The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Nikolai on November 20, 2008, 12:00:58 AM

Title: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 20, 2008, 12:00:58 AM
Nevada Desert - 1634 hours, June 23, 2169
Latitude: 38.983894
Longitude: -118.064575
Conditions: Cloudless, Dry
Temperature: 102 Degrees Fahrenheit

Situation: At 0800 hours, it was confirmed that a small group of Fur Soldiers was cut off from their source during an extraction when a high-powered explosive discharge went out from a nearby enemy position, bringing down the extraction VTOL. They have held their positions since.

Your assignment is to enter the area, and get the pinned down soldiers out with a little conflict as possible.


Miercole Shure was in a cave, her side to a wall for cover as she waited. The sun glaring at her, goggles over her eyes allowed her to see the moving bodies of several humans. They came over a hill, and she hesitated on the trigger. If they already knew where she was, as well as her fellow soldiers, then shooting now would give them a good advantage. If the humans weren't on to them however, shooting now would just give away their position. So in the end, she waited, tracking all of the humans.

There were three furs with her, all hidden in the darkness of the cave. It was her turn to keep watch, and she was doing it well. She barely knew the other three, they were from a separate group that ended up in the same position she did at the extraction point. But furs were furs, soldiers were soldiers, and lives were lives. She had to make sure they survived, and they would do the same for her, she hoped.

One of the humans began to walk toward them. She silently held a fist up, signaling to cease all noise, including excessive breathing. Even the smallest movement could give them away. The human got closer and her eyes narrowed as she prepared to pull the trigger if he got any closer....  when he casually turned direction, and went behind a large rock. She wasn't going to risk amping up the power of her rifle so she could shoot through the rock just to kill one human. The explosion and noise alone would announce their position to anyone nearby. She waited for him to come out.

And he did, though not from where she expected. When she caught sight of him, he was only twenty feet away. She dared not move, as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She calmed her breathing now, so her heartbeat wouldn't pound like a drum to scream her position toward them. For what seemed like an eternity, he stood there, surveying, and occasionally speaking inaudibly into a communication device. Then, as quickly as he came, he left.

She waited a few more minutes before breathing a sigh of relief. They were safe, for now.

The Transport aircraft entered the zone, slowly lowering to a minimal altitude to stay out of satellite surveillance. Inside were the few furs who's job was already given. They were rescuers. The pilot began to speak via a loudspeaker to the group. "Intel's in. We've got several human vehicles, including a helicopter. Possibly thirty to forty soldiers, and only one identified surviving fur, though I'm sure there's more with him. The plan's to not give them a reason to hop into that copter. Get in, get out."

The mission was simple, but dangerous. That was the first thought that went through the mind of one fur, who went by the name of Nikolai King. A red and white Squirrel, part medic, part rifleman, he sat there watching his boots as the craft slowed down.

They slowly landed into a small valley. "This is as far as I can take you. You're about one and a half klick's from their nearby position. Intel says we've got a small group of nearby soldiers, you'll either have to go around or go through them. One or the other. Good luck."

The door of the aircraft opened into the bright desert light, and Nikolai stepped out, rifle in hand. He quickly backed away and got behind a rock as the aircraft began to empty. If there's one thing to learn from this mission, it's that insertions and extractions are dangerous business, and if the humans were to discover them already, that aircraft was going down, and he'd be in between it and the ground.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Wolfgang on November 20, 2008, 12:28:29 AM
Wolfgang hopped out and got behind some rocks close to him, he cocked his assualt rifle and was ready to use it.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 20, 2008, 02:21:00 AM
gizor leapt out of the aircraft, as he hit the sand, his skin automatically changed to the general colour and pattern of the sand. he took a position behind a rock and waited for the others to make the first move
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 20, 2008, 03:32:18 AM
Frank had been in the desert sands for about a month... watching the sun and moon rise and fall over the days that pass, and waiting for any other Humans to come by. He twisted the top off of a metal bottle filled with Water and took a drink from it. Using the scope on his Sniper Rifle he carefully watched the Human battalion march through the scorching heat of the desert. "I have to make it back to the main Human base before they leave..." He packed up his equipment and made his way to the Men, warry of the Furs that are no doubt watching him.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 20, 2008, 04:13:20 AM
As Ghost neared, Nikolai stood still. He didn't speak out of tenseness when confronted by the question, but instead just gave a polite nod. He had to mentally loosen himself up for this first...

Nikolai watched as the aircraft made it's way out of the zone safely. He sighed with relief, then put a signal up for the group to head out. He spoke into a microphone on his helmet that would let them hear what he was saying without him having to loudly tell them. "Okay... we'll make our way east toward the enemy camp and fan out near it. Keep guns silent and try to surround them. If we can pass by unnoticed, all the better, but if we get spotted, we'll at least be in the position to deliver a quick victory. Move out."

"How goes the hunt?" Said the commanding human to one of the recon soldiers. The man was eager to learn if the enemy had been found.

A disheartening nod followed from the soldier. "We have no sign of them, but they couldn't have escaped, we have them surrounded."

Slightly frustrated, the commander shook it off. "Very well, continue the search." After the transmission ended, he sat down, returning to shining his gun. He wished he could just bomb the whole race off the face of the earth, not go through all this trouble. He pointed his gun outward toward a window, checking the leveling and aim. It worked beautifully, but he dare not fire, lest he let the 'animals' hear his location, as they would most likely come after him. He WAS the driving force behind this company anyway. No other man in the human army was better than him at what he did.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 20, 2008, 07:08:23 AM
Frank sifted through the radio channels, keeping the volume down, finding the Human channel -known to him because he used to be a part of the Human military- he wispered, "This is Sergeant Major Frank Keegan to Human Military, do you read?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 20, 2008, 10:54:41 PM
( Nik, I'll take Squad Leader if you want.  In your OOC Post, it said you'd take it "For now"... So...  *meep* )
Shane was behind the rock where Ghost originally was, preparing his FN STORM.  It was made particularly for this war. (FN SCAR v4, pretty much )
STORM's took the classic NATO rounds.  Shane also had a Jericho 941 F 9mm handgun.
"Alright... Let's see..." Shane ducked out from behind the rock.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 21, 2008, 12:14:54 AM
"I know this is the channel..." He quickly searched around him, seeing if anybody was watching.

Nobody, yet.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 21, 2008, 12:22:21 AM
((@Dai: Then You get to make decisions such as whether or not to go around, or through the enemy camp.))

A radio transmission came into the Human camp. Scott Williams received it, and replied. "We read you. Name your purpose and ID." Scott wasn't picky, but he didn't like linking  up with stragglers. However, Human intel could be useful.

Miercole was done with her shift, but she continued to do a second shift, letting the other soldiers rest a while longer. It was nerve-racking, but she found the time calming, so she could think about their situation. The Hunting Humans had already dispersed, and most likely wouldn't be back for a while.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 21, 2008, 12:36:39 AM
Frank opened the data-pad that held his basic records, and {[Fax?]} sent the data to Williams through a portable computer.

Name: Frank Keegan

Draft Number: 000001

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: {[ From ]}

Preferred style of direct combat: Leave no survivors, never give ground and do not retreat.

Role In Squad: Multi-Purpose. Can use many skills, although he is not quite as good at a single task compared to a specialist, his skills are widely considered the best of all soldiers.

Personality: Throughout his military career, Frank has held fast to one basic rule: get the job done. He has been called cold, calculating, and brutal. His reputation for ruthless efficiency makes his fellow soldiers wary of him. But when failure is not an option, the military always goes to him first. And like many Humans, he has a great dislike for Furs, he hates them because they are Sub-Human, yet still they think of themselves as better than Humans.

History: Frank was an orphan raised on the streets of the great megatropolises covering Earth. He escaped the life of petty crime and underworld gangs when he was drafted by the Human military long before the war with the Furs broke out. During his service, a mission he was on went horribly wrong. Trapped in an extreme survival situation, Frank had to overcome physical torments and psychological stresses that would have broken most people. Frank survived while all those around him fell, and now he is alone.

"Does that clarify things, sir?"

{[I'm only working with that, I can't come up with anything realistic right now.]}
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 21, 2008, 12:43:57 AM
Scott was impressed. Very, impressed. Though slightly put off, this guy was definitely useful. He would have to play this right if he wanted to get what he wanted out of this. "State your purpose." At the least, he had to know WHY he was being contacted after all.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 21, 2008, 12:55:59 AM
"Everyone in my battalion is dead, all vehicles are destroyed, I am stranded in the desert, attempting to get back to HQ."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 21, 2008, 01:29:41 AM
Scott nodded. That was about all he needed. "We've got a fix on your location. We will dispatch a team to bring you into camp." He called for four men to carry out his orders, resulting in only a few soldiers being left at the camp itself, all of them spread out at separate positions or looking for the surviving furs. After double-checking the coordinates that came in with the radio call, he sent the men out. they would arrive in about fifteen minutes to Frank's position.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 21, 2008, 01:46:59 AM
"I'll be here." Frank then switched off the radio he waited for the team to arrive.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 21, 2008, 10:17:18 PM
Indeed, the line between the enemy camp and the fur group, and the line between Frank and the group to find him had intersected. The first conflict of the day.

Nikolai got behind a rock, then aimed over it with his gun, silently waiting for the order to attack from Shane. He whispered, "I have a clear shot of the leader of the group. They haven't spotted me." Shane would have to make the decision quickly, if he wanted to be able to catch the enemy by surprise.

It was a group of about 4 human soldiers, who were unaware of the enemy presence. They were making a rather noisy beeline toward Rank's location on foot, rather than on a vehicle. All of the vehicles seemed to be used up searching for Miercole and her surviving furs. This gave Shane's group a good advantage.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 21, 2008, 10:32:08 PM
"I see them now." Frank got up, and saw the Men march across the sand. He grabbed his signature Ravager-Class Rifle/Cannon, -an extremely powerful, single shot, front loading rifle- and set off to meet with them.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 22, 2008, 03:42:19 AM
silently, gizor took aim at the head of one of the soldiers, " i have a clear shot, awaiting orders" he waited for the command to fire.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 22, 2008, 04:11:52 AM
Frank saw a glint of light coming front the side of a rock, "The scope of a sniper rifle!" he thought, and immediately pointed his Flintlock-style rifle at the rock and fired, blasting a hole the size of a sodacan through the rock, then he shouted to the soldiers to get down behind the sand hill they were walking by. Frank took cover behind some rocks and sand to reload the old-fasioned firearm.

Extreme firepower and accuacy at the expense of loading time and rate of fire.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 22, 2008, 01:02:53 PM
Shane scouted out the area... "If you two fire now, we have to advance to those rocks on the right.... And they're a good one hundred feet away.  Are you sure?"  He asked them, sliding his goggles onto his eyes.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 22, 2008, 09:30:15 PM
"You'll never take Humanity down, Sub-Humans!!" Frank fired another "soda can" round at Gizor. Frank then got behind the rock again and started reloading.

At the begining of Frank's training with this weapon he could only get about a single round every 50 seconds, now with over two years of fighting he can fire one round every 20 seconds making 3 rounds a minute.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 24, 2008, 01:04:08 AM
duo landed in the chaos of the fight between the furs and the humans she was fresh off the briefing room, and quickly assesed the situation, she saw a human behind a rock wearing heavy armor and had a big rifle, she glided over feeling the loss of energy alreeady "sir mecha unit duo megadeus" she quickly saluited to the human.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 24, 2008, 01:16:48 AM
Frank looked over the Mech standing in front of him, "A Mech Unit with Wing- ahg forget it. We're fighting these filthy little animals out there," he quickly turned the corner around the rock and fired one shot then got back around to cover. "take these Kinetic Barriers to block incoming fire, it'll switch on and off automaticaly depending on when bullets or beams come at you, but I will wear down if you just stand around." He had reloaded as he was talking, and fired again at the Furs and Scales. "This is not a good sniping position..."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 24, 2008, 01:23:05 AM
"sir" she said briskly the beam cannon extending, she jumped up into the air and fired once at a large rock, getting a few bullet holes in return, but she landed, and grabds a few bariers and threw them down giving the humans some cover. shooting at the furry all the while. her wrists clicking with automatic gun fire, but she was taking energy and and wounds fast, she jumped back behind a rock and reloaded and tried to patch a few holes where oil and water were pouring out of
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 24, 2008, 03:30:05 AM
Nikolai was moving his way toward Gizor, when the shots fired. He made a noise that sounded like a "Mragh!" and made a dive behind a larger rock, covering his head with his hands and pulling his now very bushy tail up behind and around himself, taking the squirrel version of the fetal position until both shots had finished. He was sweating through his paws with nervousness. He calmed down with a deep breath, and put his back to the rock as he readied his rifle, a few clicks, and the computer built into it locked onto Frank's heat signature, and it gave a slight whine as it charged. He aimed it to the side at Frank, who had a rock between him and Nikolai.

Then, with a flash, it fired a beam of light through the rock, clearing a clean hole straight at Frank. Not waiting to see if he hit true, Nikolai ducked down and popped out the energy cartridge from his gun, putting it back on his belt and hooking it up to a cord on his pack for a solar recharge as he grabbed another cartridge and stuck it in the gun.

He gave an order to the group, speaking into his microphone. To those on his squad, it would sound like he's right next to them. "Hostility present! Fire! FIRE!" He became increasingly more worried when his radar registered an Unidentified Mechanical Weapon. UMWs could be anything from a parked car to a mobile armada, but whatever it is, it wasn't a fur.

And in the fur world, fur meant friendly. Non-fur meant non-friendly. It was the first rule he learned in boot camp.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 24, 2008, 04:47:30 AM
The beam cut right through his chest, oposite of his heart, he flinched, "I have been through worse..." Frank went to look around to where the shot came from, all he saw was sand, rocks, beams, bullets, and sometimes some small flickers from rifle scopes. His vision became blured and he could hear his heartrate racing, "I cannot die by those hands..." he unlocked a bolt on a large holster off the side of his hip and pulled out a Pfeifer Zeliska .600 Nitro Express revolver ( -the worlds most powerful revolver of the 21st century- before he went out, he patched himself up, stopped the bleeding, and used a med-pack to kill the pain.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 24, 2008, 05:02:51 AM
The sodacan shot grazed gizors arm, he wasn't very happy but he couldn't see who had fired, suddenly he heard the order to fire, taking aim he quickly dispatched two enemy soldiers, he took cover behind another rock and waited for a pause in enemy fire, when he popped back out to fire he noticed frank, realizing it was he who had fired on and hit him, judging by direction and location of his cut, he took aim and fired  a round at him, then he ducked back into cover
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 24, 2008, 05:11:13 AM
Frank fired the big gun at Gizor, clearing some of the rock in his way, "You'll pay for those lives, Lizard!!" Frank pulled out the Pfeifer Zeliska and fired all five bullets at Gizor, quickly he dumped the spent cases and inserted five more bullets into the revolver.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 24, 2008, 05:26:47 AM
Nikolai breathed heavily, calming his nerves so he could think. His tail stood stock still against his back, thankfully the rather large rock behind him hid it well. If anything, it was his greatest weakness in battle, but also his greatest pride. For some reason that no one really knew, Squirrels like him have a tendency to gain self esteem from a large or well-groomed tail. Just part of the psyche that emerged from some of the fur species. Go figure.

He loosened his grip and expanded his hearing as his ears twitched to try and catch what was going on around him, his mind eventually settling down on what Frank had yelled over the explosions. "Sub-humans". Nikolai didn't know whether to let the comment hurt, or pride himself in knowing that being human was something he never would want. Either way, it still cut. 'Sub humans' were cockroaches, not furs. And this comment made it seem that to Frank, there was no difference.

The four men who were coming to retrieve Frank were now reduced to two, the other two having quickly fallen at the hands of Gizor's well-aimed shots. But when the damage was done, the remaining two had now met up with Frank and formed a tight group with him and the Mech. One immediately helped Frank with his medpack, and the other kept a scope out on the surrounding area to catch the furs. That is, until an order came in. Patched in through radio, the two men and Frank (who was already connected to the source) would get a quick order. "Hold position, we have a satellite image and are ready to strike the furries."

Scott Williamson was laughing inside, but a cold iciness on the outside. By the looks of the satellite, they had 3 furries, and one mech unit. A squirrel with a piercing laser, a lizard, perhaps chameleon based on how difficult it was to see, a Fox, and a winged mech, who to him was an UMW. He couldn't tell which of the three furs was a squad leader, but the UMW was on their side by the looks of it. He flipped the switch.

A light scream seemed to echo through the rocky desert, and those paying attention the skies would notice a streak of red, then another, coming over a hill. Satellite-guided Mortars. One aimed at the Squirrel, one aimed at the lizard. The arced through the sky, then began their descent.

Nikolai was ready to turn and fire again, assured that his position was secret now by the fact he hadn't been shot at yet. Because of his position enclosed in the rocks, he had yet to hear the far-off scream of the mortars. But as he peeked around the corner, he had less than a second to analyze the situation. He didn't. He just moved.

And a good decision it was, as the scream reached a climax as it came closer, as Nikolai kicked with his powerful legs, and dived to another rock, his tail flowing behind him and his paws stretched forward as the mortar struck the large rock, obliterating it. Nikolai could feel the very heat of the explosion at his foot-paws and tail, and his back was soon pelted by a million small pebbles that had shot up from the blast. He landed in a black mass of pain and blood.

They were outgunned, outmanned, and out positioned. What was supposed to be a secret extraction was quickly turning into a suicide mission. When the mortars began to fire, General Whitney began to worry. Perhaps he should have not risked this mission, but still, the information that Miercole could hold might be a key factor in this war, and it was an even bigger risk to leave her behind.

When Nikolai opened his eyes, he found he was quite unharmed, save for a scratch on the head from his rather awkward frontward landing. The scratch bleed a bit onto his fur and the ground, but he was okay. Where he had landed was behind another rock, and a small crater was formed at his previous position, still smoking.

Nikolai tried to make himself as small as possible, perhaps hoping that the enemy would think of him as obliterated. Unbeknown to him however, the rock was not exceedingly large, and try as he might, his tall, bushy tail's fur still stuck out over the top, even when he arced it over his back.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 24, 2008, 05:40:14 AM
gizor leapt out of the way as the rock he was hiding behind was obliterated, staying on all fours he scurried behind another rock. He had heard what Frank had called him, 'lizard',he snorted and briefly was reminded about what happened to the last being who called him lizard. taking out his gun he unloaded every shot at Frank, then dove into the cover of another rock, hoping the move was unnoticed.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 24, 2008, 05:44:19 AM
Frank was sweating heavily, those mortar round were what they needed, but two men died at the "monster," Frank swore that he would slay it, if he did it with a bomb, or with his own two hands, he would.

He wanted to...

The shots came, and he didn't flinch. All of his anger built up to the point that he could not feel the pain in his wounds or his mind. All he could feel was "Slay the Dragon."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 24, 2008, 08:53:40 PM
the mecha passed a med pack aty the human next to her and she poped up the beam cannon and shot at the squirrl she could see him he was behind the rock the fur was ovbious, she fired her laser cannon at the rock and without folding it back and leveled her arms and shot where the lizard had jumped. after firing a few rounds, she jumped behind cover again, her battery was nearing 49%, she hoped this battle would be over soon.

aacknolging the battery situation, she thought of the most energy conservative move she could make. she took out a hand gernade, pulled the pin and threw it over the rocks at the furs "duck in cover" she yelled to the humans, pulling frank down
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 24, 2008, 11:55:10 PM
The battle was NOT going as planned. By the looks of it, Frank and the Mech could take on the full group of furs alone, and soon there would be bound to be another round of mortar fire, or support shots of some kind. Nikolai grew increasingly worried, when an alert on his computerized helmet made note of a laser charging. He moved, but not fast enough. The shot ripped through the rock he was behind, and struck his tail. Thankfully, it only singed a bald spot. (Though no skin was visible, a dent in the furline was painstakingly obvious) Not taking the time to mourn over his injury, Nikolai moved for more cover, behind another rock and into a depression behind it, so while he crouched he was successfully below ground level.

The Wolf Commander's voice came into the helmet with good news. "We've got support coming for you. A class XX-A helicopter, codename "Knightfire'. Heavy air-to-ground support fire incoming on your position in approximately one minute. Hold until then."

Nikolai, much relieved by the news, heard another scream above him. A second round of Mortars was incoming, one bound for his own position, and the other bound for Shane the fox. He moved along the dip in the earth, letting the mortar impact behind him with much less severe consequences as last time. However, Shane may not be so lucky.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 12:01:45 AM
duo threw another gernade over the rock, she radioed for back up "sir this is duo we need back up sir, they have enough of them to hold there atrea, and i don't think they'll be alone for long" she said into her mic.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 12:10:00 AM
And then, as if called from the heavens, a single beam of light instantaneous collided with the grenade in mid-air at a perpendicular angle. The grenade melted and exploded with no harm done to the furs. At the other end of the beam was Miercole's rifle, computer-guided and deadly accurate.

Miercole had compromised her position to give the other furs a fighting chance. As she fired, two more furs showed up from behind two boulders and unloaded a full clip from behind the Mech and Frank, striking the two remaning human soldiers down, leaving only Frank as the non-fur. The two support Furs were a Skunk and a Raccoon, both armed with standard (but outdated) assault rifles. Their sneak attack, guided by Miercole, should help even the tide.

Meanwhile, a voice came into the fur's com units. "This is Knightfire. Closing on your position." The Helicopter wasn't in range yet, but in less than thirty second it would be able to give support fire. Suddenly, to Nikolai, things seemed to balance out.

Scott Williamson frowned, and ordered them to target the helicopter with mortars. A precise strike should turn it from a transport and fire vehicle, into a flaming ball of metal. The copter wasn't theirs, and he didn't want to give the furs that chance. He didn't want to send in more reinforcements just yet, if he had to.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 12:20:22 AM
Frank fired two shots for two kills on the Raccoon and Skunk with the Pfeifer Zeliska. "Do you hear that? Sound like reinforcements to me... hope they're on our side..."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 12:24:16 AM
duo saw the troops and switched over to bullets instead of lasers, "i don't think so" duo said throwing another nade at the squirrl
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 12:34:26 AM
(  Sorry for not getting on.  A relative died recently, and I haven't had much time. )

Shane ran in the middle of the two rocks his team was using as cover and threw down a large Kinetic Barrier.
A blue slanted shield sprang to life from the small grey device he threw down.
"Alright, guys.  We need to finish him off first," Shane said, pointing to Frank.
Shane noticed that the Mecha shot at the team's backup soldiers.
"Watch out!"
Shane quickly tossed another Kinetic Barrier in front of them.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 12:37:22 AM
Frank inserted a H-E Grenade round onto the Ravager-Class, "This will teach them a lesson or two on standing against Humanity."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 12:39:56 AM
(dai frank already took down the support troops, i thnk it's just between frank, me, against u kikoli and gizor)

duo threw another plasma gernade over the rock (sense we have halo stuff here) at the baarrier, hitting the bottoim and sticking, it blew up knocking out the sheild,
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 12:42:33 AM
( ...You can't kill people automatically.  It's called giving people time to react. )

The grenades bounced off of the Kinetic Shields and exploded in mid-air.
Shane took out a Kinetic Patch and covered the hole in the rock with it.
He got against the other rock and talked into his Com-Link,
"Hurry up.  We're pinned down and can't hold out for much longer."
Shane dropped his current ammo magazine and loaded in a Plasma Cartridge.
He ducked out and aimed at the Human base.
The FN STORM started charging... "This'll give them one Hell of a wound," Shane said, smirking.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 01:16:55 AM
(i didn't, i threw a gernade at the ground and it was supposed to stick)

duo threw another stick nade at the ground near the barrier
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 01:33:36 AM
The two fur reinforcements attempted to move out of the way of the pistol fire, however the raccoon took a shot to his shoulder, and fell to the ground in a bloody mess. The Skunk escaping by jumping behind the boulder he had came out of.

Nikolai, still avoiding grenade fire, took Shane's orders and peeked out from behind his cover and with a small whine from his gun, fired another piercing laser beam at Frank's left leg, cutting through the barriers once more.

Now, the helicopter came into range. It began to lock it's missiles onto Duo, when from behind the horizon another mortar struck it, unseen. The tail of the vehicle exploded in flames, and it began to fall. "Mayday! Mayday! Knightfire is going down!" The pilot of the copter, a lean black panther fur, escaped the copter, landing on the ground a fair distance from the battle site. The helicopter then crashed into the ground near Gizor's position.

Now it was Shane, Nikolai, Gizor, Miercole, a so far unnamed Skunk fur, an incapacitated Panther and Raccoon versus Duo and Frank. Odds seem to be changing in their favor, though not as much as they liked.

The fourth Mortar round was making it's way toward Shane, and in the next few seconds would impact above the fox. Scott was hoping this one would cause as much damage as the others did.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 01:37:24 AM
duo shot at the skunk, followed by a grenade,
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 01:40:49 AM
His leg was hit quite badly, but he didn't need legs to fight. Frank turned the corner and launched the High-Explosive Grenade into the centre of the group of Furs, Shane, Nikolai, Gizor. He almost forgot the hole in his chest, with all the action he had forgoten how to feel pain, for a while.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 01:45:29 AM
Shane nearly dropped his gun.. "Oh, good golly...." He quickly removed a Kinetic device from his messenger's bag and threw it into the air.
It opened up like a bubble and captured the mortar and Frank's shot inside of it.  They bounced off one side and the bubble dissipated, the mortar and the grenade bounced back at Frank and the Mecha.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 01:49:29 AM
duo saw the nade fly back at them, so she jumped up and used the antigravity boosters to push the nade and mortar back at the furs, she ducked back behind the rock, her power levels at 20%
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 01:53:50 AM
Shane saw the grenade and mortar fly back at them and then remembered something..
"Mechas have batteries... and it takes a long time to replace them...... I've got it!" (I don't...)
Shane quickly threw another Kinetic Bubble up and the mortar and grenade were sent back.
"Aim at the Mecha's battery pack!"

Shane's STORM was fully charged.
He aimed it at the Mecha.
"Have fuuunnn...."
A large blue beam shot out from the FN STORM.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 01:57:25 AM
He cast his hand up into the air, activating an experimental reflector device, it would protect Duo however it would reflect at anywhere... "May luck be on my side today."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 02:05:46 AM
duo saw the beam hit the barrier and shoot back at shane, the nade and mortar bnouncing off and flying back at him also, she got up and leveled her arms at them and lets loose a hail of bullets at them pinning them behind the rocks
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 02:06:56 AM
( The beam wouldn'tve hit the barrier, it would've completely demolished everything in its path....  Meaning: ^$#^ING DODGE! )
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 02:12:06 AM
(dude u had a barrier block a laser shot before, and u repeatidly used sheilds to repel the explosives)

while the laser shot and explosives flew tward the furs she kept shooting the automatic guns clicking away
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 02:17:39 AM
{[I'm confused.]}

Frank gave out a sigh of relief, but the fight wasn't over yet, no time to selebrate yet.

He aimed for the pilot Panther, he had run out of Ravager ammo so he took one of the dead soldiers rifle and fired clean.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 02:19:53 AM
(( You never posted that you threw out any sort of barrier.  ...So, technically, you currrently have no time to think, only to act. *checks watch* Yep. ))
Shane loaded a basic Plasma cartridge into his FN STORM.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 02:24:24 AM
duo jumped back behind the rocks and sighed, she took out her battery and stuck in a new one, it going behind many layers of steel, she put the depleated one in next to it, also keeping it safe
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 02:25:29 AM
"Why is this battle so hard!? I fought like the Devil was coming in the Geno War, and I took down anything I shot at!"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 02:27:18 AM
"H.Q., we need you to dispatch another team to pick us up.  Leon's ship was shot out of the sky."  (Randomly names black panther)
Shane aimed at Frank and fired a couple of shots.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 02:28:56 AM
duo shot at shane, tossing up a barrier infront of frank simotaniously
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 02:31:49 AM
"It used to be toss a frickn' grenade at them and they die, but these guys must be commandos or something!" The shots went past and into Frank, he needed a Hospital soon. He shot at Shane with the revolver, three shot because he fired two at the two Furs.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 02:35:53 AM
Shane was shot in the arm.  He fell down to the sand and clutched his wound...
Shane's right shoulder was shot.  It didn't really matter, he was ambidextrous.

He dodged the revolver shots.  "...Can't keep this up."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 02:39:12 AM
"I... hate to say this... but I need a Doctor... soon." Frank started to fade out a little, moving over to the side where the *boulder* wasn't so beat up. He started applying First Aid to his wounds.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 02:40:37 AM
duo looked over at frank, she made a quick decision, she threw a stick nade, it hit the rock next to shane, and stuck.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 02:44:52 AM
The rock exploded and Shane flew back, the wound in his shoulder enlarged.
The evacuation ship had arrived.  It landed a few feet away from the team.  "Get in... the ship!"  Shane ordered to his team.
He passed out.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 03:32:12 AM
"forget them... we need to get back to base... ugh." Frank tried to keep the wound in his chest from bleeding any more, but all the wounds on his arms, legs and the rest of his body needed expert medical attention. He took the radio, "This is Frank, we need evacuation. Now."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 03:43:29 AM
Nikolai, and Miercole had gotten Gizor into the ship, but the other furs were beyond saving. Out of a group of six, they were the only three, the Skunk, the Raccoon, and the Panther had to be left behind. The Skunk had been long dead, as well as Leon, the panther. Unbeknown to them though, the Raccoon was still alive, just unconscious. Shane was last onto the ship, as protocol demands, being the squad leader.

It was a long ordeal, or at least, seemed to be, but everyone managed to get onto the ship safely after that. The Mortars ceased, once the ship was out of range. Nikolai sat on the back of the craft, holding onto a safety bar as he looked down on the enemy camp ahead of them. There were... hundreds of them. Something big was happening in the middle of nowhere.

Scott slammed his fist onto his desk. They got away, and he hesitated. No available troops could shoot them down now. He gave an order to pull back and regroup, and get Frank patched up. He held his head in his hand, sighing. "****ing furries." he said.

WOLF underground base - 1820 hours, June 23, 2169
Latitude:  40.8387
Longitude: -119.2126
Conditions:  Indoors
Temperature: 72 Degrees Fahrenheit, climate controlled.

Situation: Extraction completed, no further assignments at the present moment.


"Hold still." Nikolai felt a cotton swap put against his temple, as they cleaned up his scratch wound. The Nurse was a somewhat unattractive otter by the name of Rivera. She cleaned him up and began to leave.

Nikolai spoke. "Are you sure there's nothing you can do about...?" He silently motioned his head toward the singed spot in his tail. The nurse shook her head and giggled, and Nikolai just felt all the more uneasy, as he jumped down.

Gizor was in another room, he had caught got in a mortar explosion and knocked out during the battle, and had yet to wake up. However, sitting across the hall from Nikolai's position was Miercole. She was waiting to go into the debriefing room. By the looks of it, she wasn't up for chatter. Nikolai sighed, and continued down the hallway, his tail drooping. He wasn't sure where Shane went, but for all Nikolai knew, he was taking a bathroom break.

They lose 3 soldiers. And it was a simple extraction. What went wrong? He tried not to think about this as he sat down in a recreation room, and watched the news on the television. Some Cheetah girl was speaking about anti-war fur protesters. He looked around for a remote to change the channel with, but gave up and decided to just wait it out until the program changed, as he sat down on a comfortable sofa. It felt good to be out of battle gear, and he stretched his legs and tail, still cringing when he ran his hands over the singed fur.

Meanwhile, a cargo truck had already picked up Frank and Duo, and dropped them off at the base. A medic and a technician were urging them into the medical facility. The facility was a movable building, much like a square tent, with a nice climate control system. Very hi-tech, it was a hospital on wheels, and a decent size too. Obviously the humans were set up to stay here for a while.

Scott Williamson was preparing to debrief the two human allies. With any luck, he'll get the answer he needs, if not, it was no loss. He had just gotten back from the funeral service for the four humans who were killed, and felt especially bitter toward the furries, and wanted to take out his bitterness on someone.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 03:57:37 AM
"Ugh man, I must have faded out," Frank got up and felt the bandasges on his body. "Did we get 'em, Commander?" He turned to see his gun leaning against the wall, and his revolver on a counter. His vision was still blured, he rubs his eyes, it got a little clearer but he was still dizzy.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 25, 2008, 04:01:29 AM
(wow 3 pages in one day O_O)

Gizor awoke, gone were the smells of battle, the sight of the desert, now all he saw was metal. At first he thought he had been captured, but then he realized it was a fur base. Gizor stood up, and pain shot throughout his body, he was badly hurt, so it seemed, he staggered over to the others, "what happened? and wheres shane" he asked
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 04:16:52 AM
OOC: ...sorry, I forgot about you Dai. I edited my post, I assumed you had already gotten onto the ship.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 04:21:46 AM
( It's fine!  XD )

Shane was laying in a hospital bed...  His right shoulder was bandaged up and the spikes were extracted from his body.
But still, if it had been a minute later, Shane would've died before getting medical attention.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 04:27:40 AM
{[I also thought he passed out on the chopper or whatever it was.]}

"I don't know how those *things* could have killed four trained soldiers." He lowered his head in shame, "Why is it where Humans fight I am the only one left standing?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 04:35:43 AM
As Frank spoke, Scott Williamson sat down in front of him, at the other end of a long silver table. "And yet we wonder how Lucifer managed to steal a third of the angels." He opened up a file and took a glance in it. "Well then, how did you manage up all the way out here?" He said, not looking at Frank.

The news had now changed to a lighter note, another barricade was broken and a new Fur/Human Joint City was created. It seems every day more and more people are realizing that this war is too petty. Nikolai nodded in approval, as the nurse that treated him came into the room.

She got his attention easily, she was the only person in the room with him. She also smelled somewhat... odd. Perhaps it was a cleaning solution, Nikolai's nose wasn't going to lie to him about an odd smell, but he still didn't know what it meant. Either way, she beckoned him on. "Your squad leader is healing, if you wish to see him." Nikolai nodded and she led the way.

Nikolai entered Shane's room. He whispered to the nurse. "Is he awake?" She didn't respond.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 04:43:10 AM
Shane's eyes slowly opened.  He felt like he got hit by a grenade filled with Hell... Literally.
Shane sat up and saw the nurse and Nikolai come in.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 04:48:02 AM
Nikolai was a little nervous, but he'd been through this sort of thing before. Dealing with patients was part of his medical training under the Fur army. "Uh, Hi. How are you feeling?" It was an honest enough question. The nurse left the room, but stood outside the doorway in case something were to happen.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 04:51:53 AM
"Not too good, I was just one man out of a whole battalion, and four soldiers who were only tasked to get me out of that sand trap were caught under fire. We fought back with everything we had, I was more of a sniper, but in that position it wasn't great. I killed two furbags who were trying to surround us, one, two shots with this revolver," he picked up the empty Pfeifer Zeliska and made a shooting motion with it, "but they got two of our men, and before that there was this lizard, wearing some kind of stealth suit, shot and killed the two other men." He put the big gun on the table, "I fought mostly with this thing, it worked pretty good, but not as good as it should have. They wanted to get us with a chopper, but it got shot down and I finished off the pilot, who was lying in the sand. Soon I faded out and... well I don't know what happened after that." Frank put his head in his hands, and let out a moan of disapointment. "I should have been better, I was in the last battle, I was in the Geno War. Why not there..."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 04:55:03 AM
"I'm... a little hazy, to be honest, but... I suppose I'm fine."  Shane replied, looking up at Nikolai.
"One Hell of a battle, eh, Nikolai?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 05:24:26 AM
Scott nodded. "Yes, you seem to have a penchant for being a sole survivor. Now, here's what I really want to know. Do you know where you are now, and the significance of it?"

Nikolai nodded somewhat nervously. "Yeah..." He sat down on a chair next to the bed. "It looks like you might be tied up for a little while here... in retrospect, my injuries aren't all that bad I suppose..." His tail curved around him and he held it in his hands, showing the dip in the furline that made his tail quite uneven and even blacked on the fur in that spot. The skin underneath it was easily visible.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: DaiRraito IS, FurryLAE. on November 25, 2008, 05:28:24 AM
"Well, I'm gonna need some more rest.  Tell the others I'm fine..."
Shane fell back to sleep.

(( Gotta go. ))
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 05:29:50 AM
"I don't understand, I'm at a Hospital, a mobile one, what could be significant about it? I'm healed, mostly. Though I'm not combat ready, not for a while." Frank has a tendancy to go off in a conversation, and he almost hit his head on the table. "Woah, geez..."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 05:53:51 AM
Nikolai nodded slowly. "Get well soon, but not too soon. The Commander will end up throwing you back out there." he winked, then left the room. The nurse came back in and read the monitors, then shut the lights off and closed the door behind her.

Nikolai returned to his seat in the recreation lounge. He laid down on the couch, as the television portrayed a furry-network show about court cases, most of which were frivolous and involved loopholes and the like to get their way. Sadly, the innocent rarely came on top in shows like these. However, he wasn't too picky, and just enjoyed the chance to sit and act somewhat... normal.

That is, until he saw her. She walked into the room casually, and sat down on the complete opposite side of the room. She wore a white labcoat and was looking down at a clipboard, occasionally jotting down notes. She was colored with a fine yellow-red fur, and her flowing tail extended out and up her back, coming to a nice fluff at the top. And best of all, she smelled beautiful. Nikolai almost recognized the smell, but couldn't quite pinpoint it. It seemed... far-off.

It was tense for a little bit, Nikolai thinking about the girl while she worked in the back, when she calmly said. "Sir? Would you mind moving a little to the left?" Nikolai almost froze, but obliged, looking back at her with an almost unsure smile. She continued to speak. "Your tail was in the way."

Nikolai's heart plummeted, though he didn't see it. He quickly turned back to the television, curling his tail down. It was obvious she would have seen the balded spot, and never before had he felt so embarrassed about his appearance. He almost crushed his tail in his grip, but when he realized it, he loosened his paws and stroked his tail to fluff it out a bit more.

For what seemed like an eternity, he sat there, only mildly caring about the television. Then, she left as calmly as she came in. Nikolai released his tension, but in the end, his only thought on the situation was. "wow", which he expressed under his breath after she left the room. He was now once again, the only fur there.

It wasn't until he focused back on the television that the thought of his previous love, a love that was mutual, whom he left almost a year ago with no word from her since. It was rare to find another squirrel lady, and even then, would he give up on here so easily? Sure, he had loved her, but she was most likely.... dead... now...

He thought about it. If he held onto his previous love and found she was dead, he would most likely not meet this one again. And if he gave up, he could get to know here better and... well... he was getting ahead of himself. Calming himself down mentally, he decided he would just see where things went first.

It was just very rare for him to find someone of the same species, especially one who was so... attractive.

"I thought as much. You are in Human Instillation Beta Alpha Lamba. HIBAL, for short. I am commander Scott Williamson, and this is my headquarters of operations. Our purpose here is classified, but key to the survival of the Human army." Scott closed the file, and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry to inform you of this, but you will be unable to leave this instillation without my permission. And for the time being, you're stuck here."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 05:58:59 AM
"That's fine by me, just as long as we can do something about those Non-Human scum while we are here. One way or another, justice must be served."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 25, 2008, 06:09:55 AM
"I like you. You don't ask questions." Scott smiled. "Well then, you're done for the night. Get some rest, I'll contact you in the morning." Scott began to stand up and walk off from the room, going back to his quarters. The sun was setting, and he liked to be in before dark.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 25, 2008, 06:25:41 AM
"Yeah, see you then." Frank got to bed and went to sleep when bedtime came.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 25, 2008, 09:03:17 PM
duo awoke as the sun was just peaking over the horizon, she had shooed the technecian away last might, she had yet to fix her self up, she didn't letg any one get that close. she got up and found a few patch kits and started fixing up the bullet holes and the barrels of the guns. shee looked around for that human she had helped the other day.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 26, 2008, 12:07:20 PM
Gizor looked around and saw no one, he had been talking to himself. "this injury must be making me delirious," he wondered how the squad leader was doing and he set off to find him
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 26, 2008, 07:28:02 PM
A nurse came into Gizor's room suddenly. She was a fairly pretty fox. "Oh! You're awake! I'm so sorry, we had something else to attend to..." She walked over to sit down next to him with a clipboard in hand. "How do you feel?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 27, 2008, 12:11:10 PM
gizor looked over over the new arrival, "im a little iffy right now" he said and quickly sat down in case the nurse got mad for him walking around. "im not even sure what happened to me entirely, one minute i was fighting, and the next im here" he sighed looking at his injuries
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 27, 2008, 04:16:22 PM
The nurse nodded. "We believe you were knocked out by an enemy mortar shell."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 27, 2008, 05:07:40 PM
duo finished with the bare minimum of repairs made, and got up and looked around for the human, she helped, she took out her wrench and worked on her arm as she asked directions from the nearest guard. he gave her directions with out problem, he must either belive she was on there side or someone else was capable of stopping her. she walked down the hall of the moving facility and ended up in front of franks bed, he looked to be asleep. so she sat down and kept working on her arm, till he woke up.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 28, 2008, 04:15:20 AM
Frank woke up and turned around in his bed to see Duo working on her arm, "Morning." he said, sitting up. "The Commander said he will contact us in the morning, did he say anything to you last night?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 28, 2008, 04:24:06 AM
Scott Williamson was resting in his quarters. He didn't sleep on a bed, he slept on a chair with his computer displays in front of him, which he dimmed and lowered the volume on (but didn't dare turn off) while he powerslept. He only slept a few hours a day, but with the injections, supplements, and stimulants he took, he could go for days without sleep and feel no consequences for it.

The displays previously showed the satellite images of the battle. More importantly, they were tracking and forming a route between the furry's airplane and where they dropped off the map. He wasn't going to lose everything here, and if he was lucky, he'll find their nearest base. Even if it was a refueling station, he could raid it and gain information. That was his plan, anyway.

If all went well, then perhaps they could make a test run of the weapon too...
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 28, 2008, 04:29:35 AM
gizor looked at his wounds " will i still be able to fight?" he asked the nurse, the war was all he knew, he couldn't let some injuries stop him.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 28, 2008, 04:31:12 AM
{[ I have chosen a theme for Frank, sort of. ]}
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 28, 2008, 01:40:59 PM

"no he didn't" duo said answering franks question "i'm sorry about butting into the engagement the other day" duo apoligsed
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 28, 2008, 03:44:10 PM
Frank laughed a little, then suddenly stopped and took a serious look. Frank had always been the serious type. "Butting in? You were not butting into it, if you didn't come at that time I would probably be a lot worse... maybe dead." He went over to brush his teeth, "I am very hard to kill, as you saw in the last battle, but I'm only Human... not that I wish to imply that to be Human is to be weak, but anybody, Human or not, can die."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 28, 2008, 04:04:18 PM
duo shrugged "thats life for ya" she said working on her arm "so what happens now" she asked
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 28, 2008, 04:13:49 PM
"We wait for Commander Williamson to contact us." Frank then went into a dressing closet and came out a couple minutes later wearing his off duty uniform.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 28, 2008, 06:51:30 PM
The Nurse giggled at Gizor. "No, no. You'll just have quite the headache for a little bit."

Night fell at the camps, and the lights shut down for a while while people would sleep. However, a few individuals wouldn't. Scott Williamson sent a message to retrieve Duo and Frank. They needed to see this. He waited for them in the medical tent.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 28, 2008, 06:54:41 PM
duo looked up sharply as a soldier came into the room anf relayed the message and departed. once he was gone duo looked at frank "well we can't keep this man waiting" sheaid getting up
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 28, 2008, 07:55:50 PM
gizor breathed a sigh of relief, if he had never been able to fight, no, even if the doctors said he couldn't, he would fight to the end for his people, suddenly the image of frank appeared in his mind, he became angry " i will not fail next time!" he growled to no one in particular
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 28, 2008, 07:58:44 PM
The nurse seemed ever amused. "It's okay, you can relax now... but It'll be at lesat through the night before we can let you go. Procedure and all... if it's any consolation, no one in your squad was killed, or even badly wounded."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on November 28, 2008, 08:16:16 PM
this news made him feel a little better "thank you, i won't be any more trouble," with that, he lay down and tried to sleep
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 04:31:55 AM
"Let's go." He said grabbing his equipment -Cannon, Revolver, Medical Packs, Repair Nano-Bots, Ammo, Kinetic Barriers (,_Armor_and_Equipment), Plasma Shields ( they walked to the medical tent.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 04:36:17 AM
Scott was waiting for them. He looked them over. "Alright, here's the deal. What I'm about to show you is classified, and everyone in this camp knows of it. If you attempt to leave this base, you will be shot. If you are captured by the enemy, we will kill you. Understand? If you don't want to take that risk, I will ship you off to another location and you are to forget this place ever existed. So are you willing to follow me, or not?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 04:39:59 AM
duo thought, a chance to get out of this place, she smiled and saluited the officer "sir i'm in sir" she said resting and poping the nitrogen gas pockets just around her cybertronic knuckles
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 04:52:57 AM
"I'm with you to the end, sir."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 05:08:11 AM
Scott paused, the nodded. "Down we go then."

The ground shook ever so imperceptibly, then began to lower, as the area they stood on revealed to be a platform made to look like the ground. Dirt fell in on the edges as they decended into darkness, a hatch covering the main area.

A few dimly glowing lights illuminated the small area, showing  them decending a metal square tube. Williamson spoke. "We're not a recon base, as the furs think. In fact, we're a permanent establishment set to building a special... weapon for the human cause."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 05:09:52 AM
duo looked around at everything that was in the base, at a loss for words, she had no idea that there was anything like this underthe sand
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 05:14:19 AM
"I love keeping secrets from the enemy, they won't know what hit them... until it's too late." Frank tried to remain cool, but he could not keep that smile back when he thought of their{[Furs]} destruction. "Do you have a name for this weapon?"
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 05:22:42 AM
Scott was silent for a minute, until the tube ended, revealing a huge warehouse. The place was taller than several football fields, and wider than an supership assembly plant. How all of this was concealed was beyond any of them. They descended farther, glass preventing them from falling out of the tube, but allowing them to look out unto the beautiful scene.

At the center of the giant room was a huge machine, built into the very rock itself. It was round, and multi-faceted. Shaped like a complex geometric design that no human could comprehend easily.

Scott nodded now, in acknowledgement of Frank's question. "We call it Sanctity. Because that's what it gives us."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 05:26:42 AM
duo looked at the many faces of the weapon searching it with her powerful eyes trying to take in every detail "what does it do" she asked slightly distracted
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 05:45:10 AM
{[ ]}

"Impressive..." It wasn't exactly what he had expected to see. Maybe a missile, a superlaser, or some kind of ship. But he was still amazed.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 06:08:25 AM
(( ))

Scott nodded. "This thing is designed to be... a special weapon that we no longer have to fight furs on the front lines with."

The elevator reached the bottom, and Scott got out. He put his hand up to a keypad, and several other defenses until a large metal door finally opened for him. He gestured them to come inside.

The place was a mass of metal, tubing, technology and the like. However, one thing could be seen. It was a prison cage at the center of the room, above it was the large device. Inside the cage were furs. Naked (well, furred) furs. "POWs. Now test subjects" Scott said.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 07:08:48 AM
"Lord Hass would be proud..." Some of the Furs in the cage looked at Frank with fear at the mention of the name Hass, the others looked as if they had not even heard of him. "Let us see what this can do."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 01:24:01 PM
"sir with all due respect" she started out it was her fav. catch frase, it really ment kiss my *** "they don't test stuff on humans, why would we test on humans, what happened to animals first" she didn't care about the war, only that she was there to help, she couldn't care less who she faught.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 05:48:59 PM
Scott motioned them into a control room. "The device needs more testing before it's finished, but at the moment, we've designed a weapon that reengineers the fur's biological codes, without touching the human's..." He paused, looking at a few control panels and flipping a few switches. People around the facility began to get in their places as a small whine echoed through the cavern.

One of the furs in the cage, a raccoon lady, was picked up in a large round catcher claw, much like a prize machine, and placed inside a container in the machine. A screen appeared next to Scott's control panels that showed the inside of the machine. It was a large, round metal container wit ha few eerie gold lights in it to illuminate what would happen. Scott talked before activating the machine. "Do you two know what created the furs, one hundred and fifty years ago?" He said, adjusting a few more dials.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 05:50:57 PM
"a genitic mutation" duo said remembering from basic trianing 15 years ago
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 06:02:25 PM
"Lord Hass told me that all Non-Humans were created by a powerful being from the underworld."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 06:06:07 PM
Scott shook his head. "That's what you've been told."

He was silent, as he flipped a switch. The lights dimmed, as a deep rumbling came from the machine.

Scott spoke one last time before finishing the procedure. "We did."

What happened next was astounding. Bright light seemed to encase the fur, and although they couldn't hear her, she was screaming at the top of her lungs for a while, until the screaming died out as and lights seemed to erase her body, leaving only a bright patch of shining light.

After a minute of this, the light faded away, and at the bottom of the cage was... a raccoon. Not a fur, just a normal raccoon.

"Classified information says that we figured a way to manipulate the human genetic code to create these monsters, then they got out of our control. Eventually we tolerated them, but now that the war has started up, we've begun to look for a way to destroy them once and for all." Gas was then pumped into the chamber, killing the animal. "With this weapon completed, we'll be able to reverse the process."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 29, 2008, 06:42:31 PM
His body shivered, chills went through his skin. "We created... them?" Frank was unsure of who to trust, Scott, or Isaac "Impossible!" he thought, then looking at Scott "I don't know what to say..."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on November 29, 2008, 06:44:36 PM
duo looked around she was actually re reading every law, and every lession, every text book she had read, this went against every law of physical science, she clenched her fists till they cracked
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on November 29, 2008, 07:21:44 PM
"That's what I said when they put me in charge of this operation." Scott said in reaction to Frank's statement. "I said it couldn't be done, they said it already has. This technology here is old, it's just been rebuilt and reverse engineered from the same machines that created the furs originally. Sure, some people believe it was natural selection, others believe it was a spiritual force, but in essence, it began as man's own tinkering with life."

He looked solemnly at the dead raccoon. "This weapon is almost complete. Yes, it's too large for practical infantry use, but once we get it mobile, we can lay waste to any and all furries', and fix what's been done. All this mechanics are more for testing and analysis, in it's raw form, this machine is somewhat mobile and useful. We have prototypes already built, among platforms to put them on. I'd say under a month, and we can mass-produce this in the form of a war machine."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on November 30, 2008, 05:36:13 PM
Frank was still skeptical, "Who did this is the first place? Is he or she still alive?" His hate was almost completely redirected from the Furs, to whoever this person was who created them.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on December 01, 2008, 03:34:48 AM
Scott shook his head. "That information has long been destroyed for the very same reason you're asking about it. Those who did, would already be dead by now anyway." He sighed. "From what my scientists gather, furs aren't actually animals. They're genetically modified... humans. Or... some kind of hybrid. It's unclear, but for the most part, we can safely say that for every furry they created... a human life was lost in the process." He was quite solemn about it. "That is why we must fight them."

The following morning, at WOLF Base.

Nikolai was woken up at 0500 hours by a loud alarm. He quickly got out of his quarters and reported. The whole squad was being called in, Gizor, Nikolai, Shane, and Miercole, who was recently adopted into the squad itself. It seems that General Whitney had prepared a debriefing or something for them. Nikolai sighed, wishing that they could have a day of rest before being interrogated, but it was all for the greater good. He dressed sharply, readied himself, and entered the debriefing room at 0547 hours. He was first there, as he always made a point to be. He sat and patiently waited for the others to arrive. Even the General hadn't shown up yet, but he was most likely busy with work, rather than sleeping in.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Golge on December 01, 2008, 03:38:37 AM
Gizor had received the order, and dragged himself into some clothes and over to the debriefing room, he saw nikolai already there and gave him a nod of acknowledgement "morning" he said with his head hanging, still ashamed about his failure in battle
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on December 02, 2008, 11:16:30 AM
{[ Frank is wearing something like this in combat. ]}

"Me and Duo take them down all by ourselves if we have to Commander, you can count on us."
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on December 02, 2008, 09:22:45 PM
duo's eyes shifted to look at frank behind her shadowded visor, she didn't like being grouped, she culd speak for herself
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: Nikolai on December 03, 2008, 12:21:57 AM
Scott's expression didn't change. "I'm sure. Get some rest now." Scott began to leave, gesturing him to follow, as he obviously wasn't going to leave without making sure they were gone.

Miercole was walking into the room, just as General Whitney came in, followed closely by the same Squirrel lady that Nikolai had seen earlier. She appears to be an assistant for Slovac. The General stood at the front of the table, a stoic expression on his face. "I have just been informed of Shane Kurasaki's status, as through unforeseen complications he has fallen into a minor coma. We will begin without him."

Nikolai was immediately worried. Partly because of the squirrel lady (which unconsciously caused his tail to droop and fall behind himself to hide it without him even knowing he was doing it) and partly because despite all they had done to save everyone they could, casualties still ensued. He wished to know more about what exactly happened, but it was not his place to tie the meeting up.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on December 03, 2008, 12:23:48 AM
duo laconic as ever turned around and went over and steped into the glass elevator
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: ST-84 Sahelanthropus on December 03, 2008, 10:50:41 AM
Frank entered the Elevator with Duo and Scott, "I'll be in my workshop." when they got out of the elevator.
Title: Re: The Draft
Post by: PhantomStone on December 03, 2008, 11:53:56 AM
"i'll be in the veichle shop sir" she said walking tward the part of the base where mechnics worked many hours of the day