The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Artistic Stuff => Topic started by: guest7107 on September 04, 2012, 09:10:01 PM

Title: Help with drawing anthro females! Please help!
Post by: guest7107 on September 04, 2012, 09:10:01 PM

I do cartoony style animations were the majority of my characters don't have many clothes on like Bugs Bunny and such. I'm now trying out female anthros, but the problem is whether to give them breasts or not.[/size]
[/size]The characters have no clothes so they're nude, I make them nipple-less then it looks okay but unfitting when females and males are mixed in illustrations (and friends think I'm some sort of perv, but that doesn't really matter.)If I do the simplest solution, give them clothes, you're left wondering why aren't the males wearing trousers then?So does anyone have a solution? Please answer! ^_^