The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: Bronies are cool on August 25, 2014, 05:00:11 AM

Title: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 25, 2014, 05:00:11 AM
hey furries. I'm a brony. I would like to almost consider myself almost a diplomat. I am not a furry, however I do not mind furries at all (which is how most people should be)
I would just like to ask what are people's opinions about bronies?
Some of you may have good or bad ideas about bronies, and I would kind of like to know what people think about bronies from the furry perspective. I am also open to answering questions about bronies.
(also I am aware that there are bronies who also identify as furries and participate on this forum already. I just thought it might be an ok idea to make a thread about bronies because I didnt see one that already exists really.)
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: anoni on August 25, 2014, 07:26:56 AM
To me, communities like these, bronies, furries, trekkies and whatever, they aren't different societies, you don't really need a [diplomat]. There are many furries here who are also bronies and vice versa. We're all just people who like a certain thing, I mean correct me if I'm wrong but a brony is just someone who likes My Little Pony, I mean, we wouldn't separate Trekkies or Whoovians, they're just the same thing xD
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: MrRazot on August 25, 2014, 08:05:28 AM
It could be said that bronies are actually furries, however what makes you a brony in particular is the inclusion of the mlp TV show.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 25, 2014, 08:47:49 AM
I agree that there is no need for a diplomat. We're all just different categories under one, big umbrella. All these different subsections of the furry community all share the same, all encompassing interest in anthropomorphism. The application of human traits to animals and vice versa all pertain to that same manner of personification, be it intellectual applications, physical applications, societal applications, or any combination of the three.

That being said, I have absolutely no qualms with the Brony community. Some of my best friends are bronies/pegasisters, including a guy I consider close enough to be a brother. Y'all are generally nice people with a specific interest in MLP and its character style, rather than basic animals. I mean, I know all the main characters by heart, but I am by no means interested in the show. I'm so far from a brony, it's not even funny. But you know what? That's my opinion; that is something that nobody has to share with me, and something I can respect disagreement with. Quite honestly, people who think less of bronies and the like, but happen to be a part of the Furry Umbrella are just ignorant and choose to forget the distinct commonalities between their group and the others. (Discrimination ain't cool, yo. So don't think I'm saying that non-furry haters are acceptable either. :P)

Long story short, while having absolutely zero interest in MLP for a myriad of reasons, I have an equal myriad of reasons as to why I have absolutely zero reason to dislike bronies. Likewise, we're all under one big umbrella, so we might as well get comfy with one another.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: aperson1 on August 26, 2014, 12:32:31 AM
I'm somewhat a brony- I'm kind of hovering between being one and just any other casual person. Possibly influenced by the fact that my mom doesn't appear to approve of the idea in general, not necessarily hating them, but rather thinking of bronies as 'creeps'- not my own opinion though.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 26, 2014, 01:31:51 AM
I probably should not have used the word "diplomat" in regards to bronies. I was really tired when I posted the OP.
But yea.
I'm not sure really how many furries are bronies. The number may be larger than I originally anticipated. Which is fine. Maybe this thread is pointless.
But maybe not. Who knows.

I'm now kind of wanting to debate if bronies can really be considered furries.
I would say yes and no, depending on the brony.

Not all bronies have an OC nor really actually appreciate anthropomorphic beings. Some may just make the exception of their disinterest in anthropomorphic beings to watch the show. 
Some bronies may actually have an OC and appreciate the anthropomorphic qualities. These bronies may be called "furry".
But they won't probably admit that they are a furry.
But furry just seems kind of broad.
Like, if I like lion king and draw myself as a lion, does that make me a furry? I don't personally think so. But what do I know?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 27, 2014, 04:29:22 PM
Not all bronies have an OC nor really actually appreciate anthropomorphic beings. Some may just make the exception of their disinterest in anthropomorphic beings to watch the show. 
Some bronies may actually have an OC and appreciate the anthropomorphic qualities. These bronies may be called "furry".
But they won't probably admit that they are a furry.
But furry just seems kind of broad.
Like, if I like lion king and draw myself as a lion, does that make me a furry? I don't personally think so. But what do I know?

You do not need an OC to be a furry. The only, the one and only, requirement to be a furry is to have an appreciation or liking towards anthropomorphic animals or characters. My little pony characters are definitely under this category with both their ability to speak and their social interactions. You do not need to draw yourself as an animal either, not all furries are artists - nor do all furries have a desire to be an animal.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 28, 2014, 12:27:10 AM
Not all bronies have an OC nor really actually appreciate anthropomorphic beings. Some may just make the exception of their disinterest in anthropomorphic beings to watch the show. 
Some bronies may actually have an OC and appreciate the anthropomorphic qualities. These bronies may be called "furry".
But they won't probably admit that they are a furry.
But furry just seems kind of broad.
Like, if I like lion king and draw myself as a lion, does that make me a furry? I don't personally think so. But what do I know?

You do not need an OC to be a furry. The only, the one and only, requirement to be a furry is to have an appreciation or liking towards anthropomorphic animals or characters. My little pony characters are definitely under this category with both their ability to speak and their social interactions. You do not need to draw yourself as an animal either, not all furries are artists - nor do all furries have a desire to be an animal.

I feel like the definition of "furry" is really broad.
Like, if I watch Lion King and appreciate it, does that make me a furry?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 28, 2014, 03:10:09 AM
I feel that that would be pushing the limits of the definition.

Liking a movie does not constitute you being a furry.

If you find the characters to be particularly interesting and go out of your way to find other movies with anthro characters, THEN I would say you could he a furry.

However, nothing makes you a furry. It always has been and hopefully always will be a choice. It is a choice to use the term.

Some people are ignorant and will never accept it (:
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 28, 2014, 04:55:18 AM
So based on how you put it,
If I watch mlp but I don't seek to watch other anthropomorphic animal type shows (like little pet shop or whatever), then I'm not a furry? Which is what I thought originally.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 28, 2014, 05:02:36 AM
I would agree with that. You can definitely still call yourself a furry because you do meet the requirement of having an interest in some form of anthro. However, as you are only interested in one particular show and not the type of characters in it, you are not to be assumed as a furry.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 28, 2014, 06:00:49 AM
I would agree with that. You can definitely still call yourself a furry because you do meet the requirement of having an interest in some form of anthro. However, as you are only interested in one particular show and not the type of characters in it, you are not to be assumed as a furry.

I do agree with this statement. Just because you technically meet the requirements to be a Furry, just as those who might obsess over The Lion King or Disney's Robin Hood to an equivalent extent, does not mean you have to be a furry or what have you.

Either way, I would say that a term like the Anthropomorphic Fandom would serve as a better umbrella, rather than having a subdivision sharing the name of the umbrella. While the Furry part of that umbrella is indeed very broad, there would be specific divisions that follow similar criteria, even going down to specific iterations of entertainment/artistic mediums, like the aforementioned films.

But once again. This is all one's choice to identify as a member of this. Nobody is going to hunt anyone down and force them to say they are (at least I hope not).
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 28, 2014, 12:46:54 PM
What are all the subdivisions to the umbrella of the anthropomorphic fandom?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Ulfur on August 28, 2014, 01:17:48 PM
Would it be ok to call a brony a "cousin" to a furry?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on August 28, 2014, 06:57:59 PM
The following is based on comprehensive, archived research regarding the interactions between furries and bronies:
According to Fred Patten and other fandom historians, furries once known as fuzzies were fans of "serious funny animals". While funny animals were often highly anthropomorphic at the time, anthropomorphism was not often presumed until AnthroCon etc implied it. The idea of serious funny animals was referenced first apparently in Kimba the White Lion which was as about anthropomorphic as MLP albeit proto-fandom and the idea behind Kimba expressed the characters as unique and human-like intelligent among the rest of the animal kingdom. Believe it or not, the first "anime" largely contained funny animals, serious funny animals in Japan is now known as "kemono". The origin of "fuzzy" is thought to date to the mid 70s and is not a reference to H Beam Piper's works but rather as an esoteric funny animal APA term though animal-like aliens was one of sci-fi fandom's greatest attractor to the furry fandom which facilitated grounds for "serious funny animals" in sci-fi situations (i.e. Albedo Anthropomorphics and Thundercats). Funny animal fans would have been regarded as "funnies", the postfix trend possibly originating from "Trekkies", etc.

Though the term "furry" would commit moreso to those who socialise with other furries and aren't just a part of the furry fandom but its derivate community.

The sci-fi fandom in the late 70s would also describe furries/fuzzies during the early fandom as "intelligent animal characters", as in animals with a human-like intellect, there's no mention of the word "anthropomorphism" though the facial features were most often with a very human-like expression in the toons. Steve Gallacci and Stan Sakai lead the succession of the use "anthropomorphic animal" in the early 80s.

Though I'm sure MLP would come under furrydom in the classic sense. I think the modern furry identity has been collapsing moreso into two definitions "anthro animals" and "fans of cute animal characters", neither is wrong, there's no police or fandom core, only people and landmark conventions, etc. It's the fact that furries are so loosely knit that leaves them open to scrutiny when a smaller portion of it gives a bad name to a greater part. Brony, itself, originated on the (relatively furry-dominated) /co/ forum of a very controversial website known as 4chan.  Certainly, however, furry fan groups discussed MLP before MLP:FiM and also thought well about the pre-release of FiM, many furries became bronies and formed perhaps the greatest amount of its base originally. The larger parts of furrydom is concerned with art and belonging, away from reality around it, digital artists and fursuiters form it mostly. Though, there is certainly a borderline plutocratic-like (largely subconscious) element to the furry fandom known as the "popufur culture" which demands a great identity, art skills and a furry lifestyle. In hunger for fandom actualisation, many furs have tried to gain popularity in the fandom by means considered illicit and ridiculous by the general public, which lead to a certain episode of CSI. Sadly, the popufur obsession has given much drama and bad name to the community that furries tried to make other sites free of it (since dA and FA condoned it), such as Weasyl which was created in reaction to FA's apparently narcissistic merge with Furocity and the destruction of Artspots.

Because of all this drama, reasonably, many bronies rejected furries purely due to the stereotypes and issues, in reaction to bronies, FA etc even attempted to ban MLP artwork but this lead to concern that the Sonic artists should have to be banned but there was too many against this ridiculous control attempt that FA has been rendered infamous for. For popufur culture, dA even relaxed its maturity levels in a deliberate attempt to get money from those temporarily leaving FA, much to dA community's shock as it forced innocent artists to compete with the selling point of the more mature ones.

Doubley so, bronies made their first con and migration to tumblr at the time in protest to dA and the furry community.

Moral of this post: The Internet never forgets what you put on it, less so even its users. Fandom history was made, but many bronies and furries fought each other once out of propaganda and misunderstanding.

Big hug?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 28, 2014, 07:39:52 PM

The following is based on comprehensive, archived research regarding the interactions between furries and bronies:


Big hug?

Seems a bit ridiculous, all of this drama. Also seems like the fandom desperately needs a more definite definition and a clear line between "yes I am a furry" and "no I'm not a furry". what scares me is the split you mentioned between anthro and cute animals. I like both and don't want to be torn ):

On a lighter note - I like the name furry much better than fuzzy.

Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 28, 2014, 08:12:47 PM
What are all the subdivisions to the umbrella of the anthropomorphic fandom?

Furries, Bronies/Pegasisters, Mechs (anthropomorphic technologies, like planes), High Fantasy (Elves, Gnomes, Dwarves, werewolves), High Science Fiction/Xenos (Turian, Acklay, Xenomorphs, Predators, etc), Pokefurs, Digifurs, Sonic, Monsters, Original Species and a few others I'm forgetting.

It's vast, so I know I can't hit all of them. These are groups that tend to consider themselves aside from the others in some way, even if some less than others. But once again, nobody has to be a part of this umbrella if they don't wish.


I see a lot less fit pitching between bronies and furries as of late, so the two fandoms are obviously moving forward a bit. I mean, on top of that, every single Brony I know in real life (excluding ONE) is a furry as well; that's five people who split between the two, one who is Brony only, and one who is Furry only among that group.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on August 28, 2014, 08:55:01 PM
@Snow Kittie:
This is the trouble with Internet subcultures, the subgroups define it. Furry has always had its drama and has been ridiculed for it, especially when it spreads to other things like YouTube (reference YouTube Furry War which resulted in furries becoming a troll target) and Second Life, Gaia, etc.

It seems so, though some wouldn't fit under a more scientific definition I guess, for example, elves can be considered of adopting human-animal attributes but history has not shown exactly whether this distortion of features was direct or not. Long ears could equal, say, a animal attribution in a human-animal character. Dwarves? Would they really pass as furry? They're very human I'd say, certainly you could say with real life dwarfism that dwarves are real and property in fictive origin to natural human genetics.

Pokemon and digimon, uses kemono-like design methods, apparently, but may or may not be anthropomorphic animal-species. Certainly, Lucario and any animal pokemon etc with human attributes like a face is easily a human-like animal. That being, about the median definition of a furry character.

The thing with labels, you don't just choose yourself what you are but others do, too. I'm pretty sure wilc lions don't call themselves lions yet we do, or at least English speaking folk do. There's also so many languages. We call things in groups to identify similarity, some even do so for the us vs them argument (pack-like thinking). If someone calls me any label, right or wrong to me of some standard, I can't stop them, not without social pressure anyway. For example, I could call certain people friends which others consider enemies. In this respect, labels can be very subjective and in masses require a  consensus.

You're right that bronies and furries are coming together more, it seems so.

I think as long as we get on there's nothing wrong, there'll always be more or less slightly more similar minded on certain things. Identity and group in the end is only pertaining to what we want and need and at the core that is something that you can build bridges on, we're all people here. If someone likes MLP/bronies and identifies as a brony then they'll do just that, if they have desire to be with the things furry offers and deny identifying with a furry then they're less likely to be out in the box with furries and receive what they actually wanted. But if a brony only likes furry then I see no reason to identify with furry, unless there's a psychological reason then why not? The only last element is xenophobia and group consistency, and it seems instinctually people take care of this for better or worse.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 29, 2014, 12:22:39 AM
By Pokemon and Digimon, not only are they animalistic creatures, but they are animalistic creatures with societal structures and distinct degrees of sentience pertinent to anthropomorphism, and certain fans find that particularly interesting and wish to impose their own images onto them. In that instance, I'm pretty sure it qualifies. :P As for elves and the like, they are humanoid in a way, and they tend to mingle with the anthropomorphic community much like monster players. It's a non human with human-like characteristics, and thus borders between the two ares, but are often considered something close. And yes, labels are subjective;I reiterate once more, one may consider themselves under the umbrella or not, it is not to be foisted. It's just that they have their own place beneath it if they wish.
Title: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on August 29, 2014, 12:34:33 AM
I don't think a lot of the electronic Pokemon would easily pass as furry, they're anthropomorphic sure but not animalistic. Though a lot of Pokemon are animalistic and anthropomorphic to add. There's a few definitions for anthropomorphism actually, 'something that appears to have a human or human-like morph' or 'a non-human morph that possesses or represents human traits' (also known as personification. Of course, certain non-furry characters take part in furry fiction, there's plenty humans and elves etc in furry lore and people who identify as these characters for example may assume this identity in furrydom. Furrydom has the bonus of identity for a fan unlikely some other fandoms and you don't need your identity in the furry fandom to be furry. Labels are subjective and consensus oriented for what it assumes both subjective, standard and objective things. To this day there's no furry standards, all is assumed in conversation and ever-changing coverage. This is not just a trait of furrydom, though. Also, pokemon are pocket monsters. A standard definition of monsters in parts is "a creature with a mixture of human, animal and various non-organic or elemental traits".
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 29, 2014, 12:40:58 AM
I don't think a lot of the electronic Pokemon would easily pass as furry, they're anthropomorphic sure but not animalistic. Though a lot of Pokemon are animalistic and anthropomorphic to add. There's a few definitions for anthropomorphism actually, 'something that appears to have a human or human-like morph' or 'a non-human morph that possesses or represents human traits' (also known as personification. Of course, certain non-furry characters take part in furry fiction, there's plenty humans and elves etc in furry lore and people who identify as these characters for example may assume this identity in furrydom. Furrydom has the bonus of identity for a fan unlikely some other fandoms and you don't need your identity in the furry fandom to be furry. Labels are subjective and consensus oriented for what it assumes both subjective, standard and objective things. To this day there's no furry standards, all is assumed in conversation and ever-changing coverage. This is not just a trait of furrydom, though. Also, pokemon are pocket monsters. A standard definition of monsters in parts is "a creature with a mixture of human, animal and various non-organic or elemental traits".
I agree. Many pokemon have little or no traits that are similar to that of a human.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on August 29, 2014, 12:45:34 AM
@Snow Kittie:
Well some, though all are idealised to a human-mental context.
I was more referring that some are anthropomorphic but not anthropomorphic animals, certainly the electrode Pokemon aren't animalistic and muk for example is just goo with a face (can be classed anthropomorphic.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 29, 2014, 12:47:42 AM
@kozy well if they have a Human-mental context they must be some pretty dumb humans. Living in a small ball, knowing no English nor any OTHER human language. Only able to say there name in some cases?

before posting I had considered that maybe although not anthro they may be human-like in other ways but I just don't see it...
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on August 29, 2014, 01:00:06 AM
@Snow Kittie:
Humans vary in intelligence, certainly many have an infantile attitude (hence appealing to younger generations). What's wrong with living in a small ball and not knowing English or being a mute? Not everyone speaks English or likes open spaces :P

Also there's not a single type of intelligence, ever since the term intelligence came about it referred to many types of mental skill, everyone is intelligent at different things. Kinesthetic, visual/spatial, interpersonal and intellectual intelligences to name a few.

Anthro is measured in degrees and various measures, there's a lot that make a human a human and a human doesn't even need to look like a human to be a human, certainly a human brain in a jar didn't cease to be a human if its still alive, at least. It's what we recognise and identify with that counts.

Certainly, many Pokemon undeniably have human facial expressions. Not say other animals don't or can't have these traits but if its there then it's pretty significant. "Oh that Pokemon looks like it's smiling", yes the sort of thing that makes anthropomorphism something you can connect with, it's aesthetic in art. However, suppose there's an alien like the Vulcans out there, I wonder if they'll suppose if we are vulcan-morphic or that they are anthropomorphic. Google "convergent evolution", as in the big scale of things, the conversational attribution of "anthropomorphism" is purely that, subjective, colloquial and aesthetic.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 29, 2014, 02:28:47 AM
Yeah, forgive me on the whole "animalistic" part. I was typing quickly while preparing to get a vaccination, but yes, I agree with pretty much everything Kozy is going for there. But I do believe we are getting a little off topic here, even if this is logic easily applied to the question proposed earlier.

In terms of questions to you, BaC, how long have you considered yourself a Brony? My friend got into it, going over from being a furry, about a year and a half ago after a bunch of stern resistance initially. And do you belong to any other particular fandoms?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 29, 2014, 03:13:26 AM
I have been a brony for about 2 years now. It took me a while to accept that I was a brony though as I was watching the show and I didn't really even like it. (But somehow I managed to watch a 10 hour season in 5 days while still managing school.)
I would also identify with liking things that there are fandoms of but I don't associate with their fandoms at all. For example, I like kingdom hearts quite a bit. I also enjoy mine craft. And I like old school pokemon video games (like emerald and fire red) but I don't watch pokemon.
Lastly, the next thing is a music fandom type thing if that exists. I produce music so yea.
But I never talk to fans of kingdom hearts, mine craft, pokemon or music except for like one or two people I know in real life.

(I also like call of duty but that's just because I'm competitive. I don't however great people badly online and I usually mute everyone because almost everyone on there is disrespectful.)

I did enjoy reading that entire conversation that happened.
I feel like a lot of this stuff is debatable and almost philosophical. Like, "are they furries or not?", "let them decide how they define themselves" etc and so I greatly approximate your inputs.

I actually didn't know that furries and bronies clashes. Like, I know that bronies have a motto of acceptance and tolerance and if they treated y'all badly then it makes me a shamed of being a part of that group. Like, bronies should know better than to judge a fandom based on the few who speak the loudest (and give everyone else a bad reputation) because bronies also have those people who openly do "clop" and over obsession. Like, we should treat you just like how we want to be treated, especially since we are a growing fandom.

But yea. I've been a brony for 2 years. And it was quite a story as to how I became one. It's a weird story. Not sure if you would wanna hear it. But if you want to, let me know.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Midnight Madness on August 29, 2014, 03:39:42 AM
Hearing what got you to change over from disliking to liking would be interesting to hear, and I think it might give some people insight into something they may not be as familiar with.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Snow Kittie on August 29, 2014, 03:45:18 AM
And I like old school pokemon video games (like emerald and fire red) but I don't watch pokemon.

FIre Red was the Sh**. I played that game every day for 2 hours straight. Then I became Raichu and spent all my time breaking through walls... Lost interest.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on August 29, 2014, 07:19:59 PM
Hearing what got you to change over from disliking to liking would be interesting to hear, and I think it might give some people insight into something they may not be as familiar with.
Ok so I guess I'll just explain how I became a brony from the very beginning so you'll be able to understand me and why my opinion changed.

I first discovered mlp about 3 years ago. By I didn't know it was "my little pony" I thought it was just something someone had made up. Like, I knew that my little pony existed, but I didn't know about the new version of it. So, on youtube's main page was an mlp related video called "epic cupcake time" and I thought that it would be funny since it was ok the main page for all youtube's to see. I watched it and I was confused a little because I didn't understand it all. I didn't particularly like it nor dislike it. I never really thought about it again. This was fall of 2011.

Spring of 2012 comes around and this is when I discover "ytp" on YouTube. I watched all sorts of ytp because it was funny. I particularly thought that the ones about Mr.Volcano were really funny. I don't know why. But there were links to mlp YouTube poops and after watching a few is when it hit me that this was my little pony.
It was weird to me so I kind of avoided watching mlp ytp. I didn't like it or I felt too insecure in my masculinity to watch it. Mind you I still has no idea of the concept of "brony" yet. I just knew that there was a show and obviously somebody watched it t make ytp videos.

Summer 2012
I went to a summer camp. They take videos of activities at camp and make a "highlights" video for each day. Someone on the tech crew added ponies in the highlights for some reason. But that's when I then later met a brony who recited the names of several ponies. I thought he was weird. I didn't know of bronies yet still. I just knew that THIS DUDE watches mlp. "What a weirdo right?"

Late summer/early fall 2012
I was watching some Rhett and link videos. I had very recently discovered this YouTube channel due to a video about bacon rubbing. In one of their GMM videos, they talked about bronies. In the video, one of them mentioned something about a one hour documentary about bronies. So out of curiosity, I watched the documentary which basically gave me a description of mlp, older generations of mlp and why they all suck, and about bronies. By the end of the video, I was skeptical because I had interest in watching it and at the same time I didn't want to. I didn't feel like I had a secure enough base in my masculinity to even watch it. But I ended up at least trying the first episode. And I was making fun of it the entire time. It didn't really meet the expectations that I thought it would have based on how the guy in the documentary described it.
But I watched the second episode because it was a 2 episode arc and if you watch the first one, you have to watch the second one. It featured a song. And I hated it. A lot. I absolutely hate singing when watching a television show. Singing and random laughing for no reason. I hate those. And you know what the song was about? Laughing. I absolutely hated that. Enough that I was rooting for the bad guy to win at the end and take over the world.
But finishing the episode, I just thought about how stupid the show was.
But the next day..... I watched about 3 more episodes.
And then over about 2 weeks, I finished the 26 episode first season. I really disliked a decent amount of it, but I kept watching it. I wasn't masculine enough to admit I was watching this. I kept it a secret.

During the time I was watching this, I was also looking a little for some brony musicians. Because I'm the documentary, a song was played and I actually really liked it. It was dubstep made by a really good musician (who still makes music today but not about ponies. His name is Alex S and he is really good.) so I really liked a decent amount of brony music. That's kind of what kept me watching the show. I liked the inspired music.
So I watched the second season in about a week. During school. This season had stepped the game up a bit. It was different. Had a different vibe. It had shifted from "directed at kids" to "general audience" even though technically it is still a kids show on a kids channel. I had actually liked the second season and found myself wanting to listen to all the brony music.

Late 2012 - mid 2013
This is when the third season began to air. I followed it closely and loved it. I came to terms with calling myself a brony but I still wanted to hide it. I literally only told one or two people I trust.
I kept listening to brony music a whole lot. I listened to music all day every day. And even when falling asleep.

Late 2013
Season 4 began and I followed it. I had also began producing music. I made one mlp related song.

I got mlp merchandise. 3 shirts, a blanket, a poster, dog tags, a lunch box, wrist band, socks, and mlp collectible cards. By this point, I'm obviously in love with this show.

I had actually experienced something in the brony fandom called a "pony high"
This is when you want literally everything ponies and you are basically obsessed with mlp. Typically lasts about 6-10 months. It lasted for about a year and a half for me. And now I'm still in a pony high but it's a lot more mild. I still like poni died this and that but not everything has to be.
I used to have 80-90% brony music with a library of over 1000 songs. Now I listen to about 10-20% brony songs.
I used to think about mlp at least all day everyday. Literally. I thought about ponies in every period of class at school. And all the time at home as I surrounded myself with pony music
Now I think about it daily but not literally every second. Just many many moments a day.
I'm also not as secret about it anymore. I've become more secure in myself about being a brony.

I also don't make pony music. I make regular music. But that's a different topic. I never actually really had a desire to make a lot of pony related music.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Trixsie Vixen on September 02, 2014, 05:28:47 PM
Lots of good stuff here, so I might take a slightly different tack.

Furry is a very broad thing and so yes maybe there should be a better name for the broad kind vs the narrow kind.

Kimba the White Lion for example, I used to watch this when I was a wee little cub.  It was the first anime I ever saw (followed by Battle of the Planets) and loved it as I'm sure many other kids did.  But as well as enjoying it like other cartoons, it also made me feel "weird" inside sometimes.  Good but in a strange and special way.  That to me is a mark of my furriness, something that set me aside but I've only come to understand as an adult.  So I'm a narrow-type furry I guess.

So I tend to think of Bronies as Broad-type furries but not necessarily narrow-type furries.

I think furries and bronies should be allies against the haters.

However I do have one little thing that bugs me.

I don't identify as a pegasister, even though I've seen heaps of MLP and owned plenty of the toys.  I do consider myself a fan of the franchise though.  And this is where I draw the distinction:

The Brony fandom is basically Friendship is Magic oriented.  Now I really like G4, Lauren Faust did a great job in rebooting the franchise which was in trouble and I'm a big fan of her work with Powerpuff Girls too.

I like G3 and despite my misgivings about the move to short snouts really warmed to G3.5.  G2 not so much.  But primarily I love G1.  I loved G1 as a kid and that's what I showed to my cubs when they were little.

So to me (and I hate to sound like a hipster) I liked MLP before it was cool and I feel bit left out that the Brony fandom seems to have so little interest in the rest of the franchise.

George Arthur Bloom and Michael Reaves in particular wrote some really great episodes (not to mention they also wrote some great G1 Transformers episodes too) and well know voices actors like Frank Welker and Nancy Cartwright are also in the MLP G1 pedigree.

Anyway, I'm curious what you think.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on September 03, 2014, 01:22:17 AM
I think it's really cool that you like mlp and enjoy more than just one of the generations.
I personally have not seen any if the other generations, but I'm open to trying them out.

I would agree that the brony fandom is primarily g4 based. This is where the fandom kicked off and a majority of it is not really open to older generations. Especially 3 and 3.5.
I can see why you would not call yourself a pegasisiter even though you like the show.

I won't call myself a furry, however I do like anthropomorphic art. More like the feral kind. I don't really have a lot of actual interest in becoming any animal or having a fursona or anything else. I just mostly joined here to learn more about furries and now I'm staying here to maybe make friends and interact with different people.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on September 03, 2014, 02:42:42 AM
I actually prefer feral art myself, actually.
I find anthro works best in the head and in text, probably because I'm so used to humanoids being animated.

I'm not a furry by choice, it's just an expression for me though coincidentally I do regard myself a fur because foxes are furry in a more traditional sense more than anything and it ironically fits.
I'm a therian so I literally feel like a anthro, well more like semianthro because the standard ideal of anthros in the furrydom with a human torso and limbs and a animal head and tail just doesn't seem quite like it flows together for me (for the same reason I preferred chibi because they're a bit cubbish and cuddly and rhythmic fun funny animal designs). The fact my mind crosses my human and nonhuman form and creates a intermediate phantom form is why I like anthros as well as ferals, it's a part of me.

For those who aren't therians I imagine those furries have a more benign reasoning (I saw one person referencing it a transhuman ideology, others as a expression of the intermediate of interspecies attraction) perhaps or were carried into the fandom via some furry esque franchise yet there's also the somewhat less anthro franchise such as MLP.

The furry fandom is very diverse for these reasons.
I don't really see it as a fandom. A fandom follows an object or product, yet furries follow in a arbitrary idea which is more loose like art and that's a quality of counter culture as its neither fandom anymore nor does it hold specifics to what can be described as a full genre.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on September 03, 2014, 03:56:19 AM
i see furries and the whole furry thing more as a culture than a fandom really.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Kozy on September 03, 2014, 04:43:02 AM

i see furries and the whole furry thing more as a culture than a fandom really.

Yeah, crowdsourcing as a main element isn't the mark of a "fan"dom. Being furry is more like hippie, punk or goth than trekkie, whovian or brony.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Nicholas Scribetail on September 07, 2014, 07:47:51 AM
Brony here. Got into it after a lot of stuff started showing up on places like FA, Tumblr, etc about em. Next thing you know I'm making analytical videos and became part of an online YouTube community. I'm about as open about it as I am with being a furry, which is to say I don't make it public unless someone asks. I have fun, and honestly they're no more odd than this community, they even have their own central brony forum like this site. I've met friends, made an enemy or two (just some rarity obsessed dude and a dude obsessed with "taking down the analysis community cause they didn't let me into their Skype group"), and I'm even going to be attending a Nightmare Nights Dallas convention where I've been invited to sit on a panel with other YouTube Analysts (exciting!).

It's had it's good and bad side but really, what fandom doesn't?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on September 07, 2014, 11:58:04 PM

Brony here. Got into it after a lot of stuff started showing up on places like FA, Tumblr, etc about em. Next thing you know I'm making analytical videos and became part of an online YouTube community. I'm about as open about it as I am with being a furry, which is to say I don't make it public unless someone asks. I have fun, and honestly they're no more odd than this community, they even have their own central brony forum like this site. I've met friends, made an enemy or two (just some rarity obsessed dude and a dude obsessed with "taking down the analysis community cause they didn't let me into their Skype group"), and I'm even going to be attending a Nightmare Nights Dallas convention where I've been invited to sit on a panel with other YouTube Analysts (exciting!).

It's had it's good and bad side but really, what fandom doesn't?
what is your youtube channel? i may or may not have seen or heard of you.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Nicholas Scribetail on September 08, 2014, 12:25:16 AM

Brony here. Got into it after a lot of stuff started showing up on places like FA, Tumblr, etc about em. Next thing you know I'm making analytical videos and became part of an online YouTube community. I'm about as open about it as I am with being a furry, which is to say I don't make it public unless someone asks. I have fun, and honestly they're no more odd than this community, they even have their own central brony forum like this site. I've met friends, made an enemy or two (just some rarity obsessed dude and a dude obsessed with "taking down the analysis community cause they didn't let me into their Skype group"), and I'm even going to be attending a Nightmare Nights Dallas convention where I've been invited to sit on a panel with other YouTube Analysts (exciting!).

It's had it's good and bad side but really, what fandom doesn't?
what is your youtube channel? i may or may not have seen or heard of you.

My YouTube channel is Scribble Squabble (, I'll be putting it and a few other links in my signature later.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: wolflover44 on September 10, 2014, 09:08:10 PM
Whaats a brony ?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on September 11, 2014, 02:44:17 AM
Whaats a brony ?
A brony is a person who likes mlp. (my little pony) And typically specifically the fourth generation of it which is sub titled Friendship Is Magic.
Kind of started off in 2010 when the show was kicked off again when the new (at the time)) HUB channel came to be. And it acquired a fan base online (I think mostly on 4chan) and became popular there until people hated on them and there was fighting. Then ponies were banned from 4chan so the bronies spread around the internet.

But basically, people who like mlp.
which is really broad.

and there are different kinds of bronies too.
(like people who have a "twisted like" for the ponies have their own name: cloppers.)
some females prefer to call themselves pegasisters
and then there is the regular brony
the casuals are also called bronies

and then there are the bronies that dont want to be called bronies because cloppers call themselves bronies and then they dont want anything to do with that so they avoid it and avoid being called broneis
its weird
but whatever 
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: anoni on September 12, 2014, 03:49:46 PM
I think bronies could be more correctly defined.

"People who enjoy "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" that are not the target audience of the show"
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Honey Bun on September 15, 2014, 03:47:32 AM
I'm a pegasister.  X3

I'm not usually super active on the forum, but I wanted to reply to this topic 'cause I felt the urge to brohoof you, Bronies are cool.


Okay. Sorry. I'll stop being obnoxious now. >.>
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on September 20, 2014, 01:52:59 AM
I'm a pegasister.  X3

I'm not usually super active on the forum, but I wanted to reply to this topic 'cause I felt the urge to brohoof you, Bronies are cool.


Okay. Sorry. I'll stop being obnoxious now. >.>
I wouldn't call it obnoxious.
Brohoof back

Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Trixsie Vixen on September 20, 2014, 08:45:07 PM
That brohoof emoji, so good!

*furry hi-five*

Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Dubaku on September 30, 2014, 05:48:39 PM
I used to be a Brony, then I left the fandom as soon as I joined varsity Lax. Doesn't mean I hate bronies, I still have Brony friends, and I still have my OC. Some bronies just annoy me, though, like those people who have Alicorn OCs. I hang out with those who are chill about being Bronies. All in all, I've just stopped caring about MLP
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Fenox Helkiin on September 30, 2014, 05:55:41 PM
This pretty much says everything is furs have in common with bronies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Goblin Cat 😸 on October 01, 2014, 02:26:07 AM
 I tend to have a critical opinion of bronies... Which probably isn't a surprise to those who know me. But let me elaborate before someone jumps me.

 I would hope in saying this, people realize that I understand people are different and not all bronies fall under this category (in fact, I know some that I enjoy talking to that don't fall under this at all, and also agree with what I think) and I'm not targeting anyone in particular so much as expressing why I find bronies problematic. I take no issue with people who enjoy the show. I take issue with these problems.

 Honestly, I really don't like that most of the take a show meant for small girls' empowerment and sexualize it to the point that the fan space is not safe for the target audience. They are loud, belligerent, and any time it is acknowledged that they are not part of the target audience, they throw a fit about it.

 If you think my point isn't valid, I encourage you to take a look at the whole incident concerning Stellar Eclipse, a pony OC that was written into the show for a minor via the Make A Wish Foundation, where, bronies were so bothered that they were excluded, they purposefully made porn of the character and when the mother requested that they didn't, they responded by (you guessed it!) making more porn of said character and saying that the teen should be flattered that it happened to begin with!

 There are several other instances of issues like this, and homophobia, racism, and mysogynistic ideals run rampant among bronies. I think it's ridiculous that they take positive role models for children and attach said ideals to them. They invade and claim spaces that are not made for them so that it is no longer safe for who the space is made for... And that's why I take issue with them.

 I have no problem with people liking things outside of their target audience because I believe that gendered marketing is problematic on its own, but to demand special titles (and get them) when on the flip side (I'll use comic books and video games for instance) girls get the whole “fake geek” and “fake gamer girls” title and harassed for doing the same, I think it's no bueno. I think it's a gross double standard that needs to die.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Dubaku on October 01, 2014, 04:34:10 AM
Imma agree with Morty over here. In fact I believe most  bronies are only bronies for the attention, or as a "sensitive side" just to get a girlfriend. However, like I said, keep it on the DL and everything's all good, no problems.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Fenox Helkiin on October 01, 2014, 05:45:29 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: George on October 01, 2014, 05:49:22 AM
I tend to have a critical opinion of bronies... Which probably isn't a surprise to those who know me. But let me elaborate before someone jumps me.

 I would hope in saying this, people realize that I understand people are different and not all bronies fall under this category (in fact, I know some that I enjoy talking to that don't fall under this at all, and also agree with what I think) and I'm not targeting anyone in particular so much as expressing why I find bronies problematic. I take no issue with people who enjoy the show. I take issue with these problems.

 Honestly, I really don't like that most of the take a show meant for small girls' empowerment and sexualize it to the point that the fan space is not safe for the target audience. They are loud, belligerent, and any time it is acknowledged that they are not part of the target audience, they throw a fit about it.

 If you think my point isn't valid, I encourage you to take a look at the whole incident concerning Stellar Eclipse, a pony OC that was written into the show for a minor via the Make A Wish Foundation, where, bronies were so bothered that they were excluded, they purposefully made porn of the character and when the mother requested that they didn't, they responded by (you guessed it!) making more porn of said character and saying that the teen should be flattered that it happened to begin with!

 There are several other instances of issues like this, and homophobia, racism, and mysogynistic ideals run rampant among bronies, and I think it's ridiculous that they take positive role models for children and attach said ideals to them. They invade and claim spaces that are not made for them so that it is no longer safe for who the space is made for... And that's why I take issue with them.

 I have no problem with people liking things outside of their target audience because I believe that gendered marketing is problematic on its own, but to demand special titles (and get them) when on the flip side (I'll use comic books and video games for instance) girls get the whole “fake geek” and “fake gamer girls” title and harassed for doing the same, I think it's no bueno. I think it's a gross double standard that needs to die.

I wanted to say this but didn't want to be the one to start it.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on October 09, 2014, 12:15:19 AM
I tend to have a critical opinion of bronies... Which probably isn't a surprise to those who know me. But let me elaborate before someone jumps me.

 I would hope in saying this, people realize that I understand people are different and not all bronies fall under this category (in fact, I know some that I enjoy talking to that don't fall under this at all, and also agree with what I think) and I'm not targeting anyone in particular so much as expressing why I find bronies problematic. I take no issue with people who enjoy the show. I take issue with these problems.

 Honestly, I really don't like that most of the take a show meant for small girls' empowerment and sexualize it to the point that the fan space is not safe for the target audience. They are loud, belligerent, and any time it is acknowledged that they are not part of the target audience, they throw a fit about it.

 If you think my point isn't valid, I encourage you to take a look at the whole incident concerning Stellar Eclipse, a pony OC that was written into the show for a minor via the Make A Wish Foundation, where, bronies were so bothered that they were excluded, they purposefully made porn of the character and when the mother requested that they didn't, they responded by (you guessed it!) making more porn of said character and saying that the teen should be flattered that it happened to begin with!

 There are several other instances of issues like this, and homophobia, racism, and mysogynistic ideals run rampant among bronies. I think it's ridiculous that they take positive role models for children and attach said ideals to them. They invade and claim spaces that are not made for them so that it is no longer safe for who the space is made for... And that's why I take issue with them.

 I have no problem with people liking things outside of their target audience because I believe that gendered marketing is problematic on its own, but to demand special titles (and get them) when on the flip side (I'll use comic books and video games for instance) girls get the whole “fake geek” and “fake gamer girls” title and harassed for doing the same, I think it's no bueno. I think it's a gross double standard that needs to die.
I don't really know how to respond to this.
Except that I agree with a good number of points that you made.
Part of me wants to say that only a smaller portion of bronies do the pornz and get loud about it or be a Brony for the attention but they are louder than the regulars. But I'm sure that you already know that.
I feel like it is these reasons you described that I'm not super open about it in public. Like, I know they're is nothing wrong with me, but other people would get a bag idea about me based on what they read on the Internet about bronies or see in public.

I know that there are plenty of bad things that some bronies do that out speak the positive things that other bronies do. Like, I'll do done research and show you some of the good. I know that there are charities run by bronies and a lot of Brony musicians actually donate money they earn from making music to charity as well. Give me time and I'll give you examples.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Goblin Cat 😸 on October 09, 2014, 10:42:48 AM
I don't really know how to respond to this.
Except that I agree with a good number of points that you made.
Part of me wants to say that only a smaller portion of bronies do the pornz and get loud about it or be a Brony for the attention but they are louder than the regulars. But I'm sure that you already know that.
I feel like it is these reasons you described that I'm not super open about it in public. Like, I know they're is nothing wrong with me, but other people would get a bag idea about me based on what they read on the Internet about bronies or see in public.

I know that there are plenty of bad things that some bronies do that out speak the positive things that other bronies do. Like, I'll do done research and show you some of the good. I know that there are charities run by bronies and a lot of Brony musicians actually donate money they earn from making music to charity as well. Give me time and I'll give you examples.

 No, I am not accusing everyone who likes MLP to be guilty of these things. I just feel that brony culture has become this exclusive thing that seems almost separate from just “I like My Little Pony,” if that makes sense. Like, you could say “Yeah, I like the show My Little Pony” and I feel like that wouldn't make my face scrunch up like it would if someone was like “Hey I'm a brony.” Liking the show itself is not problematic.

Regarding charity, unfortunately, some bronies hop on doing charitable acts for the wrong reasons. Again, I'm not accusing everyone that enjoys MLP to be guilty of this so much as that brony culture I described above. Some do charitable acts for the purpose of being able to say “But not all bronies” and I feel like that's pretty shitty to do – trying to profit off of other peoples' misfortunes in order to make yourself look better in the same way some white people try to belittle their culture to prove they aren't one of the “bad white people.” It's not very genuine and is problematic in its own right.

If you donate to charity because you want to or feel that it's the right thing to do, that's one thing. But doing it to use as a tool to make yourself look better? Nah. It does exactly the opposite.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Nicholas Scribetail on October 10, 2014, 06:46:41 AM
I don't really know how to respond to this.
Except that I agree with a good number of points that you made.
Part of me wants to say that only a smaller portion of bronies do the pornz and get loud about it or be a Brony for the attention but they are louder than the regulars. But I'm sure that you already know that.
I feel like it is these reasons you described that I'm not super open about it in public. Like, I know they're is nothing wrong with me, but other people would get a bag idea about me based on what they read on the Internet about bronies or see in public.

I know that there are plenty of bad things that some bronies do that out speak the positive things that other bronies do. Like, I'll do done research and show you some of the good. I know that there are charities run by bronies and a lot of Brony musicians actually donate money they earn from making music to charity as well. Give me time and I'll give you examples.

 No, I am not accusing everyone who likes MLP to be guilty of these things. I just feel that brony culture has become this exclusive thing that seems almost separate from just “I like My Little Pony,” if that makes sense. Like, you could say “Yeah, I like the show My Little Pony” and I feel like that wouldn't make my face scrunch up like it would if someone was like “Hey I'm a brony.” Liking the show itself is not problematic.

Regarding charity, unfortunately, some bronies hop on doing charitable acts for the wrong reasons. Again, I'm not accusing everyone that enjoys MLP to be guilty of this so much as that brony culture I described above. Some do charitable acts for the purpose of being able to say “But not all bronies” and I feel like that's pretty shitty to do – trying to profit off of other peoples' misfortunes in order to make yourself look better in the same way some white people try to belittle their culture to prove they aren't one of the “bad white people.” It's not very genuine and is problematic in its own right.

If you donate to charity because you want to or feel that it's the right thing to do, that's one thing. But doing it to use as a tool to make yourself look better? Nah. It does exactly the opposite.

Something I should note is that this type of behavior you're referring to is not exclusive to bronies. Every fandom does the charity thing (even this one), and to be fair the amount of money raised by a fandom that is only 4 years old is impressive; hell I'm just impressed a fandom only 4 years old has reached beyond it's country of origin in such a short time.

Also it should be noted that it is possible to like something while not being a part of that fandom (furries included). As fandom if broken down to it's definition "Fanatic" and "Domain" essentially means "A domain for fanatics," and as stated before it's possible to like something without being a fan.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Goblin Cat 😸 on October 10, 2014, 07:49:07 AM

Something I should note is that this type of behavior you're referring to is not exclusive to bronies. Every fandom does the charity thing (even this one), and to be fair the amount of money raised by a fandom that is only 4 years old is impressive; hell I'm just impressed a fandom only 4 years old has reached beyond it's country of origin in such a short time.

Also it should be noted that it is possible to like something while not being a part of that fandom (furries included). As fandom if broken down to it's definition "Fanatic" and "Domain" essentially means "A domain for fanatics," and as stated before it's possible to like something without being a fan.

Oh, I'm well aware of that. This is generally why I don't really enjoy fandoms in general because they can often lead to a toxic environment. I guess I should clarify I would make that scrunchy face at most any fandom, including the furry one I could go on forever about problematic behavior with furries or really most fandoms... Which is why I'm somewhat quiet on that front as well, but I do lurk because there are some nice things occasionally.
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Crystali on October 11, 2014, 07:35:17 AM
1 question: is anyone a pony on sl?
2 question: how is it like to be a pony?
3 question: how did u become a pony?
4 question: can i ride on u?
5 question: what is a brony?
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: Bronies are cool on October 23, 2014, 12:13:52 AM
1 question: is anyone a pony on sl?
2 question: how is it like to be a pony?
3 question: how did u become a pony?
4 question: can i ride on u?
5 question: what is a brony?

What is SL?
I'm not actually a pony, so idk.
Not applicable
No thank you. :)
A fan of My Little Pony
Title: Re: opinion on bronies/ask your questions to a brony
Post by: anoni on October 24, 2014, 07:25:32 AM
SL = Second Life