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Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Hunter_Tier on April 24, 2011, 05:08:51 PM

Title: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on April 24, 2011, 05:08:51 PM

This is your time. The world you live in is about to be turned upside down. It has been a shaky relationship with the Humans from the Earths Corps Alliance when they joined the Galactic Alliance. Other new faces made their way to the scene. The alien fox beasts who call themselves Vulpa who do have a home system but are better known for their manufactured stations that act as worlds or bases. Surians, or the dinosaur creatures from their various planets within their system. And the Gemini, creatures who are doppelgangers and have no true form. All manner of races and casts made up the Galactic alliance with the above mentioned four being the newest additions each one bringing with them something to contribute to the betterment of the universe. But secretly many of the Humans harbored a grudge against the other races. During the first contact with the Vulpa war broke out inflicting heavy losses on both sides until the intervention of the Galactic Alliance. They were able to calm both races and offered them admittance into the council. The Vulpa humbled themselves and set aside their differences for peace while the Humans being the aggressive creatures they are refused and were only granted an embassy with no voice on the council.

Feeling cheated the Humans of the ECA waited and bided their time until they had the numbers to wage a full scale assault once again. Launching assaults on small outlaying outposts the ECA pin pricked their way through lesser threats and assimilated many of them into their armies while slaughtering others. Upon learning of their decision to assault the other races many Humans broke off and were granted safety by the other races, even allowing them to form their own branch of military known as the Revers but even this would not be enough. In a war of numbers the ECA could win a war and the council knew this. It was not long before the decision was made to go to war. This was the age of the mobile suit warrior. Large battle cruisers and carriers and vast fleets still made the scene in the spectacular battles that took place in outer space but it was the mobile suit that was the main soldier on the field of battle. Fighter craft could swarm a mobile suit and take it down but alone they were cannon fodder before the awesome destructive power of the craft.

Here you can post your character bio and your suit specs. Once I have enough people intrested I'll begin the RP.

If you are looking for some good images and tenichal data for a mobile suit here is a site that I've checked out to be safe and pretty easy to use.


Species: Vulpa, a race of anthro. fox creatures who have a split lower jaw that acts like mandibles. They possess a secondary extendable mouth that has a reach up to two feet from their snout. Extremely vicious and currently at war with Humans... and anyone that gets in their way.

Faction: Vulpine military

Rank: Hunter Knight, equivalent of Feudal Europe Knight

Fur color: Grey

Age: 154 (only look 23 as Vulpa age 1 year to every 7 years)

Sex: Male

Eye Color: Brown

Preference: Straight

Build: Athletic muscled.

Height: 5.9'

Weight: 150-160 lbs

Name: Tier

Identifying Marks: Tattoo marking rank of Vulpine Hunter Knight on both upper arms (image coming soon... as soon as I can figure out how to load pictures into the computer by myself....) Tattoo of numbers Five Four Five (545) on right pex. Knife slash on forehead going diagonally up from left eyebrow to right side of brow of head. (.... Yes like Squall from FF8... I think I have a picture.) Gunshot wound in left side upper chest (shoulder), upper back, left thigh, and right side above hip. Various cuts and slash marks from knives on arms. Diagonal slash from right shoulder to left hip. Two stab wounds on toreso, one under right pex, one near center of chest. Various small knife slashes on both legs. Stab wound above right knee.

Equipment: One (1) Vulpine plasma carbine. One (1) Vulpine bolt action plasma sniper rifle with scope. One (1) Vulpine plasma pistol. One (1) Vulpine combat knife. One (1) broad sword. One (1) Vulpine Hunter Ruck pack and equip (see U.S.M.C. standards for scout version of the ruck pack and equip). Three (3) Vulpine plasma grenades. Three hundred (300) plasma charges. One (1) Vulpine Hunter jet bike (see Star Wars 74-Z speeder bike). One (1) Vulpine Hunter fibermesh uniform (see 1940 German SS Uniform. I'm not trying to piss people off. It's just that it's a nice looking uniform with a Kevlar armor weave, and an Active Camouflage system that when activated will render the user completely invisible to offset the light armor quality.)

General and Technical Data

Model number: GAT-X370

Code name: Raider Gundam

Unit type: attack use mobile suit

Manufacturer: Vulpine Hunter Knights

Operator: Tier

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.94 meters

Weight: max gross weight 84.9 metric tons

Armor materials: unknown

Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Active Camouflage armor

Fixed armaments: "Zorn" 100mm plasma cannon mounted on mouth; dual 52mm hyper velocity shield plasma cannons mounted on right forearm; 2 x "Ahura Mazda" short-range plasma cannons mounted on upper arms (creates shotgun effect); claws; M417 80mm plasma machine gun, mounted in nose; 2 x M2M3 76mm machine gun, mounted on shoulders.

Optional hand armaments: Double plasma rifle, power rated at 21.2 MW total (2 x 10.6 MW); Plasma handgun x 1, beam sabre x 1

(Image and data from
Species: Vulpa, a race of anthro. fox creatures who have a split lower jaw that acts like mandibles. They possess a secondary extendable mouth that has a reach up to two feet from their snout. Extremely vicious and currently at war with Humans... and anyone that gets in their way.

Faction: Vulpine military

Rank: Hunter Lord, equivalent of Feudal Europe Lord

Fur color: Grey

Age: 294 (only look 42 as Vulpa age 1 year to every 7 years)

Sex: Male

Eye Color: Brown

Preference: Straight

Build: Athletic muscled.

Height: 6.4'

Weight: 150-160 lbs

Name: Fusalamee

Identifying Marks: Tattoo marking rank of Vulpine Hunter Lord on both upper arms, Tattoo of numbers Three Zero Eight (308) on right pex. Gunshot wounds (x3) in left side upper chest (shoulder), and upper back. Various cuts and slash marks from knives on arms. Two gunshot wounds on toreso. Various small knife slashes on both legs.

Equipment: One (1) Vulpine plasma pistol. One (1) Vulpine combat knife. One (1) broad sword. One (1) Vulpine Hunter Ruck pack and equip (see U.S.M.C. standards for scout version of the ruck pack and equip). Five (5) Vulpine plasma grenades. One (1) Vulpine Hunter fibermesh uniform (see 1940 German SS Uniform. I'm not trying to piss people off. It's just that it's a nice looking uniform with a Kevlar armor weave, and an Active Camouflage system that when activated will render the user completely invisible to offset the light armor quality.)

Craft: Vulpine Battleship "Master Butcher"

(Image from AcePilots. Please disreguard technical data listed within the photograph.)
Class: Drednaught

Ships of the line: Arachnid, Neri, Phobos, Titan, Luzar, Hyperton, Hood, Kilimanjaro

Ship Name: Master Butcher

Unit type: Heavy battleship

Manufacturer: Vulpine Military

Operator: Fusalamee

Dimensions: overall length 440 meters; overall width 320 meters;overall height 103 meters

Weight: max gross 108100 tons

Propulsion: 8 x jet/rocket thruster, Minovsky craft system

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown, re-entry capsules (not rated for atmosphere),

Fixed armaments: (x10) 2-barrel 580mm main gun; (x2) 2-barrel mega particle gun; (x8) anti-aircraft 4-barrel machine gun; (x8) 3-tube missile launcher, (x7) 2-barrel mega particle cannon; (x14) 2-barrel machine gun; (x4) missile launcher, (x#) 155mm machine guns (All weapons are plasma baised)

Mobile suit capicity: 15

Launch Ramps: 8. Four on either side of ship.

(Data from


Species: Rapturian; A race of anthro raptors who belong to the Surian Empire.

Faction: Rapturian Empire

Rank: Sergeant Major

Scale color: Red and black

Age: 48

Sex: Male

Eye Color: Yellow

Preference: Straight

Build: Heavily muscled.

Height: 6.0'

Weight: 180-200 lbs

Name: Talon

Identifying Marks: gunshot wounds in stomach, back, and chest.

Equipment: One (1) lazer assault rifle with grenade launcher attachment. One (1) heavy revolver style pistol. One (1) combat knife. One (1) Ruck pack and equip (see U.S.M.C. standards for scout version of the ruck pack and equip). Five (5) grenades. One (1) set of black combat fatugues.

Craft: Forbidden Gundam

General and Technical Data

Model number: GAT-X252

Code name: Forbidden Gundam

Unit type: close combat mobile suit

Manufacturer: Rapturian Empire

Operator: Talon

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.47 meters

Weight: max gross weight 85.33 metric tons

Armor materials: unknown

Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; Trans-Phase (TP) armor; "Geschmeidig Panzer" energy deflection armor

Fixed armaments: 2 x "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x "Armfeuer'" 115mm machine gun, mounted on forearms; 2 x "Eckzahn" 88mm railgun, mounted on main turrent; "Hresvelgr" plasma induction cannon, mounted on main turrent

Optional hand armaments: GN handgun x 1, GN buster sword x 1

(Image and data from


Species: Gemini, a race of dopplegangers who shapeshift to different forms.

Faction:Gemini Federation

Rank: Major

Skin color: (Varies, starts out as caucasian Human with black hair)

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Eye Color: (Varies starts out as green)

Preference: Bi-Sexual

Build: (Varies, starts out lightly muscled/curvatious.)

Height: (Varies starts out at 5.7')

Weight: (Varies starts out st 130 to 140)

Name: Bell

Identifying Marks: None

Equipment: One (1) lazer assault rifle with grenade launcher attachment. One (1) Vulpine plasma pistol. One (1) combat knife. One (1) Ruck pack and equip (see U.S.M.C. standards for scout version of the ruck pack and equip). Five (5) grenades. One (1) set of blue combat fatugues.

Craft: Stark Jegan

General and Technical Data

Model number: RGM-89S

Code name: Stark Jegan

Unit type: artillery mobile suit

Manufacturer: Gemini Electronics

Operator: Bell

Accommodation: pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 19.0 meters

Weight: empty 22.1 metric tons; max gross 61.8 metric tons

Armor materials: titanium alloy/ceramic composite

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1870 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 12700 kg, 2 x 9200 kg, 2 x 8800 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 28

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration: 1.00 G

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 20700 meters

Fixed armaments: 3-slot hand grenade rack, mounted on left hip armor; 2 x 30mm machine gun, mounted on arms; 2 x 3-tube medium missile launcher, mounted on shoulders; 4 x large missile launcher (can mount optional 4.8 ton warhead), mounted on 3-tube medium missile launcher

Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; bazooka

(Image and data from
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on April 25, 2011, 10:24:49 AM
hay tier, sounds interesting. one question though. can we desighn our own armorment and powerscource? if so i might have a bit of modifying to do. ^_^
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on April 25, 2011, 02:32:44 PM
Sure thing man, shoot the moon. (waives hand disarmingly) I just did a copy/paste job from the website I cited because I' was feeling lazy and didn't feel like going into that deep of detail. Heh, I had a hard enough time just trying to edit it what little I did with the screen not scrolling down as I typed. Err... by the way, is that some form of bug on this site? But yeah man, do it up. It's compleately up to you what you put down and how bad a** you intend on making yourself. Just no massive rolling devistation type stuff. I already know I don't have to tell you that, but I'm just putting it out there just in case someone's all like "Oh, well I call my fleet!" (shakes head) Sorry. Mass devistation rolls kinda tend to kill good RPs. By the way, do you know much about mechs? I'm just a bit of a fan and any help I'd be willing to take. (nods) Hit me up over the PM if you got some idea and hell... probably let you copilot the RP if you're pretty versed with mechs.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on April 25, 2011, 03:10:02 PM
i'll admit i'm not the bast with a mech, but i'll try my best. now if you dont mind i have some mechs to rib to shreads and rebuild and upgrade with shi-ne-ki tech. ^_^ you ever seen an assasin mech? if not then you will.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 03, 2011, 12:51:31 PM
hehe..>_> kind of got distracted.....*wipes some grese from my cheak* i think i got one of my mechs to a workable state if this is still open.....if it is then my assasin mech should be either totaly epic....of it'll fall apart when i turn on the power source........only one way to find out^_^
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 03, 2011, 03:50:26 PM
I think I'm just going to start the RP before too long and see if anyone joins. Screw it. I imagine after someone starts to see posts going up someone will start to wonder what it's all about. I'll try to start the RP within the next 24 hours and post a link here but no promices.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 03, 2011, 09:17:25 PM
i'll get my tech together and make sure it'll work ^_^.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 04, 2011, 03:52:49 PM (

And this goes to the RP A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars (RP). Hopefully more people will become intrested.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 04, 2011, 09:41:43 PM
Sorry about the wait.

Species: shi-ne-ki: a race of pure white furred foxes and wolves, trained from birth in both the subtle arts of war and the not so subtle art of operating a mobile suit. the shi-ne-ki are a small race with big potential, harbouring highly advanced technology and far superior cloaking and energy source technologies to compensate for lacking a proper military of their own. they are used as a special ops faction of the far more savage and prominent vulpa who rule the system.

Faction: Vulpine military

Rank: spec ops lieutenant

fur colour: pure white

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Eye Color: dark green

Preference: any

Build: lightly muscled, fast and flexable

Height: 6’.4”

Weight: 110-150 lbs

Name: Marco

Identifying: black tribal markings covering his forearms, hands and back

Equipment: (1) one five and a half foot grasscutter ‘cynthro tech blade’(2) two forearm mounted hidden blades ‘diamond filament cable attachment for mid range area combat’ (3) ten small shi-ne-ki standard issue combat/throwing knives (4) camo-tech prototype stealth armour (5) shi-ne-ki bio-flight armour

Craft: prototype: gundam

General and Technical Data

Model number:

Code name: ‘assassin’ by others ‘project bio-mass’ by command

Unit type: close combat mobile suit

Manufacturer: shi-tech corporation,

Operator: Marco

Accommodation: pilot only, in modified cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18 meters

Weight: max gross weight 83.5 metric tons

Armour materials: classified

Power plant(s): geothermal convex charger, friction charger, ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; radar deflective outer skin, shi-tech ‘active’ camo generator, forearm mounted deflector plates (side of arm)

Fixed armaments: 2X convex geothermal charge accelerator cannons (charge time: one post to start, two posts “not mine” to charge next post can fire once. Shoulder mounted, stored on back when not in use), 2X forearm mounted duel barrel 60mm armour piercing flak cannons (on top of arms) 2X forearm mounted  shi-ne-ki hidden blades (four and a half meters long by one meter wide) leg, shoulder and chest mounted internal missile tubes

Optional hand armaments: modified standard issue shi-tech buster sword (ratioed to be the same dimensions to the mech as Marco’s grasscutter is to him, holstered on back behind head)

Do you think this will hold together? ^_^
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 05, 2011, 01:54:01 AM
Looks good to me. Now If I can just get people intrested we can really get rolling.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: icy wolf on May 05, 2011, 11:05:39 PM
Faction: Vulpine military

Rank: spec ops

fur colour:  white

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Eye Color: one green one blue

sexuality : pansexual

Build: lightly muscled

Height: 5 .11 feet

Weight: 150 lbs

Name: Dante

Identifying: has the number 13 tattoed in roman on my neck, an X scar on my left check

Equipment: (1) one plasma rifle ’(2) two hidden blades

Craft: if you know ones thats good for short ranged attacks pm

General and Technical Data

Model number:

Code name: shadow by higher commanders Dante by others  

Unit type: close combat mobile suit


Operator: dante

not sure if thats enough
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 06, 2011, 12:02:56 AM
Looks good enough to me man. I'm probably going to be pretty spotty here for a while. Some things are trying to come up at work and I don't know what's about to happen with me.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: icy wolf on May 07, 2011, 04:43:43 AM
ok then well good luck ... oh can i get the link to the rp
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 07, 2011, 01:47:48 PM
look up about six posts.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: LordFeline on May 14, 2011, 03:47:53 PM
Faction: Acheron-54
Rank: <read faction info below>
Fur color:  ruddy orange
Age:  35
Sex:  male
Eye Color:  blue
Preference:  ???
Build: Athletic muscled.
Height:  6'2
Weight:  185 lbs.
Name:  Roger MacTavish
Identifying Marks:  large burn on left forearm from fuel tank explosion years ago
Equipment: 10mm solid shot pistol, kukri, AD-90 solid-shot assult rifle, Aceheron-54 reinforced combat uniform, CAP helmet (cranial assult protection), 5 flash bang grenades
General and Technical Data
Model number: not given
Code name:  Gutbuster
Unit type:  heavy support
Manufacturer:  Acheron-54 engineers
Operator:  Roger
Accommodation: pilot only
Dimensions: head height 20 meters
Weight:  88 metric tons
Armor materials:  Acheron refurbished steel
Powerplant:  mini-reactor
Equipment and design features: includes night-vison capabilites; is waterproof   to 10,000 feet,
Fixed armaments:  GROWL sonic blast cannon on left underarm, Acheron-54 heavy assult gun (removable)
Optional hand armaments: Inferno mark II flamerthrower, ARGOS-9 grenade laucher

located in an asteriod belt in the northern quardrant of the system, the engimatic mercenarys of asteriod Acheron-54 provide unique weaponry and mecha along extended trade routes going to all factions. they are considered master scavengers, and are almost always present at major battles, waiting like vultures for the battle to end so that they may take the fallen mecha left behind. this scrap is made into technology that can be advanced or below average, depending on the engineers whim. they fight for all side, preferring older, solid-shot weapons to newer laser and plasma guns.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 14, 2011, 05:55:52 PM
i'll be the first to say it, you have a shit-ton of characters for one player, man.

Species: Human-supporting Wolf-tiger

Faction: ECA

Rank: Meister

Fur color: Black

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Eye Color: Brown in the left eye, and a neon-green feline right eye.

Preference: Straight

Build: Muscular toned.

Height: 6'11"

Weight: 187 lbs

Name: Shinzuu Katame

Identifying Marks: Silver tiger stripes and the glowing right eye, which is usually under covered by a patch.

Equipment: 1 M500 Tanaka Magnum Revolver, 100 spare rounds in speed reloaders, Famas G2 Commando w/ 30-shot clip and full auto .408mm ammunition, 10 spare clips of .408 ammo, vibro-blade katana.

General and Technical Data

Model number: XXXG-00W7

Code name: Wing Zero Variant Custom

Unit type: Balance Type

Manufacturer: Original XXXG-00W0 manufactured on Lost Colony 9, and was presumed to have disappeared alongside the schematics. However, a lone soldier found it, and fixed it up in the ECA warehouses, being customized to an 8th version.

Operator: Shinzuu Katame

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: Still the same as the original XXXG-00W0 Custom

Weight: max gross weight 8 metric tons

Armor materials: Gundamium alloy alongside unknown components that construct the cockpit door, wings and the head.

Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, with gyro generator as a backup

Equipment and design features: full-range sensors, additional wings for extra propulsion and shielding.

Fixed armaments: Dual Twin Vulcans on head, Twin Vulcans on each wing, Twin Gattlings on shoulders, one-time charge blasters on forearm mirrors.

Optional hand armaments: Dual Buster Rifles, Beam Sabre x4 (one in each wing), Beam Katara x2 (mounted on rear waistline)
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 14, 2011, 10:31:24 PM
i'll be the first to say it, you have a shit-ton of characters for one player, man.

I plan on people dying for plot reasons. I've handled larger forces of a different site.
A little bit of information you all might find neat, each different character I'm running is actually controlled by a different person. I tell them what happens and they tell me what they would do, with a little of my own poetic license thrown in. I know, it's stupid. But it's stupid little things like that that helps us stay sane out here slinging bullets at cocksuckers for a paycheck. Besides, adds more personalities to the RP.

Unless you want me to drop them for your own reasons.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 15, 2011, 02:03:23 AM
I just hate trying to keep up with THAT many characters from one person. But anyways, am I in or no?
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Mizu on May 15, 2011, 04:03:00 AM
Species:  Skunk-leopard

Faction: E.C.A

Rank: 1st lieutenant

Fur color: Black With Blue Spots

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Eye Color: brown

Preference: Straight

Build: Athletic muscled.

Height: 6.0

Weight: 170 lbs

Name: Mizu

Identifying Marks: SEALs emblem tattooed on his upper right arm along with “Team 23” right under it

Equipment: Laptop with mini radar, external hard drive, Tool Kit, M110 SASS , P228,Three EMP Nades, Two Frags, Two  Flash Bangs, combat knife,  

General and Technical Data

Model number:

Code name: T.S.C  aka  The Sleeping Chameleon

Unit type: Recon & Assassinations

Manufacturer: E.C.A

Operator: Lt. Mizu

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.94 meters

Weight: max gross weight 20 metric tons

Armor materials: E.C.A Special Edition Recon Armor For The TSC (Recon Armor Specs Below)


Equipment and design features: Hibernation Mode (The mobile suit power levels will drop dramatically leaving only its basic operating system working, such as the stealth technology. Activating the suits stealth mode will allow the mobile suit to become completely transparent also changing the suits body temperature to match its surroundings. While hibernation mode is on, the mobile suit cannot more or fire its weapons) Mounted Radar Jammier dish on lift shoulder pad, sensors, EMP Reflection Armor

Fixed armaments: GN Sniper Rifle Grade Two (A long-barreled particle rifle stored on back when not using), Laser Guided Anti-Ariel shoulder chain-gun, a self EMP burst (a EMP burst that emulates from the TSC chest that disables enemy electronics for 3 post, charges every 3 post) EMP landmines on the knees that deploys  all around him when hibernation mode is turned on.

Optional hand armaments:  Two Duel GN Beam Pistol & A EMP Grenade Launcher

E.C.A Special Edition Recon Armor:  The recon armor for the TSC was an advance version of the GN-002 Gundam Dynames with new and improved offensive and defensive capabilities. The offensive capabilities now provide a rechargeable EMP burst that comes from overloading the main core of the TSC disabling surrounding enemy units. The TSC also comes with a upgraded GN Sniper Rifle with longer range and more power but at the price of overheating when firing rapidly, and last a Laser Guided Anti-Ariel shoulder chain-gun. For defensive we’ve added EMP reflection shields to the armor and also Hibernation Mode. The TSC is only given to the E.C.A top commandos.

let me know if i need to change anything
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 15, 2011, 01:01:34 PM
(to Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy) Oh yeah you're good. Just post up in the RP and we'll get rolling. I don't think LordFeline is going to change thier post. We'll work them in somehow.

(to Mizu) You want to be ECA? Well, though it's not everyday someone wants to be an antifurr that does entitle you to certain privilaged information that I'll PM you. Long as you can characterize that you hate us with with the absolution of any other group that hates furries in general you should be good. As soon as you post your character in I'll shoot you that info on some of the things you'd want to know.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Mizu on May 15, 2011, 02:19:00 PM
well that was the only part not being used, plus i find it rare that most people choose the dark side so i wanted to be the first
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 15, 2011, 10:04:30 PM
am i the only one posting anymore?
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Mizu on May 16, 2011, 03:58:23 AM
am a bit lost here made my intro, so should i be helping shinzuu or waiting for hunter to explain the plot more
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 16, 2011, 11:59:23 AM
i'm waiting for teir to advance the plot a little, mainly because i need him to.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 16, 2011, 01:13:52 PM
We lost connection yesterday. (grumbles) That's what happens when you're operating out in the tail end of nowhere in some hell hole country.

Well I just looked at the RP and saw that things seemed to have been moved around.

The ship and escorts are still in space. No fighting has occured yet, I had the RP in the introduction stage until everyone was ready and then I would have the ships come out of flight not too far from the planet. During the beginning of the RP Fighting was to begin in space then move to the planet. I think LordFeline kinda threw you all off when he didn't change his post.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 16, 2011, 02:38:46 PM
this is why having too many characters, for whatever purpose, is not exactly the best thing to get an RP going, especially if you're not very active on the form.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 16, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
I'm normally on every day. If there is an emergency then I can useually advise you all.
 I'm glad you are trying to give advise but I must ask you to change your post for plot reasons.
Handeling four characters dosen't do anything for me except create more work and more time to sit here and relax. I don't know what time in your part of the world it might be when I post, I really don't care. I log on when I file my field reports at the end of the day here and I'm just here to make an RP that's semi fun.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 16, 2011, 11:46:36 PM
what should I change it to, since you really haven't given me much to work with.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 16, 2011, 11:53:40 PM
I'll send you a PM.
I still need a couple of players to change thier posts;

We still should be in the introduction stage of the RP. All Soldiers helping the Vulpa should be on a ship. All with the ECA should be prepairing thier defences of a planet and it's orbital defence stations or it's ships.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: LordFeline on May 17, 2011, 04:16:33 AM
erm. sorry. ive been real busy at school, with finals and whatnot. ill change it afyer school tamarrow.
once agin, terribly sorry obout the delay.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 18, 2011, 12:32:07 PM
Well... technically you should be good now. I can send someone out to retrive you and bring you in but it may be a bit.

Oh, I amlost forgot to tell you all. I use the term mech pretty loosely. Gundam, mech, I know someone who really follows that stuff would internet rage at me for being so callous with my terminology, but to me they're all kinda the same. Some can just do more than others.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 18, 2011, 04:12:19 PM
Just wanted to show you guys what Shinzuu's face turned to when he fights someone that's not a pushover.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 22, 2011, 02:33:05 PM
mizu, pay attention to the posts, man. Wing Zero isn't disabled. he's still moving on his generator, he just can't use his buster rifle.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Hunter_Tier on May 22, 2011, 03:32:57 PM
Not to be a post nazi but, Her Tolfy's right. Infact my mech is headed fight for you shooting at you. I used my sniper to find you. Sorry.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 22, 2011, 08:37:47 PM
just call me Shinzuu, man. everyone else does
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Mizu on May 22, 2011, 11:14:47 PM
mizu, pay attention to the posts, man. Wing Zero isn't disabled. he's still moving on his generator, he just can't use his buster rifle.

my bad changed it
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 25, 2011, 02:14:24 PM
Seriously, serpington, even Zero couldn't do that to another ace pilot just like THAT. you're making your pilot too powerful. not even real ace pilots can do that to a merc in plain sight. your ass would've been shot down if you tried that.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 25, 2011, 10:42:57 PM
how was my last post being to powerfull? i want and revised it and couldn't see any issues. you turned around  to fire at the ECA, i moved behind you, gave you an ultimadum and showed that at the moment bio-mass might be relitivly fine but marco isn't. hes basicly blufing. and the only reason i set it up that way is because the majority of the fighting is over for now.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 26, 2011, 01:44:30 AM
my Gundam had flown well over the mid-air battlefield faster than your mech. if you had been keeping up, he would have fired on you instead of the base. no one who's a pilot of any kind of mech or craft wouldn't turn their back to someone who's following them. had he seen you on radar while he was firing, he could have easily just moved the buster rifles in your direction before you got close. long range attacks are only done when there's no enemies around, it's common sense. a sniper doesn't lay down if someone's following them. they lose the pursuer and attack from a distance. seriously, no one's that dumb.
Title: Re: A Glorious Reunion; The Moble Suit Wars
Post by: serpington on May 26, 2011, 12:01:58 PM
i see your point. sorry about the confusion, i went back over both your and my posts and edited my post so it should work now.