The Furry Forums

Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: Gabag on April 05, 2010, 11:36:12 PM

Title: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 05, 2010, 11:36:12 PM
Ok First things first, the rules
1. There's a post order, follow it
2. no posting characters on the main forum unless I ok them (don't worry I'm usually on every day)
3. No god Modding (no being able to shoot fireballs that are the size of Canada in the beginning, or at all)
4. Have fun.
5. Have good Grammar Bad = "Lol look at t3h nub fur l3t's go kill him lawlzorz." it has to be understandable to the common reader.
6. If you want to be a Bloodline or Turncoat, pm me, I've tried to have people pick either or in the past and it didn't work to well.

This is how your character should be structured, and this board will also go into faction detail.
Clothing: (must include armor/fur)
Powers: (Furs only, elemental powers only, so no random teleportation)
Weaponry (Details further down into the board)
Personal Background: (like a bio just with a fancy name)

Faction List (4 factions, with a pair together to form an alliance of sorts)

Bloodline: Technologically advanced, the Bloodline are probably the most feared of the Factions. Hailing from the Eastern half of the U.S. they came from seemingly nowhere. Completely made up of 'Pure Bloods' they treat 'Furs' as animals, seeing that their belief that the 'Furs' will be no more then animals. All their people are equipped in gas masks or Hazard suits (you need to include that in character sheet) so as to avoid mutation. They use traditional firearms and traditional knives. (Officers red berets, higher up officers have chevrons)

Turncoats: The Furs who have betrayed their friends, families, acquaintances etc. to the Bloodline so they can avoid being experimented on. The Turncoats are granted citizenship within Bloodline controlled settlements and they serve as the front line scouts. Without the re breathers necessary for the other troops of the Bloodline, they are more agile, and capable of hit and run attacks. They can be armed like a normal Fur, or a Bloodline soldier. (the powers of Turncoats are dampened due to their traitorous nature to the other furs, they have little to no understanding of their powers. Turncoats with Red Berets are considered officers)

Furkind and the Outcasts:
Furs: the most widespread of the factions. The furs are just your normal person trying to scrape by, and are the average mutant. Their weaponry consists of items scavenged from the dead, or created from the random junk lying around. Due to their mutated nature, they do not need to wear any sort of radiation protection, allowing for better mobility then the Bloodline. Recently discovered within the furry gene is the ability to control a specific element.

Outcasts: Humans who refused to leave their mutated brethren. They adopted the fighting style of the Furs, which are mostly hit and run based attacks, but they needing re breathers, are more suited to ambush tactics and assault. They primarily use armor scavenged or created. They view the Bloodline as monsters, and they refuse to even associate one bit with them.

Once I approve your character, make an introduction post once the post order is made, I might have a Co-GM with me, so whoever I pick, the rest of you consider their word law, second to mine.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 06, 2010, 12:17:50 AM
Name: Ryan Dunn
Age: 24
Species: Fox
Faction: Furkind/Outcast
Clothing: Combat boots, standard USMC woodland camo pants, dog tags, olive green t-shirt w/ long-ish brown hair. Fur color is same as AVI.
Powers: Fire
Weaponry: baseball bat complete with nine inch nails sticking out around the business end. (post internment camp)
Personal Background: Once a marine of 4 years working under the bloodline's command, Ryan had been exposed to radiation and was later mutated due to a meltdown clean up incident while searching for furs. He was captured and is currently being held for experimentation.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 12:21:46 AM
the equipment and armor for the outcasts/furs is for when they escape the Internment Camp # 1
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 06, 2010, 12:23:34 AM
...mmmm k.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 12:24:00 AM
Babe, of course I'm joining. You think I could stay away from this awesomeness? :P Just happen to find it difficult to reply to PM's over the phone. I'll see if I can come up with a char sheet for you.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 12:24:24 AM
That explains it....

3 outta 7 joining slots filled
and therebeunicorns (i consider her spot reserved)

This is not the post order
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 06, 2010, 12:33:53 AM
So am I clear to post?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 12:35:48 AM
we at least need 5 people, then we'll make the post order

also EVERYONE starts out at Internment Camp # 01
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 06, 2010, 12:39:47 AM
Ok, I'll bite.

Name: Shinzuu Katame
Species: Wolf-Tiger
Faction: Fur/Outcast
Clothing: Usually wears a white gi and a black hakama. (confiscated) and has black fur and silver tiger stripes.
Powers: Not sure if you count light/dark, since they are not of the Basic Elements. I wanted to do Shadow Running, but if that's not allowed, then I'll choose water manipulation like Shinrei.
Weaponry: Weapons.... his body is a weapon, alongside his ability to form blades from water. i kinda wanted to make him like Shinrei to manipulate water, but have limits to how much he can do.
Personal Background: Used to live in a temple that he built for water users. He was the master's right hand and the Head Sempai to the students. His ability to manipulate water was almost unparalleled. However, he couldn't maintain most of his abilities for extended periods of time like his master due to the invasion, so he never finished training. In order to protect the children, he had surrendered himself in exchange for their freedom, but was forced to watch them get shot down after his capture.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 06, 2010, 12:43:02 AM
We'll see how I do...

Name: Coraline Skye.
Age: 21.
Species: Rainbow dragon.
Faction: Furkind.
Clothing: A short black dress (sort of ragged from her time in her camp) and black suede knee-high boots (flat, no heels).
She looks like this: (
Her eyes are the ones at the bottom: (
Powers: Airbending.
Weaponry: She has none (for now).
Personal Background: Coraline lived a pretty normal life for a Fur. Things seemed to be perfectly fine until one day her parents were captured while they were out. It wasn't too long after that that she was captured while walking around town and taken to a camp. Though she has a peace-loving nature (which is probably why she ended up being able to control air, since airbenders hate confrontation), being in the camp for so long has made her a rather eerie one to be around. Of course, her completely pitch-black eyes don't help.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 06, 2010, 12:48:07 AM
question. why Canada?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 01:17:27 AM
I chose Canada, because it's a relatively large place, and i figured, 'why not?'

and Shinzuu

What's Shadow Running and Shinrei?

Vee your in as well

5 out of 7 slots filled
Vee Smith
and Shinzuu

Now for my Character
Name: First Sargent Juno Harkov
Age: 37
Species: Human
Faction: Bloodline
Clothing: (in purified zones) Standard military fatigues, urban cameo
(outside purified zones): Canadian C4 Gasmask, Urban cameo fatigues, Powered Combat Vest, standard combat boots, and a standard US Marine Helmet urban cameo color scheme
Weaponry: Steyr AUG with attached ACOG scope, Jericho 941 F handgun, serrated 7 inch combat knife.
Personal Background: When the bombs hit, Juno wasn't even born. It was during the exodus of the Pure Bloods that Juno was given life.  His early years he had to deal with the hardships of the exodus and the lack of technology. When he was around 16, they finally found the Bloodline, and with it, Juno found a job.

When he was 18 he signed up for the military, and after finishing basic training, he was assigned to the 105th Blood Infantry Brigade. Two years later, his Brigade begun the campaign west ward, and along with the invasion, came the experimentation on the natives. Now Juno and the Brigade have been ordered to hold position and defend it. His current assignment is in Internment Camp # 01 as a simple guard.

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 01:20:50 AM
This is the Post Order (hopefully it works)

Gabag (because i technically made an introduction post already)

Skips in the post order are allowed if it's the person's turn and they choose to skip, but they gotta post it .
18 hour gap between posts until your automatically skipped and receive a strike (Shinzuu your system works very well seeing as how i'm copying it)
3 Strikes and your out

So Shinzuu you can make your introduction post whenever your able
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 06, 2010, 01:40:32 AM
Ok, forget the shadow running. (It's basically being able to disappear into a shadow and move within it to other shadows connected to it. The only limitation is that he wouldn't be able to jump light into another person's shadow. the shadow must be connected. But forget about it.

I'll show some pics of Shinrei.
you'll see that in the second pic, his blades were made from water.
the third pic is kinda what his distance attacks are like. this one is "Sui Nana Hou Ryu" (Seven-headed dragon missile) the translator spelled it wrong.. in the story, it takes up his ki.
he can also make a mizu-bunshin (water doppleganger) if it will surprise his enemies.

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 01:48:43 AM
your good

but you need a water source to make these weapons am I correct?

and that doesnt include people's internal water.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 06, 2010, 02:02:41 AM
exactly. he can only make his weapons when there's real accessible water available. He has a secret technique, but that's not until much much later. also, to use the water dragons, he uses his life energy, so he can't use it endlessly like his master.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 02:05:05 AM
alright your free to post whenever Shinzuu
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 02:27:03 AM
Name: Rana Audion.......Age: 16.......Species: Duck. Deep brown-black eyes. Wears thin rimmed glasses. Curly blue-black hair down to her shoulders. Medium-sized yellow bill and midnight-blue feathers slightly darker than her hair. She has a white stripe around her neck..........Faction: Furkind.........Clothing: White smock and a pair of old blue sandals that are slowly falling apart..........Powers: Manipulation/Bending of Light. I consider light/darkness integral elements to the world but if not allowed then I will go with Earth, specifically botany...........Weaponry: None as of yet, but if she sees anything shiny and sharp then in all likelihood she would claim it in seconds.........Personal Background: Our young bookworm was raised in a secluded environment. What a shocker, then, to see the door busted down, her parents tortured and eventually shot, before being greeted with the inside of a detainment vechile. She is fairly new to life at Camp. If only she had some books to read...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 02:38:52 AM
 your good to go

you can post whenever your able
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 02:40:58 AM
So am I Light or Earth? >.< I'm happy either way.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 02:44:54 AM
I did not see that part
your earth, and no metal does not count as Earth, no being Toph here

because controlling darkness would allow shadows to eat people
and controlling light would allow the user to melt people with sun beams or something
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 02:56:00 AM
Alright, that works for me, and I said botany :P metal is for Freddy freaks....
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: White Wolf Guardian on April 06, 2010, 04:14:38 AM
I want to join this RP but I'm afraid of how time consuming it could become, I mean 4 RP's at once for me is already a lot of time often. Just stopping by of course to say I love the options for characters though.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on April 06, 2010, 04:25:37 AM
Never fear!  Entaru the Co-GM is here!

Name:Yamataru Korin
Age: 27
Species: Artic Fox
Faction: Turncoats
Clothing: Wears a designer white suit with Dragon Skin style Kevlar underneath.  Also wears a set of  spectacles over his ice blue eyes.  His fur is pitch black and he has long snow-white hair tied back in a low ponytail.  (For a better idea on how he looks, think if Luke Valentine from the Hellsing anime turned into a black fox)  He rarely, if ever, wears the red beret issued to Turncoat Officers, often saying that it's too tacky or does not match his outfit.
Powers: Minor Air Control
Weaponry: A Shaolin Spade and Dual Hook Swords.  (Shaolin Monks have the coolest and deadliest weapons :) )
Personal Background: Yamataru was raised in a small village.  His family was poor and disrespected in the community, and was blamed for many of the villages problems.  Whenever there was a fire...his drunken father was blamed.  A flood...his hag of a mother.  When he was born, he was immediately considered a person to be watched for trouble.  It didn't help that when his first winter arrived, his black coat stayed its color while his parents turned white.  He was considered a bad omen to the superstitious people of the village. When the Bloodline first attacked, his family was left behind to distract the soldiers while the rest ran.  His father and mother were both killed but Yamataru, 16 by this time, made a deal with the head officer.  He would lead the soldiers to the glade where the villagers had fled to in exchange for a place in their ranks.  The officer, stunned by the child's audacity and lust for revenge against the village, accepted Yamataru's terms.  11 years later, Yamataru is considered to be one of the most dangerous Turncoats, his hate for his own kind exceeding that of his peers and superiors.  His lofty attitude and holier-than-thou demeanor have made him many enemies, but none have the courage to look him in the eyes for fear of losing their own.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 04:43:33 AM
I like your character, but I'd have to say no to the light bending technology

it's an extremely rare technology the Bloodline is still learning how to create, only the highest of the high ups can access that kind of tech.
the Bloodline are being forced due to Nuclear Apocalypse, how to re-create technology that was relatively common back in the good ol' days of 2050
otherwise everything woks out.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on April 06, 2010, 04:45:57 AM
D'oh!  Alright I'll fix it tomorrow.  My mother is breathing down my neck to get off now.  See ya tomorrow.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 04:46:44 AM
alright see ya then

i'll include you in post order once the corrections are made

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 04:49:19 AM
Turncoats are easily noticeable via control collars around their neck

The Bloodline scientists told them it was to keep them from turning into Ferals, however it serves a darker purpose
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Necrosis on April 06, 2010, 11:07:14 AM
Hey, I finally got here.
So, is there still room for me?  :3
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 11:59:29 AM
Wow, I'm smart. (not) If I would have paid attention and noticed that I was right after Vee then I would have posted last night. >.<

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 01:15:54 PM
Holy cow, who gave me 9 karma? I didn't know I was loved that much... :(

Post Merge: April 06, 2010, 03:11:47 PM
It must have been YOU!! *points at whomever gave her the tenth karma* I will make my first post now. Wheee...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 06, 2010, 03:31:38 PM
Dear god, another RP with the GM Triad of Doom. XD
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 04:05:20 PM
Hey, I finally got here.
So, is there still room for me?  :3
yes one spot left

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Necrosis on April 06, 2010, 04:09:57 PM
Okay then, here's my character :)

Name: Tanner MacMillan
Age: 16
Species: Human
Faction: Outcast
Clothing: Breather mask, red goggles, green leather jacket, black pants, black tank top, combat boots with metal enhancements
Powers (Feats): likes tinkering with machines
Weaponry: semi-automatic sniper rifle - Heckler & Koch PSG1, assault rifle - XM8, pistol - .44 Magnum, Combat Knife
Personal Background: Tanner grew up in a remote village along with Furs and other kids until the age of 16 when a Bloodline unit arrived at the village. Tanner's mother was shot dead in the chaos that ensued and Tanner was taken away the soldiers along with his little sister who was born six years earlier. Now, the only thing Tanner has on his mind is reuniting with his sister and avenging his mother.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 04:58:23 PM
New post order


and once Entaru fixes his character sheet i'll stick him in there
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 06, 2010, 05:05:35 PM
Alright, it's fixed.  It's too bad though...I've always wanted an invisble katana.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 06, 2010, 05:12:23 PM
Ok New NEW post order


Entaru, since your on the 'fun' side, you are a guard at Internment Camp #01

you can either interact with Shinzuu or Vee's characters, or just be innately cruel to random Furs.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 06, 2010, 05:14:26 PM
Muhahahahaha!  >:3  It's time to do something EVILLLLL!!!
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Necrosis on April 06, 2010, 05:25:10 PM
As some of you might've noticed, I'm from a different timezone than you Americans, so I'll put up the times I'll be online ;)

Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday - free days, so I'll be able to stay on all the time, but keep in mind that I wanna play some games also
Tuesday - I'm usually free since afternoon, like 2:30 or 3:00 PM (European time)
Wednesday - Usually since 5:00 PM, though every second Wednesday is ALMOST free (e.g. whole day free)
Thursday - Usually free since 4 or 5:00 PM

Hope this'll help you guys :)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 06, 2010, 05:36:49 PM
Thank you for putting Entaru before me!  :* Gabag I love you!  B) Instead of being all mad, I actually find it very helpful. As it is, I've had to re-type the same post four times in three hours on three different computers. And it isn't working nor is it posting. But I'm *finally* ready to put it on here after Entaru if there aren't any more glitches.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 06, 2010, 09:30:35 PM
I had a feeling that you'd choose my character to interact with, Entaru.
Who'd have thought that when I read all the posts that had been made while I did school work, that I'd find out I was actually right. lol.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 07, 2010, 12:49:38 AM
The things that happen when I'm gone  :S

I know this is closed, but I want to be in reserve if possible....

Name: Recca
Age: 20
Species: Void Dragon (
Faction: Furs
Clothing: Hand-stitched pieces of black cotton, leather, and any other material he could get his hands on. All stitched together in a two-piece outfit. [Clicky (]
Powers: High-level fire
Weaponry: None
Personal Background: Date: Classified; Subject: Jackson Thorough, under the alias 'Recca'; Condition: Execellent physical condition, mental is.. in question; will now begin questioning.
Recca did not like remembering that past, who would want to remember not fitting into a society that condemned any extreme behavior outside they consider 'patriotic'? Having his parents face 'daily correction' from local officials for allowing him to act this way until they died from too many 'correction's. Recca was probably overjoyed that since he became 'mutated', they didn't want him around to torment, and rather feared what he would become.

Luckily for Recca, he was still young, and was able to be treated as 'temporarily insane' by the Fur that took the role as his guardian, having him work on his elemental skills until his scales cracked and fell off each day. Along with strength excersises from the past and some mental stress testing, he felt he could actually prove he was worth something, when the Bloodline-like atmosphere of the past had branded him as dead weight.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 07, 2010, 01:27:10 AM
I had a feeling that you'd choose my character to interact with, Entaru.
Who'd have thought that when I read all the posts that had been made while I did school work, that I'd find out I was actually right. lol.

Yeah..but I'm not sure if that's a good thing for you.  Yamataru is a bit of a creeper and a whole lot of *******!  Getting his attention is NEVER a good thing.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 07, 2010, 01:46:34 AM
Well, it doesn't seem "good" for her. But at least I have something to work with for my next post. Plus, what you posted makes it a little more interesting. :)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 07, 2010, 01:16:06 PM
Oh dear....if he's going to be creepier than some Entaru-sans I've seen....then I'm sooo glad he didn't choose me to mess with! Haha Vee! *points and laughs* I'm just going to sit over here and read my dictionary like a good nerd and be ignored.  :D I love it when my characters are not screwed with. I love it when they are screwed with, too, but not nearly as much as when they're ignored.... :P 

At least Vee finds it interesting....Personally, I just find him scary.... :$.......
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 07, 2010, 03:09:37 PM
I'm gonna get this out now

it's really hard to advance the plot without using the ol' powerplay button on someone. And since i'm a prison guard it's a lot harder

sorry Shinzuu for doing so, but it's for plot advancement.

I'll try to not powerplay, but if I do someone notify me so I can facepalm myself.

Post Merge: April 07, 2010, 03:12:07 PM
The things that happen when I'm gone  :S

I know this is closed, but I want to be in reserve if possible....

Name: Recca
Age: 20
Species: Void Dragon (
Faction: Furs
Clothing: Hand-stitched pieces of black cotton, leather, and any other material he could get his hands on. All stitched together in a two-piece outfit. [Clicky (]
Powers: High-level fire
Weaponry: None
Personal Background: Date: Classified; Subject: Jackson Thorough, under the alias 'Recca'; Condition: Execellent physical condition, mental is.. in question; will now begin questioning.
Recca did not like remembering that past, who would want to remember not fitting into a society that condemned any extreme behavior outside they consider 'patriotic'? Having his parents face 'daily correction' from local officials for allowing him to act this way until they died from too many 'correction's. Recca was probably overjoyed that since he became 'mutated', they didn't want him around to torment, and rather feared what he would become.

Luckily for Recca, he was still young, and was able to be treated as 'temporarily insane' by the Fur that took the role as his guardian, having him work on his elemental skills until his scales cracked and fell off each day. Along with strength excersises from the past and some mental stress testing, he felt he could actually prove he was worth something, when the Bloodline-like atmosphere of the past had branded him as dead weight.

Chrono, do you plan for Recca to be a prisoner, or some General of some sort, answer this in a PM
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 07, 2010, 05:35:06 PM
......What're you gonna do to Shinzuu?............. :$....
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 07, 2010, 07:31:20 PM
Help me escape without even knowing it.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 07, 2010, 07:36:09 PM
Escaping is always good, yes...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 07, 2010, 07:37:18 PM
well, if you read what my character can do with just a little water, then you know.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 07, 2010, 07:44:33 PM
I have indeed read.  :P  I have my fingers crossed for his good luck.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 03:12:41 PM
Aaaaaand "Sleezebag of the Year" goes to..........Yamataru Korin!
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 03:30:50 PM
whats with you and the really creepy type characters

this one sounds like Hannibal, except not as awesome, nor cannibalistic
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 08, 2010, 03:54:17 PM
Now, if his character was cannibalistic, then I would have a problem with him interacting with me. *shivers*
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 05:17:04 PM
He can be if I'm allowed.  All of my characters have been cannibals at one point.  Entaru would go berserk and the Plagas inside of him would make him feast on anything that got in his way,  Nero would do it for the sheer joy of it and would use the victims skin to decorate his territory (there's a Sonic the Hedgehog horror fanfic with him as a guest star doing that) and even wear the skins as clothes.  Yamataru is my buisness man gone mad Albert Wesker except with Plagas instead of T-Virus.

All I need is a go-ahead and he'll be twice as bad...that's right...I've been holding back on the nasty parts.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 05:46:52 PM
for the sake of my vitality please no cannibals
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 08, 2010, 05:49:24 PM
I knew we were going to be dealing with more than a creepy attitude when I read this Yamataru's entrance. Did not precedent just how monstrous his possibility could be, however. Thank GOD there will be no cannibalism.

And oohh I have brought myself to Chatty Cheetah status. *gives self pat on the back*

(Luna: You'll have to ignore her use of "big-people words..." she's a frikin' nerd today and I can't get her down to speed...)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 05:50:19 PM
****...*sigh* fine have it your way.   :'(  I was hoping to be even more evil.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 08, 2010, 05:52:51 PM
I don't really know how you could possibly be more evil than what stands already try and be more evil and some sort of strange dimensional warp is going to occur.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 06:04:31 PM
I have a Moral Dilemma for you Entaru that you should enjoy

A species of large reptilian bipeds are expanding rapidly, the Krogan race. The Krogan Rebellions have just been put down. The Turian war machine, the greatest military in the Universe, is shattered. Salarian scientists are trying to find a solution to the Krogan problem. They reproduce quickly, and are very lethal and expansionist.

The choices and solutions possible also with possible outcomes:
Create a Genophage (genetic disease) That results with only 1 out of 100,000 Krogan Births to actually survive. However this choice will decimate the Krogan culturally, and they will resort to Barbarism to survive. This option keeps the Galaxy safe from the Krogan, and the Krogan safe from the Galaxy. However your dooming millions of unborns to die.

Genocide: Why not just kill all the Krogan?
Your wiping out an entire species. The disruption in balance could be very very bad. The Galaxy could hail you as a hero for wiping out the Krgan menace, but an entire culture lies wiped out at your feet.

Do Nothing: Doing nothing will spare the Krogan from any consequences, however the Entire Galaxy as we may know it could be conquered

Which do you choose?

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 08, 2010, 06:06:34 PM
I know what I would pick....*grins with malice*.... >:3
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 06:07:13 PM
pm me unicorns

i'm curious
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 06:10:08 PM
Genophage!  What is better than watching an enitre race slowly wither and die because they cannot breed.  It is a slow and agonizing death for an entire culture.  Genocide is over far too quickly and you can't enjoy their cries for help for very long.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 06:12:07 PM
But giving the Genophage is also protecting the Galaxy for one
you even used the genophage for the good of the Krogan

some could see the Genophage as a necessary evil and cope with it.

your technically helping the people you want to torment, even if you dont want to or mean too
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 08, 2010, 06:29:18 PM
That makes it even worse.  The worst evil of all is one that can be justified.  Evil is evil and it isn't supposed to be justifiable but when you trick people into thinking its a good thing it becomes even worse.  Think about it. 

You will be heralded by the other races as savior because they think you saved them, when in reality you did it for yourself.  You will be known by the remaining Krogan as an Apocalypse.  And it is still torment if the person you are helping believes it to be torment.

Also...if you can make one Genophage then you can make more.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 06:34:50 PM
Justifiable Evil
(you never made the genophage alone, it's hard to re-create because of the pool of knowledge, if you want to remake it you need all the scientists who made the origional)
One that the scientists working on the project won't so easily cope with

some may try to cure the Genophage using Krogan as bodyguards (basically Dinosaur people on steroids, anger, and anger)

Some may modify it so it doesn't kill off the Krogan, but stabilizes the population

but enough about the Genophage and it's many hardships

i can see when your enjoying yourself
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 08, 2010, 11:00:48 PM
I seriously think you should reconsider your post order because this is moving slower than molasses.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 08, 2010, 11:03:37 PM
yea maybe I should...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 09, 2010, 05:41:47 PM
Well Shinzuu has the list thing pretty much down pat.  Why don't we use one his lists?

I forgot to add earlier that in addition to all of my characters being able to be cannibals that one of them is a rapist as well but I'd rather not say who.  That's just going too far for a place that's supposed to be PG-13 (even though we constantly push it to R)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 09, 2010, 05:45:17 PM
No Rape or Cannibalism

Bloodline isnt that inhumane.......
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 09, 2010, 05:47:33 PM
I know...I said I wasn't going to do it.  I'm not THAT evil.  At least not on this forum.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 09, 2010, 05:51:51 PM
No Rape or Cannibalism

Bloodline isnt that inhumane.......

that's what she said.

Post Merge: April 09, 2010, 10:53:31 PM
So how am I standing if I'm faking to be passed out?

Post Merge: April 09, 2010, 06:04:52 PM
I'll post once I get an explanation.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 09, 2010, 10:20:13 PM
Two things:
1) Shinzuu's character is himself...not Korius. lol.
2) I think we need to settle on what these cells look like because Entaru and I are saying that there's a door with two slots, somebody else said the cell had bars (I would think they meant like an ordinary prison cell), and somebody else said it was a "barred door".
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 10, 2010, 02:19:03 AM
Different cell blocks have different doors. :P
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 10, 2010, 03:12:24 AM
Two things:
1) Shinzuu's character is himself...not Korius. lol.
2) I think we need to settle on what these cells look like because Entaru and I are saying that there's a door with two slots, somebody else said the cell had bars (I would think they meant like an ordinary prison cell), and somebody else said it was a "barred door".

1. His Character sheet says Korius, but he posts as Shinzuu, i'm confused now
2. Spikes post, it's answer filled
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 10, 2010, 03:52:08 AM
Question!  How can Shinzuu cut Coraline's lock while Yamataru is still standing there?  I don't think it's a good idea for me to post until I know this.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 10, 2010, 11:45:31 AM
Two things:
1) Shinzuu's character is himself...not Korius. lol.
2) I think we need to settle on what these cells look like because Entaru and I are saying that there's a door with two slots, somebody else said the cell had bars (I would think they meant like an ordinary prison cell), and somebody else said it was a "barred door".

1. His Character sheet says Korius, but he posts as Shinzuu, i'm confused now
2. Spikes post, it's answer filled

Look on my character sheet, and look at your second post, Gabag.

Question!  How can Shinzuu cut Coraline's lock while Yamataru is still standing there?  I don't think it's a good idea for me to post until I know this.

Time had already passed since you were there. I'm pretty sure that even you wouldn't stick around that cell for more than 30 minutes...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 10, 2010, 05:41:19 PM
Well Yamataru is a creeper Shinzuu...

he could've stayed if he was THAT kinda guy, but we gotta wait for Entaru to verify how much of a creeper Yamataru is
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 10, 2010, 08:12:19 PM
Yamataru would have stayed to watch Coraline lick up the puddle.  He is as much as a creeper as is allowed on the forum...which is a REALLY big creeper.  Besides...she was his last stop for food duty so he has time on his hands.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 10, 2010, 10:07:48 PM
Entaru, you asked the same question I did when Shinzuu posted. lol. But I just went along with it.
Anyways, even if I end up having to change my post, your character won't get the satisfaction of seeing her drink from the puddle. She'd only do it in complete desperation. She's not close to that point yet.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 11, 2010, 03:46:10 PM
Are we skipping turns?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 11, 2010, 03:47:20 PM
We're skipping Entaru now....

now we need to wait for unicorns then your cleared to go Spike
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 11, 2010, 05:26:24 PM
Well if you're going to wait for me then I won't be able to post until if you guys are in a hurry you could just skip me if you want.  I'm not on an actual computer right now, makes it hard to post. :/
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Necrosis on April 11, 2010, 05:42:50 PM
I'm ready to post anytime.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 11, 2010, 07:12:07 PM
ok then skip therebeunicorns with her permission
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 12, 2010, 12:25:29 AM
I am here! Do I post right now or am I waiting until my turn swings round again?.... o.O
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 12, 2010, 12:26:11 AM
Then post away!
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 12, 2010, 12:45:33 AM
You don't have any idea how bad it sucks to type a really long post then accidentally press the wrong button and loose it all..... :'(.....I go back to retype now.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 12, 2010, 03:40:27 AM
I know how you feel Uni.  Sorry for keeping everyone waiting, I got a nasty case of the stomach flu soon after my last post and my mom all but quarantined me.  As is I'm only given a few minutes to post this.  I will be able to post tomorrow however.  Sorry again.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 14, 2010, 05:40:42 PM
Entaru, you apparently didn't read my prior posts. The only escapees that are with me are all players. You can't kill any of them.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 14, 2010, 05:43:11 PM
No I read them...but my brain interpreted it wrong.  It said that you opened cells including them...which is not what you wrote.  Entirely my bad.  I'll change it.

Okay it's done.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 14, 2010, 05:57:17 PM
Uni hasn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon....she's slow in the head and still going without food so you'll have to excuse any lame posts....and yes, I am a stalker....*ahem* But whatever you think is right, you're wrong......*doesn't even know where that came from*
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 14, 2010, 09:35:17 PM
Entaru, you apparently didn't read my prior posts. The only escapees that are with me are all players. You can't kill any of them.
Who says player immunities here
Players can still die, with their permission of course, but knowing people they won't want that to happen.

(because certainly the characters on the fur side cant die but the evil side characters will be subject to death all the time)
and now dodging everything

just because you have powers of elemental control and we have guns
doesnt mean that every attack we make is to be dodged or blocked expertly, or vice versa


I believe you players are mature enough to accept a character death, and be given the option to make a new character.
New possibilities emerge
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 14, 2010, 10:58:58 PM
his prior post had said he killed "one or two" of the escapees, and all the escapees are players, and I'm sure no one wants to willingly die this early in the RP. I never had a problem with being injured. Mr. Powerplay.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 14, 2010, 11:06:33 PM
i know

and don't call me Mr. Powerplay...
i'm giving people the choice, besides I'm tired of always being the only character who ever gets seriously injured while everyone else gets off relatively scott free...

Look at it this way, you guys won't be gracefully flipping into combat against a trained military force and coming out unharmed

Post Merge: April 15, 2010, 07:06:28 PM
I admire your guys dedication to getting shot

but you don't need to get shot all the time

but you also dont need to just breeze through encounters 

kind've handle encounters in a way that isn't ludicrously lethal to the furs but not too easy, and vice versa.

Expect to use cover and wait till reloading happens.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 16, 2010, 02:06:58 AM
right now, i'm wondering why you've posted in a lot of places except this RP. You've been on while it was your turn. And even though I appreciate you contributing to my RP's, if you don't contribute to your own, people are gonna start losing interest like in Animus and most of AsiaBunny's RP's.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 16, 2010, 02:30:42 AM
It's called i make my own rp hours
besides it's still within the 18 hour limit, of my OWN rp.

Why do you care if i'm lazy and not post within 8 hours?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 16, 2010, 02:37:51 AM
Just bored, is all. Don't want you to suffer the same fate as some others.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 16, 2010, 02:57:38 AM
you guys still need to get around the 'defensive' perimeter

I made easy routes for you to escape to, you just gotta avoid the bullets. Since it was a pretty much last second job, there should be scraps of metal and other wreckage to hide behind
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 17, 2010, 04:38:43 AM
If it comes time for me to post tormorrow, Entaru I give you command of the Fort while I am gone

My mom is throwing one of her friends a wedding shower/party and i'm going to be hanging out with a friend pretty much the whole day. Or at least a big chunk of it, I dunno for sure.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2010, 12:46:16 AM
2 things.

1) Do we have a minimum post limit?
2) Spike, we're outside. Read Entaru's post.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 12:49:09 AM
what do you mean minimum post limit?

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2010, 12:50:28 AM
what do you mean minimum post limit?


come on, you're in my RP's and you don't know what a minimum limit is? as in "You need to post at least XX amount of lines per post"
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 19, 2010, 01:13:32 AM
2) Spike, we're outside. Read Entaru's post.

I did.

"********!!!"  Yamataru cursed loudly as the door slammed shut behind the escapees.  Quickly turning to his men, he ordered them to follow him.  I am NOT letting this happen...not on my watch!  The Turncoats sprinted through the halls to find a way into the section that the escapees had fled to.  Through his radio he ordered men on the guard towers outside to be on high alert.

I put some key words in bold there.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 19, 2010, 01:15:44 AM
I don't see anything in Entaru's post indicating that we are outside. He radioed the guard towers to warn them, yes, but he said that the guards were roaming the halls trying to find a way to get into the section of the camp we're in now...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 01:16:21 AM
the one thing Everyone seem to forgot

Sure your outside, but now you gotta get outside the perimeter defenses that I even gave loopholes to make it easier to escape.
But why would you start humming, there's still a crapload of guys with guns coming up, and the alarms are still blaring.

I understand sealing wounds, because well they're wounds. but not humming.

Don't say I never posted about this either, I made a post about how the perimiter guards were hastily making fortifications to prepare for the 'killing zone' as they refer to it.

Entaru's probably the only one who even read that post, because warning the guys outside has to do with the guards that are ready to shoot anyways, he's just letting them know the targets are coming out soon enough.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 19, 2010, 01:22:45 AM
The humming is UNCONSCIOUS. It's how my character soothes herself, so you're going to have to get used to it unless you'd like to get rid of me because you don't like my character's personality. Plus, my character was waiting for everyone to be ready to move on. Humming would occupy her mind while she waited since it's not like she could heal anybody with her wind powers or anything.

I read your post about the holes in the perimeter and whatnot. You shouldn't just assume that nobody read it besides Entaru. It's just not nice. :P
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 01:33:50 AM
Well i'm sorry miss Smith

but when there's the threat of alarms going off and people with guns, I don't expect anyone to hum, it takes me off guard, to soothe herself or not, i find it... a little weird. Forgive me.

And I automatically say you didn't read it is because no one made a mention, they all just relaxed after getting outside the front door of a prison.

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 19, 2010, 01:35:59 AM
And I automatically say you didn't read it is because no one made a mention, they all just relaxed after getting outside the front door of a prison.


Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 19, 2010, 01:38:37 AM
My character's not totally relaxed. She is the one who said they really should get moving because there would be guards everywhere.
I still don't see where it says that we went out the front door anywhere. Maybe I was just supposed to assume... :?

Anyways, sorry for the attitude in my first response. I just get defensive of my characters. So, my apologies for that. :)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 01:58:37 AM
being defensive is fine

i come off as condescending sometimes and know it... so it's understandable negative reactions come out of it.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 19, 2010, 02:16:56 AM
Okay, not that I want to suddenly come into this argument, but for the final judgement are we inside or outside? I assumed inside when I posted...Also I assumed that inside won because of Spike's all caps post, but you know me...>.< 
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 02:20:23 AM
outside the actual building

inside the fenced off perimeter
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 19, 2010, 02:25:33 AM
Thank you, love. Needed that total clarity because Sasha is slow like that...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 02:26:40 AM
Glad I could help miss Unicorns
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 19, 2010, 02:44:33 AM
Ok, I'd like to know where it says that we are outside the actual building.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 03:01:10 AM
Shinzuu heard the alarms go off along with the announcement. No sooner did he hear it, did he see the front door being sealed off. With as much as he could muster, Shinzuu went full sprint towards the sealing door and threw his crescent swords at the fire hose. He quickly used the continuously gushing water as he got under the drop-door and  formed two giant walls of ice from under it. The ice walls cracked from the impact from the doors. Shinzuu continued to feed the water through to reinforce the wall, but the water was running low. "Hurry up! I'm running out of water!"

If this problem is resolved there's the other problem, that random person who never got approved in this rp and won't remove their post
I really HATE That
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on April 19, 2010, 03:15:35 AM

Entaru's kinda threw me off a bit.

Don't worry about the random post. It will disappear and will be forgotten once the page is renewed.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Necrosis on April 19, 2010, 05:34:33 AM
outside the actual building

inside the fenced off perimeter

So, um, it's okay that I said that Tanner has put on the rebreather before going through the blast door?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 10:27:03 AM
yes it is
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2010, 10:35:58 AM
1) Osiris is a newb member who hasn't been on since that time he posted. Just ignore it like any other Serious RP does to people who interject.
2) I already sent him a message within an hour of him posting
3) The mods have already addressed the issue with him necroing and whatnot.
4) You need to calm the (censored) down. All you been doing is complaining for the last 12 hours. Just post and ignore him. We'll be off this page in like 2 days if everyone posts.
5) You're not a mod.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 19, 2010, 03:29:27 PM
You don't need to backseat moderate, Gabag. Just ignore Osiris. He'll probably never come back anyway.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 09:44:21 PM
apparently I'm really pissed off because I said I hate one thing, glorious

the world assumes once again I have temperament issue.
If i be Arnold Schwarzenegger for a day and tell someone they'll be terminated cause it was a dream of mine, then let me.
But i am not backseating I'm GMing.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2010, 09:56:30 PM
GMing and Backseating are two things. you were NOT GMing with what you said.

Plus, you had rather just post that and hope that newbie logs on rather than post your turn so the RP can go on.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 19, 2010, 10:17:11 PM
Yes your majesty

can I go back to running my own rp yet, or do you still want to do something.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 19, 2010, 10:28:00 PM
I can't do anything because you're not doing anything with your RP since Necrosis posted.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 19, 2010, 11:25:04 PM
Both of you need to cut it out, seriously, it's getting old.

That's the problem with Serious RPs...GMs can just say that they were GMing when they're commanding someone not to do something because it's not following the rules when everywhere else it's backseat moderating.
That's just a general complaint from me though, not about just you, Gabag. I don't want you to be offended by it because I meant none to you.

But anyways, in my opinion, you were backseat moderating. Though, by Shinzuu telling you not to backseat moderate, he was doing the same thing. So...yeah...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 27, 2010, 12:33:01 AM
Entaru, according to the profile for turncoats, your powers are crap compared to furs. Just like to know how you can repel Coraline's attack if your powers are supposed to be less.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 27, 2010, 12:38:52 AM
One, I doubt she put very much power into it seeing as she's simply trying to get away.  Two,  I used my power as a buffer.  All I did was have the wind on the blade act to make the blade larger.  A katana is incredibly thin, but with the wind I used made it into a small, short lived, snowplow.  Someone like her would be able to keep it going for a long *** time.  I was also going to state in my next post that I'm plum out of magic, hence the reason for getting the pistol ready.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 27, 2010, 12:43:55 AM
Shinzuu says: "Whatever, but you don't have to insult me like I don't know what I'm talking about."
Basically meaning that he knows what a katana is like since he's been training with one for eleven years.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 27, 2010, 12:46:33 AM
I dont think Entaru meant to condescend or sound condescending Shinzuu.

He's just saying his side in a small dispute is all along with an explanation of exactly what he did, nothing really bad about it as far as I can tell.

Please keep the attitude out of my rp, if someone says something, they aren't cursing you out, unless they actually are.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 27, 2010, 01:08:36 AM
even if he didn't mean to, he still offended me. It's like if I got upset  at some gamers and then got on the forum and said that all white people are (censored) retards. I don't mean to offend anyone, but it will. Same concept.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 27, 2010, 01:14:50 AM

this conversation is over
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on April 27, 2010, 03:57:24 AM
Sorry Shinzuu.  When I type, you'll notice that I explain the obvious more often than not.  It's not meant to do anything but explain to me what I was thinking when I typed.  My brain tends to get sidetracked soon after typing and I use it to remind myself about what I'm supposed to type.  It's how I deal with my ADD, so try to ignore it.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 28, 2010, 08:43:18 PM
skip over me i got an essay to do
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 29, 2010, 10:11:52 PM
ok, just for clarification. Entaru, you rolled through a tree? :3
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on April 29, 2010, 10:17:58 PM
he could've rolled over a gnarled root

or he could've experienced a strange incorporeal moment where he went through a tree
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: x on April 29, 2010, 10:34:27 PM
I doubt he rolled through a tree (maybe he did, idk) because by saying he "rolled into a tree" it just meant that he rolled and then crashed into a tree....and then he even said he came to a stop completley. So I'm just saying the likelihood Entaru had his char literally roll inside a tree is small. And also rather ridiculous, but you never know :P...Even I can never know for sure with Tory and his chars.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 29, 2010, 10:41:19 PM
no one lets me have fun... :(
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on April 29, 2010, 11:50:28 PM
It's okay, babe. I thought it was funny.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on May 04, 2010, 04:33:23 AM
can i skip therebeunicorns?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on May 04, 2010, 10:49:50 AM
yes you may
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on May 07, 2010, 11:36:46 PM
Spike, mine and Shinzuu's characters are in the ditch as well so your post is incorrect. Two people aren't missing.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on May 10, 2010, 12:55:26 AM
therebeunicorns is having some personal trouble so she's said to go on without her for now.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on May 10, 2010, 02:12:24 AM
noted so we'll be skipping therebeunicorns for every sequence until further notice.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on May 16, 2010, 03:26:01 AM
i'm going to assume that forbidden technique you used to kill Juno and the chopper is the same secret technique you discussed when you made this character.

Am i right?

at this rate i'm going to have to start treating the elemental powers like you treat Majicka Shinzuu, if you use it a lot, you take awhile to recuperate.
And by awhile i mean a whole day.
it's not a jab at you Shinzuu, but you guys have been pumping out lots of elemental energy and only took a few minutes to recover fully or to a level to begin using it again.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Armalite_ on May 16, 2010, 04:24:06 AM
Eh, I barely used my power if at all!

Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Gabag on May 16, 2010, 05:41:46 AM
im not saying everyone spike calm down
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 16, 2010, 11:51:22 AM
i'm going to assume that forbidden technique you used to kill Juno and the chopper is the same secret technique you discussed when you made this character.

Am i right?

at this rate i'm going to have to start treating the elemental powers like you treat Majicka Shinzuu, if you use it a lot, you take awhile to recuperate.
And by awhile i mean a whole day.
it's not a jab at you Shinzuu, but you guys have been pumping out lots of elemental energy and only took a few minutes to recover fully or to a level to begin using it again.

it pretty much is, because he can't replenshi blood rapidly. Plus, he's bound by his honor, and will only use it if he absolutely has to. Say, for instance, in a desert. But, like the other swords, needs water. Also, he can't use it often because he could die from using it. A small cluster of icicle water's not enough to make a normal water sword. Don't worry about the blood techniques, though. You'll only see them once every blue moon because they're forbidden, I can't use them much, anyways, or else it won't be a surprise.

One more tidbit, he can't use it if he's dying, either. He'd be dead before he could do anything. (blood requirement) XD

Like any secret technique, it's supposed to be a secret. Luckily, the only thing your character's going to get out of this, is that I can make a sword from blood (since i doubt he can see the little tricklets of water. And there is more to the blood techniques as well, but like i said before, secret. :3

Post Merge: May 16, 2010, 11:55:11 AM
Edit: Oh, forgot to say one more thing. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but it uses quite a bit of energy (moreso than the others) to use his abilities. All of Shinzuu's techniques require his own energy and mental concentration. That's why he's passed out so many times.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Entaru on May 17, 2010, 12:38:05 AM
Skip me.  I'm unconcious so I can't do much.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (closed for now)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on May 21, 2010, 03:13:38 PM
Skip me. I have nothing to do.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 22, 2010, 06:50:37 AM
your advantages are numerous.......

i need some sort of check/balance for that, the floors yours, because i can't have a sniper assassin scout tracker swordsman sharkman running around
(except for the sharkman part thats ok)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 22, 2010, 07:00:35 AM
alright your good to post, wait till this round (sequence of posting is completed basically)

and ill add you in the order after i wake up tormorrow

Post Merge: May 22, 2010, 04:22:39 PM
alright Raph here's the post order now

Unicorns (when she gets back that is)

post whenever your ready, but it must be in the city the group is currently in because from experience, two separate stories running alongside each other are hard to do.

also Necrosis, what vehicle did you just loot?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 23, 2010, 03:54:09 AM
Since I just realized ToB is now open...

I will quote my previous character sheet :P
Name: Recca
Age: 20
Species: Void Dragon (
Faction: Furs
Clothing: Hand-stitched pieces of black cotton, leather, and any other material he could get his hands on. All stitched together in a two-piece outfit. [Clicky (]
Powers: High-level fire
Weaponry: None
Personal Background: Date: Classified; Subject: Jackson Thorough, under the alias 'Recca'; Condition: Execellent physical condition, mental is.. in question; will now begin questioning.
Recca did not like remembering that past, who would want to remember not fitting into a society that condemned any extreme behavior outside they consider 'patriotic'? Having his parents face 'daily correction' from local officials for allowing him to act this way until they died from too many 'correction's. Recca was probably overjoyed that since he became 'mutated', they didn't want him around to torment, and rather feared what he would become.

Luckily for Recca, he was still young, and was able to be treated as 'temporarily insane' by the Fur that took the role as his guardian, having him work on his elemental skills until his scales cracked and fell off each day. Along with strength excersises from the past and some mental stress testing, he felt he could actually prove he was worth something, when the Bloodline-like atmosphere of the past had branded him as dead weight.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 23, 2010, 03:56:53 AM
ok Chrono you can post after Raph

Post Merge: May 23, 2010, 11:30:02 PM

since Raph disappeared after signing up we're skipping him.

Chrono your up to post
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 24, 2010, 01:07:41 AM
yea, skip me. My character has not been treated for his exhaustion (which I don't know how anyone else is not fatigued, considering we just got out of a figgin' prison) and his mind's already overexhausted, too.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 24, 2010, 01:13:18 AM
Yes Sir Captain! (why am i still calling you captain. I don't know to be honest. You seem like a Captain)
so now it's Vee's turn to post

and i'm gonna assume the others aren't tired because they either had time to recuperate on the drive, or didn't exert nearly as much energy as you did.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on May 25, 2010, 04:18:40 AM
Ryan can handle a little jog and road trip. No biggie. xD
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 25, 2010, 10:03:11 PM
nice how you're fully dressed, just getting out of prison. and interesting how Chrono decides to intro his character. this last round has made entirely no sense
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 26, 2010, 12:58:52 AM
nice how you're fully dressed, just getting out of prison. and interesting how Chrono decides to intro his character. this last round has made entirely no sense

Gabag wanted me to make my entrance at the city, and I didn't want to intro all alone... :P
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 26, 2010, 01:03:22 AM
well there's the problem

your guy came from the ceiling
my MONSTERS also came from the ceiling and the raised balcony below it.

Post Merge: May 26, 2010, 01:05:32 AM
ok Raph is being skipped again by the way because he vanished from thin air
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on May 26, 2010, 01:06:19 AM
well there's the problem

your guy came from the ceiling
my MONSTERS also came from the ceiling and the raised balcony below it.
He was on the ROOF. The roof is on the outside of the building, he came down the side of the wall and followed the humvee inside the building.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 26, 2010, 03:54:37 AM
your post still makes very little sense

Post Merge: May 26, 2010, 01:58:38 PM
anyways, skip me again. I've not been treated. Which is actually fine, since Shinzuu's abilities would be most powerful in this situation.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on May 26, 2010, 06:26:37 PM
Okay, well I should be back on here within a few days. I've just been cramming for the end of the school year and still didn't pass. It's to summer school with me. I'm very sorry I had to just up and leave and will continue to be active in all of these RPs once I return.

You: It's ABOUT TIME, Sasha!

Me:  :'(
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on May 26, 2010, 06:59:10 PM
Skip me. I need to know my new orders from the Bloodline (a.k.a. Gabag) before I can do anything.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 26, 2010, 09:07:36 PM
Skip me. I need to know my new orders from the Bloodline (a.k.a. Gabag) before I can do anything.
next block i'll issue you orders

Post Merge: May 26, 2010, 09:18:06 PM
Unicorns/Sasha, it's fine, life catches up to all of us.

And Shinzuu, your abilities would be best?
Against a small army of rabid monsters?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 27, 2010, 01:31:26 AM
in an enclosed area. when/if someone closes the doors, I just need someone to break a pipeline.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on May 27, 2010, 03:09:36 AM
Alright, so I was wondering....

did I get left behind or am I omniescently somehow with the others right now? Either way's good with me.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on May 27, 2010, 03:20:08 AM

Sorry...I think we left you in a hole back in the forest near the road. I guess if you want you can pretend I threw you in the back before I drove off w/ everyone. D:
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on May 27, 2010, 03:34:31 AM
You guys are the ones who have actually been here. It's up to you...I'm happy doing whatever...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Vee Katame: His Wolfy on May 27, 2010, 02:52:13 PM
I think it's best if you did come with us and you have just kept to yourself the whole time. You don't have to play catch-up and try to find us that way.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 27, 2010, 11:14:52 PM
I say we forgot her, and she grabbed tightly against the bottom of the humvee. XD.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on May 28, 2010, 12:13:26 AM
lol, very nice and very mean at the same time.  :P
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on May 28, 2010, 01:33:26 AM
well, it works without having anyone to edit their posts and it keeps the story flowing in the logical sense
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Daidalos117 on May 28, 2010, 07:03:52 PM
Name: Leonard Wolf
Age: 34
Species: Human
Faction: Bloodline
Clothing: Khaki green uniform, PCV, gas mask, Overwatch badge, red beret
Powers: none
Weaponry: SCAR assault rifle with ACOG sights and flashlight, Five Seven, Combat knife
Personal Background:
Leonard has lived in a small human town on the outskirts of the former Pennsylvania state with his parents, until his mid sixteens when his parents decided to move deeper into the military occupied territory for safety reasons. However, during the travel, Leonard's family was ambushed by a pack of Ferals, which took the lives of his parents. Before Leonard was slaughtered too, an Overwatch squad stepped in and saved him. Since then, Leonard has joined the Overwatch. 18 years later, Leonard has climbed up to the rank of an Overwatch Lieutenant. His hatred for the Ferals is unmatched, but he thinks differently of the intelligent Furs.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on May 31, 2010, 09:10:30 PM
you can post right after Entaru in the order
so new order
Raph (if he ever returns)
Therebeunicorns (if she returned)
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Necrosis on June 01, 2010, 07:02:54 AM
A simple question, if it's okay? Will Roman's character lead the squad or not? I'm not sure what Yamataru's rank is now, and Leonard's a lieutenant.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on June 01, 2010, 10:42:59 AM
Entaru's now a Captain for this mission
he will lead
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on June 03, 2010, 02:27:36 AM
Whoo!  Finally back!  I'll post on my next turn.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Armalite_ on June 08, 2010, 08:19:09 PM
Someone going to post?
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on June 08, 2010, 08:27:19 PM
I would but it's kind of not my turn in the post order. :/
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: x on June 11, 2010, 08:19:27 PM
I decided that she got left behind...but because she wanted to get left behind and thought it was an ingenious thing to do. (At the time T.T) She wouldn't fare too well in any big plans anyway, would just screw them up. :P...I'm sure I'll find some way to get her back in the game...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on June 12, 2010, 02:16:58 AM
Hey, Daidalos...try not to make my character do things that I didn't say.  That's a good way to tick someone off so I wouldn't do it again.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Necrosis on June 13, 2010, 08:24:25 AM
Hey, Daidalos...try not to make my character do things that I didn't say.  That's a good way to tick someone off so I wouldn't do it again.

Please excuse him. He's not experienced with RPs and I'm helping him. We'll try to avoid it next time  :$
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on June 13, 2010, 11:58:52 PM
Alright, just try not to let it happen again.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on June 21, 2010, 10:15:32 PM
*In the ER room, putting the defibrilator to the RP* "Clear!!" *Nothing occours*

"Nurse, I need a dose of Gabag, STAT!!"
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on June 21, 2010, 10:27:41 PM

now that I don't have any more birthday parties to attend or Father's Day's parties, i can now say, skip me,

this little moment in the rp is in your hands guys.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on June 28, 2010, 07:34:35 PM
I think I can firmly say that we can skip Daidalos...its been days.  Your turn Sasha!
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Necrosis on July 01, 2010, 12:48:20 PM
Please, Daidalos is sleeping over at my house today. He's totally out of ideas so he wanted to do something with my help. Give it just a few more hours, plz...
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on July 01, 2010, 03:19:31 PM
we've waited over a week at least. no more waiting.

See, gabag? This is why you don't accept just anyone into your RP. Cuz ppl who can't commit kill it.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on July 01, 2010, 04:53:23 PM
Daidalos, there are no human's amongst the escapee's.  The only people there are the players characters.

Not yelling at you by the way...I was nailed for the same thing earlier.
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Gabag on July 01, 2010, 06:48:58 PM
we've waited over a week at least. no more waiting.

See, gabag? This is why you don't accept just anyone into your RP. Cuz ppl who can't commit kill it.
Well it's fine to take a break from the rp, makes it feel less like a job and more like an occasional thing thats fun

Post Merge: July 01, 2010, 06:49:47 PM
P.S. Entaru, his post is fine, he's shooting at Tanner, who is indeed a human boy
Title: Re: Ties of Blood: Of Fire and Steel OOC and Character Board (open)
Post by: Entaru on July 01, 2010, 07:07:39 PM
Whoops! My bad...