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Furry Chat => Rants and Advice => Topic started by: x on September 26, 2010, 09:32:38 PM

Post by: x on September 26, 2010, 09:32:38 PM
Okay well my bf and I have a long distance relationship, and he said that he may finally be able to come see me later. No prob right? Wrong. You see, I am a VERY nervous shy person though I pretend not to be. Also, Ive never had a real bf before in my life. Im scared that when he comes I wont be able to talk because Im so scared or that Ill be too shy to take a kiss or even, at an extreme, that Ill faint or lock myself in the bathroom, freaking out. Please help, I care about my bf a lot and dont want to mess it up. Also, I DO plan on telling him about this...
Title: Re:
Post by: Gabag on September 26, 2010, 10:43:56 PM
Okay well my bf and I have a long distance relationship, and he said that he may finally be able to come see me later. No prob right? Wrong. You see, I am a VERY nervous shy person though I pretend not to be. Also, Ive never had a real bf before in my life. Im scared that when he comes I wont be able to talk because Im so scared or that Ill be too shy to take a kiss or even, at an extreme, that Ill faint or lock myself in the bathroom, freaking out. Please help, I care about my bf a lot and dont want to mess it up. Also, I DO plan on telling him about this...


Well for starters, let him know your the shy person, so if something does happen, he wont take it the wrong way, because misconceptions happen a lot more then we et them out to be.

Second, if your super shy person, take Deep Breathes, DEEEEEP Breathes. And no matter how hard it seems, try your best to strike up a conversation with him. Even if it's totally awkward, it's a start
I know everyone says to take deep breathes when your nervous or shy, but it helps, because it also gets you into that mindset of

"Ok... I can do this!"
For Conversations try to find that one thing you both like

see if he likes show # 1, and if he does, then WHOO HOO, you found a stepping stone to begin cementing further bondness.

If he doesnt like show # 1, immediately back off of the topic of show # 1 and see if he'll try to find that middle ground topic, if he does, then great makes it easier for you

if not, then turn to show # 2 or something

now I honestly have no idea why i'm giving relationship advice because i've never been in one. But it'll be a rocky start, and hopefully in the future, you get less and less shy around him, and suddenly he's that person who gets you talking and super sociable.
Title: Re:
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on September 26, 2010, 10:56:30 PM
Okay, so, pretty much everyone on here knows that my mate/boyfriend is Shinzuu (if you didn't, now you do, lol). Well, our relationship started out as an online/long-distance relationship. And of course we wanted to meet after a while and it ended up that after I told my parents about the relationship, they did the legwork for me on that. But anyways, just thinking about him visiting at some point made me really nervous and I was afraid that I would suck at kissing because he was/is my first real boyfriend. I didn't have time to anticipate though because his visit ended up being a surprise for me from my parents (they bought him plane tickets to come visit for my senior prom). I was still extremely nervous when he walked up behind me and grabbed me around the waist (and happy too). I made it through though and it wasn't that hard and we're still dating now (and he lives with me and my parents).

Basically, you're just going to have to get over your nerves and fears and "jump in". You're dating so that means he likes you a lot so there's really nothing to worry about. I know taking the whole thing to the face-to-face level makes things more intimidating, but it's really not that bad. It'll probably only take you maybe 10 minutes to get used to being around him.
Title: Re:
Post by: WingedZephyr on September 27, 2010, 03:11:23 AM
No matter how close you are to a person online, when you first meet them face-to-face, it's going to take a little bit to get used to it. Make sure you're both aware of that, and don't set your expectations for the event so high that you freak yourself out. And if either one of you doesn't feel quite ready to hug and cuddle or whatever from the moment you first see each other, don't take it personally. Just give yourself time to be comfortable, and relax.
Title: Re:
Post by: Ares the Ram on September 27, 2010, 03:16:42 AM
you seem stressed out about this. Maybe some yoga would help. or a nice hot bath. ooh or some hot cocoa with marshmallows. the point is, do something to take the edge off, you're worrying too much.
Title: Re:
Post by: juut on September 27, 2010, 09:30:09 AM
Just tell him you're scared to death.  :D
In my experience (I'm scared of people in general so I know how you're feeling  ;)) if you tell people you're uncomfortable and don't really know what to do, they're so much easier to talk to. They won't take it personally if you behave a bit odd or not entirely like yourself.

Go for a long walk or do some sports before he arrives so that you at least don't have loads of pent up energy and try to think up something to do when he's there. I find it much easier to talk when I have something to do with my hands. Perhaps you could work on something for your fursona('s) together :).

Title: Re:
Post by: x on September 27, 2010, 02:51:14 PM
Oh my goodness thank you all for helping! This is all great advice and I can use all of it!

A particular thank you to Gabag...never thought he'd post here, and with such great thoughts too! '

I do need to just relax and jump into it when he I need to warn him. I imagine that after the first night my boyfriend and I will be super-fly. *crosses fingers*