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Creative Arts and Media => TV and Video => Video and Traditional Games => Topic started by: anoni on June 07, 2014, 07:15:18 PM

Title: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: anoni on June 07, 2014, 07:15:18 PM
I want to know who you think are the most badass characters in a video game, you can have multiple characters per game but you must describe why they are badass, what causes them to be badass and so forth.

A guideline to rate badassary is this
  - Lore Badassary: In the game lore how badass is he? Did he destroy planets single handedly, do people fear him or is he just generally cool or awesome?
  - Appearance Badassary: Does he look awesome, is he sleek and cool or strong and menacing?
  - Gameplay Badassary: Is he the most powerful character of a game? If he's an enemy is he tough to beat?

Badass characters can span any game and can be friend or foe.

Here's an example: In my opinion some of the most badass video game characters come from no other than the fallout universe. In Fallout 3 there aren't too many badass characters, but people like Desmond (an old ghoul living in the merryland state that is a brilliant shot) make the game somewhat noticeable. The real stars shine in Fallout new vegas, with Legate Lanius (A guy who is so badass that when his tribe surrendered to the legion, he literally turned on his own tribe and destroyed them all by himself) and Joshua Graham (A missionary who was reported dead 5 times on separate occasions, was then covered in tar, lit on fire and thrown into the grand canyon, and yet he STILL survives being one of the most incredible and powerful foes in the gaming universe) and in fallout 2 Frank Horrigan (A super SUPER mutant (increased stength) with super POWER ARMOUR, considered by many to be a walking nuke, he is the strongest enemy in all the old-school fallout games). There is however, one person in this universe that I think is more badass

Ulysses, besides being somewhat responsible for almost every single event in the fallout New Vegas game and it's DLC's, was the first to discover hoover dam, was an inept fighter and, when acquiring nuclear weapons, became literally the largest threat the entire world had ever faced since the great war, he is by far the most badass character. He looks awesome with the old-school American flag on his back and he talks with absolute calm giving such great quotes as "Who are you that do not know your own history". Further more, he is the strongest human character in any fallout game, the only character (besides two "challenge" characters introduced in the lonesome road DLC) to have health over 1,000 and the only character (besides those two special characters and Frank Horrigon) to have a SPECIAL status of all 10. He is almost impossible to defeat if you decide to face him and as an ally he is unmatched.
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: White Wolf Guardian on June 07, 2014, 07:17:46 PM
Max Payne, "lore" would be the closest thing to tragedy held up by a bottle. Gameplay wise, doing a lot more bone breaking activity than any other characters I can think of at the moment.
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: NautilusWolf on June 09, 2014, 05:59:10 AM
I want to say Marcus Fenix from the Gears of War series. A chainsaw, on an assault rifle. YES PLEASE. And he ends a 15 year war with the locust.
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 09, 2014, 06:40:44 AM
I'd have to give the title of Badass to Captain Titus of the Ultramarines Chapter in Warhammer 40k.

Given that he is technically a 9' 2'' tall super soldier inside power-armor that sports pauldrons the size of an average man's torso and arms, wielding a chainsaw sword the size of that same average man; Titus is the only man beyond the God-Emprah himself to fight his way through the ranks of Orks and Force of Chaos, single-handed, and beat a Daemon Prince into ground beef with only his fists while they both plummet at terminal velocity from a sky-scraper.
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: anoni on June 09, 2014, 11:43:25 AM
In terms of badassary it's difficult to top a space marine. If you want to go from sheer power, there may be a man who cannot be topped. He is insane, strong and very, very serious. He is...

Serious Sam.

Although a bit more on the ridiculous side, Serious Sam gets a lot of his badass points by the sheer amount of people he had killed. He has literally taken on an entire army that has over powered all of earths defenses, by himself. He has fought back hundreds and thousands of aliens, headless kamakazi's, werebulls, giant mechs that shoot rapid fire rockets and monsters over 50 times his size. He has wielded giant miniguns, laser guns, rapid fire rocket launchers, grenade launches and a cannon. Yes, a cannon, like a literal cannon, from a pirate ship, in his hands. Oh and he took on this guy


.. and this guy


Need I say more?
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: Tyga on June 09, 2014, 11:58:44 AM
I'm sorry to say but no-one can top this guy right here

Who else can stop an invading alien horde with nothing but a crowbar?

Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: Elisif on June 09, 2014, 03:30:29 PM
^ the two posts above me I agree with

BUT nobody can beat Gordon Freedom... He had NO military training at all to start with and yet he saves the world. Anything I want to add? Yes, while serious Sam took down hordes of aliens multiple times his size, Gordon has to deal with the security systems of whatever he needs to get into. In short, he's a genius killing machine.

Serious Sam gets credit for all the things he's been through, harpies, kamikazes, one eyed charging monster thing, he's just... Kinda overpowered. But heck, who wouldn't need to be overpowered when facing a whole planet's worth of things trying to kill you?
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: SadDubwool on June 27, 2014, 01:04:05 AM
The Lone wanderer "Apprerence,Gameplay" This Guy is a freaking beast,He is relentless,he could kill ANYTHING without caring ,Speaking of killing he can kill a  mutant GRIZZLY BEAR with just his fists.
Title: Re: The Most Badass Characters in Video Gaming History
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on June 27, 2014, 02:42:34 AM

Let's face it, this guy is the most epic badass out there. Aside from a 7-foot katana, he's mastered both weaponry and magic. A direct creation from the cells of Jenova, and a direct descendant of the Ancients, Sephiroth has the ability to fully control the materialized portions of the Life Stream, having full mastery of cosmic magic and even the ability to change the environment with a wave of his hand. He is the best that ever came out of SOLDIER and has been the idol of Zachs and Cloud while being the ultimate rival and best friend of Genesis and Angeal. If allowed to, this bitch could have destroyed the entire world. (