The Furry Forums

Furry Chat => General => Topic started by: furry4ever789 on April 24, 2013, 08:15:22 PM

Title: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: furry4ever789 on April 24, 2013, 08:15:22 PM
Hey guys i am new here , i was just wondering why did you guys join the furry movement ( AWESOME:PP! ) ? Also how long have you been furry and stuffzies :)))
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: nixon/monto on April 24, 2013, 11:27:19 PM
I've been a furry for three years now and I must say I became one because i was going though a time of weirdness where I was trying to "find my self" if I may use that term.

I became one not because of my beliefs, my "past life's" (which is something I don't believe in.),not because I want things to animals. But because I see people that look like they know what they are doing with their life. And because they look really fun to have at a party. ^_^ plus I love the art, music, the social interaction, even the suits. (Well as long as the suits have clothes on they aren't naked anthropomorphic suits.)

That's my reason. Now what's yours?
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: FeralWings on April 24, 2013, 11:32:14 PM
Hrmm, mostly due to the interest into the possibilty of anthros, and the society as well.  Science is interesting, and there's alot of possibilties coming sooner than you'd think.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: nixon/monto on April 24, 2013, 11:51:58 PM
Have you not seen the shows that tell us to not do that exact thing? Like splice. And others.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Rhoryc on April 25, 2013, 12:17:59 AM
Animals are cool. The concept of anthropomorphic animals is cool. Artwork consisting of anthropomorphic animals is cool.
That's pretty much the extent of it. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm part of a "movement", I'm just a fan. :P
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: nixon/monto on April 25, 2013, 01:47:38 AM
I agree its a cool idea but in reality something could go wrong with that and I just don't want no big mutant big toothed rabbit hopping around town.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Eibhleann on April 25, 2013, 08:26:42 PM
I personally became a furry because I'd always had an interest in anthropomorphic animals since I was very young. I enjoy the fact that the majority of the furry society that I associate with is friendly, but not overly friendly to the point where they're all over me. I enjoy the visual artwork a ton, especially when I come across something that's both anthro and xeno of any form, such as Jennadelle's work (which sadly has been taken down.) I also adore the music, specifically Renard Queenston's work ( That's all I can think to say at the moment but feel free to ask me if you have any questions :D
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Arylett Dawnsborough on April 27, 2013, 06:30:01 AM
I pretty much just decided to apply the title after my 'sona gradually evolved from something that walked on four legs and was pretty animalike to a humanoid full-blow anthro. It just seemed like an inevitability at that point. I am a furry simply because I, after some time of hating the idea in my youth and thinking it was overdone, somehow made my way... to furrydom unintentionally and began to find anthropomorphic animals interesting. I just like them, and I think it's a nice little title that applies. Nothing serious.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: BakaFawkes on May 06, 2013, 02:14:38 PM
I used to love playing pretend as a kid. As I got older, I couldn't get away with it of course, and kind of missed that fun I had with my friends. I wasn't until a bit later did I realize role playing is the grown up term for it. I love pretending to be my fursona, and now it's one of my hobbies to draw pretty much nothing but furry art.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: skipps on May 06, 2013, 02:30:55 PM
i became a furry because i love anthro art and just love the community, every one is just so nice XD . well im new to the forums. been a furry for about 2 years but havent done anything about it :P 
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: KoalaJen on May 07, 2013, 10:54:11 AM
Guess it's something that came with the package so to speak, just that it manifested more prominently than other aspects of my being that took longer to accept, like my gender.

Overall I just love the concepts, the art and sometimes the stories. The reason why I began to actively seek out the community more in person is because I wanted to share my art, get myself out there and no longer feel alone, like I'm the only person I know of that it is a fur or into furs. :/ That way so I don't feel like I'm just my boyfriend's girlfriend who wears collars and draws furries. But belong to something bigger.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Nobi on May 07, 2013, 02:16:27 PM
I've done a lot of reflection on this, and at this point it seems pretty obvious why I'm a furry; I grew up loving stories with anthropomorphic animals. Redwall was my favorite book series as a child, and I lost count of how many times I watched Disney's Robin Hood. I also loved George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" in spite of how unsettling it was. Come to think of it, so many stories we all hear as children feature talking animals... It's no surprise that it influenced me, honestly. I was also positively obsessed with Egyptian mythology. For anyone not familiar with the Egyptian pantheon, most of their gods have human bodies with the heads of animals. Horus and Anubis were always my favorites. I wrote stories about them, even...

I suppose anthropomorphic animals were so engrained into my life that I didn't even notice that my love for them began to trickle into the types of characters I'd create. I'd dream up characters for Redwall fanfics that I never wrote; I'd play exclusively as Khajiit and Argonian characters in The Elder Scrolls; in D&D, I made up a new race that I called Felis Sapiens, which I described as "A human-sized, human-shaped cat." That was before I even knew the word "anthropomorphic." I made a character that was this race, and I did insert portions of my personality into him (as I do with all my characters), but I didn't consider him a fursona (at this point in my life, I knew about the furry fandom, so I knew what a fursona was, but I didn't identify with the fandom yet). More recently—in the later months of 2012—I made another anthropomorphic character. This time, he was a fox. Officially, his race was Foxkin, even though—if I remember correctly—the official D&D description of Foxkin is much more human-looking than anthro. But I put that label on him to make it easier.

Going back in time a bit, to 2010, I was turned on to Renard's music by an online friend. I'd always loved electronic music, so I fell in love with his work immediately. Again, I knew about furries at this point, so I wasn't terribly confused when I saw anthros on the covers of his albums. My thoughts on this were essentially just, "Oh, he's a furry. Neat..." It was through Renard that I got my first taste of what furries were actually like. I had heard many of the misconceptions of the fandom, although I was very skeptical about them. I didn't believe that furries were nothing but a bunch of zoophiles or perverts, but I had never really encountered any to know what they were actually like. After hearing Renard's music and reading some of the things he wrote on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, I was amazed at how passionate he was about his music. I saw comments by other furries, and they were all so nice, and came off as very interesting people. So I gradually became exposed to furries and the massive amounts of creativity and passion found in the fandom, although I was still looking in from the outside.

Another thing that influenced me was some experiences on Omegle, of all places. Out of sheer curiosity one day, I typed "furries" into the little interests bar on Omegle, wondering who I'd meet. It was here that I first heard the question, "asfo?" Thankfully, many furries stayed to talk even though I identified as human. The ones that did were incredibly friendly, and honestly didn't come off as strange at all. And if they did, it was entirely the good kind of strange. It was on Omegle that I also encountered my first yiffers. When they asked if I wanted to yiff, I politely declined, but I was astonished to find that some of them were happy to stay and just talk to me. Again, I found that, in spite of being a little more... frisky than the other furs, most of them were perfectly nice, loving, intelligent people.

I suppose I officially became a furry myself in January of 2013. All these experiences basically culminated in a small drawing I did on a whim one day, depicting me as an anthropomorphic fox. At that point, I officially decided that I was a furry. Shortly after, I joined the forums. What I found here was a wonderful community of friendly, loving, supportive, and creative individuals. The positivity I've felt from this community is practically unparalleled. People aren't afraid to be themselves, which is something I find truly amazing. It warms my heart to see it. I don't foresee myself leaving this fandom anytime soon, no matter what anyone outside the fandom says or thinks. I'm very open with my furryness on Facebook, because I know that anyone who unfriends me because of it simply isn't worth being friends with. So far, nobody has. In fact, some of them even enjoy it. Sure, I've had some post a few jokes about it, but I would see them in real life and they'd treat me with respect and friendliness just like they did before I was a furry.

So yeah, there's my novel. That's why I'm a furry. :)
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: nixon/monto on May 07, 2013, 06:54:34 PM
You sir have a FANTASTIC memory! I bow to you and you awesome writings.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Sirius on June 11, 2013, 04:42:39 AM
Well i always identified with wolves as it's part of my name and they embodied what i wanted to be. It's all i decorated my room and stuff in. I would always pretend to be one so making the jump to fandom was easy and natural. It just feels right and i love meeting open minded, tolerant people who treat me with respect and dignity and that's exactly what i've found in the culture.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Edie on June 11, 2013, 08:05:34 AM
I just like Anthro Animals, they're really cool looking, a lot of the fandom are cool, it's fun to RP with your characters,etc...

Yeah I've been a furry a long time, even if I didn't know what it was. I'll probably be a furry for a long time to come.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Firekitty on June 11, 2013, 11:39:22 PM
Well...I have been a furry for a while..writing about Anthropomorphic Animals...Just this year I realized what it was... And I joined cause it's what I am
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: AlmarRaccoon on June 12, 2013, 02:02:58 AM
I've been a furry for 11 months now, and I have to say; When I was first getting into gaming I loved the Crash Bandicoot games, then I found Sonic, then Sly Cooper, then Star Fox, etc, etc. I eventually found that I was drawn to games with those anthro characters. I didn't know about the furry fandom until I heard about it on a PodCast and googled it. My brother says I take my love for anthro games to an extreme, (Buying allz of dem!) but I'm not interested in them because I'm a furry, I'm a furry because I'm interested in them. (As I like to say)
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: nixon/monto on June 12, 2013, 03:56:31 AM
Well what you like to say sounds like a quote.
(Been a furry for three years. Ha I beat you!  XD :P
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Keo on June 12, 2013, 08:37:20 PM
I've been in the furry community for 2 months this next Saturday.
I think being therian/otherkin has very well influenced my interests, and for me, furry and similar things is a way to express myself. I was non-human in my past lives and I've become a human physically in this life and I guess that makes me what's described as an anthropomorphic animal in a sense :3

My biggest interests are the furry art, comics and casual RP.
I don't know what is meant by "movement", I see furry as a community based on animals with human-related attributes.

I also see it as a potential gateway to taking up art and I like how more welcoming the community is to some groups/minorities, like therian/otherkin, LGBT and ETLEs for example.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: WereCat on June 12, 2013, 09:15:24 PM
I've always had an interest in stories with anthros, even before I knew that there was a term for it.  I love the art, the sense of community, and the open-mindedness of a lot of people in the fandom, there's some pretty cool people in it.

I know, not exactly the most epic story, but that pretty much sums it up.
Title: Re: Why are you a furry?! :)))
Post by: Sirius on June 19, 2013, 04:43:07 AM
I've always identified myself as non human. Never felt like i belonged. My last name is Wolff so of course i had a passion for them and tried to make myself like one as a kid always role played as a pet or pack leader. It just developed from there, Always drew myself as a wolf/human or dragon. I love the werewolf druids from diablo 2  :P . I didn't get into the fandom until a few months ago but i felt right at home. I've been treated better by the fandom than most people treat me on a common basis. I have to say i like everything about the culture so why wouldn't i want to be one?