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Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: SnarlingMink on August 30, 2015, 01:18:59 AM

Title: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: SnarlingMink on August 30, 2015, 01:18:59 AM
Amir rolled from his position on his side to his stomach, letting his four wings flop to his soft hoard below him, composed mainly of fine fabrics, as well as several intricate woven metal figures. As he sighed, smoke twirled from his nostrils and collected at the top of his cave.

His life here was becoming stagnant, and he wanted change.

With a huff, he fluffed the feathers adorning his wings, and lazily dragged his claws through the fine sand in front of him, erasing his paw prints with small whorling designs. With another huff and a cloud of smoke, he flicked his upper pair of wings and got to his feet, careful not to let his horns drag against the roof of his cave.

"I am getting a bit too big for this one," He bellowed to the empty air around him, crouching and turning around in his small den. Sure, he would miss the sand, and the village that gave him items so generously, but he would have his hoard, and the change would be welcomed. He padded to the entrance of his cave, and placed his paws lightly against the edge of the cliff not far from where he emerged. Taking a deep breath, he pushed off and lurched into the cold night air, grinning as he fell, before opening his wings, one set at a time. With a well-practiced beat, he pushed himself high into the sky, remarking about the beauty of the sky in his head.

Soon, he fell into his usual pattern, tracing large, lazy circles in the sky around his mountain as he searched for something interesting. His nostrils flared as he focused on the different scents around him, and his light eyes scanned over hills rocky slopes for anything new. He opened his mouth wide, letting out a roar and watching gleefully as birds rose from their roosts below him, flying into the sky. He scented the air once more, hopeful that he had just smelled something new.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: Cecilia Peromi on August 30, 2015, 01:49:01 AM
Cecil's ears twitched to the sound of a distant roar. He looked up, earlier he had been to a village that warned him of a dragon in this province, but he was not afraid, he was use to this kinda thing: monsters appearing out of nowhere, raiders, wild animals, dragons. Cecil touched the handle of the war hammer sashed over his deep purple tunic. He decides to keep pressing forward, a flying dragon means an empty cave.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: SnarlingMink on August 30, 2015, 02:13:28 AM
The dragon banked, searching for the source of the unfamiliar smell. Swooping lower, smoke slowly began to stream from his nostrils, and his claws itched for a proper battle. Sure, the villagers were hostile at first, but they had long since come to an understanding. Now, new smells meant excitement, and he was ready to take on any challenge. His large wings beat hard against the wind, and he rolled in the air, arms stretched out to match his wings.

As he came upon the village, he scented the air once more as he dropped to it's center. The villagers, used to his presence, gave him a wide berth, and the children pulled at his feathers, trying to get his attention. He patted the two clinging to his legs on the head ruffling their hair, before waltzing through the beaten-down paths they called streets, his favorite cloak billowing out behind him. His nose worked constantly, though there was a constant stream of smoke now clouding his ability to smell the trail. He looked towards the only shop in the village, knocking on the wall beside the open roughly-he would enter, but his wings wouldn't fit through the doorframe, and it's unlikely that he would get information after ruining the shopkeeper's home.

When a face appeared in the doorway, he smiled as kindly as he could. "Has anyone passed through lately?" Amir asked, voice quiet and soft. The shopkeeper nodded.

"Went towards the mountain, I think. I didn't speak with him, but my wife told him about you." Amir's eyes glowed, and his nostrils released a large puff of smoke. His legs shot him into the air- he had to protect his hoard.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: Cecilia Peromi on August 30, 2015, 02:26:03 AM
Cecil was continuing his trek towards the mountain. Walking along a thin dirt path, he stops immediately as his nose catches a whiff of smoke in the air. The dragon, he hoped it had left never to return as dragons tend to do. He wasn't in the mood for a fight.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: SnarlingMink on August 30, 2015, 03:33:47 AM
Amir winged his way towards his den, scanning the ground hungrily. His wings pushed him towards his den much faster than it would take to walk, much less sprint to his home, with the cliffs and crumbling paths. Curling his wings tightly around himself, he shot towards the entrance of his den, opening his wings suddenly to stop his speeding descent and landing gently against the sandy floor in a crouch. He hovered over his hoard, blowing large amounts of smoke towards the entrance in an effort (though not large) to warn any potential thieves off.

He pulled gently at the drawstring of his cloak, letting it fall to the hoard below him. His chest began to heat up, and the gentle, ember-like glow illuminated the smoky cave, like a hearth. His mouth hung open slightly, the glow still visible. He thought he could make out a figure, but he was uncertain.

"Who's there?" He rumbled menacingly, Taking on the most threatening stance he could within the small cave, and stretching his wings as far as he could in the confined space.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: Cecilia Peromi on August 30, 2015, 11:26:47 AM
"Typical dragon" Cecil thought to himself. He took a deep breath and walked as close to the entrance as he could without entering. "My name's Cecil, I heard that you've got a fabulous hoard of treasure in there"
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: SnarlingMink on August 31, 2015, 01:26:24 AM
Amir narrowed his eyes at the sound of a voice, more smoke streaming from his nostrils.

"Maybe I do, but it belongs to me," Amir snarled, curling his long tail over his hoard. The feather's on the point shivered, pulling closed slightly and then fluffing out once more. He could feel the feathers along his back raise, and his chest burn. "If you want a handout, you have to go through the shop at the village, they have all of my extra things." He finished with a growl.

Crouching lower over his things, he tried to peek through the smoke to see what the person looked like, but couldn't make out anything but a hazy silhouette. He hoped for a battle, and scraped his claws on the floor with anticipation.
Title: Re: Wandering the Darkness [private]
Post by: Cecilia Peromi on August 31, 2015, 11:16:42 AM
"Back to the village you say? That's a long walk. Are you sure you can't share some of yours?" Cecil said, he wanted to have some fun with this if he could, especially since a little gold is always good to have.