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Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: ReverendJ on December 29, 2007, 11:29:30 PM

Title: work out suggestions
Post by: ReverendJ on December 29, 2007, 11:29:30 PM
hey i know this is kinda off subject but ive been working out for a few years now and after getting suspended from sports 4 months ago i really got outta shape. with wrestling and football coming up next year i was wondering if anyone has any ideas to help me gain as much muscle mass as possible without usin steroids. :peace:
Title: Re: work out suggestions
Post by: [D.E.M] zetsumei on December 30, 2007, 10:27:15 PM
jog a bit every day to get your condition up, lift weights, do push-ups, sit-ups everyday... make it a dailly routine.. dont overdo it though, or you'll get muscle problems... i overdid a sprint once, couldnt even stand for a few minutes
Title: Re: work out suggestions
Post by: Vosur Aekira on December 31, 2007, 05:36:14 PM
Piggybacking off of machinimamaster

For speed and endurance, I'd go with jogging, but do it 3 times a week, leaving a day between workout days for recovery, (example of a work-out week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in a set distance. After you start becoming noticibly good at it, wear small leg-weights and hold small dumbells (1 lb.) Every so often, increase it with higher weights.

For strength, situps and push-ups on the same days as your Jogging and increase in the same manner.

For recovery between workout days, no workouts and if available to you, look into any Accupressure Therapy you can use. ((Pressure points, not needles))

For everyday lifestyle: Stay away from caffinated or carbonated drinks. Gatorade (or other hydrating sports drinks), Protien drinks, and water should be what you look into... and do not drink milk or anything cold to the touch very close to when you work out.
Title: Re: work out suggestions
Post by: Pibi on December 31, 2007, 05:38:43 PM
One advice: drink milk :)
Joke... just spend more time in gym, buy some energy drinks, and don't stress ;P