The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Alessia Starfurr on April 15, 2016, 06:05:00 PM

Title: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 15, 2016, 06:05:00 PM
n October 4, 1957, at exactly 7:28 PM the first artificial satellite, the Russian Sputnik I. reached orbit of the earth.
 You all  know this ,but in this altered reality after WWII the Soviets and Americans were good allies thanks to good relations during WWII and significant assist to the Russians Via the lend lease program.

  After the successful launch of Sputnik I, the Russians shared their data with their American allies prompting the start of a combined space Program The National Aeronautics and Space Administration merged with the Roscosmos Russian program to form  NASCA National Aeronautics Space and Cosmos  administration together the two countries pushed their  space technology forward starting with the launch of the American made satellite Traveler I in 1959, launching the two countries into the future of space travel NASCA   developed the first space station jointly developed by Russia and America, the station was a short lived program to assess the effects of outer space on the human body.

The program ended 10 years later in 1971, the next step for the wonderful union of allies was the moon a joint team of Cosmonauts and Astronauts were chosen to go to the moon using the new Enterprise reusable space vehicle.
 In 1973 just three years after making their goal Neil Armstrong and Russian Cosmonaut Abram Gagarin were the first men in history to place their feet on Luna’s soil both at the same time from the dual laddered lunar lander.

 Things looked good for the NASCA program, then one dark day in history 5 years later in 1977 an unknown craft smashed into the NASCA space station Voyeur that had been upgraded over the years since the re-initation of the space station program.
Only a week later was the  ‘villain’ reveal themselves over Global  Radio, a group calling themselves the Neo-Asian Republic (NAR) claimed responsibility for the horrible ‘accident’ saying it was no accident and just the beginning of the end to the  superpower  Dog’s they called the American-Russian Alliance.

(ARA). Their tone was quiet clear they were angry and previously had feared that the ARA would have military technology to wipe the NAR of the planet with military space technology. So to combat this paranoia China, Japan Korea and a few other Asian countries launched their attack killing 10 people in the space station 15 If you counted the NAR suicide squad, besides the 5 Cosmonauts and 5 Astronauts that were onboard the station when it was hit.
 The NAR shuttle that hit the station busted a hole in the walls of the station sucking all air out killing all inside from suffocation, their charred remains likely remain at the crash site of the Voyeur now in some uninhabited part of the Arizona Desert. This single act of Daring Defiance could have launched WWIII but it didn’t, instead the ARA tried to used Diplomacy something that had formed the ARA a few years in the past,  however it’s been two years and  diplomatic ties are straining fast both sides are preparing for war it looks  inevitable that the world will  go to war and with possible Nuclear weapons on both sides it may not be a pretty picture, it was not until the ARA found odd alien wreckages in Arizona  and Siberia that the ARA decided not to use nuclear weapons instead focusing on adapting the alien technology to their own ,but will this be enough to help the ARA survive? No one knows but WWIII is over the horizon… and now a shocking new development has occurred .

A group of Aliens have arrived in the Sol system are they friendly? Will they help one side or the other? Nobody knows, but it's sure to change a few things.

<RP begin>
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 15, 2016, 06:40:29 PM
Drake sat down in the Captain's chair of his ship, the Indari-class Battleship DMCS Indari. "Report - where are we?" he requested.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with all it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 15, 2016, 07:02:13 PM
"Umm. earth?" Amie said pushing one of the crewmen aside to look at the readings.

"Can Definitely confirm that." Amber said looking at another monitor "What mess did we get ourselves into this time?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 15, 2016, 07:31:38 PM
"Dammit, that's the last time I investigate a gravitational anomaly like that," Drake growled. "Any indication as to what time period? I don't see Starfleet Command up here, nor do I see any UNSC ships or stations."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 15, 2016, 07:37:33 PM
Razuel had stowed away in the cargo bay of the battleship, thinking  that it was going to a different place than its current objective, for his next contract. Razuel then got a call on his watch from his current client, "Mr.Dracon, where are you? We've been expecting you for the past hour... You got on the ship again, didn't you?", Raz looked at the crate that he was up against, "Yeah, that's what it looks like. Ya think a fried goods ship would be carrying weapons and packages labeled 'Ration'... Just call Angel, she's been looking for a gig for a while.", Razuel then hung up, then as he put his arm down, he knocked over a metal canister that made a loud clang as it hit the ground, "...Oops... well, I'll  probably be meeting someone soon...", Raz then leaned back on a crate and just relaxed, until someone came along.   The previous conversation by Raz and his client, could've been heard over the comms, but very static - and disorted.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: ThePirateMaster on April 16, 2016, 04:01:56 AM
Several thousand light years away from the milky way galaxy, was the Fenrisian's area of space. Along the outer rim, known simply as sector 'Pacificus', was a typhos class war ship, aprox fifty five thousand meters in total length. Mac-Cannons loaded with nova rounds lined each side of the hull. Inside of the ship, a sparring match was taking place, between the vessel's captain, and one of his guards. It was a rather bloody battle, though, it made for good practice, and was close to the real thing. Fenrisians were almost Roman/Spartan-esque in nature, with a hint of barbaric Geat, or some other sort of Norseman tied into the mix. This was an unarmed match, no rules, though biting was frowned on. Fenrisians were comparable to typical anthropomorphic caninds, though, the difference being, Fenrisians grew all throughout their lives, reaching to, and over 10ft. Their very hierarchy, even from the very beginning of their race, had always been based off of strength. 'The biggest and the strongest' ruled. Though, the leaders and lords had to be clever, and intelligent, otherwise, their race would've been surely wiped out long ago. Speaking of their race, Fenrisians were warlike, most males loving the thrill of battle, and the rush of combat.

After the sparring match had ended, the captain of the vessel, also known as 'Dacius', had made his way to his quarters, eager to receive new orders. So it seemed, he was being assigned to investigate a new galaxy, with planets, plausibly rich in minerals. One of these planets that had caught the Fenrisian's attention, was a rather small world, gifted the name 'Terra' by the Fenrisians. This planet in all truth, was Earth. Several moments later, after receiving his orders, he'd relay them to his crew, via sub-dermal implant. Within moments, they were warp jumping to several galaxies over, it'd be some time before they'd arrive, and they'd have their cloaking field raised, so as not to be detected by any others. Though a universal electronic beacon would activated, so that other more 'advanced' species and factions would be able to make contact with the craft, just in case questions were needed to be asked. (To clarify, Humans do not have the technology required to pick up this beacon, only other space-faring species, AKA you guys, if you wish to interact with me~)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 16, 2016, 06:44:09 PM
(Hate to break it to ya ,but Earth is space fairing, the cold war never happened, they found alien technology, though NAR [NeoAsian Repulbic] doesn't have as advanced tech the ARA[ American Russian Aliance] does Read the intro, silly.)

-Fox fire-

"Fyra to Indari, I can confirm that year  2000, I'm also picking up about 4 ships heading our way.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 16, 2016, 06:58:01 PM
"Confirmed," Tactical said, "I have four unidentified ships approaching our location. Shall I raise shields?"

"No," Drake responded, "Let's not appear hostile. Comms, can we get a message to the unidentified ships, tell them we aren't a threat?"

"We can try, but first, will we be able to get to them, and second, will they respond?" Comms said, working on her console.

(What kind of ships are they? The ones approaching the Indari and the Fox Fire?)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 16, 2016, 07:08:47 PM
( I knew i should have posted the images)

"Readings confirm 4 fighters 2 configurations, 2   Space superority ( by the looks of the weapon and  2  Heavier designs ( judging by the readout." Amber replied as she looked over the sensors.  "Cycle through frequencies I'm getting something, on the old radio wave area , try UHF or VHF!" The white vixen added.

"Confirmed, 4 fighters heading in our direction assuming non-hostile posture, powering down weapons.' Fyra the captain of the Fox Fire replied.

"Those designs are not UNSC Nor Star fleet. outside of teh UNSC I've never seen such small human  space craft." Amie noted. "Where the  furr are we?"

"Got it!" Roxi another digitgrade vixen online

 ----Alpha wing (human fighters---

"Alpha 1 , 2 you seeing this?" asked the pilot of the heavier Hercules class fighter call sign Alpha 3.

"Confirmed Alpha 3, keep your mind on the mission, if these are ARA ships  command is going to want to have a long description on this one." The leader of the wing Alpha 1 noted, piloting one of the Apollo class space superiority fighters.

"I highly doubt the ARA  has the technology , nor the care to invest into such things their more focused On nuclear applications and ground forces." Alpha 2  also piloting an Apollo noted.

"Alpha 4 to alpha wing, these ships are waay to advanced for anything even in  our own solar system I think we're dealing with space aliens from another planet." Alpha 4 piloting the last hercules, commonly called 'Hercs' replied.

The rest of the squadron laughed almost mockingly. "Your joking right? we sent thousands of radio trasmissions out during the 60's and 70's and  we never found any life, stop pulling our leg, kid!" Alpha 2 replied, if the Indari or FoxFire had gotten the frequency , they likely could have heard the whole conversation.

Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 16, 2016, 08:24:35 PM
"Admiral..." Comms piped up, "... I just got a radio conversation - they apparently don't know what to make of us."

"Hailing frequencies," Drake ordered.

"Open, Admiral," Comms reported.

"This is Admiral Drake Indari of the DMCS Indari, Dragon'taan Marauder Corps," Drake spoke to the fighters, "You've nothing to fear from us - our ships were pulled through some form of spatial anomaly, and we ended up here. Please Identify yourselves, over."

(Razuel, what ship is your character stowed away on?)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 16, 2016, 08:45:02 PM
Razuel had ended up falling asleep, waiting for someone.

((I'm on the one with Amie and Drake. Btw, we should use the companion board to continue our OOC conversation))
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 16, 2016, 08:55:28 PM
"Admiral," Tactical proclaimed, "We have an intruder in the cargo bay!"

"Let's not get over-excited," Drake said, "Send a security team down there, but do not harm the intruder - I imagine if the intent was to stow away and then sabotage the ship, we'd be seeing the effects about now."

Per Drake's orders, a security team was dispatched to the cargo bay, where one of them - a red-furred fox - spotted Razuel asleep atop a crate. "Hey, you!" the fox shouted, "Indentify yourself!"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 16, 2016, 08:58:58 PM
"Raz..." Amie grumbled.

"What Why is he here?" Amber  asked.

Roxi, was listening in to the conversation from the fighters as they got closer, laughing a bit with the squad as they laughed at
Alpha 4. "These 'Terrans' are nuts."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 16, 2016, 09:11:03 PM
Raz woke up, "Huh, oh... hello~. Sorry, I got on the wrong ship back at your last stock-up...", Raz continued to lay on top of the crate, "*Yawns* aaahh, by the way, I'm Razuel Dracon.", Raz put a finger on a sticker describing the crate's contents, "So I assume that you're not doing cookie deliveries for the local girl scouts, heh...", Raz let out a chuckle from his little joke.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 17, 2016, 05:45:29 AM
A new ship appeared incoming, a Kandosii class dreadnought.

" Din'kartay" the captain called out.

"Multiple ships. Including at least one massive ship, class unknown." A crew member called out.

"Well then, let's see what's up. Transmit the following message on all frequencies. Su cuy'gar. This is the Ramikadyc. Captain Shukalar An. Please identify yourself." the captain then waited for a response.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 17, 2016, 01:43:16 PM
(Lemme see if I can find an image of the Indari... I know I've got one lying around somewhere...)

"Admiral!" Tactical exclaimed, "New contact! Mandalorian dreadnought, Kandosii class!"

"Are their weapons powered?" Drake asked.

"Negative, admiral - they're... Admiral, they're hailing us - they request identification," Tactical replied.

"Open a channel," Drake commanded.

"Channel open, sir," Comms answered.

"This is Admiral Drake Indari of the DMCS Indari, Dragon'taan Marauder Corps - we were investigating a spatial anomaly and ended up here," Drake explained.

(Image of the Indari : ( )

*** Cargo Bay ***

"Come on down from there," the security officer requested, speaking to Razuel. "The Admiral will want to see you."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 17, 2016, 02:09:08 PM
Razuel hopped down off of the crate, with the clattering of his own weapons as he hit the ground, "Alright. Let's go."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 17, 2016, 07:02:39 PM
"Those fighters are closing fast, Drake." Amie noted

___Alpha wing._---

"Whoa.. what is that?" Alpha 2 said seeing the new ship warp in.

"Either way they are in our territory." Alpha 3 said

"Let's blast them!" Alpha 4 shouted.

"No, hail them," Alpha 1 said opening a channel to both ships."  "This is Alpha wing of the ARA orbital defense forces , state your identification and intentions immediately , or you will be fired upon, there is more than just us here."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 17, 2016, 07:19:04 PM
"We got an open line captain" the guy in charge of comma called out

"Patch me in. Greetings Admiral Indari. We are exploring here by the order of Mandalore himself. We wish for no fight. "

The captain laughed at the fighters threat "Alpha wing, I suggest you take a more respectful tone when you are cornered by two unknown ships. Not everyone is so forgiving as me. I am captain Shukalar An of the Ramikadyc. We are under orders from Mandalore himself to explore unknown regions."

He muted the channels and switched to a ship channel "Ready two squadrons of fighters. Start scans. Let's see just how foolish this Alpha wing is."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 17, 2016, 10:25:51 PM
"Well, that's a relief," Drake commented at the Mandalorian ship's message.

"Admiral," Comms exclaimed, "The fighters are threatening to fire on us if we don't identify!"

"Attention, Alpha Wing," Drake responded to Alpha Wing, "This is Admiral Drake of the DMCS Indari - power down your weapons, we have no intention of attacking you. If we did, you would have known by now. But I must ask - what's got you so worked up?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 17, 2016, 10:28:14 PM
"Ever since The NAR rammed a Kamikaze, shuttle into our space station  23 years  ago Command has been on high alert, their afraid they might try to take some of our other orbital stations offline,with similar suicide bombings." The commander explained. "We've had attempts at various installations ,but none have gotten through yet. Peace talks are breaking down all over the planet word is that NAR is petitioning for the Arabic people mostly in Iraq Iran and that area to fight the to use their words 'non-believers' for Allah... We're not certain how far that has gone." The commander added. "All we know is we're in a bad situation if th NAR finds  or builds another launch station they'll have a direct line to our orbital assets.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 17, 2016, 11:17:52 PM
Raz was then being escorted to the admiral by 1 security officer, "I'd just like to thank you for not putting cuffs on me... they don't work on me anyway, they always seem to melt."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 17, 2016, 11:29:33 PM
"So you could say your... hot stuff?" Amber giggled.

Amie turned to Drake "Well what do we do we're stuck here and it looks like we're about to get sucked into a war if it hasn't already started.

-Fox Fire---

"Well Admiral what's out next move sir?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 17, 2016, 11:34:45 PM
Drake sat in the captain's chair, thinking all this over. "Mandalorian Commander... what is your position on this situation?" he asked.

"Well, thank you for telling me that," the security officer told Razuel. "Now I know not to do that. How did you end up here, again?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 17, 2016, 11:41:58 PM
"Iiiii don't think those are Mandalorians, Captain." Roxi spoke up. "At least not in the normal sense." she added
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 17, 2016, 11:54:40 PM
"So you could say your... hot stuff?" Amber giggled.
Raz chuckled, "Heh, yeah, I guess you could say that... but only when I choose to be, it was a huge nuisance when I was a kid, always happening in the worst of times, but in some occasions it worked to my advantage. By chance do you remember the random supernova from about 16 years ago? Considering that you've actually heard of it."

"Well, thank you for telling me that," the security officer told Razuel. "Now I know not to do that. How did you end up here, again?"
Raz took out an old-looking contract, "Well, my original intention was to get to the Beta-Sierra quadrant for a bounty... but I was mistaken for which ship I was on, and that's why I'm here, and although I'll only get an eighth of the reward, I simply can't fix that, but luckily my 'business partner' is taking the contract.", Raz gave the security officer the contract, "Here, I won't need it, but this is just as proof. You can run the signatures on it and crosscheck the names... but you won't find out too much of me.", on the contract it showed 2 signatures, one that was Razuel's, and the other, Levi, along with a hammer symbol, and underneath Raz's name was a 2nd signature, Angel Tamashii.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 18, 2016, 01:03:03 AM
"No need," the security officer said, handing Razuel his contract back. "You may be an intruder on this ship, but you went with us willingly, you didn't damage anything, and you were here on accident. Those will be remembered when you speak to the Admiral." The security officer stopped just shy of the bridge - in the very heart of the ship - and turned to face Razuel. "When you speak to the Admiral, be direct, be respectful, be honest. He's High General Indari's successor as well as his son, and like his father, he knows when someone is lying or trying to avoid a question. Clear?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 18, 2016, 01:19:19 AM
"Yeah, I don't believe that I have anything to hide anyway."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 18, 2016, 01:30:14 AM
The doors parted, and the Security officer led Razuel onto the bridge. Drake turned to face him, and stared for a moment. He frowned, then asked, "You look familiar - have we met?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 18, 2016, 01:49:29 AM
Razuel smiled, "Yes we have, back on Dragon'taan.", Raz looked over to a figurine on a shelf, "And it's good to see that you kept that gift."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 18, 2016, 01:54:53 AM
"Wrong ship?" Amie asked.

"I'd say."Amber replied.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 18, 2016, 02:37:56 AM
Two squadrons of Fang fighters emerged in rapid succession, going into patrols around the Ramikadyc. The point laser defenses came online, but the heavy weapons stayed in a powered down state.

"Admiral Indari, it would be my personal pleasure to welcome you aboard the Ramikadyc to discuss plans and ideas if you are willing."

"Lieutenant, ready a ceremonial welcome. If he wishes to come, I want him to have full honors." the captain said to one of his lieutenants.

"Yes sir." the lieutenant marched off to carry out his orders.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 18, 2016, 03:37:42 PM
"Oh, I see," Drake responded. "Dad's friend's associate. I wondered what happened to you."

"Admiral," Comms piped up, "Mandalorian Commander is inviting us aboard his ship to discuss plans and ideas."

"Mm... That will depend. Alpha Squadron, does the ARA require any assistance against the NAR forces?" Drake asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 18, 2016, 07:55:07 PM
"Considering the NAR can nuke out planet back to the stone  age , I don't think command would mind some help, don't suppose you have a way to netrualize nukes?" The commander, Alpha 1 asked
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 18, 2016, 10:43:28 PM
"We have a number of different methods," Drake responded. "Mandalorian Commander... do you have any qualms about hosting my staff and whatever representatives from the ARA for this tactical discussion you propose?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 18, 2016, 10:48:49 PM
Raz mumbled to himself, "How the hell did I get mixed into this... er, right... wrong ship..."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 18, 2016, 11:04:27 PM
"I have no problem with any of your staff Admiral, but I would prefer to hold off on the locals until I have time to review the situation planetside. Unless if representatives from both sides are present, I prefer not to take sides until I know as much as possible." he responded
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 18, 2016, 11:10:01 PM
"I highly doubt NAR will send a representative more like a suicide bomber." Amber noted as she looked into  some shots from various satellite images, some showing crashed jet fighters clearly used as kamakazi's by the impact crater and blown apart hull of them.

"I don't think you will get a chance, Commander, our current  Intel on the situation , leads to a likely sabetour boarding your ship and ours if we let the NAR in if they even see the ARA ships or personell." Amie noted over the comms.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 18, 2016, 11:21:09 PM
"Well then, we shall stay neutral and observe for now. We shall postpone the meeting Admiral, until I have a full brief from my intelligence." he again muted his part of the comms

He turned to the Sergeant "Sergeant, prep squads Alpha through Delta for a ground mission. Have the squad leaders in the briefing room in 15 minutes."

"Yes sir" he responded as he went about his task

He then turned to his intelligence section " I want a brief in 12 minutes. NAR HVT that we can lift. Preferably in a secluded area. I want this to stay black gentlemen."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 19, 2016, 12:10:20 PM
(Wish you guys would have waited for me...)

"Understood," Drake responded. He looked to Razuel. "Sorry you got mixed up in this - that can happen when you stow away on the wrong ship."

(Oh, and Rocco, the correct way to spell that rank is "Sergeant". I know, I'm a bit of a grammar nut, and Ambre knows that all too well XD)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 19, 2016, 12:28:05 PM
Razuel sighed, "It's okay... I haven't had much action in a while... plus I already told my business partner to take my current client... so I don't have anything to do until she's  done that one."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 19, 2016, 03:12:49 PM
Amber tapped the screen again, trying to make sure she was actually seeing this "Drake we got something incoming and it's not responding to any communications.

Roxi looked at the screen wide eyed "We got nuke's  incoming at least 6 rockets!" the Red Vixen said

"Trajectory points 3 at us and 3 at the  Mandalorian vessel." Amber pointed out.

"Why would they launch nukes at us?" Amie asked.

6 missiles had just broke orbit from earth and if anybody saw them they clearly seen the writing on the side Neo Asian Republic.

"Alpha wing to  Indari, you've got six missiles heading your direction!"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 19, 2016, 03:41:20 PM
Raz put his hand to his chin, "hmm, Drake, does your ship possess any remote emps that you could shoot into their trajectory to detonate them mid-flight?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 19, 2016, 03:59:35 PM
"Captain, incoming missiles from the planet. Radiation confirmed"

"Osik. Full combat alert. Olaram ramanaar Prepare for imminent full scale ground invasion. Use the point defenses to neutralize them with the Fangs launching their protons torpedoes." back on the comms "Admiral, let's smoke these idiots. They chose a bad day to do something stupid." Over the radio, singing could be heard as the Mandalorians readied for war

"Roger that. All weapons systems coming online, QRF ready in 10, main contingent in 30. All fighters launching. Nukes ready for planetary bombardment. Concussion missile launched at incomings"

Al of the various fighters and bombers were launching as fast as possible forming up into attack formations.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 12:07:17 AM
"Affirmative!" Drake answered. "Power to the Point Defense system! Knock those nukes out of the stars!"

The DMCS Indari went shields-up and weapons hot in seconds, and the Laser Point Defense System vaporized the incoming nukes (Not sure if the Mando ship already took out the ones heading for it). "Has the NAR not a shred of decency in them?" Drake growled. "We come in peace, and they blatantly defile that peace!"

(Cookie to the one who gets the reference in that last comment.)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 12:11:40 AM
"They probably mistook you for one of our larger capital ships." Alpha 1 noted. "Their not horribly trustworthy of anyone but their own even their most recent venture into, an alliance with some muslim Extremist has the, 'republic' leaders on edge."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 20, 2016, 01:42:38 AM
"Missiles neutralized captain. Orders?" the XO asked

"Prepare for invasion. He replied. "Admiral Indari, I extend welcome aboard my ship to you, your staff, and any ARA personal you wish to bring. When you fire at a Mandalorian without just cause, you have a major problem. The NAR has made a critical error. We are ready for war."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 02:46:50 AM
"Hold back on your invasion, Captain, let's make a plan before we drop head first into a war." Fyra captain of the Fox Fire said over the comms "Besides  this ship is a carrier I've got  two full Trinaries and other battle units."the Vixen explained.

"Hmm I don't see why we cannot meet with him, we could form a better battle plan together." Amie noted.

"Still I advise Caution, Admiral." Amber  noted "We do not know these people, however I agree with Amie." Amber added turning to Raz. "Interested in a body guard contract?" She asked the dragon.

Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 20, 2016, 03:10:56 AM
Raz nodded and pulled out a paper contract with terms of service outlining what he is liable for: His actions, the pain inflicted on the client or job objective, "Just sign on the dotted line down there.", Raz then pulled out a rather impressive looking pen  ( and handed it to Amber.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 04:51:48 PM
"Understood," Drake responded. "As soon as I have my party together, I'll shuttle aboard, mister..." Drake left room for an introduction, either never having remembered the Commander's name and rank, or simply forgetting them in the rush to vaporize the ICBMs.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 20, 2016, 06:33:39 PM
"Captain Shukalar An. Captain of the Ramikadyc and all Mando ori'ramikad aboard. I will be waiting personally for your arrival in the hangar."

"Jori, make sure everything is ready, then keep watch up here. I have important guests to meet."

"Sure thing." Jori replied.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 06:43:19 PM
"Then Sign here, Raz." Amber, replied.

Roxi looked at the screens then to Drake "Mind if I acommpany you as  another guard, Admiral?"Roxi asked her breath coming out of her mouth in vapor, almost inmmediantly responding by placing her hand over her mouth.

Amie looked to Drake "You know I'm coming."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 07:00:06 PM
"Well, the sooner we get going, the better - I don't want to be caught off-guard if the NAR lauches a few more ICBMs at us," Drake responded. "ARA commander, meet my command staff in the Hangar of the Indari - we'll take my shuttle over to the Ramikadyc. And hurry - I do not want to keep our Mandalorian allies waiting."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 07:17:21 PM
"On our way." The commander replied, heading towards the Indari.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 20, 2016, 07:18:28 PM
Raz signed where it was designated on the contract, "Aand~ there! I am now a bodyguard until paid by you or Drake tells me that I am not needed."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 07:25:28 PM
Raz signed where it was designated on the contract, "Aand~ there! I am now a bodyguard until paid by you or Drake tells me that I am not needed."
"pretty sure that's when we get home." Amber noted, turning to her teal furred friend, Roxi.

"I hope you can keep the place Safe Izzy." The Teal Vixen said as she left the console to go with the rest of the group.

Amie equiped her Mjolnir armor just in case "I'm not expecting a fight ,but in case of decompression, never hurts to be prepared.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 07:54:31 PM
Drake led the team down toward the hangar, waiting for the ARA members to arrive before he boarded the command shuttle.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 08:05:06 PM
 a minute later the Apollo class and hercules class fighters landed in the hanger, human pilots getting out still in their bulky space suits, taking their helmets off "Ahhh feels good to breath fresh air again." The commander noted as the other 3 pilots followed him. "Well this is a surprized back in the 60's everybody thought aliens were all greened skinned. turns out we had aliens on our planet the whole time." He joked seeing the group of furr covered space aliens.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 20, 2016, 08:09:22 PM
Raz said in a dead tone, "Nice to meet you, too..."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 09:00:55 PM
"Well, now that everyone is here, let's get aboard - as I said, I don't want to keep our Mandalorian friends waiting," Drake said, walking into the command shuttle and settling in to the pilot's seat.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 09:03:53 PM
Everybody entered the shuttle.

"Gee i hope there's enough room in here." Alpha 4, Ruiz. noted as he climbed in.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 20, 2016, 09:45:20 PM
(Was that a TSC reference?)

"There's more than enough room," Drake assured Ruiz as he went through pre-flight checks. "Amie, or someone, I need a copilot."

(Think of the Command shuttle as a heavily-modified Lambda-class shuttle with ablative armor generators and more weapon emplacements.)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 20, 2016, 09:53:22 PM
"What? You want me to  keep my distance, buy not look like I'm trying to keep my distance?" Amber asked getting into the co- pilot seat, Amie sitting in the back seat across from Drake as Roxi sat behind Drake.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 20, 2016, 10:46:02 PM
Raz had a little puzzle cube and was fiddling around with it, while he sat in the ship, "Man, these things are pretty hard..."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 21, 2016, 12:32:53 AM
Drake, seeing everyone was on board, closed the boarding ramp, pressurized the cabin, and piloted the ship out of the hangar. The wings folded down as it flew, and an escort of four TIE Defenders emblazoned with the DMC Logo formed up around the command shuttle.

"Ramikadyc, this is Admiral Indari, on approach," Drake spoke on a coded channel to the Mandalorian ship. "Don't mind the TIE Defenders. Designs from Zaarin's forces we took and decided to use with some modifications."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 21, 2016, 12:50:52 AM
"Roger that Admiral. A Fang will lead you in." a voice replied over the radio as a Fang fighter dropped in front of them and a couple others formed up on the shuttle.

"Captain, they are on their way."

In the hangar, there are Mandalorians lining each side in parade formation, all of them wearing black armor and helmets. And one lone Mandalorian standing in the opening between the two sides with his helmet tucked underneath his arm.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 21, 2016, 02:37:48 AM
The Command shuttle entered thew Hangar as the TIE Defenders broke off and headed back to the Indari. The lateral wings folded up as the shuttle landed, and the boarding ramp lowered. Drake turned to everyone else just shy of the ramp. "Remember, people - these are Mandalorians. Mind your behavior." He slung his Kapoleron-enhanced Modified EE3 Blaster Rifle and started down the ramp, taking in the sight of the Mandalorians standing at attention. Drake approached the one who had his helmet tucked under one arm. "Drake Indari, Dragon'taan Marauder Corps," he introduced himself. "You may have heard of my father, High General Kyle Indari." he looked back at Amie. "The Red Fox there is my wife, Amie."

(Just so you're clear, Rocco, Drake is a Dragon-Shifter - his normal form is that of a blue fox with Sapphire-blue dragon eyes, and his dragon form is that of a crimson-scaled western dragon with those same dragon eyes. The dragon eyes stay the same regardless of what form he's in.)
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 21, 2016, 02:46:33 AM
Razuel walked out behind Amie with a stern face, then he looked around the hangar, and just stayed quiet, respecting the contract.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 21, 2016, 02:51:25 AM
 Amber a white digitgrade Vixen and Roxi a teal colored digitigrade vixen. stayed behind Drake not saying anything ,both silent focused on their duties for now.

Amie silently and weakly waved not exactly sure how Mandalorians, worked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 21, 2016, 04:25:54 AM
"Welcome aboard!" he too was in full, shiny, black beskar'gam, but his face was that of a German Shepherd, and offered his paw "Captain Shukalar An, captain of the Ramikadyc.  It is my pleasure to welcome you and your stunning wife aboard." he said as he bowed to her "If you will follow me, we shall go to a conference room and get started." He turned to leave, and the whole formation turned with him, making quite a distinct sound
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 21, 2016, 02:07:56 PM
Drake followed the Mandalorians, admiring the armor. Tigress would have a field day with armor like that.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 21, 2016, 04:33:27 PM
It only took a couple minutes until they reached a conference room. The doors opened, and it was fit for royalty. And in the center of the room, there was a round table with high class refreshments and drinks waiting. "Feel free to make yourself comfortable. If there is something we don't have here that you would like, just ask." He said as he took a seat and waited for the others to do the same.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 21, 2016, 05:41:32 PM
Razuel went ahead of Drake and Amie and pulled out two chairs for them to sit in from the table.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 21, 2016, 06:19:12 PM
"Thank you, Razuel," Drake thanked Razuel as he sat down. He leaned his rifle on his chair. "Before we get down to the business at hand, I gotta ask, what is Mandalore's interest in this place?" he asked Shukalar An.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 21, 2016, 06:41:04 PM
"Along with that what are you doing here?" Amie asked , nodding in thanks to Raz, Amber and Roxi standing behind the two, carefully whatching the area.

The four humans just listened for the moment figureing the other two 'species' knew better than them at least on details.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 21, 2016, 06:45:03 PM
"We were sent forth to explore the uncharted regions. As for our interest in the war, you do NOT fire at a Mandalorian without expectation of grave consequences. I don't know much about the ARA, but they have the sense to not fire at anything in sight, so we will be interested in establishing permanent contact with them. What brought you to this area?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 22, 2016, 02:13:14 AM
"Well, as I said before, I was investigating a spatial anomaly," Drake responded. "Someone screwed something up, because Engines went into an imbalance, and we were pulled - or pushed, not sure which - inside the anomaly, which turned out to be some form of portal. I can get back home, but I'm not gonna leave here without offering to help. And if the NAR have the stupidity to fire on a vessel of the Dragon'taan Marauder Corps without warning or provocation... I have clearance to engage." He looked back at the ARA commanders. "So tell us more about the NAR. Why fire on us when we did nothing to provoke them? Are they that Xenophobic?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 22, 2016, 02:38:37 AM
"As I said, sir they probably thought you were one of our newer capitla ship  the Russians and Americans have had great strides in technological development, since we found alien tech in Arizona desert, Alaska and Siberia." he explained.

 "About 10 -20 years ago one of our space stations which was purely  a peaceful endeavor, was Kamikazied by a re purposed space shuttle one of the old ones left over from the old NASA programs, likely stolen. 

They did not like what were were doing considering us a threat to world security, and saying the attack was  their fault, 5 years later the ARA banned use of nuclear weapons when we found the alien tech, NAR however will use almost any means to attack and if they gain their Arabian allies, we'll have Muslim extremist terrorism to deal with at least more than we already do. NAR or the Neo-Asian republic is just a crazy mad coalition of mainly Asian countries while ARA is  the friendly coalition between two super powers of World war II Russian and the USA, we've had great technical strides in the last decade or so, and both countries have had very good relations, even going as far as offering school and military transfer programs to further boost our relations." The commander explained. "War has been on the edge of starting for months if not years  it just started so suddenly with  an attack on our embassy in southern Europe."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 22, 2016, 04:28:46 AM
Captain An had been listening intensively. " And the NAR never made any diplomatic attempts?" he asked
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 22, 2016, 04:34:03 AM
"We did ,but they didn't"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 22, 2016, 04:40:43 AM
He leaned forward and asked "So let me get this straight. They attacked you a decade or two ago, and never tried diplomacy, but all out war still hasn't happened, even as attacks continue?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 22, 2016, 01:59:17 PM
"I do admit, I am a bit confused by this myself - why does the NAR not just declare open war on the ARA? What are they waiting for?" Drake asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on April 22, 2016, 02:04:40 PM
Raz spoke up, "Possibly they're planning a massive takeover by saving up a powerful arsenal so that if a battle were to go on for a long time, they could outrun their enemies ammunition... that's my thoughts anyway..."
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 22, 2016, 02:39:02 PM
 Your guess is as good as mine, by the way I'm Commander Wulf, that's Ruiz" he sia dpoitning to  'Alpha 4' " John and Mark." he said pointing to the other two.  "The ARA may have the avantage on the ground but in space we have the edge ,the problem is, there are people who live on earth that do not want to leave that's why we're not all out in space." Wulf explained. "Reports are that the ARA has nukes and other biological weapons.

Amie seemed to have a light bulb appear over her head as the hair on her head stood up for a second.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 22, 2016, 04:19:04 PM
He was getting irritated "So they have the ground advantage now. ARA command didn't see this coming, so they didn't launch a strike first? Even hit and run strikes? And even with the ground advantage, NAR still sits there with their teeth in their mouth, doing minor attacks. I'm sure you can see why I'm a little skeptical." his facial expression went back to neutral when Amie stood up
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on April 22, 2016, 08:47:06 PM
"I suppose it doesn't much matter now," Drake commented. "NAR openly attacked us. And the ARA will need all the edge they can get, if China and their million-man standing army is part of the NAR." Drake looked to Captain An. "I won't ask you to help us - that will be your choice. But if there is a possibility the DMC could gain an ally in this area... I know father would want me to take such an opportunity." Drake then noticed Amie standing up. "Something to say, Amie?" he asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on April 22, 2016, 10:39:24 PM
" The fox fire's mechs sound like they'd be perfect for this the cockpits are shileded from  biological weapons or adiation and the only threat would be an actual nuke directly hitting one of the mechs which  I think would be difficult." Amie explained.

Commander Wulf glared captain An, about to say something about  them not being  a warrior race something he'd though he'd hear come from Ruiz's mouth, until drake spoke up, causing him to not say anything at all.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Rocco Rex on April 22, 2016, 11:27:42 PM
"Until I have more information, we will be sitting out of the fight. We will not interfere with combat operations from any faction. When our analysis has been completed, we will make our findings and alliance known. If what you say is true, than you shall have the full force of the Ramikadyc on your side. But until then, we shall remain neutral."  he turned to Wulf "Something on your mind Commander?"
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on May 21, 2016, 07:56:10 PM
"Very well ,but don't be surprized when a NAR suicide shuttle comes flying your way, General Drake may I speak with you somewhere more private?" Wulf Asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on May 21, 2016, 09:49:39 PM
"What about?" Drake asked, starting for his quarters.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on May 21, 2016, 10:28:03 PM
"I don't really want to discuss this in public, sir." Wulf replied signaling his squadmates to get back to their ships.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on May 28, 2016, 06:42:59 PM
"Where should we discuss it?" Drake asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on May 28, 2016, 07:01:09 PM
"Away from them?" Wulf asked.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Razuel on May 28, 2016, 09:26:13 PM
Raz followed Drake
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Romulan_Furry on May 28, 2016, 10:34:22 PM
"Then come with me," Drake requested, making for his quarters.
Title: Re: ARA vs NAR World war III is coming with alll it's glory!
Post by: Alessia Starfurr on May 29, 2016, 12:00:04 AM
Commander Wulf, And Amie Followed Drake, though Amie already knew where he was heading.