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Creative Arts and Media => Fursuiting and Cosplay => Topic started by: Ori on May 20, 2017, 12:07:07 AM

Title: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Ori on May 20, 2017, 12:07:07 AM
So here are my questions:
When making a fursuit. Would it be bad if I stitched the mouth closed? And instead used either a sign or something else to talk?

Does anyone know anything about setting up a voice changing thing in your fursuit head? Cause I wanted to see if I can do something strange. I want to try holding a creepy doll of myself, have a small bluetooth speaker inside it. And whatever I say comes out there. Kinda looking for something that makes whatever I say sound like a radio spokesman... but run constant static through whatever I say. (Got the idea from, seeing Smiler's fursuit, and decided to play a twist on it from Silent hill PT, where there's the radio that says stuff with some random static running through it or maybe like Bioshock recordings. )

3.) Setting up eyes that look like buttons on a fursuit. Without destroying visibility.
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Willow the Jerboa on May 20, 2017, 01:08:32 AM
I can answer the first one because my friend tried to have no mouth and the only downside is that It gets hot as heck in there.

Also Visibility is minimal anyways and you can make it so you have a handler who will act as your eyes. You will probably need one anyway
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Ventus Fall on May 20, 2017, 06:27:47 AM
1)  It's not bad. As EchoJerboa pointed out, it's most likely it will get warm much quicker, but if you aren't bothered too much by heat (e.g. I seem to have a higher tolerance for warmth in a suit than a friend of mine. I can wakl around hours in a full suit, he can only walk around 15 minutes in a partial. And we both don't have a fan or other means to cool ourselves down in the suit.)
So maybe you'd want some other parts in the head to 'air'.

2) If you find a way for this, PLEASE let me know xD I want something like this too.

3) You know those realistic fursuits? Or semi-realistic fursuits? The difference between those and the Toony suits is that generally the Toony suits have the most visibility as you can also see through the eyes. The (semi-)realistic fursuits heads overall have eyes you cannot see through. Instead, you'll see through a much smaller (generally) black part of the eye. The uhm... The part where you cry from, that part is generally used to look through. If you check out my fursuits I have, both of them have that system.
So you could do something similar with buttons maybe :)
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Nori on May 22, 2017, 10:48:45 PM
1. You can, but seriously, heat buildup is bad standing in place with an open mouth XD If you install a fan in the muzzle and have nostril holes, or at least vents in the ears, then make sure you can handle staying in the head for a good period of time. Or give yourself the option with velcro or zippers, so you can open the mouth if you need more air?
2. There are voice changers for phones, but you'd need to figure out a way to incorporate that into your suit. A few people who use that kind of thing (BeautyoftheBass is a good example) she pre-records her stuff and selects a playlist to act out and lip sync, so changing the voice in an editing software.
3. Depending on how big/small the buttons are, you could use black vinyl mesh and add a design on top of the mesh eyes to give it the button appearance, then you can just see out of the vinyl. Some makers use Chiffron (really sheer black fabric, like cheap-o costume drapes) but my vision is too blurred seeing through that, but that could be another option for a material you can see out of. If you want smaller buttons, maybe giving yourself tear duct vision, painting whatever you use for a screen the same color as the surrounding fur?
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Ori on August 04, 2017, 12:28:36 AM
Edit: I just realized I never thanked the people earlier for answering my questions @.@ I could've swore I did, so thank you ^.^

I have a new question about fursuits, once again about the heat in the head area. I was wondering how bad does the heat  get if I  wanted to wear a full mask ontop of my fursuit head. Cause... I was thinking it would be fun to play with this idea of having my current character technically be a disguise, and then he can take the fursuit (Or in reality just the head) off and reveal this monster thing. As much as I hate to refer to something else, Something like this:
The only thing is, I was also planning on having the eyes switch as well... Is that possible? ( Kinda like the gif above) Instead they become just red. (And I'm talking about just doing the head. Doing a double fursuit thing on the entire body would probably be too hot for anyone.

(And also. Is it possible to having a glowing mouth lol.)
Cause I was thinking of his mouth to be this glowing red maw thing.
On the side note. I gotta admit, I might be over doing this and when the day comes that I actually do make a fursuit, I probably won't be going this far. But just to see how crazy I'm able to make my fursona without making it so crazy that it can't become a fursuit.
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Ventus Fall on August 04, 2017, 06:39:17 AM
No thanks needed ;)
But you're welcome!

I don't think wearing a mask over a fursuit head is going to make much difference from not wearing one.
I wore one (a self-made temporary paper mask) and it really does not contribute more or less to the heat :P

Do you mean the eyes switch of the head or the mask?
I think you mean of the head, so I'll answer that :P
It's possible and has been done before. Either you can have LED in the eyes so you can choose the colour whenever you want, or you make sure the eyes can stick with velcro on some sort of base made specifically for the eyes.

Glowing mouth is also possible, once again with LED and with instead of a solid colour, you should probably go with a transparant teeth+gums+tongue, etc.

And you can go as crazy as you want with your own fursuit, trust me xD
It's not hard to do most things, but just needs time.
Title: Re: Few Fursuit Questions
Post by: Nori on August 04, 2017, 03:13:36 PM
Heat doesn't really affect too much with a mask over a head, so long as the same vents/openings are made on both mask and head. t's kind of like if you have too many layers on already, one more doesn't make a difference. Since most heads arent breathable save for a few points, it won't affect the heat if you put another layer on.
Could try rare earth magnets or velcro like Ventus said for both the mask and eyes, and there's great tutorials for LED's and how to program them to light up differently. I used magnets for removable hair, I put one side of the magnet on the foam under the fur of the head, and the other side on the hair under a layer of thin fabric, held together just fine.
Depdning on what you want for a mouth, you could make some clear resin or something for a jaw, sand it so it's dull, and put a light on it to make the teeth glow (DreamVisionCreations has clear remade resin jawsets too). If you wanted the mouth to glow from a different source, you could use a plastic bulb of some kind and sand it as well, and put a light in it. So long as you have room, you can put anything in there :P

And nothing is ever too crazy! Go for it! :D