The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Roleplay => Serious RP => Topic started by: Grace.E on September 13, 2011, 12:32:47 AM

Title: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 13, 2011, 12:32:47 AM
Selena weaved the good dreams on her loom in a everlasting, gorgeous garden filled with flowers plants and animals of every kind, many mortals considered this place the garden of life, the holy garden. but, in reality it was merely a dream weaved expertly out of her loom. the sunshine danced on the pond next to her as her black Pegasus grazed next to her, black was not sinful, for her hooves glowed with lavender light, creating misty butterflies. her head and neck was covered in silver armor like the moon and her black wings twinkled with stars, when each dream was woven, she placed it in a basket, they glittered with good and serenity, hope and imagination. her staff laid next to her, soon, she will travel through the night and deliver dreams... along with her partner.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 14, 2011, 12:09:21 AM
In an abandoned alley, a young pair of lovers were walking along, talking to each other, when they suddenly found themselves cornered by a group of thugs, armed with knives and bats.
"P-please leave us alone," the man said, backed aganst the wall and hugging his girlfriend as much as she was hugging him.
"Too late for that, buddy," one of them said. "You shouldn'tve come through here if you wanted to stay ali..."
The mugger turned around... and started laughing at the sight.
A strange masked character stood in place, looking slightly like something out of a dark comic book.
"Yeah, we're guilty," the thug said, stepping towards the figure in overconfidence. "You chose the wrong night to try to be a hero, freakazoid."
The thug raised a long piece of pipe over his head.
"Let's see what color you bleeGACK!!"
The figure grabbed its would-be killer by the throat and lifted him off the ground.
The figure's eyes started glowing brightly.
It drew a demonic sword as the hand holding the thug started glowing brighter and began tightening.
The thing touched the tip of its sword to the thug's forehead and the fire of a million suns surged into the crook's body.
"AAAGGHH!" the man screamed. He glowed brighter and brighter until, finally, he evaporated into nothingness.
The other thugs hesitrated for a moment, then ran right at the figure.
The battle was short.
Picking up one of the knives and sticking it within its robes, the figure approached the cowering teens, stepping over the mutilated remains of the thugs.
"YOU TWO, HOWEVER, ARE INNOCENT," the figure said.
"Thank you sir," the girl said as she and her boyfriend got up. "How can we thank yo..."
"DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS," the figure said.
"Okay," the girl said, "we promi-"
"GOOD. NOW GO," the figure said. It could feel the sword trembling in its hand.
"We will, sir, but we just want to know if-"
"Umm... okay," the girl said. "Thanks again!"
With that, the couple strode off into the night.
The sword jumped from the figure's hand and balanced on the ground.
What was that?! the sword said quietly. You let them get away!
"They were innocent, Dragomir!" Matthias said, peeling off his mask. "We don't kill the innocent!"
 Come on, man! the sword said, hopping along behind him. What's so wrong about it?
"Hmm, let me think," Matthias said sarcastically, burning the symbols needed to call his mount into the sidewalk. "Perhaps... EVERYTHING?!?"
 Sheesh, what's wrong with you, man? Dragomir said, glancing over Matthias's left shoulder while the feline drew the symbols. The last guy who owned me, he didn't hold back. He blazed right on through, no stop.
"Thank you again for reminding me- AGAIN- of your former master," Matthias said. "You know why he was fired? Because of that exact reason!"
Yeah, but at least he never got hurt, Dragomir said. Speaking of which, you might want to go find some bandages. The sword knocked its hilt into Matthias's shoulder, causing him to seize up in pain.
"Darn it!" the feline said, rubbing his injury. "Why do I always get hurt in the exact same place?!"
'Cause you're stupid...
Okay, okay, don't get your whiskers all tangled up, the sabre said. I'll just go back to my room...
The sword hopped into its sheath.
YAAAAAAAAWN... Wake me when we're back in Hell, Dragomir said. Can't wait to see Rush Linbaugh and Fat Elvis Jesus...
Matthias rolled his eyes. "One would think he'd have forgotten about that discussion by now..."
"I see that nothing has changed between you and Dragomir..."
The young-looking Keeper turned around and looked into the eyes of his horse.
"Is it that easy to realize, Redtail?" Matthias said, staring at the long-tailed, chain-covered, horned red stallion.
"I've worked with Dragomir for a long time," the wise horse said. "He's hard to get used to, but you'll warm up to him." The demonic steed stooped to allow Matthias on. "Now let's go back to Hell and get you patched up," he said.
The keeper climbed on the horse's back and put his mask back on.
"Okay, I'm ready," the feline said, holding onto a chain that acted as a rein of sorts... not that it was needed.
"Here we go!" Redtail said.
The horse jumped onto a nearby rooftop and started galloping across the cityscape.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 15, 2011, 03:28:40 PM
Kaleb placed his hand on the ornate mirror of ice. Upon contact, a flood of fears filled his mind, each fear having the names and locations of each person with that fear. He did not have to weave his mental abominations like his other half, as the imaginations of those he terrified tended to make it worse on their own. He did not really consider Selena his true opposite, but more like his rival that he had to out-perform every time the mortals went to sleep.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Scar WhiteDream on September 19, 2011, 12:38:23 AM
Asbeth sat on his rock, thinking. He then sighted as many mortal concidered him, Death, as a bad thing in the world of Ishbal. Although, he was not a bad thing. He was there to greed the deads into his kingdom until they were ready to be judged to either go into her sister's Heaven kingdom or his brother's hell kingdom. When Asbeth opened his eyes, he looked around at his kingdom. There was mainly not much to see. It was really deserted as souls were here for a small amount of time. The ground was althought made of soft, red sand with a lot of rocks. There was life here... But all the animals were skeletons and only little animals lived in this kingdom. Asbeth standed up and picked up a little lizard on the ground, examinating him and then let him loose on the ground.

This went on for a while and suddently, he felt a presence on the right side of him. He turned around and his ocean blue eyes looked at a nice and beautiful skeleton steel. "Well hello there Sceletus... I know... I senced it too. Better go take a look." So, Asbeth walked towards the south until he reached a fountain, the only thing here apart rocks and skeleton animals. Arrived near it, he waved his paw across it and saw what he was sensing from a while. He waved again and the image disappeared. Asbeth then mounted his horse and took off his kingdom to reach his destination.

When He arrived, Asbeth was near a house. He entered it and saw a whole family gathered around a bed. In it was a young fox, on the edge of death. All his family was crying and suddently, he letted out his last breath, illness taking him away. He then saw the boy's soul curled in a corner, frighnen to death. Asbeth slowly walked towards him with his long, black scythe and kneed down near the young fox. "Hey buddy... Don't fear me alright? I'm here to help you and go to a place where you'll be better." "Where's my family?", the boy asked. Without answering, the little fox turned his head, saw his family and tried to go hug them, but he passed right through them. Asbeth sighed and standed up. "Buddy... You are dead. You died from an illness and I must now take you with me to a better place, alright? And besides, come with me, you'll ride a quite impressive horse." Asbeth smiled weakly and handed his grey husky paw to the fox, which he took with a bit of anxiety. They both went outside and the little fox's eyes went big as he saw the horse. He quickly jumped on it and so Asbeth did. They then flew off towards his kingdom.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Self-sain on September 19, 2011, 10:01:59 PM
Meredith ran her paws over a floating vessel, it was her job to give life to the doll like creatures. Each and everything has a doll, and it is up to her to give them life, and she hated it.
  "Those who waist my gift deserve to have none of it." She hissed as she forced a soul into the vessel. The world changes with Meredith, as her anger grows, the world may lose its beauty and begins to look more and more like a depressing doll factory. It once was a beautiful place, the fountain of youth evoking all the souls who passed as if to give them just a little more time to spend. That has long run dry how ever. Now the souls being forced in, are more prone to "damage" and Meredith was fine with this.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 20, 2011, 02:10:29 AM
Selena, basket and staff in hand, she approached her steed, mounting the elegant mare, who snorted and stamped her bright hoof. she placed the basket, expertly balancing it. the night was young... her Pegasus took to the sky as she left her realm to the mortal realm, unseen by mortals, she flew across the sky, sending dreams down to the ones who slept peacefully. though she wondered when Kaleb would arrive, for the race will soon be on.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 20, 2011, 10:11:45 PM
"By the way, Matthias," Redtail said, bounding across the rooftops. "I thought you were only supposed to punish?"
"Oh, I did," the feline said, rubbing his aching shoulder absentmindedly.
"Then why were all those bodies..."
"That was just an illusion," Matthias said, looking out over the skyline. "I had to make it look real."
"Then where are all those villains?"
"I sent them to a dress store and added their names to the worker list, and also forced upon them the ability to not do anything bad. However..." He grinned beneath his mask. "They're still conscious of their real identities."
"That's a good punishment."
"I didn't finish. The only music that plays in the store is the song 'Bird Is The Word.'"
Redtail flinched slightly. "Ouch."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Scar WhiteDream on September 20, 2011, 10:42:22 PM
Asbeth was now flying up in his kingdom, on Sceletus and with the little fox. He ordered his steel to land carefully to not scare his companion. Landed, Asbeth took the time to help teh fox get down. He could see him looking around with interest and Asbeth smiled from his curiosity. "So... You liked the ride?/ The little fox nodded with big eyes and asked if he could explore the land. Asbeth nodded and started to walk with him, explaining all what he could find here. After a moment, he stopped and picked up a little skeleton porcupine. "You see... This is my kingdom where I take the souls until the great creator decides whether you will go into hell or heaven. So there's not much to see as souls don't stay here very long. But as you can see, there is life here but since I am the kingdom of death, every life here is made of it's skeleton only." The little fox was now looking him with such curiosity that Asbeth couldn't help but smile. He then gave the porcupine to him and asked his name. "My name is philos. Can I ask where's my family and if I'll ever see them again?". "You will Philos... But not now. And don't worry, I think a good judgement will come out for you." With that, Asbeth letted Philos loose to explore this vast land and went back to his fountain. He waved his paw and the image of Philos' family came up. He could see that they were all sad as they were burring his body. "No wonder why they fear and hate me", finally thought Asbeth.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 20, 2011, 11:21:35 PM
As they sped over the ground, Matthias notced a winged horse gliding up into the sky. Asbeth, he thought, spinning the switchblade that he had taken from one of the criminals. He always brought some sort of weapon with him after punishing someone, since no matter what, Dragomir would not wake up until they were in Hell, and although it hadn't happened yet, he knew that someday, someone would jump him on the way back home. He looked the knife over, noticing that it was longer than most and in good condition.
Thank you for getting me away from that guy! it said.
"GAH!" the keeper exclaimed, almost falling off Redtail's back. He looked back at the knife. "You can TALK?!"
Yeah! the knife said, balancing on its hilt. It had the voice of a young boy. I belonged to an item enchanter who brought me to life and kept me as a companion! Then that thug killed him and took me, thinking I was an ordinary knife.
"Well, this is an unexpected turn of events," Redtail said. "What is your name, young one?"
Well... I never actually had one, it said. But the man of whom I was the companion... His name was Stanley. So you could call me that!
"Okay then... uh... Stanley," Matthias said awkwardly. "By the way, do you mind warm humidity?"
No, he said.
"Well then," Matthias said. "I guess you won't have any problems with our destination, then."
What is it? Stanley asked curiously.
"You'll see soon enough," Redtai said. "We're nearly there."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Self-sain on September 20, 2011, 11:45:03 PM
"Oh humanity, you tease me so, my beast, oh what they do to you." Meredith smiled, rubbing a empty dolls head. She threw it to the side, and stood. "Oh pretties, I want nothing more, then to have you awaken." She smiled. Grabbing a soul, "oh joy another one.."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 21, 2011, 03:05:19 AM
Kaleb arrived from his realm soon after, his horse floating up to Selena after he implanted nightmares in those who had brought pain onto others. "Selena, you are looking as radiant as ever this evening. Hopefully the dust I leave in front of you will not ruin your beauty too much..."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 21, 2011, 03:09:07 AM
Selena smirked and she batted her eyelashes at him "Oh you, we all know you despise me the most, no use in lying" she urged her black mare into near full speed, she snorted and galloped across the sky faster, wings out and flapping. more dreams fell to their rightful owners.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 21, 2011, 03:47:53 AM
Kaleb laughed as he soon caught up and passed her, his nightmares attacking both the innocent and the guilty, but striking stronger for the latter. "You mistake me for one of the seven sins my dear reflection... if there was not a wolf in the heavens that I engaged myself to, you surely would be the next best option."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Self-sain on September 21, 2011, 02:20:11 PM
"I grow bored of this, let us leave." Meredith called over a small doll, and the two walked until they came to a small shallow pound, the two steeped on the water, floating. "Let's go see my special other" she snickered, as the two slowly descended into the water.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 21, 2011, 03:00:29 PM
Selena stared then rolled her eyes as she easily catches up and passed Kaleb. "ah Sasha... well, toddle loo, I win again" she showed off her now empty basket with a grin and zoomed off, a portal opened and she went through, gone from sight.

Sasha has watched the whole conversation and has face palmed her head. Kaleb again was still bragging about the whole engagement thing when she only said 'maybe'. she rolled her eyes as she sorted through the souls that have been welcomed into heaven. she heard a door opened and Selena entered, she sat down next to her, green eyes bright with constant hope and joy.
"what brings you here to my humble abode?" Sasha asks, Selena, Sasha and Meredith were spiritual sisters. Selena yawned as she laid down on a cloud. "so...what are you going to do about this whole...engagement ordeal?" she sounded amused more than anything.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Scar WhiteDream on September 21, 2011, 03:24:30 PM
Near his fountain, Asbeth has passed a majority of his time taking away the souls from the people who were near the end of their life. This process was really hard as the population was gowing insanely into Ishbal's world. Soon enough, he got tired and waved his paw to stop all the images and then heard a crow coming towards it's direction. Asbeth looked up and letted him land on his shoulder. The crow had a message and he wondered from whom it could be. As he opened it, Asbeth letted out a little smile and a relieved sigh. He went to see Philos who was not that far and said: "Philos... Your judgement has come. You must now come with me." Philos looked at him and Asbeth saw a light of fear in his eyes. "I'm... I'm going to hell right?". Asbeth didn't answer and helped Philos to get on the horse and they were off soon enough.

Arrived at destination, the view was very spectaculous and beautiful. "Just like my sister", Asbeth thought. He looked at all the white clouds and then looked down at Philos, smiled at him and said: "Welcome to heaven young one." The little fox looked at him with a stunt face and then, he grew a big smile which made Asbeth smile even more. He then asked Philos to follow him as he knew exactly where he was going. He knocked on a door and entered the room where, surprisingly, there was both Selena and Sacha. He greeted them and said: "I know I'm not doing this often as many souls die in this world... But I took the time to greet this little young fox and help him reach his judgement. Sacha, I present to you Philos. Take care of him please, I have to go as I sense someone coming into my kingdom." Asbeth then waved his paw at the two radiant women and told Philos to trust Sacha.

Flying back to his kingdom, Asbeth went directly to his fountain and what he saw was what he expected. A pond was forming near his fountain and Asbeth smiled as he sat on his rock nearby, waiting for his complete opposite to appear.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 21, 2011, 07:11:02 PM
Sasha sent Philos to heaven, he laughed and smiled as he entered the light and vanished. Sasha sighed " He's in love with me instead of you...which always should happen" Sasha looked at Selena "but I don't love him"
Selena raised and eyebrow and looked at her sister "and you assume that I am not okay with this?"
Selena felt a twinge in her heart, Sasha was always so generous... so wonderful, Selena was always a compassionate being, her green eyes always filled with hope and dreams. "why don't you love him?"
"because I love someone else..." she conjured up an image of a handsome grey wolf, the same age look as Sasha, 22.
"a mortal?!"
Sasha shushed Selena before she could continue. "with all the darkness happening, I can't go near him but...we have already started seeing each other..if Kaleb finds out, he'll kill him"
"but you can't...its forbidden?!"
Sasha shed a tear... and Selena blushed and stood up. "he will eventually find out... but... I will do my best to keep him safe.."
"his name is Jaren Huston...he is my forever.."

Selena, decided to meet Kaleb in his world of nightmares, the world around him shrink away from her radiance. "Kaleb...we need to talk!"
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 22, 2011, 03:27:56 AM
Kaleb had finished his rounds, taking note that he had much more nightmares than he was used to receiving. He returned to his world to see his other half shining in his realm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having my half stepping into my realm?"
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 22, 2011, 03:43:44 AM
Selena wanted to put so much pain into Kaleb for causing Sasha pain. the white cat analyzed the lion with her green eyes before she sighed, it was like him to sometimes make foolish choices. Selena was naturally jealous because her opposite chose Sasha but she didnt let that get in the way of her duty. "your so confuse the heck out of me and Sasha..its so...unlike you I suppose to decide to marry someone when... I dont know, unfeeling sometimes"
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 22, 2011, 04:56:14 AM
Kaleb stood there, apparently having difficulty processing what Selena just said. He created a chair of ice and sat down to think some more. "Selena, you could have just said that Sasha does not feel the same for me. It is not like I did not know about the mortal. My question is, why am I feeling jealousy from you?"
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 22, 2011, 05:34:17 AM
Selena blushed, then fiddled with her fingers then turned around, slightly mumbling to herself all the while forgetting about Kaleb behind her. Emotions was not Selena's strong point. "I..uh..umm...bye" she left his world and entered her own, collapsing on her knees, still flushed. by the light I am the worst when it comes to him...whats wrong with me??

the darkness swirled deep with in an long forgotten abyss. if anything, the creature snarled and opened its red eyes as it unleashed something into the air, it cackled maniacally as it landed inside a mortal body, the mortal became huge and deformed as it roared with fury. screams of terror filled the air, as everyone scattered, the beats attacked anything alive.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 23, 2011, 03:19:23 AM
Matthias snapped to attention suddenly.
"Redtail, turn around!" the keeper said, straining to look behind him and pulling out Dragomir.
ZZZZ...whuh... HEY! Dragomir said. I was sleeping! What the heck did you do that fo...
The sword stopped in mid-speech.
"I take it that you just sensed what I did?" Matthias said, looking back at Dragomir.
What do you mean by "sensing"? Stanley asked from his spot on Redtail's head.
HUH? Dragomir said. A talking knife?!
"Stanley, this is Dragomir; Dragomir, this is Stanley," Matthias said. "We can finish the introductions later, after we find out just what it was that we sensed."
Redtail turned around and galloped back towards town.
Upon arrival, Matthias slipped off of Redtail, Stanley in his robe pocket and Dragomir in his hand.
"Now," said Matthias as he looked around, "what could have caused that dist..."
His eyes opened wide.
"Oh, FRACK," he murmured.
Millions of beasts of multiple shapes, sizes, and colors were attacking the innocent. As they stood there, a giant hook horror-esqe creature charged right at them.
"LOOK OUT!" Redtail said, side-stepping the beast. Matthias tried to do the same, but the beast grabbed him by his bad shoulder, and was about to finish him off when the keeper swung Dragomir, severing the claw from the arm. Crashing to the ground, Matthias ran over to Redtail and hopped on.
"We've got to get help!" he said.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 27, 2011, 01:29:39 AM
Redtail galloped up the dimentional bridge. "What could that have been?" the stallion said, getting ever closer to the dominions of the sky.
"I'm not sure," Matthias said, "but we've got to... uhhhh..."
He gripped his left arm, which was sticky with his own blood. "You know, when I woke up earlier, I never thought that I'd get mauled by an unknown force... nghhh..."
"Hold on, Matthias," Redtail said. "We're almost there. Just hold on a bit longer."
Redtail jumped through the portal. "Here we are," Redtail said. "The Realm of Dreams."
Oh boy, butterfles and rainbows, Dragomir said.  Can I have a dream about flying ponies and...
"Quit... mocking other realms," Matthias said weakly. "You should have... NGH!... respect for everyone..."
Redtail slowed to a stop. "Selena should be right over there," he said to the young keeper. "Now hurry! You must warn them!"
Matthias slid off of his equestrian friend and stumbled over to the dream keeper.
"Selena!" Matthias cried, trying to reach her.
He was nearly there when he collapsed, nearly out of energy.
The last thing he saw was Selena's feet running toward him, then he felt her pick him up, and he saw her face.
Seconds later, he passed out.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 28, 2011, 02:34:49 PM
Kaleb watched as Selena vanished, and put on a knowing smile that lasted for only a few minutes until the scrying pool in his realm suddenly splashed. He strode over to the pool and glanced into the waters to see monsters of darkness rampaging through the streets. He rolled his eyes as Matthias had left the 'battlefield' to go warn his other half. If he just stayed in his realm, his window to the mortal realm would have warned him without getting himself in danger. He stepped onto the pool, and nodded to his steed as he went through the pool and down through the sky. His sword materialized in his hand as he touched down, killing the first beast he landed on. Ice shot out from the ground, goring and freezing the surrounding monsters.

His steed trotted out of an alleyway as Kaleb stepped off his kill and advanced towards the source of the darkness...
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Grace.E on September 29, 2011, 03:36:25 AM
the monster roared with fury as it turned to face Kaleb, but the monster smelled something on him that made him hungry for more... good, he smelled the slight trace of Selena on him, he wanted to eat all the good from the world as he roared hungrily, drool dripping from his mouth. Delicious...delicious life I smell on you....

Matthias laid in her grass, being older than the little kid, she rolled her eyes as she knelt down next to him, not touching his sword, "hey...kiddo..whats the matter??"
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on September 29, 2011, 04:49:03 AM
Kaleb slowly advanced towards the monster, not wanting to charge into an ambush or into an oncoming attack. The alleys spilled out with mists that seemed to reflect the monster's irrational fears back at it. It was a combination of ice and illusion magic that used tiny ice crystals to create the illusions, which his own magic enhanced and specified for each individual enemy. "I do not know who or what called you into this realm, but I will not have you killing in excess."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 30, 2011, 10:28:32 PM
Hearing Selena's voice, Matthias just managed to bring himself out of his his unconscious state.
"The world's... being attacked," he said, clutching his arm. "We were heading home when I... sensed something. We all went back to the surface and found... the town we had just left in total chaos. A hook horror grabbed me, but I... severed its claw and ran back to Redtail. I know I'm not... allowed to kill, so I came to... get help." Wincing slightly, the keeper pulled himself into a sitting position. "Wait... your sister's... not around, is she?"
Does it LOOK like she's around, ya knucklehead? Dragomir said.
"Shut... up," Matthias said. The young boy searched his cloak and found a strip of cloth, which he used to dress his shoulder wound. "There... that should hold," he said. He looked at Selena. "We've got to... inform the other... keepers," he said, attempting to stand. "The world... must survive."
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Self-sain on September 30, 2011, 11:08:13 PM
"Ohhhhh Asbeth" Meredith said as she strolling in, the doll staying close to her feet. "It isn't very nice of you to keep taking away my amazing gift." She smiled and laughed, mocking the idea of gift, as if it was given by her will.
Title: Re: Realm Keepers
Post by: Cifero Windtail on September 30, 2011, 11:14:51 PM
Matthias pricked his ears. "I sense that one of us just... made a slightly... sarcastic comment. Probably... Meredith."