The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Fun RP => Topic started by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 22, 2015, 10:08:06 PM

Title: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 22, 2015, 10:08:06 PM
Welcome to Live or Die, the TV-show from year 3450 where some furs are thrown into a biosphere with real vegetation and cave systems then we are making them try to survive and the last one alive wins the 4 million Mizes, who are going to live and who are going to die, This is LIVE OR DIE *theme song (* <----

(i made a theme song you can listen too)

This is Live or Die a famous TV-show from the future only one fur can live and win the game, Keep in mind this is a furry roleplay with rules i expect should be followed

Here are the rules
#1 Killing is possible and if you die you are out of the game no excuses, also you will be unable to participate in the game until and if you get revived by the game master

#2 Meta Game is prohibited, its not okay to Meta Game or Overpower yourself too much, everyone can die

#3 RDM or (Random Deathmatch) is not okay, yes you can die and be illed but not without any reason or the person will just be revived

#4 Its a TV show so Game master can do crazy things to please the audience

#5 I don't feel ready for posting this in the serious RP thread but it is a sorta serious RP so please act like it

here is some extra info

The host is not the Gamemaster, you don't know who is but i play the host and mostly that role, the Gamemaster can change the biome of the world and also a bit like hunger games, place evil enemies in the arena like Robots and Androids and Furhacks and other crazy stuff, they can die and kill like anyone else and should scare the participants she can also change things like gravity and kill off the participants if the misbehave but you don't know that..

It's set in the universe of my Fursona Mittie, so AnviOS and her will be here somewhere, you are all being teleported in from the past so this is all new to you, all the tech and the TV show thing

Thanks and have fun

I will start the show off now :)

BTW if you guys don't want to join it's okay but please don't post then thanks :)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 22, 2015, 10:13:47 PM
Zion - Welcome people of all ages, all spectators and viewers alike, welcome to this years LIVE OR DIE!

*Fans Shouting*

Zion - I am your host Zion Venga and i will bring you this years participants!

*Fans Shouting*

Zion - This year will be bloody, and dramatic when our participants enter the arena, i will now give the word to This Years Gamemaster to tell you the start biome of the year and the starting items...

*Fans Shouting*

Neco - Hi i am Neco the gamemaster from the control room upstairs... we will start in a summer forest and everyone will be granted a peace of iron and a coco nut at start this yea, and i will make sure of a fantastic game... back to you Zion!

Zion - Yes this will be surely cool to see

*Switches camera into the biosphere*

*To Obey, let me post the initial post first buddy XD*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 22, 2015, 10:21:59 PM
((What amount of starting gear is allowed?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 22, 2015, 10:24:04 PM
*Only the gear shown above*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 22, 2015, 10:28:26 PM
((So no personal belongings at all? Damn, I'll think about joining))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 22, 2015, 10:30:18 PM
((Well your cloths please, no nudity XD other then that nope buddy it's the game))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 22, 2015, 11:51:30 PM
( is it ok for me to join, also what do we have to put in... like character desription)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 12:16:43 AM
Hi buddy, yes that's default for almost all RPs that you put in a fursona description, and yes you are welcome :)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 23, 2015, 01:57:42 AM
Name- Drago Destiny Darklight

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Species: Angelic/Celestial Dragon

Anthro/ feral: Anthro

Trait/ Jobs: Drago works as a military spec-ops  power professional, skilled in many military related skills and traits.

Height: 7,9 ft

Weight: 140kg

Appearance: Strong, fit, muscular build. Golden scaled, with white underbelly, his wings are angel in nature, black claws on legs and arms, has red eyes, a massive scar across right eye, draconian body ( so looks like a dragon). He has a massive tattoo on his chest of a red dragon spewing black flames.

Attire: Wears massive black cloak over body, is equipped with a pair of black military boots, military cargo pants, black belt, wears no shirt, and wears a pair of black sunglasses.

Skills and weaknesses: His skills are in aerial combat, with emphasis on using his entire body to combat opponents. His weapons are non-gun equipment. His skills are in staffs (blunt and bladed) and throwing weapons
 - Strong, fast and somewhat intelligent, his best skills are in the art of stealth and close quarters in air and on land.
-Can't swim, rather shamed that he must kill and convicted of the kill or be killed situation, not skilled in climbing (cause he can fly). Is rather cautious with power, also power can effect him,  he has a phobia of spiders, and is rather shy around attractive people.

Personality: respectful, crazy, strong, jokester, care-free, courageous, stealthy, tough, cunning, a sense of right and wrong and justice, stealthy, agile, sometime shy and timid, fearful at times.

Nullify removal- (ability to remove anything up to 1m by 1m in size cubes of matter from anything bar living skin, and controls the cubes like physical entries, example he must physically throw them, and he return the objects back into the normal place by pure though so they would zoom back into place).
Nullify reality- (same as before but 5 times bigger and has the ability to remove the objects from existence, does not include living tissue).
Nullify teleportation- (same as before but they are teleported to wherever the uses wishes, does not work on living things).
Nullify explosion- ( As big as 10m by 10m, the chuck is teleporter and then explodes sending the material that it made of flying like bullets at anything with range).
(gm choice if allowed) (the one below)
Nullify Supremacy
The complete removal of anything in existence that is in front of Drago, this would effectively remove everything in about 1km, everything and anything… nothing would survive. (he will be completely removed from existence after use, so he will die).

( all fine with the profile Game master)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 23, 2015, 11:12:54 AM
Name - Zarco Night

Age - 19

Gender - Male

Species - Half demon Fox wolf hybrid (Folf)

Traits - Zarco is rather strong (Due to being a blacksmith). When not using magic, he has quite alot of stamina, he can quite easily walk or even run to the top of a mountain without getting that tired, but with magic, he will use much more energy and is prone to becoming tired. He tries to be as honest as possible and tries to care for those around him. Zarco would much rather make friendships than get himself into combat, but he does what he needs to do to survive.

Skills and weaknesses - Zarco’s decent in 1 on 1 combat due to sparing with several people over the years and getting himself into quite a bit of combat. He prefers to use a 1 or 1.5 handed sword/axe (whatever is available) when in melee combat. In magic combat he is able to fire energy bolts that deal some damage, but aren’t powerful enough to cause any serious damage. His magic is more for utility than combat. Zarco can get frustrated quite easily and that can cause him to slip up, as well as the fact that he’s not the best at tracking multiple targets when in a combat situation.

Powers - He is able to ignite himself / heat his body up to high temperatures, this will drain his mana quickly (1 minute at maximum temperature, 15 minutes at a low temperature). He can heal some wounds, although he can only heal himself with 50% efficiency. He can fire energy bolts, a max power energy bolt is enough to wound someone at best, he can fire up to 10 of these. he can fire firework bolts which are mainly for decorative purposes, these deal no damage. Zarco can fire Attraction/Repulsion beams that can bring objects towards him / push them away, these aren’t powerful enough to fully affect a fur, they may notice it, but they can easily resist.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 11:21:46 AM
Ill put Mitties in just to have it here :)

Name: Mittie

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Species: Arctic Fox

Anthro/Feral: Feral

Height: 0,60 Meters

Weight: 7,66 kg

Appearance: Slim and cute, total white with soft fur, she has a collar with her name on and a long busky tail

Attire: A brown collar with her name on

Skills and Weaknesses: She is a supercomputer from the future a high tech nano technological Android, and no she is not a cyborg but her real brain from when she was organic is uploaded to her microchip brain, she can materialize around and hack in to every electric device just by looking at it, she can gain access to every personal register in the world so that she can check who everyone is in seconds, and she can also activate thermal vision and xray vision. However, she has no weapons build except for her Zarconite claws witch can cut though everything, but no ranged weapons, a good EMP could be devastating.

Personality: Sweet, Nice and friendly, pacifistic and relaxed, she is a thinker and will do anything to help/safe his friends, its hard to be and make her a friend, but she is not shy
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 23, 2015, 11:38:38 AM
Using Fluffy's reference sheet as base (link in signature). Things described below override it.

-Equipment removed.
-AVIAL WarfighterOS is copied onto MindTether.
-Additional implant with GSM, GPS and WLAN modules.
-Higher security protocols.
-Cloaking has 15 minutes cooldown.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 23, 2015, 01:42:53 PM

Character description

Name: Al "Bloodshed" El-Kina

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Anthro or Feral: Anthro

Species: Cyber-enhanced folf, eagle and monkey

Height: 1.7m

Weight: 90kg

Appearance: Muscular build, fit. He's got a pair of small wings on his back which allows him to glide, but not fly. His back is hunched forward a bit because of his monkey ancestry.

Attire: He wears a fighting kimono, which is pitch black, complementing his dull black fur.

Strengths: His strong point is in one on one combat. His cybernetic enhancements include his robotic left eye, which allows him to 'see faster' (really, it just allows him to process information about his surroundings faster), as well as enhancements to his brain to improve reaction speeds and creativity. He also has two, metallic blades slotted into his arms which he can pop out at his whim. He is a master at one on one combat, having the highest level of discipline in many fighting styles. He's never truly lost a 1 on 1 fight before. He's also extremely stealthy, being a master of hiding in a lot of environments. As long as he has cover, he can hide. He is also capable of weaponising, nearly anything.

Weaknesses: He can't really handle fights which involve multiple people ganging up on him. If those people cannot be taken down with relative ease (as in, anyone actually being controlled by an RPer xP), he begins to have trouble processing everyones movements. His eye is great for locking onto and studying one person, but it lacks the speed and functionality to handle processing information about multiple people at once. Along with this, he has terrible social skills. He is a valid team member, and would never betray his team, but he lacks the ability to chat casually, make humour and just be a social person. He more or less sees everyone as a tool which can be used in some way. While this allows him to see the value of everyone in terms of skill, he doesn't really see anyone's value as a person.


Personality: Cold, Quiet, lacking empathy, creative, smart, loyal, honourable.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 10:16:24 PM
Zion: Let the game begin, the participants are finding themselves in a great maple forest..

Neco: Yes i have plenty of things planned for today
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 23, 2015, 10:25:23 PM
Zarco - Alright.. Looks like I have to start again!
*Zarco takes the iron and sets it down on a rock, he begins heating it with his paws and forming it by hitting it with another rock, sort of like an anvil / hammer*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 23, 2015, 10:26:07 PM
((Wait, am I too late to join?))

(( Name – Geoffrey Noah

Age - 26

Gender - Male

Species – Cinnamon Black Bear

Traits – Geoff is a tad chubby, but strong. For the last year or so, he has been part of a clan stopping criminal mages. He is an overthinker, and is easily overwhelmed and frustrated, but training is helping him overcome this flaw. He is more comfortable holding something to protect himself at close range, such as a large stick or anything else he can find. He is introverted, stubborn, and may seem selfish at times depending on his mood, but he does his best to protect those he grows close to, especially his children, whom he was forced to leave behind when chosen for the show.

Skills and weaknesses – Geoff  is training in stealth and a magehunting martial art of physical combat aided by magic spells. The main use of his magic is to stop and/or capture criminal mages and help fix the damage done by their actions, so most of his magic is not to cause much harm. His magic requires focus and a balance of emotion to channel properly, plus most of them are best used within contact range. Excessive use causes him to grow tired or even pass out.
He is not terribly fast, and he struggles when there are too many enemies or other obstacles to worry about.

Powers -
Invisibility: Temporarily appear invisible, though his faint silhouette can be seen if looked at hard enough. He can extend this to held objects at an extra cost of energy.
Healing: Heal non-serious injuries. This works better on himself or someone he is emotionally close to.
Propulsion: A push that allows him to jump higher. Can also work on inanimate objects to move him, harder to use on living organisms.
Shield: An energy field that breaks or softens the impact of magic attacks. A portion of energy from the attack may be absorbed for his use.
Stun: Stuns the target for a few seconds.
Heat/Ignite: Heats or catches an object on fire. Can also shoot a small ball of fire at a target. This decreases his body temperature.
Cool/Freeze: cools or freezes objects, though this is difficult to use on living organisms. This increases his body temperature.
Lightning: Shoots electricity at the target. This decreases his body temperature, but also has a chance of dazing him and making him jittery.

((Edit: Added the propulsion spell to the list because I forgot it.))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 23, 2015, 11:01:27 PM
((Name: Xander

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Wolf

Traits/background: He is of an a pretty average build, overly fit but definitely capable. He used to be part of a band of criminals with an extremely harsh initiation, this, coupled with a sadistic leader who would often hurt whoever she likes for fun, has lead to him having a high pain threshold. He can be stubborn and often quite brash. He tries to keep to himself and avoid getting too close to others. He's used to having to improvise a weapon from his surroundings and is decent at hand to hand combat but no the best, being more of a brawler than having any sort of technique.

Skills and weaknesses: He is decently good at sneaking and concealing himself when needed due to having performed quite a few break-ins. He is decently skilled in hand to hand combat and improvising weapons when needed. He can't use magic as far as he is aware. His stamina is quite high due to many run ins with police forces which lead to him having to run for his life. His brash nature can lead to him making stupid decisions and being easily aggravated. He is rather un-trusting so finds it hard to work as a group or follow orders. Where as his pain threshold is high, he is still a normal person, his bones can break and can die just as easily as any other person, he's just able to fight through pain better than most. He also has a rather crippling hydrophobia, he is terrified of water and the very idea of drowning, he into the stuff unless absolutely necessary.

Irregularly high pain threshold

I think that's good, maybe...))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 11:05:43 PM
((Sorry no more participants :) Grovy you are welcome but i have to stop it here :) ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 23, 2015, 11:06:54 PM
(Don't toy with my emotions like that XD)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 11:38:24 PM
((Let's start the RP please :P ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 23, 2015, 11:41:50 PM
( do we start it or you Gm)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 23, 2015, 11:58:43 PM
((Me and Zarc already did :) Look back in the posts ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 12:08:18 AM
Xander looked around the maple forest then down at the iron in his hand. He had absolutely no idea what to do with the hunk of metal for the time being. He started looking for some kind of vantage point so he could survey his surroundings.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 12:32:07 AM
Geoff sat at the base of a tree, staring at his items.

"What the hell..."
What am I supposed to do with these?... God, how did I even get here?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 12:32:27 AM
Zion: Oh it seems like Zarco is starting to make a Tool.

Neco: I don't know where Xander is going?

Zion: They already start to split up?

Neco: What a drama

((They don't know they are in a TV show from the future yet :) ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
((Corrected. So they just poof there with items and they aren't told at all about  what's going on?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 12:37:22 AM
((Nope just randomly chosen from the past :) ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 12:41:53 AM
Xander stared up at a nearby tree that seemed just a little taller than the rest. Guess I could try climbing it. What harm would it do? Just have to not fall like an idiot. Is it worth the risk though? Fall from there and I'm done. He stood at the foot of the tree, debating whether he should actually try and climb as high as he could so he could get a view of the area.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 12:43:47 AM
((Did they spawn all in one area where they can see each other or are they separated? Sorry for all the OOC, I just want to make sense. ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 12:44:49 AM
Neco: Geoffry and Xander are separated, i can not wait to see what will happen later on!

Zion: That's Right Neco, I hope something awesome will happen soon

((Well then i did not describe it properly so No Problem :P No they spawned together))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 12:50:05 AM
" where am I " drago roared.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 12:55:09 AM
((That would have been good to know for the first post because IC Geoff would have stuck with someone.))

Geoff was too worried since he spawned into the area to realize there were others around. By the time he was fully aware of his surroundings, everyone was out of view.

The bear paced around.

How the hell did I get here? And how do I get home?

He heard the roar and noticed the dragon nearby. He ran closer.

"Y-you just... you just popped in here too? Wh-what's going on?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 12:58:35 AM
" hell if I know" drago responded, drag looked around confused, than turned at Geoff, " names Drago, of the Aussie military force and you" drago asked with hand outstretched
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 01:02:51 AM
Geoff shook Drago's hand. "I'm Geoffrey... Uh, m-magehunter."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 01:08:03 AM
Xander's ears twitched as he heard the roar and he shook his head. Nope, not going anywhere near that. I'm best off just keeping to myself and away from loud noises like that. He stepped away from the tree. Not worth risking breaking my legs over. What to do now?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 01:10:46 AM
" ...Mage hunter... " drago stated confused, " you hunt people of magic abilities?l" drago asked confused,
" that is... Interesting"

" but I think we should work together, we are in unknown territory so I would recommend that we head to the highest ground in the area and find any markers that would help us indicate our location" Drago than said while doing a 360 degree spin, " I don't think we should do anything that would make our location known to any potential threats".
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 01:16:43 AM
"N-no, not quite that," Geoff corrected, somewhat sheepishly. "Criminal mages. Who use magic for, uh... criminal things."

"Good idea."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 01:22:11 AM
" rather strange profession but anyway would you like to lead or me" drago asked politely with a smile
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 01:25:40 AM
"You seem to know what to do better than I do at the moment, sooo, you lead."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 01:49:37 AM
" I doubt that, hunters are skilled in things that most people only dream of" drago commented, "anyway let's head, ... hmmmm towards that mountain" drago said as he pointed to a large forest covered hill located east of their location.

Drago began his stroll through the forest eyes keen watching for anything that was suspicious
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 01:50:28 AM
Xander sighed, looking down at the chunk of iron again. Seriously, the **censor** am I meant to do with this? It's useless to me, besides as something to smash someone's head in maybe. He was yet to give where he is or why he is there any thought. It wasn't all that important as far as he was concerned, he didn't exactly enjoy where he was before anyway. He started to just stroll aimlessly, keeping an eye out for landmarks or anything that might be useful in someway.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:28:08 AM
Geoff followed Drago. It took him a few minutes before he realized.

"Wait, you think I...--I don't actually hunt mages, I just catch 'e--ehh, whatever..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:45:15 AM
*Al woke up in the forest* Al: Ugh.... They got me... And all they gave me was a piece of metal... I'll save this for now... But first, I need to find others. See who's worth keeping and who's worth wasting... *Al got up and jumped up into a tree, before leaping atop them as a mode of transportation*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:49:41 AM
((We're not supposed to know what we're even doing yet. Our characters just poofed in with no explanation whatsoever))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 02:51:59 AM
Xander was still strolling around the forest, lost in his thoughts. What next? What next? Think, think, think. Gotta have some idea of what I should do.  He stopped as he had an idea so obvious that he nearly face-palmed. Of course! Shelter. I need somewhere to stay. Maybe a cave or something. Yeah, good plan.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 03:27:32 AM
"Anyway Geoff, you caught anyone famous" drago asked as he was walking through the forest.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 05:13:49 AM
Fluffy quickly looked around to get ahead of the situation, analysing it within seconds. He fired a thunder, directly above him, to check dome's height. He then rushed off, heading towards opposite direction that other participants were standing, taking the two items with him.

His memory was wiped, including the implant's memories. His left eye is glowing light-blue.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 07:18:18 AM
Zarco - *Managed to work the chunk of metal until he formed a tool head*
*He managed to create a hatchet with a pickaxe on the other side*

((Something like this (

*Looked around at the others*
<thinking> I think its best for me to leave here..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 08:01:27 AM
" and are you magical yourself" drago asked
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 10:18:32 AM
"Eh... Well, I suppose some could be called famous in some circles... And, yeah, that's kinda needed when you're dealing with magical people sometimes."

I should have just said I was a 'bounty hunter' or something. So much easier...

((I'm assuming we're in a universe where magic is a somewhat open thing. In his normal story, magic is forcibly hidden from society and only a small number of people even know it exists, so he wouldn't have even admitted what his job was to a normal person :P. ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:23:14 AM
Zarco - *takes his pickaxe axe and coconut and ran off into the forest, away from the others*
*He decided to climb a tree to look for high ground above the tree line*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 10:31:38 AM
Geoff heard something running through the trees. He stopped and took a few breaths, turning invisible. He then ran toward the source of the running, slowing down when the person came into view.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 11:15:56 AM
Zarco - *Jumped down from the tree and darted off in a direction*
<thinking> Alright.. I need to get to high ground, then I'll be able to find the best place to be..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 11:22:13 AM
Geoff stayed hidden and stopped his invisibility spell to save energy as he watched wolf-fox. When the guy went on the move again, he went invisible again and followed.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 11:26:36 AM
Zarco - *ran and jumped up a very large boulder. he started to climb the rest of the way up until he was at the top*
*Zarco then started to jump across some rocks*
<thinking> I need to keep a perfectly straight track.. Hopefully nothing will get in the way..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 11:41:36 AM
Geoff attempted to follow. He wasn't very good at jumping, but he managed. However, focusing more on the jumping meant less focus on the invisibility spell...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 11:53:15 AM
((I'm going to wait for a few others before continuing))

Zarco - *Stopped once he had crossed the rocks and leaned against the wall to relax*
<thinking> not far now.. I'll be able to see everything in the area..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 12:03:28 PM
Geoff stopped a distance away from Zarco, watching carefully. The wolf-fox seemed to know more about this place. Maybe he had something to do with this incident...
The partial loss of focus on his spell had made the bear appear translucent, which took him a little time to notice.

Uh oh...

He wanted to correct it, but he had to release the spell and take some time to relax and breathe. The wolf-fox seemed to not notice him, thankfully...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 01:05:20 PM
Fluffy was nowhere to be seen by others.

He is still going the same direction he did before.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 01:56:29 PM
((In this universe magic is a restricted thing and can be punished by death, but in here nobody knows that, also the dome is invisible and it looks like the world is going on for miles :) ))

The participants heard the theme song ( from Live or Die. And then the host and the gamemaster

((From now on the participants will hear the host and the gamemaster followed by the theme song))

Zion: So this is making things look different?

Neco: Yes it is, it looks like we have a bounty hunter in the game!

Zion: A Bounty hunter!

Neco: Yes one that hunts mana users

Zion: Wow, it makes things looks so much more different

Neco: Drama...!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 01:58:37 PM
Zarco - *Looked around for where the sound came from*
thats not right..

<thinking> I need to push to get to the hill, I'll be able to see the town..? from there..

*Zarco started to run again in the same direction as earlier, trying to get to higher grounds*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 01:58:50 PM
((May I retcon Geoff saying he was one then? Because he wasn't supposed to say that. X_x))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:02:44 PM
((One does not simply fool rangefinder))

"**censor**" Fluffy thought. He continued walking for another 1,5 kms.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:04:45 PM
Zion: That hill seems important?

Neco: Yeah it does, Let's see how things go shall we

Zion: We shall Neco
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:08:56 PM
*Al heard them talking about the hill* Al: Best hed there myself... Best keep my distance as well... *Alka began leaping through the trees, heading for the hill*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:09:50 PM
Zarco - *Approached the top of the hill*
<thinking> Okay.. Lets see what we have here..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:11:02 PM
Neco: Let's make this... Rather interesting shall we

Zion: what do you have in mind buddy?

Neco: Furhacks that's all...

Zion: Wow can't wait
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:14:45 PM
Zarco - Alright.. lets see!
*Zarco took a look around at the top of the hill*

Hmm.. there looks like a good spot..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:15:00 PM
"... wait...' drago said looking around, " where is that dude....what's his name... Jeff the Magic dude"
Drago looked at the hill and spotted someone, he was defiantly (i always love doing that) not the man that disappeared.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:15:28 PM
*Al approached the base of the hill* Al: I don't like this at all... I need allies... Maybe there are more people on the hill... *Alka jumped down from one of the trees and began running up the hill*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:17:28 PM
Fluffy climbed up one of the random trees and began looking around.

GPS: Location not known. 0/0 0/∞
GSM: No transmitters detected. Receiver not registered.
WLAN: No wireless networks found.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:18:51 PM
Zarco - Alright, time to go.. the quicker I sort stuff out, the easier it will be

*Zarco darted back down the hill on the other side*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:19:54 PM
((Wait, if magic is known about in society but just illegal to use in this universe, then it's perfectly fine for Geoff to say what he does. XD ))

Geoff turned invisible and continued to stalk the wolf-fox.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:21:14 PM
*A flying object approached the participants, it was rather large and had razer sharp gold-ish blades that cut through everything, it was flying towards the hill*

Zion: Wow, interesting move Neco!

Neco: We will see blood in just a minute!

Zion: Can't wait
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:22:28 PM
Drago saw the figure dart of.
I don't like this, drago thought, there is something of about this place
Drago looked up at the sky, "if only it was night i could be able to get an idea where my location is" he said to himself, " Wait... what is that"

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:22:54 PM
"huh" Fluff sighed, happy to be long distance away, still looking in the distance.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:23:05 PM
*Al reached the top fast enough to see Zarco dashing down the other side* Al: Best that I don't follow him... Although, he seems to know what he's doing... That's, invaluable. *Al followed Zarco's path down the hill, while maintaining distance*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:24:44 PM
Drago looked at the object and tried to figure out what it was...

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:25:42 PM
Zarco - *paused for a moment*
sounds like a helicopter..

*Zarco scanned the sky and noticed the furhack (*
damn.. is that all metal?
I need to get away from there and hope it doesn't notice me.. my pickaxe axe won't be able to take that on..
*Zarco continued to run*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:27:34 PM
" its metal" drago stated to himself, " a helicopter... no, but what in the world is it".
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:28:04 PM
*Al stopped in his tracks, feasting his eyes on the furhack* Al: Whoever destroys that thing gets first dibs on its blades... You're mine. *Al began walking towards the machine*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:29:06 PM
*The object was now flying towards Zarco that was running from the hill*

Zion: Awesome it seems like i found a target

Neco: He is dead meat!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:30:26 PM
Alarmed by the flying object, Geoff lost focus on his invisibility spell and tried to flee and channel a spell.


He shot a fireball at the object.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:30:49 PM
Zarco - Damn it!
*Zarco fired a couple of energy bolts behind himself in the general direction of the furhack, whilst still running forwards*
Take this!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:31:24 PM
(( )) (

Fluffy jumped down and continued walking further into the unknown.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:31:31 PM
*The object did not care and flied on without a scratch*

((It's not a manhack and looks nothing like it buddy XD))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:32:08 PM
*Al pulled out his slab of metal, still chasing the furhack* Al:That thing has one obvious weak point. It's flying mechanics. Take those out and it crashes and burns

((Mittie, is the furhack a helicopter of sorts? As in, how does it achieve flight?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:33:25 PM
((If I remember rightly, Furhacks are 2 meters in size))

Zarco - wh..what? most metals should at least take slight damage from that..
I'm in no condition to take it down..

*Zarco noticed the river up ahead*
I wonder..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:33:58 PM
((You can say that Alka but no it's an unmanned machine have almost no weak points))

Zion: They are trying!

Neco: Yeah but without luck
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:36:11 PM
Drago heard the sound of conflict and instinctively took to the air, speeding over to the machine . He saw a figure running and the giant machine chasing him.
" alight than" drago said very confused, ' might as well help him".

Drago withdrew the air around the its propulsion from existence, " science one o one, no air no propulsion"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:36:46 PM
Zarco - *Dived into the water and started to swim downstream*
<thinking> maybe I can lose it in here..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:37:39 PM
((Every machine has a weakness Mittie x3 Just need to find it first))

*Al lept onto the machine and hung from it* Al: Ok... Strategy for taking it out. Disable flight. That should be enough to destroy it
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:38:40 PM
*The Furhack continued on*

Zion: He thinks it propels it self

Neco: How sweet

Zion: When will they win

Neco: NEVER!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:39:18 PM
((How about magnetic field inside here? I mean compass))

Fluffy's pedometers now shows that he walked total of 4 kilometers in one direction.

He stopped.
He is thirsty.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:41:17 PM
((The dome contains a sustainable magnetic field so Compasses won't work Just to make it harder ;) ))

Zion: Interesting move

Neco: WOW!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:42:38 PM
Zarco - *Surfaced for air and took a quick look around further downstream*
<Thinking> did I lose it?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:44:03 PM
*Al eventually lets go of the machine* Al: Best stay alive. Don't want to get sliced and diced already. *He lands on the ground and then continues towards the river*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 02:46:09 PM
Xander watched the furhack from a distance. He was a little confused at what it was meant to be but it certainly didn't look friendly. He stood where he was and watched it for a while, wanting to see what else it'll do. He could just about make out Al hanging from the thing and watches him as he drops back to the ground. What in the hell is going on over there?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:47:35 PM
Geoff was about to channel a lightning spell at the furhack, but when Al jumped on it, he decided against it and dived into the river.

Looks like the canid has nothing to do with this if he's being attacked as well...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:47:56 PM
*The machine flew after Al now with incredible speeds*

Zion: Oh it changes direction!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:48:57 PM
".... Science you failed me" drago roared," well there is always plan B,"
Drago eyes began to flow and
His hands were raised about shoulder height, " matter explosion" drago deeply said. A large 10m by 10m cube of dirt rose up into the air. Drago than clicked his fingers
And the device disappeared. It then appeared under the machine and exploded, the dirt more like metal shelling, than earthy substance
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:49:24 PM
Zarco - *Looked behind himself*
<thinking> why are there so many people here?! I thought I left them all behind?

I need to go further!

*Zarco continued to swim away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:51:05 PM
*The furhack was still intact and flew after Al*

Neco: They have a hard time coping it!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 02:52:21 PM
*Al made a large jump into the river water and instantly nose dived deep before swimming downstream* Al: It can't follow me down here can it? Not this deep. I can barely swim down this deep
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 02:54:06 PM
Fluffy looking for any sort of water, thought about how he would navigate here. His pedometer and sense of direction will have to do all the work, since compass is not working as it should. He looked at a particular random tree and ground under it for a moment, 3D scanning it with his cyber eye. "Waypoint saved"

He continued walking, but way slower.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 02:54:15 PM
*Al could now swim below 1,5 meters before bumping into an invisible wall The furhack flew after Zarco again*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:54:29 PM
" everyone" drago roared out aloud still high above the machine "aim for the front at the centre and hit it with everything you got, we need to strike it with heat and coolness at the same time as well as kinetic energy to break it open like an egg.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:56:31 PM
Zarco - *Looked behind himself again*
Eurgh.. again?!

*he looked at his pickaxe axe then at the furhack*
No.. I don't want to risk losing my tool this early..
There has to be a way to escape!
*Zarco dived back under the water*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 02:57:08 PM
Geoff continued to flee down the river, trying to keep up with Zarco. He was better at swimming than running.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 02:58:09 PM
Drago began with drawing to massive cubes of water from the lake and had them placed high above the machine. Drago was strained and sweat was beginning to form.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 02:59:11 PM
Zarco - <thinking> They must be hunting me.. they must know I'm a half demon!
*Zarco fired a couple of energy bolts behind himself and continued to flee*
Stay away!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 03:00:07 PM
*Al just continued swimming downstream until he was far away from everyone else. Afterwards he rose from the water* Al: Best set up camp for now... *Al began collecting sticks and rocks to make a campfire*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 03:00:55 PM
As soon as the lightning bolts were sent flying drago slammed the two water Cubes against the machine.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 03:01:07 PM
Xander tore eyes away from the weird flying machine and noticed the hill in the distance. I'd better wait until it's a little further away before I get there, it'll probably be gone from the area if I start walking now. He started to make his way to the hill, making sure to keep to the trees as he didn't want to be spotted by that thing or anyone else.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 03:03:53 PM
*Nothing happened to the Furhack but it was now flying after Drago*

Zion: It can't make up its mind

Neco: Not unusual...

Zion: Somebody has to go?

Neco: No not yet, they will find out how to destroy it at some point
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 03:04:49 PM
Fluffy found a small water stream and rushed up to it. The water looked clean. "Chemical scan unavailable." He began drinking it.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 03:07:21 PM
" yikes" drago cried and began flying away from the machine.
i could do it, drago thought, that is an inanimate object so I can remove it from existence
Drago flew around, dodging and weaving and DOING BARREL ROLLS.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 03:07:45 PM
Zarco - okay.. I just need to get away from everyone..

*Zarco exited the water and darted into the forest to try to escape from the others*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 24, 2015, 03:08:17 PM
*Al eventually had a fully functioning camp fire set up, which he lit using some thicker sticks. he sat beside the campfire and dried off* Al: Ok... In the morning, I'll light a smoke signal. That'll attract people and get me some friends. After all, this isn't about killing anymore... Someone sent that machine in on purpose.. This place will do the killing for us... No... This is about surviving... I best get some rest...

((Nini everyone~!))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 03:09:31 PM
Geoff lost sight of the wolf-fox, but he had to get away from the area as soon as possible. He dived underwater and activated his invisibility spell, then leaped out of the river and ran as fast as he could into the forest. He was growing tired from all this energy use. He needed to rest soon.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 03:10:45 PM
Xander raised his arms and placed his hands behind his head, taking his time as he slowly made his way towards the hill. His composure was that of someone taking a leisurely stroll, as if nothing weird or remotely out of the ordinary was happening at all right now. He even started to idly whistle to himself as he walked.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 03:11:02 PM
((Night Night Alka :3 ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 03:13:18 PM
Zarco - *went behind a rock and sat down to rest*
alright.. I.. I think I lost the hunters..
*He took the axe end of his tool and split the coconut to drink the milk*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 03:17:24 PM
Drago stopped and faced the machine, his face in a amused sneere " my strength is inanimate objects, your an inanimate objects" drago stated amused.
His eyes glowed and he removed a 1m by 1m space and replaced it with the water from the river.

( is that ok, my powers only work on inanimate objests, except for the suicidal attack I can do if not then the paragraph below replaces previous)

Drago dived down, plummeting at dangerous speeds toward the increasing growing earth. He then smashed into the water and began swimming downstream, holding his breath as long as he can.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 03:19:56 PM
*The Furhacks was still intact, it just followed Drago down to the water front*

Zion: The Furhacks is immune to all magic like he did not know!

Neco: No he is from the past, about 1800 years in the past

Zion: Thats right Neco!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 03:22:00 PM
Fluffy finished drinking. He saved the water stream as waypoint and headed further into the same direction.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 03:23:32 PM
Drago dived into the water and used his ability to make a small space with no water and filled it with air, he than used his powers to relocate the water away from entering his bubble cube.

Drago sat crossed legged and meditated on a strategy to defeat the machine.

( got to sleep, last post of the night, see u later)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 03:25:02 PM
((Well good night then, this will be my last post as well then on behave of the lacking RP dwellers :3 ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 03:26:37 PM
Geoff continued to run until his invisibility spell wore off. Exhausted, he leaned against a tree, panting.

Is this some sort of sick game?! he thought, full of rage and fear. He sat down on the ground, covering his face.

Why me? I need answers. Where are my children? If they did something to my children too, I swear to god...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 03:28:20 PM
Xander reached the foot of the hill and began to walk up it. Here's hoping this isn't just a stupid idea and great way to give myself away to the others. I don't want to be anywhere near them. Also that thing noticing me would probably suck too, I guess. He reached the top and began to look around, noticing the nearby stream. What's the likelihood I need to go to that? He smacked his lips together and realised his mouth was getting dry. Pretty high...great.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 04:15:10 PM
Geoff thought about where to start. Apparently he could only try to survive and stop whoever was doing this and head back home. Or at least just the first and last things. He seemed to not be capable of that much at this point. He was only one novice magehunter.

The coconut he had was obviously for food. He wasn't a fan of coconut except in candy, but it would do if he couldn't find anything else. He wasn't hungry yet, so he could save it. His main issue now was shelter, and hopefully another source of water. He wanted to avoid that area for a while. He stood up and looked about for a good place to settle.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 04:22:47 PM
((Sorry but you guys continue :P i might have to do something too hehe :D ))

Zion: hat is happening to the game?

Neco: I have caused a bit of chaos and god knows where the furhack went but let's help one of them a bit, let's give one an unfair advantage...

Zion: just my words

Neco: Geoff is a cute one ill give him that, ill help him a bit

Zion: The first game master to say that

Neco: yeah we can't all be cold psychopaths...

*A bright light appeared in front of Geoff, and a small bag remained*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 04:32:22 PM
Geoff stared at the bag, surprised and curious. He gradually crept over to the bag, unsure if he should trust it. With a careful, hesitant paw, he opened it.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 04:32:55 PM
Xander was just about to walk down the hill when he noticed the bright flash of light. He cocked his head. What was that? I should really stay away from it. He found himself starting to move in the direction of the flash, his curiosity getting the better of him. Eh, how bad could it be?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 04:33:16 PM
*A 4534-Plasmedion revolver was present in the bag with 1 plasma bolt*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 04:39:17 PM
"A gun...?"

A very strange-looking gun, at least to him. He surveyed the revolver and plasma bolt curiously.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 04:44:00 PM
Xander was getting close to where he saw the bright light. He began looking around as he walked, trying to spot what caused it. He almost didn't noticed Geoff somehow and nearly walked straight past him. Stopping in his tracks, he glanced at Geoff. Did he cause it? Maybe this was a bad idea. I should probably just go, like right now.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 04:53:07 PM
Zarco - *Got up after resting for a while and carried the two coconut halfs with him*
*He followed the river downstream from behind the tree line to get some distance from anyone who may be near him*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 04:56:31 PM
Geoff looked up and noticed the wolf nearby. Apparently another victim.

"Oh hey," he greeted.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 05:02:20 PM
"...Hey there. Nice gun..." Xander gestured to the strange looking revolver. Well, **censor**... "So...this is a little strange huh? Guessing you don't know what's going on either?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 05:05:53 PM
"Nope," Geoff replied. "All I know is some sick asshole is torturing us for kicks."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 05:09:53 PM
Well that sounds familiar. "Oh...Sounds just delightful. My idea of good time really." Xander rolled his eyes. It didn't seem like Geoff planned on using the gun any time soon so he relaxed slightly. He still wished he was somewhere else right now.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 05:13:04 PM

The world will now change, the BIOSPHERE has changed the world inside the BIOSPHERE

A dark blue-ish light flickered to the ground and then the grass turned to sand and trees disappeared, some of them turned into cactus and other got away, the rivers is now dried and the world is now a big desert

Zion: Wow Gamemaster what did you do?

Neco: I turned the world into a desert, let's see what will happen now!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 05:16:54 PM
Geoff span around, staring at the changing landscape with wide eyes.

"What the hell?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 05:18:25 PM
Zarco - *Watched as the world changed*

What the?!
This is some really high level magic at work here.. teleportation maybe?
Either way.. whoever is doing this probably wants me dead..
*Zarco sat down on the sand for a moment and stared down at it for a little bit*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 05:20:38 PM
Xander looks around wide eyed for a moment. "What? What just happened? Why is there now sand!?" A desert means no water! YES! ...wait, no water... **censor**! He glanced down at his coconut. "Well, still got this if I need to drink."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 06:03:26 PM
"And now what? ... **censor**"
"Warning, anomaly detected. Terrain changed. Waypoints obsolete."
Fluffy continued walking
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 06:04:35 PM
"So... this happened..."

There was little cover. If that machine was still around, they would be screwed. He looked around his surroundings, prepared to run if it came into vision.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 06:06:06 PM
Xander looked to Geoff. "Well, this was unexpected. I think someone is probably gonna die of heat stroke or something."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 06:07:46 PM
"If they don't get killed by that machine," Geoff added. "It may still be around."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 06:13:25 PM
Zarco - *Slowly stood up*
of all the places.. how did they know I don't like deserts?!
Give me ice any day..

*he walked over to a cactus and chopped it down with the hatchet side of his axe*
well.. I'll need to drink plenty.. I hope its enough to keep me alive

*Zarco's body was now much hotter than usual and his stripes faded slightly*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 06:15:37 PM
"Good point. I saw it from a distance, looked...menacing." Xander looked around at the endless desert. "Welp, this means we need to find shelter and water more than ever I guess. Otherwise we will be the ones who suffer from heat stroke."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 06:26:14 PM

Geoff began walking, continuing to cautiously look around.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 06:31:47 PM
Xander slowly turned to walk in the other direction. Maybe he won't notice. Not like sand makes that much noise as you walk on it. He starts to walk away. His hands placed into his pockets nonchalantly.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 06:32:07 PM
Zion: Heat is not the biggest issue here!

Neco: No buddy, the Furhack is still around and i may gave off the coordinates to find them to the Furhack

Zion: what about the gun!

Neco: Yes what about... it..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 06:33:21 PM
Zarco - *Picked up the cactus and steam came from it as soon as he touched it*
I'm.. getting too hot..
this is bad..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 06:36:28 PM
*A noise came from the distance and the Furhack become more and more visible from north*

Neco: This will be fun folks...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 06:38:12 PM
Zarco - *Looked up*
if.. thats after me.. I'm dead.. simple as that..

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 06:42:39 PM
Geoff turned to see Xander go the opposite direction. He was hoping he would join him, but he wasn't going to force him. He shrugged and continued to walk cautiously, looking for shelter.

Changing terrain. There's no way I can find my way home from this place... I need to stop this person somehow. I hope my kids are okay...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 07:09:32 PM
Xander looked up at the furhack. I really hope that isn't coming this way. He crossed his finger and prayed to a god he didn't believe in. If it doesn't come this way I will repent so hard. I swear to you.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 08:07:36 PM
*The Furhack disappeared out in thin air with a materialization effect*

Zion: Wow what now?

Neco: the furhack was just to scare them, i have something else in mind
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 08:08:33 PM
Zarco - thank goodness..
*Zarco dropped to his knees*

I.. need to get out.. of this heat..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 08:20:38 PM
Xander fist pumped the air. Psyche, still a heathen. He looked back at Geoff, wondering what he might be up doing.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 08:27:15 PM
Fluffy was still walking, with his eye's rangefinder telling him that dome's ceiling is getting lower.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 08:36:25 PM
((Behind the scenes))

???: Hey Zion take this box to the control room will ya

Zion: sure, i need to get on in 2 minutes so...

???: Just quick.

Zion: Okay...

-The control room-


Zion: I have this box...

Neco: Hi Zion.. Uh put it there, what do you think about fluffy?

Zion: Fluffy.. sir?

Neco: he is getting too far away from the others

Zion: well you are the game master

Neco: I will show him who is the boss...

Zion: Thats more like it!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 08:45:27 PM
Fluffy was getting thirsty again, so he stopped, looking for any water.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 08:48:24 PM
Zarco - I'm.. not going to last long in this heat..
but there's no shade..
*Zarco lay down on the sand*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 08:54:51 PM
((Enviroment change))

Due to Zarco not coping with heat and to avoid people getting killed by it the game master changes the environment to

Grand Pine wood Forest

Zion: So a new terrain?

Neco: yeah i thought this would be harder

Zion: awesome!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:02:15 PM
As the enviorement changed, Fluffy walked up to one of the trees and placed a paw on it. Nanobots were going out of him (due to his skin implant), reprogrammed to consume the wood near the base, to make the tree fall down.
While the nanobots needed some time, he continued looking for water, finding nothing else than some dew.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 09:02:38 PM
A pine tree suddenly grew in front of Geoff. He backed away and thumped into another.

"Aa--again? ... Eh..."

He continued looking around.

What's the point in finding shelter if it's just gonna change anyway?

So apparently I can only sit around waiting for another psycho machine to appear...

Geoff climbed up one of the trees to take a look around.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 09:03:51 PM
Zarco - *opened his eyes and looked at the grass*
oh.. this is better..


*Zarco stood up and looked around*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 09:04:04 PM
Xander sighed as the terrain changed. He had to jump to the side to dodge a tree as it sprouted from the ground, landing on his butt. "This place seems to have more mood swings then a hormonal teenager..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:08:35 PM
The tree fell, hitting another one.

"I'm gonna regret this"
Fluffy fired a thunder onto the fallen tree, igniting it, his eye glowing less than before. He wanted to see how high the smoke could go.
He then continued on, looking back every few minutes.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 09:16:04 PM
((Behind the scenes))

???: Neco?

Neco: Yeah, oh hey sweetie, i mean what brings the honor!

???: Let me go in...

Neco: In the Bio Containment sphere?

???: Yes...

Neco: Ehm sure... anything for you sir...

???: Cool...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 09:21:35 PM
Zarco - I should set up quickly.. maybe my base will stay here
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:22:19 PM
The ignited tree began to slowly turn into major forest fire.

Seeing no water around, Fluffy decided to crack open the coconut and drink it's insides. He then continued forward.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 09:27:22 PM
*The smoke from the fire got 4 meters up in the air and then stayed there, a hexagon shaped panel in the sealing opened and reviled a large hexagon shaped fan with the word "Air Conditioning" on, the fan started*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:30:50 PM
Still going forward, he looked around randomly to see the progress. "Jackpot!" He stopped and used his left eye's zoom to see what was behind the fan.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 09:32:32 PM
Zarco - *Walked over to the nearest tree and swung his hatchet at it to chop it down*
Okay.. time to make a temporary shelter..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 09:33:59 PM
*behind the Fan was a large high tech looking pipeline*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 09:34:48 PM
Xander stayed where he was sitting. He was really thirsty by this point. He placed the coconut on the floor and head his hunk of iron above it. "Finally, a use for this thing." He slammed the piece of iron down on the coconut smashing a bit of the shell open. He lifted the hole in the shell to his mouth and gulped down the coconut milk.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:44:54 PM
"How could I get inside?... Nanoassembler!"
"Error, insufficient amount of nanobots."
"Salvage all doses of medical nans."

Fluffy felt dizzy and painful for a moment.
"aghhh... Increase reproduction"

He felt even more dizzy at this point.

((His interior nanoassembler is made by cooperation by all of his implants and was designed to be used only in emergency, as it uses his personal reserve of nanobots. Without nanobots, some of his implants could stop working and he could drop dead.))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 09:50:45 PM
Geoff looked for some water. He would have liked to have a container to keep some water in... He got a badass futuristic gun, though, so he probably shouldn't expect much else.

I wonder how I can find the furs behind the curtain...

He noticed the raging forest fire in the distance. He began heading the opposite way from it. This must be another obstacle in the game, and he wanted to be as far away from it as possible.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 09:53:42 PM
Zarco - *the tree fell and Zarco started to chop the branches off it*
Pine branches make for great shelter..
Alright, this should be an easy place to set up..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 09:55:40 PM
Xander threw the coconut shell away with enough force that it shatters. He stands up and stretches before starting to head off in the direction Geoff must have go in. For some reason, I think I should keep a watchful eye on the guy with a gun.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 09:58:57 PM
"Nanobots reproduction halted, insufficient amount of materials"
Fluffy felt on his knees, still dizzy.
"Nanoassembler: 1500 units available"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 09:59:09 PM
Zion: Wow is that... is that a wildfire?

Neco: yeah it is, don't worry the Air Conditioning of Protac will take care of that

Zion: Okay the drama is real here...

neco: yeah!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:03:16 PM
Zarco - *chopped down a few more trees and chopped the branches off*
Alright.. now to set up a house of sorts!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:07:57 PM
Fluffy stood up. He held the iron bar in his paw. It began reforming into a grappling hook.
"Nanoassembler: 1000 units available"
"Now I need some rope." he thought. He walked up to another tree and touched it. It began being literally eaten away. "Let's hope that it will be strong enough."
"Nanoassembler: all units depleted"

Forest fire was getting big.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 10:09:19 PM
*The fan got in and the original reforming panel got hack out*

A white arctic fox showed up in the distance

???: Excuse me Fluffy, i think we have a lot in common... *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:11:51 PM
"huh?" Fluffy looked around? "WHO ARE YOU!?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:13:41 PM
Zarco - *Looked far off into the distance*
Looks like a fire..

They are really trying to kill me!
*Zarco made a make shift sled out of the wood and loaded it up with the branches*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 10:16:46 PM
???: Don't try to kill me but i may be the super advanced AI controlling this place, i am AnviOS ehm.. okay fluffy sweetie, i hate this TV show but it gains in popularity and it must be stopped i need some friends to do that i am afraid *Looks worried* right now they think i am here to kill Xander, but well okay, i am a highly advanced artificial intelligent supercomputer, and Android i need your help
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:22:15 PM
"Why don't you just shut the power off remotely?... How could I help you?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:23:09 PM
Zarco - alright.. prioritories..
1) Survive.. find water and set up a house near it so that I can find out what's happening..
2) Avoid people for now.. if someone approaches me, be VERY cautious..
3) see where to go once everything is sorted..

*Zarco set off and dragged his sled behind himself, creating quite a bit of noise*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 10:24:20 PM
AnviOS: Because i can't in the middle of the show i have been taken the privileges at the moment, can't be here need to go, tell the others *Runs away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:28:46 PM
"Ummmm... Ok?" Fluffy looked back at where fan was used to be, since he can't hear it anymore. "**censor**! What now?" He walked up to the tree. Nanobots were doing it's job properly, some of the rope already done.

Forest fire was at it's best and was getting close to Fluffy
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 10:30:47 PM
(Am I being targeted?)

Xander was still trying to find Geoff. He wanted to keep an eye on him, not a good idea to turn your back on a guy with a gun.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 10:31:01 PM
*The Fan in the other end of the dome where now activated*

((Behind the scenes))

Neco: Stupid forest fire!

Zion: what the air conditioning is a potential security risk

Neco: I know, i need to do something and quick!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:32:34 PM
Zarco - Ah, water!
Perfect.. time to start setting up

*Zarco took a quick look around at his surroundings and checked to see if anyone was there*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:33:09 PM
As Fluffy hardly saw another fan, he was getting inpatient, because nanobots aren't done yet with their job.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 10:39:15 PM
Zion: So this seems boring doesn't it Neco

Neco: That's right! Let's make sure of some more water in here

Zion: How!

Neco: I will split this thing up in 5 islands to cut of the fire and maybe if i am lucky drown someone!

Zion: Oh awesome!


Same environment but parted up in 5 different islands cut off by water
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:40:49 PM
Zarco - *unloaded the stuff from the sled then looked back at the stream which had turned into a much larger body of water*

*Zarco stared at the water for about a minute in disbelief*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 10:49:34 PM
Xander screams and stumbles as the ground next to him is replaced by water and jumps back. "Holy **censor**, sonovabitch!" In his panic he trips over a rock and lands on his back. Panting heavily. "**censor** this place. I hate it. It's evil, whoever made it is evil and they should die in a fire."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 24, 2015, 10:50:09 PM
With the tree almost gone, the rope was done, so Fluffy took it and ran away, because the fire was close.
He heard the announcer. "**censor**! Grrrrr... ah... Ok, ok, I'll think something out... eventually... hopefully... "
The other fan was too far to get to on foot, now especially with a river in his way, so he decided to try to get to the edge of the dome.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 10:50:25 PM
Geoff found himself sinking into water.


He quickly began swimming back to land.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 10:52:31 PM
Zarco - *Started to peel the bark off the logs with help from his pickaxe axe*
alright.. this should work as a rope of sorts..

I'll figure out whats happening as soon as I get some shelter
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 11:01:28 PM
Geoff reach the shore and sighed.

"Soaked again," he mumbled to himself.

Well, there was water. Not exactly what he had in mind.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 11:04:03 PM
Xander spotted Geoff in the water, he slowly raised a hand a waved to him. "Hey out there! Fancied a dip huh?" He remained where he was on the ground after Geoff got back to the shore.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 24, 2015, 11:07:22 PM
Zarco - *Had set up a structure purely out of the logs*
*at this point it was just a few vertical posts with horizontal logs across the top*

okay.. the branches should be walls..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 11:42:11 PM
*The water started to steam a bit*

Zion: What now!

Neco: how will they swim in water that is 99 degrees just under the boiling point!

Zion: I don't know!

neco: I am a genious!!

Zion: Yes! You are...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 11:44:32 PM
"I suppose..."

Geoff walked over to Xander.

He noticed the steam from the water.

"... W-well, I'm glad I got out in time..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 11:45:48 PM
The cube was getting hotter and hotter
( i'm awake and hopefully i didn't die, who is ready for a can of whoop ass)
Drago's Red Eyes shot open and he flew out of the water, removing cubes of (is it Celsius or Fahrenheit) water away as he launched himself back into the air. Drago than let out the loudest draconian roar he can muster.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 24, 2015, 11:47:28 PM
((Just under the boiling point is the same in both :P ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 11:48:14 PM
( I learnt something huzzah)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 24, 2015, 11:53:06 PM
Xander slowly got up. "well...this place just got a whole lot worse all of a sudden. God, I hate this place so much."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 24, 2015, 11:54:57 PM
Drago was hovering 50 ft in the air looking around the area with interest
" where is everyone" drago asked to himself, " and where is that machine, I guess it's been going after someone else".
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 24, 2015, 11:55:36 PM
"Yeah, we need to find a way out of here. I need to make sure my kids are okay..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 12:00:32 AM
Xander shrugged. "I don't really have anyone to go back to. This place just sucks so much." He glares at the water. **censor** this shiiiiiit!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:27:15 AM
Zion: Now that they have a bad time, why don't we make it a bit better?


Zion: How?

Neco i have an idea!

*A basket materialized in front of everyone... It contains 4 apples and 60 strawberries and a pound of sugar plus a letter*

The letter
"Okay guys this is from me Neco your game master to you guys don't feel bad this is not made for killing anyone off this is a TV show from the year 3450 called Live or Die and you can actually win and get a prize, figure out how oh and yes its me that are changing the world and giving you stuff and the Furhack but it's just for the audience! kind regards Neco Mallacino"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 12:31:53 AM
Drago caught the basket that materialised in thin air in the sky. Drago inspected the letter and got very angry and concerned.

this says that I'm a thousand in the future, Drago thought, and wait people have got to die, what type of sick world is this place. But I swear that the sick basta*** will pay for this
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 12:39:09 AM
Xander picked up his basket, examining the contents of the basket. He looked over at Geoff's about to make an attempt to grab his basket as well.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 12:42:52 AM
Zarco - *added the branches to the walls then noticed the basket*
Huh.. a game show..?

I.. guess that makes sense ish.. but weren't those people hunting me?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 12:46:11 AM
Geoff stared at his basket and grabbed the letter. He read through.

"I doubt that..." he muttered while reading.

He peered back at the basket. He was pretty hungry, but wondered if the food was actually safe to eat. He examined each of the apples and some of the strawberries.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 12:49:35 AM
Xander withdrew his hand and read the letter in his basket, hoping that Geoff wouldn't notice what he attempted to do. "Oh really...I bet the not about killing thing is a straight up lie. Probably wants us to try and kill each other or something so we can win."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:50:12 AM
*A panel in the wall moved aside and somebody with a badge around his neck and a pink jumpsuit came out with a toolbox*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 12:54:51 AM
Zarco - *Looked into the distance*
Huh.. they weren't kidding..

I doubt the prize will be anything I want though..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:57:03 AM
Zion: What is that Neco? who is it

Neco: Oh sorry my lovable viewers, we have some technical issues with a panel just ignore the technician

Zion: Ah, isn't he is danger?

Neco: No he is unarmed i doubt they will harm an unarmed guy
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:04:03 AM
Zarco - *Sat down outside his house and started to think*
this.. is really strange..
I need to keep my mental condition in shape..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:09:19 AM
Geoff looked at Xander and back to his basket. He wondered if Xander was going to trust the food.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:15:43 AM
Xander glanced at Geoff then to the food. "What? You waiting for me to eat it first to see if it kills me? That's just cruel." He grabs an apple in one hand. "I ain't eating this until you take a bite. I'm not gonna be your guinea pig."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:18:00 AM
A shadow stood on the hill close by and said carefully

???: There is not god damn poison in the food Xander... hi *Walks towards the two, it was a feral white female Arctic fox*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:21:32 AM
Geoff blinked in surprise, and was a little offended, though he tried not to show that. "I just wondered if you trusted it..."

He was about to take a bite of an apple when the fox showed up. He stopped. "Uh, hi..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:27:58 AM
"That sounds like a polite way of saying I wanted to know if you were going to eat it and see if it's poisoned." Xander yelped in surprise then glared at the feral arctic fox. He took a bite out of the apple and spoke as he chewed. "Who the hell are you and why do you know my name?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:30:56 AM
*This entire time, Al had been travelling around the place. He was carrying his basket and noticed the technition walking in* Al: Tools... I'll kill him... The tools might come in handy *Al began walking towards the technition*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:31:41 AM
Zarco - *walked into his house and lay down on the ground*
*it was just about big enough for Zarco to lay down in*

well then.. I better get used to living here or wherever they put me..

*Zarco sighed*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:32:02 AM
???: you are from 2015 and yes i know your name, this sicks TV show told me, it's called Live or Die and its about you guys killing each other to win the price of 4,5 million mizes that will be 50 million dollars from your time, i hate this show, i have always hated it but i could not do anything about it even though that i am the Super advanced Artificial Intelligence supercomputer that runs the entire planet worth of their tech, hi i am the AnviOS...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:33:52 AM
*Once Al was close enough to the technition he left up into the air and lobbed the slab of metal he was keeping at the technition's head* Al:Good luck running from me...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:35:52 AM
*The technician fell dead with blood all over the place and the panel got back on*

Zion: Jesus Christ!

Neco: Ummm god bless the poor guys soul...

Zion: What then

Neco: I need to punish him..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:37:39 AM
*Al walked casually towards the dropped toolbox* Al: Another day, another dead fur.... *Al took a bite out of his apple and loaded the tools into his basket*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:38:28 AM
"I knew it! I called it! The not about killing thing was bullshit!" Xander smiled smugly, his smug smile disappeared quickly. "How much do you know about me...? "
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:39:39 AM
*The basket with the tools materialized away and Al too,*

Al was now present in a small room with a laser grid door and no windows and a television that showed "Live or Die" the room was white with blue stripes


AnviOS: only your name you are in no databases on this planet it says that you died 988 years ago
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:40:49 AM
Zarco - noted..
*Zarco studied his supplies*
alright.. this should last me for a good few days
*He got up and walked out of his shelter and over to a large boulder*
what are the chances of this having ore in it..?

*He started to break the rock apart with his pickaxe axe*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:41:54 AM
((Ummm... Sorry to complain Mitie, but don't you think that's a little unfair? I mean, you put an unmarried and harmless guy into a ring full of people who can kill/will kill to survive. Did you really expect him to come out unharmed?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:42:49 AM
((Al i am not sure i understand? please just play the RP i don't like all those OOC posts :P))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:45:00 AM
((Well, there are killers [or at the very least a killer] in the biosphere. 'Time-Out' for doing something we are meant to do is a little unfair, imo))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:45:36 AM
Xander stands there for a second doing all the maths in his head. He struggles a littl but eventually works it out. "You're telling me...I live to be over four hundred years old...?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:45:54 AM
((Who Mittie, no she is a real puff she won't hurt anyone there is only the participants in there))

AnviOS: No sweetie only 110 years old *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:48:46 AM
Zarco - *Broke the boulder apart with his pickaxe axe and started to look through the rubble to see if he could find any ore*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:49:28 AM
(Xander's killed people. So there is at least one killer anyway)

Xander looked confused. "Did I get it wrong?" He shrugs and tries to do the maths again but messes up. "Eh whatever, I assumed I'd die at like...twenty-three..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:51:54 AM
"I wonder when I died..." Geoff mumbled.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:52:49 AM
AnviOS: heh you are sweet, not a killer in my eyes, look there is this guy.. you have heard him speak before, his name is Neco and he is the game master of the game, now i am sure you all know that by now... Neco have this giant control room, maybe i can get some influence because he is one of my buddies so he will listen to me tell me if you have any wishes for the terrain, maybe i can get him to help out without him knowing

Geoff you dies the 18th august 2089
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:55:36 AM
"NO WATER WATER! GET RID OF THE WATER PLEASE!" Xander scratches the back of his neck and coughs awkwardly. "I mean...having this place not be separated into islands would be nice... Yeah...That's what I meant..." He sighed and face-palmed.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:58:25 AM
Zarco - *Came across some small chunks of gold ore*
huh.. I didn't expect to find gold here..
*Zarco placed the ore onto one of the rocks*

*He started to carve a bowl shape into a large rock with his pickaxe axe*

I can melt the metal into an ingot in here..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:03:05 AM
AnviOS: well i will try to ask him politely... *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:03:48 AM
*Alka sat down against the wall and watched the TV closely* Al: Ok... I guess I've been a bit naughty... Although, it saves anyone else the trouble of running into me... And vise versa... I'll play along for now... This could work to my advantage...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:04:42 AM
Zarco - *Placed the gold chunks into the carved out bowl and heated it up*
I'll.. need to rest.. as soon as this is done..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:05:11 AM
Geoff tried to do the math in his head but gave up. He was too tired.

"I just want to get out of here. I have a family to take care of..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:06:05 AM
((At Alka))

*Out side the electric laser grid a anthro Direwolf showed up in a red jumpsuit and a badge saying LOD GM*

Neco: Hello there little adorable thing, how are you today?

((At Geoff and Xander))

AnviOS: there is only one way out buddy
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:07:26 AM
"Thank you." Xander slowly turned to Geoff. "Then get killing I guess." He took a couple of steps back as he said this. "I'd advise you don't get started on that right here and now though."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:09:04 AM
Zarco - *Powered down once the ingot had melted and walked over to his shelter*
*He quickly passed out on the floor as the gold cooled down*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:10:29 AM
Geoff frowned. "I'd like to avoid that..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:10:42 AM
*Al glanced once at the GM before looking back at the TV* Al: He's the asshole who runs this... Game... And he just called me 'adorable'. I may as well play along... *Al's voice sounded like a deeper version of Bane's ((from the dark knight rises))* Well... I've been placed into a ring... With lots of people to kill... And someone always out to kill me... Quite splendid actually...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:13:20 AM
Xander shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Don't know what to tell you then, guy. You kill or you die. Simple as that. Unless you want to waste time and energy trying to escape."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:13:31 AM
Neco: The game was my idea back when i was a kid, it got voted up and Raze City TV and Telephone accepted it and here i am, we have more then half of the worlds inhabitants watching this live, and me and Zion need to make it as interesting as possible
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:17:50 AM
*Al stood up and approached the door looking Neco right in the eye. His eyes where unsettling to look at. His blue eye seemed to move on its own, while his other brown one was locked onto Neco* Al: I'm sure the ground... Stained with the blood of... More technitions... Would make the game interesting enough... But... You obviously want something of me... So just cut to the chase...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:19:44 AM
Neco: yeah you are the most clever one i see, kill the others in the game and win it go for it that is all i am asking i want you to win the game Alka
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:22:32 AM
((his name is just Al  :P. Alka is a different character))

Al: I... Was in the process... Of doing that... Before you brought me here... And confiscated my earnings... Besides... This game of yours... It's not about killing... You don't win by getting the most kills... You win by surviving the longest... I plan to do that...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:24:56 AM
Neco: Clever boy Al... now can i trust you *The grid disappeared and Neco give him a gun* This one is a 500-nvc auto pistol with full ammunition, when you win the game i will reward you with twice the price of the game... deal?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:25:29 AM
"I'm not against killing, I'm just... n-not going out of my way to do so," Geoff replied to Xander, staring at the ground. "I'd rather have people attack first. I'm sure some of the others will..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:28:48 AM
*Al took the gun looked down its sights and then looked back to Neco* Al: You've got... A lot of balls... Handing a gun to a remorseless... Killer... But... Money is more valuable than blood... So long as you give the money... I'll make sure you're viewers will have something worth watching...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:30:31 AM
Neco: glad we are the same *Al got materialized back into the Dome*


The water disappeared, all of the water is now gone
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:32:25 AM
Xander let out a long sigh. Walk away, just walk away, juuuuuust walk...away. "Well...You seem like a decent enough guy so...I'm not gonna kill you unless I absolutely need to... I wasn't gonna exchange names but that's been done for us... so..." Just say goodbye then walk away, dumbass!

(Wait does that mean there's no water at all and that the islands are just separated by big holes now?)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:33:31 AM
((Yes Grovy))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:36:41 AM

Geoff looked down at the apple still in his hand and finally began eating it.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:41:23 AM
Xander turned to see all the water is gone and the islands are now separated by dry ravines. **censor**! "**censor**!" He groaned in annoyance and threw the apple in his hand at the ground hard. It smashed to pieces, chunks flying in every direction. Good job, moron. Get rid of all the water, now you are stuck here on an island 'till they change it!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:43:08 AM
*Once Al materialised back in he began walking in a random direction, unknowingly headed towards Geoff and Xander* Al: He's got something more planned... Something bigger than what he's let off. I best be weary about the GM. You don't just give players of a deadly game a gun... Especially when that player kills for a living.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:43:21 AM
Geoff stared at the pieces of apple on the ground.

"Wow... I, uh... could have eaten that if you didn't want it..."

((Don't do anything crazy, I need to go to bed soon...))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:46:12 AM
Xander looked confused then realised he'd just destroyed one of the few pieces of food he has. "Oh son of a- God damn it! That was so stupid. Well guess we are stuck together until they fix this, or until one of us builds a bridge...That doesn't seem likely."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:50:38 AM
Geoff peered down into the ravine.
"Yeah... Well, you got what you wished for, it seems," he replied.

"...uh... they didn't take away ALL the water, did they...?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:51:44 AM
AnviOS: I did not tell him to do so i have been here all along... i might need to go
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:53:56 AM
Xander glanced at Geoff. "Well, I don't see any. Do you? I guess it's not too bad. We have fruit so that might sustain us. Maybe..." He placed his basket on the ground, having gotten tired of having to hold the thing. "Alright strange little thing. Guess we'll see you around if we aren't mutilated soon."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:55:15 AM
AnviOS: My name is Mittie... *walked away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 03:00:27 AM

Geoff finished eating the apple and sighed.

"... I need to get some sleep," he said. "Things are gonna get bad soon, I can tell..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 03:03:19 AM
"Same here. I'm gonna go find somewhere to rest and shut my eyes. I've got the exact same feeling." Xander grabbed his basket of food and started to walk away, he seemed to be singing as he did. "Winds in the east, there's a mist comin' in. Like somethin' is brewin' and 'bout to begin..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 03:06:36 AM
Geoff did the same. He didn't quite follow Xander, but wanted to settle nearby just in case. The guy clearly wasn't terribly comfortable with people. He understood the feeling.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 03:08:48 AM
Xander placed his basket down next to a tree and flopped down onto the ground, resting his back against the tree. He shut his eyes and allowed himself to slowly drift off to sleep.

(Night guys ^-^ Better not wake up dead XD)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 03:14:50 AM
Geoff settled in the space between a few large rocks and curled up. He wasn't sure he could rest well in this situation, but he had to at least try. He'll have no chance of surviving without rest. Eventually he managed to fall asleep.

((Going to bed too. Night. :3 ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 06:54:41 AM
Fluffy's rangefinder indicated that he is getting closer to the wall. He ignored the letter.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 08:01:00 AM
Drago began flying towards the wall that surrounded the Area, " let's find out what we have" drago said aloud.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 09:59:50 AM
Zion: This first day have been pure drama and pure awesomeness!

Neco: Indeed good morning and welcome to day two of Live or Die!

Zion: I can't wait!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:01:47 AM
Fluffy's rangefinder indicated he is standing opposite to the end of the dome.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 10:13:50 AM
Zarco - *Awoke in his shelter and walked outside*
*He stared blankly at the hole where the lake once was*

this place.. is going to drive me insane!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:26:46 AM
" I know one thing, I am on the other side of the world" drago said to himself as he flew straight towards the domes edge
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:00:49 AM
Zion: what is this guy doing?

Neco: Drago are flying away...

Zion: he will come to sense
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 11:03:47 AM
Zarco - *Carried on staring at the hole where the water once was for about 5 minutes*

*Once he finally decided to move, he stood up and walked back to his shelter, leaning against it*
this place is really pushing me.. I'm still not sure if the others were trying to hunt me, or even.. if they're still here..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:09:46 AM
Fluffy touched the wall.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 11:10:31 AM
Drago stops " ... My senses tell me I am doing something wrong"

( am I did I not read something correctly)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 11:10:43 AM
*Al reached a ditch which separated him from Xander and Geoff* Al: Crap. Well, this is kind of counter-intuitive. Best wait until this space gets filled... *Alka takes a seat beside a tree*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:12:35 AM
*When far away from the wall it just seems like the landscape is going on forever but when near it it looks more like this*

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 11:14:01 AM
Zarco - *got up and walked over to where he melted the gold ore the night before but he ended up tripping up on a rock and cutting himself*
..damn it..


*He checked the wound and noticed that it was only minor*
*Zarco started to channel healing magic into the wound, causing him to glow green*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:14:46 AM
Fluffy hit the wall with edge of his grappling hook to see what will happen.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:16:26 AM
*Fluffys grappling hook fell to the ground and the wall is unharmed*

Zion: Al is very close to the other participants

Neco: Yea indeed, they could end up meeting each other!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:19:15 AM
Fluffy leaned his grappling hook and rope over his shoulder and attempted climbing up.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 11:22:11 AM
Drago saw from the height almost everything but what caught his interest was a big open space of white stone...
" I am going to put my creativity to use" drago said.
He dropped to a reasonable 10 ft away from the ground.
His eyes turned purple and his arms rose. All of the stone began dissolving into nothing than were appearing a few feet away from the stone in the form of a giant 3 storied stone structure.
Drago blood vessels were protruding and his body was sweating furiously. It took about a minute but there was a clean cut square hole and a impressive and intimidating stucture next to it.

Drago landed on the ground with a thud
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 11:25:39 AM
Zarco - *finished healing the wound but looked tired*
I.. really didn't need that..

*Zarco studdied the gold and tried to think what he could use it for*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 11:28:30 AM
Drago entered the empty structure and began blacking large 1m by 1m cubes of wood and began dissolving them down into chair and tables, he furnished the entire building in wooden objects and his last use of power was to put a large wooren sign that had the words "** of" etched into the wood.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 11:34:50 AM
Geoff woke up, feeling rested enough. He sat up and stretched for a minute before plucking out a few strawberries from his basket to eat.

I wonder how long these will last, he thought.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 11:40:00 AM
Drago layed on one of the massive wooden chairs and began on sucking on one of the strawberries trying to train them of their juices
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 11:44:13 AM
Zarco - Alright.. I'll need some weapons..
*Zarco walked over to his remaining branches and started to work on it*
Pine is a really useful material when you know what to do with it..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 12:04:50 PM
((Drago, I think your ability to make a massive stone house and furniture through a power is too overpowered. Plus it wasn't listed in your character sheet, or I just can't find it.))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 12:18:54 PM
Xander opened his eyes quickly and sat up with a start. A loud gasp escaped his lips. "What year is it!?" He looked around for an moment then sighed. "Oh right. Crap..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 12:19:55 PM
((Yeah, looks overpowered to me too))

Post Merge: July 25, 2015, 12:26:25 PM
The wall felt solid and connectors between the haxagon plating were deep enough for Fluffy to hold. They were slippery though and difficult to climb up.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:35:38 PM
((Drago, buddy, please fix your CS your powers have been too OP since the start of the game but i wouldn't bother saying it before now... please correct it))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 12:37:22 PM
( I may tone down but basically if you read character sheet I can move a 1m by 1m cube of a 1cm by 1cm cube and either teleport it to another place or remove it entirely and unless I kill muskeg they can't affect living things.. Which wood is damn it.... ... So basically I sculpted a mine craft house... But I understand what you mean and I just realised a flaw.. They can't attach.....)
The house made a weird and unnatural noise and it slowly began falling apart until there was nothing more than a large pile of stone. "**censor**" drago swore as he was covered in stone.

( I will never try to op myself gain very sorry
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 12:43:53 PM
*Al eventually got up, feeling a bit impatient* Al: May as well explore the area I have allocated... *Al turns around and heads in Zarco's direction*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 12:46:32 PM
( I will punish myself in the form of karma)
One of the stones feel on Drago's left won and broke it instantly, disabling him from flying.
" damn it god why do you hate me" drago roared as he clawed out of the rubble covered in dust and littered with bruises and small cuts, " is it because I hacked your mine craft account jimmy"

( sorry for doing op thinks please forgive me...., I am a very apologetic person just to let you know)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 12:49:02 PM
Zarco - *Spotted a rabbit in some bushes near him*

*Zarco picked up his pickaxe axe and crept up on it before hitting it, killing it instantly*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:49:08 PM
((Please stay in character and yes i know :) ))

Zion: Okay arent they getting too far from each other?

Neco: i might have an idea...

Zion: what?

Neco: Look folks...


Snowy plains landscape (-6 degrees C)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 12:53:29 PM
*Al grunted* Al: Great... The cold... And not a piece of food in sight... Best keep trudging on... *Al continued walking through the snow towards Zarco's location*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 12:55:40 PM
((Does this mean that Zarco's shelter is gone? and the stuff he was interacting with is?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 12:56:15 PM
((No just covered in snow))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 12:57:34 PM
Fluffy was still climbing, feeling slightly cold.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 12:59:30 PM
Zarco - Okay.. the cold is fine, I can live quite easily here.. and the snow is good for water..

*Zarco took the rabbit and skinned it*

This is really good..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:01:34 PM
Xander groaned as everything was suddenly covered in snow, jumping to his feet straight away. "Oh **censor** you! Bastards..." He grabbed his basket and started to look for Geoff. Better go and see if that guy is still alive and kicking.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:02:58 PM
*Zarco's hut eventually came into sight of Al* Al: Great... I've stumbled upon a house... I bet a million dollars that who ever is in there, won't be happy to see me... Well, no point in not asking for a bit of shelter... After all, I may well be one of the only fighters in here... *Al continued trudging to the hut, still a fair distance away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:05:18 PM
Suddenly sitting in and being covered in snow, Geoff grunted "Well then..."

He scooped up some snow in his hand and into his mouth. At least there was water now, although frozen.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:06:15 PM
Zarco - *Looked behind himself and spotted Al*
..well.. I'm dead..
he's probably here to hunt me and kill me..

*Zarco stood up and readied himself*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:08:31 PM
*Al noticed Zarco standing up and stopped moving* Al: Ok... Best make myself look as friendly as possible... *Al held both his hands in the air, signifying that he meant no harm. He then continued moving towards Zarco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:09:30 PM
Zarco - <thinking> Clearly a trap.. he has a freaking gun on his back!

*Zarco held one of his paws out towards Al*

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 01:11:15 PM
" I am not wearing a shirt" drago said to himself in a matter of fact tone, Drago began feuding through the snow, towards the river,warming his body with his hands.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:12:13 PM
Xander walked over to Geoff, beaming at him. "You enjoying the snow, man? That's nice, all things considered I can't see a way it'll be a problem besides freezing to death." His tone was snarky and sarcastic.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:12:35 PM
*Al stopped again* Al: Ok... Either he's in it to win it, like me, or he's paranoid. Best prep myself for a fight... *Al's left eye turned red as he upholstered is gun and aimed it at Zarco's leg, keeping his other in the air* Come on... This is hardly the weather for any sort of tussle... Just be a bit nice and let's work together...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:16:04 PM
Zarco - <thinking> I knew it!
*Zarco fired a few energy bolts towards Al as he was aimed at*
*He rolled to the side and tried to stay moving*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 01:17:07 PM
Zion: Finally someone is meeting someone else

Neco: Yeah, this is going to be awesome!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:25:57 PM
*Al quickly dodged each of the bolts, his left eye keeping a solid lock on Zarco* Al: God damn it... Well, he knows magic... I should keep him around... *Al decided against using his gun, fearing that he might kill or mortally wound Zarco. He began leaping through the snow on all fours, charging towards Zarco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:26:35 PM
"Yeah... At least I kinda like the cold..."
Geoff stood up and brushed the snow off himself.
"I guess we should find some shelter..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:28:18 PM
Zarco - *Threw his pickaxe axe up into the air and fired firework bolts at Al to distract him*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:32:50 PM
*His red eye took note of the axe and the firework bolts, before returning to a lock on Zarco* Al: Fireworks... Those should be a bit painful... Let's consider some strategies... His magics are fairly easy to dodge... *Al moves out of the way of a firework bolt* And if he's a mana user, he'll run out of mana at some point. If I play conservatively enough he'll collapse out of exhaustion... Ok... *Al changed his path so that he would circle around Zarco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 01:34:34 PM
Zarco - *Fired a repulsion beam at his pickaxe axe as it fell, quickly propelling it directly towards Al*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 01:35:36 PM
Xander lifted the hood of his hoodie over his head. He shrugged as he looked around. "Well you tell me when you see any."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 01:46:34 PM
Fluffy climbed to a point where ceiling began. He could be seen by everyone right now.
He looked over behind him.

((Going to work now))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 01:53:52 PM
*Al was caught off guard, but his red eye had swapped to the incoming axe and Al raised an arm, before tensing. His arm blade popped out and deflected the axe, but Al was forced to stop running in order to keep balance* Al: Shit... He nearly got me with that one... Alright, no more playing around kiddo. *Al pulled out his pistol with the other arm and began firing shots, purposefully missing Zarco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 01:59:37 PM
Geoff looked around the nearly flat landscape.

"Well, maybe we can't find shelter, but we can make one, I guess..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:00:00 PM
Zarco - <thinking> Well.. I'm about to be dead..
*Zarco ignited himself and charged directly at Al*
<thinking> This is my final chance..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:02:54 PM
"Oh yes, I will just go and cut down a tree with this piece of crap." Xander hoists his chunk of iron over his head. "This couldn't possibly be a bad idea. Why do even have this still? Anyway, you have any ideas for some way we can make a shelter without using trees?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:06:09 PM
*Al saw Zarco set himself on fire and his eyes widened* Al: No... way... Is he planning to take us both out? Erm... *Al desperately looked around for an escape plan. He eventually settled on feigning Zarco. Al began charging at Zarco, his red eye keeping note of their distance, and turning pitch black*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:10:27 PM
Zarco - <thinking> Is he crazy? or maybe he just has a deathwish..
*Zarco lept over at Al with his claws aimed at him*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 02:10:55 PM
Fluffy looked at the ceiling, to see how snow was materialising.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:12:03 PM
*Al timed it precisely. The minute Zarco lept at him, Al darted to the left, so that Zarco would miss him* Al: Gotcha. *Al then immediately spun around and aimed his gun, ready for when the ignition would cease*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:13:43 PM
"Wait... The iron..."

Geoff took out his own piece of iron.

"I think I can make this into a blade, to... cut things... But I'm not much of a blacksmith, so..."

He set it down on a rock and tried to relax and concentrate, holding his hands over the iron.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:16:32 PM
Zarco - *Faceplanted into the ground but stay ignited*

<thinking> I'm running out of time.. Why won't this guy just freaking fight like a real fur!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:20:22 PM
Xander watches Geoff, cocking his head. "So you're just gonna...gesture at it? Why?" Oh my Jesus Christ, he's already lost his mind. AM I gonna have to put him down or something?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:21:50 PM
*Al started to panic a little* Al: He won't fall for it a second time. And he's still ignited. Argh... wait a second... *Al noticed that the snow around Zarco was vaporising* Huh... He's too hot for now. I need to maintain my distance at all costs. Other wise, I'll get liquified. Maybe... *Al kept holding his gun out but decided to call out in a loud voice* HEY....! I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU...! JUST, CHILL OUT FOR A SECOND...! LITERALLY...!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:23:05 PM
*The furhack materialized back in the arena right beside Zarco and Al*

Zion: What!

Neco: I will see what happens, no one is dead yet...

Zion: You got it buddy...

((To Fluffy))

*The snow forms out of the gaps between the hexagons in the ceiling*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:24:20 PM
Zarco - Oh please.. you have a freaking gun.. everyone else here has been following me and the landscape is trying to kill me..
I'm not falling for it..

*Zarco Got up from the floor and readied himself*

My point exactly.. You're all here to kill me!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:26:10 PM
*Al pointed his gun at the furhack and slowly moved closer to Zarco, so he didn't have to yell* Al: Shits hit the fan, and that thing is back... Can we discuss who's killing who, after we take that thing down...? I think I might have an idea for how to break it....
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:27:08 PM
*The furhack attacked Zarco with deadly force*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 02:28:24 PM
Zarco - *Was looking directly at Al at the time*
You're seriously not tricking m..

*Zarco was hit by one of the blades and was flung away*
*He was extinguished and out cold from using alot of mana*

*The snow around him turned red*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 02:29:36 PM
Geoff lost concentration and grunted irritably
"God damn it, hold on, I-I'm doing a thing..."

He tried to focus on the spell again. The iron began to heat up. He then took another rock and began bashing the piece or iron with it, trying to form it into an axe.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 02:29:58 PM
The Furhacks: This is, M16 model 29, target locked, proceeding to exterminate
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 02:31:35 PM
*Al watched Zarco get flung away* Al: Shit.... What an idiot! Definately paranoid. Ok, keep it together Al. This thing isn't indestructible. I just need to study it a little... *Al's black eye locked onto the furhack as Al backed away from it*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 02:33:17 PM
Xander cocked his head and just watched Geoff as he did whatever he was doing. " do you..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 03:24:20 PM
*The furhack now goes after Al with immense force*

The Furhack: New target aquired
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 03:27:54 PM
*Al took a deep breath out and steadied his posture, closing his eyes for a second* Al: Remember... You are elite... You have a record for 0 failures... You are a master of 6 different fighting styles... You... are Al El-Kina... Now... Show this hunk of metal, who's really indestructible. *Al opened his eyes and had them dead set on the furhack* The blades are an obvious weakness. They rotate around a rotor and that's how it attacks. I stop the rotation, I stop the attack. *Al tensed both his arms and both the arm blades popped out*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 03:58:41 PM

((To Fluffy))

*The snow forms out of the gaps between the hexagons in the ceiling*

Fluffy threw his grappling hook to land in one of the gaps and kept pulling it, to make sure it stayed locked and won't slip away. He then fired a thunder on it, hoping of it to hit the machinery behind the ceiling.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:05:03 PM
*The Furhack charged Al*

((To Fluffy))

The ceiling sparked and a hexagon shaped panel fell down in the sphere, it reviled some bright blue and red cabling that seems to glow and a metal ceiling with a WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE sticker on
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:06:59 PM
Fluffy send another thunder, to hit the revealed machinery.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 04:07:51 PM
*Al kept his posture steady, legs shoulder width apart. He held up both his arms against the direction the blades where rotating, so that the blades would take the hit. He tensed his arms a large amount and bent his back in the same direction of his arms* Al: Well... Here goes nothing... It's either do.... or die... *Al smirked, realising that this may be the stupidest idea he's ever had*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:09:59 PM
((Alka, the machine is made of something called Zarconite or "Zarconium Dioxide" Witch have almost no weaknesses, if you do this you will most definitely rip both your arms off))

((To Fluffy))

Nothing happened
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 04:11:30 PM
((He's not trying to break the metal. He's trying to stop it from rotating. Also, not only is he extremely tough and durable, he's not directly stopping it with his arms. He's stopping it with a thick blade that he hides inside of his arms. "arm-blades" if you will. It was on my character sheet))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:13:12 PM
((Well to be honest then i have no idea what to do... so ill just let it be for now then))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:13:47 PM
"What am I even doing?... Me, scared of high voltage? Pfff... "
Fluffy pulled his grappling hook back and throwed it at the machinery several times, until it got locked. He then jumped off the wall, holding the rope attached to the hook and began pulling up.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:14:45 PM
*The metal paneling pulled off and the hook slipped*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:17:39 PM
Fluffy fell on the ground. "**censor**"
He walked up to the fallen panel and began examining it
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 04:19:36 PM
((Well, Al is capable of stopping it. You said it's blades worked like a heli-copter so, it is capable of being forcibly stopped. Why not just let Al stop it? He's not actually destroying it, just proving that it can be 'beaten'))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:20:05 PM
*16 major pipelines was present inside the panel, the outer said "Cryogen flow" and some noise coming from the inside the panel resembling electric motors*

((I did not i said the blades worked sorta like a heli but it gets its uplift from something else))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:23:49 PM
He threw his grappling him once again, to lock between the pipes. It got in there, making some scratches on one of pipes and began pulling up.
He thought why nobody is preventing him.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 04:25:16 PM
((That's what I'm getting at. Let him stop the blades from killing him. Forcibly. Once again, unless you have the machine explode due to the rotor experiencing too much pressure, the furhack isn't actually getting destroyed))

*Al exhaled* Al: They wanted something worth watching... Now, they're gonna get it... COME AT ME!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:26:40 PM
Zion: Where is everyone...

Neco: Zarco is down with Al and the Furhack and xander are wond...

Zion: What..

Neco: We are back after advertisement folks...

((Behind the scenes))

Neco: That fluffy thing is inside the atmospheric generator

Zion: You are kidding?

Neco: No hell i am not, get the guards!

((To Al))

*The rotors stopped but the Furhack remained airborn and started flying all over the place*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:28:27 PM
Fluffy pulled up to the pipes and began looking for a catwalk.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 25, 2015, 04:37:27 PM
((I've got to go to bed guys. Nini. Can Mittie not do anything to Al while I'm gone))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 04:42:47 PM
Geoff finished making the axe and began sharpening the blade.

"Rough... But... it will work... I hope..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 04:42:54 PM
((To Fluffy))

*A reference of what it's supposed to look like :) *

*At the top of the pipes inside the Atmospheric generator*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 04:48:58 PM
Fluffy began running through the corridor, looking for a console, terminal or at least a fusebox.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 05:22:26 PM
"Oh I see, you were making an axe. That makes sense I guess." Xander tried to pretend he wasn't confused about what Geoff was doing at any point.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 05:43:29 PM
Fluffy continued looking

((Earth to Mittz, are you there?, over Nevermind, you seemed to be online while I was posting this ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 07:00:52 PM
((To Fluffy))

There is only a door leading to another hallway and so forth, all the hallways have numeric values like A1 to A12 to B1 and so on also the name "Atmospheric Generator" Can be seen several places
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 08:28:03 PM
Fluffy opened a door labeled as A1 and looked behind it, staying hidden.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 09:14:51 PM
*The ceiling in the corridor is filled with red and blue glowing cables*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 09:18:49 PM
Fluffy decided to follow the cables.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 09:31:19 PM
((where is everyone XD))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 09:42:48 PM
((Unconscious/nearly dead next to Al))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 09:58:30 PM
Fluffy was still walking, but now a bit slower.
WLAN: Looking for 802.11 protocol, revealed wireless networks...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:00:03 PM
(.... Unconscious or dead,... Wait what happened)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:00:24 PM
((I think you just found the base communications Wireless Intranet with VOICEIP control :P ))

*It was spooky and it looked old and rusty the cables lead into a locked vault door in the end of one of the hallways*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:09:17 PM
(.... I have no idea what that means but if I got killed congrats but I will act as though I am alive till I am told otherwise )
"Where..... in the world am... i" drago shivering with cold, he let out a large sneeze after he spoke, (this is presumed that you never changed the weather from the -7 degrees, and Drago didn't wear any warm clothes or any shirt for the manner.)
Drago walked around the place looking around in the dark interior of the communication area, " so... Is this... Part of the .... Game" drago asked to no one in particular.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:10:54 PM
((Dark in... where do you think you i don't get it Drago?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 25, 2015, 10:14:41 PM
((Page 24, I got hit by the furhack as I was in combat with Al))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:15:13 PM
((K thanks Buddy ;) ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:16:42 PM


After reaching the vault door, Fluffy realised that he had nothing to open it with.
WLAN: Unsecured network detected, connecting now... Connected, performing LAN lookup... 3 other devices detected.  Connecting to
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 10:18:33 PM
((Drago, you're not in there, Fluffy is.))

"Let's not make the place too crazy. Dunno how long we'll keep it..."

Geoff began chopping down a tree.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:19:23 PM
Drago wakes up from a dream, he is under a tree, " what a weird dream" drago states

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 10:20:20 PM
"I'm gonna check out the edge..." Xander walked up to the edge of the island and peered over the edge. Wonder if I'd be able to scale down to the ground. He scanned over the rocks, seeing a few places that could be used as hand and footholds. Maybe...Getting back up would be a problem.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:20:41 PM
((That looks like an APIPA IP :) should be to the intra network also it looks like a server humm :D ))

*The door unlocked and a technician opened it, it seems like he worked for something called the Protac Group "it was on his jumpsuit and his badge"*

???: Waaah wait i am unarmed please don't do anything stupid.. o.. okay *he is a Young Raccoon*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:25:16 PM
"Cooperate and no harm will be done, alright? What's in these pipes and where this corridor is leading?"

"Connected using Telnet.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:25:54 PM
Drago begins walking through a path in the forest (if that right).
He began calling out, " Geoff, Hey Mage hunter, geoff the all powerful, you alive out there".
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:27:45 PM
???: The red one is power and the blue one is Cryogen for the Bio platform and maintainable dome or the BPMD thats where the other participants is... ehm... My name is Cache... i work for the Protac Grouppe i have nothing to do with this TV Show
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:32:24 PM
"Alright. Now GTFO" Fluffy walked past the door and cut one or the red wires, willing to charge himself up.

"Connection with timed out. Connecting to"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:34:51 PM
Cache: Oh buddy, connect to and to be honest i am not your enemy i am on your side, with Mittie or the AnviOS let' me help where i can... after all i am the architect and inventor that designed this Biosphere together with many other things
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:41:42 PM
((text in italics in here is stuff only Fluffy himself can hear and thoughts, but I will assume that he knows that I'm cyborg))

"Abandoning current action. Connecting to"

"You could have sabotaged this place long ago... Make me some distraction. Go!" Fluffy said before attempting to charge himself up with electricity.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:44:35 PM
Cache: Well this is not electricity, Cyborg this is Nukalic Energy, and no i could not, my dad have this tight loose around me and... why are you so mad at everything? i mean here i am trying to get you and your buddies home and if it was to me kill that... Neco... please for the love of god calm down, he knows you are away but not here...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 25, 2015, 10:47:10 PM
( I have work sadly bye)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:48:01 PM
((Nukalic Energy? What's the difference?))
"Are you sure? There should be some guards, looking for me right now. "
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:48:14 PM

((To Fluffy))

*Nukallic energy is not power its raw plasma nuka that powers the future they don't use electricity no more :) *

Cache: Yea i am sure cyborg... My friends call me sky.. because they think i build the Skynet *Laughs and sits down to fix a panel*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 10:54:16 PM
"Alright, take care" Fluffy said, before walking further into the corridor.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 10:55:04 PM
Xander kicked a rock over the edge. One...Two...Three... The rock made a loud thud as it hit the ground which echoed through out the ravine and could probably be heard on a couple of the other islands. Well then...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 10:59:01 PM
((You can now hear what's going on behind the scenes when they are not on air))

Zion: we need to find that loose end and tie it Neco, he will... see things

Neco: That cyborg is not a problem, as long as we have viewers Merloon wan't kill me and i don't care about him... yet but i kinda knows where he is

Zion: in the Atmospheric generator?

Neco: Yes but that's a wide area, it's all around the Biosphere

Zion: Can i ask what it is?

Neco: grrrrrr.. yes if you insist, It's the engine that drives and makes the atmosphere inside the dome

Zion: Ehm that is bad if he does something..

Neco: Shut up and go upstairs and speak to the viewers and commentate the battle i will take care of this then...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:04:46 PM
Fluffy, walking further, looked for any important machinery and/or a console/terminal, still following the wires.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 11:06:46 PM
(We can hear that then right?"

Post Merge: July 25, 2015, 11:20:13 PM
Xander cocked his head and listened to what was being said. "The battle huh?" He suddenly raised his voice. "Hey fuckface! If you can hear me then what the hell does that commence the battle stuff mean huh?" He took a step away from the edge, just in case.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:20:37 PM
Fluffy, still walking, thought that completely cutting the wires above him might change something and he did so.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:22:47 PM
*Warning Power loss detected, activating backup generator awaiting continues commands*

((You activated Voice Operator, it's essentially the console of the entire system))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:25:00 PM
"Requesting superuser access"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:25:35 PM
*Access denied, password needed*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:27:02 PM
"Well shoots..."
"Abort. List all available commands. "
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 11:28:02 PM
Xander sighed and hanged his head. Guess I'm not getting my answer then. Maybe they can't hear me for some reason right now. Well, now what? This cliff looks too steep for me to even want to try and climb down. No matter how possible it may be.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:28:29 PM
*Listing Guest Commands*

-mv access

-mv change

-mv add

-mv remove

-enter passcode (Superuser access)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:29:41 PM
"help mv access"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:31:01 PM
*Available inputs*



-Door controls
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:35:22 PM
"help mv change"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:37:09 PM
*Available Inputs*



-anti aliasing

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 25, 2015, 11:40:27 PM
"Holy shit"
"mv change biome rainforest"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 25, 2015, 11:54:18 PM
*parometer exchange Z1234 Rain underscore Forest confirmed*

*An alarm triggered*


Inside the dome is now a Rainforest
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 25, 2015, 11:59:39 PM
Geoff had managed to cut down one tree before the change.

"W-What the hell?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 25, 2015, 11:59:45 PM
Xander yelled out in anger. "Sonofabitch! WHY!? AGAIN!? This is such bullshit." He groaned and slumped over a little. "I hate my life..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:02:16 AM
Zion: Hey we are back live from... a rain forest ehm... who did that Neco?

Neco: What the hell are you... ehmmm why is the Biosphere a rain forest?

Zion: Let's just move on...

Neco: *Exhales* Okay we are back with your all time favorite participants and me your favorite direwolf... let's see what happens..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:10:24 AM
Xander growled, he was becoming frustrated, his fists were clenched. I am gonna kill the next person I see...That isn't Geoff. Won't kill Geoff. But besides that the next person I see is **censor**.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:12:08 AM
AnviOS: Then kill me buddy *Smiles and offers Xander a hug* Hy! remember me big guy, i came to talk they don't know that i am here
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:17:34 AM
(italics is his thoughts by the way)

"Oh hey...I'm not gonna hug you." Xander folds his arms and sighs. "What do you want?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:19:35 AM
Geoff sighed and sat down, staring at his axe.

"I don't even get this... Is building a shelter even worth the effort?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:22:53 AM
AnviOS: I wan't you to rethink if you wanna die, Neco have a kill switch on everyone one of you and still you play with fire!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:25:26 AM
"I never said that I wanted to die though? I just feel like killing someone." Xander shrugged like that was no big deal. "Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:26:52 AM
AnviOS: Are you the good guy or the bad guy? and what is Neco... I am trying to get everyone out of here safely and i also want you to survive, pulling this stunt of yours are not gonna help!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:28:20 AM
Geoff walked closer to Xander and AnviOS.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:31:28 AM
Xander contained a little snigger. "Oh, really...That's so cute. Good guys and bad guys. No such thing as far as I'm concerned. So I'm neither, I'm the...neutral guy, if that suits your fancy."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:34:01 AM
AnviOS: Thanks everyone tells me that i am cute... buddy, there is i know and i promise, if you kill anyone you will become the bad guy no matter what and you will have to live with that, and just for the record i am The Advanced nano-Technological Virtual Intelligent Operating SYSTEM AND I AM NOT CUTE!! i am for real here, do you even know what you guys just did anyway?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:36:20 AM
Geoff blinked. "What did we do?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:37:32 AM
"I've...already killed people though. I'm pretty okay with it too." Xander just shrugged. "Wait what did I do? I just kicked a rock off a cliff. Can't be that big a deal."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:43:30 AM
AnviOS: Fluffy found a way into the back end of the Biosphere causing mayhem and i think that you have something to do with it
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:45:44 AM
"How?" Geoff asked, confused "I don't even know who that is."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:46:23 AM
Xander stares blankly at AnviOS for a couple seconds. "Who in the **censor** is Fluffy? And how did they do that? Oh and most importantly, the **censor** does that have to do with me?!"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:47:54 AM
AnviOS: Everything buddy, you see i called it, when they find Fluffy inside the Atmospheric Generator they will call off the game and kill you all... *Walks away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:49:55 AM
Xander scoffs and folds his arms. "That's such bullshit. I didn't even do anything. We don't even know who Fluffy i-" His eyes lit up. "Wait...What if we kill him?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:51:22 AM
AnviOS: Yeah you are crazy, good job... I thought you where nice and polite and wanted to get out of this mess but it seems that i messed up... sorry about... that
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:54:38 AM
"Well I don't see any other way of proving we didn't do it and stopping us from getting wrongly killed off for shit we didn't do jackass! if you've got a better idea let me hear it then!" Xander was gonna punch something, preferably something person shaped and that will react to pain.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:56:26 AM
AnviOS: Well i am Mittie not jackass and if you say that to me AGAIN I WILL RIP YOU APART UNDERSTAND! Now good luck with your crazy one man plan of killing Fluffy *Walks on*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:58:29 AM
Geoff frowned. "I've been minding my own business pretty much the entire time... I don't know how I even did anything..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 12:58:47 AM
Xander sighs and gently rubs his forehead. "Geoff! Make her tell us if it has a plan or not! I am at my wit's end!"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:00:47 AM
AnviOS: Awwh don't listen to him Geoff, she is a loose cannon... I do have a plan, and that is if you don't get rid of him i will make sure you die, and that is going to be painful.. understand White wolf!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 01:05:14 AM
"So what are we supposed to do? Nothing? Just wait around and let you do what you're planning?" Xander was calming down and was just becoming confused, he'd given himself a headache.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:07:29 AM
AnviOS: That not me to say... Just calm down, and stop swearing... it's bad for you.. breath *materializes away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 01:09:25 AM
Xander pouted for a while then mumbled to himself. "I can swear if I **censor** want to. Douche."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 01:14:14 AM
Geoff sighed and rubbed his head. "I'm really confused... What are we even supposed to do? I feel powerless..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 01:17:23 AM
Xander picked up an apple from his fruit basket and hurled it as hard as he can in an attempt to make it smash into the side of the nearest island. The apple splatted against a rock which the force of the impact dislodged, causing it to fall and slam into the ground below. "Ugh! That was so satisfying!"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 01:21:18 AM
"Jeez, what's your problem with apples?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 01:23:45 AM
"I'll have you know, I have discovered that they are an extremely effective source of stress relief and i am more than happy to take advantage of that fact."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 05:32:12 AM
((Slept only 5 hours ))

"mv change properties"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:30:33 AM
"Well... If you run out, stay away from mine," Geoff replied jokingly. He walked over to his basket and ate a few strawberries... then a few more. They were addicting.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:48:34 AM
((To Fluffy))

*Set property flag, awaiting flag*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 11:51:55 AM
((Is the whole Al vs. the furhack thing still going? Because if it's not, Al's going to go get Zarco to safety))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:52:38 AM
((It is))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:03:17 PM
((Well, it's your turn to respond Mittie. Go to reply #379))

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:03:45 PM
((I did respond))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:09:28 PM
((Oop. Sorry. Didn't read that xP))

*Al is knocked backwards from the force of the rotors hitting his arm blades but remains standing. He relaxes his arms and the blades go back in. He was breathing heavily but smirked at the furhack* Al: Indestructible maybe... but unbeatable...? I think not... YOU HEAR THAT NECO...! I BESTED YOUR MACHINE...! *After Al stopped yelling he was panting heavily but moved over to where Zarco was to make sure he wasn't dead* Come on magic man, don't die on me yet...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 12:11:48 PM
Zarco - *Zarco's pulse was slowing and he was bleeding heavily from being hit by the furhack*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:14:16 PM
"Abort. help mv change properties"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:17:44 PM
Al: Shit... Heavy wounds... External bleeding... Possible internal bleeding... Chance's of recovery are... 5-10% unless he seeks proper medical attention... Good enough for me... *Al took off his fighting kimono, wearing only his boxers now. He tore it apart, and wrapped the cloth around Zarco's wounds. He then lifted Zarco over his shoulder and began marching towards the house*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:18:55 PM
*Properties, change specific environmental settings inside the Biodome*

-cp (command)

((To Al))

AnviOS: Al? he needs to get his wounds cleaned up *tossed a bottle of cleaning alcohol* i know these things trust me *walks closer*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 12:19:46 PM
Zarco - *Zarco was warm to the touch, much warmer than expected considering the climate*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:22:44 PM
*Upon reaching the place he laid Zarco down inside against a wall* Al: He'll need food and water to compensate for nutrients lost with the blood. I saw a couple animals... Plus, the environment made a change, allowing for a possible river. I do always have my coconut too... I left that in my basket... shit. Well, best clean up his wounds... *Al unwrapped the kimono and rubbed the alchohol into his wounds, before covering them again*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 12:25:18 PM
Zarco - *Zarco's pickaxe axe was not far from his shelter, as well as an unstrung bow and a rabbit hide cut in a spiral shape*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:27:01 PM
"mv change properties cp
help mv add"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:27:31 PM
*Unknown command*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:29:20 PM
"help mv add"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:29:51 PM
*Add adjacent property*

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:31:01 PM
*Al went outside and went into the dense population of trees to look for food. He didn't end up finding any meat, but found a plethora of fruit and vegetables* Al: Avocados, Bananas more coconuts and some rice. Alright...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:32:33 PM
"This documentation is weird... Anyway..."
"mv change biome empty" ((or however you call the default empty VR grid))
Fluffy walked further through the corridor.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:32:45 PM
AnviOS: Zarco, while he is gone... forgive me *Mittie Materialized her self and Zarco into a small room with total white metallic walls and a laser hexagon door, Zarco was lied down on the bed*

Post Merge: July 26, 2015, 12:33:37 PM
*Warning the biometrics will be set to default are you sure you want to do that?*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:35:37 PM
Fluffy continued walking until he found another door
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:37:44 PM
*Al gathered as much as he could carry and headed back to the house* Al: This should be enough to make a soup for him. Good thing he also has the rabbit from earlier, otherwise we wouldn't have any meat. 
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:37:58 PM
*Warning Biometrics reset complete*



That means the dome is total empty and you can see the hexagon shaped tiles on the walls and a white metallic surface as floor and it's very bright
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:39:57 PM
*Al covered his eyes from the brightness of the now empty biosphere* Al: Ugh.... I hate bright lights... Least I still have my food though... Best get back to Zarco as soon as possible. *Al started running*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 12:41:58 PM
As there was nothing to obscure sight, the fallen panel can be seen far away.
Fluffy opened the door.

((Going to work soon))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 12:46:03 PM
Geoff shut his eyes at the brightness in the dome.

"Agh, What the hell just happened?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 12:46:12 PM
((Zarco is unconscious just so you know, I'll still be watching what's happening though))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 12:46:51 PM
*A armored guard met Fluffy with a loaded laser shotgun*

The Guard: Hand up!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 12:49:52 PM
*Al made it back to the house and put all the materials inside* Al: Guess this is my opportunity to thin out the competition... or maybe get some more allies... *Al headed outside and pulled out his gun, firing into the sky.*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 01:07:07 PM
((What happened to the commentators? :P))

Fluffy put his paws up and examined the guard, to know if he's resistant to electricity.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:08:51 PM
((They are dealing with you Fluffy XD))

The Guard: Zion i got the package, shall i bring him up? Okay Follow me Cyborg
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 01:11:25 PM
Fluffy slowly followed the guard, smiling.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:14:46 PM
*They went outside the Atmospheric Generator in a large hallways with futuristic stairs and carpet and thing just looked better, then they went up a staircase in the corner of a hallway and a sign there said "Main Control Room"*

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:21:05 PM
Zarco - *Slowly started to regain consciousness*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 01:21:42 PM
Before entering main control room, Fluffy pounced at the guard, both falling on the floor and was zapping him, long enough to make sure that he is dead, while examining his weapon.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:23:53 PM
((To Zarco))

*There is no one in the room, but i can send you a ref. of the room*

((To Fluffy))

The weapon is a 45.55 plasmetic shotgun with dual bullet spree
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 01:26:27 PM
Fluffy took his weapon and opened the door, staying behind cover next to it.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:27:30 PM
Zarco - *Zarco's eyes blinked open and he took a look around the room*
*zarco checked where his wound was to find that it was completely gone*
how.. long was I out for..?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 01:28:26 PM
((Going to work now))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:29:49 PM
((To Fluffy))

*He saw a big room, where they are supposed to control the Biosphere, there where no one in the room*

Ref. (Again :D )

((To zarco))

Announcer: You where asleep for. 9 hours... status.. healed, by doctor Mica Seccor
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:32:44 PM
Zarco - in.. 9 hours..?
*Zarco attempted to get up and found that he was free to stand up*
I.. wonder why they kept me alive..
they were trying to kill me out there
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:34:59 PM
*The door got up and a Direwolf came in, he looked generous and he smiled not saying a word, then a anthro mouse came in ((The same size as the Direwolf)) and she just stood there with a peace of paper and a phone*

Announcer: The game has been set on hold...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:37:44 PM
Zarco - *Stood up and looked at the door as the two walked in*
*he stood still and decided not to say anything but was on guard in case he was attacked*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:40:54 PM
The Direwolf: I am Neco, and this is Mica, you best know me surely, you have been set out from the game for the time being and put here...

Mica: Hi i am Mica the mouse that saved your life... anyway you are healthy now and if you need anything, call, there is a bell here
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 01:43:10 PM
((Ummm... Are all the participants in rooms? What happens to those still in the biosphere?))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:45:08 PM
((Fluffy and Zarco are behind the Biosphere and Al, Xander, Drago, Geoff are still inside the sphere, when the sphere restarts it will spawn a random biome, until then you are trapped in a blank room like described earlier))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:45:45 PM
Zarco - ah.. yeah I know your voice..
erhm.. thanks for saving me, but I thought it was a game of life or death..?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 01:47:50 PM
Neco: No it's a game of survival instincts, as long as you survive the longest you win... i made Al try to kill Xander and Geoff off... or at least i hoped... he got to go he is a real mean one.. then you got hurt by the Furhack that was send to kill Xander so i felt like helping you
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 01:49:54 PM
Zarco - Alright..
at first I thought everyone was after me but now it makes a bit more sense..

I appreciate the help.. is there anything you want in return?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 01:50:41 PM
*Al began walking. The biosphere was fairly large so, the chances of him running into someone was relatively low. Al was also examining his surroundings* Al: Well, looks like I haven't got cover. Best take out my enemies as fast as possible. I've been training to take on multiple combatants, but my eye just can't handle it yet... Let's just, get to work. Someone's going to need to die eventually... *Al is slowly headed in the direction of Geoff and Xander again*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 02:13:16 PM
Xander had fallen asleep, the hunk of iron still in his possession resting on his chest. He woke up and slowly sat up. He picked up the hunk of iron and looked around for Geoff. "Geoff! Where are you!?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 02:14:21 PM
Fluffy entered the control room and used one of the comms, making sure he was heard by others.
"Everyone stay put. I'm preparing your escape. DO NOT FIGHT! "
He then walked up to one of consoles that was left online.


As there was nothing to obscure sight, the fallen panel can be seen far away.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 02:15:24 PM
Geoff wasn't too far away. He walked over to Xander.

"I'm here. What's up?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 02:17:49 PM
Xander held out his hunk of iron to Geoff. "Makes this into a weapon please? I'll be like super grateful. I may even spare the next apple I want to smash if you ask me to."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 02:39:59 PM
*Al heard fluffy but chose to ignore him* Al: Money is more valuable than blood.... I need to thin out my competition... They won't know I want to kill them until I do... and when I do... They won't have enough time to react *Al began to make out Xander and Geoff in the distance*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 02:43:58 PM
"Sure... What kind of weapon?" Geoff asked.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 02:46:04 PM
Xander shrugs. "Anything. Just make a thing that hurts when it hits someone. I don't care what, just do it."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 02:48:19 PM
*Al was slowly getting closer to Xander and Geoff. He was clearly visible by them now* Al: No where to run... No where to hide... Just got to use my wit... my skills... and my eye... Let's see... from what I can tell... one looks fairly larger than the other... I'm going to take a guess and say that's fat... this'll work well for me...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 02:49:45 PM
((And muscle. :P ))

"Okay, well..."

He looked around their surroundings.

"Not sure if I--someone's over there..." he pointed the figure out in the distance.

"I-I... uh, here."

Geoff handed Xander the axe. "Use that for now. I have magic, so..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 02:50:51 PM
Fluffy seen that people are getting closer.

((Still waiting for Mittz))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 02:52:05 PM
Xander took the axe and glanced over in the figure's direction. "I give you about five seconds to turn around and **censor** off! If you do you get an apple, how about that?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 02:54:35 PM
((To Fluffy))

>Panel Locked by Operator
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 02:56:49 PM
>unlock admin admin
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 02:58:15 PM
*Al continued walking towards them* Al: He doesn't know I have a ranged weapon as apposed to his axe. This just keeps getting easier. Unless he throws his axe. But, this should be a good distance to dodge from... I'll slow down my pace *Al begins walking slower, putting his left hand behind his back.*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 03:00:53 PM
Oh yeah...

Geoff drew his plasma revolver and aimed it at the person.

"Who are you and what do you want?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 03:02:06 PM
Xander cocked his head and looked to Geoff. "The gun, Geoff, the gun, you know how to use it right?" He stood up and stretched. **censor** me, I only just woke up and I have the sneaking suspicion that menacing man doesn't mean well. He twirled the axe in his hand. "If I die, I blame you."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 03:03:27 PM
"If it's like a normal revolver..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 03:09:03 PM
*Al stopped in his track the minute he saw the gun* Al: Shit... The do have ranged weaponry. A gun. Judging by the shape of the barrel, some sort of revolver. He probably has a full 9 shots considering how they have me a full clip as well. Ok, let's think this one out. You have no where to hide, so it's best not to waste time trying to escape once you get into this mess. The one with the gun is dangerous, but once he uses his ammo, he'll be easy pickings. Just need to hope he's already used a few shots. As for the fitter looking one, he'll be a problem. Not many people go with an axe, less they know how to use it. Hand-to-hand combat is my speciality, but I have two people to worry about. Maybe I can intimidate them a bit first...

*Al pulled out his auto-pistol, how with a half size clip* Don't shoot... Maybe we can cooperate...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 03:13:06 PM
Xander scowled and shook his head, glancing at Geoff. "I don't really want to do that. Your call. But you'll have to do the talking just know that." He stopped twirling the axe and held it firmly in his grip. Okay, let's see here, on a scale of one to **censor**, how **censor** are we? I'd say...a five...maybe a six. We're pretty **censor**. Maybe
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 03:16:19 PM
Geoff lowered his gun somewhat, not entirely trusting of this person.

"I'm willing to, as long as you do."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 03:19:37 PM
*Al lowered his gun as well, and continued walking towards them. Al's left eye was pitch black and kept swapping between Xander and Geoff, while Al's brown, right eye was locked onto Geoff's gun* Al: Talking isn't really... my speciality... after I had my tongue cut out... anyway... As far as I can tell... there are 5 contestants... maybe 4 if one died due to the changing weather... We can reduce that number to 3... if, you cooperate with me...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 03:28:19 PM
Xander glared at the stranger. "Erm...As in you want us to help you kill someone? Why should we and what would stop you from killing us then?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 03:31:48 PM
*Al shrugged still keeping his left hand on his gun* Al: Why should you...? Because... this game doesn't end until there is one person left... as for what would stop me... A partnership would prolong the duration of your lives... but once that runs out... I'd have to say whatever the GM throws in my way... *Al swapped the gun to his right, seeing as how Geoff was currently on his right side*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 03:36:38 PM
via comm "I'm trying to get you out. DON'T! FIGHT!"
((I assumed that Fluffy can hear everything inside control room ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 03:41:01 PM
Geoff's eyes narrowed. He holstered his revolver.

"Alright. I guess we have no choice but to kill at this point, so..."

I still don't trust this guy, but I have other ways to defend if he makes a sudden move on us.

((Happened before Fluffy's thing btw))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 03:44:59 PM
Fluffy looked around for a fire alarm button.
((I need to pause until Mittz is back))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 03:47:08 PM
"Shut up mysterious voice that isn't the ones we usually hear! We're trying to have a conversation and stuff!" Xander still held the axe in his hand firmly, not wanting to drop his guard just yet.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 04:02:50 PM
*Al lowered his gun completely, but still had it by his side* Al: Suckers. Alright... what resources do you guys currently have...?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 04:09:57 PM
"The apples and strawberries... sugar... coconut... that's about it now."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 04:13:53 PM
((To Fluffy))

>Unknown Command

*You can't hear them Fluff :3 *

((To Xander and Geoff and Al))

Computer Announcer: Restart Complete selecting Random Biome


Grassy Hills

((To Zarco))

Neco: Just sleep a bit you need it *Leaves the room along with Mica*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 04:15:37 PM
*Al frowned* Al: Only the bare supplies? Did they not go looking for anything more? *Al sighed and took a seat* Could you spare an apple... maybe some strawberries... I haven't eaten in a while... *Notices the environment changing* Well... back to this shit again...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 04:27:50 PM
"Waypoint saved." Fluffy walked out of the control room, into main corridor and looked around.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 04:29:00 PM
Zarco - alright, cya later...

*Zarco sat down on the bed to regain his mana*
Maybe everyone wasn't out to kill me.. but he had a gun and blades.. where did he get those..?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 04:34:11 PM
Geoff's basket began to tip as a hill rose. Geoff caught it in time and held it out to Al so he could choose.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 04:36:16 PM
((To Fluffy))

*A Anthro otter passed Fluffy and got in the control room, looking at the panel*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 04:37:27 PM
Fluffy walked up to the otter, holding his gun in his paw.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 04:38:58 PM
Zion: I have very little time, if Neco finds me i am not only fired but dead... i can't be in here but heck i am just a TV host and this is getting too real... ah mate put your gun down.. y.. you want need it
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 04:41:09 PM
Fluffy recognised his voice.
"Can you teleport others, like you do with items?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 04:42:06 PM
Zarco - *decided to examine the equipment in the room*

<thinking> I need a strategy to defeat everyone.. if it's a game of life or death I need to survive..
That guy I was fighting can't have been a survivor.. not with that gun..

Anyone with a gun is a hostile as far as I'm concerned.. I'll need to put all my survival expertise to good use here
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 04:43:03 PM
Zion: It's called materialization and yes i did it with Zarco and Al, Al twice... but it's resource consuming and right now we have not enough power to do so... also Neco is friends with Merloon.. MERLOON MAN, if he want someone dead they are dead, no excuses... Nice shotgun mate
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 26, 2015, 04:45:58 PM
*Al picked an apple and began eating it* Al: I like these guys... They're a lot more cooperative than the other. I'll stick with them for now... May come in handy. My name... is Al.... Al El-Kina... Famous Assassin/Bounty Hunter... My alias is "The Bloody"... For the time being... I am at your service....

((I've got to go to bed. If Geoff/Xander is going to move, just assume Al is moving with them))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 04:52:55 PM
Geoff nodded. "Huh. I'm Geoffrey Noah. Also a bounty hunter... N-not famous, though."

By the look of this guy, he must be from a later time than I am.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 04:54:29 PM
Xander had been silent for the rest of the conversation. He had decided to let Geoff do the talking. Great, I have somehow been roped into co-operating with not just Geoff, but this guy as well. Fantastic. "Well, that's nice to hear...I guess...Xander, by the way. No one important."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 04:54:39 PM
Zion: T.. This is Zion speaking... to all the viewers at home and to the Part... Participants... sorry Neco but i can't be a part of this anymore... i don't want to let anyone die and i i... sorry i have to go...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 04:57:16 PM
Zarco - *clenched his paws into fists*
Looks like the fight may be off.. but I still have plenty of power in reserve..
If I find that guy again.. I'll show him my true power!

*Zarco pulsed red and had to calm himself from igniting and destroying the lab*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:00:41 PM
((to Zarco))

The door opens and the Mouse Doctor came in the room, shy and slowly

Mica: Hi... ehm buddy, i might have to tell you that, when you where out we made an Autopsy on you, just wanted to let you know
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:02:35 PM
Zarco - huh..? Oh, that's fine..
Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you..

Did you learn anything in the autopsy?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:05:09 PM
Mica: I was forced to install a thermal nuclear device who will blow you up from the inside if you misbehave, it's in your gut right beside your stomach, that way if you try to take it out you have a high chance of cutting open your stomach, witch will kill you anyways... Please don't hurt me *Puts her phone up to her face*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:07:36 PM
Zarco - damn..
*Zarco looked at the ground*
Its not your fault.. I have no reason to kill someone following orders..

*Zarco sighed and Sat on the bed with his head in his paws*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:09:28 PM
Mica: This guy Neco he is a real mean one... *Smiles*

Neco: Oh that i am *entering the room* What a wonderful surprise *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:11:03 PM
Zarco - state your business..
*his eyes turned red and he stared at neco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:15:03 PM
Neco: My business, sure *Took a gun and quickly shot Mica in the head*

Mica: ARGHH! *Collapsed*

Neco: Traitor... it seems
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:17:10 PM
Zarco - *burst into flames*
*he charged directly at neco, his flames were blue*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:18:56 PM
Neco: *stood casually and pulled a button in his hand* Shall i kill you, or not...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:20:57 PM
Zarco - that will kill you..
*Zarco grinned*
you have NO idea who you're dealing with fool..
*Zarco's flames grew and were getting hotter by the second as he approached neco*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:38:08 PM
Neco: No because i am not really here *The door closed and locked and Neco materialized away*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:40:01 PM
Zarco - What the?!
*Powered down and looked down at Mica*
You didn't deserve this..
I'll have vengeance for you.. unless I can save you now..

*Zarco started to channel healing magics into him in the hopes of reviving him*

<Thinking> How does something thats not there shoot..? Grrr..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:42:27 PM

Mica: Stop it i am not dead! He missed me because he is an idiot and have never shot a gun before, also i am good at playing dead i used to play a lot of Police and Teorist with my best friend... *Laughs*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:43:43 PM
Zarco - Aaah!
*Zarco jumped back*

*Zarco looked a little bit drained from the mana usage*
sorry.. about that..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 05:58:44 PM
Mica: You don't fool me Zarco... *Got up*

((I made a OOC thread for the RP please join it here ( also its here you find the full reference about what the Biosphere building is supposed to look like :) please watch it :P))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 05:59:36 PM
Zarco - huh..? fool you?
*Zarco looked quite confused*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 06:15:19 PM
Mica: It's a saying, what shall i say, i am born in 3232 *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 06:16:50 PM
Zarco - alright.. I'm from 2015.. but you probably know that..

Is there anything I can do to help you?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 06:17:41 PM
Mica: yeah... keep close *Exits the door out to the hospital*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 06:25:45 PM
Zarco - alright.. I'll be able to provide any help with magic.. but I'm feeling a bit drained right now
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 07:48:50 PM
Mica: don't worry Zarc...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 07:50:48 PM
Zarco - *Nodded and stayed close to Mica*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 07:56:27 PM
Mica: Welcome to Protac Hardware Testing Facility, we test our newest things and film the yearly Live or Die in our Amazing Biosphere here, it was also used to test out AnviOS when it first came out...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 07:58:09 PM
Zarco - huh.. looks pretty cool in here.. also, AnviOS?
I don't have a clue as to what that is sorry..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:02:42 PM
Mica: AnviOS? she is the worlds greatest invention, Its the Artificial Intelligent Computer System that controls everything here in the future, From street light to home computers yes to the entire Internet, AnviOS is a Supercomputer run by an Android, named Mittie, she is areal cute one *Smiles* AnviOS is for Advanced Nano-technological Virtual Intelligent Operating System
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:03:59 PM
Zarco - She..?
as in.. she's a machine of sorts?

well.. I shouldn't be that surprised considering that I'm in the future..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:05:21 PM
AnviOS: *Came in the room by the open door* Yeah she, as in a little cute feral Arctic Fox who just want everyone to survive, oh yeah... me
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:06:15 PM
Zarco - I see what you mean..
wait.. you look like a real fur..
I'm impressed!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:09:43 PM
AnviOS: I also eat and sleep and using the toilet and all of that just like i normal fur, now i am a tricky one they said, #WhatDidISayMica

Mica: What?

AnviOS: I said he will become evil, just like he did, anyways, Zarco Night Hy, Impressed?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:13:30 PM
Zarco - Yeah.. you could say that..
*Zarco sat down and looked over Mittie to see if he could find any indications if she was a machine or just a normal fur*

Erhm.. so how are you feeling?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:14:17 PM
Mittie: Good excellent actually and i am pleased to meet you *Smiles*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:15:47 PM
Zarco - agreed, its nice to meet you!
erhm.. are you on Neco's side out of interest..?
he just tried to kill Mica..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:18:23 PM
AnviOS: I am on your side, but i am forced to be on his, he will do terrible things of i disagree
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:20:12 PM
Zarco - Alright.. If there's anything I can do to help you out, I'll try my best..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:29:14 PM
Mittie: Argh no there is not at the moment, the other Participants are so mean to me, understandable... *hands Zarco my left paw*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 08:43:37 PM
to Zion: "So what do we do now?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 08:55:56 PM

Zion: I don't know, but i have an strange idea, play the game, win it and then see what will happen
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 08:56:48 PM
Zarco - *gently shook Mittie's paw*
I'm surprised by that.. they seem like a mean bunch..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 08:57:55 PM
Fluffy smashed the consoles in middle of Zion's sentence.
"Are you stupid?... ... Does this have self-destruction mechanism?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 09:05:15 PM
((Geoff's not mean. :C ))

Geoff munched on some strawberries.

"It's been pretty quiet... thankfully."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 09:15:12 PM

No i am not stupid, listen either you can try to kill us all get the entire army of this time and the police and the Private militia of Machachi on your neck and all your friends down there might die and you might die, or you can win the game and Neco will send you and the remaining survivors home, Neco is mean but he will hold the games rules to the end, and no This does not have a self destruct mechanism, this is not a cartoon this is REAL LIFE!


Yeah, Xander called me stupid and senseless is what i recall, anywho go back to your friends, you might have to kill them, if you win you will be send home
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 09:16:27 PM
Zarco - Awwh.. you sound like you need a hug..

I do plan on winning the games.. however I can't really compete with the weapons they somehow got..

*Zarco offered a hug to mittie*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 09:24:29 PM
Xander chewed on one of his two remaining apples, nodding as he did. "Mhmm." He didn't feel like doing much in the way of small talk right now, he just sat there, eating his apple.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 09:36:33 PM
"This is **censor** up... I never asked for this ( Why would you take random people out of street to fight for their lifes? Isn't that illegal?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 26, 2015, 10:05:23 PM
Drago was now lost... " i think i remember that tree, but I'm not sure...." drago states confused, " ... hmmm"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 10:14:59 PM
((To zarco))

Mittie: *Hugs Zarco* Strange feral hug... anyways, keep it up ill send you back *Materialized Zarco back into the Biosphere*

((To Fluffy))

Zion: No it's perfectly legal, Protac controls the rules now, and they earn money on this, they would kill for money literally, now win the game ill send you Back *presses a button and Fluffy was Materialized back into the Biosphere*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 26, 2015, 10:16:23 PM
Zarco - Alright.. I know what I'm up against now.. I'll prepare myself as long as I get some time to myself..
for now I should rest up..

*Zarco ate an apple that he had in his shelter and fell asleep for the night*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 10:18:22 PM
((BTW have you all seen the OOC thread i made for the RP yes we are real now :D Click here! (

Also i suggest that you all join it, all the OOC conversations will be in there from now on Not here :) ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:19:51 PM
Geoff was honestly getting a little bored. He snacked on an apple.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:22:31 PM
Xander cocked his head. "So Geoff...What do you do? Or what did you do I guess...Anything important?" He took another bite from his apple. "Man this is the most strangely relaxing death-match ever..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 10:25:41 PM
Zion: So the Match has become kinda relaxing i guess

Neco: nothing else to do then wait...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:27:18 PM
Uh... Well, I catch criminal mages," Geoff replied, "But I'm a cartoonist in my spare time."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 26, 2015, 10:28:08 PM
"A future, where corporations control the government... I saw this somewhere."
"huh? NO WAI-"

Fluffy was back at the starting point.
"FAN-**censor**-TASTIC. All of this work to be later send back... At least I still have this shotgun and my grappling hook."

WLAN: Signal lost.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:30:52 PM
"So you arrest wizards...and draw cartoons? That's a...different mix of professions, that's for sure." Xander tossed the core of his apple to the side. "Pretty neat though."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:35:20 PM
"Well, the former is a somewhat new job," Geoff said. "I've only been in it for like, a year and a half or so."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:38:06 PM
"Does a year and a half really count as new?" Xander flopped onto his back and stared up at the artificial sky. "Sounds fun. Exciting even. So I'm guessing you've got tricks to stop magic people then?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:43:40 PM

Geoff continued snacking on the strawberries. "Would I be crazy... if I said I want something to attack us now?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:46:06 PM
Xander propped himself up on his elbows and arched an eyebrow at Geoff. "Yes. Yes you would be literally insane. But I think I share your insanity, I'm extremely bored right now."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 10:46:59 PM
Announcer: Warning power unit low, current condition 10%

Zion: Okay viewers, it seems like we have an over-powered issue, back after the advertisement
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:48:38 PM
"That sound bad to you? Cuz that sounds bad to me. That sounds like potential death and stuff."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:50:06 PM
"What do you think will happen?" Geoff asked.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 10:51:47 PM
Xander shrugged. "Maybe something important that helps us stay alive might stop working. Heck if I know. Do I look like the kind of guy who knows how this thing works?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 10:58:56 PM
"Of course not... But yeah, I think you're right..."

I don't think there's anything we can do to stop it, Geoff thought grimly, We're going to die. And to everyone we left behind, we literally popped out of existence...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:02:23 PM
Xander flopped onto his back again and chuckled. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not...Man this is so **censor** isn't it? I mean, I was thinking I could just kill you but for some reason you're still here and I'm still lazing around doing nothing." He paused for a moment. "Got anything worth going back for?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:04:59 PM
Zion: Okay Problem solved

Neco: Welcome back,

Zion: So what has happened so far, nothing we will see

Announcer: Power levels at 90%
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:05:22 PM
Geoff pretended he didn't hear that 'kill you' bit.

"My kids and my friends," he replied. "That's about it."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:09:08 PM
Xander sighed and stayed quiet for a moment. "That's lucky. I don't have kids, and to be honest I probably never will. As for friends...well they won't miss me too much." Well that power thing was short lived...I wonder how  much simply being here has **censor** with my with paradoxes and stuff...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:21:03 PM
"I wonder how goofed up our timelines will be if we survive... like... do you think we'll even remember this?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:23:42 PM
"Hmm? No idea. I'd like to think there's a chance that whoever survives and kills the rest of us off will remember. I don't believe in this plan to get us all out, sounds too much like an unlikely happy ending to a shitty situation." Xander paused for a second. "Should I have not said that?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:27:50 PM
Geoff shrugged.

"I dunno... well.. wait, we get a prize from this, right? Whatever money they have here... but, if we get returned back to our time, what good would that do? It would be worthless, wouldn't it? Unless we're actually stuck here in this time now, then..."

He huffed and shook his head. "I don't want that. I want to go back home. Who knows what's happening now that I'm gone..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:31:17 PM
"Well it doesn't matter. You win and get sent back in time to before you were taken away. No matter what happens whilst you were here it doesn't matter right?" Xander looked as if he was about to ask a question but he kept quiet.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:34:00 PM
"I suppose... were you gonna continue with something?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:35:13 PM
Mittie: Xander, Geoff, all those questions have an answer and i got them, what ever that will make you keep fighting for your lives... Hi we have met, The AnviOS my real name is still Mittie *Walked closer*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:37:31 PM
Xander pondered how to word what was on his mind. "Do you...Have what it takes to win this if whatever this plan is doesn't work? Are you ready to kill everyone in here so you can go home?" He turned to Mittie. "Oh...Hey there."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:40:12 PM
Mittie, well you don't have to do that in the arena, there is a clock counting down, whoever is alive when the clock runs out wins, if you are all alive or something, then you will all be executed in the arena, and yes if you have the currency dollar the you will win 50 million dollars or 50 million pounds or whatever so yes it will be worth something, and when you go back to 2015 it would have taken the time that you where here so good luck explaining that... anything else?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:40:30 PM
Geoff stared at the ground for a moment, then looked up as Mittie approached.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:43:15 PM
"I have a question...if we are all alive then we all get executed, what do we do to stop that?" Xander looked puzzled.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:44:12 PM
Mittie: Make sure only one of you is alive or the game will be a draw and you will all die...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:46:37 PM
Geoff sighed. "Well... I really don't want to, but if it's what I need to do, I will try..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:47:28 PM
"Sooo...we have to kill still?" Xander glanced at Geoff. Oh, piss... "Well then..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:47:40 PM
Mittie: You guys have teamed up but eventually you will face each other, look out
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:49:44 PM
"W-what happened to trying to stop it?" Geoff asked.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:53:51 PM
Mittie: Not possible, just play the game or be killed by the GM as simple as that
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:54:52 PM
"Told you it wouldn't work out." Xander was trying his best to act calm on the surface. I really don't want to kill this guy, I should, I kinda have to. It's nothing personal. It's just good old pragmatism, I have a goal, he is in the way...Fuuuuck...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 26, 2015, 11:55:52 PM
*Mittie was just disappeared*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 26, 2015, 11:56:51 PM
Geoff frowned, starting to grow angry.
"No, that's not true," he said to Mittie, "There's a way to stop it, and you know--"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 26, 2015, 11:59:04 PM
Xander stared at Geoff for a second and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "So...erm...are we still good? Or do you want to like...gimme a head start if we aren't?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 12:02:20 AM
Geoff shook his head. "I'm gonna try avoiding killing as long as possible. There's no way this show can't be stopped. And Mittie should be able to do it. Something must have happened to her..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 12:07:38 AM
Xander nods. "Well I won't make the same promise. However...You're good for now. I'm not gonna stab you in the back just because the circumstances are unsure at the moment. Not till there's little choice left."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:45:16 AM
*Al, who had been silent, but listening finally spoke* Al: You'd do well to keep Geoff alive... There is a magic user... A powerful one... We need all the help we can get if we want to take it down... Had I have all my original weaponry... The story would be different... But once that Mage comes in.... We need to find him... And kill him... I prolonged his life earlier... And it was probably saved by the GM... In retrospect... I should've just killed him...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 02:50:12 AM
"Wait... why would the GM save him?" Geoff asked, "I thought the point of all this was to have us die."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:53:31 AM
Al: Neco.... Neco is a smart man.... Manipulative... Able to play with his words well... It's probably for some strategic move he has planned... That will later result is us dying... As a team though... We'll last longer than he expects.... But I must warn you in advance... Once the Mage drops dead... You'd best watch your back... You might find there's a knife in it...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 02:57:12 AM
Geoff nodded. "I understand."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:04:50 AM
Al: I will give you a proper burial... I'd normally never betray those I work alongside... But I need to make an acception in this case... *Al looks Geoff dead in the eye, his previously black left one, now metallic blue* I must ask... Do you love your family... More than anything in the world...?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:09:55 AM
"Yes," Geoff replied.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:13:36 AM
Al: Then do well to stay alive... If you truly love your family... And value them more than anything else... You will kill in order to see them again... I cannot feel remorse and thus I cannot understand... What it's like to feel 'bad' for killing... But I do understand one thing... You've gotta do... What you've gotta do...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:14:09 AM
Xander looked legitimately shocked when Al started to speak and just stayed quiet for a while. How did I even forget this guy was here!? He finally decided to speak up with what was probably a stupid question. "So...still working together then?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:37:14 AM
*Al rolled his eyes* Al: That... Is a stupid question... But to answer it... Yes... Unless one of you would like to fight...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 06:03:06 AM
Zarco - *Awoke*
Okay.. time to get to work.. I'm going to assume that nobody knows that I was healed..

*Zarco walked out of his shelter and took the chunk of gold he made earlier and crafted it into a knife*

This plan has zero flaws.. I just need some time
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 06:17:25 AM
Fluffy felt that Zion lied and just wanted to get rid of him.
He began walking to where was the panel he broke.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 06:23:25 AM
Zarco - *finished crafting and sharpening the knife and continued to work on his pine bow*
Now to finish this, then make some arrows..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 06:27:18 AM
((him walking to the edge of the dome is going to take a while))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 06:34:00 AM
((Mittie told me to tell people to use the ooc chatt for ooc stuff, you could just describe your surroundings on the way or something))

Zarco - okay.. now attach the rabbit skin to the bow.. beautiful..
Ahh.. reminds me of my life at home..

Time to make some arrows..
*Zarco started to chop his logs into small pine planks in the size of arrow shafts*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 06:39:42 AM
Fluffy began feeling thirsty.

WLAN: Looking for 802.11 protocol, revealed wireless networks...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 06:43:04 AM
Zarco - *started to fletch the blocks into arrows, it was as if he had done this many times before*
After this.. I'll need some arrow heads and some feathers.. easy!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 07:01:23 AM
Fluffy continued walking, but slightly slower, looking for any water.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 07:09:09 AM
Zarco - *looked up and heard chirping from a tree*
*he spotted a bird on one of the branches*

Okay.. you're mine..
*he fired an attraction beam at the bird which brought it to him*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 07:15:57 AM
*Al stood up* Al: We need... to move... The more time we give our enemies to prepare... the less time we have to catch them off guard... A sneak attack is always more successful... than just running in...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 07:23:21 AM
Zarco - *killed and skinned the bird*
*he set the feathers down to use later and put the bird meat away for eating later*

Okay.. next up.. get some arrow heads.. I'll make some stone ones like before..

In fact.. ill make a small drinking cup from a log first..
*he started to work away at carving a cup from a log*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 12:00:08 PM
Geoff stood up as well and sighed. He didn't want to do this, but in a bizarre and disgusting way, this killing is for self-defense. He was familiar with killing in self-defense. Sometimes it was necessary during missions...
This is only self-defense...

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 12:03:42 PM
Zarco - *heard a hissing sound from behind himself*
*He turned around to find that there was a cobra looking at him*
sh.. wait..
*he looked at his cup and came up with a plan*

*he fired an energy bolt at the snakes body, aiming to kill it quickly*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 12:27:44 PM
Xander nodded and stood up, grabbing the axe Geoff had given him. "Alright, better to get it over with I guess." I need a plan for getting away from this guy once this whole thing is done. He's probably planning to run his straight through the moment it's over.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 12:28:36 PM
Zarco - *approached the snake and grabbed its head from the back to ensure he wasn’t bitten*
*He placed the fangs over his cup and managed to take some venom from the snake*
This is good for the arrows..

*he made sure the snake was completely dead by hitting it with the axe side of his pickaxe axe*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 12:35:46 PM
*Al began heading in a random direction, towards Zarco* Al: Keep your guard up... Never know when we could be ambushed... or when the enemy might have something up their sleeves...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 12:37:05 PM
Zarco - Okay.. looks like nearly everything is in place.. I just need some arrow heads which can be made by splitting some rocks with my pickaxe axe..
*He started to chip away at the rock he found the gold ore in to create some arrow heads*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 01:04:11 PM
Xander twirled the axe in his hand as he walked, following behind Al. "Aye aye, cap'n." He didn't seem as on edge as Al but really he felt uncertain. Can this guy be trusted? Who are we even about to try and **censor** up?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 01:04:49 PM
Zarco - *Zarco attached the make shift arrow heads and feathers (from the bird he killed) to the arrow shafts using some long grass which was spun to make it stronger*
*he decided to use the snake’s skin along with some spare wood to make a make shift quiver to hold the arrows*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 01:06:44 PM
Fluffy was getting close to the place where the fallen panel was.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 01:07:27 PM
Zarco - *dipped the now finished arrows into the venom he collected and placed them into his quiver, he also decided to inject the bird meat from earlier with venom from the cobra so that it was undetectable*
thats a good trap that nobody will guess I’ve tampered with.. If I can’t detect it, nobody will..
okay.. now to set the last few things up..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 27, 2015, 01:19:54 PM
((To Fluffy))
It was now repaired and the entire wall was protected by a laser force field

((To All))

Zion: Good Morning everyone, and good day to you all

Neco: Is someone going to die today, Hopefully one of you are at least

Zion: what does that mean?

Neco: That i will kill off a random Participant if no one is dead by the end of today

Zion: What why?

Neco: Because the game must be fun to watch, trust me!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 01:25:11 PM
Zarco -  *Zarco closed the door to the shelter and left the pickaxe axe leaning against the shelter to make it look like he was still asleep*
*he also made sure that the bird meat and some of his food supplies were just about visible on top of the shelter, as if he was trying to hide them*

*He grabbed a plank of wood and carved a small to do list into it:
- wake up
- find water / more food
- make weapons
- prepare to attack opponents*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 01:26:00 PM
Fluffy looked at the, now his, plasma shotgun.
"Nononono. Stop! You are not going to kill anyone innocent!

WLAN: Looking for 802.11 protocol, revealed wireless networks...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 01:32:20 PM
Geoff shivered as he heard the announcer's words.

"We have no choice..." he muttered to himself. He nodded.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 01:33:35 PM
Zarco - *Zarco climbed up a tree and took position with his bow, making sure that he couldn’t be seen from the ground*
<thinking> I should be completely covered up up here and I’ve got a perfect view of the shelter.. lets see what happens..
*Zarco stayed perfectly still, waiting for anyone who ventured close to his shelter*

<thinking> if that guy with the gun comes back.. he's dead..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 01:38:50 PM
"welp. we better make sure this guy dies then, or that one of us does if we mess this up." Xander shrugged. That's pretty shitty of them, as if they weren't being huge jerks already.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 01:44:13 PM
*Al continued walking. They were still quite a distance from Zarco* Al: Hmmm... My guess is that he'd kill Xander... or you Geoff... He wouldn't kill off me, the magician or that... fluffy... Unless... he's got a grudge against anyone of us... I'm probably going to be the one to be killed... I should stay on my guard... never know when he could be around... *Al's left eye turned black again as he walked, and it began spastically jolting around the place looking for anything, or anyone*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:04:06 PM
Zarco - *quickly checked how many arrows were in his quiver*
<thinking> okay.. 12 arrows.. I better make them count..
*he took one out and held it against the bow, so he was ready to take a shot if needs be*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 02:05:51 PM
Geoff mentally and emotionally prepared himself for battle as they walked toward Zarco's location.
Kill or be killed, hopefully the former. I'll very likely be the random killed if we don't do this. And once this supposed mage is dead--that canine I saw early on, I believe--I have to figure out what to do immediately afterward...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:11:47 PM
*Al stopped dead in his position and picked up a small pebble he saw nearby* Al: I forgot, this guy is probably paranoid. On edge. If he's got something prepped for me., like a projectile, a sound will make him think I'm around... He'll shoot and miss... *After Al picked up the pebble he began walking, occasionally throwing the pebble forward against a tree* Al: Guys... be prepared for anything... This guy had an axe ready when I was there... I give it he has something else now... He can also fire projectiles, so don't think that distance can save you...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:13:22 PM
Zarco - *Heard them coming and prepared himself*
<thinking> I'll only shoot when I've got a good shot.. I don't want to give my position away..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:17:23 PM
*Al realised that he may be walking in the wrong direction and sighed* Al: Guess one more pebble throw couldn't hurt. Best make this one a good one. *Al threw the pebble into the air before doing a mid-air round house kick and sending it speeding into a tree. It was about three trees in front of Zarco and the tree shook a lot, letting free any birds*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:18:46 PM
Zarco - *Looked over at the tree*
<thinking> I'm not sure they know if I'm here or not.. but I'd rather stay here than give my position completely away
*he stayed perfectly still*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 02:19:36 PM
Xander stopped twirling the axe in his hand and gripped the handle firmly. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Alright..." He scanned the ground with his eyes, trying to make sure he doesn't accidentally step on a trap or anything that might give their position away.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:23:21 PM
*Al's voice could be heard from Zarco's position* Al: I take it... We've been walking the wrong way... We'll move in another direction... and camp after we clear from this one... *Al looked around one final time. He took a few steps forward so he was visible, and his eye seemed to focus on the tree Zarco was in. But, it didn't look like he knew Zarco was there yet*.... The leaves look a bit off there. but he couldn't be hiding in a tree. It would be difficult to launch a perfectly accurate shot from the tree line. Must just be me...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:25:43 PM
Zarco - *Noticed Alka through the leafs on the tree*
<thinking> he's looking at me.. how on freaking earth can he see me here?! I'm completely camouflaged!
*He took aim at the side of his neck and held the shot, making sure that he didn't disturb the leafs around the tree*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:27:41 PM
*Al shook his head and frowned, before picking his pebble up and walking back out of vision* Al: Yep... He can't be around here... Unless he's camouflaged into the trees or something... If I don't end up dying tonight... I'll be sure to search them tomorrow...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:29:13 PM
Zarco - <thinking> Really...? You can't see my shelter thats directly infront of you with my picka.. wait.. you're trying to fool me..
*Zarco stayed ready to shoot*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 02:31:02 PM
Xander cocked his head. "Well we can't exactly give up looking just yet. Unless we want one of us to randomly die for no reason. Not exactly desirable. Someone has to die."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:34:48 PM
((You were that close to your hut? o.o))

*Al turned back to the hut* Al: Obviously got traps on or in it. It's small and dispensable, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't mind getting rid of it. Too obvious of a place to hide for someone so seemed to be hostile to someone walking towards him with his hands up/someone trying to verbally reason with him. Yeah, he's hiding elsewhere. *Al didn't seem to notice much about the hut. Including Zarco's prepping. To him, it just looked like a normal hut.* Unless you're going to volunteer... to go forward into an area possibly littered with traps... and check every tree around it... you don't have another option... unless of course, you don't mind me shooting you in the head... I'm told it's painless...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:37:54 PM
((Yeah, I have a direct line of sight to the hut as well as a view of some of the area around it))

Zarco - <thinking> I caught a glimpse of the fur I'm after.. I just need one shot on him..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 02:40:22 PM
Xander glared at the hut and stared at it. "So let me get this straight. You. Want me. To go into that,possibly booby-trapped hut. I see one flaw in this. I don't really want to."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:41:59 PM
Zarco - <thinking> oh come on.. I even made it look like I'm still asleep..!
<thinking> I need to stay patient and alert though..
*He kept his bow drawn and aimed*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 02:46:16 PM
*Al sighed* Al: Then stop wining... Unless... everyone huddle up... I don't want him to hear this... *Al leaned in close and began to whisper to the others* I have a better idea... You two go in... Not to the hut, but just close enough to be within his sightline... I'm fairly certain he's after me... because I nearly kicked his ass before... Be careful for traps, as I don't want either of you dying just yet... While you two are distracting his sightline... I'm going to sneak around behind the trees surrounding the hut/the general vicinity... If he shoots at either of you, we know where he is... if he takes too long to realise you two are a distraction and I find him... we won't need to know where he is...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 02:50:47 PM
Zarco - *Re-positioned slightly to get a better view, he noticed they were all huddled together and aimed for their necks, starting with Al first*
*He took a shot at Al's neck and readied a second arrow*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 02:55:04 PM
When the arrow flew at them, Geoff leaped out of the way and held his breath, turning invisible and attempting to run for cover for a moment. ((he can still be faintly noticed while he's running))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 02:59:11 PM
Xander leapt back and fell onto his butt, quickly scrambling to his feet. "Was that a **censor** arrow!?" He bolted for cover behind a tree.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:02:09 PM
*Al heard the arrow coming and hit the ground* Al: SHIT....! Bastard.... *Al shot straight back up and looked at the trees to see where he could be hiding*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 03:03:01 PM
Zarco - *Rapid fired 3 arrows at where Al was lying, then one more just infront of him*
<thinking> No way. You are going to die NOW!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:06:21 PM
While behind a tree, Geoff became visible and peeked out. He noted the direction the arrow came from and shot a fireball spell at the general location.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:12:45 PM
*Al dodged one arrow, caught one with his left, but took a hit to his right arm. It pierced straight into it* Al: Argh.... damn it... *Al dropped the arrow and pulled the one in his arm out* There goes my right arm... But... You're mine, bastard... *Al began charging at where he saw the fireball hit*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 03:14:13 PM
Zarco - *Dropped out of the tree from the shot and was singed by the flames*
*The arrows in his quiver had dropped out and he only had the one that was loaded left*
*he randomly took a shot in the general direction of Geoff hoping for the best*
<thinking> well.. this is it..
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:15:28 PM
*Al saw Zarco jump down from the tree and charged straight at him* Al: This is it.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:16:35 PM
Xander took a deep breath and peaked out from his cover behind the tree, watching as Zarc dropped down from the tree. Well this went to shit real fast, and I'm not of much use unless I can get close. Maybe this might be a good chance, I'll see how this guy does first.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:17:44 PM
Geoff had already flew back into cover, watching the arrow zoom past the trunk of the tree where he stood.
Forget me...

He peered from the other side, preparing to run toward the archer. He wanted to see how Al would handle it first.

((Same thing Xander thought apparently. Huh. XD ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 03:20:19 PM
Zarco - *Reached upwards to grab an arrow but was sliced by the arrow head slightly*
<thinking> damn.. even if I make it out of this.. I'm dead..

*He tried to ready the arrow before Al got to him*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:22:14 PM
*Al lept at him and tensed his arm, the blade popping out. Al then landed a punch to Zarco's chest, while simultaneously sending the arm blade through his head* Al: Heh... Least you're dead is quick...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Zarconite on July 27, 2015, 03:24:27 PM
Zarco - *wasn't able to defend against the attack and took the two hits*
enjoy.. your slow.. painful death..

*Zarco died from the injuries*
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:26:35 PM
Geoff slowly and cautiously approached Al.

"We can still stay a team... get the others first... if you're willing..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:26:52 PM
Xander stayed in his cover, convinced that Al may try something as soon as Zarc was dead. Let's just...wait and see what happens. Maybe he won't stab us in the back straight away, giving us a chance to do it first.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:28:21 PM
*Al removed the dead body from the end of his arm blade and looked at his right arm* Al: So this is where it ends huh. Sloppy play gets me poisoned. And, unless Neco wants to keep me around, I won't find any anti-venom around here. Well... At least I'll be able to see mom and dad again.... *Al sighed* I give myself 1-2 hours before the venom he put on those arrows kill me... If you want to end me, I won't fight back.... I've already met my fate... No honour in dragging others to hell alongside you... just means you've got to endure tortures to the end of time, looking your enemy in the eye...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:32:02 PM
Xander stepped out from behind the tree and walked over. "Well then...that's a tough break." He glanced over at Geoff. "So...You want to kill him or would you rather we leave him to just...kinda die slowly."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:33:26 PM

I nearly got shot by one of those things.

Geoff walked up to Al, still staying on guard in case this was a trick.

"I won't kill you... unless you want me to relieve the pain..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:36:08 PM
*Al rolled his eyes at Geoff* Al: You can ease up a little... I may be a remorseless killer... but that doesn't mean I don't know how to display... likeable traits... As for the pain... I'd rather endure it... Live a life pained... and you get used to it after a while... besides... my parents would feel shamed if I died peacefully... If you do plan to kill me... make it quick... and to the front of my body...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:38:41 PM
"I don't really care what we do. Seems a little cruel to just let you die like that but it's not my call." Xander looked to Geoff and then back to Al.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:42:16 PM
Geoff thought for a few moments and exhaled, motioning his hand toward Xander for the axe.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:46:01 PM
Xander hesitated for a second before handing Geoff the axe. "I want that back as soon as you're done with it. You know I could just do it." He looked down at Al.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Dr. Alka Wolf on July 27, 2015, 03:47:06 PM
*Al bowed his head in respect* Al: Thank you for being generous.... It must be difficult killing another fur... but... I hope it comforts you that you'll be saving many more... Just know this Geoff... *Al looked Geoff dead in the eye, his black eye turning back to metallic blue* We all have to make sacrifices sometimes... Sometimes... We even have to sacrifice part of who we are... The more often you do it... the easier it gets... One day... you'll have to fight in a war... and kill people who where just regular furs yesterday... kill as many people as you can now... endure the guilt you feel... that way, it will hurt less later on... *Al got on his knees and relaxed, taking a deep breath*

((I've got to go to bed now. Feel free to kill him while I'm gone. It was wonderful participating in the RP with you guys~ Nini~!))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 03:50:48 PM
"Thank you..."

Geoff readied his axe.

"Farewell, Al..."

He swung the axe down on Al's neck.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 03:56:19 PM
Xander held out his hand, ready to take the axe back as soon as the deed was done. "Yes, yes. Rest in peace, guy. May whatever God you believe in show you forgiveness and all that. We got things to deal with." He gestured to the hut. "Such as, what may be in there."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:00:58 PM
Geoff knelt down by Al's body and took anything that may be useful from him, including his gun.
"No disrespect, Al," he spoke softly, "We need this more than you now... Rest well."

He handed the gun to Xander.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 04:05:05 PM
Xander takes the weapon but keeps his hand extended outwards, gesturing for Geoff to hand the axe back. "I'm gonna want that back too, then we take anything edible from the hut and move on. Sound good?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:06:14 PM
"Oh, sorry."

Geoff handed back the axe.

"We need to be careful, though. The place might have traps."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 04:09:12 PM
"That is completely possible." Xander took the axe and made his way over to the hut. He slowly pushed the door open and peeked inside, looking around for any possible traps and seeing none. "I...I think it's all good." He stepped into the hut, his step still a little cautious
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:12:53 PM
Geoff followed, looking around in case there were traps or other people planning to attack around the area.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 04:15:53 PM
Xander grabbed whatever food he could find and bundled it into his basket, which had some free space due to the three missing apples. He then examined the auto pistol Geoff had given him. "Think that if he had used this there'd be a chance he would still be alive?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:20:29 PM
"Probably... is there any ammo left in that? I didn't check..."

Geoff grabbed Zarco's pickaxe axe and archery items, then back to retrieve the shot arrows that missed their targets. Hopefully they were still in good condition.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 04:24:51 PM
Xander slipped the magazine out of the pistol and took a quick look at how much ammo was currently loaded before slamming the magazine back into place. "It's partially loaded, which is good enough. What you got over there?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:29:01 PM
Geoff returned.

"Bow... 12 arrows... knife..." he raised the hand that carried the pickaxe axe. "... This..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 04:34:32 PM
"Neat. I got this food." Xander gestured to his basket. "I feel so ridiculous carrying this thing..." He looked around the hut one final time. "Anything else?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 04:36:39 PM
"I think we're good," Geoff replied. "We should rest here, then search for the others later."

((And wait for the other roleplayers to show up. :P ))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 05:12:35 PM
"I am NOT going to kill CIVILIANS and I am NOT going to DIE EITHER. I need a new plan... but... I dunno..."

WLAN: Looking for 802.11 protocol, revealed wireless networks...
GPS: Location not known. 0/0 0/∞

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 27, 2015, 05:43:05 PM
Zion: WOW! What a fight

Neco: We have 2 dead bodies, ill turn off the timer then!

Zion: We have 3 participants left...

Neco: Yes, someone is going to win and that someone will be granted a big surprise

Zion: What kind of surprise Neco?

Neco: The kind that says 50 million of whatever currency that suits him!

Zion: Can't wait buddy!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 05:47:44 PM
"No, I... NO! I am... harrr..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 27, 2015, 06:31:38 PM
((Zarconite and Alka is not a part of the RP anymore they are dead :) ))

Post Merge: July 27, 2015, 09:40:50 PM
((What happened to the RP? XD))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 10:52:30 PM
 -.-Drago was still wondering the forest lost, " I remember that tree" he stated to himslef
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 27, 2015, 10:58:46 PM
Geoff relaxed in the hut, ate an apple, then managed to fall asleep.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:07:51 PM
Xander watched as Geoff slept for a moment. He then sat down in a chair and decided to keep watch, he didn't feel tired anyway. He began to hum to himself.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 27, 2015, 11:10:47 PM
"I'm not... I... I'm just... "
" Warning, mental instability detected."
"oh no"
"Morale-less defending scenario."

"No no no nonono"
"Taking full control over body."

Fluffy froze, emotionless.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 11:13:43 PM
Drago kept silent and motionless
' someOne is around here' he stated in his head, ' who is humming'
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:13:59 PM
Xander started to mutter the lyrics to one of his favourite songs under his breath. "Oh bury me not, on the lone prairie. Where the coyotes wail, and the wind blows free..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 27, 2015, 11:24:22 PM
Zion: Who do we have left?

Neco: Xander, Fluffy, Drago and Geoff

Zion: Exiting...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 11:28:40 PM
" hmmm" drago whispered to himself, " a opportunity first arrises to those who are lucky"
Drago now began crawling slowly and carefully towards the sound of the humming his eyes glued to the source.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:35:08 PM
Xander had his hand close to his pocket the auto pistol Geoff handed him earlier was in. "And when I die, don't bury me. 'Neath the western sky on the lone prairie." He glanced over at the sleeping Geoff. The hut was quiet besides the sound of Xander's muttered singing.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 11:40:47 PM
Drago could see the loud idiot now, from his position among the bushes and trees, and he watched him, his eyes inspecting the individual.
' I am not killing him, but nor will I allow anyone to be hurt, damn it so conflicting' Drago thought.
' I don't have any ties to my previous life, but goddmamnit I don't like dying, wait why am I thinking of this'
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:42:08 PM
(you realise he's muttering right?)

Post Merge: July 27, 2015, 11:45:21 PM
Xander stretched and looked around the hut. I wonder if there is anyway to lock the door? Maybe I can block it with the chair if I really have to. He sighed quietly to himself and rocked backwards in the chair. Nice and quiet. Not surprising since there are now two less people. Should we have buried them?
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 11:45:28 PM
( I can't find the italic key that I use for thought they don't always appear for me...... I use ' ' for when I can't find them ........... And I don't know how to make them manually..... Screw it)

Drago eyes turned a dark shade of purple and the a 1m by 1m hole appeared beneath xandar, the matter than appeared above him in a large cube shape.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:50:04 PM
Xander looked up at whatever the hell this large cube was and dived off of his chair and scrambled across the floor. "What the **censor** is that?" He pulled the gun from his pocket and turned off the safety.

(If you're gonna attack Geoff too please wait a moment as Evna is currently busy and stuff.)
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 27, 2015, 11:53:58 PM
( character doesn't know, beside my character  knows  the dude so I doubt he would attack him)
Drago stood up to his full height and then his eyes glowed neon purple and removed the ground beneath xandar, a 1m by 1m hole. He then with drew a 1cm by 1cm prices of rock till he had 5 around his fingers
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 27, 2015, 11:58:26 PM
Xander yelps as he falls into the sudden hole, he groans and begins to hoist himself out of it. "What the **censor** did I do to deserve whatever the hell is happening? Did I anger some god or something dumb like that?" He glared at the sleeping Geoff. "Geoff wake the **censor** up already!"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 28, 2015, 12:02:15 AM
Geoff had already awakened.

"What the HELL--Drago... Hey."

((Sorry, I was making a long post in another thread))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 28, 2015, 12:04:56 AM
Drago walked into the clearing, he had no weapons and had 5, 1 cm by 1 cm cubes in his hand, drago had his fists raised. " sup sorry for the intrusion but I am lost" drago asks amused.
His body was sweating and he was panting hard.

Drago saw Geoff and stopped, the blocks fell to the ground, " oh hello mate how it going long time no see" he happily smiled as he replied surprised.

Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 28, 2015, 12:07:47 AM
Xander flopped onto the floor. A little taken aback by what just happened to him. He stared up at the ceiling of the hut, panting heavily. His heart was pumping so hard he could hear the blood pounding in his head.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 28, 2015, 12:19:08 AM
Geoff smiled. He didn't want to attack the dragon but knew he had to. But he didn't want to make the first move.

"Yeah. uh... We're all, uh, in a pretty shitty situation... N-no hard feelings, right?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 28, 2015, 12:27:54 AM
Drago smiled faded, " oh no, this is awkward, sorry dudes, I suppose it's 2 vs 1 ehh, I suppose you have killed people, I don't like killing for someone's entertainment but I don't like dying"

Drago eye flashed purple and remained that state
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 28, 2015, 12:32:52 AM
Xander sat up. "We didn't really kill anyone. Al killed some other guy but he got poisoned in the fight so we mercy killed him." He shrugged and frowned at Drago. "And you literally just attacked me from out of nowhere so you're shtick about not wanting to kill seems a lot like a load of crap from where I'm sitting."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 28, 2015, 12:37:06 AM
" I planned on making you fall in a hole and refilling it so you were unable to move" Israel replied coldly, " if I wanted to kill you I would of dropped a rock you"

Drago neon eyes were flowing even more brightly I am almost ready,
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 28, 2015, 12:37:25 AM
Zion: Maybe this will turn Bloody!

Neco: i certainly hope so!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 28, 2015, 12:42:54 AM
"You must be a moron because even I know that would crush me to death. Now I'm going to politely ask you to stop doing your weird eye thing and go away." Xander stood up and made sure his pistol's safety was still off, not wanting to mess up if this turns bad. . "Hell, if you do I'll even give you some of my food for the trouble. How's that sound?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Celestial_Dragon on July 28, 2015, 12:58:27 AM
( I have gotten board in being nice so now i am a evil prick, update my personality)

" well my work here is done, it's me vs you 2 and thus I will fight you and remove you from existence" drago stated his face and voice showing no emotion or expression, his eyes were still glowing purple , then the entire camp disappeared from existence and only the three figures and the other natural living things remained.

" now we have an arena and your gun won't work" drago confirmed
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 28, 2015, 05:39:01 PM
((Drago, Your powers is obviously too overpowered so i will ajust some of the things you did to make it fair, The gun are working and sure you can remove the Hut but not the various thing inside that make a difference in the game))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 28, 2015, 06:35:58 PM
Xander lifted his pistol and aimed it at one of Drago's knees whilst twirling his axe in his free hand. "I am giving you one more chance to walk away, otherwise I'm going to break your legs and beat you within an inch of your life, it'll be the most fun I've had in days so don't test me on this."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 28, 2015, 07:03:18 PM
"Hostile mode active. Location not known. Adjusting location manually. Field report requested." Fluffy said in plain and emotionless voice and looked for a top spot to get as great visibility as possible.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 29, 2015, 01:29:13 PM
((Celestrial, Please post to let the RP continue or i will have to remove you from the RP entirely, you have a cobble of hours, please so that we can continue the RP :) ))

Post Merge: July 29, 2015, 09:38:49 PM
((Okay i declare Celestrial_Dragon dead and not a part of the RP anymore :) sorry for the delay))

Zion: We have now only 3 opponents... Fluffy, Xander and Geoff

Neco: This is going to be amazing!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 29, 2015, 10:07:53 PM
(I'm just gonna pretend that the fight happened and we somehow won...I guess. Me and Evna agreed that she landed the final blow to drago through rock paper scissors.)

Xander sighed softly, looking around at where the hut used to be. "Well that's just shitty...Now we don't have shelter...again." He was so done with all of this already. Why am I even fighting? I don't even car at this point, and I still haven't managed to kill anyone at all. That's two for Geoff now and only one left bar us two. He slumped against a tree and slid down it until he was in a sitting position.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 29, 2015, 10:29:19 PM
Geoff was already slumped against a tree, exhausted.

"I'm... I'm really not ready for another fight," he grumbled. "I need to rest for a bit..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 29, 2015, 10:39:13 PM
Xander nodded. "I guess that was tiring. We can rest here for a bit then." He leaned his head against the tree and looked up in the sky. Seriously, why am I even doing this? I've got nothing to go back for, really... Guess I'm just trying not to die. He thought about questioning Geoff.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 07:59:48 AM
Fluffy headed to the starting area. "Looking for hostiles."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 05:37:21 PM
Xander hadn't slept. He was just sitting there, his back against the tree, slightly sleep deprived and irritable. He was waiting. Sooner or later the last guy in this place besides him and Geoff would stumble across them so there was no point in searching as far as he could see. So he just sat there and waited, his auto pistol in his hand.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 10:34:02 PM
"AI mode force interrupted. Deactivating..."
Fluffy stopped. He became back to normal and sat on a random place.
"No, no, no, no, no. If there are others, I will wait."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 30, 2015, 10:43:11 PM
Geoff was asleep, recovering from his heavy magic use during the fight.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 10:45:18 PM
Xander slowly rose. He'd been waiting for a while and he had gotten bored. He looked over at Geoff and sighed. "Welp, if I die I won't have to kill you later. Good luck with the thing...and stuff." He grabbed his axe in one hand and his auto pistol in the other and went off looking for the other surviving participant.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 30, 2015, 10:50:14 PM
Neco: they are just 500 ft. from each other, this will be tense

Zion: Who!

Neco: Fluffy and Xander!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 10:52:45 PM
Fluffy stood up and threw his weapon far away behind him.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 10:58:21 PM
Xander looked up, trying his best to convert feet into meters. That's...about erm...over 100 meters... He stopped in his tracks and thought. So not that close...but not exactly far away either... He continued in the direction he was headed but slower.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 11:00:13 PM
Fluffy put and held his paws behind his head and closed his eyes.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 11:03:46 PM
Xander finally got within sight of Fluffy. He stood a good distance away, staring at him, auto pistol raised. "What are you doing?" Seriously...? He's not just going to give up is he? I wasn't expecting someone to that...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 11:28:41 PM
Fluffy stood stiil and looked like he ignored what was happening around him.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 11:35:35 PM
Xander cocked his head, pistol still raised and pointed at Fluffy. "Erm...Hey...What are you doing?" He took a hesitant couple steps closer, but still maintained a good distance. "You okay there...?"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 30, 2015, 11:39:12 PM
No response. Fluffy was standing still.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 30, 2015, 11:47:32 PM
Xander walked over to Fluffy and gently tapped him with the blunt edge of the axe. The barrel of the pistol aimed at his head. "This is...not what I expected... at all..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 31, 2015, 06:40:53 AM
Fluffy stood still, tears coming out of his eyes like he was crying.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 31, 2015, 07:20:56 AM
Xander sighed, he slowly lowered the pistol and took a step back. "Hey...are you even aware that I'm here right now? Do you know what's going on here?" C'mon..." Thank Christ, I'm not the only one having some form of breakdown here. Looks like the chances of this not coming to me and Geoff are slim now. He stared at Fluffy for a moment before sighing again. "I don't want to have to kill a man like this..." He muttered to himself, almost certain Fluffy couldn't even hear him...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 31, 2015, 08:11:14 AM
Fluffy was still standing still and crying, but he finally said "Take the chip out of my skull and once you are out of this bullshit, pass it to my family."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 31, 2015, 08:49:06 AM
"Oh you son of  bitch, you really are going to make me have to do that aren't you?" Xander held out the two weapons after a few moments. "Then you pick. Axe or pistol? Which would you rather, I'm not choosing for you."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 31, 2015, 09:46:55 AM
Blood began to flow down from Fluffy's nose, ears and then eyes. "It's already being done." ((He commanded his nanobots to eat away parts of his head and neural connections))
Moments after, he lost conciousness and collapsed on the ground.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 31, 2015, 10:36:40 AM
"Wow...I may actually end up killing no one. Guess I'm good with that...Still...I gotta get the chip..." Xander sighed. Why am I even about to do this? The chances I actually find his family, very slim. I never actually promised him anything anyway. I don't even know the **censor**'s name. May as well just walk away and leave it at that. He glanced down at his axe. This is about survival, be pragmatic. What about this situation helps me survive? The guy's already out. He turned around to walk away, hesitating for a moment.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on July 31, 2015, 11:25:39 AM
Zion: Only Xander and Geoff left in the sphere...

Neco: Who will win!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Obey138 (Matthew "Fluffy") on July 31, 2015, 12:24:46 PM
Fluffy's head began emitting beeping noise. ((It's his brain implant, indicating that it lost connection with it's owner and will now try to contact preset ICE contact once it will reach to a GSM network, sending current GPS location))
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on July 31, 2015, 05:40:25 PM
Geoff's heart sank as he heard the announcers.

Now Xander and I need to fight...

He exhaled and gathered the various weapons he collected, then shook his head. He wasn't sure if he should wait for Xander to find him or go out searching himself.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on July 31, 2015, 06:07:22 PM
"**censor** it. I'm not rooting in his head for such a lost cause. He trusted me to do something nearly impossible." Xander walked away from Fluffy's body back in the direction Geoff was in. Let's just...get this done already. Either he kills me or I kill him, that's it, that simple. It's not so simple though really. He didn't stop walking, didn't want to give himself enough time to think about what he was about to do.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 11:07:44 AM
Zion: 2 contestants are left... you all know what that means...

Neco: Close in..!

Zion: Yeah let's do this!

Neco: It's now or never!


A futuristic gladiator arena with Geoff in one corner and Xander in the other
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 02:29:42 PM
Geoff gazed around at the arena. His eyes then fell on Xander, and he lowered his head for a moment.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 03:22:52 PM
Xander groaned as the environment around him changed to an arena. He looked over at Geoff and groaned and his body filled with a rising sense of anger. "Son of a bitch!" With the loud cry of rage, threw his pistol to the floor, causing it to misfire but fortunately this affects neither him or Geoff, the bullets merely hit the wall. "Couldn't just let us find each other!? I knew his rough position, it wouldn't have been hard!" Now I can't even stall. Fantastic, just great!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 04:10:12 PM
Zion: hey you two, you guys have 10 minutes or you will both be terminated and the game will have been a draw... ACTION!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 04:40:51 PM
Geoff stared at Xander for a long moment and exhaled.

The bear tossed the archery equipment, pickaxe axe and revolver to the floor, and bowed in respect to his opponent.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 05:01:27 PM
Xander gave a quick bow, throwing his axe away as well, now completely unarmed. "Fine, let's just get this over with already." He cracked his knuckles loudly. "This is such bullshit..." He started to make his towards Geoff.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 05:54:27 PM
Geoff stood there, looking at Xander as he approached from the other side of the arena. He looked down and mumbled.

"If the authority or powers that be can send a message, please...
[his children's names], I may not survive this... this battle. If I don't, please... s-stay strong. May Ciara t-take good care of you both...
Daddy loves you..."

He peered up, Xander much closer now.

"... Thank you..."

He took a breath and got into fighting position.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 08:41:06 PM
"I really don't want to do this but I also don't want to die. So come on." Xander stepped within arms range of Geoff and swung for his face. This is such **censor**' bullshit.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 09:07:09 PM
Geoff just managed to dodge and back out of the way.

"I understand..."

He began punching Xander. He was trained in such combat for his job, but he was never meant to kill unless in extreme situations. This, unfortunately, was one of those times, but for a far different reason than he was used to.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 09:16:51 PM
Xander didn't manage to dodge out of the way and ended up stumbling back. He got into a position to charge Geoff, he charged for him and tackled him to the ground. Going to drive a knee into his stomach. Don't think, don't think, just do.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 09:34:55 PM
Geoff gasped and growled, tossing Xander to the side, rolling on top of him.

"I'm sorry," he grunted painfully.

He tried to punch him repeatedly in the face.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 09:39:14 PM
Xander panicked as he the fists came towards his face, the first hit him and dazed him for a second, he tried to think of something to do quickly. He resorted to his instincts and bit down on one of Geoff's hands as hard as he could, gripping his forearm with both hands as he does.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 09:42:14 PM
Geoff roared and desperately dug the claws of his free hand into Xander's face, then punched even harder.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 09:46:27 PM
Xander yelped as Geoff's claws were dug into his face, the punch dazing him again. He let go of Geoff's forearm and stopped biting him. Punching as hard as he into Geoff's stomach, in the desperate hope that it'll wind him.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 09:54:17 PM
Geoff gasped and quickly rolled off Xander and stood and backed up, painfully bent slightly and trying to catch his breath, trying to not look at his bleeding hand. He stomped his foot hard into Xander's gut.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 09:58:54 PM
Xander gasped and folded over a little, he tried his best to maintain his breathing and grabbed Geoff's foot and jerked his foot to the side, attempting to break his ankle.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:01:31 PM
Geoff cried out and purposely fell onto Xander in an attempt to crush him.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 10:04:30 PM
Xander quickly rolled away, his left arm still getting crushed under Geoff. He cried out loudly in pain, almost drowning out the audible cracking of his the now crushed bones in his non dominant arm. He kicked out at Geoff hard and repeatedly.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 10:06:28 PM
Zion: i feel bad for him...

Neco: No you don't *Laughs*

Zion: You damn right i don't... *Laughs*

Neco: This is exiting!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:10:13 PM
Geoff tried to fight through the pain and dig his claws into Xander's throat.

"I'm... so... sorry..."
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 10:13:56 PM
Xander grabbed Geoff's wrist with his one good arm, thankful it's his dominant one, he's nowhere near as strong as the bear but it was better than nothing. "Not...just yet!" As he shouted those words he drove his forehead into Geoff's nose as hard as he could.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:23:12 PM

Geoff slammed his other fist against Xander's head.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 10:27:49 PM
Xander's entire world was rocked as Geoff's fist hit his head, it was as if the world was spinning, he was finding it hard to focus and was giving into fatigue. He feebly smacked his hand against Geoff's cheek. He was panting heavily.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 10:35:49 PM
Zion: This is over for Xander!

Neco: Well if Geoff wins!
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:39:58 PM
Geoff panted with exhaustion. He knew it was close. He wanted Xander's death to be quick. With his arm free, he grasped Xander's neck, about to plunge a claw in.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 10:43:49 PM
Xander just lay there, too exhausted to continue. He panted heavily, looking up at Geoff with a glint of respect in his eyes, he gave him a small smile.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:50:38 PM
Geoff also smiled slightly for a brief moment.

"... F-farewell... Xander..."

The claw sliced in.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Grovygrunge on August 01, 2015, 10:53:48 PM
There was a few seconds of where the life could be seen draining from Xander's eyes, then he stopped breathing. He was dead.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 10:59:02 PM
Geoff slowly struggled to stand, but his ankle was shooting with pain. He stay on his knees, looking up at the dome.


He huddled, his head resting on the ground, sobbing.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 10:59:20 PM
Neco: Well well well...

*The arena broke down the it's core points "The white room" Geoff was now in a cage within a fairly small room, a bullet proof glass floor was below him, he could see the giant control room, a Direwolf came out of the dark, Geoff was stripped from all his equipment*

Neco: Ahhh, congratulations my big friend, you won... hard wasn't it *Eating a chicken wing* Wan't some wings, they are hot... I am sorry for your loss, but we figured your currency was Dollar, i guess *handed over a 50.000.000 dollar check to Geoff* I will teleport you home soon, wasn't that fun? I don't know we got lots of viewers that's fine enough for me, I send Zion home he has a important job...
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 11:04:37 PM
Geoff looked up with tears in his eyes, silent. With a shaky hand, he took the check and stared at it, rage building.
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 11:09:26 PM
*2 armed guards got in the room*

Neco: on't try anything, you wanna go home to your babies heh? then wait 10 secs we will commence the time generator
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: The Past on August 01, 2015, 11:15:31 PM
Geoff could not use his magic, not in his condition.

"You... are sick... You all are sick..." he growled. "You all... and your viewers... are sick... It would be one thing... It would be one thing, if you asked us to participate, But no, you KIDNAP us and FORCE us to kill... for your amusement! You all are SICK!"
Title: Re: Live or Die live from Mactica City: A future TV show (A new RP by Mittie)
Post by: Taliaka Anichezachi on August 01, 2015, 11:36:21 PM
Neco: Welcome to the 31th Century buddy...

*Geoff was surrounded by a light he was now finding him self where he left in his present year*

Post Merge: August 02, 2015, 12:02:51 AM
((RP OVER!))

Thanks all for participating, have a nice day Geoff won the game