sorry, none of us are going to die, yet anyway..." he elbowed the side of her head with enough force to knock her out and not cause neck damage. He got up and dragged her towards an advancing patrol, then went back to find Blaire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 23, 2010, 01:22:57 AM
Crusaders saw the heretic drag the High Crusader out, and they immediately snapped their weapons to fore front and opened fire with automatics and hatred.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 01:25:44 AM
Blaire began to get aggravated with where she was. The scent was unfamiliar yet unfriendly. She searched for aura's but none were to be found. The trauma that was caused to her head temporarily shut down her ability to mentally connect to Chrono, or anyone else for that matter. She was too weak to 'jump' so Blaire simple sat back down on the bed and waited for an answer.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 23, 2010, 01:42:58 AM
"Ahh, you're awake...good." Y emerged from his place in the shadows "That was quite a nasty fall you had there."  Y floated over in front of Blaire. 

"You seem to be doing better.  If I hadn't intervened then the opposite would be quite true."  Y looked over towards the door, which he had sealed to the wall.  If anyone was to try to get in, he would hear them.  "Perhaps you could tell me what happened, I left before I could deduce anything."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 01:49:11 AM
Blaire snarled. From the previous encounter with Y she still had an anger towards him. "What the hell do you want?" She snapped. Her eyes flickered purple for a moment.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 01:50:51 AM
Most of the bullets flicked off the armor, as it was designed by himself to do, as he got out of their sight, and didn't stop in his search. Blaire, where are you, and who is with you, or are you alone??
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 01:53:25 AM
Chrono's voice simply echoed. Her head just swam, causing it to throb. She rubbed her temples to ease the throbbing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 23, 2010, 01:58:14 AM
"My, my, my...I was so hoping that we could be civil about all of this." Y's face dropped in disappointment.   He realized that he would have to resort to more brutal tactics, seeing as she already felt that he was a threat.  He had no choice..he would have to rely on the neuro-inhibitor toxin he had prepared before hand.

"Well, since you obviously aren't going to cooperate than I believe there is no point in asking you to hold still."  Y pulled a syringe from behind his back.  "It will hurt much less if you do...not that I care anyways."

((Note: the door is completely sealed so Chrono won't find you via scent.  If you go along with this, Blaire, then it will make me very happy ^_^ ))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 02:00:43 AM
Blaire looked at him and moved back up against the wall. "Touch me, and I will rip you limb from limb," She quivered. She continued to push against the wall, knowing she wasn't going anywhere. Fear trembled throughout her whole body. The first time she had ever felt true fear.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 02:03:26 AM
Chrono ran a mental finger along the connection, although it does nothing in location, it finds what is wrong with the connection and re-establishes it. Blaire, I'm sorry for my outburst earlier, please respond...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 02:05:45 AM
Blaire couldn't focus through the fear. Chrono's response was a high pitched sound, almost ear piercing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 23, 2010, 02:06:12 AM
"Oh, if only you could follow through with your threat"  Y spoke as if to a silly child as the hand holding the syringe seperated from his wrist.  "You see, only I can pull myself apart.  Now where was I...Oh yes!"  Y exploded in a flurry of nanites as to distract Blaire as the severed hand stabbed at her neck with the syringe.  Every nanite felt like a needle prick as the true needle attempted to bury itself and eject its cargo.

((Ahh nuts, I gotta go.  Just when we got to the good part too.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 02:09:25 AM
Even though the connection itself does not give location, a response however, can be traced. He tried to mentally calm her down by at least giving her the ability to use the same fire that leaked onto her from their close contact over the years. Just keep thinking, I'll find your location and get you out of there, I promise!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 02:11:13 AM
Blaire's eyes flashed purple, black swirling into the pupil. "I said don't touch me!" She ripped the syringe out before anything could be injected. She jumped to the ceiling and ran about the room. "You will regret ever attempting." She managed to focus in order to contact Chrono. Y has me captive. You can't breach the room. I don't know what he wants.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 02:16:04 AM
Chrono followed the signal of her thoughts to a wall, and opened a jet in his right index finger, focusing his flame into a plasma welder. If you have anything with an electric charge, like a tazer, use it, It'll take some time for me to cut the metal and mason layers, about two minutes...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 23, 2010, 02:17:17 AM
"I'll cooperate. You have to tell me what you want first..." She said calming down. She looked at Y with complete seriousness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 23, 2010, 04:46:53 AM
Y's eyes narrowed sharply as his eyes blazed red.  "DON'T FEED ME THAT HORSE****, AFTER THAT LITTLE OUTBURST!!  You can't fool me you little brat!  My previous function was a medical unit and your brain-waves just spiked through the roof!" 

Y looked at the door with utter disdain. "He's on his way isn't he?  Well if I'm going down, then I'm taking you with me!!"  Y slowly dispersed into a black cloud, his eyes in the center, still ablaze with red.  "Foul little animals like you deserve to be SKINNED!!"  The nanite cloud slammed into Blaire, each one ripping to and fro.

((Y is going to try to rip away your flesh and fur.  You can make it as effective as you want, but I want a few nanites to make it into your body undetected.  That way Y can finish his mission))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 23, 2010, 12:05:03 PM
Chrono had spent almost half a minute just finding a spot where his cutter could actually have an impact, and he ended up finding the outline of the sealed door. Luckily, the space between the outer and inner layers made it a bit faster to cut through the 'wall'. after a total of a minute and a half at the door, he was already through the top half of the door, though he would soon be slowed down by the hinges...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 12:26:41 AM
Blaire screamed and thrashed about. Tears ran out of her eyes. Cuts formed on her body as nanites tore at her. She managed to focus enough to 'jump' herself out of the danger. She ran and appeared a few feet from where Chrono had been. She bled, cuts all over her body. Only two or three nanites had gotten into her system. She screamed in agony, tears hitting the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 12:43:42 AM
Chrono stopped at hearing her cry, and turned to see her bleeding and screaming. He wasn't even thinking as he then cradled her in his arms, and threw up a flame barrier to push the air away, keeping her from experiencing more pain as he dashed to the clinic.Stupid... Stupid, Idiotic Dragon!! he berated himself while making abosolutely no stops during his flight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 24, 2010, 01:07:48 AM
Arrant heard battling from the halls, and shook his head in disdain. "Fools... All I came here for was for a fight, and now I get dragons and shapeshifters and cults... all just dueling to the death..." he looked down at his gun, sighing. "Well, let's go get me drunk." He walked out of the room and pulled out a second bottle of vodka, taking a large swig as his walk became uneven, swaying as he moved down the hall, still shaking his head at the pointless battles surrounding the Arena.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:12:14 AM
Blaire continued to sob as her wounds, deep, continued to drip with blood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 01:18:19 AM
Y ceased his flurry as Blaire disappeared.  She had teleported, but he knew where she was.  He would also know when and if she was alone.  His plan, though originally a failure, through an impromptu re-building was moving smoothly.

"Just wait, my little cherry'll be mine again."  Y spoke to no-one in paticular as he recalled the nanites that had sealed the door.

"I have all the time in the world..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:26:34 AM
Blaire winced repeatedly from pain. Stop running. Just put me down! It hurts enough! she 'shouted'
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 01:31:04 AM
Chrono skidded to a stop, and turned to hit his back to the wall, and looked up. He was luckily already at the med-bay, and the door was just two steps away. He walked in and brought her to the doctors. "I brought a contestant over, please do what you can..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:32:42 AM
Blaire's cries echoed through the med-bay. She thrashed around in anger and hatred towards the one who caused this pain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 01:36:38 AM
((The doctor's won't find the nanites, as they will actively avoid any part of the body being scanned...just putting that out there.))

Y could hear her furied screams from his little spies, and knew they were for him.  "Yes little one...scream...scream with all of your heart.  Feel the rage and hatred...keep them close and know that it is your only hope to be rid of me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:38:19 AM
Blaire, attached to his mental link now, heard everything he would say. Her tears did not cease as the doctors patched her up. They sedated her. She lay in the bed still, motionless.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 01:42:07 AM
" like us.........." Y spoke softly to the dark as he felt her drift away from conciousness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 01:44:07 AM
Chrono leaned on a nearby wall, not trying to act personal in front of the doctors, but his mind was already filled with rage. I know i'm sounding insensitive to your pain, but I still need to say it: Y is sadistic for something that claims to be superior to 'fleshies'.... I'll deal with him later, but for now. Chrono started building on the link he shared with her, and it got to the point where he could actually take her pain onto himself. However, this did not heal the wounds, just made the pain go away for her. I'll be taking your pain for now... just get your mind straight if you can...

Chrono started to twitch where he leaned, trying to not worry her by truly showing how much it hurt...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:45:56 AM
Blaire woke up an hour later, after she had shut off the connection. I'm sorry Chrono. she thought to herself. She was still angry, yet her face and eyes hid it entirely. "You won't win this one. I defy everything and everyone. You will not change me." She ripped the IV out of her arm and the bandages from her body. She exited the room quietly and walked down the hall. Chrono was nowhere in sight. She walked casually along, her mind locked on one thing, Hatred.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 01:51:12 AM
Of course Chrono wasn't anywhere in sight, he had left the room after taking her pain onto himself, and used it to sharpen his focus as he looked for any trace of Y. He went back to the room that was sealed, and could only find traces of nanites. At least he knew that he went to the right room...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:52:53 AM
She padded down the hall. Her anger dissipated, as it turned to fear and frustration.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 24, 2010, 01:54:27 AM
Blaire woke up an hour later, after she had shut off the connection. I'm sorry Chrono. she thought to herself. She was still angry, yet her face and eyes hid it entirely. "You won't win this one. I defy everything and everyone. You will not change me." She ripped the IV out of her arm and the bandages from her body. She exited the room quietly and walked down the hall. Chrono was nowhere in sight. She walked casually along, her mind locked on one thing, Hatred.
"You can't be outside, you still need to be healed"
Said one of the doctors, tranqualizing Blaire so she'll be easier to heal later.

Dragging her unconscious body back to med wing, the Doctors began to work.

"Doctor Zandrak inject her with another dose of morphine... ok vitals look normal... removing clumps of hair from inside the wounds... now..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 01:56:14 AM
Blaire tried to fight back before passing out again. Her mind was still racing, anger filling her once again.

She fought against the drugs and let out a shriek. "Let me go!" she shouted as she began to lash about.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 02:03:41 AM
Y sat in his now unsealed room with a contented expression on his face.  She wanted to come back.  Every nanite in his form quivered with delightful anticipation.  Even with everything he had done to her, she still wanted more.   "Your welcome to stop in any time, little haven't even felt the full extent of the pain I can cause."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 02:05:54 AM
Blaire kicked a doctor away from her as she ripped off all needles and injections. Blaire ran down the hall to the room she had been taken to. She slid around the corner and into the room. "What the hell do you want from me. I want answers!" she shouted. Her anger was greatly suppressed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 24, 2010, 02:07:14 AM
Blaire tried to fight back before passing out again. Her mind was still racing, anger filling her once again.

She fought against the drugs and let out a shriek. "Let me go!" she shouted as she began to lash about.
Doctor Freekill yelled at the thrashing Blaire, who was trying carefully to remove clumps of hair from Blaire's wounds, who almost made him stab her in her pancreas.

Before Blaire got far she was tackled by a robot, and I mean a friggin huge robot, before she had time to freak out again, the doctors gave her ten doses of the knock out meds.

(If you want to get healed and pm me about healing you Blaire, you gotta cooperate, otherwise the doctor's could mess up and accidentally slice your leg open)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 02:08:36 AM
Chrono had already forced half the door open, and saw Y inside. "Sorry, were you expecting someone else?" he said with a menacing grin.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 24, 2010, 02:09:56 AM
(Now you people listen and you listen up good, if you specially request me to do something for you, like heal you, you better dang well actually play along, otherwise i could 'accidentally' maim your character... I swear if there's another Med-Bay freakout, someone's going to lose a limb)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 02:10:32 AM
Blaire screamed and cried out as the doctors fought with her. "CHRONO!" she shouted. "LET ME GO! I DON'T NEED YOUR (censored) HELP!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 24, 2010, 02:11:24 AM
(READ MY LAST 2 POSTS! Seriously now i'm really close to a doctor accidentally injuring you)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 02:14:37 AM
What are you going to do when you meet him, you're still bleeding and I'll say it again 'you need armor', now if you want to be ripped to shreds before you can even hit him, be my guest. But not now, this is my apology for yelling and leaving you...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 02:15:06 AM
Y looked at Chrono cooly.  "Something like you realize that by interfering you may get yourself killed?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 02:16:50 AM
HE'LL KILL YOU! And I can't let that happened to you! I need you here, with me. NOW! She shut her eyes and continued to cry as the sedative became to take affect.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 02:18:32 AM
Y walked closer to Chrono.  "While it isn't my job, I'm sure the Empire wont mind if I obliterate you.  I might even get a promotion or two out of it."

((Ahhhhhh CARP!!  Don't wallop on me Chrono.  I have to go AGAIN.  God, every time.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 02:20:14 AM
Chrono only laughed. "I've got an entire Assassin's clan breathing down my neck, a dragoness whos going to hunt me to her or my demise, and probably a whole slew of gladiators who just want the fame of slaying a dragon heretic. If I didn't die when they came to kill my family, I'm not dying now." he said with a smile as he shot fire-balls at his still-solid form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on February 24, 2010, 02:21:37 AM
Now the doctors RESUMED taking clumps of hair out of Blaire's many wounds... which they finished soon after with the help of machines. Now began the process of replacing the lost blood and patching the wound up with new replicated tissues.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 24, 2010, 02:22:07 AM
Blaire fell into a crazed dream. A dream of fear and anger. Tears continued to run down her cheek even through she had been tranquilized.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 04:33:38 AM
Y's nanites shifted out of the way of the fireballs.  "Don't think that you can simply walk in here and get away with it."  The door slammed closed behind Chrono as Y's nanites sealed the door again.  "After don't want me to hurt Blaire.  One more fireball and I can assure you she will suffer."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 24, 2010, 04:46:55 AM
Arrant growled at all the yelling and fighting, and stumbled slowly to the med room, swaying in the doorway, waiting for a doctor to approach. "I don't care what you's do, keep this perun quiet, I've had enough yelling!" he stumbled off down the halls, and heard some ruckus in the nearby room. He slammed his foot into the door, yelling out at the people inside. "Dragon, robot thing, I swear if you guys start 'un more fight I'mma bringing ma' rifle out! And when I get ma' rifle out SOMETHING dies!" he stumbled backwards, cursing before walking up and kicking the door again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 05:08:42 AM
Y looked at the door "It seems we have disturbed the local drunk,"  Y turned back to Chrono "Again I suggest to rethink what you are doing.  I will neither fight you nor kill you...that's the Assassins' and High Crusader's job...but cross me and I will break your precious Blaire." 

Y tapped his 'head' as he spoke slowly as if to a mentally challenged person.  "Do you comprehend what I am saying to you, organic?  Or do I have to demonstrate?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 24, 2010, 12:19:33 PM
He slowly nodded and then turned around. "Of course, regardless of wether Blaire will get harmed or not, I'm going to kill you if you don't open this door." he said with a growl, returning the drunk's hits with a solid punch to the door.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 06:32:43 PM
"I'm glad to see that we understand eachother."  The door swung slowly open as it became unsealed.  "Leave if you wish, I'll be here if you wish to talk further."

For the first time in years a true smile appeared on Y's normally featureless face.  The smile crept slowly across his face until it nearly touched itself on the back of his neck.  The mouth was filled with thousands of crooked needle-like teeth, each one grinding against another for a place to sit.  A black cordlike tounge ran across the teeth, covering them in a black ichor.

"Tell Blaire to get well soon...I still need to talk with her."  The voice seemed to hiss and growl at the same time, but there was no malice his words.  Only sheer delight.

((Yeah, there's a reason why he doesn't usually have a mouth.  When he actually does have one, it is SCARY!!!))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on February 25, 2010, 03:13:30 AM
Arrant backed off from the door as he saw it open, shaking his head angrily as he walked down the hall, stumbling back to the medical area as he fell down in the doorway, falling asleep before he hit the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 26, 2010, 03:21:14 AM
Blaire woke up. The doctors had finished their work and had left her to rest. She moved her hair out of her face. Her arm was bandaged along with her abdomen. Sitting up, Blaire ripped out the IV and swung her legs to hang off the side of the bed. She looked around and saw no one. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. They burned from the dry air. She bit her lower lip, debating on whether to find Y or to leave it for another day. Her paws hit the ground with a light thud as she put her clothes on in place of what had been on, a hospital gown. She put in whatever piercings the doctor removed and walked out of the room. Walking out into the hall, she continued to make a decision. She walked towards Y's room. Her fate would soon be decided.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 26, 2010, 03:31:53 AM
Chrono was sitting outside Y's room, feeling pretty confused as to what he should do. Fighting Y would cause more pain for Blaire, which would be transferred to himself; but, if he didn't she would take her anger out on Y, and possibly end up in worse shape.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 26, 2010, 03:34:33 AM
Blaire spotted Chrono and stopped in her tracks. Her breaths fell silent. She frowned as she started to walk slowly towards him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 26, 2010, 03:43:53 AM
Chrono felt Blaire get closer, and got into the fetal position, not wanting to make eye contact as his shame for worrying about her too much to even fight for her.

"I hate having fears..." he muttered while getting ready for a beating.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on February 26, 2010, 05:41:59 AM
Y layed in bed room contentedly.  He knew Chrono was still out there...he had been there for a while.  Y felt Blaire wake up again, this time much calmer than before.  Y's jack-o-lantern smile was still plastered across his face as he awaited her arrival.  He heard talking outside his door.  Hiding his smile once more, Y sat up in his bed and listened.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 26, 2010, 08:46:41 PM
"What are you doing here?" she asked shaking her head. She knelt beside him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on February 27, 2010, 02:06:14 AM
Chrono sighed, but didn't relax his position. "I tried to fight Y... but he threatened with harming you, apparently there are some nano-bots still in your system. He was going to use them to inflict pain and injury on you for each attempt I made on him..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on February 27, 2010, 01:54:38 PM
Blaire looked at him. so that explains why I have a mental link with him. she held him close. "don't get involved, please. It's not your fight, just like you told me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 01, 2010, 01:47:33 AM
"Fine... just tell me when you nee- wait, you're too stubborn... just don't die..." he said while not changing his position.

The High Crusader finally woke up, and felt shamed for losing herself in the fight, and getting taken out but not killed.... I can't belive he made me live with the shame of defeat again!!!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 01, 2010, 01:59:36 AM
Y sat in his room, slightly annoyed.  YOU made the 'appointment', Miss Blaire.  If you want answers then don't keep me waiting.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 01, 2010, 08:06:51 PM
Blaire bared her teeth. If I'm not mistaken you wished to see me again. She looked at Chrono and frowned. "I must go. Promise me you'll be here for me?" She said her hand on his shoulder. She stood and walked to the doorway. "Let's get this over with.." She looked down in anger and thought.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 01, 2010, 09:18:44 PM
"Excellent.  To make this fair, we will do this in the fashion of quid pro quo.  You'll ask me a question, then after I answer, I will ask you a question, which you must answer."  Y spoke very calmy, knowing full well that she was beyond agitated. 

"But before we begin, there are a few rules I must ask you to follow.  First, you cannot answer a question with a question.  Second, you must stay calm and keep your temper in check.  Third, you must temporarily sever your link to the dragon.  I'll know if you do or not.  Fourth, no attempting to harm me in any way.  Fifth and final, the dragon is to stay out of the room at all times."  Y raised his fingers as he listed his terms 

"You'll get 3 strikes.  Breaking rule one, two, or four will each count as one.  Violating rules three or five count as three strikes.  Obey these rules and you will leave both in good health and wiser than before.  If you strike out however, then you will pay for it in blood and tears.  Is that understood Miss Blaire?  If so then you may proceed with your first question."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 01, 2010, 09:29:20 PM
Two Crusaders are sitting at a bar, one is very disgruntled and drunk, the other one is listening intently.

"So First day on the job and BOOM there goes Frank's (censored) head all over the (censored) place!"

"No...." the calm one asked, like in awe.

"So have you know those snipers Chuck, bunch of sick little (censored)! Sure they could shoot you in the heart but they shoot you in the butt... it instills fear.... in the enemy... it's all about the (censored) mind games man!"

A female Assassin is sitting at a table, listening to a Priestess drone on and on and on about the fact that the Imperium doesn't teach her the correct magics.

"I Shoulda been a dentist like my dad told me too.... NO I said.... join the Imperium I said.... Win glory I said..... feh... i'm gonna hate the Christmas reunion where he's probably gonna be like 'I TOLD YOU SO, SHOULD'VE BEEN A DENTIST!' " She thought, glancing at her still talking friend.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 02, 2010, 01:34:06 AM
"What do you have against me Y, did I kill your mother bot... I can't hear the conversation from mental link...." he said, temporarily letting his head lift up before laying back down.

The High Crusader happened to pass by the two, but without all of the extra parts that Chrono ripped off, she looked like a regular Crusader. She hoped that they wouldn't notice that she was beaten, as she held herself up with dignity. The last thing I need is someone trying to rub salt in a five year old wound....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 02, 2010, 01:45:21 AM
"Oh look it's that high Crusader chick... looks like she got beat" said the female assassin, breaking the annoying Priestess's rant.

"Oh... the poor thing... she looks so defeated, yet dignified, She's such a strong woman..."

"Tanya... she's chasing a dragon she has some creepy attachment too, and we're dragged along for the ride....."


Meanwhile, the two Crusaders at the bar didn't notice, they were playing paper football with some of the Inquisitors.
"Booyah, I win again! HIGH FIVE!" yelled one of the Crusaders, wanting a high five.

"We want a Rematch!"
"Yea a Rematch!"
"Yea Rematch!"

"Well I want the High Crusader to give me a hug and ask me out, but you don't see that happening"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 02, 2010, 06:53:49 PM
"I have nothing really against you, its the fact that you have every reason to hate me.  YOU have more of a temper than she does and I want this to be a civil conversation.  While you cannot hear the conversation, you can still be told about it via the link.  Besides, it is Blaire's opinions and thoughts that I want, and I don't need you influencing her answers." 

Y waved Blaire into the room.  "I'm sure she will tell you all about it when we are done.  Until then you'll have to be patient."  Y closed the door behind him and turned to Blaire.  "You may ask your question as soon as you sever the link, and feel free to ask anything.  I will not lie."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 02, 2010, 11:52:52 PM
Blaire looked back and lowered her eyes. The link had been severed. She looked back at him. "What is your purpose with me. And remember, I can tell when you're lying," she calmly said.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 03, 2010, 01:52:18 AM
"My purpose?  I don't have one, but many answers to that.  The first and foremost being to gather whatever information about you that I can."  Y sat down on a chair and motioned for Blaire to sit on his bed.  "Since I only need to give you one answer, that means its my turn."

Y closed his eyes and thought for a moment, trying to pick out one question of his many.  Finding one, he reopened his eyes.  "Why were you afraid earlier?  And don't say that you were afraid of dying or bodily harm, because you wouldn't be in the Arena if you were."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 03, 2010, 02:31:05 AM
"More anger than fear. I fear that if I had to, there would be no defense against you. Nothing but my simple jumping. Nothing that could keep you from getting into my system. Not to mention the odd attraction to the fear. It's an adrenaline rush." She looked at him and grimaced but then calmed herself immediately. She sighed and proceeded with her question. "What is your interest with me? I mean, it seems to be more than just an investigation."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 03, 2010, 05:26:31 AM
Y shifted in his seat, almost nervously.  "I am interested in you are fascinating.  A killing machine who isn't a sociopath.  Many of the other contenders haven't shed a tear in decades but you keep your emotions intact.  It's almost beautiful in a way."  Y seemed to relax again as he finished his answer.  She had hit a weak spot in his mental, "No Organics Allowed", wall.

Y shifted again and spoke.  "Is the adrenaline rush the reason you came back?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 04, 2010, 12:44:24 AM
"I suppose that's what you could say. It's like when you strike an enemy. You have to strike them again. It's a draw." She said as her tense body relaxed. "Emotions huh? Seems to strike you in a different way than most topics. How is it, in a sense, beautiful?" she asked. Her eyes shut, opening back up with a sudden shine. The bluish purple faded to a bluish green.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 04, 2010, 02:40:40 AM
Y shifted again in his seat.  If he could blush, he would be.  You had to make it quid pro quo didn't you?  Now look at what's happening.

"I would have to say its your grace in keeping them.  Those here who do have emotions, struggle with keeping them in check.  Many of them feel guilt and try to supress it.  You simply let it flow out of you." Y straightened himself up again "How is it that you share a link with the dragon?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 02:49:28 AM
Chrono had fallen asleep, he wasn't needed, and the High Crusader was probably trying to get over whatever shame she had after losing.

The Crusader, however, had gone to her room to sleep, hoping her dreams would put an end to her shameful feelings for just a brief moment at the least. When laid down on the bed and went to sleep, part of her that was suppressed by the white fire, had surfaced and took control over her form. A black ring appeared around her eyes, then ignited as it 'burned off' the white of her armor, and condensed the armor to the point where it looked nothing like the High Crusader armor, then her mane lengthened before turning gray, and was tied off by a ring of black fire. The 'new' dragoness got out of the High Crusader's room, and sauntered through the halls, carrying herself like royalty.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 04, 2010, 03:02:53 AM
Blaire sighed. "I can have a link with anyone. I choose to have a link with him because he's important to me. The link kind of keeps us in check." She cleared her throat and thought for a moment. "What exactly is it that you want to know? Specifically."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 04, 2010, 05:12:10 AM
"Specifically, I wish to know YOU.  Your history, your personality, your likes, your dislikes, just 'you'.  I know about the dragon, but you are still a mystery."  Y was glad she had left the previous train of thought.  Any farther and she would have breached the 'wall'. 

Y's composure returned. "What did you mean by keeping each other in check?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 04, 2010, 02:10:39 PM
Blaire smiled. "because we lose our tempers. It's better to have someone to turn to instead of getting in trouble." she looked away then back at him. "Emotions and all that. Why does it bother you to bring them up? Your aura changes"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 08:10:12 PM
The dragoness came upon Chrono in his sleep, and crouched down to tap his head. "Wake up, come on, please?" she said until Chrono lifted his head groggily out of his lap. Even though he was slowly waking up, when he stared at the dragoness, her eyes caught his attention, and his mind started to feel.... foggy. "There you are... shes going to love the present I have for her, hopefully she lets you live the.... fourth encounter? I don't really keep count" she said as her finger gestured him to follow her, which he did unwillingly. His mind was between unconsious and consiousness as he was mentally unfit, lacking any other mental strength source to pull from, to combat the suggestion.

In Blaire's mind, an automated and suppressed mental klaxxon was sounding, signaling a comprimise on the other side of the link.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 04, 2010, 08:16:29 PM
Blaires ears twitched as the ringing continued. Her eyes shut from the pain as she hit the ground with her knees. The ringing calmed as she rubbed her temples. Something's wrong... But what can I do about it now! She looked at Y. She leaned back against the wall with a thud.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 04, 2010, 11:31:41 PM
Y gave his equivalent of a frown.  "I suppose since I am not capable of lying I have no choice but to answer."

Y felt the gates of his 'wall' opening.  "Unless you haven't noticed, I have emotions too.  There is nothing in my programming that should cause them, yet they're there.  When I was being built as a war machine, there was a glitch in the system.  The scientist's were overjoyed when they realized that I was as close to being a real creature as humanity had yet built.  A machine with emotions is more than's unique."

Y cast his gaze downward.  "They ran thousands of emotional stress tests on me.  Joy, sorrow, ecstasy, pain, love, hate....every single one.  Then one day during the test of a paticular emotion, I snapped.  I killed the scientist who was conducting the experiment.  They locked me away in a box for five years because I was considered unpredictable...but anyone would break under that test."  Y's voice sounded on the verge of tears as he spoke.  He forgot to ask his question...but he didn't care...she looked so much like her...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 05, 2010, 01:46:12 AM
"And that emotion... Love?" She asked, hoping to finally get through and be the first to finally know who Y was, not some psychological maniac. She looked at him intensely. Her eyes went to a deep sapphire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 05, 2010, 02:10:49 AM
"No...but close...Heartbreak..."  Y seemed to drift away as he began.  "The tests were excruciating and I always left them drained and hurt.  But one of the scientists...she would always come to me afterwards.  She would comfort me, tell me that everything was alright.  She would tell me stories about the outside, and fairy tales from far away lands." 

Y clenched his hands together.  "She would always start her visits with 'Y...what happened..what did those filthy organics do to you?'  and I would tell her everything.  I loved her...she was everything to me...she was my mother, sister, friend, and lover.  Everyone thought of me as a machine to be worked on, but she understood."

Y's eyes were practically shimmering now, with the closest thing to tears his nanites could imitate.  "Then one day, she asked me to come to another that I hadn't been in before.  I followed her and she told me she would be right in after me." 

Y's voice seemed to change suddenly as the memory brought back the rage he kept hidden inside of himself. "But then the door closed behind sealed itself shut.  I looked around the room and saw HER behind a pane of glass in another room.  I asked her what was going on.  Then she began telling me how she really felt...creature, thing, monster, worthless, machine.   Then she turned on the generators.  She electrocuted me again and again.  It only lasted an hour but it felt like eternity.  I couldn't stand it anymore.  I overloaded the generators and smashed through the glass.  Then I returned the favor.  I told her how I felt and tore her apart, atom by atom, keeping her alive until only her brain was left.   Then they threw me in that box.  For 3 years I screamed how much I hated her...hated humanity...HATED EVERYTHING!"  Y screamed these last words and slammed his fist into the concrete wall, causing a massive crater to form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 05, 2010, 02:15:03 AM
Blaire was firm. She did not flinch at her shouts or violence. She simply sat against the wall. She stood and casually walked over. She looked at him, his aura pouring out like a waterfall. She simply reached out and hugged him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 05, 2010, 02:20:43 AM
Chrono followed the dragoness to her room, and let her sit him down on her bed, she pushed him onto his back, and whatever else happened, he had blacked out before it occoured. Where am I? he thought in is own mental darkness. Luckily, she only got onto bed with him and soon went to sleep on top of him, her form slowly turning back to that of the High Crusader. Oh, and my name is Sasha... hers is Hera... welcome home, pet... were all he 'heard' before her spell put him to sleep as well.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:21:48 AM
(mmk Chrono thats just a bit creepy there..... mmk If you would like to de creepify that... that would be Terrific, also I need those TPS reports in by Sunday, Mmmk?)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 05, 2010, 02:27:20 AM
(I thought the TPS reports were Entaru's job)
The High Crusader slowly woke up and noticed she was on top of something that definatly didn't feel like a bed. She looked down and quickly screamed before jumping and hitting the wall behind her. "Y-You?!?!" Chrono was sleeping soundly on the bed, and she sat down as both parts of her mind fought for dominance over this situation. Kill him before he can run away again!! Why kill him, you know you love him, let him live to show it! She started to whine as the 'fighting' was causing headaches that no living creature should be put through...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 02:53:33 AM
(there i removed all my stupid posts, satisfied?)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 05, 2010, 02:55:50 AM
((I removed my bantering as well))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 05, 2010, 03:36:49 AM
Arrant woke up slowly. Pulling out a bottle of vodka, he slowly picked himself up, grabbing his head as a searing headache struck, and took a large swig. Noticing a nearby doctor staring at him, he spat on the ground and said "What in the nine Hells are you lookin' at?" before shaking his head and whining as the pain in his head flared. "I gotta drink in more moderation..." he said as he took yet another large swig from his vodka. He walked down the halls swiftly, scolding himself. Man my drinking has really affected my attitude lately... he stood still in the middle of the hall for awhile, then headed off for his room. Man it's dull around here... Why do I feel like there's a huge life-threatening plot that I'm completely oblivious to? Sigh... I wish something like dragons would just come flying through the room fighting or something, at least I'd have something to keep me busy.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 05, 2010, 03:37:49 AM
Arrant got his wish

however it wasn't dragons but Ninjas and Space Pirates battling.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 05, 2010, 05:12:58 AM
Y didn't resist her.  He simply stood there, his screams of rage turning to howls of sorrow.  If he could cry then his face would be soaked in tears, as the agitated nanites contorted his face until it was unrecognizable.  Soon his form was only a shifting, swriling, mound of black sand.  But he never left Blaire's embrace.

This was why he never opened the gate.  This was why he kept the wall.  Anyone who found their way over or through would find it was not a was a dam.  To open the gate was to unleash everything he had ever felt.  Not even he crossed the wall.

Y 's form shifted slowly about and wrapped around Blaire.  It wasn't like wasn't malicious or felt like a cool breeze in the summer as each nanite brushed against her fur.

He was returning her embrace.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 05, 2010, 07:59:14 PM
She let go and looked at the nanites. "I'm sorry," She apologized. She waited for the nanites to form back together to present Y's solid like form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 05, 2010, 08:07:09 PM
Y slowly shifted back into himself as his cries abated "Sadly...those words are not yours to give..."  His voice seemed...broken.  Like someone who has watched everything collapse around them.  "Please...please leave...I need time to think..."  Y sat down on his bed and placed his head in his hands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 05, 2010, 08:09:12 PM
Blaire hesitated for a moment and sighed. "but..." she bit her lower lip and nodded. She walked out of the door, as if she were a robot being commanded.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 05, 2010, 10:54:33 PM
With Y's momentary collapse, the signal became stronger, and a 'path' of gaseous red light went from where Chrono was sitting, and trailed down the hallway.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 05, 2010, 11:37:06 PM
Why?...Why do I still love you?...After everything you did to me...You deserved what you got...You hated me...and I hate you...But if that's true... Y slid his face so his hands were only covering his 'mouth' ...then why am I sorry?

"....................I'm sorry...Sonya."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 06, 2010, 02:40:03 AM
Arrant awed as the space pirates and ninjas fought, then looked at his vodka bottle and dropped it on the floor. "I really gotta stop drinking..." he started walking toward the training hall again, his eyes locked into the distance as he worried about his sanity.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 06, 2010, 05:21:17 PM
Blaire couldn't help but feel guilty. She slid down against the wall outside of Y's room. She held her face in her hands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 07, 2010, 12:33:29 AM
Hera went over to Chrono, and dragged him off the bed before throwing him out the room. "I can't believe I wouldn't kill him..." she mumbled in disbelief before locking the door and going back to sleep, but without the sudden change of appearance. As Hera went to sleep, Chrono felt the fog leave his mind, and regained control of his body. "Ugh... wha- wait... why am I out here, Balire!" Chrono immedeatly got up to his feet and ran down the hallway, and the klaxxon in Blaire's mind finally went silent.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 07, 2010, 02:10:27 AM
Why did you tell her?

"I had no choice."

Of course you had a choice.

"Why does it matter?"

Because, you would never tell anyone anything.  Except her of course...

"That's exactly it...she's her...but me as well."

Emotions, despite who we are and what we do.

"We are the same."

We are...the same

"And very...different."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 07, 2010, 05:13:35 PM
Blaire held her eyes shut tight. Her mind racing. Guilt was all she could feel.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 07, 2010, 05:30:05 PM
Chrono turned a tight corner, and saw Blaire down the hall, then the link sent a smack of guilt towards him. "To talk or to not talk...." he mumbled as he tried to avoid her senses, trying to act like he never left, even if he had no control over it...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 07, 2010, 05:58:04 PM
Blaire sighed and put her head against the wall unaware of Chrono's presence. Her eyes opened revealing a beautiful blue green shade. The link reconnected and she looked towards Chrono. "Oh, Hey."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 07, 2010, 06:01:57 PM
Chrono tried to smile and act like he didn't know what was wrong, but their mental link made it hard. "S-Something wrong... you seem depressed" He had a guess what it was about, but he was still trying to not give anything away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 07, 2010, 06:50:30 PM
"You can stop with the charade. The link is connected." She looked at him and laughed lightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 12:53:00 AM
Chrono sighed, and looked past Blaire, not being able to see Y. "So, what did he want... beyond knowing you of course..." He could pick up some pity and caring for Y in her feelings, but he has no idea why shes feeling that way.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 02:03:58 AM
Y's eyes shot wide open as the nanites in Blaire's body heard Chrono's question.  If Blaire told anyone his story, he would be ruined forever.  The Imperium would be after his head for fraternizing with the enemy.  No one would be afraid of him anymore.  His reputation for his sadistic nature would be overshadowed by pity.

The organics would pity him...

...NO!  I AM Y!!  I will not be pitied by those FILTHY ORGANICS!!!!  If you tell anyone, then I will not be held responsible for my actions against them.  I will not harm you anymore, but this MUST remain a secret!  I cannot have anyone knowing my past.   Please Blaire...I'm begging you...don't tell him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 02:45:48 AM
Blaire could not hear Y's words. She looked at Chrono. "Nothing, just to know why I kept a connection with you. That was all. Nothing major. He asked why it was so important for me," She smiled and stood. "And I told him the truth. That's all."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 02:51:21 AM
Y felt a surge of relief as he heard Blaire's words.  She didn't hear him, and yet she knew not to say anything.  Y layed down in his bed and let out a relieved sigh (or his equivalent to one).  Closing his eyes, he had only one thought.

Thank you...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 02:54:05 AM
Chrono nodded, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I'll tell you what happened while you were speaking... the dragoness... she isn't even close to what she seems. Since you cut the link, she was able to hypnotize me... usually I could resist because I have such a strong-willed person like yourself connected to... but since you shut it I couldn't draw from it and repel her suggestion. She took me to her room, and then all I remember after that is being thrown out her room. As for Y, he is a mystery to me; he hates organics and has a rep for no mercy. But, why he would leave you unharmed even if it was just a few questions. Well, it just puts things in a different light, but I'll keep being a jerk if he wants it that way..."Chrono realized how long he spoke and felt his jaw drop. "Did I breathe at all during that talk?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 02:58:20 AM
Blaire heard his thank you. She smiled gently. You're secret is safe with me. No one will ever know. She 'said'. Her link completely undetected by any others who had some kind of link. She looked at Chrono and her smile turned into baring of her sharp white teeth. "How dare she...." She relaxed and looked down. "I had to cut off the link. I didn't want to but I knew I had to." She looked back up. "He is very demanding and will use fear to get the best of most of organics. But He is somewhat reasonable when you lose all anger, or fear towards him. It wasn't entirely easy. He is as you say unmerciful. Sometimes a bit harsh with words. But in an odd way, reasonable."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 03:01:32 AM
"Well, the Crusader is Hera... and the one that 'took' me was, uh" Chrono was trying to remember what she 'said', as it was just a milisecond before he blacked out. "I think Sasha or Sashimi...."

It was only then that realization struck Chrono. "They're taking a long time to decide the next match, arn't they?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 03:06:04 AM
"Honestly, what does it matter? We're fighting for our lives outside of it. I haven't thought about it too much," She said. She pushed her and Y's discussion to the back of her mind to be away from anyone curious.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 03:11:30 AM
Chrono only shrugged, and then took his helmet off, hints of the link appeared in his eyes, as the scarlet iris had a glimmer of purple all around it, and a few markings began on the top of his snout. "Have you felt anything odd happen to your body since you got here, beyond the nano-machines..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 03:16:58 AM
"Nah, not at all. I mean besides seeing you again." She bit her lower lip. She wanted to speak to Y. She knew she had broken through a wall that had been up for a reason. "Have you?" She asked looking at him oddly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 03:24:20 AM
Chrono raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that... Miss homicide... or did you think I didn't see how you acted during your match?" he snickered and decided to answer her question. "I've been able to recieve the mental thoughts of others... which is unusual considering it took three years for me to get a link with you, and another year for it to actually be used to 'speak'... oh, and I can't stop thinking about this..." How on this plane of existance did I fall in love with a demon that just happened across my home, he even lacks the decency to wear a shirt!  he 'said' mimicing one of her thoughts that he could remember when he was 'living' at the mansion with her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 03:31:23 AM
"heh." Was all she could get out. "I meant it in the nicest way." She gave him a half smile. "Well, usually after developing the link you can use it whenever. It's just easier now because there is a lot more around here that can actually do it."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 03:37:13 AM
Y, now feeling a bit better about the whole ordeal, straightened himself out and opened up his door.  Upon seeing Chrono and Blaire, he sneered.  "Don't you organics have anything better to do than stand around and chat at my doorway?"  but his mind said If you wish to speak to me again...just ask.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 03:42:48 AM
Blaire growled. "We can stand where ever we please." She bared her teeth at him. Only if you wish to do so. I don't want you cause you anymore pain. Everything that came from her mouth was contradicted by her actual words. She wished for it to not have to be this way. But there was no other. Her eyes showed a slight pained expression but was quickly hidden. Her emotions were getting the best of her. They always did. It's a burden you know.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 03:48:31 AM
A burden that you have helped lighten...thank you again.  Y eyes flashed a hint of blue before turning yellow again "Hmpf...then perhaps you should find a more pleasing spot!"  Y turned abruptly and stalked away.  He would have to tell the Imperium something...but what could he say without hurting Blaire?  Y's thoughts raced as he made his way down the hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 03:55:01 AM
Her emotions were winning. She fought with them and instead of sadness she brought forth anger. The only emotion that could be mistaken for a hatred towards one. She huffed and began to storm off. I need to blow off steam Chrono, I'm sorry. I will see you soon. And with that, she was gone. She had 'jumped', placing herself at the top of a hill just outside of the city, near the stadium. She sat, still. Quiet, hurt. She knew what his intentions were when he wanted to speak with her. And she knew he had to tell them what they wanted to hear, even if it meant hurting her. She saw right through him, down to the smoldering core, of who was thought to be heartless. Her mind turned to Chrono for a moment. "He can't know. But how do I explain my strange behavior." Her mind raced as she thought, her face in her arms as she hugged her knees.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 04:14:06 AM
Y stopped just before the Chaplain's booth came into view.  I need to tell them something...but what?  If they find out that Blaire is practically helpless when her links are broken, then they'll use her against Chrono.  I don't mind if Chrono gets hurt but...I can't let that happen to Blaire.  I wont betray her.  But if I don't, I may end up labeled as a traitor and I'll soon have a ransom on MY head.  You're supposed to be a supercomputer, Y.  Think of something!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 04:17:23 AM
Blaire linked once more back to Y. Do what you must. I'll find a way out of it. Do what you have to do Y. Without waiting, she cut the link. She lied back and shut her eyes, wishing she could escape the world.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 08, 2010, 04:28:30 AM
But... But the link had already been severed.  Y felt his nanites become agitated once more as he was swept by a wave of sorrow.Very well...  Y straightened himself out once more and rounded the corner to the Chaplain's booth.

"Inquistor Y reporting...Mission has been completed."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 08, 2010, 04:37:02 AM
Tears ran down her face. She had lost control finally. She couldn't hold it back any longer. She feared for what may happen to Chrono. She didn't know what she was going to do now that they would know what was her weakness. She knew she had been picked apart. But how much did he really know? Not enough. She knew that for a fact. They would soon speak again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 09, 2010, 01:06:16 AM
But... But the link had already been severed.  Y felt his nanites become agitated once more as he was swept by a wave of sorrow.Very well...  Y straightened himself out once more and rounded the corner to the Chaplain's booth.

"Inquistor Y reporting...Mission has been completed."

"I say my friend, you did a splendid job, so tell me the juicy details... names, dates, loved ones, favorite food, favorite color, frequent hang outs, hangers on, mob connections, whether or not they like the smell of moldy cheese, anything!"

Said the New Chaplain

the one Entaru talked to was sent on an important assignment, so now there's the new Junior Chaplain, Chuck.
so Junior, he still wore his name tag

it said

"Hello, my name is Chuck, and I serve the Emperor!
Smiley Face
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 09, 2010, 02:05:16 AM
While everyone was busy, and awaiting Blaire's return, Chrono went over to a nearby shipping yard, heading to the tech vendor to order an EMP barrier in case Blaire or himself are chosen to fight Y again. He then ordered a nano-clone with a few hidden files and back-up systems pre-written. The price was actually very small, but only because he was not only a favored customer, his account was listed a 'alpha-beta', a tester for new tech. This gave him a total of a 90% discount on all tools, and no charge for tools he personally tested.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 09, 2010, 03:01:27 AM
Although the author of this rp wonders how a worldly hated heretic is a favored costumer in a store I won't inquire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 09, 2010, 03:11:40 AM
Although the author of this rp wonders how a worldly hated heretic is a favored costumer in a store I won't inquire.
Because the devices he tested usually turned out badly for the user if malfunctioned, and Chrono needed the money so he could actually get something for Blaire. Of course, only a black market vendor would let a heretic be a customer, but Chrono was good on his word, and his money.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 09, 2010, 06:28:38 PM
Akayla awoke. She had only fallen asleep for half an hour. Yawing, she stretched and stood. She looked down on the arena and sighed. She started her descent down the hill. What is he going to say? He only knows my connection with Chrono, and that can only go so far. She thought to herself. Midway down the hill she 'jumped' and was back in the arena, in her room. Akayla looked the door and meditated.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 09, 2010, 06:45:46 PM
Y raised his eybrow at the new Chaplain in confusion "Likes the smell of..? Never mind."  Y shook off his confusion and spoke in all seriousness.

"I wasn't able to get much before she teleported but here's what I know."  Y felt his guilt slash through him like a sword as he began to speak.  "She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, she is...very curious, despite being here she is very emotional, she can create a psychic link with anyone she chooses, her ability to teleport can be temporarily disabled as can most of her powers by a simple knock on the head.  Her abilities to read auras allows her to tell friend from foe, so anyone with malign intent will be detected.  She is the lover of the Heretic, Chrono and has established a very strong link with him.  However, upon suppresion of her powers, she becomes quite helpless.  She has come to rely too much on her abilities." 

Y halted for a moment and then continued in order to not raise suspicion.  "Suggested course of action is to sedate her from afar with neural inhibitors before approaching for capture or questioning."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 09, 2010, 06:54:06 PM
After meditating Blaire walked out of her room. Her eyes were a bluish gray. They stared blankly into the air and through anyone who walked past or approached her. She shut off all of her links. She could only hear her own thoughts and nothing else. Her mouth was shut tightly, her tail did not sway like usual. She portrayed a whole new person.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 09, 2010, 07:07:32 PM
As Chrono finished speaking with his vendor and walked away, he started to get the feeling of being isolated. He tried to see if Blaire was reachable, but no luck. If she had told him before it occoured, it wouldn't be such a nagging concern. Shes just trying to stay low... thats all he thought as he worked his way through the constant stream of people. All he needed to do is get to his room and work on his rifle to keep his mind off his paranoia. In the middle of his walk, he didn't notice he was walking right into a woman, and almost knocked her over. he apologized with a nerve-wracked voice and continued down towards his room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 09, 2010, 07:09:48 PM
Blaire let open one link. She was tired of the quiet. Chrono?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 09, 2010, 07:16:05 PM
His frayed nerves started to relax, but he was still somewhat worried. What happened... did you block the link?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 10, 2010, 03:05:49 AM
Blaire sighed. I didn't block it. I cut it off. I cut everything off. I had no links what so ever. The noise and words were bothering me. Driving me insane. But so was the silence from now hearing your voice. But We can't depend on the connection as much. It's going to cause issues.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 10, 2010, 12:08:58 PM
Chrono got to his room, and nodded to himself. Want me to give you all that I've seen, just so that you have more places to 'jump' to. he 'said' as he finally calmed down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 10, 2010, 09:02:38 PM
Blaire smiled. It's fine. I'll be able to deal with things on my own soon. I can't depend on my skills so much. They've become my escape from everything. She walked down the hall. I'm sure we'll talk soon. she 'said' to Y. Her voice a bit agitated, as if her words dripped anger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 11, 2010, 02:29:18 AM
Want me to get your armor... since you won't be relying on 'jump'ing? he 'said' as he did a quick repair on his own form of protection.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 11, 2010, 10:33:21 PM
No. I will be using no protection. If I am to fight, it will be fair. Blade to blade. No more running or hiding. Blaire cut the link. She went back to her room and sat on the bed. She shut her eyes and hummed. Her humming awoke tribal markings that had been resting peacefully on her body. They now illuminated a bright green against her black and white fur. She opened her eyes, as they also illuminated green. Her meditation had finally succeeded.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 11, 2010, 10:36:16 PM
He sighed and only sat there, considering that finding her will only cause problems for them both, and feeling that he should still lay low after that one incident.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 11, 2010, 10:39:26 PM
You seem upset? The link is a presenting a displeasure. She 'said'. Her ability to read aura being much stronger being linked with someone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 11, 2010, 10:42:04 PM
The only thing I'm displeased about is that I came here to get away from persecution... and only seem to run into even more of it... as well as someone I never wanted to run into again. He took apart his gun and tried to find ways to modify it further, using his families' books as reference and inspiration.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 12, 2010, 02:07:04 AM
Blaire wrapped her 'arms' around Chrono's mind. You must learn that the more you run, the more trouble that follows you. Turn, face and fight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 12, 2010, 02:25:39 AM
Thats what I plan on doing... He finds plans to make a more advanced bolter hidden between the pages of the second manual... with his father's initials on it. Either convenient... or just plan odd he thought to himself as he follows the plans to upgrade his weaponry.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 12, 2010, 02:34:14 AM
Blaire released his mind and collapsed on her bed, exhausted from the meditation. "I think I just found a knew ability," She said to herself out loud.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 12, 2010, 03:51:53 AM
Meanwhile, Hera was having a nightmare of being chased down by 'The Heretic' because she had no weapons or armor, and it was turning from bad to worse until she was caught and didn't wake up. It suddenly took a drastic turn for the better, but she ended up losing control of her body and changed into the other aspect of her personality. Where or where could my little pet be? thought Sasha as she got out of bed and walked out the room and went to look for Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 12, 2010, 09:26:48 PM
Blaire tossed and turned. Nightmares raged in her head. Y tearing at her limp body. Chrono standing by and screaming, Hera tearing at him. The pain was real, as if it were actually happening.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 13, 2010, 04:04:22 AM
Y raised his eybrow at the new Chaplain in confusion "Likes the smell of..? Never mind."  Y shook off his confusion and spoke in all seriousness.

"I wasn't able to get much before she teleported but here's what I know."  Y felt his guilt slash through him like a sword as he began to speak.  "She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, she is...very curious, despite being here she is very emotional, she can create a psychic link with anyone she chooses, her ability to teleport can be temporarily disabled as can most of her powers by a simple knock on the head.  Her abilities to read auras allows her to tell friend from foe, so anyone with malign intent will be detected.  She is the lover of the Heretic, Chrono and has established a very strong link with him.  However, upon suppresion of her powers, she becomes quite helpless.  She has come to rely too much on her abilities." 

Y halted for a moment and then continued in order to not raise suspicion.  "Suggested course of action is to sedate her from afar with neural inhibitors before approaching for capture or questioning."

"Alright well we have your findings on note... so for now your free to do what you want... we'll call you when we need you" the Chaplain rookie said, writing furiously.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 13, 2010, 04:33:29 AM
"Thank you sir"  Y turned away and went to exit the Arena...if only temporarily.  If you wish to find me Blaire...I'll be in the hills outside the Arena.  Y left the Arena gates to the sound of booing.  Many angry environmentalists had gathered around the Arena along with the religous zealots.  Y let out an inhuman screech silencing the protesters as they cowered in fear.  "Come within 30 ft of me and I'll rearrange your organs.  Look at me...see if I'm lying!"  Y dispersed into a great black cloud and flew into the hills outside of the Arena.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 01:01:24 AM
Blaire's eyes shot open to the sound of Y's voice. She quickly sat up and walked forward. She was soon on the hills. I'm on the hills. She said, wrapping her 'arms' around his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 01:10:54 AM
Y felt the mental embrace as he searched for her biosigns.  Finally detecting her, his nanites slithered through the grass of the hills in her direction.  Soon Y could see her.  The nanites reared up out of the grass, like a cobra, and swirled about reforming into a black fox.  "I can't believe I'm saying this to an organic, but I'm glad you came."  Y's normally yellow eyes were an ice blue as he spoke.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 15, 2010, 01:16:42 AM
Chrono was nearly finished with his gun when a knocking came at the door. "I'm a little busy, so unless its not important, please leave..." he said in monotone, but the knocking occoured again. He stopped at a point where he could leave the gun unattended and walked to the door, looking through the monitor on the side to see Sasha at the door....

Sasha was standing at the door when a panel opened up nearby and showed Chrono's unarmored face. "Hi there... can I come in... I promise I won't dominate... much" she said with a smile that seemed to be a parody of innocense considering she looked like a female Chrono without the muscle mass.

S-Shes here... he thought, trying to send the signal out right before fighting off her attempt at glamour, which was only mildly weakend by the monitor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 02:06:01 AM
Blaire smiled. "Well I don't mind the statement." She sighed and sat down in the grass.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 02:21:56 AM
Y sat down beside her.  He felt strange as the grass brushed against his nanites.  Y looked down at the grass and spotted something that he had never seen before.  There was nothing in his databanks that could identify it.  He could list off every style of torture, every weapon, every poision, but this...was new.  The only thing he could compare it to was...Blaire. 

He plucked it out of the ground and looked at it in wonder.  The part he was holding was light green, tubular, and covered in small blades.  But the top was soft, deep red, and set in a wonderous pattern swirling slowly inward.  It was beautiful...and something inside of him felt compelled to hand it to Blaire.  Seeing no reason not to, he handed her (what she would know as) the wild rose.

"So, what did you wish to see me about?"  Y's voice sounded as if he was smiling softly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 02:27:12 AM
Blaire eyed the flower. "What did you tell them?" She looked away and stared out. Her face showed no emotion, her eyes serious.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 02:36:57 AM
Y's expression dropped.  He looked away blankly and replayed his description like it was a recording.

"I wasn't able to get much before she teleported but here's what I know.......She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, she is...very curious, despite being here she is very emotional, she can create a psychic link with anyone she chooses, her ability to teleport can be temporarily disabled as can most of her powers by a simple knock on the head.  Her abilities to read auras allows her to tell friend from foe, so anyone with malign intent will be detected.  She is the lover of the Heretic, Chrono and has established a very strong link with him.  However, upon suppresion of her powers, she becomes quite helpless.  She has come to rely too much on her abilities................Suggested course of action is to sedate her from afar with neural inhibitors before approaching for capture or questioning."

Y shook his head as if coming out of a trance.  "I'm sorry...I would suggest being on guard for a while, perhaps in small or enclosed spaces.  I had to act as if nothing had happened...and you already know what that means."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 02:41:34 AM
"yeah, well you had to. I can handle whatever they through at me." She shut her eyes as a cool breeze welled up from the small valley below. She frowned and looked at Y, opening her eyes. "Things are the way they are."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 02:53:32 AM
Y leaned back and used his hands to steady himself.  "I suppose so but it doesn't mean that I have to like it."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 02:55:05 AM
Blaire just looked at him. "Why?" she asked. "You're hate organics."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 03:16:16 AM
"I know...that's why I'm so confused by all of this."  Y's words were true.  He had no idea why he didn't hate Blaire.  She was just another organic, so why should he feel any different.  The only reason that he could come up with was that she just was different, despite everything.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 15, 2010, 07:47:58 PM
Blaire's eyes flickered away then back to his, the sun glinting all around the blue irises. She didn't take her gaze off of him. "How am I different?" She asked, not purposely listening to him.

((if you're curious her eyes look like this--->*rPRS9nRLUgpxZdVvTXpSfV48H4R3SVSZIFsIUcF/Blue_Eye.jpg))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 11:18:42 PM
"I don't really just...are."  Y was disappointed that he couldn't find how she was different.  A super computer at a loss for that was new. 

Then it hit him...

He hadn't remembered until now, but he had compared her earlier to Sonya.  The two were strikingly similar.  Their forms, their voices, their responses.  Of course there were obvious differences.  Sonya had been a fox with black fur and blue-white hair.((His form is a male version of Sonya))

"I guess..." he said in slight realization " remind me of her."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 12:00:48 AM
Blaire sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say that." She lied back and let out a long breath. She shut her eyes, her breathing slowed. "I hate the fighting and the madness. I know that sounds a bit crazy but I do."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 12:38:23 AM
"Then why don't you just stop and get away from it.  I'm sure if you really tried, you could hide from it all very easily."  For the first time in years, Y's voice had an innocence in it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 12:46:34 AM
"Run from fighting?" She looked at him with a are-you-serious expression. "It doesn't work like that. I ran from the fighting and came here to more fighting. Just a different way and different people." She rolled onto her side and looked at him, now with a plain face but with a bit of agony in her eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 01:02:39 AM
"Be glad that you can at least run away for a while."  Y layed down finally. "Fighting is the only thing I know.  My whole purpose for creation was to bring pain and suffering to others."  Y let out a metallic sigh. 

"What happened that made you run away before?"  Y asked, still looking up at the sky.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 01:06:51 AM
"It's called a father who likes to control your every move. A father who, if disobeyed, gave harsh, brutal punishment." She sat up and faced Y. She moved her top to show him the gnarly scar on her chest that ran from just above the breast area to the midway of her torso. She then covered it back up and looked away. "I ran here to escape anymore pain."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 16, 2010, 01:07:20 AM
Chrono managed to fight her glamour away and shut the monitor off. "Sasha, get over it... I'm faithful to Blaire and you know it!" as soon as he finished the sentence, a 'knife' went right into his mind, and he groaned in pain. How do you know if shes faithful to you... how do you know what shes doing when she cuts off the link. She could be with that chunk of nan- Shut up or I'll tear your neck apart! Chrono 'yelled', and finally felt the pain leave. But one lingering thought remained, and seemed to echo through his mental solitude: What if.... she isn't?. Normally he wouldn't even think about it, but the only person he knows beyond Blaire is Y, who would probably do anything to make him miserable as revenge for beating him.

Sasha could tell Chrono was already at his mental limit for stress, and any more pushing would cause the opposite of the desired effect. Enough to doubt, but not to the point of denial she remembered as she sauntered away to one of the training halls, so she could get used to using and fully controling her form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 01:19:19 AM
"It seems we are even more alike than I originally thought."  Y placed his 'hand' on her shoulder.  Both of them were hurt, abused, by the very people who should have loved them.  She ran to escape it...but he created it in others.  Every torture, every death, was only meant to show the world what he had felt. 

He had longed for someone to understand the pain he had been given.  And now here she was...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 01:22:23 AM
Blaire gave him a half smile. "That's why when you caused me pain, I only got angry. Not entirely frightened to giving up... I tried to fight." She looked at him. She then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. She then let go and pulled away. "Sorry. That was out of line." Her ears went down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 02:19:36 AM
Y smiled (his equivalent at least) and leaned in close to her.  "No...this is..."

Without thinking, he pressed his muzzle against her lips, in an odd sort of kiss.

Then his brain kicked in...

Y suddenly jumped to his feet. "Oh God!  I'm so sorry!  I don't know what happened!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 02:31:09 AM
Blaire's mind went whirling around. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she stumbled backwards. "Wha?" she couldn't say anything.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 02:37:31 AM
Y moved to steady Blaire, his nanites visibly agitated from embarassment.  "Blaire?  Are you alright?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 02:42:46 AM
"I'm fine. Slightly taken back but fine." She looked at him. She crawled to him and hugged him. It's all she could do. She couldn't explain why.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 02:55:50 AM
Y returned the hug.  He had expected a more...explosive reaction...and had prepared himself for it.  But he didn't expect this at all.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't enjoy it...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 16, 2010, 04:34:58 PM
Blaire let go and looked at him. "No one ever hears of this." She smiled and stood up. She held out a hand to help him up. Her eyes were now the same blue but pink swirl from the outside of the iris to the pupil. "Come on. I think the next fight will be starting soon."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 16, 2010, 05:48:38 PM
Y nodded in agreement and took her hand.  Standing up, he looked back at the Arena in the distance.  "It would be best if we left seperately.  No sense in raising suspicion unnessecarily.  I'll go first, since I have been gone the longest." 

Y's eyes turned yellow once more as he switched his personality to hide their secret.  "See you in the Arena..."  Y seemed to dissolve into nothingness as he allowed himself to disperse more than usual and float with the wind into the Arena doors.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 17, 2010, 12:26:59 AM
Chrono was still fighting over what to do if she was actually sneaking in another relationship while his back was turned trying to find ways to just keep from losing and dieing again. But if he confronted her and asked her bluntly, she might end up leaving either because she thought she was found out, or he had doubts if she felt anything for him. "Man I'm insecure..." he mumbled as he went back to updating his arsenal, the only thing right now he could make sure was within his grasp.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 17, 2010, 02:15:46 AM
Blaire nodded and waited a few minutes. She then 'jumped', appearing back in her room. "Chrono will be wondering where I am." She opened her door and walked out. Blaire turned and walked towards Chrono's room. "Chrono?" She said peeking around the corner.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 17, 2010, 03:10:12 AM
Y reintegrated atop a balcony overlooking the Arena floor, watching a pair of combatants rip eachother apart.  But his mind (which he had unlinked from Blaire's) was on other things.

Not only did she not condemn the kiss, she seemed to like it.

What did that mean?...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 17, 2010, 01:44:03 PM
Chrono was nearly finished with his gun, but any attempt at reading his thoughts was pointless, he turned around and grinned, holding up a cannon attached to his left hand. "What do you think, isn't it nice?" Don't ask yet, don't ask yet!! he thought to himself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 17, 2010, 10:50:29 PM
Blaire ignored his arguing with his self. "Yeah. It looks great. It isn't your hand is it?" She asked, leaning against the doorway.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 17, 2010, 11:22:44 PM
Chrono lifts up the gun, and his hand sticks out. "Its an extension of my hand, so it slides back so I can use both hands." the barrel slides back up into cannon position, and Chrono turns away from Blaire to fire a compact fireball that expands to twice its original size on impact; two seconds after the fireball hits the wall, a blade of black fire slides out of the barrel, and Chrono does a few slashes, a trail of fire following each slash. "Of course, its only useful for those with projectile powers..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 18, 2010, 02:06:52 AM
Blaire smiled but all she could do was think about what previously just happened.

What were his thoughts behind that action. She had been foggy when their lips met and couldn't reach anything but haziness.

She walked over to Chrono and looked at his arm. "As long as it doesn't go off when I hug you or anything," she joked, hugging him tightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 18, 2010, 11:20:21 AM
"Only if I want it to hurt you... it won't" he returned the hug, but still keeping his mind far away from hers. Can't ask when Y is near... can't ask when she acts like this... when can I ask? He had questioned while in mental isloation. "So... can I have that armor you've been holding out on, or is it for decoration?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 18, 2010, 06:24:26 PM
"Blast it all...why are emotions so complicated?"  Y slammed his fist into the railing  No matter how much he analyzed the facts around the kiss, he couldn't come up with an explaination.

Why did she accept it?

Why did he do it in the first place?

He had tried his files on organic pyschology, but all that was there was battlefield mentalities.  He had deleted the other files years ago.

"It doesn't make any sense."  The railing bent and warped as he gripped it in his fists.

((He'd be able to figure it out if he was in his emotional state, but unfortunately he's in his analytical state so that he can hide the secret better))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 18, 2010, 09:53:07 PM
Blaire sighed. "You're arguing is loud..." She gave him a face of shame. "I haven't exactly been able to block yours out when around you, face to face, or within a few yards. But When far away I can find the will to cut it off." She slunk down to the ground. "What is bothering you?" She asked.

Blaire was wondering when she would have to tell him.

She was wondering when she would next see Y, and possibly get a reason.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 19, 2010, 02:24:10 AM
"Bah!  I'll figure it out later."  Y punctuated his statement with a wave of his hand.  He tried to put the incident in the back of his mind as he watched a combatant decapitate his opponent.

Of course he couldn't help but think of how soft her lips felt against his, as the experience came back into his mind's eye.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 19, 2010, 02:29:08 AM
Blaire could not focus but she remained calm and collected. She looked at Chrono, waiting.

Her mind floated in and out of the remembering of what just recently took place. How different it was, no lips but yet a feeling of them. Not metallic at all but soft, gentle. Her opinion on what he was like just kept deepening the more she came to find out. Nothing was as what they had appeared. He wasn't so heartless as he portrays. Not as raw and emotionless.

He was almost.... organic. The word rang in her head as if a large bell had been struck, or a gong.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 19, 2010, 08:48:33 PM
Chrono sighed, figuring if she asked, he can't lie to her. "Do you still want me... not like a brother or friend but as a husband or partner. I understand you've been trying to lay low... I just don't know if its only to keep out of the sights of the Crusaders." He kept his mind seperated from her, not letting her see the few words he exchanged with Sasha, or it would put the honest doubt in a different light.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 19, 2010, 10:03:45 PM
Blaire ears lied back. She looked downwards. "I do... You mean the world to me, and losing that... I don't even want to imagine it." She looked at up still saddened by his question.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 19, 2010, 10:15:42 PM
Chrono had a smile forming, but fixed his face at seeing her sad. "Look, I just get insecure when I think about being in a one-sided relationship... sorry for thinking you would actually attempt that." Chrono let his mind open for a few seconds while thinking of what to do as he was playing back the breif arguement with Sasha.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 20, 2010, 03:27:53 AM
Blaire sighed and relaxed her ears. "I know... I'm sorry. It's just hard to keep you close when Y can hurt you at any moment. I'm doing it for your safety and that's it." She looked at him and walked over.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 20, 2010, 04:04:05 AM
Chrono raised a brow at her. "You saw my fight earlier... I'm more than capable of beating him. Its when you get involved that I hold back. Plus I have a few more 'toys' I can use to tip the scales."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 21, 2010, 02:45:35 AM
Arrant stopped wandering through the halls and leaned against the nearby wall, tugging out a bottle of vodka and staring at for a minute before cursing and throwing it to the floor. He shook his head as he looked around the hall, starting to zone out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 21, 2010, 04:34:07 AM
Y heard a crash down the hall, breaking him from his thoughts.  Looking down the hall he noticed Arrant leaning against the wall with a smashed bottle at his feet.  "I see our resident drunk is up and about.  I hope you know that you'll have to clean that up."  Y sneered.  This organic was hardly worth his time but would help him take his mind off of least for a little bit.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 21, 2010, 05:43:13 AM
Arrant stared at Y through slit eyes, shaking his head before pulling the hood of his exoskeleton over his face, not bothering with Y as he started to doze off.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 22, 2010, 12:06:53 AM
Boron, A highly trained Space Marine, walked up to his next opponent Arrant. When he say the man pass out, he looked quizzically at the man, and then at the radio Kairn gave him.

"Sir... you want me to fight him... I mean for crying out loud he looks so helpless!"

"Just do it you imbecile!" Was the response.

Sighing, Boron picked up the sleeping Arrant, propped him against the wall, then threw some water in his face to wake him up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 23, 2010, 02:23:18 AM
Arrant shook his head as he woke up, rubbing his eyes before staring at the Space Marine, scanning the person with his eyes for a split second before greeting him. "Ah, I take it you're a guard here to tell me to pick up my vodka?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 23, 2010, 02:25:43 AM
"Actually I'm here to kill you in the arena... so uh... stand up and let's get this over with"
Boron said, rubbing the back of head, not sure if he should go through with this.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 23, 2010, 03:16:29 AM
Arrant slid his backpack off his back, pulling out his guns and sliding an AP clip in each, holstering them and making sure his spare ammo was filled before pulling his rifle out again and slinging it on his shoulder. "Okay okay, where do I have to go?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Armalite_ on March 23, 2010, 09:52:02 PM
Spike woke up in his cell and sat up. He looked around and snorted his nose. "Ugh, damn parties." He stood up and looked int he mirror. The entire right half of his body was strewn with fur exploding in all directions from lying on it for so long. He groaned and fixed his eye patch. He grabbed his tooth brush and began to brush his teeth and brush his fur to a semi-decent appearance at the same time. He spat into the toilet and took a leak. He zipped up his pants and turned around. He raised his eyebrows at the new suit of armor that had been delivered into his cell and had been slowly collecting dust at the foot of his bed next to his MG3. He reached up to the armor's shoulders and removed the helmet and taking a look at it. A note had fallen out from the inside. It read. "I love the show you put on. I thought you might like this. Love ya, Killmeister.  - Dusty D." Spike took a moment to think. "Killmeister? Huh...not bad, Dusty." He loved gifts from his crazed fans. He tossed the note on his bed and looked at the helmet. Spike noted the new nano technology the suit contained allowing it to camoflage itself to any terrain as well as withstand large amounts of heat and shrapnel.

Spike had some trouble picking the suit up and putting it on but it fit great with room for his tail. Once he put it on he looked in the mirror only to see his head floating in mid air. The nano features would need some getting used to. Spike thought devilishly about using the armor's feature for the women's locker room but decided that fun would be saved for later. He picked up his helmet and put it over his head, locking it in place. The visor in front of his eyes displayed his room in several different views. Thermal, UV, and night vision. It took him a while to find the normal vision...that was displayed in HD. "Nice...this has better picture than reality." He laughed. He loved the new suit and picked up his weapon before heading out of his cell.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 25, 2010, 07:40:19 PM
Blaire sighed. "Well I am involved, so keep your distance. Promise me you will." She looked at him, severity in her eyes. They did not shift from side to side, as though they were staring right through him. She pursed her lips. Blaire then let out a sigh and relaxed. "I mean it Chrono. If you get hurt, then I have to get hostile towards someone who has been avoiding it. And I won't have much reason to fight. You must keep your temper."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 25, 2010, 07:52:27 PM
Chrono wasn't even fased, or at least didn't look like he did. "I'll keep my temper, just remember that I can't keep as a low a profile as you can." He walked over to the door, and flipped on the monitor, seeing nobody outside. "Seriously... give me the armor if you won't use it... I need an eye and ear outside, so you won't have to keep your mind open."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 25, 2010, 07:58:27 PM
Blaire looked at him as though he just spat on her. She felt as if he didn't need or want her as much. She straightened her face and nodded. "Fine, then I'll leave you. Here is the armor." She jumped and quickly returned with the armor. "I will be of no bother." She walked out the door, the link severed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 25, 2010, 08:38:14 PM
Chrono sighed, and went to make a 'golem' out of her armor by filling it with his flames, then adding extra 'armor' to fill in spots where her armor would show skin. He made two 'eyes' of blue fire, that quickly changed into parodys of regular eyes. "Patrol the area, alert me if Sasha comes near, but don't make it obvious" The golem nodded and walked out the door to follow its orders. Chrono closed the door and went over to a small recorder with 'Note-to-self' written on it. "Next time Chrono, don't be so blunt..." he turned off the recorder and went to sleep, his dreams only making his fears more profound.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 25, 2010, 08:42:34 PM
Blaire, now frustrated, stormed down the hall. She began to run, heading to her room. Before she got there, she noticed Y. She quickly stopped and hid behind a corner, hoping he hadn't seen or heard her.

She then drew in a long breath and sighed. Blaire slid down the wall and held her face in her hands. "What am I to do?" she asked herself in a low tone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 26, 2010, 03:08:20 AM
The golem ended up doing a 180 when it saw Sasha heading back from, judging from direction alone, the training room on the east wing. It had turned away early enough to be unnoticable, but it moved rather quickly towards Chrono's room to alert him before walking past Akayla and getting out of sight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 06:01:25 PM
Y turned his head as he thought he heard something, and saw the golem going by.  "What the...?  Hmph!  Magic..."  He walked away from the others and sat down against the wall.  Little did he know that Blaire was right around the corner and that it was her he heard, not the golem.

Letting out a metallic sigh he began to speak to himself.  "What are you doing Y?  She's an organic and you HATE organics.  She is just like them, but...its happening again.  The same pattern of emotion is going through its stages.  What if it completes itself again?  Do you really want to go through that again?  She will never see you that way, Y.  No organic ever will..."  Y curled his legs up into a fetal position and rested his head on his knees.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 29, 2010, 01:52:12 AM
Blaire crawled around the corner unaware of the guest occupying the area. She bumped him with a thud. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Sorry..." She calmed down and sighed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 29, 2010, 02:11:01 AM
Chrono shot up in his bead, and bolted out the room, but since he couldn't find Blaire, he started running all over the place. Sadly, the golem's alert for Sasha did not register to him. But it was far too late as he collided right into her, and knocked her down before hitting the floor face-first. In seconds he was regaining consiousness and noticing that Sasha was getting up and eyeing Chrono. He rolled away and kept running down the hall.

It was probably another fear-induced dream, but it felt real to him: Blaire was talking with Entaru, which Chrono would understand considering his questioning earlier and how he treated her recently, but as she finished speaking with him, she went to the Arena and was watching the match when two guards walked up to her with guns drawn. She was about to 'jump' to the other side of the ring when she noticed someone was holding her neck, and it was ring of white fire around her neck. Hera lifted her off the ground, and created a sword of white flame, thanking the guards for getting her attention before ramming it through and sorching her from the inside out.

He may not be on good terms with her at the moment, but they would still consider her 'unclean', and Hera's sword would 'purify' her existance away. I don't care if she wants another, I'll die a thousand times before I let those Crusaders even touch her! was all that passed through his head as he sharply turned corners, going through all the commonly traveled areas before going to the less populated.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 29, 2010, 02:14:30 AM
Blaire's mind opened, links connecting to anyone and everyone. Chrono?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 29, 2010, 02:56:51 AM
In essence, her attempt was like calling someone by phone, but nobody ever picks up the reciever. Ironically, Chrono's own fears made it impossible for him to even 'hear' Blaire. So an automatic response was fashioned together from earlier events. The one you are trying to contact, is currently busy, when he finds the person he is looking for, he will contact you as soon as possible or convenient for him...

(Its amazing how you open your mind the moment he 'speaks', like answering the freaking phone, sadly, that doesn't work both ways >:3)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 29, 2010, 03:27:54 AM
Y jolted as Blaire ran into him.  "Wha?...Blaire?!"  Y felt terrible all of a sudden, like something rotten had dropped into the pit of his non-existent stomach.  He was glad he didn't have a mouth as he looked at her, shocked.  If he did have one, it would be opening and closing like a fish out of water. 

"H-how much did you..." Suddenly his expression changed from shocked embarassment to sheer confusion "...Wait...why were you crawling around the corner on your hands and knees?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 29, 2010, 08:04:01 PM
"Uh, well, Chrono... I lost something." She looked at him, her ears back. "I... didn't hear anything." Her voice dropped. She looked away, then back at him. Her voice carried softly as she continued. "I'm sorry for bumping into you."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 29, 2010, 08:09:50 PM
Chrono had gone almost everywhere except for the area just left of his room in his search, steadily becoming more and more depressed. Was I too late... did they already find her? and other such thoughts ran through his head as he continued to search Deathmatch for her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 29, 2010, 08:13:13 PM
Blaire shut her mind off; completely detached. The blood ran to her cheeks and she looked at Y. She knew she wasn't allowed but couldn't help it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 30, 2010, 12:03:26 AM
Y wished with all of his might that he could say something to comfort her, but with two contestants so close (one of which was part of the Imperium) and Chrono's room being so near, it was reckless to say anything nice at all.  He had already risked too much just by not yelling at her to begin with.

Getting, reluctantly, back into character he huffed and stood up.  "Perhaps you should stay down there.  It is very befitting for organics like yourself to crawl around.  So very much like the insects you are."  Y stormed away, his 'heart' aching.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 12:28:06 AM
Blaire got up and growled. "You worthless hunk of metal. Go back to the Junk yard where you belong! You're not fit for our world!!" She stormed off. Her head and heart throbbing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 12:48:08 AM
Chrono didn't even notice Y as he ran down the hall, but he definatly noticed Blaire. "You're alive!!" he yelled as he not only tackled her, but couldn't stop laughing as he hugged her, his fears caving in. He slowly calmed down, and saw her under stress. "Oh... sorry... I'll.... leave if you want" he said as he reluctantly let go and started to shuffle back to his room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 30, 2010, 12:49:40 AM
Arrant slid his backpack off his back, pulling out his guns and sliding an AP clip in each, holstering them and making sure his spare ammo was filled before pulling his rifle out again and slinging it on his shoulder. "Okay okay, where do I have to go?"

"We're going down" Boron said as the floor panel descended down as an elevator.

"Oddly convenient" he thought.

"Ladies and Gents... We have a very special surprise for you after that... accident happened. Anyways welcome to our first Re-opening match!" The announcer yelled to the applause of the people

"Today's match has some relative newcomers, Boron from the Kerensky's Fifth Regiment, and Arrant, the vagabond! Gentlemen, please enter the arena"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 01:02:52 AM
Blaire frowned. "Don't leave, I need you..." She whimpered.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 01:05:28 AM
A soft smile, hidden by his helmet, grew on Chrono's face as he picked up Blaire and held her just two inches off the ground. "Sorry for my tone earlier... I'll explain why I wanted your armor... but not with prying eyes and ears around us."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 01:24:32 AM
Blaire relaxed into his embrace and smiled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 01:34:55 AM
Chrono whispered into her ear. "So, shall I dance our way there, or are you fine with my carrying you there?" he said as his breath kept moving her hair out of place.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 01:37:01 AM
Blaire smiled. "carrying is fine"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 02:04:38 AM
Chrono lifted her and hung her over his right shoulder. He snickered while carrying her to the room, imagining the look on her face of being carried in such a demeaning way.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 02:07:03 AM
Blaire rested her chin on her hand and sighed. "Of course..." She hit him in the face with her tail and let out a snicker.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 02:11:17 AM
When he got to his room, he laid Blaire down upon the cot and kneeled before her, taking his armor and leaving on only a pair of baggy black-red cargo pants. "So...need me to get something more fitting for you to sleep on, or do you wish for me to join you?" he said, trying to not sound like a jerk like he did before she left his room earlier.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on March 30, 2010, 03:00:22 AM
Y felt as if something snapped in his 'chest' as Blaire and Chrono walked by.  He knew that she had to act as if nothing had happened between them, but it didn't make it hurt any less as he heard them laughing. 

He sped up his pace as he walked down the hall.  His fingers elongated into massive razor sharp claws as his eyes glowed red in rage.  He slid his claws against the concrete walls on either side of him, sending sparks flying as the wall screamed in protest.  He slowly began to pick up speed, increasing the screech's octave as he accelerated.  With every step his eyes glowed more and more intensely until the light from his eyes overpowered the lights in the hall...which wasn't very long as the agitated nanites began to arc electricity into the lights and every metal object that he came across.    Lights and security cameras burst as the electricty overcharged them.

Now in a full sprint, he ran into his room and sealed the door behind him.  He knew that he was too dangerous for anyone to be around at the moment.    His room had become a death zone.  Electricity slammed into the walls of his room with animal-like ferocity.  Millions of razor sharp blades tore into the walls and furniture.  He didn't want anyone to see him like this.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on March 30, 2010, 12:41:02 PM
Arrant stepped out into the arena and looked around, chuckling. Okay, a fight without people running everywhere. Maybe this time I can get down to Hand to Hand combat. He crouched and waited for the battle to start.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 07:26:41 PM
Blaire smiled, although her heart was sinking slowly. "I don't care. I'm not all the tired anyways." She dropped down from his arms. "We can't pretend like what just happened didn't. Don't try to make it better. So we argued... Not the end of the world. It's supposed to happen. And as for worrying about me, you mustn't. I am perfectly capable of fighting for myself. Armor or no armor." She looked at him, her eyes shifting back and forth. Her nose flared as she exhaled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 07:33:19 PM
Chrono groaned as she started talking about something that he already understood. "How about this... after the arena is clear, we fight to our best abilities. If you win, I'll know you'll be able to handle yourself and back off, you lose... your training will start the day afterwards. Deal?" Chrono knew he was being stubborn, but if she could beat him, then Hera the High Crusader will not worry him as much.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 07:44:21 PM
"Why do I have to prove myself!? Why can't you just trust me!?" She shouted getting frustrated. Her ears went back in anger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 30, 2010, 07:59:37 PM
Chrono didn't budge. "Your first match ended in a double homicide when you had a clear view of what was behind Spike's back. So you could have thrown him off by jumping, then don't even hesitate when you snap his neck. The second is Y, if you saw my fight and remembered what I used, you should have gotten at least a make-shift emp device to get the upper-hand." Chrono still saw anger in her presence, so he continues on.

"The point of this deal is to see if those two incidents were flukes or not... since we've only sparred, and not had a real fight, I do not know the true extent of how you'll fight when I'm not around to fight with you. Sorry for doubting your powers and skills if thats how it sounds to you." Yet, she didn't seem to be wanting to even consider the deal. "Okay, if you don't agree to this... events such as right now will re-occour, and I'll never be completely fine with you being on your own."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 30, 2010, 11:53:19 PM
"I'm not a child! I can fend for myself!" She growled, the sharp white daggers baring at him now. "I don't need you to babysit me! I came here to be free, Not have to be under surveillance all the time!" Her growling only grew louder. "If I say you stop watching, then you stop watching!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 31, 2010, 02:17:45 AM
Chrono just sat there, being the only one in this room still controlling his emotions. "Of course I'll let you do as you please, I'm not your father..." He looked out the door and sighed. "However, if you're gonna call me for help for any reason from now on..." he didn't need to finish, and he was back to being emotionless, allowing him to make clear choices of what to do next. He went through a nearby drawer and pulled out a canister, and handed it to Blaire. "Open this instead, because if you think all I'm doing is treating you like a child, I... don't want to hear your cry for help." he choked up at the last moment, wanting to be caring, but thought she would take it as him being 'ignorant' to what happened.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 31, 2010, 02:22:36 AM
Blaire's eyes welled up. The thought of him not caring at all was more harsh than over caring. A low huff came from her throat as she stomped her foot and stormed out the door. She sobbed down the hall, her emotions once again getting the best of her. Damn it! I want all these emotions to be gone, nonexistent. Dead. She argued in her head. Nothing could stop her from the anger that formed inside of her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 31, 2010, 02:31:52 AM
Chrono saw her walk out again, and didn't know if he did the right thing because he knew the training was the best way he could show he cared, of course, he was only doing what he thought his own father would do, just now realizing her father would have just smacked her around for speaking like that. He opened the canister that she left behind, and pricked his finger on the edge, letting a drop of blood touch the nano-bots inside. They scanned the DNA, and recognized Chrono as its owner. The swirled out of the canister until floating in the air as a giant gray cloud. He picked up one of Blaire's hairs that was on the cot, and presented it to the cloud. "Find the owner of this DNA strand, and guard her at all costs..." the machine condensed and formed a mouth "Please choose a form to defend in." Chrono stood up and stretched his arms out. "Copy my form and that is what you'll be defending her as..." it did a quick scan before beeping a confirmation then slinking into the wall and sifting its way towards Blaire, making sure that any attack is defended within the milisecond.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 31, 2010, 02:35:52 AM
Blaire finally got to her room and shut the door, nanos entering her system undetected. She went to her bed and sat down. She turn and punch the wall. Once, twice, three times, her knuckles were bleeding.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 31, 2010, 02:38:55 AM
The next time she punched, the nanos took the brunt of the damage while they healed the wounds. However, most of them are outside her system, and waiting to form into Chrono to fight off anyone hostile towards Blaire.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 31, 2010, 02:42:34 AM
Blaire noticed the Nanos and growled. She searched for her knife. Pulling it out, she dug at her skin, tearing it open and taking out a nano. I won't let him be snooping around... I need to protect Y.

She stopped when the pain became unbearable. Chrono, I need you to come here. NOW!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 31, 2010, 02:54:40 AM
He was good at hiding his emotions in his voice and features, but not in his mind. Or what, you'll leave me? Thats only way you could make me feel any worse about this... or do you expect me to trust your fine after I had to rush you to the medical room after that fight with Y? 'I'm sorry for protecting you from your father while you make your escape, sorry for taking the scars that you obviously wanted'. You clung to me for five years in hope that I could get you out, and I never regretted every pain I took for you. But when you tell me to stop, every pain you get is doubled onto me because I'll always feel like I failed to stay by your side. Now, do I need to elaborate why I sound frustrated... or are you satisifed?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on March 31, 2010, 07:10:03 PM
I can handle myself here. I don't need you're protection every moment. I am not the same person I once was! I don't want you to forget about me completely. But cut the link between my pain. I want this, I want to know that I'm worth mare than I appear. Because I know I am. I want you to care, but not protect me against everything. I can handle Y, for reasons I wont explain. And as for whoever, I have plenty of skill to either vanquish or flee. She began to cry as she punched the wall over and over. Her hand now shattered, and knuckles bloodied to the extent of needing stitches, she sat and sobbed. Her hand dripping with pain and anguish.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on March 31, 2010, 08:22:23 PM
Arrant stepped out into the arena and looked around, chuckling. Okay, a fight without people running everywhere. Maybe this time I can get down to Hand to Hand combat. He crouched and waited for the battle to start.

Boron stepped off the platform, and took his posistion on the opposite side of the arena, which took the form of city ruins from an ancient civilization from Mexico.
"3... 2.... 1... BEGIN!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 31, 2010, 08:24:59 PM
Okay, oh, and one more thing... Sasha said you were being unfaithful, but from the way you're speaking... I'm the one to doubt... just thought you'd want to know what started the chain, that I will take full blame for continuing. Chrono went back through his books, finding whatever he could use to make him any stronger, or designs to improve on when the monitor in his room came on and showed the battle that was going on. "Oh, I didn't know this room had cable.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 01, 2010, 12:02:29 AM
Blaire's hand throbbed. Her heart sank deeper. He believed her, and she was right. Blaire took out her knife and eyes it. She held it to her throat, the blade lightly touching her skin. She put it down. Someone kissed me, on accident. It was not intended to happen. It just did. But I have not been unfaithful. I have chosen you, and only you. But believe who you want. Perhaps the past should be left where it lays.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 12:32:16 AM
Chrono was actually not phased or altered emotionaly by her response.Well, then that makes things easy, still wanna have a fight when Deathmatch is done for the day? But, before you answer, theres a fight going on in the Arena, and theres a feed to it in my room... you can come watch if you want
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 01, 2010, 12:35:12 AM
Blaire, uneasy about his reaction, simply sighed. She continued to cry. The link between them began to fade. "I can't lose you... " She cried.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 01, 2010, 02:40:35 AM
Y slowly calmed down from his tantrum.  His mind was a flurry of emotions...emotions that he hated.  They did nothing but cause him and others pain.  He hated them..and that made it all the worse. 

He hated the hate...

It made him a made HER right.  He didn't want to be that anymore, but the thrill of death...of pain...of suffering...nothing felt better.

No...something does feel better.

Then, as if on cue, he felt a twinge in the back of his conciousness.  He saw Blaire in his mind's eye.  She was in pain and he could feel it.  Blaire?...Are you alright?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 01, 2010, 10:30:20 AM
Blaire was now crying because of the pain her hand was in. She answered. No... Her hand was swollen, bloodied and visibly throbbing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 03:17:02 PM
The nanites covered the open wounds on her knuckles, not healing the wound, but keeping it from getting infected as well as reducing the overall pain.

Of course, Chrono was unaware of what Blaire was doing to herself, since he can't see what the nano-machine 'collective' sees.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 01, 2010, 07:43:24 PM
Blaire wanted to break the nanites. She didn't want him restricting anything that life brings. If she caused pain, she wanted to endure it. She smashed her hand once more, a couple nanites breaking, her hand now bruised and destroyed. She screamed in pain, her irises lit up blue and her cries moved from her head to anyone she had recently been linked to, being Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 01, 2010, 10:31:15 PM
Y dropped to his knees as her scream pierced his brain.  Blaire stop!  I need you to calm down.  Y looked around his room and, finding an air vent, made his way to Blaire's room.  He poured out of the vent and materialized next to Blaire.  Kneeling down in front of her he carefully took her battered hand.  "Blaire, what happened?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 11:41:39 PM
The nanites, putting discretion above Blaire's well-being for the moment. slid off her knuckles and hid in the thickest parts of her body to avoid detection.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 02, 2010, 02:24:24 AM
Blaire sobbed. She looked at him wall which had blood stains. She calmed down slightly as the throbbing went down slightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 02, 2010, 02:36:10 AM
Y looked at the wall and back to Blaire.  He shook his head in confusion.  "I don't understand...why did you do this?"  Y looked at her hand and gently carressed it, his nanites assessing for damage
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 02, 2010, 02:37:49 AM
Blaire sighed. "Anger, frustration."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 02, 2010, 02:44:51 AM
The nanites detected foreign robots dangerously close to her person, and rallied the nanites outside her body to appear as Chrono without a helmet. The construct growled at Y and knocked him away from Blaire.

Yet again, Chrono has no idea this is occouring, as the robots only act within the perameters of his orders, so he didn't feel a need to install surveilance in them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 02, 2010, 02:47:02 AM
Blaire growled and ran to Y, helping him up. "What the hell!?" she shouted. Chrono, I said get rid of the nanites... They just went crazy!!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 02, 2010, 02:50:18 AM
Um... unless they can hear my voice, i can't order them around... beyond that, they're trying to protect you from harm. So I'm assuming Y is in your room since you wouldn't let the Crusader's in your room or Hera/Sasha.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 02, 2010, 02:55:39 AM
Y snarled at the nanite Chrono materialized.  "Well, it seems the dragon has been busy."  It was always the dragon.  Ever since he had come to the Arena he had stood in his way.  Y looked the intruder up and down with a look of disgust.  "He's installed a security system...on you.   What does that say about him?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 02, 2010, 03:05:03 AM
Luckily, Chrono had something he could influence, and had it directed to Blaire's room. It rang the 'doorbell' that turned on the monitor. "Recind that order, you are to return to base and await further commands..." the monitor shut off and the golem walked away after Chrono used magical ventriloquism to transmit his voice through it.

The nanites understood its order, and mouthed a 'sorry' to Blaire before dispersing and sinking through the walls to reach Chrono's room. Please remember that there is someone who wants to get you out of this hell-hole...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Arrant on April 02, 2010, 09:18:36 PM
Arrant stood and holstered his rifle, grinning as he drew his handgun. Perhaps I should challenge myself... He started forward, twirling his handgun.

((Sorry for a late response, too busy to check the forums recently >.<)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 03, 2010, 06:50:12 PM
Blaire sighed. "It means he can't trust me... He doesn't think I'm strong enough to defend myself." She sat on her bed. I understand. We will talk later. She 'said' to Chrono. She looked at Y and sighed again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 08:39:46 PM
Y glared at th nanite Chrono as it left the room.  He turned back to Blaire and sat down next to her.  "Here...let me see your hand again.  I think I can fix it.  Before I was reformatted for war, I was meant to help in hospitals."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 02:44:14 AM
Blaire placed her bloodied, black and purple shattered hand in Y's. She winced at the slightest movement.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 02:55:41 AM
"Don't's not going to hurt very much." ((Never thought I'd hear Y say that))

Y's nanites slowly creeped over the wound and snaked into the lacerations.  Inside, the nanites quickly got to work mending the bones and torn tissue.  As they worked one of the nanites bumped into a damaged nerve, sending a shot of pain up Blaire's arm. 

Something inside Y suddenly shrieked in joy as he saw Blaire's reaction to the pain.  He quickly pulled his nanites away as soon as his job was done.  Y looked away dejectedly.  He had almost forgotten.

That piece of him was still alive...

His hate for everything was still alive...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 03:17:05 AM
Blaire looked at him and frowned. She knew his sudden change in emotion. She pulled her hand away and inched away slightly. Her knees came up and her arms wrapped around them, hugging them tight to her body.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 03:32:47 AM
Y noticed her reaction and became even more sullen  "I'm's something I don't have control over yet.   Things like this don't go away overnight."  Y looked over to Blaire, his eyes a deep grey, and stood up.  "Maybe it'll leave me be someday, but I don't know when that day will come.  Get some rest, alright.  I did most of the work but only your body will be able to heal it properly."  Y slowly fell apart and began to slither back through the vents.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 03:37:42 AM
Blaire reached forward, as if to tell him to stay, but it was too late. He surely didn't acknowledge her movement. She lied down and shut her eyes, but couldn't sleep. Her body fell into the grasp of restlessness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 03:40:17 AM
The nanobots go inside the canister and shut themselves in as Chrono looks at the fight on his monitor unblinking. He shields his mind from mental eyes and ears as he slowly immerses himself in the rage that accumulated for years and to this day. Anyone who would look in his eyes would see only black pits of rage and bloodlust. As soon as the match ends, Sasha and Hera are going to suffer for the pain and doubts they put me through... nobody will take her away from me... nothing will tear me away from my Blaire...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 03:45:34 AM
Blaire's mind quickly fell to the memories of Chrono. The times where arguments and stress didn't put their relationship into jeopardy. But the memories went away as she opened her eyes again and sat up. She ran her hand through her hair, her side bangs falling in front of her right eye again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 03:53:53 AM
Ironically, Chrono could not maintain the anger he had held in for so long, and then sighed as he rubbed his nose. He tried to 'reach' out to Blaire Are you bored, alone, exasperated because your boyfriend is overprotective? Then you need... actually, I have no idea what could help... meow~ he 'said' while adding a 'chuckle' to the end.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 03:56:23 AM
Blaire smiled softly at his voice. "I'm exhausted. My hand is throbbing. Nothing is more painful. Scratch that.. One other thing is." She said aloud, somehow making it back to Chrono. She was practicing new skills while she spent her time at DeathMatch.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 04:00:48 AM
Chrono thought for a moment to himself then grinned as he, using her link as a medium, made a projection of himself sitting next to her, while making a projection of her sitting next to him. I can't make link's with other people, but I'm able to at least be 'face-to-face' with them... "Sadly, only the surface of this projection is solid..." the projection said, mirroring his movements perfectly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:02:50 AM
Blaire sighed. "What's happening to us Chrono?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 04:10:16 AM
Chrono looked at the ground and then at the ceiling, at first not wanting to answer, but gathered the will to do so. "Well, I'm getting more edgy each time Sasha or Hera show up by my door-step, but I already plan on wiping her out of existance... unless your against it. The other is that my way of showing devotion and care is to constantly play 'lookout' or 'sentinal', so I'm just getting nervous since I'm cooped up in my room to avoid getting found. Can't think of anything else after that though."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:12:50 AM
Blaire grimaced. "You can't worry about me. There are other ways to show devotion Love. I just... Need my space sometimes."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 04:15:14 AM
Y sat in his room, his head in his hands.

Why won't you leave me alone?  I don't want be that person anymore.

Y wON't i LEAAAaavE yOuUuu aLOOonE?  y DId Iii sHow uP IN tHe FIrRrrRSt pLacE, YoU uNGRatEfUL bEAAaAAsT!  The voice in his mind crackled with static.  In all of his short life he could never replicate THAT voice.  It was monotonous and yet it seemed to go everywhere at once.

She hurt me....but Blaire isn't like that.

The voice took on a mocking tone.  OhHhHHh, bLAiRE Isn'T lIKE ThAaaaAaT...You MooOOORRrrOONIIIIIiiiIIICCCC MaCHInE!!!!!!   SHeEE'ssssSS A FIltHyyy ORRRRRGanNNICC!!!!!   AAAAaaaAa  FilllTHYy, FilTHY, FILLLLLLLTHYYYYYYY OOORRGAANNIC.


bUuUUuTtTtt, WHAaaAAaAATTtt???   yOUUuu LOOVVeeE HhEEeeErRR??  AhaHHahAhHAHHhahAhAHhaAAAAAAAAaAA!!!!!!!  GUEEessSss whaaAAAt?  YouUuUU LoveEEEeddDdDd  tHEe OthhEr onEee ToooOoOOo,  AnndD LoOOk WhAatT hApPPENed.   ShEE's Iin LOoovE WIiiTH CCCHHHROOONOOO!  GiivvE uUUuPP Y.....nOo ONEee wIIlLLl EvEErRR LoOOOoVve YouuUuUu!

Y's nanites slowly shifted out of phase as he began to sob into his hands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:18:46 AM
Blaire shut her eyes. Her mind sank, deeper and deeper into thought. Why is my relationship becoming Rocky... Why do I feel safe when Y is around... He is dangerous yet kind. Blaire Couldn't figure out why. She could only guess why her thoughts were jumbled and confusing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 04:20:53 AM
((I think I broke the forum...))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:21:51 AM
((I think I helped... Idk what happened!!))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 04:22:45 AM
((I'll talk to a mod))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:23:47 AM
((I already messaged WingedZephyr))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 04, 2010, 04:25:53 AM
((Too late..just PM'ed him.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:28:44 AM
((Continue RP  :P ))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 04:29:29 AM
Chrono nuzzled against her before speaking again. "I can't worry about you unless I care, and I can't say I care about you if I don't worry sometimes. You think I was relieved every time you shooed me out and took the heat from your father?! You told me what he did before I even went into your room!" Chrono realized he was yelling again and looked away. "You have a family you want to get away from, I fight tooth and nail to keep whatever family I have left... Its even harder to control the urge to protect when its within ones own power"

He held her close as he felt her thoughts getting confused. "This doesn't change our relationship from five years ago, at all... unless you want it to and i'll have to come up with something... gah, why do I have to be hungry now?!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 04:31:32 AM
Blaire hugged him back. "We'll figure it out. I need to clear my head I guess.."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 04:36:46 AM
Chrono slightly pulled away from the hug and looked her in the eyes. "Um... I don't know if you're getting that feeling too, but I'm getting a bit heated when you hold me like that... or maybe I'm represeed... either way it feels... intimate" he said as a dark red blush surfaced under his scales.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Tweak on April 04, 2010, 10:15:16 AM
Thread fixed, Akayla, you had HTML in your signature which then messed up the rest of the markup, was easy enough to track down as your posts (and profile page) seemed to be causing the problem.

Also, for future reference, Zeph is female.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 05:57:05 PM
((Oh I know she is... I don't think I mistaked her for a male... Well thanks anyway. I apologize for messing it up.))

Blaire sighed and released him. She was too much in thought to give a thorough response.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 08:51:22 PM
Chrono sat with his arms in his lap, waiting for her to finish thinking, but he started getting sleepy, then he was unconsious, his head on her thighs as he had his dreams, no matter how childishly naive the setting or the events were.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 04, 2010, 11:55:38 PM
Blaire shut her eyes, unaware of Chrono. Show me what it's like, to dream in black and white. So I can leave this world tonight. She sang in her head. She repeated it twice, the second time traveling to Chrono and Y. Her mind slowly putting down all walls. Her dreams were open to the world like every other night, but tonight, sharing with other.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 05, 2010, 12:28:02 AM
~Show me what it's like, to dream in black and white. So I can leave this world tonight~

WHaAAat'sssS THhatT??'s beautiful...

OoOhhHH, PPleAAsEe!!!!  dOoNn'TtTT EeEevEN ssTAarT WiiTHhh TTHhat ******** aAAGaiNNn!!

Why don't you find someone else to help.  I don't need you anymore, Wraith.

WOow!!  TthaAAaT's tHhEEeE fIrrSt tiMMEe YOoooUUu'VVve uSEDD OouuRr nAamme sIInceE SSsSSoooOONnYYa!  Y doOon'TT YOuuU CallLlLl uSSs tThhat AnNyYmoRrEee?  DoOo YouuUU rrReAAlyY HAAatE YouRRsEllf Soo MmUuuUCch ThhaTT YoOU ChaanNGGEDdD OuuuUrRR NnamEee tOO Y?

Wraith is your name..not mine...not anymore...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 05, 2010, 02:11:15 AM
Blaire's mind, swirling about bringing essence of warmth and meaning. The words repeated again but with more words. Show me what it's like, to dream in black and white. So I can leave this world tonight. Holding on too tight, Breathe the breath of life. So I can leave this world behind. Her voice cool, carried on warm breezes of light. She danced around their minds.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 06, 2010, 11:53:59 PM
~Show me what it's like, to dream in black and white. So I can leave this world tonight. Holding on too tight, Breathe the breath of life. So I can leave this world behind.~



Not even a word?

What needs to be said... I only know as much as you, although I'd rather have her all to myself.

She wants the both of us, you know that won't work.

A dragon can dream... what about Hera?

Shes tormented by her own demons, and is using us to vent those feelings. Need I delve deeper?

She might want to know what you do, even though she doesn't desire our shield

Well, I'm a by-product of her encounter, but theres not much I can gather except for a jealousy of those who are not bound by religion to restrain their affections. That whole repessed sexual desire sh'peal...

So, beyond that, no reason for her to love us?

Not like Blaire does, not by a long-shot...

Then how about we stop being two, she might like a less-bipolar dragon.

Then how will we return to the waking, we must dream in black and white!

I'll be her black, and she'll be my white, and the reverse will apply as well.

Chrono got up and realized that he was not in his room, and neither was Blaire. For he was in her room...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 07, 2010, 01:16:24 AM
Blaire's eyes fluttered open. Her eyes we're a light gray-blue. She only looked at him, but not at him. Through him. She looked away and shut her eyes again. The words repeated. But this time, images flashed. Fights, loves, of every being. It stopped. She opened her eyes again, the color remained. Her skin was dappled in sweat. She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. Shaking her head to fix the hairs out of place, she swung her feet, which were now hanging off the edge. Her mind stayed connected to Y, but she could not hear his thoughts. She spoke softly, aloud, also being heard in the others heads. "It only hurts just once. They're only broken bones. Hide the hate inside. So I can leave this world behind."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 07, 2010, 04:44:50 AM
GRaAAahHHH!!  WwHHhaaAtT IssS ShHee PrAAaattTLlIinnGg OonN AbouUT??

"It only hurts once...They're only broken bones...Hide the hate inside...So I can leave this world behind"  Y's voice acted as an echo to Blaire's voice, his words starting just as hers ended.

WhhhaAATtt?  Y aaAreE YYoUu sInnGggInnGGg???!!  SsSTOoPP  IITtT!  YYYYooUu sSSouUUnNdDD RIIIDICCULLOOOUUS!!!

Y didn't know why he was singing.  All he knew was that he wanted to sing with her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 07, 2010, 07:43:42 PM
"Try and forget the hate, hiding will only make it worse... Leave this world behind," She said. She looked at Chrono and gave him a half smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 07, 2010, 09:24:17 PM
Chrono was hearing everything like cotton was stuffed in his ears and mouth with a foggy window in front of his eyes, something wasn't really connected.

Whats going on... why can I barely hear any-

~"Try and forget the hate, hiding will only make it worse... Leave this world behind"~

Chrono hacked up dry vomit as his senses reconntected rather painfully. But the pain quickly faded and left behind a feeling of warmth and calmness. What... what happened when I was asleep?! he first thought before turning around and seeing Blaire on the bed, and the dent where he slept. Well, he saw it for a few seconds before passing out with a bloody nose and red cheeks.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 08, 2010, 02:15:52 AM
Blaire was unaware of what just happened. She lied back down and shut her eyes once more. These battles have been pretty boring lately. She said to Y, a soft laugh following the words. Her lips pursed together. "Chrono, Why are you here? Why now?" She asked, curiosity getting the best of her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 07:23:45 PM
Do you really need more excitement?  Y felt himself smile inside.

Y IssSSs sHeE iN HEeereE WwwWWiTTThh UUssS?   HaAssS sSSShEe nO ReeeEspPeCt FFfOr PRiiiVaacY?

That's enough Wraith!

The voice went silent.  It would be back but for now it would leave him be.

Blaire?  What was that song?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 08, 2010, 08:04:08 PM
Blaire smirked slightly, laying on her back still. I'm not entirely sure. I roam so far, I learn things from other wanderers.

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 08:08:25 PM
It's you have any idea as to what it means?  Y shut his eyes and tried to imagine Blaire sitting beside him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 08, 2010, 08:32:51 PM
Chrono slowly got off the ground and wiped his snout of the blood still there. "I heard a voice, then I saw two versions of myself talking about things, then I end up in your room partially numbed and blinded by the whole experience... Other than that I feel unusually happy, can't even remember what was making me sad or angry" he wobbled for a few moments before landing on his rear and looking at Blaire. "I think my brain got a restart or something..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 09, 2010, 12:58:33 AM
"I meant why are you here, In death match." She looked at him and sighed. Turn away from the hatred. The pain is bearable. Don't let it rule your life.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 09, 2010, 01:02:04 AM
Chrono smiled as he answered what seemed obvious. "Because gladiators were supposed to be protected from persecution as long as they stay a contestant, but right now since I am no longer registered... because I don't want this place to warp you like the way the crusaders did to me when they killed my family..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 09, 2010, 01:05:25 AM
"You aren't protected here. Yet you remain..." She simply sighed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 09, 2010, 01:11:02 AM
Chrono smiled as he tried to get up again, and ended up from going to his butt to his left knee, still getting used to being all one personality. "I'm not leaving until you decide to leave... I'm stubborn like that. I've made up my mind about staying since my fight with Hera."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 09, 2010, 02:11:52 AM
Blaire only shut her eyes once more. "It is your choice... But I may never leave." She hummed the song once again, the words repeated in her head. It only hurts once. They're only broken bones. Hide the hate inside. So I can leave this world behind
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 09, 2010, 05:16:15 PM
"It only hurts once.  They're only broken bones.  Hide the hate inside.  So I can leave this world behind."  Y had never sang before today...but he liked it.  He didn't know why...but he did.  He was even pretty good at it.  Y allowed himself to drift into his deeper conciousness, imagining the words as a story as he sang.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 09, 2010, 10:24:09 PM
Blaire only remained in her dreams. Her tail gently swiped Chrono across the back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 09, 2010, 10:27:02 PM
Chrono continued to smile as he spoke his mind. "Then I guess I'll never leave then... I mean someone has to stop you from acting recklessly... you can smack me around if it makes you feel better"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 09, 2010, 10:39:57 PM
Blaire just laughed. "I'm reckless whether you're here or not. It's who I am."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 09, 2010, 10:43:00 PM
His grin got wider as he hugged her. "More time to fight by your side then!!" he followed that with childish laughter, happy that shes no longer moody or sad.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 10, 2010, 04:49:49 AM
Y's mind continued to wander.  Everywhere the song brought him was beautiful.  He imagined a forest with great redwoods reaching to the sky.  He imagined a snow peaked mountain top where he could see for miles.  He imagined a tropical island with white sands and green waters.  And everywhere he went, he imagined Blaire with him.

Y never wanted to open his eyes again.  Everything was so wonderful.

Then something happened...

The forest was suddenly ablaze in a towering inferno.  The mountain cracked and spewed forth it's lifeblood across the landscape, destroying everything as far as the eye could see.  The island went dark as a titanic tsunami blocked out the sun with it's great black shadow.  He watched as Blaire died a thousand ways, with her hand reaching out to him.  Y tried to take her hand but a great black figure wreathed in black fire appeared from within the destruction.  It absorbed her within itself and took to the sky with it's massive wings, it's blazing red eyes glaring down at him as if to gloat.  Y was left alone as the world fell apart around him.

Y eyes flew open as he screamed in terror.  He was back in his room...alone.

"What...was that?"

((Y has never dreamt before now))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 10, 2010, 02:41:56 PM
Blaire touched Chrono's shoulder lightly. Her eyes shifted around the room. Y's shouted brought her from her own trance. Is everything alright? she asked urgently.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 12:48:48 AM
Blaire's hand moved and began to stroke Chrono's head. A soft tune carried from her throat and filled the room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 12, 2010, 01:16:01 AM
Chrono went from feeling happy, then to content as she stroked his head, then he softly went to sleep when she started to hum/sing. I am -yawn- the dragon guardian that protects the princess from the evil prince.... he thought as he went to that dark age era, and her lying on a bed in a well-lit room, while Chrono stood watch to prevent the evil knight Y from taking her away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 01:17:55 AM
Blaire knew what he meant by evil prince and frowned but knew he wasn't looking. Her aura did not change, keeping her sadness hidden. She stayed awake, waiting for Y's response.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 12, 2010, 01:31:05 AM
Then it turned from bad to worse when Y arrived, casting a spell to turn into a cloud of fire-resistant insects. Chrono tried to keep them out of her room, but they had already tore down a wall by undermining the foundation. Then it lifted Blaire up in a bed-like fashion, and carried her off, which he vainly tried to catch up to until everything turned black and then Sasha, with Hera closely behind, started to bind him in chains the burned like acid everywhere it touched.

He had long since fallen off the bed and thrashed about, his black fire starting to bubble uncontrollably.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 02:04:38 AM
Blaire got up and shook him. "Hey! HEY!" She shouted.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 12, 2010, 02:07:07 AM
The fire didn't burn, but it crawled up Blaire's arms until it reached her spine, then she saw replays of his traumas, although some are a tad bit exaggerated. It all leads up to the end of the dream, where hes trying to break out of the chains 'fate' had forced on him.Make it stop... Stop this madness, please!! he let out a roar that ended up scorching the roof where the flames shot out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 02:10:12 AM
Blaire slapped him hard, a hand print on his face. "Damn it Chrono!" Her eyes lit up a faded blue and she entered his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 12, 2010, 02:19:17 AM
All that she saw was an old movie projector, which started rolling the instant she saw the screen. In moments after starting, the screen tore itself apart and the camera was immolated. After the fire stopped burning, a little black dragon was perched where the projector was, visibly shaking in his place before looking at Blaire. W-Who are you?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 03:24:19 AM
Blaire pulled back. "Ugh, I can't deal with this!" She screamed. She opened the door and slammed it behind her. The stress had finally pushed her to the edge.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 12, 2010, 03:08:47 PM
Chrono soon later woke up and realized that he should sleep more often, otherwise insomnia would induce more random nightmares. Seriously, what the heck was that all about?! he thought as he got up and cleaned off the scuff marks on the cieling, then went to cleaning the room before leaving and heading down to the training hall. At least she got out before the hatchling started to melt...

(I planned on fixing this before you posted, but that only worked if I knew when you posted :P)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 12, 2010, 06:27:28 PM
Y had thought he had heard something, but his mind was chaos from the dream.  It felt like days before he could sort out his thoughts ((lol, sorry)).  As his mind cleared, he heard Blaire's 'voice'.  I'm...not sure.  I don't know what just happened.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 12, 2010, 08:06:09 PM
Her frown formed a smile when she heard his voice. Chrono's been acting strange lately... I need to get away for a little bit. She walked down the hall. A knock came upon a door. Y's door.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 13, 2010, 01:31:31 AM
Y's door opened smoothly as he sat on his bed.  He was still holding his head.  "What happened with Chrono?"  His confusion was in more ways than one.  His mind was still a flurry of images from the dream.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 13, 2010, 02:11:54 AM
Blaire walked in and sat next to him. "He is... paranoid. He doesn't trust me at all." She looked at Y uneasily. "You don't look so good."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 13, 2010, 02:27:52 AM
"Something strange happened.  I saw my head.  I've played back videos and recordings before but this..."  Y shook his head.  It was so vivid...the fires, the creature...nothing like he had ever seen or simulated.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 13, 2010, 02:43:52 AM
Blaire sighed. "You were dreaming." She touched his shoulder.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 13, 2010, 02:51:50 AM
"Dreaming?  But how?  Dreams are a way for organics to store and process information...I do that anyways.  If that was a dream...than how can you all stand being that way.  I can't make any sense of it."  Y believed her but he couldn't believe that dreaming, something that every 'living' thing went through, could be so traumatic.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 13, 2010, 02:54:55 AM
Blaire began to laugh. We don't store or process. We imagine things as they could be or wish to be. But you... You had a nightmare... and those are terrifying at times." She stroked what nanites created for 'fur'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 13, 2010, 03:05:13 AM
((In a technical sense, Y is right about dreams.  Ask a scientist and they will say dreams are used to store and process the information about the day.  In a more emotional sense though, you are quite correct.))

"Nightmare...I've never come across that word.  It is not in my on-board memory.  Why would someone's mind do that to itself?"  Dreams were an entirely strange concept to Y.  He didn't know why...but something told him that this 'nightmare' was something to be heeded.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 13, 2010, 03:07:11 AM
"Usually Nightmares are a sign... a fear of losing something, or having lost." She looked at the floor. Her gray blue eyes drifted back to meet his.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 13, 2010, 03:18:58 AM
"Losing something..."  Y didn't continue the thought.  He didn't want to tell Blaire that he had seen her burning alive in front of his eyes, only to be taken away by who knows what.  That was almost like it was Chrono.  But something felt wrong...why would Chrono hurt Blaire?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 13, 2010, 02:22:42 PM
Blaire walked in and sat next to him. "He is... paranoid. He doesn't trust me at all." She looked at Y uneasily. "You don't look so good."
(Did I imagine a whole page where we talked about trust? ...anyway :P)
As he reached the Training Hall, he caught Sasha just finishing up, and threw a fireball at her. She moved away just in time to see where it came from and then stared at Chrono with hostiliy. "What the heck, I didn't de-" Chrono walked up to her side and side-kicked her in the gut, bringing his leg over her while she doubled over and then brought it down. He could feel something wither away inside as he continued to beat up Sasha, but that didn't stop another facet that enjoyed exacting vengence.

After he finished beating her down, he grabbed her by the back of her neck and threw her to a wall on the right. "Give Hera my regards..." he said before raising a hand towards her right shoulder, and firing a concentrated beam of black fire with enough force and heat to burn off her shoulder. Her screams were only heard by herself, Chrono, and the audio that came with the security camera.

He left her to suffer as he walked out of the Training hall, and didn't even feel any pity or regret at his method before turning the corner and heading back to his room.These fanatics are over-stepping their boundaries... just need to knock them down a few pegs.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 14, 2010, 01:36:10 AM
Blaire shrugged her shoulders and continued to stroke his 'fur'. She cleared her throat and began speaking again. "So, anyway... Is there a reason why you're bringing up nightmares and dreams?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 14, 2010, 05:33:58 PM
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about."  He was telling the least most of it.  If it was a nightmare then it was probably just that, a nightmare.  Still...the strange figure worried him.  "It's just that...I've never dreamed before.  Organics won't remember some dreams but I never even had one.  Why are they showing up now?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 14, 2010, 11:58:35 PM
Blaire couldn't answer. She had no idea. She didn't know his programming or whatever it was called that made him up. She looked at him. "I honestly have no clue." She quickly gave him a smile. "Come on... We need to both cheer up a bit." She held out her hand awaiting his own.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 15, 2010, 05:33:59 PM
Y took her hand and squeezed it gently.  "I suppose you're right.  What's your idea to cheer us up?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 16, 2010, 02:31:10 AM
"I'm not sure... But maybe we should go relax... Under the tree on the hill again?" she smiled and let out a soft laugh. Her mind was focused on Chrono, but she wanted to break free from everything that had just happened.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 16, 2010, 02:20:27 PM
After spending a few moments to think on his next move, Chrono came to the conclusion that they wouldn't have a good reason to leave or stop their searches if their clergymen were still safe in their suites. He opened the door again and went through the only upstairs that was availible: a very long set of stairs that seemed to circle unto the stratosphere.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 16, 2010, 05:28:19 PM
Y's eyes lightened a bit.  "Alright...let's go."  Suddenly an idea came to Y.  "Before we do though, I have a question.  Have you ever flown?"  Y tried to hide the benevolent mischief in his voice but failed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 18, 2010, 01:13:14 AM
"Uh, once... A while ago with Chrono. Why?" She asked looking at him, pretending she didn't know. She smiled and laughed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 18, 2010, 05:33:46 AM
Y's eyes lit up a bit.  "Well then, I doubt that he would have done it THIS way"  As he emphasized 'this', Blaire felt herself become weightless and floated off the ground.  "I have a better idea than the hill.  We let the wind take us to our destination.  What do you say?"  Y floated off the ground himself and laid on his side in midair.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 18, 2010, 02:29:58 PM
"I suppose.. As long as I don't fall." She smiled and wiggled, unbalanced.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 18, 2010, 02:47:52 PM
Chrono had reached the top of the stairs, and was slowly making his way towards the preists who were watching the fight. He took extre precautions to hide his intent and presence before he was right behind them.Idiots don't even have guards in their own box... they'll pay for their ignorance soon. he thought as he gathered a concentrated flame in both hands, then immolated two of the three priests, the two not even having a chance to leave their seats before burning to a crisp. "You know I reside in these halls, yet you have the gall to leave no guards to herald my arrival? Are you really this cocky?!?!" he roared as he threw the priest out of his chair and into the stands below, causing a spectacle as people ran away from the now broken and lifeless body and into the halls.

Chrono slightly admired the chaos he caused before heading downstairs with an unusually calm aura.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 18, 2010, 08:21:09 PM
"Well then, lets go."  Y's door opened and Blaire felt herself float out the door, with Y right behind her.  "Don't worry about anyone seeing us together.  All they'll see is me flying around.  The nanites that are carrying you are creating a light field to hide you.  In fact the only reason that I know where you are is your heat signature, my nanites, and our link."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 18, 2010, 10:05:48 PM
"Sounds good enough." She wobbled back and forth, unable to find her center of balance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 18, 2010, 10:29:32 PM
Chrono reached the bottom of the stairs, and was met by at least five soldiers with their rifles trained on him. "Where have you guys been, I've already killed four people and now you show up?!" their justification was done through opening fire on Chrono, who raised up a wall of fire that melted the bullets, making them useless. He then gathered the wall into a sphere and sent it at the center, letting it go and watching it explode and kill at least the entire front line and heavily burning anyone nearby...

The part of his mind that would be against excesive slaughter had been silenced after killing the pirests. All that was left was to personally remove every Crusader inside Deathmatch.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 19, 2010, 01:39:42 AM
((Is it just me, or did Y and Chrono pass eachother on the alignment scale?))

Y carried Blaire out of the Arena and high into the air.  A strong breeze blew into them and carried them over the landscape.  "Well?  What do you think?  Better than airplanes and wings right?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 19, 2010, 02:20:22 AM
"It's hard to balance," She said putting her arms out to help her. Blaire shut her eyes and relaxed. Her mind floated as lightly as she did. The air brushing her face. She was unaware of the Chaos Chrono was causing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 20, 2010, 11:59:56 PM
((This is why he needs to be around Blaire, or else he degrades into a mass-murderer...))

Chrono was dragging the body of a crusader assassin by the helmet when he ran into Hera, who still had the scar he left on Sasha, since they're the same body of course. "Shall we continue where we left off.. o' High Crusader?" "What do you think your 'Blaire' will say when she sees you like this?" Chrono had already swung at her in response, but added his own voice to it. "I plan on having you beg for mercy before she even knows whats going on..."

Little did he know that people are now running out of Deathmatch after the preist had hit the stands, creating a panic that could be seen and almost heard about a mile away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 21, 2010, 01:28:06 AM
"Just relax...the nanites will balance you out for-"  Y was cut off as he heard the panic.  "What the?  Something's going on back at the Arena...that I didn't start for once.  I know this we're supposed to be relaxing but...something's wrong."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 21, 2010, 02:20:07 AM
"Let's go back then..." She became greatly distraught. She could only guess what was happening. Her eyes looked at Y. "Hurry."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 21, 2010, 02:54:32 AM
"Right."  Y changed directions and sped back towards the Arena.  I'm going to kill whoever did this.  Try to relax with Blaire and what happens?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 21, 2010, 11:21:37 PM
"Calm yourself Y," She said. Her eyes lit up a fade blue. A wave of warmth washed over him. "You need to reserve your anger. This is not your problem, nor should you make it yours."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 22, 2010, 01:07:52 AM
Y said nothing but nodded in agreement.  Blaire probably knew what was going on and he didn't want to fight her battles for her if she didn't want him to.  The Arena got closer quickly as Y spotted people fleeing it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 23, 2010, 02:00:26 AM
"I have a feeling I'm not going to like the cause of this mess..." Blaire sighed and vanished from Y's hold. She knelt on the ground in the arena, sniffing the air. "Damn it...." She sprinted forwards and towards the monster reeking the havoc. Blaire stood, her fists clenched. Her eyes were set on Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 23, 2010, 11:20:34 AM
Chrono wouldn't have been able to notice Blaire with the way his mind had gone. He was, thankfully for his current situation, too busy fighting Hera to pay attention to her sudden appearance. His swings were knocking away pieces of her blade, a grin of madness on his face.

Hera herself, was covered in various scorch marks and had burns all over where her flesh was shown, but did not show any fear as she tried to survive his assault.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 23, 2010, 12:29:22 PM
Blaire screamed. "chrono! Stop!" her voice echoed. Her lit blue again as she growled. She lunged at both of the fighters. Her teeth bared and claws out.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 23, 2010, 08:23:17 PM
Chrono was going to swing again, but when Blaire came into his view, he stopped his swing and reached out with his arm to catch her. He managed to get a hold of her midsection and then spun around before Hera could grasp the situation. He then raised his sword in a defensive stance and made sure Blaire was far away from Hera's swings. Ironically to his intentions, he kept Blaire held tightly right in front of him while he kept his sword behind to deflect. I don't know wheter to be angry that you stopped my flurry of attacks, or happy that you launched in to stop our fight of blood...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 26, 2010, 02:21:42 AM
I'm Mad You have stooped to the lowest of lows!!! She shouted. Her eyes turned to a fury of red and black. The red flickered like fire. She looked at Y. Her face in anger and agony.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 26, 2010, 02:28:49 AM
Hold it, before you start condemning my actions, I have not killed a single civilian, and none of my flames have harmed them. As for how I treated the ones who are now dead. You never offered a solution to the issue, so I went with what I thought was the right way to scare them off.... Blaire, since you told me about your thing with Y, I trust that you can handle yourself around him. Now give me the same trust and let me finish this decade long vendetta! He was still blocking, but being on the defensive was starting to wear on his patience.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 26, 2010, 02:40:23 AM
Blaire vanished from his hold, a pained mist lingered him, and passed to Y. A signal was left for Y. A trail to the hill--The sun was now setting. Blaire hugged her knees closely to her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 26, 2010, 03:35:00 AM
Y looked at Chrono and shook his head.  At least he hid what he did, rather than advertising it.  Y dispersed and flew into the air like a plague of locusts.  He floated through the air and settled next to Blaire on the hill.  "You have quite the taste in men...why do you try to help people like us?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 26, 2010, 11:12:28 AM
Chrono felt her leave his grip, but couldn't really feel the pain of regret. Yea, I've done enough carnage to satisfy the rage.... He thought before blocking Hera's blade one more time, then disarming her. "Please give up, killing and fighting has lost all of its interest..." Hera looked away in shame when she got the impression that he only dragged on the fight for his own enjoyment and not because she actually had a chance to win. He dispersed his sword and began burning the blood and the bodies of those that had fallen. Hera joined in soon after and then went into the Arena to get the priest's body out of the stands and somewhere that was equally unoccupied.

Chrono had taken off the bulk of his armor and then walked out of the arena, heading over to the transport station and contemplating his options.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 27, 2010, 11:25:29 PM
Blaire sighed and only looked on. The sky looked a blaze with the setting sun. "Because. Everyone has the chance to change. They just don't see the opportunity. So I help present it. Hoping to bring them a better life." She looked at Y and bit her bottom lip. "Why do you think I help people like you and Chrono?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 27, 2010, 11:33:21 PM
Chrono had a brief impulse to take a transport, to try to run away from the consenquences like he did before. Instead, he got up and walked away, bringing his helmet to Hera and wiping some of his blood on it. "Take this to your leaders, please tell them that the Heretic is gone... I hope you can elaborate on how it happened." he said with a smile, and Hera returned it, taking the helmet and taking the second to last transport out of Deathmatch for the day. Chrono stretched and toyed with the devices he got to defend himself from Y, and put them in his pocket, hoping to never use them.

He might not realize how his actions impacted Blaire's idea of him, but he felt much better that he could finally leave his past behind. Now to greet my beloved, and hopefully get to know another associate...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 27, 2010, 11:40:07 PM
Blaire looked away from Y. Her mind was racing. I can feel you fallin' away.No longer the lost, no longer the same. And I can see you starting to break,I'll keep you alive. If you show me the way. Forever and ever. The scars will remain. I'm fallin' apart. Leave me here forever in the dark
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 27, 2010, 11:49:06 PM
Chrono felt a voice try to rattle his mind, but he resisted the effects, probably because he wasn't troubled anymore about being attacked just because who he was. If you are fallin' apart, I'll put you back together again, if you are in the dark, I will be the fire that lights the way; for without you, I would not be able to become what you needed. was what he mused, not knowing if she could hear it or not. He stopped at a vendor and got a few snacks, not knowing if Blaire actually had any meals in awhile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 27, 2010, 11:53:21 PM
Blaire shut her eyes and layed back in the cool grass. Her slender body made a small impression in the tall grass. Her tail lay next to her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 27, 2010, 11:59:45 PM
"I believe...that because you could not help yourself, years ago, that you feel obligated to save others from becoming something that they least, that is what I think."  Y layed next to Blaire and stroked her hair as he looked into the setting sun.  "I have never felt that I could even be salvaged...let alone saved.  Yet now...I wonder if I can change."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 12:02:41 AM
Chrono didn't go back, because knowing the situation, she probably wouldn't want to be anywhere near Deathmatch itself with what he did, so he went over to the few exspanses of green land, and figured she might be around there, although he couldn't find her because her connection to him was gunked up with feelings of isolation and depression.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 12:05:03 AM
"Perhaps that is another reason. Everyone has the choice to change. You just need to want it bad enough; to have the taste of change on your tongue." She looked at Y and smiled but then quickly looked away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 12:17:22 AM
"What is the matter?"  Y placed his hand on Blaire's shoulder. "Something is bothering you, but I can't read it.  Is there something you're not telling me?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 12:29:02 AM
"No. Nothing is the matter. Nothing I can't handle at least." She shut her eyes again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 12:32:04 AM
Chrono walked up a hill, and saw Blaire sitting with Y, but didn't entertain any base thoughts as he waved and then started to make his way towards her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 12:35:00 AM
Blaire looked at Chrono. She swallowed roughly and looked at Y. We'll talk more later I suppose.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 12:40:55 AM
Y nodded and stood.  Looking to Chrono for a moment he took his leave.  No point in creating more fuss when there was enough already.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 12:43:23 AM
Blaire sighed and sat up. Her eyes watch Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 12:45:28 AM
Chrono raised a brow as he didn't see Y anymore. As soon as he got within earshot, he thought he should break whatever silence was between them. "Why did he leave... I had no intention of fighting with only the lower half of my armor on..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 12:57:54 AM
"He doesn't wish to cause anymore tension." She just looked on. The sun had now set almost completely behind the mountains.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 01:14:06 AM
"I was fine with him around, honestly... The crusaders are gone since the ones that remember what I did are now either comatose or no longer alive, and Hera is going to go back to tell them that I died. So, what have you accomplished today?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:16:55 AM
One Crusader assassin was lurking in the shadows, however they got a facelift and a new leader. The Emperor was long since desposed, but none of the Crusaders wanted to admit it. Now under the command of one his formal generals,
Horus. The Crusaders no longer hunt dragons, but now keep a close tab on anyone that's a possible threat.

This assassin has gone under heavy cybernetic upgrades, his face was replaced with a flashlight like 'eye' how he can be stealthy with that, no one knows.
But now this assassin shares his brain with over 1,000 computer programs, making him capable of reaching a consensus quicker then any organic.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 01:18:24 AM
"Hmm, lets see... Anger, frustration! Pain! What were you thinking!? I thought you changed... No more of these outbursts of death! I can't stand around and just watch it happen Chrono! I wont do it! I care far too much..." She stood up, her face close to his. Her eyes were swirls of many shades of blues and purples.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:20:14 AM
The geth like Assassin dropped down from his perch, landing with a soft thud on the ground, in front of the pair.

"We are Crusader..." it said... Plates along it's 'face' began to move around, as if analyzing the organics it perceived in front of it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 01:21:14 AM
((might I ask where this thing fell from?))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:22:10 AM
(the ceiling)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 01:25:33 AM
Chrono had jumped back at her sudden outburst, then calmed down before she stopped venting. "To be hon- uh... hello?" he addressed the self-proclaimed 'Crusader' as he was still getting used to the idea that even though he fixed the problem with the fanatic Crusaders, she was furious at him for how he handled it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 01:26:07 AM
((they're on a hill outside))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:29:00 AM
(ok fine from a rocky outcrop)

"You are Chrono... formally Heretic, but now Redeemed," it droned on, walking forwards to size him up. The machine was still dressed in the holy garb of the Imperium's Assassinerium, but something seemed.... off... about it. It felt different then the old assassins.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 01:30:06 AM
Blaire looked at Chrono. "Continue...!" Her eyes showed fury. She growled and stayed in his face. Blaire looked down as snapped. "Leave! Oh I will permanently do away with you!" Her anger finally got the best of her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:32:31 AM
The machine turned it's 'eye' to Blaire.

"You... you are different... initial recon reports state you can teleport... no name in database... Redeemed perhaps? We must reach a consensus" it stated.

the new assassins weren't just robotic, but they received upgrades allowing them to resist damage.

"If you wish, I shall deactivate myself... is that what you require of me?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 01:35:43 AM
Chrono was now stuttering at her anger, he was honestly trying to say something, but since he is trying to give up fighting, he had no will to push her away. "L-let me say s-something b-before you lose your cool, please?"

(You are now experiencing the docile side of Chrono, feel free to abuse him mentally :P)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 01:37:03 AM
"Then say it!" She shouted. Her cool had already been nearly consumed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 01:42:11 AM
"I wanted you to stop me but now i'm regretting ever even thinking that you could tell when I was angry. There, I said it... am I a dead dragon now?" He had now almost curled up into a ball, truly terrified as to what she was going to do to him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 01:46:54 AM
The assassin, being clearly ignored, left the scene of the two angry lovers, and walked over to where Mr. Y. was.

"Organics..." it muttered
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 01:48:05 AM
"REALLY? ANGER? I THOUGH YOU WERE FREAKIN HAPPY!!!!!" She pushed him slightly, tears now running down her face. I know better than anyone what one is feeling. I'm sorry that I don't think death is a reasonable expression of anger. Learn to control yourself. Until you do, I won't be apart of anything." She stepped back and shook her head, her eyes a pale gray. "I have to go..." She pushed past him and ran down the hill. She finally reached the bottom, out of side. She collapsed and gasped.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 02:01:11 AM
Y looked at the newcomer with mild surprise.  "Who are you?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 02:07:47 AM
"We Are Crusader" it simply stated.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 28, 2010, 02:08:11 AM
Chrono slowly uncurled, then fell on his back, knowing he stopped one problem, but created an even bigger one in the process. He was right back as square %$#% one, and the dice were now missing. Great, the only one who could vouch for me is already on her train and leaving... then again, she'd probably laugh at me for how I practically fail at coincidental appearances... He got up and looked at the sky. "I guess its ironic that the one time I say shes not going to know what I did... I can't believe she takes one event as the basis for the entire situation!" He wanted to throw fireballs all over the place, but it would just prove her right. So he had to hold it in yet again and walk through the grass without lighting a single blade aflame. The only thing that could make this worse, is that she would end up ignoring my improvement for one fault... oh wait, that just happened!! he mentally vented as he tried to get his mind off of what just occoured.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 02:12:29 AM
"Crusader?  Didn't Chrono just chase your kind out of this region."  Y was throughly confused.  Scanning the 'Crusader' he picked up a small amount of organic tissue located deep within the thing.   It may have been normal once...but it certainly wasn't now.  Of course, he was one to talk.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 02:18:02 AM
"We are Crusader" it repeated in the same monotone as it had before.

"You are not satisfied with our answer?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 02:23:10 AM
"Negative...simply confused.  It doesn't matter any how.  What is your objective in coming here?"  Y was curious.  This 'Crusader' was unlike anything he had seen before.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 02:24:56 AM
"Information" it said in it's mechanicial tone. To outsides, it's flashlight eye just twitched, but it was actually scanning Y, figuring everything about him at a glance.

"You are Nano Machine... old Inquisitor... old ExoGeni brand on one of your nanites"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 28, 2010, 02:36:52 AM
Blaire went on her side and just layed there, curled into a tight ball. "I can't leave him. Not like this.. never," she sobbed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on April 28, 2010, 02:40:38 AM
"Definently observant, I'll give you that.  You are correct...but you already know that.  Well, I know who you are but what sort of machine are you?  I've never seen something like you before."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 02:44:11 AM
"Prototype machine... Geth they called us... Creators sent us into field quickly and linked us to neural network" it said
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 29, 2010, 12:21:35 AM
Blaire finally calmed herself. She shut her eyes and rolled to her back. Her fists pounded the solid ground. Anger fumed from the cracks of her mind. She could no longer control herself. She stood, her eyes lit a pale blue. She walked into the town. She turned down an alley. Her first victim claimed in minutes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 29, 2010, 12:44:29 AM
Chrono left the field, and then went into town, trying to figure out how long it will take to get back on her good side since they rarely make eye contact recently. He could feel a sudden burst of a murderous feeling pervade around him, then quickly vanish. He then tried to locate the source, so Blaire wouldn't have to deal with whoever was idiotic enough to cause even more trouble.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 29, 2010, 02:14:26 AM
Blaire tore the victims throat apart, leaving pieces mangled and bloodied. She dropped what was left of a body and made her way on to the next; Until her anger was completely satisfied.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 29, 2010, 02:17:07 AM
Chrono turned into an alleyway as he followed the aura, then hit a 'wall' composed of the stench of blood and death. Dang, not even a recognizable remain left... but I know thats not her, otherwise I would have lost her connection... He continued to follow the stench trail, ignorant that the one person he tried to keep from knowing about this, was the one that caused it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on April 29, 2010, 10:42:32 AM
Blaire's ears twitched as Chrono neared her location. Her eyes faded back to a pale blue gray. Her fur was matted with blood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 30, 2010, 12:20:38 AM
Chrono saw someone at the end of the alleyway, luckily whoever it was, they only killed once. He didn't want to make another mess, so he was hoping to get this person to give up without a fight. He became lighter on his feet as he used flame step to close in from behind and contstrain the murderer's arms, then he realized who he had just grabbed. "I'll clean up the mess, just, please don't run off without getting the blood off your fur... Y might think less of you if he saw you like this"

He went over to the body and started burning was left of it, letting the blood around the body crust up into cinders. He left her out of his sight while he went off to get some water and soap, hopefully able to scare off a janitor rather than having to spend too long explaining why he needs to take some from them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 01, 2010, 07:07:11 PM
Blaire stood motionless for a long time. She could only think about the anger. She lost control. Never in her life did she lose control. Her knees buckled underneath her and sent her to the ground.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 01, 2010, 11:04:26 PM
Chrono came back with the water and soap, and only momentarily freaked out at her on the ground, before thinking about her situation. "Blaire, please don't beat yourself up for this, I would not like to clean up any more blood than there already is." He wasn't sure if she heard him, but he still went to work on cleaning her fur of the incriminating crimson. If it means anything, I know you're capable of more lethal things than I would be, but I just don't want you to have to experience the madness that comes with the killing... and raising one's voice does not show strength he added at the end as he cleaned her hands, then started to hesitate as he tried to wash the blood off the other parts, trying to not turn a cleaning into an act of pervertedness.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 02, 2010, 03:20:19 PM
Blaire only quivered at the chill of the water. She didn't move. She only allowed him to cleanse her of her wrong. Tears ran down her face. Her mouth opened and her dry throat managed to produce: "I lost control."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 02, 2010, 03:45:41 PM
"You had issues in your past, they were going to bubble up eventually... all I can reccomend for the anger right now is just fight it out, just don't kill me outright if you decide to." He had gone past her chest, and wiped some of the blood off her face while he tried to 'purge' the blood of the footgear with almost excessive amounts of water and soap.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 03, 2010, 09:03:25 PM
She sighed and nodded. Her mind was still foggy. She had to get away from the smell of the blood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 03, 2010, 09:09:37 PM
He managed to get all of the blood off her body, and then checked her nose for blood droplets. "Okay, you're clean now... any smell of blood is just psychological, all that can be smelled is burning wood, regardless of what was burned. Would you like me to take you somewhere for a drink... maybe some food?" he said as he extended a hand in help.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 03, 2010, 09:14:56 PM
She shook her head quietly. "hold me...." She mumbled under her breath.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 03, 2010, 09:18:10 PM
Chrono sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, making sure hes not letting his hands wander. "Just let me know when you want to get out of this alley..." he whispered into her ear while wrapping his wings around them both to hide the sight of what she had done.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 03, 2010, 09:42:46 PM
Her emotions poured out. Chrono's shoulder now damp with her tears. She slammed her fists into his chest angrily. "I'm a MONSTER!" she shouted.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 03, 2010, 10:01:01 PM
Chrono took the hit, trying to not bend to her punch, knowing it would cause more harm to him if he buckled. "Just let me know when you want to get out of this alley..." he repeated, trying to act as a wall for her to rage against, keeping her as a priority over the bruises her punches left.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 03, 2010, 10:38:51 PM
She continued to pound his chest. Her blows starting to crumble into themselves. She continued to cry. I have to go.... she weeped. She vanished slowly, small stars taking her place, then falling to the cold cement.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 03, 2010, 10:43:58 PM
He unfoled his wings, his hands touching the small stars. He then leaned back and on the ground, slowly letting the pain take its course and doing his best to ignore the blood. "Dang, she can throw one heck of a punch..." he said while letting down his guard, hoping he did the right thing by letting her punch him like that.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 03, 2010, 11:06:05 PM
Blaire appeared by a lake. It was dusk, fireflies just beginning to emerge. She was wearing a white silk dress, flowing in the cool breeze. She slowly walked in, immersing herself in the water. She floated on top. Blaire's eyes lit up the pale blue as she meditated. After calming herself she got out, dried off and put on her new combat outfit. She put on her skirt and the small top on. She then put her arm link back on and ankle cuff. She then walked and vanished like before. "Chrono..."

((her outfit looks somewhat like this---> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> ))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 03, 2010, 11:21:20 PM
Chrono slowly got up and scrapped off the now dried blood, then took an exasperated breath as he walked out of the alleyway. He used to get punches from her when she was frustrated at how her father acted, except now she could actually inflict injuries where it was just tiny stings and the slight giving of her wrists. I think I can accept this as 'no longer defenseless'; Well, until I get stronger. But thats for another time and another situation... he thought as he walked his way to the bar, his lack of armor somehow making him harder to recognize as the one who started the panic.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 12:14:40 AM
Blaire was in the alley alone. She slumped down and sighed. "Where did he go?" She asked herself aloud. "I suppose I should let him alone for a moment..." She walked out of the alley. "I should talk to Y." She walked towards the arena and entered. The guards stopped her but she showed them her combatant card and entered. She walked down the hall and rapped on his door three times.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 12:21:05 AM
Chrono was depressed after the tenth drink, his inner body temperature not strong enough to break up the alchohol he drank so quickly. How the heck can I find someone who doesn't even leave a single bread-crumb?! the bartender chuckled at Chrono, thinking he had 'girl problems' that made him frustrated. Love, its a curse when shes gone, and a blessing when shes around... at least tell me if you're coming back! the cup shattered in his hands, and he handed some credits to pay for the drinks and the glass. "You having problems, dragon boy?" "You could only imagine..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 12:26:16 AM
Blaire flinched. Her link was immediately connected to Chrono. She waited to knock again and vanished. She reappeared in front of a bar. "Hope this is the place. She walked in and saw the large dragon, now drunk. "Oh lord..." She casually walked over and sat down, pretending to not notice him. "One tequila please?" She asked the bartender.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 12:32:19 AM
He nodded and plucked a bottle from the rack, expertly filing a goblet with it before handing it to her.

Chrono could only stare at the glass, slowly becoming sober, but not quick enough to avoid hallucinating her on the shining surface of the beer tin. He sniffled and lost focus on the world around him, only thinking about how she reacted when he tried to calm her down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 12:40:42 AM
Blaire took the drink and swallowed the tequila. I'm sorry. She 'said'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 12:48:59 AM
His eyes brightened when he 'heard' her. He sat up and looked around, quickly spotting her to the right of him, and in the seat next to him. All he could do was blush from the embarassment since he slowly realized he showed a pitiful side of himself. The bartender was grinning from ear to ear as he took Chrono's pint, filled it, and handed it back to him. "Seeing as how you're stressed right now... this one is on the house..." he said before dealing with a customer who had long since reached and surpassed his limit.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 12:51:36 AM
Blaire simply smiled. Try not to let your guard down too much darling. You're too easy to attack. She joked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 12:55:24 AM
He quickly regained composure and silently praised the bartender for giving him a free drink. I can take a few hits, but you've been getting stronger for sure, first time I've bled from just punches... he smiled before taking his time to enjoy his drink. The tip of his tail shook back and fourth in almost a blur, possibly something he gained from being around Blaire for so long.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 01:04:48 AM
Blaire smiled and turned to him. "Shall we go?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 01:06:42 AM
His wagging spread from the tip to halfway up his tail, and he nodded. "Wherever you wish to go..." he replied, waiting for her to get up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 01:18:31 AM
"Let go back to the Arena. I'm a bit tired." She held out her hand and waited for his.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 04, 2010, 01:21:33 AM
He got off the stool, then tried to hold his tail in place while taking her hand. "Very well then... ladies first." In his mind he was dancing like a nut-job, and another aspect was doing fist-pumps, both were equally excited being around her, and it took at least half of his will-power to not sweep her up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 02:13:46 AM
Blaire and Chrono made their way back to the arena. "Before we rest. I have to see Y for a moment. I'll be back in a few minutes." She kissed his cheek and walked down the hall. She rapped again, three times, on his door.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 04, 2010, 07:07:17 PM
Y slowly opened his door, peering out for a moment before opening it completely.  He had left the Geth on its own...he figured it could fend for itself and come back to his room for some...'rest'.  Had he been organic, his eyes would be bloodshot with strain.  "Blaire?  Is there something you need?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 04, 2010, 11:48:39 PM
She bit her bottom lip and threw herself on him. She hugged him tightly around the neck. "Why did you change?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 12:38:21 AM
Y stumbled backward but kept his footing.  "Why?   I...I don't know.  I wish I did...but I don't."

LLiiIIEEeEsSS!!!!  Wraith was back.  PppPaaATTTtttthetttIiiiiIIiiCcCcCcc!!!  lllLLYyyinNnggG ttOooo hHeeEr FaaAAcCec lliIke TtTtTttthHHaaAttT!!!  CCCOOOOOOWAARRRDD!!!!!! Wraith was that part of him that he didn't want anymore...and the only part Blaire couldn't hear.

Y wished that he could tell her but he didn't know how.  He had to keep it a secret...

...Wraith was right...

...he was a coward.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 12:48:29 AM
She kissed his cheek. She couldn't help herself. She loved Chrono, but she knew something for Y boiled. Blaire looked into his eyes. "Are have a feeling you aren't telling the complete truth."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 01:08:08 AM
"Maybe..."  Y tried to meet Blaire's gaze but he couldn't bring himself to do it.  "...maybe I'm's better this way."

Y MmuUuUSsssSttTT YyyouuUU PpppRrrooOOoTttTEcccCCtt hhEeeRrr???!?!?!

I won't let you have her...

HHahHAHhhahahAHHhahAhHhAhaAAaHaHHHhahahhaHhHahHahahAHhHHAhhahAHAHhAhHAhahahhhAhaHHa!!!!!!  WwWhHHeEennNnN IIiII wWwaaAnnNN'TTtt hHheErRR...iiIIi'LllLllLL TTTAAAAKKEEEE HHHEEEERRRRR!!!!!!

"I'm sorry..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 01:10:49 AM
Blaire looked at him. Her eyes turned a pale bluish gray. Don't block me out, Please?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 05, 2010, 01:26:22 AM
Chrono was doing a juggling act and made his flames a normal red so it didn't raise too much alarm, though his lack of hand burns did arouse suspicion in skeptics. Can't fight... can't kill... so I must juggle to remain occupied.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 01:50:19 AM
Blaire continued to look at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 02:03:13 AM
Blaire...I've already let you too far inside.  For your own safety...please...

GgGEeeeEEeTtTtt OooUuUuTtttT oooOOffFFf oOOUUuRrrRR HHhhHHEeEEeAaAADDdDDdd!!!!! Y's eyes suddenly flashed black as Wraith's voice pierced into Blaire's mind.  Y fell backward in shock as his eyes turned yellow once more.  Wraith had broken through, if only for a moment.  Y couldn't believe it...Wraith was getting stronger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 02:05:16 AM
Blaire held her head and collapsed to the ground. She began to sob. The pain was still ringing in her ears.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 02:08:48 AM
"BLAIRE!!"  Y scrambled over to Blaire on his hands and knees.  "Oh God, I'm so sorry.  Are you alright?!  Blaire?!"  Y sounded as if he was on he vergre of tears as his nanites began to phase out of shift.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 02:10:46 AM
Blaire let go of her head. she remained hunched over. "You don't want me around... do you?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 02:25:41 AM
"No!  I mean...I just don't want to hurt you.  I can only control myself so much...I don't want to wake up one day and find your blood on my claws.  I don't want him to get you."  Y was crying now.  He held onto to Blaire a tightly as he could without hurting her.

tThHhEee IiTttsSYyy BbiIITtSssyYy sSPppIiDddEeRrrR wWEenNTTtt uUPp tThHHeEe wWwaAtTerR SspPoOUUutT,
dDoWwwNn CcaAmEe tHheE TTTEEEAAAARRRRSSSSS aaANndD flLLusSHhed thHeE sPpidDer oOuTt,
iNn sLliIDd tHhEe WrAaIitTHh wWhHoO hAadD aA lLitTtle gGamMme,
aNnDd tHhEe iTtsyY bIitSsy sSSPpIideERr wOoUulLdDd NnEevVeRr mOoVve aAGgaIin.

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 02:27:53 AM
Blaire looked at him, pushing him away slightly. Her muzzle met his. She didn't think; She simply acted. She pulled back and gasped.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 05, 2010, 02:48:36 AM
Y looked at Blaire in bleary eyed shock for a moment and then returned the kiss.  He never wanted to let her go...ever.  He couldn't stand not being with her.  Chrono and Wraith be damned.  He loved her and there was nothing that anyone could do about it.  The kiss held for what seemed like eternity and Y wished that it was.  When Y pulled away he held her even closer and whispered.  "Please...I don't want to be alone again."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 05, 2010, 07:16:33 PM
Chrono was starting to get nervous as more and more people arrived to see him perform. He was worried one would recognize him regardless of what he wore now. I don't know how much I can wait without causing more trouble, too many people are watching me...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 05, 2010, 07:33:29 PM
"You're not alone." She kissed him once more and hugged him tightly. "Whenever you need me... Contact me. You know how." She held his face and kissed his forehead once more. "I have to go. Chrono will be suspicious." She walked off saddened she had to leave. She found Chrono and cleared the Crowd away. "Come on..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 05, 2010, 07:38:08 PM
Chrono could only smile as she dragged him away from the now calming crowd. "Did he notice anything about what you did?" He could barely keep up with her pace, but that was due to the way she carried herself, like she didn't want to be doing what she was doing right now. But, he put it off as worry for trouble from the crowd, and kept silent.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 06, 2010, 12:38:59 AM
Her ears fell back. "No, I couldn't bring myself to tell him." She looked away and bit her lower lip. "I'm gonna go back to the arena. I'm tired. And I need to meditate. I'll meet up with you in ten." She kissed him goodbye and walked away. No jumping this time, just a casual walk.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 06, 2010, 12:46:19 AM
As she walked away, he could only mumble "Minutes, or hours?" while sitting down on a bench, not really having a room for himself since he had already cleaned out his room. He knew the last thing he would do is ruin whatever trust she still had for him, but he was worried as to why she had went from happy to depressed after just speaking with Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 06, 2010, 01:13:07 AM
Blaire was stumped. She let herself become what she's been trying to prevent for everyone else;That worried her. She didn't know what to do. Minutes. she responded hearing him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 06, 2010, 02:13:50 AM
He felt somewhat better that his question was answered, but it didn't dispel the worry as to what Blaire would be going through. He skipped 'Y' as a possibility since he thought they were good friends and both knew that it wouldn't go farther than that. He kept counting down the list in his head, the next idea more crazy than the previous.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 06, 2010, 07:21:02 PM
Blaire, once inside her room, went to the ground. She took a piece of chalk and drew an ancient marking. She sat in the middle and placed her tail on her legs. Blaire's eyes shut, a pale blue light, illuminating from her eyelids. She came off the ground an inch or two and meditated.


After meditating for a few minutes she made up her mind. "I have to tell Y. I can't keep him locked out." She put her feet down and stood. Her tail swayed as she walked down the hall. "Y? We need to talk..." She said.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 07, 2010, 03:26:56 AM
Y's door fell open as Blaire knocked.  Y was layingin his bed, completely still.  His eyes were blank and seemed to stare at nothing as he lay there.  He said nothing as the door opened...only stared at the wall.  It took a moment before Blaire would realize that Y was asleep.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 10, 2010, 12:53:28 AM
Chrono was now reading yet again the book he salvaged from his family's house. It was an oddity of both logic and technology, for the book was only as thick as though it had only three-hundred pages; but he had long passed the thousand page mark. Normally I would be dumbstruck as to how he pulled it off, but I should get used to it after he had pre-made designs of the armor I now wore...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 11, 2010, 02:20:43 AM
Blaire walked in and sat on his bed. "Y, there is something I need to say." She looked at him. She continued. "I'm not who I appear to be. I'm not collected, I'm not a savior of bad nature. I am of bad nature. And I think you should know, that I want to change. And I want to help you change." She looked at her hand where blood still remained.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 11, 2010, 03:10:26 AM
Y sat up in his bed, having woken up when Blaire sat down.  He didn't know what to say...he had always thought her to be kind and gentle...nothing like he and Chrono.  Now she was confessing to being almost exactly like them.  Thinking about it, Y supposed it was logical.  She was here after all.  Y looked down at the blood on her hands and clutched it in his own.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 11, 2010, 06:16:02 PM
"I murdered someone. Brutally. Tore them apart. The rage was sweet on my tongue. But I'm not that person anymore... I don't know what happened." She looked at him sadly. "It was a child. I deserve to die."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 11, 2010, 09:15:20 PM
He was still browsing through his book when he heard a gun click nearby, he put the book down and saw a barrel right in front of his face. "One, who are you; second, what the heck did I do wrong now?" he knew it was for the murder he had cleaned Blaire from, but his face lied with innocence.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 12, 2010, 12:10:52 AM
Y brushed his hand across Blaire's cheek.  "Don't say are a wonderful person.  You remember how I use to be?  Before I was caught originally, I destroyed an entire city...everyone died.   They blamed it on a nuclear meltdown because of how terrible it was.  Don't beat yourself up over a slight slip up...even if it was a child.  You may be dangerous but you'll never deserve to die."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 12, 2010, 02:09:13 AM
"But now, I'm going to have to own up to it. A child, a mother and fathers pride and joy. Their love, destroyed." She looked at him and hugged him tightly. "I don't know what to do."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 12, 2010, 02:56:33 AM
Y pet her hair as he held her.  His thoughts processed at the speed of light, as he tried to think of a way to help Blaire.

Y???  wwWhHhAAaaTtt AaARe YyoOOUUu DDddooooIIinnNgG?

Y closed his eyes as his decision was made.  His nanites quickly got to work removing the blood from Blaire's hands and began to cover themselves in it.  Without a word, Y stood up and looked at Blaire sadly.

I'm sorry...

Y left Blaire on his bed and walked out of the arena.  He didn't want Blaire to be caught...he wanted Blaire to be happy.  She couldn't be happy if she was blamed for the murder.  She couldn't be happy if he kept coming between her and Chrono.  Y felt pieces of himsef begin to unlock, as safeguard after safeguard was shut down.  He felt something begin to well up inside of him, as it pushed past the barriers that had been set in place to keep it in.  Suddenly, in an ear-piercing screech, Y's eyes burned a deep crimson and his nanites began to mold and shift.

"HhahHAHahHaHHAHhHAHhaHHAHahHAHHAHhhAHAHaahhahahahahHAAHhahAHAHahhAhahAHAhAHahhAHAhaHAHhHAhAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!  fIInALlLYy!!!!!!  IIIi'Mmm  fRReeEeeee!!!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 12, 2010, 07:18:42 PM
Blaire cried. "NO! Y DON'T!" But it was too late. She fell to his bed and weep. Her tears did not cease. The pain shot through her angrily, forcefully. Her turned purple, black swirling out of her pupil. "No more fooling around Blaire. It's time you let go. No more childs play. It gets you no where. It's my Turn." A voice came bursting out of her. The figure was a black wolfess, Her eyes glowing purple. Her name was Ryn. Where the blue paw print had been, there was now a scar where nails had fallen. Her markings as purple as her eyes. She vanished as black and purple flames flicked about. She appeared behind where his attacker was standing. She flashed a white grin and with a quick movement the attacker was dead. She held her hand out to Chrono. "Come with me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 12:09:09 AM
His jaw dropped at the Blaire before him, not even caring what happened to the woman she just killed. "So now you can change your color and markings?!" he somewhat mumbled before taking her hand and getting up, letting the book turn back into fire and slip into his armor for future use.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 13, 2010, 02:05:36 AM
"I am Ryn. Blaire was falling apart. It's my turn." She smirked and bit her lower lip. "Time for you to get a taste of the wild side Dragon boy." She smirked and walked away. "Well, are you coming?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 01:53:51 PM
"So, you're another part of her life that she forgot to mention?" He tightened his right hand into a fist as he caught up to her, trying to hold back a punch to the jaw. "Exactly what does this 'wild side' entail... Ryn?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 13, 2010, 07:12:04 PM
"I'm the side that Blaire held back, all her anger, frustration, sadness. That all became forced on to me. When she killed, she finally broke, cracked, like a dam under too much pressure. It was bound to happen. I'm just sad you couldn't see that. She let me come through. She was ill. All of her anger was bottled, trapped." She looked back at him. "I'm easier going. When something angers me, I don't just let it go. I resolve it. Something Blaire didn't know how to do."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 10:40:00 PM
Chrono raised an eyebrow and his fist loosened up. "You seem more calm and controlled than what I'd expect... then again, you did kill without hesitation, just try to not kill everything that ticks you off" He stretched and felt the fire jet out his hands and into the ceiling before he relaxed both arms and let them drop to his sides.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 13, 2010, 10:44:02 PM
"I didn't kill because I was angry. Blaire killed because I didn't want the weight of the world on my shoulders. I simply assisted in her collapse." Ryn said calmly. She spotted a tavern, far from the murder scene. "Would you like a drink?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 11:19:47 PM
"I was talking about the woman with the gun, but ok... sure, I'd like to have a drink!" he said as he followed her to the tavern, somewhat more naive to whatever Ryn might be actually be trying to do now that Blaire isn't holding her back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 13, 2010, 11:24:06 PM
"Right, well that was just to help. How else was I gonna get rid of her. Tell her that what happened was an accident and to walk away.... She would have shot us both." She said looking at him as if he were a bit insane. "Alright, then lets go." She opened the door and entered. She sat at the first empty bar stool she saw and ordered a bloody mary.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 11:27:01 PM
"I was going to melt the barrel so the gun wouldn't even work... no blood or death involved unless she was stupid enough to touch the barrel, then she would have been badly burned" He ordered as sake as he took his time looking her up and down, somewhat more liking towards purple fur than what he originally saw her as.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 13, 2010, 11:33:27 PM
She let out a chuckle as he eyed her black fur. "Admiring the change?" She asked. "Don't worry, I still have the emotions of Blaire, but I'm not afraid to get rough. Blaire couldn't handle it." Ryn grinned then took a sip of the Blood Mary. "Now, Dragon boy, on account that Blaire kept me shut out and I know little about you, tell me about yourself. That only thing I'm aware of is, is that I'm oddly very attracted to you."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 13, 2010, 11:40:44 PM
"U-uh....I'm considered a heretic among the overly religious, but in practice, I am a black flame creator..." he almost slammed the sake as he tried to get his mind off of her body and towards the question at hand. "I am an orphan, having my immediate family killed by zealous soldier-assassins. I met Blaire about five to six years ago, and roamed around the mansion she lived at with her parents, trying to stay out of her father's sight. She eventaully grew tired of having to hide me, and I literally held her father down while she ran away. We lost touch for a few months until we met back up again at Deathmatch. Thats about it in a nut-shell"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 14, 2010, 12:18:47 AM
Y's shape twisted and deformed to suit its new master.  The fur blanched into a faded white as his limbs stretched to impossible lengths.  His muzzle stretched and thinned out as well, giving him an almost bird-like appearance.  On his head, silver hair began to grow until it reached his shoulders.

Finally the transformation was complete.

Standing up to his full height of 9 ft, Wraith let out a triumphant howl.  He had never felt so alive in his short life.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 14, 2010, 02:14:59 AM
Ryn smiled. Your eyes may wander as much as they please... But that's all. She let out a soft laughter and then focused. "Well, seems like you have bit of a background. Ready for a story?" She asked readying herself to tell her own.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 14, 2010, 11:17:16 AM
He only gave a cheeky grin before nodding. I understand, but I've already done more than just look at Blaire's body...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 15, 2010, 12:49:58 AM
Ryn smiled. Oh, I know. She finished her Bloody Mary and ordered another. "I was dead... as a young child. Blaire needed a transplant. That's where I came in. Problem was was that I was no ordinary child. Blaire acquired my skills. Everything she knew, was me." She took a sip and looked at Chrono. "I'm sure she didn't tell you about that." She wasn't only sure, but knew, for a fact, that he didn't know. It was something Ryn forced Blaire to keep silent. Ryn was embarrassed by her differences. Blaire exposing them helped her to overcome that shame.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 15, 2010, 02:00:35 AM
He finished his sake and lightly laughed. "I'm just curious, my flames were from birth, did you aquire them from the link between Blaire and I, or were they birth-made as well?" He put the sake on the side and waited for it to be refilled. "Either way, now that you've come into my knowledge, I can't say who I like more... maybe I should just like the entire package, or just the present inside. I lost my gemini mentality about two days ago, so I can't say you have two for the price of one..."

There were a few moments of silence before Chrono broke out in laughter. "S-sorry, I can't speak one idea at a time when drinking and in the company of such a lass, who challenges the idea of cheating by being in the same body, but not the same mind, as the one I fell in love with... you are free to answer at your lesiure"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 15, 2010, 11:33:23 PM
Ryn sighed. "Birth." Silence passed and Chrono laughed. She looked at him. "It's not cheating. And we haven't done anything. So, no worries. Plus, you're too good for my taste anyway." She smirked as she looked away. She payed her bill and stood. "I'll see you around?" She nodded and walked out the door. She looked around and smiled. "What kinda of chaos can i attract today?" she asked aloud. Ryn had a knack for attracting trouble, making its way to her one way or another.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 16, 2010, 01:24:40 AM
Before Ryn could move past where she had asked the question, a ring of black fire formed around her neck. Chrono had no intention of letting Ryn out of his sights, knowing she was not to be trusted to do something without more problems being caused. "Lets get one thing straight, I have no qualms about chaining you down and causing enough stress to prevent your 'jumping'. Since you ever-so-kindly shoved Blaire to the back..." he walked around her slowly, which was only possible since he had locked her legs with multiple rings. "I can't have you running around in my mate's body doing as you please. The ring around your neck is scrambling your 'jump' powers, the ones at your legs keep you standing right there, and are also forcing your flames to funnel towards the earth."

He stopped right in front of her, with a look of almost feral dominance in his eyes, and a calm smile on his face. "I guess she forgot to mention that I have an issue with disorderly women, did she not?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 16, 2010, 06:13:34 AM
Ryn smiled. "My body. It never was hers. She simply used it because I had no more use of it. So, dragon boy, have fun Chaining me down." And with that she had escaped from his 'grasp'. She appeared on the hill, the very one Blaire ran to. "This was where I told you to go... The only place you and I could be one... But now, I have myself back. You had your fun. It's my turn," She growled. She was hiding more than she had told.

She wasn't placed in Blaire; Blaire was put into her body. Whatever was left of Ryn simply lingered in the back of her mind. But it wasn't a complete loss. It gave time for Ryn to strengthen, live.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 16, 2010, 02:08:56 PM
Chrono thought about the situation, and the circumstances. What should I do... its a dual personality, in a body that belongs to Ryn and not Blaire. Gah, why am I thinking about this?! He gathered his flames about his feet, and only caught a glimpse of the 'new' Y as he sped off towards the hills as a first guess.

He ended up at a hill that was too far away from Ryn for her to be seen, and he pulls out his book. "Lets see... " he murmured as he scanned through the book for a style that could work for persuing a target. 'Predator' form seems exactly what I need. Although I'm not gonna like the pain it will take to change into it; but its worth a shot he mused before surrounding himself in a sphere of his own fire to hide the painful reactions to the change. The book fell out of the sphere and slid down the hill, the pages open to show his usual appearance, and three other forms passed down through predecessors of the Black Flame.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 16, 2010, 03:33:26 PM
Ryn's ears fell back. She hugged her knees. "Bring on the chaos my dear." She said looking in Chrono's direction. Ryn layed back, taking a deep inhale and long exhale.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 16, 2010, 11:58:29 PM
Shortly after Ryn had lain down, the sphere shattered and a gush of black fire shot up. The fire dissipated and Chrono slowly became more visible. His face was covered by a cowl that went down the center of his chest, and his mane was done up in a top-knot. His weapons turned from one broadsword, to a pair of really long claws that ended with ugly serrated talons. He wore little armor beyond a pair of red pants that seemed to ebb and burn like an eternal flame. He crouched back, and gathered an unusually concentrated amount of fire at his legs and feet. The purpose behind the strange concentration was apparent as Chrono had crossed five hills in a second, with the starting hill having a crater in the side. Its really hard to think straight like this... hopefully I can keep myself from killing her before this gets too far
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 12:19:05 AM
Ryn heard him coming and remained still. She shut her eyes and awaited his attack.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 17, 2010, 12:23:39 AM
He made his next explosive leap, but instead of rending her or crippling her, like his instincts screamed to do, he grabbed her mid-flight, and held on with more than just his hands and legs. If she was going to vanish, he would be dragged with her. "Why didn't you at least try to stop me?" he almost mouthed, his curiosity making him hold most of his own breath. He did one leap when he grabbed her, leaving behind a crater and giving her about five seconds to do anything before they both hit the dirt.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 12:26:54 AM
Ryn fell limp. Only her mind was responsive. Why would I run from an enemy who will soon realize one major key as to why they can't kill me.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 17, 2010, 12:32:49 AM
I thought you would use this to blink around and cause chaos by making me appear in heavily populated areas... He couldn't control how he landed because he lacked the center of gravity his primary form had, so they both hit the dirt on their sides, Chrono facing Ryn. "Plus, I wanna cause some chaos to- shut-it!" Chrono yelled at himself, trying to fight the urge to lose himself in his new mentality, which he had to master like his previous form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 01:10:20 AM
Wraith caught a glimpse of Chrono as he ran by.  "TthhERrE yYoUU ArReE!!!"  Following as best he could, he finally spotted the two on the hilltop.

Don't do anything stupid Wraith.

Wraith walked nonchalantly up to the two, a massive warped grin now occupying his face, and stood over the two.  "TttThHATT LlOOokKSs fFuUnN.  cCCAaAnNnN IiII jOIinN???"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 01:16:43 AM
Ryn's eyes began to glow purple. "You're dangerous, too dangerous for even you to control." A burst of black and purple flame released her from his hold. You will be the defeat of your own body. Her eyes dimmed back to their intense purple. "Ta ta for now Darling." She turned away and sprinted, quickly vanishing. Not even the hills are sanctuary. What did you create Blaire? A voice responded. Let me through. I'm strong enough to fend him off. Blaire, you're dying. I have to take over, there is no other choice. Then you must possess my personality. Or at least a bit of it. Ryn made a face. "If I must." One of her ears turned off-white. The tip of her tail also turned an off-white. She sighed. One eye turned blue and the other remained purple.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 17, 2010, 01:19:46 AM
Chrono noticed the increadibly altered Y, and immedeatly pulled out one of the emp devices he saved for such an occasion. "Sure, first one to kill the other gets to walk away the winner..." he said, his finger on the device. Boy, this is my form and power, don't tell me what to do!! This guy isn't someone you can beat with your strength, and that woman isn't just another target, now let me take the reins or we'll both get torn alive! Fine, fine... we'll settle this afterwards Chrono felt the urges slip away, turning his disadvantage to the opposite.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 01:23:19 AM
Ryn looked at herself in approval. "Not that bad of a look..." She smiled and looked around. She began to walked back towards the arena when she sensed a bit of a problem. Ryn rolled her eyes and took off back in the direction of the hill. She stopped two valleys from the one she had been on. Another figure, more fierce, took stance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 01:29:01 AM
Wraith looked down at the device and laughed.  "VvVEEeeRRyy SmmARrttTt, DddraAaAgoonNN bBBoYY!!!   BBbBUtTT II'MMm bEeTTTeRRRr!!"  Suddenly an arc of electricity shot from Wraith's torso and struck the device, frying it's innards.  "ffFAAaIRR FFFiiGGhtTtTSS,  MMaaAkEE gGgOOdDD nNiGGHTtssS!"  Wraith cackled at his rhyme.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 01:32:10 AM
Ryn growled. She dashed forward, vanishing and reappearing, kicking Wraith in the face, knocking him to the ground. She landed and looked at him, waiting for him to get back up. A grin crept across her face. A laughter busted from her throat. She stood and looked at Chrono. Her foot flew at his face and struck. "That's for attacking me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 01:40:57 AM
Wraith fell backward, grin never wavering, and landed on his hands.  Pushing off the ground wih all four limbs, Wraith sprung back up and latched himself onto her back like a spider.  "AHhHHH, bLlAiIRe BbuT NNoTt BBlAirEe.  YYyOoU'RrEe CcUuTE FffoRRr AnNN OoORogAGNniIcC!"  Wraith ran his cord-like tongue across Ryn's neck.

WRAITH!!  One more stunt like that and I'll rip you apart from the inside out
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 01:44:37 AM
Ryn smirked and shivered. "Interesting way to greet an organic." She vanished and reappeared right in front of him. She stood close and whispered into his ear, "Wanna play?" She bit the air next to his ear and chuckled. Ryn then backed away and waited for him. "Names first naughty."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 01:50:46 AM
Wraith chuckled huskily "nnNnAAMEeE'Ss  WwRrAiiTthhH,  mMmYy LLiiTtTtlE cCHhErRRy ttARrt!  wwWHAAaAT'sS YyOuuRSs"  Wraith bowed deeply as he spoke, never taking his eyes off of Ryn.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 01:53:32 AM
"Now that's better!" She said, smiling. "I'm Ryn." Her intense eyes stared him down. She cocked her head to the side. "What is something like you doing out here? Hmm?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 02:02:50 AM
"PpPEeRrSssonNALY?  iiI'MM ppaAARrTTIiAlL ttoO ssLlICinnGg oOpPEn sSsTuuFF aAAnDd ggENeRAlll ******* aArRouuUnD.  Wraith met her gaze and moved in until they were almost nose to nose.  His eyes blazed amythest, his grin stlll plastered to his skull.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 02:05:52 AM
Her eyes held their pure amethyst color as well. "You seem to like being close." She bit her bottom lip and pressed against him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 02:14:04 AM
Wraith's grin widen even farther and wrapped one spindly arm around her.  "YYoUuu ddOon'ttT ssEeEmMM tToO MiinDD itT tTOOo MmuCch..."  Wraith breathed in deeply, gathering her scent.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 02:27:20 AM
"Of course not. You should be the one with the problem. I am an Organic after all," she teased. Her voice was cool and calm, just like Blaire's. Her tail swayed gently back and forth in the wind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 02:34:54 AM
"YyYEaAaHH, BbuT Y's SssShOOwn meE thHatt OoRgGAnICSs CaAnN Bbe fFuuNn.  AAaNDd YyoUu LlooK liIkE AA gGooODd TimMe WAaiTiNGG Tto HhappPEN.  SsoO TEEllL Mme...AaRE YyOu??"  Wraith ran his masive claw up the middle of Ryn's back, causing a chill to run up her spine.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 02:38:22 AM
She grinned. "That's for me to not tell and for you to find out." She pushed away from him and looked at Chrono, almost as if to say 'I'm sorry' before she looked back at Wraith. "Come find me." She vanished once again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 02:46:07 AM
Wraith grinned as she dissappeared.  "OOoOOohHH, HhIDdE aAndD SsEEekK!!  NNIiCE AnnND NnAUGHhhTy, bbETtEr HhoPE TthaT IiI Ddon'tT FfinD YoUu."  Wraith looked down at Chrono.  "sSSoRrRy mMACkK...mmAYyBEe NNeXxXT TtiME."  Wraith took to the air and began scouring the area for his new playmate.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 17, 2010, 11:10:01 AM
Chrono had sat there, watching the whole conversation go on and not even make a reply to what was going on before everyone had left. Can I have my bo- Not if your idea is to cause more problems... He knew the switch he designed had moved from the previous location on his form, so he tried looking for it now. He ended up finding the switch on his right gauntlet as a light blue barrier formed right on his body, humming and sparking every other second. He flipped the switch again to turn it off before doing another explosive leap to the roof of Deathmatch, looking around for any sign of the two.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 17, 2010, 07:18:48 PM
Ryn appeared in the pub she and Chrono had previously been in. Blaire, why did i feel pain when I looked at Chrono? As if I loved him? Because WE do. You and I are one, always have been, always will be. You must understand that now. It's not just you anymore. Together I will survive and so will you. That's something we both failed to understand going into this. Ryn nodded. She smiled. She felt happy, not only did she discover new feelings, but she felt better now that she did. She drank the mojito she ordered and stood. Time to face Wraith. She walked out. She looked around and saw no one, but she felt his presence close.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 08:36:30 PM
Wraith, spotting Ryn down below, alighted onto a street lamp above her.  Standing on tiptoe, he seemed to fall off but stopped as his body became parallel to the ground below.  "FfFfFOoUnNnNDD YYouU!!!"

((He's basically standing on the side of the streetlamp above Ryn.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 17, 2010, 08:48:30 PM
Chrono felt like an idiot after waiting for a bit, realizing her fight wasn't going to be that noticeable from a distance. Now what, brat? Training... and considering how weak this form is, you won't even be able to use all of your power without burning up; literally I mean. Uh, if my body isn't good enough for you... get out.

A vein burst through the skin and blood poured out, as the body was now rejecting the host. If you don't like how I am, get your own *%#@ body back and fight that thing. Chrono unconsiously nodded and started writing an archaic circle around himself, letting the blood from his body flow off his talons when the claws turned back into hands. As he finished the circle , following nothing but a design he made up in his head, he went to sleep. His unconsiousness was the trigger for the blood to burn, and another protective layer to form as he went back to the primary, then to his 'prototype' form in a matter of one hour.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 18, 2010, 12:14:54 AM
Ryn smirked. "ah, so you have. And what are you to do now that you have?" She walked over to him and leaned her back against the pole opposite of the side he was standing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 18, 2010, 12:27:26 AM
The 'sentry' Chrono had long since abandoned was undergoing a massive change as its link to Chrono transferred the same changes he was going through, it had already shattered Blaire's armor from the previous change, and was quickly making its way towards Ryn while changing more and more from a simple clone to a sentient being of purely black fire.

(I don't know if I already took it back into my body, and I don't like waiting for a post when theres no order :P)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 18, 2010, 12:35:30 AM
Ryn stayed focused on Wraith, watching his next move. She was unaware of Chrono's black fire. What did you do to make Chrono so mad? Blaire's voice called. Like I know... I think you should be tellin me!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 18, 2010, 02:30:21 AM
Wraith switched sides of the lamp post and hung down in front of Ryn.  His hair nearly touched the ground as he looked at her.  "YyYoUuu KknoOOW...iI DdIdnN't TthInkK OoF tTHaAt."   Wraith held his chin in thought for a moment.  "AaAH!!  IiII KKnOW!!"   Wraith quickly grabbed a hold of Ryn's face and pressed his muzzle against hers, his cord-like tongue slithering down her throat.  Ryn could taste a noxious liquid coming off of the tongue as he held her in place.  Wraith pulled away, his tongue flopping against his face creating a black smear on his cheek.  "WwEeE'VVee BbbEEen WwwAannTing ttTO dddO TthaaT Ffor Aa llLOnnGg TtIME."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 18, 2010, 02:37:00 AM
"We?" she asked. She suddenly remember. Y. She felt sad, but didn't show it. Ryn had seen something in Y that made Blaire pursue him. Ryn was Blaire's fuel to mingle. She saw good in him, something she liked. She looked at Wraith, her head spun a little from the liquid. She shook her head and looked at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 18, 2010, 02:48:51 AM
"AaAAAaawWwW....AaaNDd iiI WwwAaSS hHopiNng yyOu'd hhIt mmE fFOorR TtHaaT" Wraith folded his arms over his chest and made a pouting face.  "ccC'mmOn...nnNoO ppROtTeSstS  aAT aALll?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 18, 2010, 02:50:48 AM
Ryn flashed her white fangs as the corners of her mouth danced with humor. She got close to him and leaned to his ear again. "You'll soon get yours." She bit his ear hard enough to puncture it and walked away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 18, 2010, 03:23:18 AM
Wraith fell off his perch at the shock of being bitten.  He stood up again, rubbing his ear with a sly smile on his face.

hHAtTe Tto sSeeeE hHER LLEaVE, BbbUT iI LovE tto WAaTtCH HHEr GggO.


wWHHaT'S ttHE MMmattEer Y?  Iii wWaasS EXXpPEctTinnG MmoRe PprottESttS.

...where did you go Blaire?...

Wraith felt an oily tear run down his face.  He quickly wiped it away in frustration of his creator, and cursed under his breath.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 18, 2010, 02:09:34 PM
The now living fire had caught up to Ryn, but then saw something resembling a very large, Demon?. The new found sentience it had created problems between choosing watching out for Ryn or attack the possible threat. It decided Ryn was capable of at least running away, so it decided to attack the thing she was possibly walking away from by literally turning into a fireball and sending itself on a possible suicide attack against the creature.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 18, 2010, 06:56:20 PM
Wraith saw the fireball just in time to leap out of the way.  "WwHhaATt iiN hHHEllLll??!"  Wraith landed lightly on the opposite side of the street, and glared at the living fire.  "YyooU mmuUsT BbelonnG tTo TthHe ddDRrRAggon.  HhAasnN'TT aaNnyYYONnEe tTTollLLd yyoOu ThhaT Yyouu sShoOuulDd tHHinNk bBBEfooRe aAtTacckIiNg Aa MmOnstER?"  Wraith's nanites quickly began siphoning air through them, creating a shrill shriek, shattering the glass of the buildings around them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 18, 2010, 07:39:04 PM
Ryn looked back as she began to run. A tear ran down her face. She had to keep leading Wraith on. She had to get to Y. Somehow, someway, she needed to reach him. But she knew what would happen and the risks. She looked around and stopped running to catch her breath. Her and Blaire came together more and more every second. Ryn began to feel pain for Y and Chrono, love for both of them ran wild.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 18, 2010, 09:12:36 PM
The flame was temporarily thrown off by the screech, but the air didn't harm its form in the slightest. In fact, some of the flame dissipated to show scales underneath before flaring back up. It let out a screech of its own, but the 'fwoosh' of the flames it poured out drowned out the screech and damaged the first two layers of nanites on Wraith's body.

(I'm assuming that he has much more than ten layers of them, so sorry if it seems overkill)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 19, 2010, 12:09:30 AM
((It's okay...he has over a thousand layers of nanites so 2 aint that bad))

Wraith laughed as the flames licked his body.  "HhaHAHAHHahhHHAHhHA!!!  yYyOou FfELLll foOR iIT!!"  The screeech got louder as the nanites began to suck in the air around the flames, suffocating them.  The flames slowly started to die as their oxygen began to disappear.

((fire triangle: oxygen, fuel, heat.  Remove any and the triangle falls apart.  Thank you science class XD))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 19, 2010, 12:49:45 AM
The flame-being fell on its knees and made choking motions as it started to die out, the fire dissipated to the point where it now looked like Chrono, but its lack of voice or true rage were the key differences in telling the two apart. But, then a smile appeared on its face as it took off its left hand and threw it into Wraith's maw. One could tell the make-up of the living flame as the oxygen in Wraith's body had caused the now white phosphorous hand to explode violently inside Wraith. The gambit was ment to sacrifice a hand to stop the vaccum from occouring and regain enough strength to delay the beast until Chrono had finished reverting.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 19, 2010, 03:16:36 AM
Ryn went into the nearest alley and slid down against the wall. "Finally alone," She said aloud. Her voice was gentle, soothing. She massaged her temples as a headache took place. She shut her eyes and quickly drifted off to a soft slumber.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 19, 2010, 04:42:25 AM
Wraith's body flew apart in the explosion. "oOOWowoWOWooowoowOWoooOWWOoWOOWoWoWOOwoOWOWOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  The nanites swirled about and rejoined one another.  The explosion had hurt, but not injured, him.  To him it was like being hit in the chest by a massive stuffed animal.  It doesn't hurt, but you wont be fighting for a second.  As he reformed the nanites began picking up particles of dust and dirt, adding onto him exponentially.  "TthhhAAt wWAs DduuMBbb."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 19, 2010, 11:21:01 AM
The flame was given enough time to reignite, and started revising his strategy for attacking the creature. Before he could completey reform, it fired fireball after fire-ball, each one only 'engineered' to disperse him rather than actually destroy nanites. But it seemed that Wraith focused more on reforming and the fireballs were only slowing the process rather than stopping it. The only option was left was for it to just let it chase him around the area, estimating it only needed to do so for ten minutes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 19, 2010, 06:44:23 PM
Wraith sneered as he finally reformed, his 'fur' now a tint of brown.  "yYyyoOoUu'rREe GgeEttInGg aNnNNoOOYyiNNG!"  With a single stomp the ground around them shattered and shifted, each step a perilous crag. 

As dead weight, the nanites already weighed as much as a small wrecking ball.  With the added weight of the dirt and dust (each particle of which weighing around ten times as much as one nanite), his weight had increased dramatically.

"nnOW HhoLd SttiIllL AnndD LleT MmeeE CCRrUuusShHHh yYoOu!!!"  Wraith's claw shifted and swirled, morphing into a massive hammer-like appendage.  Leaping up into the air, Wraith brought the hammer down to obliterate the fire creature.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 19, 2010, 08:48:15 PM
The entity easily got out of Wraith's smash by imitating Chrono's fire-step and blasting a good three meters away. It then clambered up the wall and took to the roofs to further drag on the chase.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 20, 2010, 12:01:20 AM
Ryn woke up and looked around. "I need to stop this. Now." She got up and quickly scaled the buildings, back and forth she reached the roof. She then ran and jumped landing on the other roof. One after the other she ran, following her senses. She finally came upon a figure running on the rooftops in the distance. She sneered and took a deep breath. "No turning back now." She continued to run. She was within mere feet of the flame dragon. Her eyes lit up purple as she made her way at the form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 20, 2010, 04:11:43 AM
"ccCCOmmMeE BbAAcK HhERE!!"  Wraith leapt up after the fire-being, sinking the building's foundations as he landed.  Ripping off a piece of the building as he chased it, he hurled the chunk at the creature in hopes of at least causing it to flinch long enough so that he could get a hit in.  Then Wraith spotted Ryn...and the mass of concrete was heading right for her.

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 20, 2010, 11:17:00 AM
The entity also noticed Ryn and skidded to a stop, then turned around to see the chunk of rock heading way past it... and towards Ryn. The flame 'dragon' ran up to Ryn and braced itself since It was the only thing between Ryn and the giant chunk of concrete. When it caught the giant missile, the entity lost consiousness; but, the boulder was not on top of it. It knocked away the boulder by sacrificing its other hand, with being knocked out by the after-shock.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 23, 2010, 07:28:01 PM
Ryn was terrified. She shook her head and glared at Wraith. She growled loudly and ran at him, full sprint.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 23, 2010, 10:55:17 PM
Wraith grinned maniacally as Ryn charged him.  "PpPERrfFECttT!!"  With a stomp of his foot the roof of the building collapsed inward; bringing Ryn, the fire creature, and himself with it.  Wraith would end up relatively unharmed, each of his individual pieces being too small to be crushed in such rubble.

Wraith!  Stop it!  You're going to kill her!

tTtHAttsS PprEECcisSSleyY tThe ppOInt, FFfriiEnd Y.  WWEe ccAn'tT HaAvVEe uuUsS ggEttttiiNNgg ffFEeeLIIngsS ffoR aANooThhhEr oOORgGGAnnIic,  NnoW ccAN WwE???
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 23, 2010, 11:11:05 PM
The flame wasn't born to act like a normal person would when knocked out, and had only been out for a few seconds. But apparently thats all that the Wraith needed to make the ground fall beneath them. It spun in air, then shot out with burning feet to catch Ryn as she fell, and stuck to a corner so it could slowly go down as its feet dragged against the walls. When the rubble settled, it jumped down and set Ryn down, creating 'blades' of black flame out of the stumps its hands used to be.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 24, 2010, 02:46:18 AM
Ryn screamed before being caught. She had hit her head. Her body fell limp in the arms of the fire 'dragon'. She lay on the ground, her eyes gently fluttering as they opened. Blaire, what am I supposed to do... Try to get Y to jump back into control. Look at him like you did when you and I would talk to him. You were in control then, nothing has changed! Ryn's body shook as she pushed herself up. She looked over at Wraith. The same look she had when her and Y had kissed shot into her eyes. Every bit of emotion.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 24, 2010, 03:00:34 AM
Wraith was about to rush the fire creature when Ry'ns eyes locked with his.  Wraith was suddenly frozen in place as his face went from one of madness to one of sorrow.  "...Blaire..."  Suddenly Wraith shrieked, holding onto his head.  Dropping to the ground, he began thrashing about as if on fire...and in his mind he might as well have been.  The personalities were clashing against one another, trying to rip eachother apart, only suceeding in tearing at eachothers "flesh".
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 24, 2010, 03:04:55 AM
It wasn't Blaire, and Ryn knew that. But Y would never understand that it was Ryn who was in control of Blaire, in Blaire's appearance. Ryn looked away, sad. She knew he would never accept her. She managed to stand. She held her arm which was injured and looking back at him she skipped backwards, turning around and jogging down the road. She was hurting.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 24, 2010, 02:52:25 PM
The 'dragon' stood there with weapons cast aside, seeing as how Wraith had been reduced to an angry cloud of warring nano-bots. It turned around and followed Ryn, acting as a beacon for Chrono when he 'awakens' in two minutes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 24, 2010, 09:29:24 PM
The pain numbed her body. Anger rushed through her mind. Blaire was even contributing to the anger. They stopped running and walked casually down the street. Men turned and looked at Ryn walked down the street. She held her head high, attitude present in her eyes. Keep them wanting Blaire snickered. They were one, no more second guessing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 25, 2010, 01:56:18 AM
Wraith/Y thrashed about, unaware that they were alone.  Wraith/Y slammed it's head into the wall in agony, causing it to burst like a sandcastle hit with a golf club.  The now headless body flailed its limbs as it floated into the air.  The arms, ownerless, tore at one another in atempt to kill eachother.  The body seemed to spasm and seize as if being electricuted as it flew through the air uncontrollably.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 25, 2010, 02:34:18 AM
Ryn continued to strut down the road, back towards Wraith/Y. Her eyes stayed focused. Her target coming up soon. Her body fell numb once more as she saw the body flailing about.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 25, 2010, 03:17:16 PM
The 'dragon' knew its time was nearly up, Chrono would awaken and make it self-destruct so he can extract the memories for information. "I lived a short existance, I should probably be more regretful than this." it mused, speaking for the first and last time as Chrono's egg-like barrier started to crack...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 26, 2010, 07:21:57 PM
Ryn spotted Wraith/Y. "Let those who wish to fight STAY!!!" A form of black and purple fire licked up high into the air.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 26, 2010, 08:24:46 PM
The shell shattered the instant she yelled 'stay', and now blurry Chrono had rocketed off the roof of Deathmatch, then shot towards the 'dragon's location by shooting fire out of his feet and hands at the same time.

It was only a few seconds realizing he had awoken before it turned to face the comet-like dragon that was about to collide right into it. The actual feeling of being destroyed was only a millisecond long before its sentience was sentenced to oblivion and Chrono had taken its place. He was slowly taking in the memories and stretching his body before directing his attention to Ryn and then to the mass of nano-bots that seemed to be devouring itself. "Did I show up too late?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 26, 2010, 11:35:03 PM
"You're far too late. Y must be brought back before Wraith causes any of his well known troubles, his chaos." She looked at whirl of nanites, swarming about as if to attack like a snake at one another.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 26, 2010, 11:43:59 PM
Chrono grinned, and cracked the knuckles under his talons before walking close to the mass of nanites. "Sorry Ryn, Blaire, and love, needed time to get back a form I hadn't used in awhile..." He created two fireballs, one in each hand, and let them circle around Y and Wraith, then their thrashing suddenly stopped as if someone just pressed the 'pause' button. "Formless seal, for the entities who are as viscious as water... I will need some time to seperate them, but I definatly know I can stop them" He looked back at Ryn with a carefree grin as the flames that coated him earlier had dispersed. He lacked any sort of coverings except for a jacket and pair of pants, and under that jacket was a leather strap with several pouches. "Did I forget to mention that you look rather cute when you dress your fur like Blaire?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 26, 2010, 11:52:20 PM
Ryn was confused. "What are you talking about?" She looked around. "Are you talking to me?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 27, 2010, 12:44:36 AM
He tried mock a 'look around', but he had to keep his stance to keep the binding at max strength."Um, yea... I don't see any other woman around, let alone wolf-based woman"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 27, 2010, 03:01:48 AM
"Well what did you mean by dressing my fur like Blaire?" She looked at him as if he were a low-life. She was offended by his statement. Ryn knew she wasn't accepted, but there was nothing she could do now, Blaire was dying, and Ryn was her only way. They were like sisters, and always will be. Her eyes stayed focused on him. Her mind raced between Chrono and Y. She needed to help Y and that was her priority right now.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 27, 2010, 03:49:13 AM
The nanites, frozen in body, still fought in mind.  Amidst the wires and circuitry, an epic battle raged as if Heaven and Hell were suddenly thrust together.  Both opponents were equal in strength, ferocity, and cunning.  Whenever one attacked, the other parried.  Whenever one jumped, the other ducked. 

None would give and neither would gain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 27, 2010, 11:19:17 AM
"Beyond changing your fur color, absolutely nothing..." He rapidly swung his arms across eachother and a series of chains shot out of the ground and wrapped around the 'frozen' body. "Now will you do the honors of bringing Y back... or can I crush him so we can argue over what you define as 'acceptance'?!" He would have been a bit more expressive about how he felt about her, but holding up a seal thats ment for holding a formless entity was already a drain on his strength, let alone his patience.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 28, 2010, 09:35:54 PM
Ryn looked at him. "It's not that easy... He has to come back, gain control." She looked at the swirl. Blaire, we need to figure something out. I have an Idea...

Blaire's voice was now heard in Y's head. Y Can you hear me? Blaire's voice was mixing with Ryn's, they began to sound the same. You need to find control again! Ryn's head began to swirl in pain. She knelt to the ground holding her head. "No more... I can't take anymore." Blaire's voice had now taken into her own.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 29, 2010, 01:25:05 AM
Chrono could tell the mental intrusion had at least some effect as pain shot through his body when the mass tried to break his hold. "Just get rest if you need it, I got them tied down." crimson runes formed on his scales, adding their power to the hold, but taking the power from his reserve strength; 'burning the candle at both ends' would summerize how his situation was becoming. If I live through this, I seriously need to work on endurance training...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 29, 2010, 06:03:40 AM
Ryn looked at Chrono. "Stop, let them go... Y needs to fight his battle." She pushed him away with all her might. She landed on him and then rolled off onto the ground. "You mustn't interfere."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 29, 2010, 04:28:30 PM
When Ryn knocked down Chrono, the ward fell almost instantly since Chrono lost not only his stance, but his focus. So, he could only glance and sigh while looking at the Y/Wraith mass. "Fine, but if Y can't win, I'll have to step in. Can't have both of you die when I've only gotten to know the good side of one..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 29, 2010, 06:20:12 PM
"I'm not going to die. And neither is anyone else." She looked at him as she sat up, her arms resting on her knees as she ran her hand through her hair. She looked on at the chaos presented in front of them. "I'm about to go make some popcorn..." She joked. "This is getting old. I need to figure something out..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 29, 2010, 07:32:47 PM
Chrono gave her a look of annoyance as she spoke to herself. "I've still got that canister of nanites on my second form... maybe we could use that for Y's 'reinforcements'; or do you still think I don't 'accept' you?" He didn't hear her say those words, but how she acted told more than what her mouth did.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on May 30, 2010, 03:48:26 AM
The nanites stayed still for a moment as the ward fell.  Then, as if something turned off, they dropped to the ground like sand.  They scattered across the ground, lifeless.  Their humming and buzzing had ceased, none of them even glowing.  Just a silver-gray pile of sand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 04:28:15 AM
Ryn remained frozen. Her mind began to race and pound in pain, sorrow and frustration. "No...." She scrambled to her feet and ran over. She ran her hands through the pile of nanites. "Damn it! If only he knew...." She fell silent. Y, I need you... you were the only one I ever truly spoke to. Yes, it was Blaire's body, but I was talking, all the actions everything... Me. She thought to herself. Her mind switched to Chrono, and how she also felt for him. She needed Y. She needed Chrono. She needed both.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 04:38:33 AM
((Chrono sees his relationships as he sees his drinks and weapons: no sharing...))
Chrono wasn't sure of how Ryn thought of him when he saw how she reacted to him falling to the floor. He walked over to her, and felt she only thought of him as a sibling rather than her mate. It was a strange and painful feeling of wanting to be by her side, but also wanting to just walk away. "I have options as to how he can be revived; but if you still want to wait..." he sat next to her, but his legs away from the nanites. He didn't crush them in the slightest, so either they both killed eachother off, or Y is 'rebooting'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 04:55:50 AM
She looked at Chrono slightly keeping him unaware. She only thought to herself. I see me through your eyes. Living through life flying high. Your life shines the way into paradise. So I offer my life as a sacrifice. I live through your love She looked away and spoke under her breath. "I see me through your eyes, And live through your love. And live through your life." She pulled her knees into her chest. "I don't know what to do... At this point I'm clueless."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 05:04:49 AM
Chrono started to focus for a few moments, armor appearing on his body, locking up his "birth" form and letting him access the nano-bots he stored. They floated around and started to scan the pile, excluding Ryn from the scan. With Chrono's judgement, he was able to tell which signature was Y and which one was 'Wraith'. "To keep you informed: I'm going to speed up the reboot by giving Y's nano-bots a jolt of energy... although, just to make sure I'm picking the right signature, I might need you to guide me."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 05:09:10 AM
Ryn looked at him once more. "How can I do that?" She asked. She was now sitting next to the pile. Her knees still held tight to her chest, she took shallow breaths.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 05:15:06 AM
He poked her lightly on the side of her head, then tapped his own head. "Since the general picture of their 'data' is in my head, you'll have to go in and act as my guidance system... the link we share is too deep  to get rid of with time, but too thin for distant 'reading's. As to how I know that; lets wait till Y is back with the concious"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 05:16:59 AM
"Still isn't clear on what you mean but what ever Dragon boy." Her eyes lit up purple. Now, what the hell am I doing again?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 05:19:50 AM
Ryn starts seeing things through Chrono's "eye" as two distinct pigments and emotions seperate one pile of nanites from another. I. Need. you. to. tell. me. which. one. is. Y. Understand?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 05:31:23 AM
I get it. she stayed focused. Her body was motionless. Her abdomen made no movement as if she weren't breathing. Her eyes were glowing bright as dusk began to fall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 05:35:40 AM
Chrono got irritated as she obviously didn't understand what he was trying to get her to do, or maybe she just didn't want to. Either way, he had to 'tell' his nanites to go on stand-by and he slowly moved her hands onto his horn, letting her nerves act as a cable instead of trying to do it 'wirelessly'. He re-engaged his nanites, and waited for her to discern the two.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 05:41:09 AM
She let go and looked at him. You aren't being clear. You want to know what Y looks like or what? What is it!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 05:43:09 AM
Which one of these freaking colors is Y, how does "which one is Y?" not mean which one is Y?! His nanites buzzed angrily in response to his emotions, but didn't act on them since he was showing a restraint that almost rivaled Blaire's supression of anger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 05:47:09 AM
Which ever pigment seems the purest... Duh. You don't have to be a genius to figure that one out. And even Y has his faults and impurities. But Wraith is pure hatred, chaos, full of impurity. She looked at him angrily. You can get angry all you want, I'm in control and Anger doesn't scare me.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 06:00:31 AM
The anger flowed away and what was left was a somewhat odd mixture of amusement and pity. Fine, i'll let this go as 'ignorance'... he 'said' before working on the one that wasn't pure, since Wraith was pure negative.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 06:03:12 AM
Ryn's eyes faded back to their normal crystal blue and amethyst eyes. She did not look at Chrono. She still felt unaccepted, unwanted. She walked a couple steps away and sat down facing away from him and the nanite pile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 06:11:25 AM
I've seen the way you act with Y, if you honestly think hes a better choice than me, then I'll do my best to bring him back. he started seperating the two entities so his nanites wouldn't shock the other nanites to life on accident. It takes the will of a saint to willingly help someone you don't accept or want, and I seriously doubt I qualify for such a title
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 06:16:11 AM
Ryn didn't move. His words pierced her heart and mind like an arrow. Ryn was becoming more like Blaire, emotions rushing in like a tidal wave. You don't know me. You can't possibly love me. With that she fell silent. Tears hit the pavement like rain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 30, 2010, 08:30:48 PM
To be honest, I do... but I'll shut them off if you'd rather be with Y he could only keep a small amount of attention towards Ryn while he tried to set a 'barrier'; its main purpose was to keep the nano-machines from activating Wraith on accident, but it also made it easier to manage due to a smaller area.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 30, 2010, 10:23:51 PM
No. She relaxed and looked at Chrono. How much longer?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 31, 2010, 01:41:56 AM
Like you said earlier, he has to get up himself, I'm just making it happen faster... He could have the nanites copy Y's data and then relenquish control, but that might just create a different 'Y' since nanites can't really copy a personality to the exact amount.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 31, 2010, 01:55:35 AM
Ryn just sat quietly. Blaire was an idiot. Hiding her anger, frustration. Pain. Everything. Stupidity. She looked on into the nothingness as if she were alone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 31, 2010, 03:04:23 AM
Chrono finished his 'operation', but nothing was happening. Can't tell her how its going, nor can I continue shooting energy into something that has a possibility of already being broken... he mused while thinking up an alternate solution beyond from what he tried to do.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 31, 2010, 07:56:47 PM
Ryn sensed something was wrong. She looked at the pile. "It's up to him now..." She looked up to the sky. A rain drop hit the tip of her nose. She shook her head and sneezed. She got up and went over to Chrono. "I know I'm not Blaire... But I think I might be an improvement." She grabbed his arm and tugged on it. "Come on." She waited for him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 31, 2010, 08:06:18 PM
Chrono was bad at feigning smiles, but he didn't have to since he actually liked being with Ryn. He tugged back and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing his wings up to block the rain. "Lead the way..." he whispered while letting go of her waist and holding her hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on May 31, 2010, 09:17:20 PM
Ryn's ears perked a bit. She actually liked the feeling of someone wanting her. She didn't feel alone. She walked over to an over hang as the rain fell harder and thunder rolled. She pulled Chrono close behind her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 31, 2010, 11:34:02 PM
Chrono slowly hung his arms over her shoulders, not showing hesitation, but giving her time to object if she desired. The chains that dangled from his arms showed he had changed to his 'birth' form, which was only a head and a half taller than Ryn.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 02, 2010, 07:04:13 PM
She crossed his arms and held on to them. Her tail swayed calmly back and forth.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 03, 2010, 01:54:20 AM
"So, what more must I do to have you believe that I accept you?" the question was somewhat flirtish as he tried to get her to smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 03, 2010, 11:05:36 PM
Her ears went back down. "I'm not Blaire. Nothing like her. I don't simply go along with things. Proof is the only thing. Trust." She moved away from him and out into the pouring rain. She went over to the nanites still on the ground. She remembered she still had a couple in her body, but she didn't know where.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 03, 2010, 11:15:15 PM
Chrono still followed her because he yet again did something that ticked her off. Note to self, leave the 'acceptance' alone... he thought before draping a wing above her to block the rain before she was soaked to the bone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 04, 2010, 01:22:37 AM
The nanites on the ground stayed still...something was wrong.  Neither Wraith nor Y were active, the energy that had been in the nanites almost completely gone.  Then the nanites shifted slightly and formed a hand.  It was withered and skeletal but it seemed to grasp at the air in desperation.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 04, 2010, 01:28:49 AM
Chrono put an arm between Ryn and the hand, knowing that it could be either of the two since both had fallen in a heap. He stuck his other hand out and grabbed the hand, his own nanites guarding his scales against the possibility of it being Wraith.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 04, 2010, 02:18:45 AM
The hand felt Chrono's claw and held still for a moment.  Then, with a sharp bite of pain, the hand dug its nails into Chrono's claw and a few drops of blood fell onto the pile.  The hand let go and began grasping at the air again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 04, 2010, 03:04:06 AM
Ryn reached forward, her hand out stretched. She wasn't thinking, all she knew was that the nanites had some bit of life, which meant hope for Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 04, 2010, 05:18:51 AM
The hand reached out and took Ryn's.  It held her hand tightly, the withered fingers caressing it.  A face formed in the nanite pile, eyeless sockets stared into the clouds overhead as the mouth moved as if speaking.  No sound came through but the words, even if they weren't discernable, were there.  Ryn suddenly felt her veins burn like fire.  Something inside her was moving.  A small black cloud slowly floated out of her mouth and joined the pile on the ground.  The face melted back into the pile but the hand gripped Ryn's even harder.  Her pain was gone...but so was any trace of Y in her mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 04, 2010, 02:58:29 PM
Chrono shook the blood that was still dripping from his hand, but kept his wing over Ryn in case the rain didn't stop. He wanted to crush the pile into atoms, so nothing would vex him like the thought of dealing with another nano-entity.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 05, 2010, 04:49:47 AM
Ryn collapsed. Her mind was throbbing. She wanted to think about him, she wanted him to be there. She cared for him, nothing could replace that. Her eyes floated up. Emptiness filled her body and mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 05, 2010, 05:02:54 AM
Chrono immeadeatly got Ryn upright and took her away from the pile, giving her something to lean against and keep her out of the rain. Ryn, wake up... come on... don't leave me!!

Chrono thought his birth form would have no second voice to pester him or spit doubts in the cracks of his faith. You pathetic sack of scales... can't even keep your woman from getting harmed, what good are you?!

Nothing would have prepared him for the kind of de-railment that this surprise gave him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 06, 2010, 02:23:45 AM
The nanite pile began to shift along the ground.  It slathered itself in the blood that had fell from Chrono until the entire pile was red with the crimson essence.  A few crackles of energy began to pulse through the pile.  Chrono would recognize the energy as the magic that he had imbuned the pile with, in attempt to raise the Nano-Wraith ((That's what Y is...Wraith is just his old name)).
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 01:17:45 AM
She sat still. Ryn's eyes drifted. They did not focus on anything, complete space, glowing. She said nothing. None of her body moved.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 07, 2010, 01:41:15 AM
Chrono pulled his focus away from the voice that was taunting inside his head, and tried to push himself into Ryn's mind, trying to find out why shes motionless. Only the voice in his head was aware that Y was coming back from his own life-liquid. Eh, I'll have to take control if that thing decides to go nuts.  it mused while waiting for Chrono to finish his 'moment' since it was his body...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 02:01:11 AM
Ryn's ears twitched and then layed back. Her eyes faded to their usual amethyst color. She got up and fell back down she sat on her knees, her feet out to the side and she hugged her self.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 07, 2010, 02:08:01 AM
Chrono stopped when his subborness gave way to the realization that his mental prowess was micro-sized by both Ryn and Blaire, so he couldn't peer into their minds like they could, which became an annoyance since she could see if he wanted her, but he couldn't unless she either said it, or expressed it blatantly. Face it, the only thing she would have to watch out for from you, is a set of chains snapping her neck, torso, and legs in two. the voice said as he opened his eyes and mumbled a few curses while he glanced at Ryn, then to the now moving pile of nanites. Her body isn't what I want although it is a rather nice bonus...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 02:10:25 AM
Ryn heard him. I'm stronger than Blaire. I can put up walls. Something she could never do. She didn't move. She remained where she sat.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 07, 2010, 02:19:48 AM
Couldn't even travel through the link, let alone actually run into your mental barrier. Sorry for my ignorant question earlier... Hey, Ryn, can I speak to Blaire, or is she busy being 'weaker' than you? the voice was similar to Chrono's but had a twisted inflection on it as well as its own phantasmal echo.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 02:21:35 AM
She isn't her own person anymore. We're one. Sorry. You're too late. A nerve was struck when the voice spoke. A tear hit the pavement.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 07, 2010, 02:29:42 AM
A finger-snap was 'heard' as well as a sigh.Well boy, looks like you're stuck wi- stuck implies that I would not want Ryn, if that was the case, I would have demanded her to have Blaire back, now unless you have anything more ignorant to say, be silent! he didn't think to block his mental convesation from Ryn even though such a thing was well within his abilities.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 02:33:57 AM
Ryn shut them out. Her heart began to ache, as if someone and stepped on it. Blaire, I can't take your place. Yes you can, you have to. I wont be around and I know they'll warm up to you. Try to be more compassionate. I can't... I'll try.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 07, 2010, 02:45:14 AM
The nanites slowly began to rise into the air, like a snake coming out of a basket.  A few faint beepings and clicks could be heard as they began to swirl into a slow moving tornado.  The lazy whirlwind centered itself around the droplets of blood as the magical energy traveled up the cyclone like a jacob's ladder.  One could only imagine what was truly happening.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 07, 2010, 03:01:08 AM
Ryn looked at the whirlwind and stayed focused on it. Her eyes followed the movement. The nanites danced around and around.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 07, 2010, 01:21:17 PM
Chrono finished his arguement by blocking out the other voice, then getting ready to lock the nano-storm up if it decided to turn hostile to either of them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 01:38:33 AM
The nanites slowly began to accelerate, moving faster and faster until they formed a true tornado.  Chrono's energy lit up the cyclone as it arced from nanite to nanite like electricity.  A beige mist flowed in and out of the storm.  They nanites that the mist was formed of seemed a bit larger than the rest and Ryn felt a strange attachment to them.  Chrono's blood began to lift off the ground and seep into the now raging whirlwind, turning the energy deep red.  The energy began to shoot outward, like lightning bolts, striking its surroundings and scorching them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 08, 2010, 01:43:22 AM
Chrono would have locked it up just for the sudden increase in ferocity, but instead he got over to Ryn, picked her up, and got her farther away from the tornado. Regardless of what was uncovered, holding Ryn in his arms actually felt better than holding Blaire, though his fidelity would whole-heartedly deny such thoughts.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 08, 2010, 02:35:22 AM
Ryn watched at a distance as the attachment came back to her. She huddled close to Chrono. The emptiness she felt faded a bit.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 02:42:46 AM
Suddenly, in a flash of red, the cyclone collapsed in on itself.  The energy was gone and the nanites were dead.  They dropped in a pile, much larger than before and laid still for the final time.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 08, 2010, 02:45:39 AM
Ryn's heart sank. "NO!" She cried out. She ran over to them and fell to her knees. Her tears running down her face, hitting the pile of nanites. Her eyes began to glow as she held her hands on the pile. The tears continued to flow. Ryn's eyes shut tight, light still seeping through. The tears glowing a dim blue.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 02:48:51 AM
As the tears hit the nanites, it shifted them, exposing a tuft of snow white fur.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 08, 2010, 02:50:26 AM
Her eyes opened, still glowing. She leaned in and touched the fur. Her hand winced back and then pushed the nanites away. Her eyes dimmed as crystal blue and amethyst broke through. Tears still ran down her face, but slowly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 03:04:50 AM
The nanites fell away like sand, revealing more fur and a figure curled up in a fetal position.  The figure was a snow white fox with great black wings, asleep under a blanket of nanites.  There were no clothes to hide him as he slept and the wings twitched on his back with every breath.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 08, 2010, 03:09:24 AM
Ryn hesitated to touch the figure. Her hand reached forward and gently touch the white fur. She could sense activity in his mind. Hello? she said in a warm, soft voice.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 03:25:00 AM
Ryn?...I can't see...where are you?  The figure began to breathe heavier as he lifted his arm to touch Ryn's hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 08, 2010, 03:26:29 AM
Ryn held out her hand and grasped his gently. I'm here. Right next to you. She felt relief.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 08, 2010, 03:34:53 AM
Ryn...why can't I see?  The figure sat up, causing the remaining nanites to fall to the ground around him.  His eyes were still shut as he tried to look around.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 08, 2010, 01:02:59 PM
Chrono walked up to the 'angelic' fox and Ryn, then inspected the fox before speaking. "The reason you can't see is because you have eye-lids, which keep dirt and light from coming in... but whats more amazing is that a few drops of my blood created a complete body, or did you hope it was Ryn's blood, Y?" he felt somewhat assured that this wasn't Wraith, who would have already done something violent, rather than look around meekly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 09, 2010, 03:10:51 AM
Ryn took his face in her hands and kissed his eyes. She then touched them gently with her thumbs. It's almost as if you have just been born. You can not yet see. It will only be moments till you can. But until then, I'm here. She smiled and looked at Chrono. "I'm sure he knew it was yours."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 09, 2010, 03:54:49 AM
Y's head jerked in the direction of Blaire's voice Yes...I did.  I took both of yours.  Your flesh...and Chrono's blood.  Y reached up to his face and felt the eyelids.  Eyes... His eyes shot open, revealing a flash of emerald green before slamming shut again. LIGHT!!! PAIN!!  His massive bat-like wings flew open in shock as he placed his hands over his eyes in agony.  The wing span was twice as long as he was tall, knocking over anything that wasn't bolted down.

He had never felt real pain before.  Everything before were simulations...uncomfortable at worst.  They were programmed into him so that he would avoid danger.  But this...this was excruciating.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 09, 2010, 02:53:12 PM
Chrono got upright again and picked Y up, taking him over to a poorly-lit building that was schedualed to be demolished the next day. "Lets try this again..." he said while trying to hold back any laughter he had at Y getting used to a fleshy form. "this time, without being in direct sunlight..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 10, 2010, 02:10:57 AM
Ryn followed behind quietly. Her paws padded across the pavement as they went to the building. She went next to Y and stood over him to provide a little bit of a shadow so he could get used to it before actual light was exposed.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 10, 2010, 02:13:50 AM
Chrono looked at Ryn with a grin on his face, until the idea of Y's current situation dawned on him. Wait, does this make him a blood-relative now, as well as a fire-user!? he tried to keep his astonishment on the down-low, but he wasn't sure it appeared that way.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 10, 2010, 02:17:04 AM
No, he simply used it to get a 'taste' of what he was to be made of. He couldn't be blood related. She looked at Chrono then back to Y. Y, I need you to open your eyes. I promise, they light wont hurt this time. Her voice was warm, and sweet.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 10, 2010, 02:22:26 AM
No, he simply used it to get a 'taste' of what he was to be made of. He couldn't be blood related. She looked at Chrono then back to Y. Y, I need you to open your eyes. I promise, they light wont hurt this time. Her voice was warm, and sweet.
Hes made of your flesh and my blood, the only way hes not a genetic offspring is the species and fur color!! He did want to have a son, but definatly not in this fashion...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 10, 2010, 02:56:48 AM
He isn't... She was getting frustrated.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 10, 2010, 03:09:35 AM
Chrono looked away from Ryn, not wanting to make things worse.Sorry for overreacting, just; I don't know, things were getting frustrating when Blaire constantly went along with Y. Now shes gone and I don't know if I'm still wanted, or just tolerated...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 11, 2010, 01:03:57 AM
Y opened his eyes again, this time slowly.  His eyes were blurred as they adjusted to the dimmed light.  He marveled at his surroundings, taking in the new sights.  Before he had only seen numbers which described what he was seeing to him, but never had actually seen.  The numbers did not do the world justice as he was overwhelmed with colors and patterns.  Then his eyes locked on Ryn.  He felt something deep inside him begin to thud against his insides as his chest constricted.  He grabbed a hold of his chest at the new feeling but kept his eyes on Ryn.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 01:13:04 AM
Chrono, I love you dearly. I do. It's just going to take a bit of getting used to. I'm in love with someone I have never met. I was in the back of the mind, only knowing I was in love and in love with someone or whatever. I'm trying to adjust...

Ryn's eyes stayed focused on Y. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Are you having chest pains?" She motioned to his hand on his chest.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 11, 2010, 01:25:02 AM
Chrono turned to Y and looked at his face before trying to answer Ryn's question. "No... I think he just saw something beautiful, and I couldn't agree more with his opinion..." He said with a grin, part of his mind only registering Y as a child who finally began to see the world with more than just their eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 01:34:01 AM
Ryn's cheeks were warm. A light blush had risen but not noticeable. She smiled, looking at Chrono then back to Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 11, 2010, 01:51:58 AM
Y slowly stood up, his knees shaking.  Just like when he opened his eyes, he had never held up his own weight before.  Suddenly, his knees buckled and he collapsed to the floor. My can you people stand this?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 11, 2010, 02:00:56 AM
Chorno got a hold of Y's left arm, and put it over his own shoulders, getting Y on his feet so he could get used to holding his own weight. "Dang, I thought you could still be affected by gravity with the way your nanos had mass...."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 02:02:58 AM
Ryn covered her mouth to hide the smirk on her face. She held him around the waste with one arm and swung his other arm over her should to help Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 11, 2010, 02:06:26 AM
Y shook his head, exasperated. No...I've never really touched the ground.  My nanites had thrusters...I always hovered a few millimeters off the ground.  He looked down at the ground, unsure of the feeling in his feet.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 02:08:12 AM
Ryn looked down as well but forgot he was not clothed. "Uh... Clothing would be a GREAT idea." She looked back up and rolled her eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 11, 2010, 02:17:22 AM
Chrono traces a box shape in the ground below, then a pair of armor leggings appear on the ground. "It was the armor I orignally made for Blaire, but it no longer fit since she grew the curves you now have... I think it'll fit someone who lacks significant physical thickness."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 02:19:17 AM
Ryn looked at Chrono oddly. "Are you saying Blaire didn't look as good as I do?" she joked. She looked at Y. "Please... Put something on." She smiled at him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 11, 2010, 02:22:40 AM
Ryn looked at Chrono oddly. "Are you saying Blaire didn't look as good as I do?" she joked. She looked at Y. "Please... Put something on." She smiled at him.
"You did say you're an 'improvement', or was I lost in your eyes when you asked me to come with you?" he said with a smile since he figured this was better than his previous 'acceptance' comment.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 11, 2010, 02:25:10 AM
Ryn let out a laugh. "I am an improvement. But Blaire is part of me. I'm just in control more of my thoughts and actions." She smirked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 11, 2010, 04:47:41 AM
Huh? Y looked down at the leggings with bemusement.  He suddenly blushed, for reasons he did not understand, and nearly collapsed to the floor trying to get them on.  Finally wearing some sort of clothing, Y seemed almost normal...except for the bat-wings.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 11, 2010, 03:33:58 PM
Chrono looked at the wings for a moment, and felt his own back, seeing if his wing-bones hadn't vanished with his first change. "It might take some effort and pain, but I can give your wings the ability to push their bones into the back, reinforcing your spine and drastically reducing the amount of explosed flesh..." he forced himself to stand still while his wings literally sank into his back, leaving little evidence of their existance beyond a bulkier-looking back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 14, 2010, 12:08:07 AM
Y looked to Chrono and shook his head.  No...they're fine.  I can figure them out myself if I really need to.  Y hadn't noticed yet, but he hadn't spoken a word yet.  Everything he had been saying was telepathic.  The fact that he had a real mouth now didn't even register in his brain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 14, 2010, 12:11:11 AM
Chrono couldn't hear a single word that Y said since he had no connection to him like he had to Ryn. "Sir, if you have something to say, use this" his talons hooked into Y's mouth, and move his lower-jaw down and up until he caught on. "The only one who can speak to me without words is Ryn, and I'm pretty sure there can't be two of one person in existance."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 14, 2010, 03:10:55 AM
Ryn continued to stand in silence. She didn't really have much to say. She simply sighed. She sat down to let Chrono and Y figure things out between Y's speaking and walking.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 14, 2010, 10:28:08 PM
Chrono changed tactics started sliding his right talon down Y's throat, only stopping until the gag-reflex kicks in...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 15, 2010, 12:08:49 AM
Y began to flail his arms about as Chrono shoved his talon down his throat.  Suddenly he felt a surge in the pit of his being, causing him to double his efforts to extract the talon. 

Another surge...

And another...

Y's body was suddenly wracked with pain as his new stomach heaved its acidic contents out of his throat and onto the ground.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2010, 12:53:47 AM
Chrono vaporized the acid with his heated hand, then patted Y on the back. "There, you should be able to feel your mouth with all the junk you just up-chucked..." he said while trying to not laugh at the whole oddness of the situation. I just forced someone to throw-up so they'd know that hey have a mouth... why does it feel so stupidly rediculous?!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 15, 2010, 01:12:29 AM
Y stared at Chrono with a look that could only be described as...WTF!!!  He began clawing at his tongue, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2010, 01:14:48 AM
"I was moving your jaw up and down, and you didn't notice, so I made a lasting impression by literally putting a bad taste in your mouth... and you trying to claw your tongue is more than enough proof!" he kept his smile, but it could be seen he was trying to hold back the laughter.

((truth be told, I was hoping Y would pull his talon out before the vomiting, but this turned out even better :3))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 15, 2010, 02:14:37 AM
Ryn looked at Chrono in shock. She hit him in the back of the head and went to Y. "Speak, like I'm doing. Move your mouth and try to produce any sound. Any at all." She looked at him and smiled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2010, 02:19:40 AM
Chrono let his head drop when she hit him, trying even harder to not laugh. "He didn't know he had a mouth, and I showed him!!" he cried in defense while sitting down, having periodic moments of laughter at his own expense. I'm amazed Blaire puts up with me if this is my sense of humor...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 15, 2010, 02:25:05 AM
Ryn sighed and laughed a bit. "You're an idiot... but it's okay. I accept you," she joked. Blaire seemed to have vanished completely. Ryn was a completely new being. She looked back at Y and moved her mouth and spoke. "Come on... I know you can do it. Babies can do it."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2010, 02:36:50 AM
Chrono continued his randomly occouring laughter until he got too tired from holding it in and began to take deep breaths, never stopping his smile or getting off the floor. It would have been just a chuckle or two, but Y's face-

He could spend two-hundred credits on a good bar-tab, twenty-thousand for another container of nanites. But Y's face, was 'Priceless' in every sense of the word.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 15, 2010, 02:40:33 AM
Y looked at Ryn and moved his mouth but no sound came out.  He frowned a bit and tried again but with no success.  He thought for a moment and looked at his wing with the look of an idea.  He quickly put the skin of one wing between his thumb and forefinger and pierced it with his claw.  His mouth opened as if to shout in pain, but no sound still came out.  A few drops of blood trickled down his claw as he looked at Ryn helplessly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2010, 02:42:48 AM
Chrono looked up at Y and Ryn, and another silly idea came into his head. "Punch him in the throat, it might stimulate his vocal cords, or get him to breathe loudly!!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 15, 2010, 09:19:29 PM
Ryn sneered at Chrono. She looked back at Y. "This may hurt a bit." Ryn remembered when at first they couldn't get Blaire to speak they bit her throat. Ryn put her jaws on Y's throat and bit down. She remembered that it helped open the canal to allow more air and the vocal cords to flow.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 15, 2010, 11:46:22 PM
Y gasped in pain, but no noise came from his throat.  In fact, when Ryn bit down, something felt odd about Y's throat.  It didn't feel like a normal was more solid...more muscle and less tendon.  Something was wrong...very wrong.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 16, 2010, 12:49:10 AM
Ryn looked at Y oddly. "He didn't develop them. He had no mouth before, therefore he didn't really have vocal cords to use. There was no way of truly using them...." She looked at Y apologetically. She hugged him tightly. At least we can still communicate.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 16, 2010, 01:17:52 AM
Y felt tears welling up inside him.  All of that work...all of that pain...only to end up mute.  I didn't never occurred to me before.  Y closed his eyes as he cried noiselessly into Ryn's fur.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 16, 2010, 01:19:34 AM
Ryn stroked his head and continued to hold him. It's alright hun. We'll try to figure it out. For now, we'll speak like this. She nuzzled him to try and help him to calm down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 16, 2010, 01:25:24 AM
Y nuzzled his face into Ryn's fur like a child.  Tears were streaming down his face.  He didn't know why he was crying...but something inside told him to.  He just couldn't stop.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 16, 2010, 01:28:00 AM
Ryn took his face in her hand and gently stroked his cheeks with her thumbs, wiping the tears aside. It'll be ok. Please, no more crying. It hurts to see you cry. I care about you, and I'm going to do anything I can to help you. She kissed his forehead and looked into his eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 16, 2010, 01:47:18 AM
"So, I take it that 'Mom' is the only one who gets to talk to the 'Child' while the 'Father' tries to figure out what the 'Child' is trying to say..." He blurted shortly after she kissed his forehead. She said Y wasn't their child, but that didn't stop her from acting like he was. "Does this mean I'll have to start drinking on a daily basis?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 16, 2010, 02:18:10 AM
"I'm not his mother... I'm his friend. God forbid I show compassion for someone other than you!" She growled. She squeezed Y once more and stormed off, hitting Chrono with her shoulder.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 16, 2010, 02:27:10 AM
I love you too Ryn... he 'said' with a smile before going to Y and making sure he didn't try to kill himself in the attempt to head towards Ryn. "You think you can link up with me too, I was serious about not being able to 'hear' anything you 'say'" he said while looking right at Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 16, 2010, 02:48:04 AM
Ryn sat down on a nearby curb and grunted. How could he be so... UGH! she put her head down and kept quiet.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 16, 2010, 03:09:06 AM
He was somewhat ignorant to Ryn's frustration as someone in his head had already felt it and cut him off. He means well, he just tends to use the wrong situations for his jokes. In case if you're wondering, he never messed with Blaire like this, because he had to put up an image of the "guardian lover" or some junk. Just get him to use something other than his mouth... the voice was somewhat gravely, but it had no malice or evil, it was just 'old' and had completely vanished after 'speaking' to her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 16, 2010, 05:34:01 PM
Y shook his head at Chrono's question.  He had no idea how to form a link...let alone how he kept Ryn's.  He looked at Chrono with a sorry expression.  This was cut short however as he felt a slight turmoil in his stomach.  The noise it made sounded like a drain opening as he held his gut in discomfort.  Okay, that's definently new...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 02:08:22 AM
He can't form links. Only I can. That's why you can hold one with me... She 'said' to Chrono. You have to be hungry. Let's go get something. She walked back over to Y and held out her hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 02:13:03 AM
Chrono looks at them both like a dog would when two people are interacting in front of him, then his features only droop a minute amount before walking away on all fours. It was like the first time with Blaire, except he didn't know who she put as top priority beyond herself. He climbed up the building he brought Y to, and started forging new chain links, since he didn't know what else to do with his time... or life
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 17, 2010, 02:14:18 AM
Y cocked his head as he took her hand.  Hungry?  I don't understand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 02:24:33 AM
While he was making chains, he felt talons grab his head, and dig into his scalp. "So, your great plan is to not get married, but wait on Ryn to come to you..." "You're just a backseat driver, you do-" "Wrong, I let you stay with Blaire because you needed someone to hold onto while you got used to the body, now shes gone and you either move on, or I shove you back in the cage you came from and make her love only me..." Chrono stopped everything for a moment before sending a chain flying at his former self's neck, let it wrap around, and then tug him into the ground with an inaudible 'crack'. "You're a backseat driver, and you just lost your say in what I do with my life..." he mumbled before getting up and leaping down, heading back to Y and Ryn before they left.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 02:25:46 AM
Ryn didn't have a list. She knew she cared for both of them. At the moment one needed more attention than the other one showed. She helped Y into the near by Tavern and sat him down. "I'll be right back. I need to fetch the sulking dragon." She rushed out the door and saw Chrono. "Will you come down here please..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 02:31:37 AM
Chrono tapped Ryn on the shoulder, getting her attention before she started yelling at the supposed 'dragon'. "Um, is there anything I can do to help with Y, joking aside" Some ignorant part of his consious mind believed he was faking a serious voice, even though most of it knew it sounded sincere and was sincere.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 02:33:16 AM
"He's fine... But I know we aren't..." She looked at him with a serious look.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 02:35:48 AM
Chrono looked away for a moment before looking back in her eyes. "Well, I can't fix my problem if I don't know what you don't like." He thought he himself was the reason she was so catty towards him, but he didn't know what he was doing wrong...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 02:42:17 AM
"I'm not picky. I just need to figure things out. I'm still new to this," She muttered. She went up to him and kissed him. "I know that I care for you, and you need to accept that for right now. Even if it's not what you want."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 02:48:34 AM
Chrono was not only thrown off by the kiss, but couldn't stop himself from returning it. He then pulled away and looked down in shame and mouthing 'sorry' before walking into the bar. Nice job trying to restrain yourself Romeo... he whole-heartedly expect either a smash in the face, a slap, or some form of violence directed at him for doing it on impulse. He sat a stool and didn't even drink, not really sulking, but definatly not happy with how his reaction went.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 03:04:21 AM
Ryn felt fine after what she did. She liked the reaction. She wanted more but didn't want to push it. She walked in and sat next to Y. "Look at the menu and tell me what you may want."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 17, 2010, 03:10:34 AM
Y looked at the menu curiously and read off the menu in his head.  Everything looked good but he had no idea what to get.  He looked at Ryn and placed his hand to indicate an entire column of food.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 03:11:16 AM
Chrono heard Ryn and his depression started to lift up a bit, he wanted to push it, but since he was born with a different set of 'naughty bits', he really couldn't gauge what a woman would call 'too much'... Those married couples make it look so easy...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 17, 2010, 03:14:59 AM
Ryn smiled. "You want the whole menu?" she asked, laughing. She waved the bartender over. "Can I order on of everything... It's been a really long day." She smiled and the bartender winked. "Sure thing pretty lady, I'll get that up for you in a jiffy." He put in the order and went back to serving drinks.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 17, 2010, 03:20:26 AM
Chrono ordered a Neutron-glow, which apparently decended from Humanity's Moonshine, and took a sip of the bottle while he thought over how he could do to improve their relationship from 'right now' to 'Before Y makes a move'. Physical affection is my forte, but it only works if the mood or circumstance is right, and all my talking did was get her to think I've got a cruel sense of humor...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 12:06:41 AM
Ryn ordered a Jack Daniels on the rocks. She took a sip. "When do you think battles are gonna start happening again?" she asked looking at Y and Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 12:13:54 AM
"I think they've been happening... but after all that we've gone through, none of us can pass for the Y, Blaire, and Chrono that they had registered. Essentially, Deathmatch is going on without us and unless we register under different names, we really can't go back to fighting again; not that I'm interested in bloodshed" Chrono stated while ordering a hamburger to go with his neutron-glow. "Arrant is either dead, the victor, or just lucky to survive the fight until I caused a mass-panic."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 12:15:12 AM
"Yea, I suppose. Plus I'm sure things are more interesting in this god forsaken city." She took another swig of her drink.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 12:19:56 AM
"Ironically, this place wasn't god-forsaken until all three of us 'played our parts' in banishing the 'moral high-ground' and essentially putting a foot in the rear of Deathmatch security... not to mention Wraith putting on a show for the entire freaking resident populace" Chrono replied as he took a longer swig of his drink than her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 12:38:13 AM
"**** happens. Can't do much about it. What happened happened, and maybe that will just cause more problems. I'm a bit surprised that police aren't searching." She finished her drink and ordered another.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 12:55:33 AM
"They probably figured we either left, or killed eachother off in the chaos... its not like they don't have other issues to deal with beyond us" Chrono still had half a bottle left as he got the hamburger, and he slowly chewed it away, not really in the mood for eating 'till hes full
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 12:58:56 AM
Ryn only shrugged. "I say we just start over..." She finished off her drink and ordered a third.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 01:04:16 AM
"You mean go back to Deathmatch, or just be 'adventurers'?" Chrono had started over before and could only think of how she planned to start over. He knows she can't go take the mansion, he torched it to the ground since Blaire's father was going to call 'friends' to get Blaire back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 01:07:26 AM
Ryn sighed. "I suppose go back to deathmatch... Although I see no point... That's it, I'm just gonna do what I want." She took a sip and sighed again. Screw what Blaire believed or acted. I'm doing Ryn Blackwing and no one is stopping me. She thought to herself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 01:11:05 AM
Chrono almost slammed his bottle as he took it out of his maw. "Seeing as how I never really liked being alone, I'm tagging along, whether you wish it or not, but I am hoping you wish it." He bit off half the hamburger as his mood started to lighten again, but he couldn't tell if it was the drink, or from Ryn herself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 18, 2010, 01:13:36 AM
Y, who had been experimenting with foods, turned to Ryn and nodded in silent agreement.  I don't see why I shouldn't go too.  Count me in.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 01:17:35 AM
Ryn smiled. "You guys aren't going to like it at first... But I'm sure you'll get used to it. Prepare yourselves boys. You're about to know the true Ryn." She finished her drink and paid the bill. "Thanks sir." She sat and waited for the other two to be ready.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 01:24:39 AM
Chrono slung the bottle into his coat and didn't even stagger as he walked with a slight grin on his face. "So you were holding back on me then?" Come on, I gotta know the woman I wanna marry! the last part was a mental voice as he didn't want to announce his plans to everyone, only show an interest to go with her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 18, 2010, 01:30:22 AM
Y quickly harfed down the last of his food, belched silently, and bounded over to Ryn and Chrono.  Ready as I'll ever be.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 01:34:15 AM
Ryn only laughed and got up. Come on babe. Let's go have some fun. she 'said' to Y. Just follow me.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 01:46:08 AM
Chrono was already out the door, his visage now a bit more "conservative" as a mask of flame formed on his face, and a hood covered his crimson mane enough to cover his head, but faintly show the mane when he looks right at someone. "I got a pass that covers for three people, had it kept with me just in case Bl- she wanted to leave DeathMatch, guess I'll finally make use of it!" he said while flipping out what looks like a door-card, but the hole was ment to fit the bar that opened a four-person room. The point of making it a three person pass, was that people would use the rooms to stow away weapons for a hijack, so the ticket-checker had to enter the room to verify that everyone in the room was supposed to be in the room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 01:50:30 AM
A cloak of shadow formed around her and a hood on her head. It covered her face entirely, except for the glowing of her eyes. She made one for Y as well. Come on you two... This way.

((Purple is speaking to both, teal is speaking to Y and green will be speaking to Chrono. so there is no  :? ))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 18, 2010, 02:00:27 AM
Y followed as his body was obscured.  He had no idea where they were going...nor did he have any clue as to why he should care.  It wasn't much but he had finally been given what he had always wanted...a rea family.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 18, 2010, 02:07:26 AM
Ryn walked down an alleyway that was a bit eerier than most. She walked all the way down it until she got to a dead end. She moved four bricks, pushing them back. The wall moved and a tunnel was exposed. "Come on, I think you guys will find this interesting..." She walked down it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 18, 2010, 02:15:28 AM
Chrono followed her to wherever she went, even though he knew the one ship that actually left the system without taking multiple ships. I take it you have some connections? he 'asked' Ryn with a concealed grin. He kept an eye, ear-hole, and nostril out for any physical hostility towards her or Y. One could also say he got what he wanted, he has to protect Y until he can defend himself, and he could only see a bright future for him and Ryn since they were no longer hounded just for being friendly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 24, 2010, 10:13:39 PM
Ryn's eyes glew in the darkness of the new path they had taken. She stopped and snifed the air. "Just a little further." She walked down two more blocks and stopped in front of a shop. It looked closed, haunted to ages. She walked in. "Come out come out where ever you are" she sang. A snake creature slithered about and appeared in front of her. "Ah, so you have returned, and might I say you look beautful." He hissed. She grinned. "No games, where is the vault?" She demanded. She followed close behind the snake as they went down a hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 24, 2010, 10:18:57 PM
Chrono slowly 'crafted' a collar, muzzle, and a lengthy section of chain as he followed Ryn. He could 'feel' that the snake was probably too slick for the ground he slid on. But, he trusted Ryn to know what she was doing, so he didn't try to bag the snake on the spot.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 24, 2010, 10:26:38 PM
Ryn and the snake stopped in front of a large metal vault door. She gave the vault wheel a turn and the locks inside clunked open. "It's all inside untouched master." Ryn smiled and went in. She came out with weapons. She threw a gun at Chrono and Y. She took in her hand a large bow meant for hunting large creatures. "Boys, we are now assassins. We are to make large profits and murder. If you wish to leave, then I will have to kill you. Any objections?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 24, 2010, 10:55:46 PM
Chrono raised an unseen brow at the pistol he was given, flourished it a few times, then fired a round at the snake,  intentionally missing the skull and making a small hole in the concrete before he put it in his cloak. "So much for 'redemption'..." he mumbled, since killing had always left a bitter taste in his mouth after 'she' came into his life. She'd probably slap me for even going along with this...

He pulled back a sleeve, and turned away from the others as he etched 'B' onto the first link that attached to his flesh. Someone has to remember the one who helped others at the cost of thier own life... he had to keep his thoughts guarded from Ryn now. But then the thoughts started to drift away from his mind, almost transferring to the link as he decided to play Ryn's guide, as Blaire did for him and Y. "I'll have to remember that line... I'll need a ring to go with it." he said with a grin as he had already hid the chain from Ryn's view.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 25, 2010, 02:27:52 PM
Ryn looked at Chrono suspiciously. I know this probably isn't what you want to do. But it's not all what you think. We're are killing those who deserve it. Not those who are innocent. Trust me.. She looked at Y. "I'll explain more when we get to my place." She took her large bow and arrows and walked back to the open lobby of the abandoned shop.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 27, 2010, 07:15:36 PM
Yes, but those who deserve to die might turn cowardly, getting the innocent involved. Therefore, I will play the bait as well as the trap before such an incident occours, my love...
Chrono grinned as he followed her out, understanding the difference between killing and "hunting". "By the way, would you like a longer name, or is 'Y' going to be your legal name?" he asked, looking back at the white fox.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 28, 2010, 04:36:18 PM
Ryn nodded and looked at Y. "I'm sure that's fine. It's who he is..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 28, 2010, 07:26:37 PM
Y shook his head at Chrono's question.  He liked the was better than Wraith, his name before Deathmatch.  He looked at the weapon in his hands and flipped it around a few times.  He wasn't used to conventional weaponry...he had always been the weapon.  This is going to take some getting used to...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 28, 2010, 08:51:49 PM
"Well, there is Sigma, which is written like 'Y'. Just thought it would be better to refer to someone with more than just one letter..." he said, sounding a mix between defensive and mild shock considering 'Y' is the registered name of the supposed 'Killer robot' that had now become a rather scrawny white fox.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 29, 2010, 12:21:42 AM
Ryn looked at Y. "It's your choice." It will, but I'm sure you'll be fine. We can train. "Lets Go. We'll stay at my place." She went through another door. The room had a large figure in the center of it. She switched on the lights and a Land Rover was now visible. "This is how we will be getting around." She unlocked the doors and hopped in. "Come on you too."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 29, 2010, 01:40:38 AM
Chrono looked around suspiciously at the entire set-up of the room. So while Blaire was living at the mansion, you lived just outside DeathMatch... did you plan for her to go out like she did, or were Y and I rogue elements?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 29, 2010, 01:50:25 AM
Blaire knew what her fate was... She knew it from the beginning. Ryn started the engine.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 29, 2010, 02:02:27 AM
So, I made things worse by showing up at DeathMatch... I really got to stop listening to my gut. he 'asked' while riding shotgun. He didn't care if she said anything or not at this point, it was like reading the end of a book and finding out only the depressing parts, with half the epilougue still unread.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 29, 2010, 06:19:29 PM
"You're fine Chrono. You couldn't have known. No one did." She rolled down the tinted windows.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on June 29, 2010, 07:24:29 PM
God only knows I didn't...  Y hopped into the back seat and began looking over the weapon more.  He had seen others use them but he never actually held one before.  It felt clunky and awkward in his claws...not like his old weapons which were extentions of himself.  He could will his weapons to hit....but this was foreign.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on June 30, 2010, 02:37:02 AM
Ryn didn't show her emotions. That was something she was real good at. She simply hit a button as the large door opened and she pulled out. The car ride was quiet. They drove up a large, well hidden estate. "Blaire had a mansion... I have this." Around the corner appeared what almost looked like a small palace. "Everything we need is here." She pulled into the gate guarded long drive way.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 30, 2010, 06:03:31 PM
Chrono couldn't show emotion since he was still heavily garbed. "A pile of tinder and ash can't make a mansion..." he mumbled while looking out the window. He kept replaying the scene over and over, beating Blaire's father until he cringed from the fear and pain, then just leaving him to die as he set the mansion ablaze, starting from the same room he was left in. It was hopefully the last time he would seal someone's fate with his own anger.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 01, 2010, 12:02:39 AM
"He's alive..." She said. The engine was cut off as they pulled up the cobblestone drive. The doors were extravagant. She got out and slammed the door. She had everything she had grabbed and walked into the large door that was opened by a male wolf garbed in a black tux. "Nice to see you again Ms. Blackhart." Ryn smirked. "You too Geoffry. It's been ages." Geoffry smiled and waited for the others to enter. "Prep their rooms. And have Garret make a meal." Geoffry nodded and fled to prep, leading maids he called. She went into the study and moved a book. The wall went up and she walked in, the isle and ceiling lighting up with each step. Weapons on tables were visible as far as the eye could see. She placed the bow down and took up two specially crafted handguns. She then went to the back and placed thigh holsters on both legs after changing into short shorts. The tank top she then put on came to the top of her pierced bellybutton. Slipping a knife and the guns into the holsters she exited. She met Chrono and Y in the great foyer.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 01, 2010, 12:14:41 AM
As long as he doesn't cause me, you, Y, or even Hera any trouble, I think he learned to keep his aggression in check... Chrono 'said' as he eyed the handguns Ryn was holding. "I've got a cannon on my hand, yet you bother to bring pistols?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "So, do we choose where we sleep, or do you have something else in mind?" He didn't want to joke with her since he had a feeling that his jokes might actually put that thought in her head.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 01, 2010, 12:29:42 AM
"Hey if you feel like sleeping in the dog house, by all means, be my guest," She joked. "The pistols are easier to carry and are more easier to hide. So no more questioning." She poked him in the forehead and walked past him. "I'll show you your rooms."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 01, 2010, 12:35:47 AM
I'd rather sleep with you, but I'll keep my distance if its too soon he 'mumbled'. He didn't want to think it, but he also didn't want to voice his thoughts in case Ryn happened to record any conversations that go on in every creak and crevice of the estate.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 01, 2010, 12:43:44 AM
She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. You really should learn to block me out completely. She 'laughed'
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 01, 2010, 12:56:36 AM
Yes I can, but that would require me to have killed at least two people and I'm pretty sure I would rather snuggle than actually go to first base... wait, how did I transition those thougts. Oh crud, the instincts are already kicking in... He rubbed the brow of his snout while following Ryn to wherever his, if Ryn desired to sleep alone, or where Y's room was.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 01, 2010, 02:31:54 AM
Ryn lead Chrono and Y to rooms opposite of each other. "You boys will be in the west wing. I am located on the furthest door in the east wing. No snooping around or there will be booby traps set off. Chrono your room is on the right of the hall. Y yours is the left. Sleep well. We train tomorrow."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 01, 2010, 03:14:50 AM
Chrono eyed Ryn as he walked to his room, wanting to keep looking at her but also wanting to not bumb into anybody. He was able to pull out of his 'trance' in time to spin past a maid who was carrying a rather large load of clothes, then he made his way to his own room before letting the fire dissipate and remove at least two-thirds of his coverings before he flopped on the bed and looked at the ceiling, longing to hold either Blaire or Ryn again...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 03, 2010, 06:29:06 PM
Ryn looked at Y. "Everything alright? You've been awfully quiet."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 03, 2010, 11:47:55 PM
Y simply shrugged.  I'm's just that this all feels so wrong.  Don't worry too much about me...I don't want to interfere with anything.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 05, 2010, 03:42:38 AM
Ryn's ear went down. "What's wrong?" She looked at him then quickly away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 05, 2010, 03:56:00 AM
Chrono actually went to sleep, but woke again to see a rather buxom wolfess straddling him. "You sir, have one sick sense of humor..." was all that Chrono said before the form suddenly burst into black fire, showing a rather sickly looking dragon where the wolf woman was. "Come on, at least I got the species ri-" "Why can't you go bother some peasants or loot a city?" he half grumbled towards the 'figment of imagination'. "Because that would require you being there with me since this is the body I use" "I guess so, since you couldn't even match her dimensions or gender right..." the dragon vanished with a growl, leaving Chrono wishing that he could sleep with Ryn so his own mind would leave him alone. Ryn, my own imagination is trying to take advantage of me... just to forwarn any attempts at trying to enter your room Chrono 'said', knowing she had traps laid, but figured he would either get through without an issue, or escape any trap he gets in.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 06, 2010, 12:34:14 AM
Y frowned and shifted his gaze from Ryn.  I feel like an intruder between you two.  You and Chrono have always been together, at least Blaire was.  I'm an add-on...a third wheel.  Y shook his head, barely keeping in tears.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 08, 2010, 01:07:36 AM
Ryn looked at Y. "No no... You aren't at all!" She hugged him tightly around the neck. She spoke softly in his ear. "Things aren't quite clear, they wont be for a while." She let go and heard Chrono's voice. "Go get some rest Y. I'll check on you in a few." She hugged him once more and waited for him to walk off. She held back the tears that had caused a lump in her throat.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 08, 2010, 01:12:43 AM
A servant came by Chrono's room with his dinner, and opened the door to see him repeatedly punching an apparent assailant in his room. The servant quickly shut the door and went off to either inform security, or Miss Ryn herself.

"Go away already, I don't need your strength now!!" he yelled while holding the 'wolf' to the floor with his knees and punching him in various locations. As long as you have the black flame, I'll never be completely gone... I just figure I'll mess with you until you draw on my strength to 'kill' me.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 08, 2010, 01:17:19 AM
The servant rushed to Ryn's side and whispered into her ear of what was occurring. Ryn let out a low growl and rushed to Chrono's room. She opened the door and shut it behind her immediately. She knew he was arguing with himself, her gut knew so. She rushed over to him and shook him, staring him in the eyes.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 08, 2010, 01:25:11 AM
Chrono let his arms go limp as his anger suddenly fell into the proverbial pool of Ryn's eyes. However, his thought process would not go towards hugging as the same 'wolf' jerked his head up before kneeing him in the back. Well isn't today a lucky day for both of us, you have Ryn holding you tightly, and I no longer have to worry about you hitt back! Chrono started wincing and grunting as the 'wolf' started to pummel his back, with apparently Ryn not able to see him."Please, let me deal with this...ngh...annoyance, I promise not to break the fiiine china or set the room on fire...can you trust me that much?" he said with a pseudo-smile, trying to focus on Ryn rather than the beating hes recieving.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 08, 2010, 02:10:01 AM
Ryn backed away. Confusion was clear. She had no idea what to make of the situation.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 08, 2010, 02:48:14 AM
Chrono grabbed the next blow, and pulled the 'wolf' down, repeatedly hitting his head into the ground. It was obvious that whatever was attacking Chrono was truly there since everytime Chrono's hand came down, regardless of nothing actually being seen, the ground 'thump'ed every time the 'wolf's head hit the floor. "Sorry if I seem crazy... let me fix that" he apologized while slamming him a few more times before parts of the 'assailant' became visible as black fire started sprouting on parts the previously 'invisible wolf'. Unless you want to see what I'm seeing, I'll leave you to attend to Y... and please don't tell him about this I can hear your conversation boy, and join it if I so wish!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 08, 2010, 03:10:52 AM
Ryn's eyes lit up as a 'wave' blasted through her head into Chrono's and whatever else was speaking. I have the strength to block those I wish to keep out. I'll be back later. Her eyes dimmed and she left the room. She shut the door and shook her head. She casually walked over to Y's door and knocked on it gently.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 08, 2010, 03:16:52 AM
Both Chrono and the 'wolf' were weakened by the mental wave due to inexperience with mental assaults. However, Chrono had slightly more experience due to certain events in DeathMatch, and banished the flame from his sight, and hopefully from his mind. He got up and stretched his back, grumbling as the impacts on his back came back with renewed vigor. "This is going to be one heck of a night..." he mumbled before going back to bed and keeping his mid-section upright so he would be awake long enough to see Ryn return.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 01:45:07 AM
Ryn knocked again on the door. Her back now pressed against the door, she slid to the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 02:32:11 AM
(whoops...didn't get the notice again)

Y opened the door and looked down at Ryn.  Ryn...are you okay?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 02:32:48 AM
Just stressed. She 'said', remaining on the floor.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 02:44:29 AM
Y knelt down behind Ryn and wrapped his arms around her.  There is no such thing as JUST stressed.  People die every day because they think they're JUST stressed.  Some are self-inflicted, some are murdered after going berzerk, others just keel over.    Y nuzzled Ryn's cheek and continued.  So what's wrong?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 02:49:56 AM
The long, long, looong day made it impossible for him to stay consious, but he managed to stay up-right and sleep, giving the illusion he was awake until someone was close enough for him to wake up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:10:53 AM
Ryn nuzzled into Y's chest and grunted. I honestly don't even know. I went from knowing nothing to being thrown in and still not knowing ANYTHING! Blaire had an idea, but she's gone. I can't do anything! She remained in his chest.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 03:15:55 AM
Y chuckled a bit. You're preaching to the choir....remember, ex-killer-robot?  I have no idea what to think anymore.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:19:56 AM
Tears were soaked up by Y's fur. Ryn's body trembled. I'm so confused. I can't get anything straight.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 03:23:03 AM
Y stroked Ryn's hair to try to calm her down.  Just let it out...I'm here for you.  Y held back tears of his own as she cried into his chest.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:25:23 AM
Ryn couldn't stop. Her emotions had been bottled up for so long. She finally broke. All of the weight of not knowing a thing finally broke her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 03:28:04 AM
While sleeping, the one link he engraved her name onto, started to glow, projecting what Chrono saw and knew of Blaire from personal experience. Love, I need you to forget, get rid of this link. I was in your life only to pull you from self-destruction, 'she' needs someone to depend on beyond Y; So please drop the guilt and.... Her image faded from both memory and sight as the 'wolf' from earlier woke him from his slumber. "Wake up da-" Chrono immedeatly chained and muzzled the wolf up and threw him into the closet before going back to bed, not noticing the engraved chain crumbling and dissolving...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 03:33:54 AM
A few tears fell from Y's eyes.  He hated to see her like this.  Let them flow....rivers only cease when they are dried up.  Destroy the dam and turn the lake into a forest once more....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:35:32 AM
Ryn now had her fingered holding onto his fur. She was practically sitting in his lap. Her mind raced, trying to seek answers but none were there.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 03:40:03 AM
Chrono woke up yet again, getting more and more edgy as he can't shake the feeling of something being wrong. He heads out of the room and heads to the East wing, not knowing where Ryn was, but he had to do something. However, he wasn't fully aware of the trap before him, and was caught laughably off-guard as he was suspended a good three feet off the ground. "What the ##%#!?" he yelled, which echoed rather well down the halls before he went to trying to free himself.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:42:31 AM
Ryn's ears twitched gently but that didn't stop her mind. The ringing in her ears increased. She yelped softly in pain.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 03:45:33 AM
Y kissed her forehead and squeezed her gently.  He had forgotten that they were sitting in the doorway, but he didn't care.  Y began singing into Ryn's mind to calm her.

All of the seasons and all of the days
All of the reasons why I've felt this way
So long...
So long

Then lost in that feeling I looked in your eyes
I noticed emotion and that you had cried
For me
I can see

What would touch me deeper...
Tears that fall from eyes that only cry?
Would it touch you deeper
Than tears that fall from eyes that know why?

A lifetime of questions, tears on your cheek
I tasted the answers and my body was weak
For you
The truth

What would touch me deeper...
Tears that fall from eyes that only cry?
Would it touch you deeper
Than tears that fall from eyes that know why?

Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:47:21 AM
The ringing slowly subsided. Her body still trembled but her crying eased.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 03:53:49 AM
Y looked down at Ryn, shaking a bit himself.  Why do we do this?...Our pain....why do we preserve it and bottle it like ripe fruit?...Do we so enjoy our own suffering?  Y's tear came streaming down his face now, no longer able to hold them back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 03:56:06 AM
Chrono got out of the first trap only to have his foot caught in a cloaked bear-trap. "AUGH, come on!!" he yelled as he held back the tears of pain while yanking apart the jaws. Thank the flame I don't hold in my anger anymore, or she would have killed me for torching the place...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 03:58:55 AM
"Because we're lost. How can a river flow if it does not know the way to the Ocean?" She looked at him and smiled gently. "We'll find our way."

Ryn's ears perked up slightly. "Did you hear that?" She asked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 04:02:22 AM
Y's ears craned about.  Sounded like Chrono...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 04:03:32 AM
Ryn let out a low growl and looked down. I suppose we should go rescue the dumb***
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 04:05:28 AM
Chrono was almost free of the trap, but the blood that had pooled on it made his hands slick enough for his grip to slip and the trap to re-insert, and stick itself deeper...

A godzilla-like screech blasted through the mansion as the teeth was now touching nerve, but he kept trying to pry it off or Ryn would feel even worse at seeing him injure himself just to come to her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 04:07:26 AM
Y let out a silent laugh.  He's your boyfriend...lets go.  Y stood up and helped Ryn to her feet as well.  Whatever happened it had better be a sirens blaring emergency.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 04:10:37 AM
I don't know what he is! I don't know what anyone is! She walked down to her corridor. "What the hell did you do?" She crossed her arms at the lizard hanging in her hall.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 04:15:51 AM
Holy crow!  Y grabbed a hold of the edges of the trap and yanked them apart, slicing open his hands.  Chrono dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. **** that hurts  Y stuck his torn up hands in his mouth to soothe them.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 04:20:00 AM
"Ugh you two!" She went over to Chrono to help him up. "Follow me. Your cuts are deep. We'll stitch you up." She said to Y. She carried Chrono and lead Y to her room.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 04:24:22 AM
I'm fine...I'd be more worried about lizard-lips.  How the hell did a trap like that get into your house?  Y followed, unhurried.  His hands had already stopped bleeding...though he didn't notice.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 04:27:30 AM
I told him not to wander. I set those up because I used to be a well hunted person. She sat Chrono on her bed and went to fetch gauze and a needle with thread.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 04:31:13 AM
Chrono wanted to say no, to tell Ryn not to worry about something he can easily have healed. But the shame from being helped and treated by her made doubts sink in again. "Ryn, am I only making things worse?" he finally asked, rarely seeing her smile at him except for the one time while Y was out cold.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 11:08:17 PM
Ryn smiled. "only more difficult" she joked. "of course you don't. I just don't know where I am really. Its hard to explain."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 11:21:50 PM
"Well, then it will be hard for me to understand where you are. I can't read your thoughts since my power is physical, I bet your flames can't actually burn me, just inflict rediculous amounts of pain..." he said, joking back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 11:26:11 PM
 Ryn sighed. "you didn't go from being dormant for 20 years to entreating a life that has already been lived so long there's really no way out." she started to stitch his wounds.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 10, 2010, 11:42:42 PM
Y piped up in the background like a side character in a sprite comic.  I have 7 years!

((Don't comment on that...just a chibi moment for Y))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 10, 2010, 11:49:12 PM
Chrono thought about it for a moment. "Five years isn't that long to escape... I managed to be a child for ten years, a monster for six, then a lover for five other years. I guess I could go back to 'monster'..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 10, 2010, 11:52:50 PM
"Well I have 20 years. 20 years of knowing no one, loving no one. I need to just figure things out..." She finished Chrono's wounds and looked at Y. "Your turn." She held up a new needle.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 11, 2010, 12:07:06 AM
Y grimaced and held out his hands for stitching.  Yay...more pain...I'm starting to regret being alive.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 12:09:42 AM
Oh hush. It won't be that bad. The needle pierced his skin and Ryn began to work.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 11, 2010, 12:21:08 AM
The pain of the needle flashed through Y's mind like a lightning bolt.  GAH!!!  Yeah but you've lived with pain your entire life...remember that I'm still REALLY new to this whole 'feeling' thing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 11, 2010, 12:27:52 AM
Chrono raised a brow at Y. "Just think, you could let that become infected, and we would have to chop it off before it kills you..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 11, 2010, 12:29:46 AM
Y shot a glare at Chrono and turned back to Ryn.  You won't mind if I kick him in the stitches will you?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 02:01:56 AM
"He's right though..." She said finishing the last stitch. She went to the bathroom once more to wash up.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 11, 2010, 02:22:51 AM
"So, can I train him, or do I trust his well-being to you?" He asked as soon as Ryn left the bathroom.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 02:39:51 AM
"I'm sure he'll be fine. No need for training. He isn't a dog." She said laughing lightly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 11, 2010, 02:44:06 AM
"Hes going to die if he doesn't condition his new body, or do you plan on coddling him for the first five jobs?" Chrono sounded a bit more harsh at this point, since Y actually did get the short-stick of the body department.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 02:53:00 AM
Ryn's head snapped back to Chrono. Her eyes were fierce, as if burning. She let out a low growl. "Fine, do what you want. And I'll do what I want," She snapped. "Train him. But You wont get through as quickly as I. But hey, if you can do it. By all means, do it." She turned back around and walked back into her bathroom, the door slamming behind her.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 11, 2010, 03:05:56 AM
Chrono sighed as he once again had his words twisted against him by his own tone. "You heard her, go get some rest and be outside by the dawn, then I'll find your talent and see where we can go with that..." he said to Y before getting off Ryn's bed and heading out, getting caught once again by another suspension trap. "$#*# man, thats the third time!!" he yelled while starting to cut up the rope.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 11, 2010, 05:36:36 AM
Moron...  Y walked up, cut him free, and headed to bed.  Another thing he wasn't used to...the need for sleep.  He hadn't realized it but his body was exhausted.  As soon as he layed down on the matress he fell into a deep sleep.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 07:41:51 PM
Ryn sighed and exited the bathroom. She went to her bed and flopped down. Sleep quickly consumed her mind and body.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 11, 2010, 11:37:41 PM
Chrono got up, and 'dusted' himself off before going over to his bedroom and going to sleep, after beating the wolf that is still in his closet.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 11, 2010, 11:43:33 PM
Outside the sun shined in the fall breeze. The trees had finally changed from green to vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows. The Mansion was buzzing with the work of the servants, cleaning and readying the course for the training that would soon be taking place.

Ryn had already woken up and done what she needed. She wore tight black shorts and a pair of black shiny combat boots. She wore a vest and red shirt that came down and stopped before reaching her bellybutton. Holstered to her thigh were already her knife and two custom desert eagles. She walked down the hall and stopped in front of Chrono's door. She pushed it open and went to his window, pulling pack the large red silk curtains quickly. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" she said with a smile. She went over to his bed and jumped on it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 12, 2010, 12:09:15 AM
Chrono woke up with a start and looked around frantically until he saw Ryn in his room... in combat gear. "For someone who growled at me, you sure get friendly quickly... and last time I checked, you said I was going to train Y, whats with the near-skimpy outfit?" he asked, trying to get her to not focus on the fidgeting hes showing from how close she is. "D-do you have something more conservative, I get... nervous, around those clothes on... that body"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 12, 2010, 12:13:05 AM
"Aw big boy can't handle it?" She joked. "You'll get what you deserve in time for questioning me. Perhaps you'll learn not to." She got up and walked to the door. "Oh, and by the way. You look great when you blush." She walked out the door and over to Y's room. She opened the doors and did the same as she had done to Chrono. "Come on, wake up. Time for training!" She went over to the bottom of his bed and pulled the blanket off.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 12, 2010, 01:41:44 AM
"This is definatly a different person..." he mused before getting out of bed, stretching, and calming himself down before covering his body in his flame-based clothes, which only made up of one pair of black jeans as he continued down the hall, and lifted up a window before jumping out and heading to the training area.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 12, 2010, 03:06:50 AM
Y let out a silent shriek and was tossed from the bed as she jumped on it.  SWEET MOTHER OF GANJA!!!  What's the ***** the matter with you?!

....Y obviously wasn't a morning person.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 12, 2010, 04:25:36 AM
Ryn walked over to him and stood over him, her hands on her knees. "Come on, you'll live. I promise." She said with a large white smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 12, 2010, 04:34:33 AM
Chrono took a deep breath, then threw his arms about in different directions, sharpened chains flying out a good ten to fifteen feet to cut anything, and thanfully nobody was in that range, that got in the chain's way. His swings started to pick up pace until it seemed that the entire inside the range of the attack was becoming a distorted image. I'm going to need to get completely used to having a mid-range 'melee' weapon, although being born with these chains helps a great deal...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 12, 2010, 05:19:15 PM
Y stood up, grumbling in his head.  Well, since I'm awake I guess that means Chrono is outside waiting for me...wish me luck.  Y stretched a bit and walked out to find Chrono.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 12, 2010, 11:45:13 PM
Ryn smirked with devilish joy. The course she had set up was almost impossible. Even Chrono's standards stood minuscule to its difficulty. She followed behind Y shortly after he left. "We'll see how well Chrono trains you." She said to herself aloud. Her eyes were sparkling with anticipation. Ryn walked out to the court yard where Chrono and Y were standing. "I suppose you guys may begin..." She said with a grumble.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 12, 2010, 11:47:51 PM
Chrono suddenly stopped his 'warm up', and looked at the course, and cocked his head to the side. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm really not training him at all?" he mumbled before looking at Y. "You're not gonna warm-up, stretch...anything?" he asked Y, hoping that he really didn't have to build everything up from scratch.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 12, 2010, 11:55:20 PM
Ryn leaned against the wall and continued to smirk. Her eyes shined in the bright fall sun. "Perhaps we should just go back to death match itself!" She shouted laughing.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 13, 2010, 12:10:34 AM
A chain flew past Ryn's face, and made a 2 inch gash in the wall before it retracted back to Chrono's hand. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" he shouted back before looking at Y. "Nevermind the warm-up, 25 push-ups, fifty sit-ups, and thirty pull-ups in order and no breaks between... need to get you warmed up before we can find where your specialty lies."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 13, 2010, 12:13:20 AM
Ryn laughed louder. "Death match can whip him in to shape better than you can!!!" She shouted. She couldn't help but laugh. It was just to funny.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 13, 2010, 12:25:00 AM
Chrono faked a smile at Y and trying not to blow up on Ryn, yet. "Just do as I say right now, I'll be back after discussing things with Ryn." Chrono quickly made his way to Ryn, and a hint of bloodlust was in his eye as his rage and frustration was shown easily now. "How about this, I try to beat Y into an inch of his life, and his training is to keep that from happening for as long as possible. The second part of this is that the peanut gallery keeps their mouth shut since it was the same 'peanut gallery' that yelled at me to get him trained..." Chrono walked back, and stamped the ground to get Y's attention. "Change of plans, I'm going to kill you; Do try your best not to die quickly..." he said with a rather sinister smile and growl as he made a chain appear in each hand.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 13, 2010, 12:35:58 AM
Ryn shot a bullet in front of Chrono's face, missing him by centimeters. She walked over to him and got in his face. "You listen to me, Lizard boy. I make the rules here. I didn't order for YOU to train him. I said he simply needs to be." Her eyes were now lit with anger. "Don't think I'll take it easy on you. 'Cause next time, that bullet wont miss..." Her tone was clear, calm, and daunting. She kept her cool and walked away slowly. Once inside the mansion once more she went to her weapons room and down to the personal training course. "Ready the bots for training." She said looking at her tech manager behind the computer. "What level would you like miss?" She stopped and thought. "The equivalency of my guest... Chrono." She growled.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 13, 2010, 01:20:45 AM
Chrono was just about to wrap her body in spiked chains, but he could feel that Ryn's security had moved on their own into positions that would off him the instant he blew off. Chrono couldn't hold the rage in since he would obviously blow up on her the next time she said something he didn't like. He began talking to himself, a habit formed from trying to think things over. "She wants me to be submissive; yet still said 'Fine, do what you want. And I'll do what I want'; $#@% it!!" that excalmation was punctuated with jets of fire shooting about him. He raged for a few moments before the flames vanished and a look of defeat was evident in his face. So this is what it feels like to be 'whipped' he thought as he put his hands in his recently made pockets and walked away, then turned back to Y. "If she puts us against a bunch of hotile robots, can I trust you to watch my back?" he yelled, waiting for Y to answer...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 13, 2010, 02:20:32 AM
Y only looked at Chrono with apathy.  It was the best answer he could give to Chrono.  These two's constant bickering is starting to WwEeAarR oooNNn Mmy nnNNEervVEsS!!!!!!!  Y shook his head in sudden disbelief as to what had just happened.  He quickly hid the expression, not wanting to let on that something was still wrong and walked over to Chrono with the look of, "just try not to slice ME up in the process."  Y yawned widely and put the matter of Wraith in the back of his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 13, 2010, 05:14:56 PM
The practice had begun. Ryn maneuvered her way through the course, plucking off robots one at a time. They were difficult, but this was the best way of letting off her steam. Once she was finished, she only had a few gashes and bruises. She walked out and put her guns back in the holsters after the last robot crumbled. "Thanks, fix them up and upgrade them." She walked out and back to the court yard. "If you don't mind, I'd like to take Y with me. You've done nothing so far." She looked at Y with a smile. "Come on. We'll start you off with getting a feel for your gun." She waited for him.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 13, 2010, 05:18:24 PM
Y nodded and followed...his mind silent.  No need to alert the others about something he wasn't even sure happened
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 13, 2010, 05:30:35 PM
Ryn looked at Y. "Is everything alright?" she asked as the walked to the shooting range. She sensed something was bothering him. His mind, although quiet, was far from at ease.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 13, 2010, 05:37:52 PM
Huh?...Oh, its nothing.  Still tired I guess.  Last night was the first time I've actually slept so I'm still a bit hazy.  They arrived at the firing range as he finished his thought.  So...firing a gun...shouldn't be too hard.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 13, 2010, 06:22:27 PM
Chrono was off on his own again, he tried to avoid the heavily guarded areas since he assumed that since he got here, he and Ryn were on steadily worsening terms. He managed to find a room with cars that looked mid-way through either construction or repair. He had an all too familiar itch to start building again, but part of him was nagging that Ryn would walk in and shoot at him while he was working on the cars, but he assumed she would be too busy with Y to even bother him if he was doing something constructive, regardless of wether it could be used to kill.

With a flourish of his right hand he 'made' the small book appear again, and started flipping through the pages for anything on vehicles. He had, during his days at DeathMatch, realized that the book was not made of just his father or ancestor's works, but anything he had a desire to learn. Of course, anything outside D.I.Y. or practical knowledge, was not in a language he was familiar with. So, he put curiosity aside and kept focused on the cars as he went to 'work'. If she starts shooting after I fix the cars, I at least have something to drive away in...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 13, 2010, 09:50:34 PM
Ryn sighed. That's not what I'm reading. You can't hide things from me Y. You will learn that. It's a curse really. Some of the things I find out aren't pretty. But that's what I get for having this so called gift. She looked at him. "Alright. So take this." She took a black desert eagle from her back pocket. "This will be what you use for now." She handed it to him. "Now, when you go to shoot the gun, keep both eyes open. On the top is something that will help you aim better. Make sure whatever your aiming, this is right near." She walked a couple feet away and stood in front of him. "Now aim, don't worry if you pull the trigger. I didn't load it yet." She stood still and waited for him to aim. "Hold it with two hands, that way you have a better hold on it and it doesn't move some much because of the recoil."

((the purple is her speaking aloud))

While waiting, Ryn thought about Chrono, opening the link. I'm sorry. She said before closing the link once more. She felt guilty for acting the way she did. She wasn't used to someone going against her orders. She was a leader, and didn't know how to act any other way.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 13, 2010, 11:06:12 PM
Chrono stopped right in the middle of his repairs when he heard Ryn, and quickly looked about. He could only make out 'sorry', but tried not to let that distract him from doing something that could pay off later on; or, kill him if she tries to run him over with the same car. Maybe I should keep quiet about this until she finds out anyway.

He managed to get one of he cars to be seemingly repaired, but didn't have the keys to the car. He starts looking around for the key, and manages to find a janitor's worth of keys, obviously more than the amount of cars in the room. He opened up the car and did a successful test start, then turned it off before looking at the keys."Wonder to whom these keys belong..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 14, 2010, 02:12:32 AM
Y looked at the gun and lined his eyes up with the sight and aimed at Ryn.  Suddenly his mind began to fill with numbers and calculations.  He could hear himself talking incomprehensibly in his own head as the he unconciously went through equation after equation.  Then, in a flash, the equations were gone and he realized that even if the gun WAS loaded, the bullet would have never hit Ryn in the first place.  Your sight is off...way off.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 14, 2010, 03:31:50 AM
"Not mine... Yours." She walked over to him. "You need to adjust stuff... To fit what you think is the correct aim. I've been plucking people off for years... My sights are never off. I set this one off on purpose." She went back to where she was standing. "Fix it."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 14, 2010, 03:52:25 AM
Y looked at the gun and more equations began running through his head.  His hand seemed to act of its own accord as it began tapping, twitching, and turning the sight.  A percentage number kept rolling through his brain as the hand nudged the sight into place.  eEeigHtTY-ssSEvEeN...eEeigHtTY-fFfivvE....eEeigHtTY-eEeigHt...NnIineTyy-tThhRREe...NnIineTyy-TtWoO...NnIineTyy-ssIIxX...NnIineTyy-eEeigHt...NnIineTyy-ssSEvEeN...NnIineTyy-NnIine...NnIineTyy-TtWoO...ooOneE HHuNnDrEed!!!

As 100 was calculated, Y's hand jerked away from the gun and slammed to his side before he regained control of it once more.  Finished...  Y had only seen the numbers, so he didn't even notice the old voice.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 14, 2010, 05:38:40 AM
Chrono managed to fix at least half of the cars before he saw a maid at the door with her cleaning tools, and almost dropped them all when she saw Chrono under the hood of a partially-built Ferrari. The maid slowly closed the door and made her way to the weaponry room to clean the floor. "How is it that if Ryn doesn't find out first, a maid always seems to find me while I'm working?!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 14, 2010, 10:40:10 PM
Ryn smirked. What Y didn't know was that Ryn knew what was going on in his head. All of the numbers, equations, she sensed, heard. She stood quietly. She took out of the pouch on her hip, a clip for the gun. "Put this in and fire at him." She smirked her devilish smile once more.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 15, 2010, 05:03:31 PM
Y took the clip and slammed it into place.  The calculations took over again as he aimed.  Wind velocity, gravity, air resistance, bullet drop, the angle of the target, all variables were checked and double checked in the instant before he pulled the trigger.  His trigger finger pressed against the trigger rapidly, causing the gun to sound closer to a burst rifle than a pistol as all the bullets traveled down range.  There was a single bullethole where he had fired.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 16, 2010, 12:05:22 AM
(there is no dummy...)
Ryn stood and famished quickly. The bullets struck the brick behind where she was. She reappeared next to Y. "for someone who hasn't fired a gun before knows quite a bit," she smirked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 16, 2010, 12:33:16 AM
The faint yet distinct roar of a ferrari is heard in the armory, which originated from the garage where Chrono just finished fixing all of the cars. "Take that College education!!" he yelled as he got out, opened up the car garage door, got back in, and drove outside before doing doughnuts in the dirt...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 16, 2010, 05:31:28 AM
Y said nothing and looked at the brick for a moment.  One bullethole.  Did I miss?

((He didn't))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 19, 2010, 02:55:05 PM
 ((he shot her??))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 19, 2010, 05:03:56 PM
((No he didn't hit her, I meant all of the bullets traveled into that one hole.  He thinks his aim is off because he only sees one hole to the 6-8 rounds he fired))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 22, 2010, 07:16:54 PM
Run smiled and touched his shoulders. Her eerie voice rang in his ears. "you're a natural killer." with that she was gone. She left him standing in the courtyard.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 22, 2010, 07:23:20 PM
Y looked around, confused as she disappeared without warning.  ...a natural killer...  Y looked down at the gun in his hand.  He wanted to throw it across the room...break it...crush it.   

Is that what I am to them....a killer?  I thought....
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 25, 2010, 02:31:12 AM
Ryn knew what she had said was going to affect Y. She knew he didn't want to be a killer. But she was still hiding a secret. They weren't assassins. They were training yes. But the real purpose, she was trying to help the others figure put who they were. Ryn wanted to know who she was. But also who Y and Chrono was. She reappeared behind Y. "Attack me. Come at me. With all of your hurt and anger." she sounded hurt.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 25, 2010, 03:34:21 AM
Chrono drove the car back into the garage, then got out with the keys, looking for a box to put them in. Luckily he was able to get a container that probably once contained a necklace. He put the keys in them and found some colored string to tie into a "bow" on the box. He then kept the box concealed as he left the garage and went to the armory to see if she was there before risking a venture towards her room...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 25, 2010, 05:56:10 AM
Y looked at Ryn in shock and confusion.  What?  No!  I can't hurt you...not again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 26, 2010, 12:17:58 AM
"Attack me NOW!" She yelled. She was now standing a good 10 feet from him, far enough he couldn't see a stray tear fall. "Do it." Her eyes lit up purple.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 26, 2010, 05:27:42 PM
NO!!  Put me up against a simulation, robots, even Chrono!  I will not fight you!  Y turned away from Ryn and began to walk away.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 26, 2010, 05:33:21 PM
Chrono had arrived at the armory when he heard Ryn yell 'Attack me NOW', and he stopped in his tracks. He waited for a few moments then almost bolted towards the source of her voice and stopped at the door with the "present" in his left talon. He then saw Y turn and walk off, but didn't say anything since the mood in the air was a bit too hostile for what he planned to give her...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 27, 2010, 02:06:02 AM
Ryn screamed. "Don't walk away," she growled. Her anger was now fuming. Her eyes did not only glow but black shadow fire was now visible.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 27, 2010, 04:52:49 PM
Y looked over his shoulder, his eyes glowing red.  Or you'll what?!  Unless you plan on killing me then I'm not about to fight!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 27, 2010, 11:56:24 PM
Ryn lost it. She ran at Y and vanished, appearing right in front of him just before punching him square in the mouth. Her anger had gotten the best of her. She stepped back and took stance.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 28, 2010, 12:57:47 AM
Chrono grimaced at her sudden outburst, and put the gift in a relatively safe spot, and slowly made his way into the room. He knew how dangerous this could get if she got even further enraged, so he would have to stop them both if it got too heated. He watched on as he put his hands to the wall, making ghost chains spread along the wall, floor, and even the ceiling as he was going to stop them the moment guns, blades, or fire are brandished...

How ironic, the one who caused a mass slaughter is the one trying to stop more bloodshed... he thought in the only shielded part of his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on July 28, 2010, 04:38:37 AM
Ryn's teeth were now baring. Her eyes fuming with anger and frustration. You are Weak... A voice came from her. What was unleashed hadn't been unleashed for decades and for a good reason. Ryn's eyes dimmed to a glowing red now.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on July 28, 2010, 05:46:37 AM
Y hit the ground as she punched him.  He was face down in the dirt when he felt blood pooling in his mouth.  Something inside him snapped as he dug his claws into the ground and pushed himself up.  Blood was dripping from his mouth.  He turned to look at Ryn and revealed pure black eyes. 

MmmmyYYyyy ttTuRrNnn...*********  He slammed his shoulder into Ryn's stomach and bashed her into the wall, cracking it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on July 28, 2010, 08:49:01 PM
Chrono had finally set up the room to nab them both, but he was starting to get worried as both combatants seemed completely willing to kill eachother during a sparring match. I have to wait until one of them can't fight back then chain up the attacker, hopefully...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 02, 2010, 05:08:38 AM
Ryn only chucked. A popping sound echoed as she put a rib back in place. Weakness flows through you. Fate is inevitable!!!!! She lunged at him, her teeth bared as the latched onto his shoulder. She bit down and blood from Y's shoulder filled her mouth.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on August 02, 2010, 05:51:47 AM
Y's mind shrieked, blasting Ryn's with his own pain.  His claws suddenly lengthened as he dug them into the back of her neck and ripped her off of him, tearing away bits of his own flesh.  Still holding her he reeled his head back and slammed his forehead into Ryn's teeth.  Ryn! StoPpPpp mMoOViInnGg SsO IIi CcAnNn KkIiilLLl yYyOoUu!!!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 02, 2010, 12:31:06 PM
Chrono thought it was time to stop when Ryn and Y started tearing into eachother's flesh. He pivoted his hands in a half-circle, and chains shot out of the ground, one set holding Ryn to the wall, and another set yanking Y to the ground and holding him there. "Last time I checked, a sparring match doesn't involve an attempt at eating your opponent." he said aloud as he kept his eyes trained on the two. His chains then 'told' him from the stress they're under, that Y was going to need two more pairs of chains, and Ryn would have her non-telepathic abilities locked with only one more set of chains; which he quickly applied before letting go of the wall. Chrono then sauntered over towards Ryn and stood in front of her with a rather disappointed look. "Did his blood taste good?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 02, 2010, 03:50:28 PM
Run growled and tried to break free. How dare you!!!! she screamed. Her eyes faded back to glowing purple then back to her normal eye colors.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 02, 2010, 07:41:52 PM
"I don't know wether to play the dom or sub when it comes to you. So commanding yet so erratic, like a teenage control freak. Are you back under control now?" he said while not even daring to venture within range of her mouth. He also kept a hand clenched to make sure Y couldn't even budge, let alone break free from the chains.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on August 02, 2010, 11:19:10 PM
Y was frothing at the mouth now as he tried to free himself.  The wall began to groan at the stress it was going under, while a few links of chain were stretching nanometers at a time.  Y's newfound wings burst open from his back, one wing severing the chain on his right arm.  He reached for Ryn only to be stopped by the remaining chains.  His wings began to buffet against the wall, adding even more stress on the chains as he lifted of the ground and began hurling himself in every direction.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 02, 2010, 11:27:50 PM
Chrono started to draw out more chains to hold Y down, then two 'spikes' to impale the wings, yet not actually penetrate flesh and cause more wounds. "Stay there and cool off, I don't have the patience to deal with the both of you without inflicting some injuries myself."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 05, 2010, 02:16:37 PM
Ryn's eyes burst into flames once more. Her cry was eerie and haunting. She fought against the chains. They pulled, links stretched. Her teeth were longer then before as she bit at the chain on her left arm. Her wrist bleeding from her own infliction. Her left arm free, she reached forward only to be stopped. She shut her eyes for a moment. She vanished but only to come back into the chains. She needs to free herself more. She took the shackle on her right wrist in her left and pulled. She howled at the pain of breaking her right hand but she broke free. Ryn moved her right hand, popping heard aloud. Now she could reach Y. And she did just that. Her claws dug into his chest as she pulled him down. She bit at his shoulder once more, his blood now foaming in her mouth as she continued to bite down.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 05, 2010, 02:31:39 PM
Chrono wrenched her jaw off of Y, then released the other weakened chains before pushing her against the floor and out the room before chaining her up against a wall as well. "At least I stop at the taste of blood..." he grumbled before heading towards Y and rebuilding his net as well. He then went back to Ryn and just stood there waiting for her to either pass out, or regain her senses.

Its really embarrassing to say you have more self-control when you are frothing at the mouth with someone else's blood...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 05, 2010, 02:39:27 PM
Ryn let out another cry. Her eyes were starting to fade once more. She looked at chrono with the look of pain and misery. A look she never showed, not even with Blaire was in control. Ryn's body shut down as she now lay still as if she were dead. Blood stained the fur around her mouth and on her hands.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 05, 2010, 02:51:45 PM
Chrono put a hand to her chest, and for a moment of focusing, he could feel a faint heart-beat. He sighed as he relaxed the body binds, but adjusted the head binds to keep her tongue from blocking her windpipe. He went back to Y and spent a few minutes setting up precautionary traps in case he managed to break out of his current binding. "You can talk to me through the chains once you've calmed down, but you'll be staying up there until that time comes."

He walked back to Ryn, and with a snick of his talons, her chains vanished and she landed right in his arms, where he carried her off to his room after getting her present. Have a nice nap, I have a nice gift for when you wake up that might make up for those 20 years you missed
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 05, 2010, 03:06:11 PM
In ryn's head, chaos continued. you're worthless! Weak. Let me deal with those pests and we can be together forever. a male voice echoed. No more. I said I was done dealing with you! So leave me! Find someone else to haunt. ryn's eyes shot open as the male figure lunged at her. He was gone. She was alone once more. Blade was back. And he had more control then she wanted. A black figure walked from the corner. A large black wolf, his red eyed glowing. The silver markings on him gleamed. "Come. Stop with this foolishness. You really thought you could escape me." Ryn growled. "I don't need you anymore. So leave me!" She threw a lamp at him, hitting him in the face. "you're going to regret that!" Ryn got up and ran has he lunged onto the bed. She pulled open the doors and ran down the hall to where she knew chrono was along with a wild Y. She looked behind her. Blade was close behind. He was Pershing on all fours like a wild animal. Ryn shouted and finally made it to Chrono and Y. She looked back and Blade was gone.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on August 07, 2010, 08:28:02 PM
Y couldn't focus through the bloodlust.  Wraith was in full control of his body, though Y still had the mind.  Y's wrists were bleeding from the chains rubbing against his flesh.  He couldn't see Chrono or Ryn....only enemies.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 09, 2010, 03:31:36 AM
Ryn knew what was wrong with Y but it hurt her too much to think about how much he wanted to tear her to shreds. She kept her gaze from his and stayed focused on the wolf that was pursuing her at the moment.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 10, 2010, 01:16:22 AM
Chrono looked at both of them and scratched his head. Y was still trying to kill, and Ryn was running from something that was probably fabricated from something she never bothered to tell anyone about, like the mansion or the apparently hidden vault of guns, vehicles, and personal army of guards. He made a mental note about her owing him an explanation before he touched her shoulder, and in some weird form of clairvoyance, saw the entity that Ryn was afriad of and distracted it by making a whistling sound to 'call out' his own personal demon to keep it occupied. Have fun with your new playmate Just remember I'm doing this to see you two get at it... it 'replied' before Chono shook Ryn away from her current focus and towards himself. "Y is busy playing prisoner, and your demon is pre-occupied, how about we spend this time to enjoy our apparent insanity?" he said with a rather calm smile.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 10, 2010, 08:13:45 PM
Ryn had calmed herself. Her eyes were locked on Y's. "We're both insane. That's quite clear." She didn't look at Chrono when she spoke. Her eyes were glowing purple. "His mind is like a maze. Unable to be solved simply like ones mind. He's lost. Just as I was once. He is in a maze of thorns." She stayed focused on Y. The curiosity burned inside of her, wanting know more about Y, almost as if he were a bomb. Ryn wanted to know what made him tick and what made him explode.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 11, 2010, 01:57:00 AM
Chrono cast a gaze at Y, and muffled a growl before looking back at Ryn. "Right now hes hit a wall, and is currently suffering the consenquences, if he can't stop himself... what hopes do you have of getting him out of the maze that his mind is?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 11, 2010, 02:05:13 AM
"There are certain things that the mind hides. But my mind is special. I can find all of the hidden trap doors, as you may put it. It's a fragile puzzle. Something that you must go deep within to find. Why do you think people meditate? It's to find a state of mind where all in clear, peaceful. Well I can bring that out in people in the most chaotic of times." Her eyes did not move, nor did she blink. "I usually tame Blade with such actions... But he has grown too powerful. He puts up walls that I have yet to conquer."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 11, 2010, 02:23:59 AM
Chrono looked where his own inner monster had knocked blade off and smirked. "So Blade is its name; well I really can't do anything to someone I can't see, and only your link can make that happen without me touching you." The joking tone in his voice was gone as he blocked her vision of Y in order to stare right at her eyes. "But I can tell you cut me off even though I can only read thoughts you send to me. So if you really can help Y, then let me see what your mind fabricated, and I'll keep Blade busy whilst you fix the fox I imprisoned; deal?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 11, 2010, 02:29:48 AM
"Fair enough." She looked straight into his eyes. It was almost like a head rush as she traveled through his mind. His too was a maze, but not trouble at the moment. She had finally found the nerves that provoked a clear mind, meditation. Her eyes faded from purple and she kept a connection with Chrono. Now, Listen to my voice. Blade is not one to mess with. You may be powerful... but he runs in the mazes of my mind. A place where no one has been.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 12, 2010, 12:31:33 AM
His physical body and mental one parted ways at the point where she put him in meditation, and the physical kissed her once on the lips before a wordless fare-well and following the physical form of his inner demon to keep Blade's tangible form away from Ryn. His mental form stood at the bridge between their minds, and his form seemed much more demonic, and was also followed by his two previous forms that were now dressed as a knight in crimson-black armor, and a rogue whose arms, legs, and eyes were all that could be seen under cloak and cowl. Well, the point is to keep him at bay; but I guess you'd rather want him gone for good rather than just pre-occupied. I'll see what I can do... he 'said' before crossing the rather long and constantly shifting bridge towards her mental maze.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 22, 2010, 02:53:26 AM
Ryn could only keep the bridge open for a moment more. You're maze is not as complicated as I thought. Yes you have you're road blocks and hurdles, but once you know what you want... well then you can figure it out. Her eyes disconnected and reconnected with Y's.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 22, 2010, 06:58:01 PM
He crossed the rest of the way and saw the bridge fall behind him, and he felt somewhat uncomfortable at being seperated from his body. But he kept those emotions down when Ryn seemed surprised at how he could have such a small mental maze.

Actually, theres alot of hidden passages, but I guess thats only when I'm reading is when they open. He soon approached the first set of directions, and noticed about five different paths he could  take, which seemed rather numerous for just the first turn.

Is your life really this complicated, that you have five different entrances to the maze?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on August 22, 2010, 11:25:52 PM
Y's mind was less a maze, and closer to a death trap.  If one were to get enough height they would see and endless field of steel briars with a spire of the same brambles at the center.  Ryn could hear voices screaming where the spire sat, echoing across the silent landscape of his mind.  There was a stale smell in the the inside of a mausoleum.

This would be more difficult than she thought...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 26, 2010, 04:27:17 AM
You will soon learn that my mind is more than I can even handle. There are dead ends, traps and demons that are hidden. And each entrance leads a different path. Never coming together as one. So choose wisely. That was all she could give him. She had to keep her link with Y strong so she could try to figure out the maze that had consumed his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 26, 2010, 11:04:44 PM
Chrono sat down at the cross-roads and started to do what would, in theory, be called an 'aural divination'. He searched down each path for a feeling similar to Blaire, Ryn, and this new 'Blade'. He could feel two of the three 'auras' as fires of different color spectrums, and sent the warrior down to the gray flame while the rogue went to the red fire. Chrono himself was now splitting into two copies and one original, all three taking the non-aural paths in case the other two leads were false.

Blaire might not be 'alive' or entirely 'there', but her help would be appreciated since Ryn was pre-occupied with other matters.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 29, 2010, 04:23:52 AM
Chrono was zoo to realize that Ryn's mind as constantly changing. Walls forming and crumbling. New paths and dead ends. Her mind was constantly in motion.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 29, 2010, 11:25:41 AM
Chrono started to notice how difficult it would be to find Blade as a section of the right wall fell down, and the left side shoved him through the opening before sealing him off. He got up and started to divine again, and picked up Blaire's aura, but it was much closer than he expected. He turned the corner and saw a glimpse of her taking a left as he tried to catch up to her, only to be knocked into that path by the ever-changing maze. The other manifestations were unaware of the changing maze, or just paid it no mind as they followed their orders without question.

"Blaire, wait up!!" he yelled as she seemed to always be just out of his reach...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 31, 2010, 01:12:14 AM
Blaire was a ghost. Out of reach, she was always. Ryn stayed focused. But her mind conintued to wander. She couldn't stop thinking about Blade. Or Chrono. Or Y.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 31, 2010, 01:39:47 AM
Chrono didn't want to accept that he was on his own in someone else's mind, and lashed out with a hooked chain the moment he turned the corner. But when the hook came at the clothes she was wearing, it simply passed through and hooked into the wall. It was too late to relax the pull as he flew down the hall, and through the wall that was at the end of the hall. He hit the next wall and fell to the ground, taking a few moments to recover before getting back up and seeing the wall close again. With her aura no longer 'visible', he could think a bit more clearly, though his emotions continued to distract him. "Blaire can wait... not like shes lost if shes had this much time to wander through this maze..."

The maze started to shift when Chrono put both hands on the wall that closed, and started to imagine a path that only has two turns before he sees Blade. He pushed the door and noticed it opened like double-doors, but the path he imagined was all distorted. He started to walk down the path, and was surprised when he saw Blaire's image walk down the path and right towards him. She was only a few feet away from him as she looked up at his eyes, blinding him as light shot out and almost forced him to get on his knees. He reached out to grab her, and then cringed as a scream tore through the relative silence in the maze.

When he was able to see and hear again, he was in a circular arena with all of his apparitions 'dead'. He looked up and saw Blade at the end of the arena, with the head of another apparition held by the mane. Found Blade, and I'll need an explanation later for the mess that occoured in all of two minutes...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 31, 2010, 02:52:15 AM
Run broke her hold with Y. Her eyes shut as she fell to te ground. Blade was able to control her mind more than she thought. Blood dripped from the side of her mouth. "God damn it....." she growled before sitting back up. Blade is growing in strength rapidly. The maze will have to wait. He's planning his next move. He will eventually be in control completely.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on August 31, 2010, 03:03:20 AM
Chrono paced around the circular area, and Blade no attempt to move from his position. I'm with him right now... He replied as he locked eyes with him. Blade only moved his head, the rest of his body in a neutral stance.

"You want to monologue, or can we just skip to the fighting?" he blunty said as he brandished his chains and stopped walking towards him.

He had to take this fight seriously since Blade seemed to be able to beat the warrior, rogue, and two of his clones without much effort.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on August 31, 2010, 03:16:45 AM
Blade gave a chuckle. He made no movements or sounds. He turned away and with that he vanished. A wall formed where he once stood.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 08, 2010, 12:53:36 AM
Blaire reappeared and gave an eerie laugh. She ran away towards the direction Blade had gone. Her ghostly appearance was all the whisped around the corner. Suddenly her ghostly appearance was replaced with Ryn. She was wearing a long dress. Long sleeves that hung off her shoulders and flowed when she moved. It was a white silk, red silk around the sleeves and bottom and top of the dress. Ryn's long hair flowed as she ran. She looked around the corner and motioned Chrono her way with her finger in a flirtatious manner.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 08, 2010, 01:04:50 AM
Chrono remembered what Ryn told him about 'demons', and was ready to turn on the mental Ryn the moment she stopped her charade. He followed her down the path, and noticed that none of the walls were changing as he followed Ryn.

Ryn, I believe theres another 'you' in your mind, and I have no idea where shes leading me...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 08, 2010, 01:12:53 AM
Follow me... She said. She had entered her own mind. With Blade being in her mind, she can't tell Chrono where to go. She must create a physical form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 08, 2010, 01:23:10 AM
Chrono nodded as he ran, letting the sound of a finger-snap go off in his thoughts as the other flame entities vanished. Their power flew into Chrono, turning him into an armored mage with enhanced agility and strength. Of course this was 'dream logic', so it made perfect sense in his mind as he followed the rather unusually dressed Ryn towards Blade.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 08, 2010, 01:31:15 AM
Ryn waited for him then pulled out a large sword that was hidden. She faced it at Chrono and then winked and moved her lips as if to shush him. The figure moved in and kissed him before lunging the sword between his side and right arm. The sword went through the demon that had appeared behind him. The demon had took form of Blaire but quickly showed its true form once the sword struck it's stomach. Things here will happen the way my brain works. I don't have much control. Stay out of trouble, and my subconscious will not attack. The demons are the subconscious.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 08, 2010, 01:38:58 AM
Chrono slowly woke up from his daze, and looked at Ryn side-ways as his hood hid his embarassment. You know, I understand you're concerned, but the kissing just completely threw me off. Though I don't mind having another...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 08, 2010, 01:41:11 AM
Ryn laughed. Do you wish to take a break and rest for a while. It's energy draining...

Post Merge: September 08, 2010, 02:01:09 AM
Ryn couldn't keep her mind off of Y. She needed him... She couldn't just leave him in his state of rage. She knew something from his past was back.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 08, 2010, 11:59:27 PM
Chrono only smiled as he ran past her. Wouldn't be much of a partner if I took a rest while you're in danger of losing your mind, now would I? He went into a feral sprint, and imagined the rest of the path towards Blade, with Blade cut off on all sides except for where Chrono is coming from.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 12:22:58 AM
I could never lose my mind when I've already lost it she joked. Ryn walked elegantly around the tall hedge and stuck her hand through it. The thorns in the bush slashed and tore at her skin. She simply ignored the pain and continued to move her arm through. She grasped what she was looking for. She pulled out a glowing purple gem with swirls carved into the surface. Blade will never find it... she thought to herself as she put it back into the bush and then changed it's position subconsciously. Blade was never going to find the 'key' to her mind and heart.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 12:57:21 AM
Chrono saw Blade after he made his last right turn, and did a forward flip into a bipedal sprint as he charged at Blade. Within five meters, his feet left the ground as he slammed his talons into Blade's chest and bashed him against the neigh-invulnerable wall behind him.

"For someone so determined to take control of Ryn, you sure like to run away from a challenge."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 03:17:15 AM
Blade gave a chuckle. "You're nothing but a game to me. Ryn and I have our own problems. Nothing that you can help." He dug his claws into Chrono's sides and kicked chrono off as he pushed against the wall to support himself. "I'm more powerful than you think. The mere attack will not stop me." He walked over to Chrono and laughed once more before vanishing once more.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 03:31:16 AM
Chrono ignored the damage he assumed was imagined, and focused on remaking another path to Blade. "You know, its hard to take you seriously when you keep running." he yelled as he made the path much shorter, keeping the gap between him and Blade at a minimum pace.

"You didn't have much problems with the others, you even beat them down in an arena. Ryn doesn't need someone who hides in the corner of her mind!!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 03:34:39 AM
Chrono enough. I need rest. My mind is going to go into unconsciousness. Then my subconscious takes control and that's where the danger begins. Ryn 'said'. She had hid what she needed to hide for the time being. He won't cause too much trouble once my subconscious kicks in.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 03:43:30 AM
Chrono growled inwardly, and looked up at the starry image that blanketed the expanse of her mind. You demolished the bridge, I can't get back until you find my body, which should be subduing Blade's physical form.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 01:17:40 PM
Ryn stood and opened her eyes. Stay where you are. I will go find your body. She walked into the building. "Chrono!" she called. "You should be able to answer... Or at least come running."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 06:14:45 PM
For a few moments there was silence, then Chrono's body runs across the stairs with Blade's lower jaw in hand as he approaches Ryn. The eyes are empty of any emotion save for constrained rage, waiting for Ryn's command.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 06:22:13 PM
Ryn shook her head. "Blade isn't that ease to expose of... that was most likely a decoy..." Chrono... I found your body.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 06:29:39 PM
Chrono started climbing up the hedges, and then jumped high into the air. He shot a hooked chain right up at the 'roof' of her mind, and felt it hook onto something as it pulled him out of her mind. Just keep looking at the eyes, I'll be out in a few...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 06:33:04 PM
Ryn wanted to hurry the process. Her eyes lit up and formed the bridge once more with Chrono's body.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 06:41:21 PM
Chrono figured that since she probably thought the bridge was quicker, he should probably take it just to humor her. He retracted the chain and shot another at the bridge, coming down hard and fast before hitting it and rolling back into his mind and body.

His eyes regained their 'life' and he rubbed his head for a few seconds until realizing his hands were covered in blood. "Decoy or not, this isn't the result of a normal fight..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 06:45:04 PM
Ryn's eyes dimmed as she nodded. "I'll have the maids clean up the mess. They're used to the mess." Ryn started walking into her home into the large study that was dimly lit with large wall sconces.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 06:50:43 PM
Chrono let her walk off as he felt satisfied with how today went, but then remembered the present he was going to give her. He went into a sprint as he ran into the mansion, and then thought to check her room only to be stopped by a guard that said she hadn't arrived yet. He turned about and went past his and Y's room before ending up near the study, which was across from the dining hall and kitchen. "Ryn, I have something I need to give you!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 06:57:34 PM
Ryn was in the study on the ladder. She was reaching for a book when she heard Chrono. "I'm in the study!" she said dropping the large book.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 09, 2010, 07:05:09 PM
Chrono walked in, and picked up the book before putting his gift on top of it and presenting it to Ryn. "I did a little somethin' somethin' while you were working in the training room. This might make up for some of those lost years, no?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 09, 2010, 07:07:52 PM
Ryn smiled. "Ah... Fiamma Rosa." She said. "My Ferrari." She jumps down and smiles at Chrono. "Care to go for a joy ride?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 10, 2010, 01:15:59 AM
Chrono smiled as he showed the other keys beyond the one for the Ferrari. "A few of the cars had to be stripped for parts, but more than three-fourths of the broken cars are now completly fixed. Thats a 'yes' to the joy ride by the way..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 10, 2010, 02:12:00 AM
Ryn smiled and grabbed the keys. "Then lets head out."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 10, 2010, 04:20:04 AM
((What...just gonna leave poor Y behind.  I've been waiting for you 2 to finish your deal so we can continue without further confusion.))
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 10, 2010, 03:04:31 PM
Chrono got in front her and stopped her just as she was about to leave the study. "I don't think my hold on Y is going to last long if we leave the mansion grounds..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 10, 2010, 09:42:44 PM
Ryn's eyes widened and she dropped her face. "I'm going to go check on him. He worries me... A lot."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 11, 2010, 05:15:55 AM
His head also lowered, but it was in order to keep eye contact. "I'm sure its just that last bit of Wraith trying to fight for domination, but I'll make sure he doesn't get loose while you probe his mind; sound good?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 11, 2010, 05:03:30 PM
Ryn shook her head. "He'll have to do it him self."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 12, 2010, 05:27:50 AM
Y/Wraith writhed in his chains.  Inside the core of his mind, Y was sitting in a cage with strands of cordlike tentacles coming out of his hands.  Wraith was nowhere to be seen.  Y figured he was probably conversing with Y-4MA74-RU...the logic center of Y's mind.  Y was split up into three personalities, one for each part of his pysche.

Wraith...The Id.  He was pure instinct.  He only strived to increase his own ectasy.  Sex, violence, and gluttony were his only goals.

Y-4MA74-RU...The Superego.  Logic, calculations, programming.  A supercomputer with only one serve the program.

And then himself, Y...the Ego.  Guilt and innocence.  Love and hatred.  These were Y's masters.

Combined, the personalities would have created a healthy creature.  That was not the case however.  Y was an outcast in his own brain.  While being the strongest personality, the near constant mutiny from the others has finally paid off.  While Y-4MA74-RU was not paticularly violent, he only sought to obey the original programming.  Y-4MA74-RU, in his opinion, believed that they were a weapon and should act as such.

Y sat in a fetal positon in the cage the others built for him, with only a few cords of "control" to keep him company.  Why...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 13, 2010, 12:42:05 AM
Ryn knew Y was scared. She sensed it immediately. Her eyes showed pure sadness. She went towards and him and stood silently. "I know you're in there Y. And You don't have to be afraid..." Her voice hummed, buzzing through his mind.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 13, 2010, 08:17:48 PM
Y felt the cords in his hands buzz slightly, creating a small but audible voice for him. me.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 13, 2010, 08:24:12 PM
Ryn's eye lit up immediately. She was now in the 'maze' of Y's hazardous mind. Y! she 'shouted'. She began to make her way through the thorns that trapped the secrets, never to be free.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 14, 2010, 12:48:01 AM
Chrono had followed Ryn to Y's "prison", and reinforced the bonds with a constant stream of his power in case Y's other personalities started to surface and try to break free.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 14, 2010, 01:31:02 AM
Ryn tensed immediately as Chrono entered as well. She rushed through the 'maze'. A thorn wall grew behind her immediately. I'm going this way. you stay on that path. She continued onward at a fast pace.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 14, 2010, 03:12:19 AM
Unknown entity...Identify at once

A monotone voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.  The thorns suddenly became more active and swirled around Ryn to trap her.  Y's face materialized in the polluted sky above and swooped down just above the briar.  The face hung in the air like the Cheshire Cat as Ryn could see miniscule numbers running in patterns to create it.

Identify...Entity purpose, unknown.  Divulge.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 15, 2010, 12:14:38 AM
Chrono found out that he ended back up in the 'mental realm' since he was in his knight-mage-rogue get-up and he could feel his body pour energy into the chains from a location that seemed far away. Um, my entry was accidental, but ok... I'll help.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 15, 2010, 07:15:38 PM
Ryn looked around in worry. She quickly collected her nerves, and began to make her way through the thorns. They gauged her skin, tearing and pricking. She managed to get throw. bloodied and stinging with pain. She bolted down a open 'hallway' and made a turn. She continued moving, like a mouse in a maze looking for it's cheese.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 16, 2010, 12:26:29 AM
Halt!  Identify!  The floating head followed her through the brambles, always staying 3 feet in front of her.  More thorns got in the way as Ryn ran.  Voluntary escape is ill advised...will provoke Object Wraith's curiousity.  Any intruder found by Object Wraith will surely be terminated.  Identify...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 16, 2010, 03:21:51 PM
Chrono was lazily strolling his way down the oddly well-detailed cobblestone path. All he could hear was his talons clicking against the ground, but that hardly affected his sanity or rationality. The logic however, became twisted as white flowers rose out of the ground and illuminated his path towards a gate coated with black thorns.

He arrived at the gate with a hand-cupped chin as he tried to determine if the wall was just a facade, or if it was a 'real' blockade.

"Is there a gatekeeper up there?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 22, 2010, 11:41:15 PM
"Ryn! I'm RYN!" She shouted. She continued to run about. Unaware of her surroundings she began to panic. Suddenly, her eyes lit red. Ryn was no longer in control. I am Lilitu. Come now Wraith, must we act so immature? Her voice mocked.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on September 28, 2010, 03:27:58 AM
Object identified.  Object Ryn, alias Lilitu, alias Blade, alias Blaire.  Object Blaire...threat to programming.  Termination critical!  The floating head suddenly began flashing red as sirens began to go off throughout Y's mind.

INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!  OBJECT WRAITH NEEDED AT SECTOR 4-G!  The head disappeared into thin air as the alarm went out.  The brambles around "Ryn" twisted and writhed like massive snakes.  Then they began to swirl upwards, forming a vaguely humanoid shape with red light at its center.

sSsSSooOOooO.......FffFiIiNnaAllYy DddeEccIIdeeEdDD TtOooO pPPAayY UuuSSs Aaa VvViiISsSItTT.  Wraith hissed through the brambles around his mouth as he towered over "Ryn".
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 29, 2010, 01:31:35 AM
Chrono waited a bit longer, then simply bashed the door open, hoping to draw some attention away from Ryn as he makes his way towards the tower that seemed to dominate the secenery if not for the dark clouds coating every speck of the sky.

Got any problems on your side Ryn, or is everything quiet?
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on September 30, 2010, 10:28:06 PM
Ryn was lost within Lilitu. "Oh come now Wraith... Must we play this game. You owe me... I'm the only reason you managed to break free in the first place... Can't go and kill me now..." She flirted.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 01, 2010, 02:06:38 AM
tTThhHAAaTttT MMmAaaYyY BbEe TtrRuUE........BbbUTt YyyOuR OoThEr PpArrTS SsEEeMm TtToO CcAUusSE QquITtE Aa SsTiIrR IiN HhEeErREe  The brambles seemed to grin as they twisted around Lilitu, not touching her but almost slithering in circles.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 05, 2010, 12:37:21 AM
Lilito smirked and continued to walk onwards. Her silver fur shines in the dim lit caverns of Y's mind. Black tribal markings were visible from her almost to know clothes. Her red eyes glowed in the dark.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 05, 2010, 12:41:58 AM
Chrono kept walking until he arrived at the tower, then looked around for Ryn. When he noticed no sign of her, he made a chain-hook for each hand, and threw them up onto the tower where they dug into the masonry and let him climb up the wall.

Ryn, answer me before I get up the tower!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 05, 2010, 12:57:22 AM
A mass of swirling shadow condensed at the top of the tower, and a humanoid form stepped out of it.  The form put a head to it's ear and said simply.

"Intruder detected" The form began getting more detailed, with what appeared to be an army uniform seemingly melting together on the body, with a facemask to cover what's not there. The form started walking, but quickly broke out into a run as it leapt from the tower and launched itself at Chrono, it's arm condensing to a twisted hellbeast's mouth.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 07, 2010, 12:42:01 AM
Wraith followed slowly behind Lilitu as she walked.  SssSsOoOOO...TTtOoO WwhHHAaaATT DdDOo IIi OoWwEeE TtThHEe PpPllLeEAasSuUREeeE OOfFf tThIiSS VVIiSssIiTt?????
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 07, 2010, 01:11:21 AM
Chrono let one chain go slack then pushed himself to the left to avoid the maw that was flying right at him. He then let the other chain go lack before doing a spin kick at the humanoid's back, watching it fall down even faster before hitting the cobblestone path with a rather cartoony 'splat'.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 07, 2010, 01:13:52 AM
The 'splatted' shadowy mass reformed itself as the soldier once again, and began sprinting up the wall after chrono, again with the maw for an arm.

(this is still technically my rp so this NPC wont be as easy as everything else)
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 07, 2010, 01:30:08 AM
Lilitu smiled. "Have you not missed me?" she cackled. "Someone has to check up on your crazy a**."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 07, 2010, 01:33:05 AM
Chrono re-attached one of his chains so he could swing past the maw before delivering a Chuck Norris kick to the humanoid. He was relatively new to cliff-side combat since he hadn't been his "true" self for as long as he was going steady with Blaire, and he was getting the crash-course all over again...
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 07, 2010, 01:38:50 AM
Wraith slithered up behind Lilitu and nibbled at her neck.  TtttTRrRuUUeeE EEnoOOuGGHh....iIiiI HhHHAvvVE MmiIssEeDd yYYoOuU.  TttTHhaAttT IiNnVvvOoLlAaTtE, Y, HhaASssS BbEeEnN TtTErRIIiBbBlLEe cCOoMmPPaNnY.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 07, 2010, 01:43:10 AM
"Well no need to pout. Don't sound so needy Wraith boy." She hissed. Her eyes lit up in joy.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 07, 2010, 01:47:39 AM
Chrono felt his chain start to break as a throbbing pain eminated from his head.

The witch... must pay...

He was able to make a second chain before the other one broke, but it still bothered him that he could hear someone's voice in his own thoughts.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 07, 2010, 01:49:31 AM
Chrono felt his chain start to break as a throbbing pain eminated from his head.

The witch... must pay...

He was able to make a second chain before the other one broke, but it still bothered him that he could hear someone's voice in his own thoughts.
The Humanoid managed to tuck and roll, using the momentum from the charge up to stay on the wall, and it grasped the dragon in the Maw's teeth and violently smashed him into the tower wall, crumbling away some of it.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 07, 2010, 02:14:52 AM
Chrono felt more of his body suffer as the shadow smashed him into the wall, and the voice in his head kept on growling, wanting to get out and hunt down the 'witch' that he feels so much pain from. It was hard to keep a focus on the shadow as he pushed the maw apart and jumped up before sending a spiked ball and chain to knock the shadow back to the ground again.

"Just let me get to Y and we can have our battle afterwards!"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 09, 2010, 09:48:38 PM
The mass of brambles that made up Wraith's body seemed to grin.  pPpLlEeEAssSAaaNnTtRrrRiIIEeEEsSs AaSsiIDdEe, Ii WwoUUlLdD LlLiIKkEeE TtOo KknNoWw Y YyoOU aaARreE HhErRE.  Despite being friendly to Lilitu, Wraith was still cautious of anyone who was associated with Blaire and Ryn.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 12, 2010, 01:10:36 AM
"Blaire and ryn are dormant. The ability of them returning... Not possible. I have the power. Not them." Lilitu continued walking quietly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 13, 2010, 10:04:46 PM
Chrono waited for a few seconds to see if the shadow was going to get back up, then continued to climb until he reached the only window at the top of the tower. "Y, you in here?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 15, 2010, 01:55:33 AM
TtThhHAaaTTtSss WwwWhHhaAATtt TttThHeEyY tThhOouGhTt AAssS WwWEellL......iiIITTT IIsS OONlLYYy Aaa PpReeCaaUuTTiIoOnN,  Y aaARreE YyoOU HhErRE  Wraith was obviously annoyed at Lilitu dodging the question.

Y's face appeared in front of Chrono. Object Y is unavailable...Identify.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 15, 2010, 07:03:28 PM
Lilitu grimaced and growled. "You have something of mine.... My blood diamond choker... I want it back." Her eyes were fiery with anger in the subject. That necklace was her prized possession. And she knew Wraith had it. (its a deep red, and extremely powerful gem).
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 16, 2010, 11:46:10 PM
Chrono paced around the image of Y, before he could get enough time to realize he was asked a question. "Oh, the names Chrono Blackwyng... I'm an aquaintence of Y"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 19, 2010, 12:46:26 AM
Lilitu, now angered and frustrated with Wraith's games, began to dash through the maze, knowing exactly where she was going from being here before at least two times. Her eyes surrounded in black energy flames. Her teeth bared. "If you don't return it to me, I'll have to tear it from your bloodied dead claws."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 19, 2010, 12:52:26 AM
The shadow, was content to sit as an amorphous blob, but no longer.

Knowing it's prey was right above it made it reform as the soldier and dashed up the top of the tower again. Climbing to the top, it saw one of Y's drones hovering near the dragon. At first the shadow seemed passive now, as it took up the form of a U.S. Army corporal.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Entaru on October 20, 2010, 12:58:18 AM
hHhHOOooLllDdd YyyOouUrrR TttToooNnGgUuEEE!!!!!  TtThhHIISSss IiSs MmYy DdDDOOmMAIInN aAANnDd YyYOoUuU AarrRE OoNlYy AaAllIVvE BbbEeCAAuUsE II AaaLlLLooOOwWw IiTtt!!  Wraith's gentle hissing had suddenly become a roar.

Object Identified....Chrono Blackwing.  The drone suddenly turned red as an alarm started going off.  INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!  TOWER CORE IN DANGER!  SEND IN OBJECT TEST FAILURE 23!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Shenzii on October 20, 2010, 01:00:09 AM
Lilitu calmed herself. "Please my dear... May I have my gem back?"
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 20, 2010, 01:00:55 AM
The shadow, or as the drone put it, Test Failure 23 let out a screech, that would've shattered any windows if there were any.

Breaking into a sprint, he tackled the dragon from the top of the tower. As it fell, with the prey, it formed it's arm into a blade.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 20, 2010, 01:19:57 AM
Chrono gathered a compacted sphere of black fire between himself and the shadow, and let it blast both of them away so Chrono could get some breathing room. He created a pair of wings and flapped back to the tower wall and retracted his wings as he saw the shadow fall back down. "I should have expected such an attack, guess I was being optimistic..."
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 20, 2010, 01:23:28 AM
The shadow beast grew wings of it's own, and melded it's blade arm into an assault rifle. Taking aim, it let loose a series of explosive shots.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 20, 2010, 01:32:02 AM
Chrono was rather suprised that a shadow could fire explosive bullets, so he couldn't bring up his guard early enough before being shot off the wall and heading straight for the ground. What kind of 'Failure' fires explosive bullets after such a beating?!
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 20, 2010, 01:33:52 AM
The test failure suddenly appeared behind chrono, and kicked him square in the spine, and before he could fall, grabbed his head and slammed it into the cobblestones of the tower, repeatedly.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 20, 2010, 01:44:22 AM
With each hit, the conscious mind of Chrono started to fade away. However, the odd part was that there was no visible damage to the head with each hit and the fact that Chrono wasn't even trying to struggle. In moments he was out, and his scales and clothes started to become white as a another mentality started to awaken. When the white spread to the last parts of black scale and cloth, three off-white spikes shot through the dragon's back and pierced the shadow. The spikes made it nearly impossible to move unless the shadow either let go or pushed away from Chrono's body.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Gabag on October 20, 2010, 02:03:44 AM
The shadow pushed away from chrono's body, but not before opening up with it's assault rifle again.
Title: Re: DeathMatch: Tournament of Blood
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on October 25, 2010, 01:01:52 AM
The spikes opened up to form a flower-like barrier that slowly faded away as the 'new' Chrono stood up. A few bullets went through his body, then a sphere of white fire forms in front of him and expands rapidly to send the shadow a few meters away. The wounds closed up as the white flame burned them shut, then a spear formed in Chrono's hand as he looked out into the brambled forest.

"The witch finally stopped hiding..." He went to the nearest bramble path and vomited white fire onto it. The fire made quick work of the spiny foliage, and seemed to spread in the direction that the white dragon was heading towards. The dragon hardly paid any heed to the new vines growing back where he had burnt through, assuming that the vines had more than just a physical presence.