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Creative Arts and Media => TV and Video => Video and Traditional Games => Topic started by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 14, 2009, 01:58:30 AM

Title: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 14, 2009, 01:58:30 AM
Literally just now, I got Future Cop: LAPD working on a 64-bit Vista computer. That game is 11 years old and really didnt sell very well. It does have a great following though, and many who played it, love it. Personally it's one of my favourite games of all time, but obviously not everyone would agree. For a little while, I thought "Oh this isnt working on a 64-bit machine, it wont even install, I'll have to wait until it's on GOG or Steam, because it's too young for DOSBox," but it's such an unknown generally, this wasnt likely to happen any time soon, especially since EA own it. Thankfully I managed to revive my dead game, (I'm pretty sure I could hear the sky captain shouting "I LIVE AGAAAIN!" when the intro started.)
I generally see tonight as one of my best days ever (I may be a bit hyper and exaggerating things, but still tomorrow I'll probably be glad of my achievement, I'm such a geek :P )

There are plenty of games that died despite the love of its followers. Any games out there that you lot cant play anymore, that you want but either cant afford or just cant find?

Maybe this is an impulse post, but i just think it's a strange feeling when you realise that you cant play your favourite game anymore.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Wolfgang on June 14, 2009, 02:35:39 AM
Sly cooper game series. that games was AWESOME!!
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Vosur Aekira on June 14, 2009, 03:29:26 AM
The Quest for Glory and Police Quest series come to mind.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: .: ♥ Kiniia ♥ :. on June 14, 2009, 05:45:28 AM
my god...Future cop LAPD....I loved that game so much!! Where you could transform into walker, hovercar thing and something else (or was it just two, it's been like 9-10 years since I last played that game) and multiplayer, where you could get dreadnaughts and stuff in the bases
.....*Dies of nostalgia overload*
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 14, 2009, 02:02:51 PM
my god...Future cop LAPD....I loved that game so much!! Where you could transform into walker, hovercar thing and something else (or was it just two, it's been like 9-10 years since I last played that game) and multiplayer, where you could get dreadnaughts and stuff in the bases
.....*Dies of nostalgia overload*

Honestly, I can't think of a game that can replace it. It's really different and really fun, especially in co-op and when against eachother. And it only has two transformations, walker and hover. Only problem was, I got so good at it, I would always dominate in multiplayer, but I would make last for hours, just playing around with the helicopters and flying fortresses until we agreed that I should defeat them, or until they make their own dreadnaught.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: .: ♥ Kiniia ♥ :. on June 14, 2009, 04:20:05 PM
haha yeah Sky captain was awesome as well though ^^ I downloaded the demo yesterday :P Co-op was always fun. Yeah I know what you mean, I always used to dominate the others, but then I'd get cocky and lose T.T I actually just had a flood of memories just from the demo, with all the different weapons and stuff....
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 14, 2009, 04:32:25 PM
That's one thing, there were very few weapons that were just plain rubbish, it was all about what abilities you wanted, what style you liked. Though there was an optimal set up, I've seen people make some strange choices because that's how they played.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on June 14, 2009, 07:32:42 PM
You know, I would say "Konami, revive Sparkster." However, how my mind thinks, it's "Careful what you wish for." I say this cause I'm worried if they tried to revive his series, they would screw it up, just like every other series staring furries have been screwed up. The only one that still makes decent games is Klonoa. Other than him, most furry games are either mediocre, like most Sonic the Hedgehog games nowadays, or really horrible, like Crash Bandicoot: CotT and MoM.

Besides, they did use Sparkster recently in a DS Olympics game, but that game was rubbish, so it doesn't count. I mean a true revival. But I'm worried that either A: It will never happen, or B: It will happen, but it will suck.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 15, 2009, 12:12:50 AM
every other series staring furries have been screwed up.
Well there's still Ratchet and Clank, and Banjo Kazooie (he may have past his prime but his latest game is far from bad)

But yeah a new sparkster game would be fun. surprisingly, I dont play that many furry games, but then most of the games I like are first person. A first person furry game would be awesome... oh wait, that was oblivion... that was alright.

Other game series I would want sequals of that will never come are Dungeon Keeper and Freespace. I also want a new Mechwarrior game, but there's a mod on the horizon with the blessing of Microsoft, so I'm very happy with that, especially since it uses the Cryengine2
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Golge on June 15, 2009, 12:23:24 AM
Banjo kazooie was and is still amazing, and ratchet and clank are good too!

hmmm but a game i want brought back from the dead.....the old battletanks games for n64 were really great, i kinda think a new, revamped version of those would be great fun!
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 15, 2009, 12:26:47 AM
One game I want, Primal Instinct! :D
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Golge on June 15, 2009, 12:27:41 AM
oh chrono you just reminded me of another one! Bloody roar! I know its not THAT old but.....
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Octavia on June 15, 2009, 03:13:02 AM
The Quest for Glory and Police Quest series come to mind.

I Have Police Quest...although i haven't played it much

another oldy i liked was Carmageddon

the original Far Cry was fun.

or..also a fave of mine.  Gunman: Chronicles...featuring the Half-Life Engine

Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on June 15, 2009, 03:41:31 PM
Well there's still Ratchet and Clank, and Banjo Kazooie (he may have past his prime but his latest game is far from bad)

Is Ratchet a furry? I knew he was kind of a wierd looking character, but I didn't know he was a furry. What kind of animal is he?
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: flames on June 15, 2009, 06:29:43 PM
Well there's still Ratchet and Clank, and Banjo Kazooie (he may have past his prime but his latest game is far from bad)

Is Ratchet a furry? I knew he was kind of a wierd looking character, but I didn't know he was a furry. What kind of animal is he?
Whilst Ratchet is an Anthropomorphic character, he doesn't have a specific animal associated with him as far as I know as he is of the fictional Lombax species. As humanoid dragons are still scalies I assume fictional/mythical anthros also count as furries
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on June 15, 2009, 10:12:49 PM
Well, sure, I guess if they are close enough to a real-life animal, maybe. But then we got mythical creatures that aren't really based off an animal at all, like say... ... ... I can't really think of any examples, but I am sure there are some out there.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on June 15, 2009, 11:35:51 PM
another oldy i liked was Carmageddon
Carmageddon was glorious, carmageddon 2 as well. Too bad C3 got canned... so many great things stop too early at the second one. Dungeon Keeper 2, Freespace 2, Theme Park World... yeah that's all I can think of.

Well, sure, I guess if they are close enough to a real-life animal, maybe. But then we got mythical creatures that aren't really based off an animal at all, like say... ... ... I can't really think of any examples, but I am sure there are some out there.
Magoais (spl?) ???
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Szhival on July 28, 2009, 04:07:50 AM
Dungeon Keeper
Hegemonia: Legions of Iron

Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Something on July 28, 2009, 06:06:20 PM
Bloody roar. one of my favourite games of all time
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Octavia on July 31, 2009, 12:58:42 AM
a fun gmae I liked...was Shadow of the Collosus...

i want them to make a sequel or something similar to it on the 360...

it was such a beautiful game...even on the PS2...and i bet it would look 100x better on  a next gen console..
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on July 31, 2009, 01:06:01 AM
I think that if they were to make a shadow of the colossus 2, it would definitely benefit from the CryEngine3 (Crytek's console focused engine). It works well with the open and slow paced nature of colossus, and giant grassy rock things would look fantastic with all the foliage and shader tech of crysis. Add that to the art style of colossus and you have yourself a winner.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: WingedZephyr on July 31, 2009, 02:00:10 AM
They ARE making a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus... >.> It's called "The Last Guardian", and it's going to be for PS3.

But I wouldn't really consider Shadow of the Colossus that old of a game that you'd want it "back from the dead" either.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on July 31, 2009, 11:56:57 AM
I wouldnt really call that a sequal to shadow of the colossus in the same way that i wouldnt call colossus a sequal to ico. They're different games, but similar, in the same way id's games are all dark monstery survival horror shoot-em-ups.

plus if anything, it's really more a sequal to ico. It's more in that style.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: flames on August 06, 2009, 08:04:01 PM
We had it on the SNES, the N64 (F-Zero X still feels fast 10+ years later), GX on the GameCube (way too hard >.<), a few on the it's not exactly a "dead" series, but why haven't we seen a F-Zero game on Wii, DS or even DSi?
I can imagine it working execellently on the wii and it'd be nice to have a true-3d F-Zero game you can carry around with you, experiencing those intense speeds whilst the bus is held up in traffic :P
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on August 06, 2009, 11:48:45 PM
Breach... it had a great level editor, and an interesting goal for the missions... get teleport device, teleport hostages... to be honest i dont remember the campaign much, but i loved the easy to use editor. it was aweosme.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on August 07, 2009, 02:44:09 AM
We had it on the SNES, the N64 (F-Zero X still feels fast 10+ years later), GX on the GameCube (way too hard >.<), a few on the it's not exactly a "dead" series, but why haven't we seen a F-Zero game on Wii, DS or even DSi?
I can imagine it working execellently on the wii and it'd be nice to have a true-3d F-Zero game you can carry around with you, experiencing those intense speeds whilst the bus is held up in traffic :P

I have played F-Zero Climax for the GBA. One word describes that game. Frustrating!!! With a capital F! It's almost impossible to get first place on most races, and some races have these impossible jumps that are only possible with a booster, which you can't get on the first lap. If they toned down the difficulty a little in a new game, I would buy it. But if they make it super frustrating like Climax, then there are going to be alot of broken game systems.

Edit: Okay, the reason it's been so hard is because I wasn't using the Elegance Liberty. That ride is cheap, cheap, CHEAP!!! Not only is it fast, but it has excelent turning abilities. Common sense would say slower vehicles would have better turning than faster vehicles, but in this game, the slower vehicles have pathetic turning and the fast vehicles are the ones with good turning. Earlier, I almost snapped trying to defeat those two really ugly guys at a breaking contest, but it's pretty much impossible without a break button. This might actually be the chalange for slow vehicles.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Something on August 08, 2009, 09:21:53 PM
And shenmue..........Oh good if you haven't played those games DON'T PLAY THEM!! it's really good (mainly the story)
But they end the supposed triology with the second game and they won't continue the story. THOSE.....ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Desert Rat Phelios on August 11, 2009, 04:27:35 AM
Hellfire and Granada from the Sega Genisis.  I still have those and the console still working, but newer, less punishing Hellfire, with saving options on both would be nice.

Descent 4 was shoot down due to budget, I really want to see that. :*
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on August 11, 2009, 06:37:48 PM
Wait, there was a FOURTH Decent? I didn't even know there was a second or third! I had the first game. In my opinion, Decent was decent, but not much more.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Desert Rat Phelios on August 11, 2009, 11:40:05 PM
Descent 1 and 2 were a little bland with the levels. 
Descent 3 allowed you to go outside on some levels, you could go to far though.  But 3 was much better, better fighting and some cool bosses.  Descent 4 had screen shots and demo, that demo was never released. 
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Count of Cutesy on August 12, 2009, 01:17:34 AM
One thing I didn't like about the first game was that the graphics seemed primative even for its time.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Desert Rat Phelios on August 12, 2009, 04:02:12 AM
They were. 

D2 to D3 had a huge graphic jump.  A lot more realistic and believable enviorment.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Leo Dusai on August 15, 2009, 12:34:48 AM
I want them to bring back the Legacy of Kain series. Raziel may be a goner but Kain is still alive and seems to have changed his ways from wanting to rule Nosgoth. Maybe he'll figure out a way to break the chain of events the elder god set up.

I also wish they'd make a sequel to Breakdown. It had it's problems but it was a very under rated game. If Namco had advertised it more it might of gotten enough sales for a sequel.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Blackout on August 15, 2009, 11:47:40 PM
Freespace and Battlezone. If you have heard of those games you are awesome. That is all.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Asia Kali Yusufzai on August 16, 2009, 12:14:01 AM
I am 50% awesome.
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Gabag on August 21, 2009, 07:14:35 AM
The Star Wars X-Wing and Tie Fighter games

Tie fighter was one of the best space flight/combat simulators i've played, and having missions to aid the Emperor in secret was always a pleasure. along to fragging rebels and traitors
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Something on August 21, 2009, 12:00:46 PM
Jet set radio/jet grind radio So gaod darn awesome!
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Leo Dusai on August 21, 2009, 12:27:03 PM
Definitely have to agree with you there. I still play Jet Set Radio Future alot  ^_^
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Something on August 21, 2009, 09:53:47 PM
Same here  :3 favourite char? mine's are soda/jazz and cube  ^_^
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Leo Dusai on August 21, 2009, 11:40:11 PM
I usually play with either Beat, Corn or Clutch :3

Another game I'd wish they'd bring back is PsiOps: the Mindgate Conspiracy. I really liked that game and there's nothing worse than when they end a game with "to be continued" and then never make a sequel : /
Title: Re: Old games you want back from the dead
Post by: Vamp on August 21, 2009, 11:58:21 PM
I always play as Beat. No one else. :)