The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => TV and Video => Topic started by: Sub-Zero Knight on December 09, 2016, 02:40:54 AM

Title: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Sub-Zero Knight on December 09, 2016, 02:40:54 AM
I need suggestions on some anime to watch, since all I watch right now is Black Butler xP
Anything dark or amusing is fine by me, maybe some romance because why not...
Probably more amusing, though. Idk, Black Butler sort of as all of it....

Eh. Just hit me with whatever anime suggestions you have.
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: kiindling on December 09, 2016, 06:59:57 AM

fangirling over hisoka continues to rage eternally help meeeee
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Fable on December 09, 2016, 06:16:10 PM
Blood+ is one of my all time favorite- if you haven't seen it please give it a watch (Or deathnote- That's lovely too)
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: ? on December 09, 2016, 10:53:18 PM

Elfen Lied

Chi's sweet home

Kill Me Baby

Kill la Kill

Sgt Frog

Spice and Wolf

and of course Deathnote!  ovo
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Fable on December 09, 2016, 10:56:05 PM
sgt frog is such a cute and funny anime!!
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Sub-Zero Knight on December 09, 2016, 11:46:53 PM
My sister recommended Amnesia, especially since I like the game so much. I definitely want to check that one out xP

Blood+ is one of my all time favorite- if you haven't seen it please give it a watch (Or deathnote- That's lovely too)


Elfen Lied

Chi's sweet home

Kill Me Baby

Kill la Kill

Sgt Frog

Spice and Wolf

and of course Deathnote!  ovo

I've actually been meaning to check Deathnote out for a few weeks now. Having a deathgod for a fursona and all, the concept definitely appeals to me x3
Chi's sweet home is adorable-sounding the one about the cat, right? I think I the manga of it in a bookstore once xP


fangirling over hisoka continues to rage eternally help meeeee
My sister loves that one, I probably should've checked it out awhile ago tbh xD
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Ori on December 23, 2016, 03:45:23 PM
Ooh... Maybe Re:Zero is your cup of tea. It's probably more serious and intense then Black Butler. It's dark, it's intense, it has a bit of romance, and it's more drama then action but the action is very good. It has a good deal of psychological aspects to it. It's not particularly funny (Comic relief is there, just not that funny). There's no filler as well. However, I really have to press the fact that it's intense. A friend of mine started it and quit because it was just too much. Everything, ABSOLUTELY, EVERYTHING, will go wrong before it goes right. Where it falls off is that the characters are a bit cliche, I guess? Some people mentioned that, like they've used standard characters and the main female character is boring. It has a slow start, a lot of people dropped that anime for that reason, but it picked up fast. Actually this Summer, in Japan, it got the highest rating, so take a look.

You might enjoy D.Grey man, which is probably closer to Black Butler. I don't really remember if it has a good sense of humor. It has the dark goth appeal that Black Butler has if I remember correctly. (I'm going off the manga, and not really the anime.) The anime was dropped, then they made a sequel to the anime, and continued it. I quit the manga because I remember the storyline far later on became hard to follow. (I think, it's been years since I read it.)

In terms of funny action? Gintama takes the crown. Go on Myanimelist, it has the highest rating. All of the arcs are like top then I think. I have to push this one, it's just so stupid, but funny, but also intense. It gets away with so much, you will ask, how is this no sued yet. It's just perfect. Though it's not dark at all (No goth). The storyline is good, and it has filler that's still good. The way it does its story is unique. It does multiple short arcs. And the further you get the better the anime gets so if the first ten episodes aren't appealing I might recommend skipping to like 20. (I seem to remember the first ten are pure character introduction). And like every other manga, it actually manages to keep a small character list (And avoids reviving old forgotten characters), all the while, keeping it interesting. (Looks at Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and One Piece. There's like over 120 characters in each show at this point.)

That's my recommendations.

Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Sub-Zero Knight on December 27, 2016, 11:13:17 PM
All of those sound quite interesting, and as for the one that you said is incredibly intense, that actually sounds like my kind of thing. That's why I never write stories, because all my best ones are pretty dark and unbearably intense, and, well... they contain a lot of angst and extremely tragic, very bloody death. Only difference for my stories is pretty much everything goes wrong, but almost nothing ever goes right. I can't even write my main fursona's entire history on this site because of all that...

Apparently, I'm more of a dark, death-and-angst-obsessed sadist than I thought...

Anyway, I'll have to look into those three.
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Ræfóa Aldrnari on December 28, 2016, 12:00:11 AM
I really enjoyed Akame Ga Kill. The only thing was, it was pretty short (only 24 episodes). Still, in some way, it had a really good length for me. It's pretty bloody and violent, with interesting characters, and both funny and serious moments. The story was really good too, in my opinion.

I'm currently watching Rokka -Braves of The Six Flowers-, and I really like that one too. Again - really short (12 episodes), but I still feel like that's fine. I have no idea if they're planning on making more seasons or not (since I don't know how this season ends), but I still think it's worth it to just watch, if you have nothing else. Again, interetsing characters, and this one has great camera direction too, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Anime suggestions?
Post by: Sub-Zero Knight on December 28, 2016, 12:57:10 AM
Better add 'em to my list! ^-^