The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Kaprika on April 20, 2011, 06:14:01 AM

Title: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 20, 2011, 06:14:01 AM
i love RP'ing, but i wanna start a new one cause i see all these other RP sessions going that are miles long and have a dozen participants. i have NO idea how im to wedge myself into that.

does anyone have any ideas for me? any new RP they wanna start?
and if anyone doesnt wanna start a thread and would rather a personal RP with just me, shoot me a PM
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 20, 2011, 06:18:31 AM
I've only done RP a few times, and that was in the IRC. So my experience with it is limited. I would love to start a new RP with you! But I wouldn't have the slightest clue where to start. If you don't mind me getting use to it along the way we could definitely start a new RP.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 20, 2011, 06:21:24 AM
I've only done RP a few times, and that was in the IRC. So my experience with it is limited. I would love to start a new RP with you! But I wouldn't have the slightest clue where to start. If you don't mind me getting use to it along the way we could definitely start a new RP.

hmm..what should it be of though, i like modernism set, but dont want it in ordinary school...nor actionpacked drama right off the getgo
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 20, 2011, 06:35:37 AM
Ahh, here's where the fun begins!

So something in a modern setting, and nothing all schooly and actiony right off the bat? This is a tough one... You see a lot of apocalyptic or war settings flying around but those are pretty action packed to start off with.

How about something that starts off as a road trip? We'd need to build on that to keep it going but it might be fun.

Or something to do with a world where Furries are unknown living underground in society? The part of society that knows about us would hate us and wage a genocidal war against us.

I'm not sure what we should do really because i don't know what makes for good Roleplay. You have experience in this so I'll follow your lead.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 22, 2011, 02:13:21 AM
How's this?

We make a Roleplay based off a secret underground Furry agency called The Secret Furrvice. Where we secretly uphold peace in the world.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 05:26:30 AM
I think that's a good idea.  XD 
Agent Silverwolf at your service. *bows*
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: serpington on April 23, 2011, 12:47:25 PM

Or something to do with a world where Furries are unknown living underground in society? The part of society that knows about us would hate us and wage a genocidal war against us.

0.o creepy. i had a daydream today that was along those lines. it was set in the future, not that far into it though. most of humanity had grown to hate our culture and started hunting us down, as a counter measure we formed a rebelion, and develobed a syrum that once injected bonded with the hosts body and forever gave them the ability to sitch between their fursonas and their human forms. the world wide rebelion is lead by former polititions that were forced into hiding once the hunting down of our kind started and is fought by those who have already lost everything but themselves. and yes i know i should have been working more and day dreaming less....
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 08:13:43 PM
That's a wild imagination you have there, serpington!
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 23, 2011, 08:57:11 PM
ya know i started a new RP
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 08:58:30 PM
I sent you a PM asking if I could join it.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 10:10:33 PM
Awws I wanna join  :|
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 23, 2011, 10:26:08 PM
uh..well i think i need some help on this regard, i got a good idea of what i wanted but i dont really know how to "carry" it out

so this RP is taking place in an apartment complex, you are just moving out of your parents place and cruisin the want Ads for a place to call yoru own. you gotta get a job or already have one, find a roomate you get along with (if your a cat id not reccomend roomin with a mouse) and you dont know this person..but the antics are neverending as you get to know one another and experience LIFE as big and all grown up furs. i have two rooms open and im lookin for a roomate to call me, but obviously there are MANY rooms in this building. Grin talk to the landlord and see if he has a opening???

*Sigh* that was that..i finnaly spoke to my landlord about where all our rent money had gone. as it turned out my roomate had been screwing me out of rent by taking it and spending it on her shopping addiction and id been being landed with all the landlords bills and orders to appear in court. i had kicked her out finnaly and got my money that was due out of her and payed off this months bills...though if i wasnt going to get kicked out myself i had better find a roomate to share the rent with and FAST. i swish my tail frusteratedly and walk over to the computer to type out a Ad for a roomeate...a spacious three bedroom apartmnet with full kitchen and utilities... water would be included and two bathrooms. the rent was $1,600 a month and would be split evenly. though id need two roomates now. the only reason we could together afford this place was because she had two jobs that payed realy well. (and daddy sent her mony from time to time in large sums)
i finished typing out the slip of paper and walked over to the door and grab up my wasnt a far drive down to the local gorcery store..

..i walk in the store and go up to the public bulliten board, there was a nice big open space to the left and i peg my paper up on it. it has all my contact info and necissary information..i can only hope someone calls my number soon, rent is due in 30 days
so thats that...all there is left to do is wait for someone to call. i walk back out of the store and to my car. i turn it on and drive back home where i was to start on cooking dinner.

this is what i did, but it wasnt to the RP standards. it would seem people RP here differently than i do. assistance??
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 10:33:34 PM
I would go along with that. I don't see how it wasn't up to rp standards. But, it seems like you'd need something else to go along with it. 3 furs in an apartment sounds kinda boring, ya know?

I think maybe going to parties, having a job, traveling, running in to other furs and interacting with them.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 23, 2011, 10:39:09 PM
I would go along with that. I don't see how it wasn't up to rp standards. But, it seems like you'd need something else to go along with it. 3 furs in an apartment sounds kinda boring, ya know?

I think maybe going to parties, having a job, traveling, running in to other furs and interacting with them.

well of course. we can do anything we want, its BASE is just at the apartment..its how we all meet and stuff. i was told it needed to be in a book format whatever that means..and it needed a roster
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 10:41:02 PM
Well.... [removed] what they say and do it our way  XD
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 23, 2011, 10:44:07 PM
Well.... [removed] what they say and do it our way  XD

uh..its not just a "they" its a moderator

and i for one am VERY respectful of the mods wishes, so there way it shall be done
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 10:45:58 PM
I'll join in if you want me too. ^-^

Not sure if you'd mind a male roommate, that's why I ask.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 10:47:34 PM
OH. ok. umm. then......i unno.  :'(
i guess you could turn that into a story form. Say like "One day a fur named [insert name] was moving out of his/her parents and was looking for a place to live..."
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 10:49:24 PM
If it's our roleplay then there shouldn't have to be guidelines. Except for what you make them.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 10:51:02 PM
If it's our roleplay then there shouldn't have to be guidelines. Except for what you make them.

I agree.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 10:52:49 PM
From my little understanding of Roleplaying, it's the Game Master that decides those things. Not a mod.

And you made this Roleplay, so you are the GM.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Tweak on April 23, 2011, 10:59:16 PM

And the above rules apply to all Serious RPs, which I believe is what this is in reference to.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 11:02:01 PM

And the above rules apply to all Serious RPs, which I believe is what this is in reference to.

There's nothing in there about it HAVING to be in a story form.
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Kaprika on April 23, 2011, 11:12:14 PM
its fine, really..ill just re-format it is all...gimme like...20 minutes to re plan it and type out the new thread. keep an eye out for it

ill do it RIGHT this time
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Pea on April 23, 2011, 11:14:17 PM
Okie Dokie!

*Sits on his rock, waiting for Kaprika to return.*
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: Silverwolfxp on April 23, 2011, 11:19:49 PM
Yay. ok.

*sits on floor, pulls out maguro and *removed* eats* *removed*
Title: Re: wanna RP but dont know what i want
Post by: serpington on April 24, 2011, 12:04:52 PM
you know, you could posibly have put it in the fun rp board without having to change it. ans lizard, if you still need a roommate i'll need a place to stay.