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Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Scheer on November 26, 2007, 12:33:43 AM

Title: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Scheer on November 26, 2007, 12:33:43 AM
RULES: I want a decent RP, please keep with the plot. Please post more then one sentence per post. Try to keep historically accurate. As for weapons, keep it European/Middle eastern. This Means NO Far east weapons (IE Kantans and that sort of stuff). Thats about it. Use common sense, and have fun eh?

>>The year is 1190, the third crusades are in full swing. Saladin leader of the Islamic forces has recently recaptured the kingdom of , Jerusalem. The holy land is in flames, Crusader King Richard the lion heart is north in the in the principality of Antioch fighting his was south, while Saladin is waiting for him, and the crusaders in the country in Tripoli. In the kingdom of Jerusalem All the crusaders cities have fallen, Jerusalem it self, then Acre. Edessa and Damascus have also fallen, and for the most part the crusaders have been pushed out of the holy land.

This RP Begins in a ruined fort, miles outside of the city of Acre A band of crusaders have managed to remain un-noticed here. There backgrounds very. Some are from the religious orders who under comand of the papal states are tasked with the defense of the holy land.  , others are simply soldiers who volunteered in Europe seeking adventure and riches Others are crusaders born and raised in the kingdom of Jerusalem who are defending there homes. This band of crusaders and soldiers have an impossible task,  to travel north in attempt to reconnect with The crusader forces, And there leader King Richard. There are two things standing in there way, the desert, and the entire Islamic army. They need to go through one, and avoid the other. If possible.


name: Scheer
species: Thylacine
rank: (keep them low) Sargent
weapons: Main weapon is a Germanic Zweihänder 2 handed greatsword. Secondary weapons consist of a one handed war hammer, and a Knights Dagger.
Faction: Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem also known as The knights Hospitallers
hometown: Acre
Clothing: Full chainmail armor consisting of a Chain Mail Chausses, Chain mail hauberk and Chain  mail coif, also a chain mail Tail sleeve. Over the mail is a sleeveless Hospitallers Tunic, heavy leather belt, and a hooded cape. Oh my head, besides the coif Is a Steel Great Helm, left side painted black, right side painted white, brass oculars, with cross shaped vents on only the left side.
description: He is physically average. Just under 6 feet in hight, and of decent strength, He is in good health. He is a native to Acre, his parents arriving here from Europe  a few months before his birth.  He has devoted his entire life to the  Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, but recently, with the fall of the kingdom, and his first brutal taste  of war he questions his faith in his order, and questions his believes.

*Scheer yawns, leaning against  his sword his great helm under one arm, he stands on the ruined remains of forts walls looking to the east, towards the smoke which off in the distance rises from the sacked city of Acre. Behind that the sun is rising, casting long shadows over the empty desert. He has been watching all night, for other crusaders escaping the city, and for Saladin's forces. Behind him in the rundown fort, crusader refugees begin there day. The keep is empty, fallen in form years standing abandoned, But in some of the rundown huts life stirs. *
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Merekat4 on November 27, 2007, 05:55:47 AM
name: Kali
species: Shadow Cat
rank: none
weapons: Islamic curved Bow and Arrows, Archers short sword
Faction: Escaped Slave
hometown: Unknown
Clothing: Light weight tattered white tunic with a heavy leather belt. Heavy leather boots that are too big for her. Dented chest plate and back plate mail that obviously don't match and are also too big.
Background: As a child she was brought to the Empire as an oddity and as a slave for the entertainment of the Sultan. Her will was never broken, and though well cared for, wanted freedom from her lord and master. The siege on Acre gave her the opportunity and means to escape. If captured, she knows death awaits.


*Kali had been hiding most of the day. She had found res bit in the form of an abandoned hut just near the fort. She knew that there would be European soldiers, refugees, and walking wounded getting out of the city. Kali knew she could hide amongst the people there. But best to keep hidden. She scavenged a few pieces of amour, a bow and some arrows, and a short sword that might come in handy should she be attacked. She knew it would not be any help should there be more that one or two attackers, but at least she would die with her dignity intact. Hopefully in the morning, she would be able to find people traveling out of the area that wanted to avoid the Sultan's soldiers as much as she did.*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on November 27, 2007, 06:26:22 PM
name: Tris.
species: Cat.
rank: unknown.
weapons: short daggers, slipped into a light-weight belt.
Faction: Abondened runaway before adopted
hometown: Unknown
Clothing: small and defenceless chainmail, worn down chest and back plates made out of old scarps of metal. Wearing a leather belt to carry weapons, and tattered old brown coloured clothing.
Background: Fahter and mother died in the ruins of her home. Nothing left to care about, so desides to fight back at the people who had done this, still not sure of herself.
Description: Very skinny, as has not eaten well in years. small height at only 4 feet, weighing less than 5 stone. Strong determined face, but scared at heart at what lies ahead in their war.

*waking amongst the rubble, she looks around the mess of what used to be her room. Knowing that war was amongst her, she rose and put on her things. Stepping out, she examined the rubble that used to be her home, determined to fight back for her giths in this land - or at least, what was left of it.*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Scheer on November 28, 2007, 01:21:00 AM
* Scheer sighs and wipes the dust out of his eyes. To the east the sun sits just atop the horizon, slowly rising, casting an organ glow across the entire desert. The shadows grow shorter, the time must be around 6am. Scheer sighed not because of what had happened over the prior weeks, he and many other crusaders had fought well to defend Acre, and he was proud of it, he sighed because he knew that the task ahead would be dangerous and hard fought.  

He scratched his chin, and picking his Zweihänder up, laying it across his shoulder like a pole arm. He turns and walks down the ragged and ruined wall, balancing in some spots where it is crumbling. He follows it to the gate, which for the most part is gone, rotted away, and picked apart for firewood. He peers out towards the old, ruined huts that use to be a fine village, he thinks he sees movement around one of the outlying ones. He puts his helm on and grasps his sword in both paws, standing tall atop the ruined wall he watches, trying to figure out if someone is out there, or if its only shadows.*  
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on November 28, 2007, 06:09:14 PM
*creeping out of the buildings shadows, she shook her fur to get the dust off, and held onto one of the daggers in her belt. knowing her mother and father were lay under the rubble, she knew immediatly that they were dead. But instead of greaving, she frowned and held the daggers tightly. She looked around, trying to see anyone else around, but all the other houses in the desert were the same, ruins.*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Sareen on November 28, 2007, 06:56:12 PM
name: Malia
species: White Wolf
rank: Unknown
weapons: Basic short sword
hometown: unkown
Clothing: Light weight tattered black tunic with a kinnda heavy leather belt. Black boots that are too big for her. Chest plate and back plate mail  are just the right size.
Description: has a slim, healthy lookin figure, she is about 5'9 and weighs about 6 to 7 stone. She is strong but is very shy and not very talktive towards new furs.
Malia woke up and looked around, she could see smoke rising from some where, "What The?" she started wondering what happen, so she started to make her way to where she could see the smoke. Were she wasnt that far away she managed to get there after a few mintues, she was shocked to see that houses turned to rubble, and so she wondered round looking for somefur, who knows what happen to this place

Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on November 28, 2007, 07:32:39 PM
*sweats as the hot sun beats down on her thick clothing. Even though their was a breeze in the air that listed up her long blonde hair whip around her, her fringe falling into her eyes. lifting it away, she looked around at the sand whiping around below her feet, and started to wipe away the sand from her old trousers.*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Merekat4 on November 29, 2007, 05:12:38 AM
*Kali finished scavenging what she could. She managed to put together a small pack with the jewelry she had managed to sneak out with her when she escaped the palace, her silk dress, some food, and most important water. She could go a few days without it, but she would rather not have to. Her ears twitched at the sounds of clanking armor. Then the fur on the back of her neck started to prickle as she felt the presence of another. Kali stopped moving and stopped breathing. She didn't want to be noticed just yet. Kali started to creep out the door and try to stay as quiet as possible. There was one thing keeping that from happening, the overly large boots she was wearing managed to trip her as she was going out the door. There is a large noise at the base of the ruin wall Scheer is standing on. Kali looks up at the tall soldier, frozen for the moment while she debates running from him*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on November 29, 2007, 01:59:05 PM
name: Saros
species: Tiger-wolf
rank: ??? {not sure...}
weapons: a two handed calavry sword, two short daggers
hometown: Jerusulem {sorry for my crappy spelling}
Clothing: a semi-low cut, sleeveless shirt with a silver stud butterfly, faded blue pants, and black riding boots; a black leather choker with silver chains.

Saros woke from a high screeching coming from her window. She looks out and jolts out of bed. "WHAT THE HELL?!" She shouts, pulling her pants on with such a frenzy, she looked like a black and blue streak. She slams her door open and rushes to her horse. "Frenka? FRENKA!" She whistles frantically, trying to find her favorite war horse. It had disappeared.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Sareen on November 29, 2007, 05:09:17 PM
keeps searching for somefur to tell her what happened, and lookin aroun at the pulls of rubble and furs stuff lining the streets of want once was a town
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on November 29, 2007, 05:16:42 PM
*staying in her crouching position, she began looking around. She could swear she saw some fursons in the distance, but didnt want to approach, just in case they were who did this to her poor family. She sighed heavily at thankfulness that her two sisters had been away that night, so they were nowhere near harm.*
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on November 30, 2007, 01:47:14 PM
"Thank God I live alone..." She whispers, then begins whistling again.
{Sorry Jas.}
Saros found Frenka a few meters from the well and sighed in relief. "Frenka, don't mellinoa like that. You nearly gave me a grean-hole. Now come on, let's go home."
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Scheer on November 30, 2007, 08:11:49 PM
( OOC Please post more then one sentence per post. -_- )
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 01, 2007, 12:42:28 PM
listens around her for anyone else, then noticed a massive ruin. She could see someone climbing down it. Sneaking behind part of her ruined house, she pulled out one of her small daggers, and watched as the person continued to climb down. She could hear her shallow breathing as she stared on, wondering if this was one of the men who destroyed her small town.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Sareen on December 01, 2007, 08:46:33 PM
shes gives up looking for somefur to tell her want had happened so she went looking through the ruins because her sister was said to have run away and started to live in a small town
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 01, 2007, 08:53:15 PM
holding her blade dangerously, she crept around the ruins of her house and began to scuttle along towards the fugure, still crouching in the shadows of the ruined houses.
"Who would kill a place like this?" she murmered to herself quietly, still looking around at the figure.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 08:01:17 PM
{which figure?}
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 02, 2007, 08:09:31 PM
((erm...Scheers i think, he was moving along the ruins))
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 08:12:30 PM
{ohh. ok! Cuz Saros was moving near the ruins as well, looking for her war horse.}
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 02, 2007, 08:20:23 PM
((hehe, okies!))

continues to hide along i nthe shadows, until she notices another figure ((yeah its Saros!)). Clenching her dagger even tighter, she began moving slowly still along the ruins, trying to think if these figures were going to be dangerous, or were just people from her town.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 08:25:06 PM
Saros sees something move along the shadows (iggy) and draws her daggers, moving in front of Frenka. "WHO'S THERE?!" Shwe shouts, daggers catching the waning sunlight.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 02, 2007, 08:27:05 PM
heres someone yelling behind her, she clenches onto her dagger. Trying not to be noticed, she shrunk along the ruins, watching to see if she is seen, until she stumbled over a rock. She tried to stay quiet even though she had twisted her ankle
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 08:47:34 PM
She runs over to the sound and sees somebody tripped over a rock. "Cute." She says, putting away her daggers.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 02, 2007, 08:49:57 PM
looks up into the face of the fursom. "Who are you?" nervously still holding her dagger up dangerously, stting herself back up along the ruins.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 09:20:53 PM
Her silver tail swishes angrily as she pulls the female up. "Name's Saros. You can call me Saro."  
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 02, 2007, 09:22:47 PM
searches saro's eyes, for any sign of wickedness, or any way that it could possibly be her that ruined her village. Sweeping her hair back off her face, she continued to examine the girl stood infront of her.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 02, 2007, 09:41:30 PM
Saros smiles, understanding what she's doing.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 03, 2007, 05:00:22 PM
still frowning, she continued to eye her supiciously. "What are you doing here? Or should i say what happened?"
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 03, 2007, 10:03:27 PM
"My familly left this morning and I noticed my house was gone...Frenka here as well." She pats the horse who had followed her gratefully.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 04, 2007, 05:03:28 PM
nods. "I dont know what happened to my family. I woke up to this..."
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 04, 2007, 09:47:25 PM
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 04, 2007, 09:52:12 PM
looks at the floor, then back up to Saro "Do you know whats going on here?"
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 04, 2007, 10:30:21 PM
"No i dont. I wish I did but I woke up this morning thinking I would have another rather uneventful day."
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 05, 2007, 04:14:35 PM
shrugs shaking her head looking around, noticing the figure again. "Is that person related to you?" she questioned as she watched him continuing down the rubble
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 08, 2007, 10:51:51 PM
"I don't really know, actually." She looked to where Iggy was pointing and shrugged, unsure at this distance.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Iggy Cullen on December 08, 2007, 10:59:34 PM
she pushes her dagger back into the side of her belt, looking around. A gust of wind comes and sprays sand everywhere, getting in her eyes.
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Scheer on December 12, 2007, 08:37:13 PM
OCC: I'm not replying to the RP until you folks learn how to role play. to be perfectly honest 90% of your replies are abysmal, there horrible! I clearly stated in my first post NO one lines, yet what do you people do. I assumed, wrongly it seems, that the serious RP thread would have serious roleplayers. This is to all of you, Learn To RP, One or two line replies do not equate good RPing skills, Good Rping involves paragraphs, with lots of details and time put into them.  
Title: Re: The Third Crusades.
Post by: Dr. Strange on December 12, 2007, 09:08:34 PM
{i apologise jas, i've had a lot on my mind lately....i will reply when i am through wading out of the stuff...}sora sat on the ground and began to think of ways to ambush the theives of her family. Stupid f***s. I really wish I could get it over with... She thought, a disgusted scowl  creasing her face. She drew her claws out and slashed Frenkas' reins. "Come back near nightfall, understood?"
Yes, Master Sora.