The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Jens on August 12, 2014, 08:14:06 PM

Title: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: Jens on August 12, 2014, 08:14:06 PM
This is a role play based on an apocalyptic future. All the super nations had a nuclear stand off. In the beginning they isolate themselves from the rest of the world, bunkering underground preparing for doomsday. The tension was building and building until finally it snapped no one knows who fired the first shot but nukes came raining down covering the planet in fire. On that day it was marked WHTO, When Hell Took Over.

All that remains now is ash, rubble, and ruin. Very few have survived, and it is hard to travel on the surface especially  in the open. The air is toxic, ruthless bands of raiders scowl the streets killing anything without a second thought, and the horrible mutations. The sky has gone gray and mushroom clouds, even decades later, can still be seen. Everyone stays hidden waiting to die. There are a few bold enough to crawl out of there hole and search for salvation, a way to make the surface livable again. There has been a rumor that there are scientists that have answers, answers that can save the world...

So let me know what you think, if you have anything to add on, take off, orchange let me know, I want this to be enjoyable for everybody.

•Be respectful
•Wait your turn, there will be a posting order
•You have 24 hours to make a post or you will be skipped
•If you continuously miss your turn without an explanation you will be banned from this RP
•There must be minimum of three RP'ers to start
•And the most important rule, eat your broccoli... no wait *shuffles through cards* HAVE FUN!!!

Character sheet
Species: (cyborgs/robots are welcome)
Fur/scale colour:
Markings: (tattoos, scars,...)
If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask in the OOC or PM me :) .
Title: Re: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: Cinder42 on September 21, 2014, 03:03:33 AM
Name: Cinder
Species: Cyborg Mutant wolf
Fur/scale colour: same as general profile
Markings:  I hind leg and eyes are robotic, along with various inner parts.
Personality: Curious, friendly, generally optomistic

Title: Re: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: Ryan Naismith on September 22, 2014, 12:26:41 PM
Name: lovec

Species: Corsac fox

Fur: Tan, with black fur dispersed throughout.

Markings: has no visible modifications, has heterochrima in his eyes, one is grey, one is gold. He also has "Никто, кроме нас!" Tattooed on his forearm. Wears camo fatigues, a military vest, and a blue beret. Of you hadn't guessed, he was in the army.

Personality: tough, un-trusting, sarcastic, and pessimistic

Misc: he has the standard set of gene mods for his unit.(improved lungs, improved strength, hardened skin, and hyper-reactive pupils) he also carries a short, integrally suppressed sniper rifle.
Title: Re: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: Rayleonarde on September 22, 2014, 12:48:04 PM
Name: "The Good Doctor" Rayleonarde

Species: Raccoon

Fur: Traditional grey and black coloration, except for tail ringlets, which are an iridescent red/black.

Markings: Most of one arm has been replaced with a robotic double. Upon his right paw is a bar-code tattoo. Wears a cobbled together cacophony of hard leather and bits of metal. A respirator sits dangling from the armor.

Personality: Depressed, pessimistic, though open to new friends, he is unlikely to trust.

Misc: Other than the robotic arm, Ray doesn't have any modifications to his body.  That's not for want of trying, he's spent some time working with genetic modification and cybernetic modification. Though basic, he could very well upgrade modifications.
Title: Re: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: Jens on November 14, 2014, 01:10:09 AM
Hey guys, I am really sorry for the delay. After no one responded for a while I just forgot about this and I won't be able to for a while longer so just bare with me for a little while longer. Its awesome you guys are interested and I promise as soon as I can start I will.

my character is on my profile because I don't want to type it again  XP

Title: Re: The Fallout: WHTO
Post by: AJ Fawxe on November 26, 2014, 05:24:13 PM
If there is any interest left from the participants I would like to join