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Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Luccas Hunter on January 14, 2013, 03:20:16 AM

Title: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 14, 2013, 03:20:16 AM

Trigger Warning ( Trigger Warning

There WILL be violent and at times graphic descriptions in this thread, PLEASE take note of this before joining. If you have a weak stomach, anxiety, or are susceptible to traumatic memory triggering.

"Legend of The Emerald Sword"In the times of old gods, waged a war: angels against the demons that caused pain, sorrow, and death. In a final stand against the lord of darkness himself, Lucifer.
the gods fused their elemental powers to create a weapon powerful enough to banish him and
With a single strike, Lucifer was banished to the pits of hell. Peace washed over the land once again...
but a weapon so powerful was to much of threat for anyone to posess, so

they agreed and scattered the 8 shards of the blade across the world,
And it was gone from the world.

Until now...
Centuries have passed and the story of gods were have been revered as a trial for all heroes,
To find a shard of the Claymore and bring it back to the keep known as Karryon.
The city has been built around a shard and anvil that is used to re-create the weapon
and is most known for its annual Emerald War festival, celebrating the victory of the angels,
and sending out a group of warriors and volunteers to look for the shards.
Although there hasn't been a war between the angels and demons in centuries,
a cult known as the Democians have been on the rise and attacking the adventurers,
attempting to get the shards and release Lucifer from his bindings.
Today is the first day of the festival,
and maybe the last.

Rules: In order to participate in this you must send a PM to either myself or Chronic J. Payne (;u=13019) with this information:

weapon type:
job/profession before shard seeking:
special powers: some powers may not be allowed

If you see your name below here, you are cleared to post:
Luccas Hunter
Chronic J. Payne

Luccas, a Clydesdale blacksmith born and raised in Karryon, walks around the large city,  taking in the sites of yet another spectacular job the design crew has accomplished. Heading towards the recruiting booth to sign his name for the adventurer's crew that will be searching for another shard of the mystic Emerald Sword. "Sign your name here please." the recruiter said, sounding rather bored. Luccas writes his name down quickly and turns around, looking around at the crowd around him, looking for other people who also is taking an interest in going on the adventure
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 14, 2013, 06:32:20 AM
Alexander Carter, A freelance vigilante born deep within the valley of Canterlot, was found as child in the remains of a destroyed village and raised here in the Kingdom of Karryon by a knight of the kings best warriors, he spends most of his time out in the woods and helping those in need from bandits or deadly creatures, trained by the best of the Royal guards and honed skills of survival make him dangerous to foes.

After an afternoon training Alex finds himself a tree near the kingdom laying atop a strong branch watching the people walking around, "Hmph, kind of a boring day today..." yawns and sits up looking over at the crowd of people signing a paper. Snickering to himself and pops neck, "Heh, come one, come all, and join the suicide march... sigh, so many lost just for those stupid emerald shards...", Looking down towards the ground frowns the hops down from the tree land on feet gently, "Father... was it really worth it..." Leaning against the same tree sighs and watches more people walking by as his tail sways about.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 14, 2013, 12:48:16 PM
Luccas scans the crowd as he walks away from the booth, searching for a friend or relative. As he sees Alexander, he walks over quickly to his left side, grinning stupidly. "well isn't it the vigilante of Karryon, you might not know me but I for sure know you. I wanted to thank you for saving my mother a few days ago. If you didn't come along to save her, my dad probably would have died of sickness as well." He pulls a small pouch out of his pocket and holds it out to Alexander. "I wanted to give this as thanks. I made you an enchanted amulet; it slows down small projectiles."
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 14, 2013, 03:56:56 PM
Watching an overly happy Luccas as he holds out the amulet, rubs neck and yawns, "Uuummm, thanks... you really didn't have to.", getting up from tree walks forward, reaching and taking the amulet with a grin, "This could come in handy from arrows raining on my ass.", examining it and putting it in his pocket, then stretches, "Well then, you know who I am but what is your name if I might ask? And tell me you didn't sign that thing over there?", folding arms giving a sigh, leans back against tree.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 14, 2013, 10:07:16 PM
"O-oh My name? I'ts Luccas, Luccas Hunter, although I am a blacksmith and enchanter." He looks over at the booth quickly, pushing his hands into his pocket. "Yeah, I did, did you? I would think an amazing fighter like yourself would relish in a chance to become a hero and strike fear into the bandits." Luccas shifts his legs nervously.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 14, 2013, 10:28:57 PM
Blushing and snickering "Nah, I ain't one to play the suicide games, beside I got my own reasons to not join." pushing self away from tree puts hands behind head and begins to walk off toward the center of town, "Trust me it ain't worth it... remember Captain Lars?", tail sways about as he walks past on coming folks, and sees Luccas following behind, "Or even General Cotagawa, how about Commander Gean? The best of the Kingdom took on the challenge, returned and were driven insane looking for those damn things, to only end up killing themselves."

Stopping to look around scratches head with tail, "If you don't die on the quest... you come back as somebody else."
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 12:18:15 AM
He grins and stands his ground defiantly. "Oh, but what about Sergeant Jenkins, or Hero James, or master blacksmith Starns, my father by the way. They all are still very much alive and well, as far as I know. Some people just can't handle the stress of adventuring." Luccas brays defiantly looking over at the vigilante, challenging him silently.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 15, 2013, 02:10:24 AM
Holding out hand, grunts, "A hand full of sane fools... compared to the thousands dead from trying and failing, yeah I can see how people would care for glory more than their own lives." clenches fist, and grinds teeth, "This is more of game, than a damn quest!", turning quickly to face Luccas, "AND ANYONE WILLING TO THROW THEIR LIFE AWAY FOR PROMISES OF FAME, ARE FOOLS!!!", clenching fists and standing ground hunched over anger filling his eyes. "EH! Damn it... ", shakes head and backs away.

"I'm..... I'm sorry...", takes off running disappearing into the crowd, thinks to him self, "Why is this anger always growing!" Keeps running into the town.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 03:05:27 AM
Luccas runs after him for a few steps, but decides against it. "Damn, way to go hotshot, piss off your parent's savior. What are you going to do next, fall on your own sword?" He kicks a rock as the bells ring, tolling 11 o'clock. "Only a little while longer, then you can prove you aren't a screw up. Or not." The tiny voice inside his head said. Luccas walks along the direction that Alexander took.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 15, 2013, 03:51:51 AM
Leo Cyrule, A mastered thief and Guild Master of the local feared thieves guild. Only recently was he captured again, said to have hold many bounties in other lands. However with each encounter, these bounties just faded into mere memories as a history of failed executions longer than a shopping list had set these lands to shame. Rumors had it that he had escaped execution many times over, and eventually one king had tossed him into a deep dungeon with no hopes of return. Many had walked the path, and none had return, till the month this happened had turned. He escaped once again, fleeing the dungeon's exit exhausted, and claimed his promised reward of freedom and abolished crimes. Yet, again he rose as a thief, only with the grand experience under his belt. Now again, he had been captured by the local paladins, and turned into the guards. The hold had heard of the feline's history, and knew that it would be pointless to slay him on sight. But they also knew his dedication to a task at hand was enough to lead the feline to his death.

They lead him down the street towards the sign ups. He was dressed in the usual prisoner's outfit, consisting of old worn ugly clothing, and chained manacles over his hand and feet to match. He was tall, slender, and decently tone for his lithe build. His fur was disheveled from the beatings he took by the two that lead him previously. Not from resistance, but simply for fun. When they finally arrived, one guard forcefully pushed him to the table. The other slung a burlap sack down from his shoulder, onto the floor next to the cat.

“Sign it you filthy thief,” The guard growled, now slamming down a quill in front of Leo.

“Filthy, “ the cat peeped in a humorous questioning tone, “I was clean till you two brutes knocked me to the dust.”

One of the guards quickly whipped his armored hand across the back of the feline's head, who then released a yelp in pain. He quickly submitted, and signed his signature across the plate. “I don't even know why the captain trusts this damned criminal enough to search for this shard!”
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 15, 2013, 04:14:27 AM
Finding himself in the grotto area of the kingdom slows down and walks around unfamiliar with his surroundings, "Damn it, now where the hell am I?", walking cautiously and ready continues on, looking about the slums and dirty places as people coughing and begging for money or food, "He has time for these stupid games, and never acknowledges these poor people.", Sighs while walking to the forest area takes a quick glance and continues on. "Some king..."

Walking out alone breaths in deep taking in all around him and exhales calmly, and in a flash takes off running, jumping up on a tree and jumping from branch to branch and running across limbs quickly around the kingdom, "Might as well make a few rounds while I'm out here."
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 04:46:26 AM
Luccas turns left, entering a crowded blacksmith's store, patting his father on the shoulder, and receiving only a grunt, he heads up the stairs, strapping on his paladin's armor and claymore.
 Filling a bag with clothing, a whetstone, and a forge hammer, he walks back to the square, spotting the soldiers and their prisoner as they approach the signing booth. curious, he walks towards the group, hearing the crack as the soldier hits the feline.

"what has this cat done to deserve this kind of treatment?" Luccas asks in a gruff tone, glad his helmet his most of his face, and grin, as the soldiers effectively looked shaken.

"This prisoner-" The guard on the left spits at the cats feet. "- is the grand master thief, and is refusing to cooperate." The guard on the right seems a little more shaken, and only nods.

"I will take it from here. I would like to know more about this scum before I go on a mission with him to find the shard." Luccas nearly shouted to be heard over the roar.

"Very well, paladin." the guards bow as they quickly walk away from the two of them.

"well, how about we start by telling each other our names, I am Luccas Hunter, blacksmith and apparently very convincing paladin." He extends a hand out towards the thief
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 15, 2013, 05:38:33 AM
The captured thief let out a low hum as he rubbed the back of his head some. He'd scratch at his messy hair for a bit while he waited for his head to clear up from the blow. Finally he gave his head a quick shake, and then looked the “Paladin” over a few times with his eyes. A small smile creeped over his face as he listened to the other.

“Ah, Leo Cyrule is my name... thievery, trickery, and acrobatics are my own personal talents. Though in the off hours I do play the fiddle here and there... and perhaps a lute on the side! Not very talented on my own, no, a violen is always best played along with a snare,” the feline chimed with a delighted tone. His eyes then switch to some mild hint of wonder as he looked up to the sky, “or perhaps I am daft and assume I play the violen... maybe it was a drum.” His ears laid flat for a moment as if he was saddened by the thought. His eyes danced over a single cloud as he trys to remember for a small moment. “Or... it was a friend?”

His expression quickly changes to a cheery one as he looked back down to the paladin, “but enough of that, as the guards have told you I am in fact the local thieves guild master. The world has been scorged by my sly fingers and feet, oh yes! But... I never killed, nor robbed people to destruction. In fact I stimulated the economy with a fee thief tricks here and there.”

The guards rolled their eyes to the rabble and quickly unlocked the manacles around the questionably insane feline's wrist and ankles. “He's your problem now,” One of them said as he kicked the bag closer to the feline, whom quickly plucked it up and gave them a wave of good bye.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 05:59:17 AM
"Well, we would have to get both the violin and drums then, if you can't remember" Luccas exclaimed happily, watching the thief carefully as he rambles on about his thieving antics. "

We should get you cleaned up before they announce the travelers for this years shard hunt. We can't have you up on stage looking like that!" he shouted as he grabbed Leo's shoulder with his vice grip hand and pulling him towards the bath house. "We might even be able to scrounge you something to eat before we leave."

"Fat chance, cat man. you would be lucky to get a piece of bread from anyone. you are just going to wait until we leave. grab the woman's basket of rolls, you will need them." The little voice in his head said, shouting a few curses at some priests as we walked by.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 15, 2013, 06:53:55 AM
Leo's eyes glanced curiously over the other's expression. It might have been simply from confusion of the kindness, or to find any hidden motives behind a red herring’s smile. Either way, his expression remained naturally friendly and almost completely oblivious of any underlining threat. The bag he carried was uncaringly drug behind him as he was tugged to the bath house. “Well, I could eat carrion from a dead vulture. Eating rats is never a fun diet to have! I had better quinine in the most unfathomable places damned by even hell!”
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 12:44:22 PM
"That sounds almost impossible; how did you do it, survive in the dungeon that is?" Luccas asked as they both entered the tall bath house, the whole room layered with a small amount of mist. He pulls a few coins off of his person and hands them to the canine attendant and walks slowly towards one of the many baths.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 15, 2013, 01:42:41 PM
The feline followed the other into the bath house, and allowed his eyes to wonder while he was inside. He inspected every single person inside, and left no single peble unnoticed. “Now now,” the cat began in very relaxed tone, “I do not brag.” He waited for the other to find a bath before joining him inside.

The moment he stepped inside, the dried blood and torn fur that clung to his body had began to pull away from him. When he submerged himself deeper, the bath became a little more polluted with enough fur for the water it's self to have a fur coat of it's own. He studied this for a moment and began to run his hands through his fur to scrub himself clean with a sigh.

 “But if you must know. It wasn't a cake walk. The dungeon was deep below the earth. To the point where frost could collect, and it was a hot day in summer in the surface world. The dungeon was fourty-two levels or so deep, and you entered by being pushed off a hole into a small pool of water. I saw the ancient footsteps of everyone before me, and the density of their presence faded by a half about thirty minutes in. Skeletons of the damned littered the hallway with the lives claimed by what ever took them.  Puzzles and traps awaited on each floor above the other, and finally monstrous creatures roamed as if it was their home. How do they live... I am not sure seeing as not many people were banished to it... unless they feed them of course. It would only make sense as such. Which was the dungeon's own oddity. The prisoners were free to attempt the escape, but shoddy and keen equipment lied in wait. And the footsteps shown that they went for the tools.” The feline began in a thoughtful tone as he continued to scrub away any form of damages in his fur, or dirt and grime he might have picked up while in prison.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 15, 2013, 04:23:36 PM
Finding himself deeper in the woods, on a mountain side overlooking the kingdom, stops on a branch, moving some leaves to get a look at everything below, "Hehe... as pitiful as this kingdom is, it's my home.", with a grunt hops down and takes a seat on the ground, reclined back looks up toward the sky and yawns, "Time is drawing near, for the revealing of today's fools to take the quest is close."

Stretching and laying down under the tree shaded by the sun, "I guess I should make a stop by... might be interesting.", putting hands behind head, crossing legs, and closing eyes, "Right after a nap...", slowly dozing off from last night's encounters. It's calm and quite and the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees, birds and wild animals sounds from a distance, a small grin spreads over his face, "Emerald Sword... yeah right..."
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 15, 2013, 10:50:57 PM
Stifles a laugh as he notices all the fur and dirt. "There may be enough fur in there for both you and me! When have you bathed last?" Luccas asks as he circles around the bath, grabs a small net from the wall, and begins cleaning out the fur from the water.

"you better hurry fool. you have thirty minutes until the death bell tolls" The little demon said with a hint of glee.

"shut up already, I know when the bells ring, and I don't need you to remind me." Luccas retorted quietly to himself, looking up at the cat quickly.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 16, 2013, 12:35:37 AM
Leo smiled to himself as he now submerges himself entirely in the water, easily washing away the rest of the filth that clung to him. He eventually rose at the other end of the bath and crawled out of the water. “Well, I was heavily chained and hung in a jail cell for I think... a month before a parole,” He hummed idly, not seeming to notice the small out burst from the other man. Instead he was looking around for his sack for a moment, and quickly plucked it up. In moments, then man disappeared with a small wisp of smoke in his place. The smoke wasn't large enough to fully cover the man's exit, nor did it seem like natural smoke.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 16, 2013, 01:52:54 AM
Groaning, Luccas sprints after the cat, pulling his claymore out and uttering a charm so his sword will unleash a stunning blast on everyone in a wide radius, causing his weapon to shine brightly.

"Stop, thief or I will use force!" He shouted after Leo, preparing to use the charm.

"If you wasn't yelling at me, I would have told you" The voice said mockingly
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 16, 2013, 02:37:55 AM
Leo seemed to be absent from the area. That was till a soft voice could be heard from all around. “Why are you yelling? I am just donning my gear,” the feline sighed in a disdain tone as he now seemed to have sprang from the shadows and landed softly on the ground.

His stance was clearly not meant for ill will, and the feline even had his hands up to show that he really meant no harm. His regular prisoner clothing was now left on the floor, and his body was now covered with a new set of clothing and light weight armor.

He now wore thin black pants that clung tightly to his legs, on his thighs were black embroiled leather pads. His boots Were also mostly made of leather, with metal toes, and heels to help provide some support to the form. A pair of embroiled gauntlets. Then finally, over a black sweater was a grayish black leather plated vest with strange embroiled patterns on the front and back. The vest had an abnormally large collar, and sat on top of a black sweater with the sleeves rolled up and hidden underneath. Around the feline's neck dangled a small mask that resembled the head of a displacer beast.

His fur and body, which was previously in poor condition, now showed some signs of life once more and seemingly naturally well kept for a feline. His fur hid any previous scaring he had taken during his stay in the prison. Yet oddly enough, his hair seemed to remain in the same nappy condition.

On his belt were several long daggers, that dangled from loops along his belt and finally a basic short sword.

“Did you really not trust me enough to draw your weapon to my first disappearance? My... we might not get along to well,” the cat stated in a tone that sounded almost like a whine.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 16, 2013, 03:35:26 AM
Groaning, he slides the claymore back into place on his back and disables the stun charm. "it's not distrust  You are a criminal, and you have been put into my care. you can't just disappear like that and expect me not to try and go after you. Were you to gain my trust, I would be more relaxed with things like that." Luccas takes off his helmet and grins, taking in your outfit "Looks nice, but we have to go. The bell is about to ring." He motions for the door and hands a few more coins to the bathhouse owner, apologizing for the mess.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 16, 2013, 03:48:58 AM
“Disappearing is what I do, I am a thief not a barbarian or an assassin, nor a warrior, or squire. Plain sight is rough hands, and out of sight is for the gentle mind.” The cat rolled his eyes with a playful smile and quickly slid the mask over his face, then finally the sweater's hood. He slid the buckles through the hood, and strapped them down to help seal the mask in place. “Ah yes... the public ceremone of the death march yes,” the feline asked as he followed the paladin. 
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 16, 2013, 04:03:51 AM
The bells begin ringing, once every 3 seconds. As the bells sound throughout the town, a crowd begins to build. Unlike earlier, There are at least one thousand people crowding the square as the sun beats down on all of them. The sound of trumpets can be heard over the sound of the crowd, and as more people begin packing in, The king has been sighted heading down from the castle towards the square.

Luccas walks through the crowd, pushing his way through every so often as the crowds thicken. The sound of the demon mind has been drowned out, putting him at ease for now. When Luccas reaches the front of the raised platform, he turns around, looking for the feline theif.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 16, 2013, 04:35:21 AM
The thief was nearby, his horrible mask still worn over his face, and causing some unease within the crowd. Some people whispered to each other as they looked to him, others seemed to hold some form of scowl from his appearance. Clearly he was well known, and hated among the people. But not a single matter had actually passed over the cat, he stood calmly, and almost seemed at ease with the boiling fury. “Well,” He began, looking to the man next to him with a coy smile behind his mask, “you asked for loyalty, and here I am... standing in the middle of the fire pit.”
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 16, 2013, 04:47:19 AM
"Don't worry about them-" He speaks up loudly enough for the crowd around the two of them to hear "There is no way they would attack a seeker of the shard, and hand picked by the king himself, would they?"
Luccas grins and replaces his helmet, pointing to the left "Here comes the king now!" He shouts, causing a roar of applause.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 16, 2013, 05:23:00 AM
Groaning and rubbing his eyes, "Huh, aww! get off!" sitting up quickly as he shoos away birds pecking at his shirt and animals sniffing him, "SHOO!! GO!", snickers and yawns then suddenly his ears perk up to the sound of the bells ringing, "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late to see the chosen fools!", hopping right up does a quick stretch and takes off down the hill tripping up but keeps going, soon running on his hands and feet for more momentum towards the sound of people clapping, getting there in record time.

Slowing himself down and jogging around the crowd sees the king and pushes himself forward into the crowd some patting him on his back and saying hello and greetings being know for his past actions, "Heh, hey there... Oh hello... Ummm... thanks, excuse me... pardon...", til finding an old stone well close by, taking a step up getting over the crowd, "Heh, better...", crossing arms and standing up straight keeps balance and watches over the crowd noticing a couple faces, soon the crowd all settle down as the king prepares give his same speech every time they chose more people for the quest.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 16, 2013, 05:46:16 AM
The feline lets out a low whistle. While yes, he was selected by the king it was more of a way to finally destroy the feline that so many other lords and holds have failed to do so. He had no real intention on heading on a mad goose chase for a single piece of a weapon that may or may not still exist. Even then,  while forced his own dedication to a task at hand useually cost him his freedom, and thus enslaves him to the current task. “Yes... selected by the king, and I am not quite happy with the results. If so... he just wants me dead because I believe he was a... target of mine in the past so to speak,” the cat said in a matter of factually tone. At least he was an honest one.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 18, 2013, 02:34:33 AM
The crowd becomes silent quickly as the king walks up on to the stage. He is wearing a thick green robe, despite the heat of the day, and his bright gold crown, adorned with a small amount of colorful gems. Looking over the crowd, the elderly dragon clears his throat and begins his speech in an unusually loud voice for his age.

"Today, we gather here, as we have for many years, to celebrate the war of the Emerald War. A war fought, angels against demons, to keep the world at peace." The crowd cheers, forcing the king to wait before continuing.

"But, today is not just a celebration, it's a sending away party! Six brave people have been selected to search for the legendary shards of the Emerald Sword!" The crowd begins roaring with approval as the old king motions for the list.

"These pepople, regardless of their background, race, or gender will be Ahh, looking at this list, I am sure that there will be something big that will happen, I can feel it in my old bones!" the crowd laughs, but quiets quickly as the king begins at the top of the list.

"First, Hanna Smalls!" The crowd cheers as a blue bird walks up on the stage, wearing tight leather armor and a steel bow with blue feathered arrows. she hops up and smiles at the king, waving to the crows happily.

"next, Shinji Cotagawa!" a tall thin Dalmatian jumps onto the stage, seemingly out of nowhere. He looks like a noble wizard, wearing a dark purple robe with embroidery on the torso of it. He sneers at the crowd, moving next to the bird.

"Third, Connor Hue!" A large brown bear lumbers onto the stage and stands, facing the crowd. He is wearing long pants, green short sleeved shirt, a crossbow strapped to his chest. a long sword, covered in a leather sheath on his waist, and a giant backpack.

"Fourth, Luccas Hunter!" Luccas walks carefully up the steps, standing close to the king as he takes off his helmet and ties it to a leather strap on his waist.

"Fifth, Leo Cyrule!"
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 18, 2013, 07:58:55 AM
Leo immeidiately felt the crowd's glare fall upon him. With a sigh, he stepped up onto the stage and came closer to the king.  He doesn't remove his mask, but instead slowly shifts down onto one knee in a polite bow, before moving off to join the rest. He most certainly did not feel comfortable bowing to the king, but it was by his word that spared his life for now.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 18, 2013, 12:32:36 PM
The king looks closer at the last name. Mumbling to himself, he announces the last person. "Alexander Carter?"
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 18, 2013, 04:41:53 PM

Standing on the well watches as one by one the people being called, smirks a grin at Luccas' name getting called and almost not recognizing him in his armor, "Hmph, poor bastard..."

After watching the ones being called up he jumps down thinking it's over and not worth watching the rest placing hands in pockets and makes his way back to the village, "Good luck fools..." then suddenly the crowd goes quite and hears his name called,"Alexander Carter!", freezing in mid step and turns around slowly, "...........WHAT!?!" the crowd starts to yell and celebrate forcing in a kind gesture pushing and patting Alex's back, "No! Wait! I! I didn't sign up!!!", his words being drowned out by the crowds celebration.

The King looking at the name again smiles and claps, "Well then, this is a treat to have the Great Vigilante of Karryon join the chosen few, come now!!!" laughs and continues to clap,

Trying to force his way back is lifted up and sorta crowd surfed towards the stage, "Hey! Let me down!! I didn't sign up!!", words still being drowned out, "Aww... damn it all!!!" is then thrown on stage by the crowd, as they yell and shout, landing and taking a knee hops up and right when the words come out to explain has his arm grabbed and lifted.

"KINGDOM OF KARRYON!!! YOUR NEW HEROES!!!", holding Alex's wrist raises it up high, the crowd goes wild,

Looking around with a confused look on his face, see Luccas shrugs and shakes his head mouthing the words, "I didn't sign up...",

Thinking in his head, "This isn't happening... this isn't happening... this is not happening!!! HOW DID MY NAME GET IN THERE!? Oh this is going to be long day...", tries to smile and sighs... "Listen, my lord... I did-"

Suddenly the bells begin to ring and people begin to turn as a man shouts, "King Gemini!! The heroes have returned!!! AND FOUND A SHARD!!! Over the hill they approach!!"
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 19, 2013, 12:09:36 AM
Luccas tries to form words, but just stares at Alex in disbelief. He watches the scene take place, totally stunned. Breaking out of the trance at the sound of the bells though, he quickly walks over to him and talks into his ear. "What are you doing up here?"

King Gemini!! The heroes have returned!!! AND FOUND A SHARD!!! Over the hill they approach!!" Luccas hears, making him turn around to look towards the main gate, in direct view from the square.

"Well then! this is promising news! Captain, take the heroes to the throne room, both new and old. This will be good knowledge for the leaving party." King Gemini orders. a group of soldiers moves toward the small group walking towards town as a second group beings to round us up to take us to the castle.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 19, 2013, 03:16:30 AM
Before explaining gets dragged off to the main castle, "Damn it..." lowing his head trying to figure out what is going on, laughs, "Oh this has got to be a joke!" walking and rubbing head, getting looks from the other contestants, "What?"

Henry smirks a laugh, "I would of thought the Vigilante of Karryon would be.... taller?" snickers as the rest laugh.

"Heh, oh so you got jokes huh?" walks along and puts hands behind head, as his tail whips out and feather taps the large bear, his eyes going crossed and falling to his knees holding his manhood, everyone stopping and looking, "You ain't so tall yourself..." continues on past everyone.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 19, 2013, 10:41:22 PM
Luccas grins as the scene unfolds, but quickly becomes stone faced as the returning heroes enter the throne room with the king and five royal guard. "To the door on the left, place it where it fits on the stone slab" King Gemini says quietly to the new heroes. They walk quickly through the door and leaves us alone with the king. He walks slowly to the throne and sits down.

"Greetings heroes, I am glad to see such a promising group. Each of you, please take a knee. one at a time so I may give each of you a blessing." Connor takes a knee in front of the king, looking up at him. The king places a hand on his head and begins his blessing.

"Angels hear my--" Is all that is heard as the king falls to the floor, a knife sticking out of his back. The royal guard pull out their sword, but three of the five begin attacking the other two, shouting "For the Democians!" The two guards fall as they begins coming towards the new heroes. Shinji mutters a few words and a large flash appears, stunning the guards.

"Quickly, through the door back here, before they get out of the spell!" Hanna shouts and runs toward the door and yanks it open as the older heroes enter the throne room, returning from placing the shards. Taking in the scene, the pull out their weapons. "They killed the King!" one shouts as they begin to come into the room. "LET'S GO!" Hannah shouts again. Connor and Shinji begin moving for the back door. Luccas hesitates, hearing the voice in his head speak again. "You better go, those heroes look angry enough to kill." He begins running for the back door.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: tangletail on January 20, 2013, 05:18:58 AM
Leo's head slowly tilted as he watched the king fall so suddenly. A small grimace had crossed his expression behind the mask. He wasn't a stranger to such killings, but he knew who ever see's this may believe that the group are the assassins. His head slowly turned to see the old Hero's arrive and he lets out a low groan.

“Ah... once again wrong place at the wrong time,” the feline grumbled. He quickly reached out to Luccas to grab him by the arm and sling him in front of himself towards the door, and then gave him a shove to get him moving.

“Go go go,” the feline hissed repetitively after breaking out in a dead sprint, speeding through the door while he drew a dagger to defend himself, “We are scape goats now.”
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on January 20, 2013, 06:56:22 AM
With a look of horror and infinite rage flows through his body, watching as King Gemini falls over while the bloody dagger stuck in his back, suddenly to Alex everything just slows down to a stop and he is child again,

(Flash back)
Standing over his adopted fathers grave via funeral, feeling the kings hand on his head looks up and sees him looking down with a smile, wiping away his tears and sniffling like most kids do, opens his eyes to the king handing him a red bandanna being the same his adopted father wore, "He wanted me to give this to you, and for me to watch you as my own." tying it around his arm hugs the king burring his face and cries again feeling the king kneel and hug him back.

(Back to Present)
Returning to the present things start to gain speed and return to normal as the kings lifeless body hits the ground, and the other chosen run away, looking towards the king's body Alex's grinds his teeth and clinches his fist, heart races and body twitches and without hesitation snaps giving an almost primal roar grabbing one of the disguised Democian by his helmet with both hands and literally crushing it on his head slowly, he's scream of pain and suffering echo through the halls and he squirms about trying desperately to get free, as blood is coughed up and his eyes bleed he dies with a loud snap from his neck.

An almost evil and bone chilling grin spreads across Alex's face, dropping the dead Democian turns and shuffles over to the other one who had taken a step back and fallen now crawling backwards from witnessing what he saw as the other walks back dropping his weapon and trembles from fear, "Guards!!! GUARDS!!!" Alex looking up sees the approaching Royal knights, shaking his head grunts and points at the downed Democian, "Don't think you will live long... your deaths wont be so quick!"

Turning about stops at the passage opening, and gives a glance at the kings body and punches the wall leaving a small cratered hole, "Damn it all!" and proceeds to follow after the others.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Luccas Hunter on January 20, 2013, 07:49:15 PM
The group proceeds through the tunnel that eventually opens out into a small cave with a steep drop and a pool of water as the only exit besides the way we came from. "I hope none of you guys are scared of heights." Connor remarked as he jumped down, landing in the water with a loud splash. "You know, this is a really a bad idea, jumping down like this, you know what I am saying?" Shinji said, looking down at Connor and back up at us. "Oh shut it and go already" Hanna said as she pushes him down, quickly following.

"Well, I guess we should go, they are going to be here soon" Luccas jumps down, sinking quickly in the water because of the armor. Moving quickly to one side, he climbs out of the water, his armor leaking it as he look up at the cave he jumped out of.
Title: Re: Legend of The Emerald Sword
Post by: Chronic Payne on May 01, 2013, 07:15:35 PM
(Nixon what the heck are you doing? this is the dead one... I'm working on the restart character chart thread...) X3