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Furry Chat => Rants and Advice => Topic started by: sigols on June 15, 2014, 12:37:29 PM

Title: I hate my "friend"
Post by: sigols on June 15, 2014, 12:37:29 PM
For real, like I would be happy if he moved to another country, or got hit by a bus(a little over the top but he is a jerk) The problem is that I really hate him, but he is the only friend that I have had for over a year, we have been friends since we were like 8, but now he pisses me off several times a day. He is now my only "friend", and I his, he have over time made everyone on school hate him, and thus they dislike me as well. (our former school, I changed and he followed after most of the teachers failed me cuz they didn't like my face, and they couldn't anything of what they "teached" us)
He is very manipulative, insanely hatefull to everything and everyone he doesn't think of as normal. (like homosexuals should get arrested, all gamers are pathetic worthless idiots and so on and so forth) he found out that I listen to black metal three months back, and he still send me links to animal cruelty vids on YouTube and other sights and ask if I know the band...
After the summer vacation I'll start on a new school(a semi-highschool, Norwegian school system is wierd) and he follows me there too. I had hoped that I could get a fresh start there, to be myself, but with him there it would end up with one of us in a coffin if I did that.
He really got his way with words, so he talks himself out of all shit, and get lots of "friends" early on but looses the early,  so I will get half of school on my neck if I leave him.

Please anyone help, I'm so sick and tired of always hiding who I am, but I also want to have a shot at having any real friend, and my "friend" is gonna mess up my reputation so bad if I show my true self that even when I'm retired people will still call me names he made up...
Anyone have any tips?
Title: Re: I hate my "friend"
Post by: aperson1 on June 15, 2014, 01:25:45 PM
Well, you could always tell a teacher or other about it. Your 'friend' obviously isn't a friend any more. If you still are friends with him, tell him that you're not interested in being friends with him any more. Him moving to all those schools with you can't be all on purpose. The only kids who would spend that much time and effort doing that are seriously losers.

It just sounds like you have a bad case of bullying. Even if you were friends for a long time, he is definitely not attempting to share anything considered kind to you or about you.

I suggest, as a possible help, just finding out if he's staying in that school, going somewhere else, or other, and just going where he isn't next year. ;)
Title: Re: I hate my "friend"
Post by: sigols on June 15, 2014, 02:08:35 PM
Aperson, thanks, some good advices there. I have tried to cut him off two or three times already, but he finds ways to find and harras me anyway. I have tried to explain to him also why I don't want to be with him anymore, but as always he talks himself out of that too, he plays dumb when I tell him it's not ok to piss off people to have a cheap laugh.
And the school I'm going to is the only school nearby that have the line I'm going for; electro. So I have to take bus and train every morning to get to the second closest.
Title: Re: I hate my "friend"
Post by: aperson1 on June 15, 2014, 02:14:12 PM
Well then I suggest telling a teacher. Moving schools is obviously a hard option, and moving your location is overkill for a bully/friend. The problem with kids like that is that a bad reputation spread with you can stay with you for a surprisingly long time. Despite the numerous problems, you have 3 options: Just put up with it, tell somebody, or go to a different school. :/