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Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Kyle MaJoi on March 06, 2016, 12:44:40 AM

Title: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 06, 2016, 12:44:40 AM
((After a needed hiatus from the forum, I have returned, and have brought an RP with me :D ))

~DOOM - Anthro Edition~

"We were standing on the edge of discovery. A powerful technology with infinite possibilities. Instead, we let them in. Fused an unholy union of flesh and metal. And now this brave new world has gone to Hell."

Set in the hellish universe of Doom, you and your comrades will be fighting hordes of demons. After a UAC facility on Mars lost connection with Earth, space marines were sent to Mars to find out that the facility had been invaded by the forces of hell. Although the space marines fought back with everything they had, they eventually met their grizzly end in a blood-soaked massacre. With demonic hordes flooding Mars, an elite squadron of marines were sent to Mars to locate a scientist by the name of Dr. Olivia, in which intel suggests that she was behind the hell invasion. However. the ship was hit by demon artillery and crashed into a UAC bunker. Although the marines of the ship survived, they now must gather their gear, find Dr. Olivia, and send the demons screaming back to hell.

-Although gore is one of Doom's main elements, the gore in this RP will be died down due to the rules of the forum. There will be gore, but it'll be PG-13 (otherwise, extreme gore will be kept extremely vague to nonexistent)
-Like all RPs here, sexual material is not tolerated.
-You can either create a new character or use your OC for this RP. Warning, if your character is classified as a demon, then you may find yourself a serious target among the demonic hordes on Mars.
-Please take this RP seriously. Even though your characters may be completely awesome in every sense and manner, it would be wise to make your characters have realistic reactions and dialog during parts of the RP, like when you encounter your first demon. No one liners and keep your posts above two sentences. No god mode also, or else I will summon an extremely overpowered demon to kill your character  .
-When making a character, it is important that your character starts with a weak weapon of your choice. Guns and melee weapons (swords) are allowed, but magic is not.

~Other Info~
-As the players prepress through the RP, the demons encountered will become harder and stronger. By the end of the RP, you'll all be very powerful, and the demons you'll encounter will become completely and utterly broken.
-Although your character can be equipped with any type of weapon you want, special weapons will be encountered throughout the RP, in which your character can choose to equip or not. These special weapons include the Chainsaw, Super Shotgun, Nova Cannon, BFG, Black-hole Launcher, etc.
-You may encounter Doomguy in the RP. If so, then expect a fight against the man who's leading a one-man army against the forces of hell.

~Character Sheets~
-Your character must start with a weak or basic weapon (swords are also allowed)
-You can make your character sheet however you want, but note that all players must be in the same squadron.
-If you make your character a demon, then you'll have a higher likelihood of demons wanting to kill you.
-Get creative! The backstories of your characters could actually affect the overall story in cool ways!

Post your character sheets and shoot like hell...
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2016, 08:08:22 PM
Okay, my interest has been piqued. You got a sample ref sheet or we just make up our own?
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 09, 2016, 01:39:30 PM
You can make your own sheet however you want, but not that your character cannot use magic, since it wouldn't work in the Doom universe XD. Swords however, are acceptable!
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2016, 03:56:44 AM
Okay, then. Here we go.

Name: Clarice Poma
Species: Jack Russell Terrier
Age: 30
Height: 6'
Weight: None of your business
Gender: Herm
Rank: Supplemental Corporal
Physical Appearance: White hair tied in a ponytail with purple highlights at the tips. Two piercings on her left eyebrow, two on her left ear and one on her right. (
Weapons: 2 Bowie Knives, 4 Serrated Combat Knives, standard back-up pistol and Standard Assault Rifle (equipped with reflex sight with IR option and a heavier stock for stability and beating heads in).
Bio: Grew up a tom-boy and the daughter of an ex-marine who had been killed in a weapons testing facility. An average student in school, but always causing trouble, getting into fights constantly. She enlisted in the Marines right after she was old enough, and finished college (at the request of her mother) with a major in Military History. While she is quite a fraternizer, she places business over pleasure, believing in working hard and playing harder. While an excellent soldier like her father, she has serious attitude problems and despite having become an officer, was subsequently demoted to a Private. However, when the need arises, she is supplemented the rank of Corporal so that she has permission to join any away missions, especially when it requires her joining elite teams. In fact, including her in any missions were a last resort due to her insatiable bloodlust when she's on the battlefield. At times, she's known to go overboard on killing sprees. As a result, no matter the situation, she is not allowed weaponry above what is standard for a Private.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 10, 2016, 11:33:38 AM
Nice! Great character sheet!
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2016, 01:38:19 PM
So when do we start?
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Rayleonarde on March 10, 2016, 02:56:47 PM

Name: Rayleonarde "Ray" Blackburn
Species: Raccoon
Age: 20
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 210 lbs
Gender: Male
Rank: Private
Physical Appearance: Purple furred, aside from two teardrop shaped gray spots on his chest and lower abdomen
Weapons: M9 Berreta.
Bio: Ray grew up in a small, lower-class family, and was usually found scrounging for food outside of restaurants. He kept his mouth shut, his head down, and hoped for the best. Seeking a better life, he joined up with a few...unsavoury groups, and eventually found himself joining the Marines. His background of unorthodox combat (IE fighting in a few gang shootouts) made his days training interesting, as he always wanted to scramble from cover to cover, whether or not someone was shooting. Ray was reckless, but only due to incompetence, not spite. Ray elected to go to Mars shortly after training, having always wanted to see space.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 10, 2016, 04:04:38 PM
So when do we start?

We should start once we get a few more people, maybe until we get a squadron of four or five.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: tangletail on March 11, 2016, 01:07:13 AM
You captured my interest too, be placing an app in a bit. But why do we fight the doom guy? Unless we are going with the story of him now being the new ruler of hell.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 11, 2016, 02:03:59 AM
Oh there's a new ruler of hell, and it isn't Doomguy. Lets just say that the Doomguy in this story had gotten himself in over his own head this time around, when he came down to hell to face the new ruler.

When you guys finally fight Doomguy, it'll be brutal XD
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 13, 2016, 01:11:27 AM
impatiently waiting.......
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 13, 2016, 01:32:49 AM
I know, the waiting has been very brutal DX. We could start with just one more player if you guys want
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: tangletail on March 13, 2016, 03:47:01 AM
Name: Olaris Foxtrot
Species: Fennec
Age: 26
Height: 5’ 4”
Weight: Light
Rank: Private
 Physical Apperance: A Small, reddish brown fox with large ears. Not much of his physical appearance is actually seen however. His uniform does a great job at hiding it. As it seems the marine prefers to be in full dress code. Helmet and all, along with his arms being covered up by a long sleeve standard issue shirt.
Weapons: This guy is pretty minimal when it comes to being armed to the teeth. He only carries an assault rifle that fires 5.56 rounds, and a 10mm standard issue pistol. Other wise, most of his other equipment are specialist based. A grappling hook, a hand held computer for getting into things and data files. And an AI driven drone.

Bio: A nerd at heart... the fennex did not actively sign up to go on a mission to a planet that was being invaded by the forces of hell. No... he was just sort of thrown aboard after the standard training shortly after completing college with financial aide from the military. Yup... it seems that he definitely got the short end of the stick when he took that bargain. And now here he is... about to go off to go look a demon square in the face..
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 13, 2016, 01:58:08 PM
Nice! We may be a small group, but I feel that we can start the RP now! I'll go open it up.

Also, anyone else who wants to joining to put their character sheet here; we'll talk about how to get your character into the RP :D
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 13, 2016, 07:55:11 PM
Dude. Tangle, you do realize we're not in the Adult RP section, right? Can't be throwing F-bombs around.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: tangletail on March 13, 2016, 10:38:49 PM
Terrible mistake. Fixed.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 18, 2016, 11:19:15 PM
Where did everybody go?
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 19, 2016, 01:11:34 AM
I don't know XD. I've been waiting for the others to catch up.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Rayleonarde on March 19, 2016, 01:16:41 AM
Sorry, work and personal stuff. You guys and/or gals understand, yeah?
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 19, 2016, 02:39:01 AM
Yup  :)
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: tangletail on March 19, 2016, 02:43:38 AM
Posting soon, just unwinding after being at SXSW Game con all day.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Diema on March 25, 2016, 01:43:55 AM
I'd like to join. Here is my character sheet.

NAME: Damian "Diema" Barrett
AGE: 44 (16 Mar)
HEIGHT: 6' 3"
WEIGHT: ~240 lbs.
SPECIES: Mexican gray wolf
WEAPON OF CHOICE: USP .45 full-size with raised iron sights. (

APPEARANCE: Although most people that know of Diema's exploits in the Marines see him as a living legend, he has begun to show his age. A strong, broad snout chiseled as if out of stone sits between a single, unreadable eye and an eyepatch, ready to bark and gnash out at a moment's notice; though time has weathered his concrete features, and a constellation of scars hides just fur-deep on his skin. Broad, powerful muscles stretch tight over bones squared at the shoulder and with high, proud posture, giving the impression that he towers over other men -- and to a degree, that is not an incorrect assessment.

Looking deeper into his singular eye reveals only more intrigue and curiosity. Hollow reflections of a past teeming with bloodshed and battle have turned him into something else - perhaps not a demon, but something else, for certain. It's difficult to tell what he's thinking at any one time for this reason; his actions and the way he responds to combat stress, even the expressions on his face, might seem sociopathic in any other setting.

PERSONALITY: Although not entirely disconnected from displaying emotion, the way in which Damian chooses to express himself is often crass and without appeal to common sense; he is not incredibly personable with those in his unit, and rarely speaks of hobbies or things that interest him. The reality is something entirely different from what he displays to the world.

Ever-stalwart and watchful, Diema has no time whatsoever for jokes and political ploys and will not hesitate to pull the trigger, regardless of who is on the other end of the barrel -- not because he is cold, but because he must. If that means killing his best friend, so be it -- it is either that, or fail the mission, and the latter is not an option. On one hand, his harsh, logical "this is the way it has to be" mindset has gotten him written up for disobeying orders; on the other hand, he has survived long enough for other Marines to recognize him as a war hero.

COMBAT ANALYSIS: Alone, Diema is much more a threat than he is in a group. Tactful and weary of his surroundings almost supernaturally, Damian's awareness of the battlefield is nearly unmatched and he has proven that he is capable of finesse as well as he is of placing a shot between someone's eyes at out to a kilometer with the right weapon. Though he is 'skilled' with firearms, certainly, there are others who are his betters - especially with long rifles - and Damian prefers not to get in engagements in the first place, if he can help it.

The best place to find Damian on the battlefield is to simply look in the enemy's shadow. When the time is right, Damian will be there, and he will have a plan.

RANK: Unknown. Refuses to wear rank insignia or identifying uniform tapes. Inter-unit conjecture indicates he may hold a high enlisted rank in the Navy.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 25, 2016, 01:01:33 PM
Seems quite the OP character.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Diema on March 25, 2016, 02:12:23 PM
I don't know if "OP" is the word I'd use. Damian has pretty obvious problems like a lack of depth perception and an almost laughable ineptitude at speaking with people, despite the obvious necessity of having to interact with people if he wants to survive on Phobos. You have plenty of angles with which to give him a bad day if that's what you're aiming to do.

EDIT: I want it to be as clear as possible that I just want to play a character that's older and experienced. He's definitely not a killing machine and isn't gonna go out of his way to pick a fight; he's just good at doing his job.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Kyle MaJoi on March 29, 2016, 12:13:54 PM
Alright I'm back; I thought this RP had died XD . I'll look over your character sheet and decide if it's "OP' or not :)

EDIT: Your character looks pretty good! But since the crew has already landed on Mars, maybe you could be at a UAC warehouse fighting demons.[size=0.85em][/size]
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 30, 2016, 03:10:25 PM
I'm just waiting on Tangle to post before I do my next one.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: tangletail on March 30, 2016, 05:34:15 PM
I'll be posting shortly.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 07, 2016, 12:30:56 PM
At this rate, I'm sure the RP's dead. With no time limit, most RPs die.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Rayleonarde on April 07, 2016, 01:32:36 PM
I'm gonna post, so that something happens. I figured we'd keep an order.
Title: Re: DOOM - Anthro Edition
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2016, 07:04:13 PM
Thanks for trying, Ray. But as you can see, it's still dead.