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Furry Chat => Rants and Advice => Topic started by: Zane_ticytacs on September 03, 2012, 04:18:30 AM

Title: Friends
Post by: Zane_ticytacs on September 03, 2012, 04:18:30 AM
I don't make friends easily. When I do make friends I keep them close, very close. They become my best friends, my life. When you become my friend you have my trust 100% and I will do anything and everything for you. The problem with that is it often turns into a one sided relationship. Others do not become as invested in the friendship as I, or at least not as quickly as I do and they leave.

This often leaves me heart broken.

I have horrible self esteem, and this makes me very dependent on my friends for a support system.

I am down to only a few friends and this is causing me to struggle in my everyday life.

I am so alone now. I am shy. I keep trying to put myself out there. On here, on other sites, and in person. I don't know what I was hoping to gain from writing this. Not even sure if I should post it. :S

I don't know if I am looking for advice or just someone to listen, feel free to ignore me.
Title: Re: Friends
Post by: Sij on September 03, 2012, 04:53:46 AM
The friends that matter are the ones that invest just as much. I would say starting here at the forums is a good place to find people such as this, especially sense you have common interests.
Title: Re: Friends
Post by: Bo on September 05, 2012, 02:04:49 AM
I know exactly how you feel Zane. I'm kinda the same way. Just know that your true friends are those that stick with you and put just as much as you do in the relationship. I hope you make alot of good friends here :3 and its always good to talk bout things that are bothering you :3
Title: Re: Friends
Post by: Zane_ticytacs on September 05, 2012, 02:45:20 AM
Thank you guys.
Title: Re: Friends
Post by: FurryJunky on September 05, 2012, 02:37:50 PM
I used to have the same problems your having. Back in Highschool I had allot of people who would normally take advantage of my "Giving" nature, Its normally the small things like copying homework and stuff. And they claimed to be my friends. Its all well and good but I noticed how unhappy I was with it all, so I decided to put my foot down, I stopped helping allot of people I knew and then they started to just "Float" away, the ones that stayed I noticed where my real friends. There are three of them I still talk too today. And I can say without a shadow of a dough, They are my BEST friends and I'm happy for knowing them and having them in my life.
What I advice you is try and find out who are your REAL friends to avoid allot of disappointment. And you allready did a big step, Looking for people with the same interests as yourself. ^_^