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Creative Arts and Media => Serious RP => Roleplay => Serious RP Companion Board => Topic started by: x on February 24, 2010, 02:21:47 PM

Title: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 24, 2010, 02:21:47 PM
((This is the last RP I’ll make, until the other two reach capacity at least. Three is enough for any girl. T.T That said, I’ve really been thinking about this one for a long time, even before I thought up the others, heck, before I even came on this site. It’s been awhile in the making. ^_^. Yes, this is a war RP similar to others on here, and YES, this post is REALLY LONG but I did my best to spice it up and make it appeal to every type of role-player. Hope you like. Remember, I’m bad with war stuff so this has been a super challenge! Haha. ))

Warning: This RP is a lot darker than my others. Even DWF isn’t as bad as this. If you don’t like dark, depressing things, bloodshed and broken dreams then please go to one of my more lighthearted RPs. (Though I know a lot of you DO like that kind of stuff.)

( (
Threats from all sides…

Year 2027 has dawned upon an alternate Earth, and hope has become such a faraway wish it is almost obsolete. Three world powers― hundreds of years in the making ―have finally rose to the occasion of war: The Liberation, The Constellation, and the Fourth Reich. The Liberation has control over much of the Americas; Iceland, Greenland, North America, Australia and South America, along with a few side states. The Constellation has control over much of the eastern bloc: Japan, the Koreas, Russia, China, India and Turkey. The Fourth Reich has control over virtually all European countries along with Africa and a few island states. They are practically in control of Russia, though The Constellation fights with iron fangs for their grip.

Their feud is everlasting, practically eternal.

The Liberation wishes for, above all, justice and equality. They are a democratic power who desperately wants to free other countries from the Constellation’s and Fourth Reich’s death grip. With a main operating location in North America, they are constantly deploying resistance troops to countries across seas.

The Constellation wishes for, above all, luxury and indifference. They are a communist power desperately looking to create ―hence their name― a constellation of countries under their control, snuffing out rebellion silently and coldly.

The Fourth Reich wishes for, above all, utter supremacy. They are a Nazi power desperately bent on invading and terrorizing other countries to the extent the people’s pure fear inspires them to surrender.

By the year 2030, the World War has become so intense that the Earth’s population lives in daily fear. Nuclear threat looms from all three sides. Propaganda is everywhere. An arms race is inevitable.

In an attempt to beat the other powers to the pinnacle of this arms race, the Liberation has banded its top scientists together to create the ultimate nuclear weapon― more powerful and more deadly than any bomb in history. Enough to leave umpteenth hundreds of millions dead. The only problem? Both other powers have caught word of this previously top secret bomb, and the Liberation is in constant fear of spies. And much more so than usual.

The Constellation has done something in vue of the arms race as well. They have created the ultimate biological weapon: an air borne poison proven deathly enough to contaminate the water sources and breathable oxygen of the entire continent of Africa in a matter of hours, and also proven to be able to spread beyond the borders of that continent in days. Farther and farther and farther. But they have a problem as well. One of their most “trustworthy” scientists, a man named Edgar Fernandina, has taken off with the only sample of this poison. They do not know where he is, how to find him, or what exactly he plans to do with the poison. All they know is it needs to be found and ASAP.

Last but not least is the Fourth Reich. Under the jurisdiction of Adolf Hitler’s great-great grand son and current Reich dictator, Carson N. Hitler, they put their scientific powers to work on the ultimate human weapons: two virtually indestructible children named Atreyu and Moon Child. Of course, just like the other weapons mentioned, these children have proven to be a problem as well. They have free will. Emotions. Yearning. They can feel pain. They never lost their human spark. And, wanting freedom, they have run away, gone as silently as a whisper.

With three ultimate war weapons missing, and one in great danger of being discovered, tensions grow tighter than ever before.

It begins…

Friday, July 12th, 2037.

In the city of Callbey, Tennessee, southern United States, a long wail can be heard over everything else, yearning on and on…it is the air strike alarm, only this time things are different: the Fourth Reich has breached the Liberation’s lines…and they’ve brought an atomic bomb with them.

In Germany, Carson N. Hitler taps his fingers, waits, taps his fingers, waits some more. The static on his radio fills the room as everyone holds their breath.


It happens. The atomic bomb is dropped.

Much of North America and other nations are devastated, if not completely destroyed. It did not have as much range as Hitler had hoped, but it would do for now. He invades the bruised and broken Liberation territory in an effort to conquer yet again.

Meanwhile, the Liberation begins to recoup, seeking out whatever survivors might be there somewhere…

What’s Left

A city bleak and desolate. Buildings crumbled. Bodies everywhere. It would be empty if not for you and a few stragglers. After you recuperate, you crawl outside the bomb shelter, and lift up your gas mask to discover a changed world. 

You can play as a survivor of the atomic bomb, who has just come out of the bomb shelter, or you can play as an outsider that has come to Callbey for some reason. There are three options to choose for either category.

You can be…

A Soldier: This option includes soldiers (army, air force, marine, etc.) of (almost) any rank of any of the two following World Powers. The reason Constellation is not included is because they don’t have any troops in North America at the moment.

* Liberation: If you are a Liberation soldier, your concern is with contacting help for the remaining civilians of the destroyed city, and trying as best you can to ward off any Reich activity until you can get this help. If you are of a high rank, you might also have an interest in picking out spies that threaten the discovery of Liberation’s war weapon.

* Fourth Reich: If you are a Fourth Reich soldier, your concern is invasion. Plain and simple: get rid of anyone standing in your way, and take hold of Liberation territory. One of your jobs is sending prisoners to Camp Himmler, a death camp set up in the Reich’s first and only base in North America. Another of your jobs is picking out and executing spies, just like the Power above. Again, if you are of a high rank, finding and capturing the missing war weapons is a top priority― especially since rumor has it both Atreyu and Moon Child have been spotted near Callbey.

A Civilian: A civilian is basically anything that isn’t a soldier or a spy. Here, you can be neutral if you so choose, or strongly adhered to a certain side. You can be any age and have any motives. The only catch with this one is that you had to be living in Callbey before the bomb went off.

A Spy: Spies are, well, spies. Their job is to…spy. There you have it. Spies can pretend to be a civilian just as easily as they can pretend to be a soldier, and in the end they all have the same motive: find and report as much information as possible, no matter what it takes. You can play a spy from any of the three Powers, even Constellation, again, the catch being you have to start the game off in Callbey just like everyone else.

I NEED THREE PEOPLE TO PLAY AS ADVISORS. First come, first takes. Advisors are people who not only have their own characters, but play important filler and NPC characters for each of the three Powers. Basically, if you are an Advisor, you can play any character (from entire army troops to generals) of your Power whenever they are needed or whenever you feel like it. Also, you have the freedom to make big changes with your World Power, such as sending in a whole bunch of troops or calling up an air strike. It’s like being in Hitler’s comfy chair. You can do whatever the heck you want. (Only I’m playing Hitler’s role, being the GM. But you get the picture.)

If you want to play as one of these, just make a claim to one of them in your post with your other chars. You can’t only be an Advisor, though, cause that just wouldn’t be cool. DX

…The Rest…

You can have as many characters as you want so long as you keep track of them.

All of the basic rules that apply for other RPs apply here: no godmodding (unless you are an Advisor, but even then it’s not total control), be fair, be kind and considerate to other players, and what the GM says goes. Feel free to ask questions whenever.

A note about weapons: I don’t know nothin’ about weapons, because I’m a girly girl, so I’m not even going to bother except for a few words. Please, no science-fiction guns, like plasma guns, etc. Also, make sure your weapon is fair (we can’t all be Rambo), makes sense for your rank/job, and that it is realistic. (No-one can carry a buttload of guns at once.) Otherwise, I don’t really care. :P Have at it.

One Last Note: No, the Liberation’s bomb is not obsolete now that the Reich dropped their own. The Liberation’s bomb is much more powerful than theirs was, that’s why it needs to be kept under wraps. Also, if you become an Advisor, NO dropping nuclear bombs because that steps waaayyy out of your boundaries. If you are an Advisor and want to do something really serious, PM me first.

Character Sheet for Soldiers
World Power:
Main Tasks:

Age: (+17)
Accessories: (what you have on you at the moment, ammo, first aid, water, etc.)


Character Sheet for Civilians
Are they neutral or do they have a certain preference?
How do they feel about the war?
How did they react after they first were forced into the bomb shelter?

Weapons: (it has to be something you found or that you had already)
Accessories: (what you have on you at the moment besides clothes)


Character Sheet for Spies
World Power:
Main Tasks:

Age: (18+)
Accessories: (spies will be spies, so a few tech gadgets are okay)


Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 24, 2010, 07:13:54 PM
I'll be Constellation Advisor, since I'm asian. and I iz first come.

Advisor's Name: Shinzuu Katame

Also, my soldier as well.
Name: Soria Xing
World Power: Constellation
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Main Tasks: Search and destroy. Cover army's butt in battle.

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black Cat
Clothing: Black Commando Outfit with a black beret kinda like this one. (
Weapons: One magnum AWP rifle. 20-shot Beretta 98. Katana and a Kabar.
Accessories: 4 extra 10-shot clips of magnum rounds for rifle. 8 extra 20-shot clips of .40 pistol rounds for Beretta. Basic field med kit. Binoculars. Field rations, but just mainly pillages people's foods. NV Goggles. 2 Flash Grenades. 2 HE Grenades. 2 Smoke Grenades.

Biography: Soria was bred a soldier, with proud parents and had graduated top of her class. She was the youngest in the Constellation Army to become a first-class sniper. She was also the CQC instructor for new recruits when her unit's number starts dwindling. She joined the army at age 17 and became a 2nd Lieutenant by age 20. She declined promotion after that to avoid leaving the field. She's a cold-blooded killer and won't hesitate to even shoot children. Her one weakness had been a fellow soldier named Liang Xiao. She loved him, but during a conflict with The Liberation, he defected from the Constellation. She had the power to kill him for treason, but found that of all the people in the universe, he was the only one she couldn't shoot. Now, she has snuck into North America against orders to seek out her ex-husband, whom she still loved. Unlike her armaments stated above, she actually is unarmed at the moment. She tried to reason with her ex-husband to come back with her, but before their argument concluded, the sirens went off and they hid. All her equipment is in a safe that she buried in the country fields just at the border of the city. She is currently wearing just a pink tank top and some jeans.
(I know you said only Liberation and 4th Reich, but I figured I'd try with this anyways.)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 24, 2010, 07:27:39 PM
Actually, that's fine, since she's snuck in instead of actually being deployed there. You're good and you got the spot as advisor.  ^_^
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on February 24, 2010, 07:53:32 PM
I can be an advisor for the Fourth Reich.  Ask anyone that RP's with me and they'll tell you I make an excellent villain.  I don't have time to place a character sheet at the moment, but I will later tonight.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 24, 2010, 08:10:51 PM
These two are the kids, then I'm going to start adding my other peeps. (Bad Nazi guys are enormously fun. ^^ Bwah ha ha. ) And, yes, the picture of Moon Child is *sniffle* sad and pathetic that I LOVE it. Most saddest picture of a little girl I could find.  (*evil streak*) Bwah ha. Ha haha. ...yeah...Atreyu was named after a fictional idol of mine. *le sigh* And yayyy Entaru! I'd love to have you do that.

Name: Moon Child
Coded: Subject 32_I. (Original and singular successful.)
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Property of Fourth Reich.

Appearance: She has pure white fur and a short, scruffy tail. Her eyes are pink. Overall, she has the canine appearance. (

Clothing: Normally in a hospital gown, but she has since raided and found a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top. She likes to wear flowers in her hair.
Accessories: Flowers. (XD) She also carries around a tiny medic pack, as she found one and she is quite the little nurse.

Biography: Moon Child and her best friend Atreyu once knew nothing aside from the white-washed walls of the laboratory she was raised in. When her owners, scientists working under the Fourth Reich, took them to America to study the effects of radiation on their bodies, both children ran away and are actively being sought out. They are finding it very difficult to function in the human world.

(Oh noes...ran out of time! And I wanted to get Chance, Atreyu and Burgandy posted too. DX Oh well. I'll post the rest later....)

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 05:12:12 AM
((Ugh, malfunctioning computer. Sorry this is so awkward everyone. *facepaw* ))

Name: Burgandy
World Power: Fourth Reich
Rank: Trained Supervisor
Main Tasks: Overseeing and directing the military invasion, as well as keeping an eye out for the missing weapons.

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Appearance: Red fox, with a dark tail and cunning eyes.
Clothing: Typical S.S. Uniform
Weapons: Armalite AR 10T .308 ( ( and a French MAB Pistol 9mm. ( (
Accessories: Swastika Bandana.  Military issued knife. Emergency taser.

Biography: As a little child, Burgandy proved to be quite...diffrent. He has lived in America most of his life. When his father caught him at age seven, attempting to murder his cousin, Burgandy was sent to a mental institution. He has stayed there for some time...that is, until a Nazi spy freed him and put him into the Reich army.

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 05:17:16 AM
Burgandy: (
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on February 25, 2010, 05:57:41 AM
My Advisor and my character are going to be brothers, is that okay?

Advisor: Yamataru Korin

Name: Entaru "Needles" Korin
World Power: Fourth Reich
Rank: Lt. Colonel
Main Tasks: Head of Interregations for the New SS

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: Artic fox with bright green eyes.  Very lean, but with muscle tone and a very wide almost puffy tail.
Clothing: (See attachment)
Weapons: .44 Magnum Desert Eagle for medium range.  "Medical" Glove for close range (can be fitted with a variety of chemicals and has an array of surgical instruments attached to it).
Accessories: Various chemicals and compounds.  A box of 100 rounds for pistol.  Has various medals attached to front of uniform.

Biography:Born to a family of former Axis soldiers, the Korin Brothers were raised in the traditonal fashion of the old Hitler Youth.  Their grandfather was a high ranking SS officer in charge of foreign intelligence while their grandmother was a Japanese Code Breaker for the Axis Powers.  When the Axis Powers failed in WWII, they went into hiding in Japan and adopted the name Korin.  The name stuck ever since and the Brothers were never told their true names, not that they cared.  Always the tactician, Yamataru rose through the ranks quickly and is now the Fuehrer's right hand man, in charge of nearly all military operations.  Entaru on the other hand cared less for the responsiblity that came with being an officer and worked as a spirit breaker on spies and enemy soldiers.  His sadistic nature gained him the nickname of "Needles", coined by his preferred method of interrogation.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 25, 2010, 06:03:20 AM
That's great.  ^_^ Advisor isn't actually a character, it's a job. But it doesn't really matter, and I like the idea of brothers so yes, have at it with these characters. Someday I'll have everything set up.  :$
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 25, 2010, 02:19:00 PM
dude, your characters' names all sound like they belong in MY faction.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 25, 2010, 02:25:45 PM
Name: Atreyu
Coded: Subject 32_L (second and only sucessful model)
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Property of Fourth Reich.

Appearance: A cheetah/jaguar cross, with a soft white underbelly and black hair pulled into a ponytail.
Clothing: A pair of overalls and a t-shirt he stole from an abandoned/half-destroyed farm house.
Weapons: A public issued shotgun, quite heavy for the little tike, but he's managing. Stolen, stolen, stolen.
Accessories: A backpack full of food and supplies, also stolen.

Biography: Atreyu and his best friend Moon Child are, quite literally, indestructible. They are the only two sucessful attempts the Fourth Reich has had with creating such a human, and therefore Carson N. Hitler was infuriated at word of their fleeing- it would take many years to create prototypes as sucessful as they were again. All plausible efforts- without hampering the invasion effort, of course- have been put into locating them. As for Atreyu...he know almost nothing at all of who he his, where he came from, or what exactly the Fourth Reich has had in mind for him for so long. The only peace he finds is sleeping by Moon Child's side at night, and waking up in the morning with them both still in one peice.

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 02:26:23 PM
*raises eyebrows then goes to look*

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 04:25:49 PM
Well, whaddya know, I finally gave my man some weapons...they may be random weapons that I think look pretty, but they will work for a clueless civillian girl like me.

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 04:41:29 PM

Name: Iriye Seka (cover name is Maria Sanchez)
World Power: Constellation
Main Tasks: Finding and reporting the location of the rumored "mega bomb" under Liberation's watchful eyes at the same time as getting to the Fourth Reich's "weapon children" before they do...prefferably both jobs performed well in a timely fashion. This is going to be a tough one.

Age: (18+) 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: A grey cat with choppy hair and blue eyes. (
Clothing: Semi-fashion-conscious camo attire.
Weapons:Browning FN High-Power,9mm Parabellum, Renaissance Pistol ( and a Remington TTR-700 Ultimate Sniper .308 WIN (
Accessories: (spies will be spies, so a few tech gadgets are okay) She carries her GPS everywhere...its a special model, with constant communication and information feed via her home base in Russia.

Biography: She entered war at a young age, forced into spying by the oppressive government of her home country in Japan. Later, as a teenager, she was shipped to Russia to learn even more about the fine art that is uncovering and stealing information and weapons. She now has been deployed to what remains of the devestated America, to pose as a simple Liberation private and do her duty from that position.

Post Merge: February 25, 2010, 07:08:17 PM
((*pant pant*...and last but certainly not least, we have Chance! Now I'll have a character for each one of the Powers. Making me quite the busy GM. *le sigh* Again, the guns I use are random....sorry if I'm a bad example...Chance: *throws pillow at me* You girly-girl! How dare you pick guns at random just because you don't understand them????!!

Me: Well, a gun fires like a gun no matter what kind it is. *smiles*))


Name: Chance McCoy
World Power: Liberation
Rank: Corporal
Main Tasks: Helping wounded or stranded civillians and pushing back the Fourth Reich as much as possible, though that task becomes more daunting each day as more and more Reich arrive in America.

Age: (+17) 36
Gender: Male
Appearance: Mixed breed canine (
Clothing: Likes to go shirtless, and prefers lightweight pants
Weapons: Cobb .30-06 SPRG (
Accessories: (what you have on you at the moment, ammo, first aid, water, etc.) Ammo, of course, and water. A very small medic kit.

Born and raised in Tennesse, Chance has lived a peaceful life. Or at least he had, until he was motivated enough by the carnage and propaganda he saw on TV to apply for the Liberation army. He now fights for freedom above all else. Family, love, and good health are the mottos he lives by.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on February 25, 2010, 07:15:41 PM
I guess I better put an explanation of their names in my biography then.  I can't help but use those names now, they are like a part of me.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 25, 2010, 08:59:37 PM
so when do we start?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on February 25, 2010, 10:59:17 PM
Well, this looks very interesting. I'll give it a shot. I don't want to be an adviser, I'd rather leave that to people like Gabag or Shinzuu. :P's my character sheet:

Name: Howl Ackart
Supporter of: The Liberation. Not by strong means, but he sees them as the only group he can trust.
Feelings about the war: He has disdain for it, for Howl wants them to unite and begin intergalactic exploration.
Reaction to being forced into a bomb shelter: He predicted it would happen, considering the high-stakes that were involved, it was only a matter of time...
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Appearance: A gray wolf with unique colors that form his grayish look. He is 6 foot 5, having a large frame and well toned body.
Clothing: White shoes, jeans and black T-shirt.
Weapons: Only a Sig p226 and multiple clips. (Standard for protection, the scientists were top priority and in the arms race, so they didn't want them getting captured)
Accessories: A rollex watch and some money.
Occupation before incident: He was a scientist working in the weapons race and had been stationed in Boston, but went to Tennessee to meet a college of his.

Biography: Howl had been a scientist working for Carson N. Hitler and was actually close friends with him, but he realized that being a pawn of the evil man would only do more harm to the world. He managed to sneak out of Europe and go to North America, where he was detained by the government. Howl asked if he could help Liberation, not for the sake of the US, but in order to stop Carson's reign once and for all.

At that point, he became the lead scientist in their nuclear fusion research. Knowing the risks associated with developing even stronger nuclear weapons, for they could cause the end of many in the near future, but it was worth the sacrifice. Then, a college was having trouble with a project down in Tennessee, so he agreed to meet him and aid his research efforts, only to confront this most dire situation.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 25, 2010, 11:03:52 PM
therebeunicorns, your killing me, here.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 26, 2010, 12:17:30 PM
Originally, I was going to start when I got an Advisor for the Liberation, but I'm kinda in more of a hurry to get this up, so I'll post the initial story post tonight, then we can start.  ^_^

Post Merge: February 26, 2010, 12:25:47 PM
Oh, and I almost didn't notice, but thanks for joining Howl!  B)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on February 27, 2010, 12:44:44 AM
Thanks for the welcome. :)

And I hope to see more people join this, it sounds fun.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 27, 2010, 12:46:58 AM
i wanna start.... :(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on February 27, 2010, 12:49:40 AM
Me too.  :'(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Artemis on February 27, 2010, 03:49:49 AM
I'm thinking about joinig, just give me a little bit to come up with a character sheet.  I should have one either later tonight, or sometime over the weekend.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 27, 2010, 04:31:58 AM
I'm sowwie.  :(

And yay, I am SO glad lots of people are joining, didn't think they would haha.

Post Merge: February 27, 2010, 05:12:22 AM
:( Ugh, so very OCC but do you guys like my new SL avvie in my profile picture? I did my best to duplicate "evil looking little girl" The hair is messed up, but try to ignore it, I still editing...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on February 27, 2010, 06:56:56 AM
I have nothing to compare it to but I think your avi looks good.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 27, 2010, 07:33:45 AM
i wanna start.... :(
now you know how I feel stretch
but you have your excuse for not letting me post so I can shut up

since the year is 2027, I wanted to ask about some certain things

how are genetics going to play a role in this
powered suits of armor

and if i'm being gutsy here by just asking the darnedest things but...
an Ipod
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 27, 2010, 07:36:51 AM
Genetics? Please, more specific. Do you mean like hybirds and such?

Powered suits of armor? No, BUT you can have advanced weaponry and "strange gadgets" so long as they are not plasma oriented.

Ipod? Go for it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 27, 2010, 07:38:12 AM
not hybrids...

but I mean limited cloning tech.
and :(

I wanted to have an exoskeleton (or at least an awesome suit of armor like the Replica)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 27, 2010, 07:53:38 AM

Alright. Alright. God, I can be so easy on people sometimes its not even funny. You are my friend, so...go for the exoskeleton, and also go for the limited cloning. I don't really care as long as you get the story right and don't godmod just cause you're advanced. In fact, I'm just super glad you joined! Or want to...heh heh...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 27, 2010, 10:47:12 AM
He's always like that.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 27, 2010, 10:53:08 AM

Yes, Gabag will be Gabag.

Post Merge: February 27, 2010, 10:57:30 AM
*facepaw* one mispelling too much in my last post...the humiliation... :'(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 27, 2010, 04:42:28 PM
He's always like that.
Well the cloning is apart of my nature....

and thank you for pulling string (although in all honesty you didn't have to cause I was complaining)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 28, 2010, 12:18:04 AM
No problem  B)...Glad you're here. Now I am just in need of a full char sheet...unless you actually posted it already and my magical sunglasses aren't seeing it?  B)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 28, 2010, 02:54:58 AM
No your magical sunglasses aren't fooling you, I havn't posted it yet

Gabbeh has been busy

Name: Philip DeBouran
World Power: Fourth Reich
Rank: Lance Corporal
Main Tasks: Frontline Combat, Assistance in Interrogation, Search and Destroy
Age: 2 (appears to be 25)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Human Male, black hair, green eyes
Clothing: Out of Combat: A regular 4th Reich Serviceman's uniform.
In Combat: Experimental VSHS-5 Powered Armor ( (tnot as high tech though, but the appearance of it)
Weapons: XM-8 with ACOG Scope, 3 round burst and full auto modes, USP .45 pistol, combat knife
Accessories: Very Dark blue tinted sports glasses

Biography: Philip DeBouran was the ideal soldier in the Liberation Amy. He was kind, tactically sound, and a caring individual. Noted for above average performance in the defending against the 4th Reich's invasion forces. He was captured after the Liberation army was routed. Sent to Europe he was forced into PROJECT XAMOR. The 4th Reich scientists used his DNA in a form of cloning, except this clone was subverted, malicious, cruel, and a cold calculating figure. Before XAMOR was shut down, the scientists gave the clone his first mission. Dispose of the real Philip Debouran, and assume his identity.
Now Philip is a promising soldier in the Reich Armed Forces. Due to his performance, he was recently assigned to the new PROJECT SERPENTUS. This project, instead of tampering with unknown forces or genetically altering people, was the development of powered suits of armor. PROJECT SERPENTUS Released the VSHS-5 prototype and he was assigned to wear it, evaluate it, and to make sure it remained intact. The other 4 suits in the VSHS line already being tested by operatives in the field.

His armor allows him enhanced durability against small arms fire, and low caliber bullets will simply scratch the paint, Higher caliber ammo however will pierce, although it might take longer for it to do so. It also allows the user a HUD with a built in compass, health tracker, and built in night vision.

The nature of the cloning has taken a bit of a toll on Phil's mind, and he's prone to violent outbursts and murderous rage. He is equipped with a shock collar to prevent any unnecessary fatalities, that automatically trigger when the wearer is above 'safe' levels of anger.

The collar shorts out after fifteen shocks, and a new one must be implemented.

Phil before being clones was a well known soldier for the Liberation, it was the Reich's plan to use him as a new terror weapon.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 28, 2010, 02:59:08 AM
it's 4th reich, not 3rd... baka
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 28, 2010, 03:00:40 AM
thanks for catching that
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on February 28, 2010, 03:02:45 AM
i seem to have been catching a lot of those recently...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 28, 2010, 04:42:49 AM
For those of you *cough* Shinzuu *cough* annoyed by the fact that I have to post anything more than a page long as an attachment, then have no fear for long. I should have this problem under control very soon, and then I can properly post even my longer ones as regular posts.  ^_^
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on February 28, 2010, 06:13:28 AM
when your done criticizing Shinzuu, can I post?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on February 28, 2010, 06:17:59 AM
Haha I'm not criticizing Shinzuu for anything....  :?

And you can post whenever you want, pretty much once I say your char is okay you're good to go and I already did so...yep. :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 01, 2010, 03:40:42 AM
im trying to work out as to how and where should I post

In the Camp Himmler, or somewhere else?
Wether or not my character is on mission or not
I can't really decide.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 01, 2010, 04:16:11 AM
Depends on whether he is more of a loner and is capable of being independent or not. If he was, then you might easily be able to start him out being on a mission somewher, but if he isn't, then he might need direction from another character to motivate him....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 01, 2010, 04:28:00 AM
Well, considering he's a clone I think he would need to be directed.  You could start in Camp Himmler, Gabag.  My character isn't much of a fighter, he's a large piece of the Fourth Reich "medical" program, and he's a high ranking officer.  You could be his personal bodyguard, that is if you're okay with it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 01, 2010, 04:32:15 AM
Yes, one can always count on Entaru for...personal direction.  :'( :* :'( Haha.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 01, 2010, 02:13:14 PM
indeed. not to mention pulling the role of an old fart.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 01, 2010, 02:19:30 PM
An old fart?  :? Where...? I certainly would not want to smell a fart that is old.... :'(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 01, 2010, 02:21:22 PM
check out my rp, Kin Chronicles Realm. Check the more recent pages, because he didn't join until later.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 01, 2010, 04:27:46 PM
I see now  ^_^
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 01, 2010, 04:49:50 PM
i luvs da new avi!! :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 01, 2010, 06:17:19 PM
I agree with Shinzuu, she's cute for a Nazi.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 01, 2010, 06:35:16 PM
Yayz, thank you ! :'( :* :'(  haha

Post Merge: March 01, 2010, 07:06:51 PM
Honesty time.

To be totally honest here, it took me a sad total of three times to get the guts to read Entaru's post all the way. You say Camp Himmler three times in a row and already I'm shaking in my boots, not to mention where he goes from there...its like...whoah, man...dang....yes, i was so squeamish about reading it all the way that it's pretty embarassing considering I can be a pretty evil Naxi Axis Nazi myself.

And Shinzuu! You with your dramatic posts that wrench my heart... :$

I'm not complaining about nothin'. I'm just saying I'm starting to feel inadequate in my own game. *shakes head* time for some serious time at the keyboard...I shall write something that is both evil and dramatic...and post it normally for Shinzuu's sake.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 01, 2010, 08:58:00 PM
uhhhhh one question

why the Nazi avatar?

sorry I just logged on and BOOM! From the wolf chick eating a slice o cake to Nazi...

kinda a big jump.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 01, 2010, 09:22:33 PM
Yay!  My post did its job and I'm happy.  Gabag, did you read any of the previous posts concerning your character?


Nevermind, I just got your PM's...feel free to post.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 02, 2010, 12:02:26 AM
just wanted to say
XAMOR was the cloning project

SERPENTUS was the power armor project
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 02, 2010, 12:34:29 AM
Yayz, thank you ! :'( :* :'(  haha

Post Merge: March 02, 2010, 12:06:51 AM
Honesty time.

To be totally honest here, it took me a sad total of three times to get the guts to read Entaru's post all the way. You say Camp Himmler three times in a row and already I'm shaking in my boots, not to mention where he goes from there...its like...whoah, man...dang....yes, i was so squeamish about reading it all the way that it's pretty embarassing considering I can be a pretty evil Naxi Axis Nazi myself.

And Shinzuu! You with your dramatic posts that wrench my heart... :$

I'm not complaining about nothin'. I'm just saying I'm starting to feel inadequate in my own game. *shakes head* time for some serious time at the keyboard...I shall write something that is both evil and dramatic...and post it normally for Shinzuu's sake.

aww, i feel so loved. :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 02, 2010, 06:33:09 AM
just wanted to say
XAMOR was the cloning project

SERPENTUS was the power armor project

I'll fix that now
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 02, 2010, 02:20:42 PM
uhhhhh one question

why the Nazi avatar?

sorry I just logged on and BOOM! From the wolf chick eating a slice o cake to Nazi...

kinda a big jump.

.....It's Moon. I thought it would be nice to have an avvie of my the wolf chick was also my Moon in SL, if you saw her in there, she would be very  :P


No, no, no, no, no. I mixed that all up. It's not this RP's Moon. Sorry. After all, what kind of nazi-hating nine year old would dress like that? None, that's who. She's actually the Moon I use to go to raves in SL, and occasionally the WW2 range if I take the time to dress her out and get her a gun. Yeah, I have about four diffrent Moon characters circulating the internet...It's confusing, but not as confusing as having four totally diffrent names. This way all I have to do is remember what each one looks like.   

And hooray, Gabag posted!  :* :'( :*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 03, 2010, 06:52:35 PM
 :'( :'( :'( *complains about nothing in particular* Yet another bad day for therebeunicorns following many other bad days. *shakes head* I think this chinchilla needs a hug.... :S

Post Merge: March 03, 2010, 07:04:06 PM
No-one has given Sasha any hugs. So she shall wait over in the corner... ( (
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 03, 2010, 10:03:25 PM
*hugs sasha*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 03:54:02 AM
Oh yeay.... :3 Thank you. I feel somewhat better now.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 03:55:46 AM
Name: Yurin Katal
World Power: The Liberators
Rank: Captain
Main Tasks: Hunt down Nazi's trying to sneak into cities, sometimes executing civilians trying to work with Nazis

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Appearance:  binturong (
Clothing: Snow-camo (
Weapons: Sniper's Rail (, PP-2000 sub-machine gun (, 7'' combat knife
Accessories: two clips for sniper rifle, three clips for submachine gun, night vision goggles, rations and a thermos of hot choclate.

Sniper's Rail is an attempt to make a compact rail-gun, while nowhere near as fast as the usual model, its 1/10 as fast, making its penetration power on par with an anti-armor rifle, while being light enough to kill infantry quickly. Only problem, it works like the M1 Grand, needing to empty the entire clip before one can reload, and has a ten second auto-cool before the barrel will allow another shot fired. Its still in the testing stage, and prone to prolonged 'cooldown', sometimes doubling the time from ten to twenty seconds, on rare occasions, two minutes...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 03:59:47 AM
Glad you're intrested.  :3

I'd like to see just a little tiny biography first, however, and maybe you could tell me what a binturong is? Sorry, I'm just clueless is all and need more to go by. Otherwise it is fine.  ^_^
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 04, 2010, 04:01:06 AM
no he hyperlinked the binturong
just click that word and a scary image should pop up
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 04:02:52 AM
Glad you're intrested.  :3

I'd like to see just a little tiny biography first, however, and maybe you could tell me what a binturong is? Sorry, I'm just clueless is all and need more to go by. Otherwise it is fine.  ^_^
everything in clothing, appearance, and weapons (execpt combat knife) is a hyperlink ;)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 04, 2010, 04:03:25 AM
basically what I just said
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 04:10:13 AM
*facepaw* Right. How sweet looking! I just want to pet him...If it wasn't for the fact he's a soldier, of course.  B) Okay...I guess you're good to go.  :D
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 04, 2010, 04:32:17 AM
Name:Jonnas A.Romero Shepard (the 4th.)
World Power:Liberation
Main Tasks:Stealth, Counter Spy, Black Operations
Clothing:Standard Liberation Army Stealth Suit
Weapons:MP5 Silenced, USP.45 Tactical Silenced, Tactical Knife, Flash Bangs
Accessories:Standard Equipment set (Field Rations, Morphine, Etc.), Night Vision, 9mm Ammo.
Biography:Our line started back in the 1400's they said. The first knight Shepard, who was the greatest of his time... Then came Jonnas the second, who participated in the first and second world wars, Just like a loyal British Solider. The third dealt with the world we used to know... before the three powers rose and destroyed it all... and lucky me, i got the genes to be the fourth...
Its said that all the jonnas in our family where meant to do something great, as we where a bred line of soldiers... Duty as it maybe... did my forefathers ever this is where this would finally end up...?
It doesn't matter... we've still got a long way to go before this war is over... and im just another dog of war. Not quite as literally as the others, but still one non the less...

(This where i tack this?)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 04:41:00 AM
I loved the biography. And so long as you're the only one, I'll be fine with you using "I" as a pronoun if you really want to. I think...everything else looks fine. Is he human? There can be humans and I know he obviously looks like one in the picture, just asking is all.  ;)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 04, 2010, 04:45:22 AM
Thats just the biography btw, (Which is admittedly, not one of my best >.<), i use the third person for actually doing things (AKA the RP.).
And Yup! sorry for not clearing that up!

Question before i start. Whats the Sitrep? (Situational Report?) Things going on, People where, Etc.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 04:49:08 AM
I will get to you, my dear,  first thing in the morning, unless you're raring to go, by which you can ask someone else here who's active. But I kind of have to leave!  :S :'( :S  I'm sorry everyone! Be back tomarrow. Love you guys.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 04, 2010, 04:52:31 AM
Nah, i can wait. Key factor of stealth is patience after all.
You enjoy your night now!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 02:28:44 PM
Well, basically what's going on right now is diffrent for each player, dur. I would reccomend reading through as much as you can, since there's only two pages worth of posts, but I know that can be tiring so I'll sum it up as best I can:

Soria Xing, top soldier for the Constellation (eastern bloc) came to America in search of her husband, who was a soldier under her enemies, the Liberation. Unfortunatley, he died in her arms during their first encounter together. She was exposed for who she was and is now trying to run for it, hopefully getting home sooner rather than later. (You could ask Shinzuu for more about her.  ^_^)

Meanwhile, Burgandy, the Fourth Reich's invasion supervisor, has finally came across the two people he's been looking for: Atreyu and Moon Child, two genetically altered super-weapons currently trying to hide in Callbey, a Tennesse Liberation refugee town. He has enlisted the help of Entaru, a Reich Lt. Colonel who specializes in interrogation, and Phillip, a soldier that has long been a part of both the SERPENTUS and the XAMOR projects for cloning and development of advanced armor. They plan to call up an air strike over the town and use that distraction to capture the super weapons.

I'll tell more if you need it.  ^_^ If you haven't noticed already, I suck at summaries, and there might be things I'm missing.  :/

Post Merge: March 04, 2010, 04:24:09 PM
Hey, ya'll. I was wondering if you would be okay with me drawing your characters for this RP. I've been looking to get in some practice, especially since I'll soon own my replacement Photoshop software, and any improvement to my medicore skill is welcome. (I'm hard on myself, sorry. ) I wanted to ask for permission before I drew any of your chars, so I wouldn't get in trouble. *le gasp*  :o
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 04, 2010, 04:59:12 PM
sure. you have the bio.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 04, 2010, 06:32:42 PM
Sure, no problem.  Just draw him how you imagine him and I'll be happy.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 06:37:44 PM
Yay! You guys rock my world.  :P

Chrono Blackwyng, it has been brought to my attention that you tend to partake in less active roles in RPs and I just want to get some clarification, much do you plan on playing? I know that I rarely post during the beggining because I'm not interacting with anyone, but when I do post, they are written long and detailed to make up for it. I just want to know where you see yourself here alongside us.  No biggie. :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 06:41:31 PM
Most times I can post right now... about during 10:30-11:30 am or from 6-9pm (U.S. Eastern for both). As for how much of a role I'm playing, depends on how long I can last before I either get kicked or the rp dies.... hoping for neither :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 06:44:12 PM
Well, so long as you continue to post on a regular basis, and so long as you get the story correct, then I won't kick you. Nor will the RP die.  ^_^ I'm not very picky about anything except for those two buggers.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 04, 2010, 06:50:27 PM
I think in the post, I had the correct idea about everything, except for the weather... I thought it was like winter time :P

thankfully I didn't say 'snow' in the post
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 04, 2010, 06:54:05 PM
Lawlz. It's the summer in this alternate world...thank god. The last thing I need for those kids is to be freezing and on the run. I think I torture them enough as it is. But your post was fine.

Post Merge: March 04, 2010, 07:03:26 PM
Maybe the subject matter is the reason I'm the only girl in this entire RP. Epically, I did not realize this until right now- that I am in the middle of a pack of boys.  :$ I don't know. :P That's a good question. *starts poking around for evidence to where all the girls are...*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 04, 2010, 07:38:32 PM
not many girls are actually active in RP's. mainly because they are either rarely on, or can't RP seriously.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 04, 2010, 08:43:40 PM
Thanks for the Sitrep, thats good enough for me, you just give yourself too little credit on your summary's. Not supposed to know 100 percent now, just the general overview. and you've got permission, though just know that the image i provided is a fan art of Solid snake and not my regular image... >.<

And i know plenty of females who could RP decently XD
(*Person who taught me, person who helped me develop, etc.)
only thing is, not on this forum. sorry. *Shrug*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 04, 2010, 09:10:59 PM
blow it out of your butt, yugian.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 04, 2010, 09:19:49 PM
No. Really. Im not kidding.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on March 05, 2010, 01:09:51 AM
Sorry that I haven't been posting, most of my computer time has been revoked.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 05, 2010, 04:18:57 AM
Guys, play nice.  :3 I never get upset at anybody until they give me a reason. And that's alright, Howl, just hurry back, we miss you.  :(

Yugian, I really really love your style. It's so cool and adds a new layer of dimensionality to this. Though please keep in mind, where we are in the story right now, it isn't right after the bomb. It's...about a few weeks or so after the bomb. Otherwise, perfecto.

Last but not least: personal note: Writing my last post was really hard. I didn't want to write things about the children's past that were so mean and implied so much, but I did it anyway. >.< Got over my fear of being evil. *pompoms*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 05, 2010, 06:24:40 AM
Oh really? crap. Sense this is fresh off the rails, i thought otherwise. (Good few days or so, due to people being operational.)  Oops. >.<
Could make that work though... Sense of time would definitely be screwy.
Thanks for the FYI, least that's my only mistake.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 05, 2010, 11:22:43 AM
Guys, play nice.  :3 I never get upset at anybody until they give me a reason. And that's alright, Howl, just hurry back, we miss you.  :(

Yugian, I really really love your style. It's so cool and adds a new layer of dimensionality to this. Though please keep in mind, where we are in the story right now, it isn't right after the bomb. It's...about a few weeks or so after the bomb. Otherwise, perfecto.

Last but not least: personal note: Writing my last post was really hard. I didn't want to write things about the children's past that were so mean and implied so much, but I did it anyway. >.< Got over my fear of being evil. *pompoms*

fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

give in to the dark side of the pen.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 05, 2010, 02:09:32 PM
*grapples with her pen as it tries to go Dark*



Post Merge: March 05, 2010, 07:17:51 PM

Ooh yeayz your character drawings are coming out a lot better than I'd thought!  :3 But no celebrating until the job is complete... :'(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 05, 2010, 10:51:03 PM
Entaru, is it ok if I run across your truck... I have no idea whos the closest to my location. :?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 06, 2010, 01:22:38 AM
Go ahead, but be ready to duck and cover.  As soon as we drop off that smoke grenade, Hat Bombs are gonna start falling and you're going to start losing your mind from the mercury fumes.

Post Merge: March 06, 2010, 04:06:12 AM
Hold on a sec!  I said you could run across us, not damage our vehicle.  This is the truck scene from Z-Day all over again.  Gabag is driving at breakneck speeds and you just destroyed our tire.  While the crash may not kill Gabag, it will definently kill me!  As an advisor, I have to ask you to change your post.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 07, 2010, 04:28:57 AM
Entaru, is it ok if I run across your truck... I have no idea whos the closest to my location. :?

*looks at the posts above me*
...Yes, basically what Entaru just said. Blowing out the tire would mean a lot of death and destruction. Also. If a car is going 90 miles an hour (as insane a driving speed as that may be for such a narrow road), then you wouldn't have the time to even stare at it longer than a few seconds, let alone unsling a gun, aim it at the tire, and get out a shot, because it would be gone. Ninety miles an hour is zoom speeed people. Its pretty intense.

*leans over and whispers in Chrono's ear* As....*ahem* it may be for my good-guy characters if Entaru jars off the road and dies, I cannot allow you to kill other charaters or seriously damage them unless they give permission, and he obviously does not. Its just not coolio.

As a responsible GM, I must take my Advisor's side in this one. Not mad at anybody here, nor do I want any trouble. But until you change your post, Chrono, then we will have to ignore it.... :$
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 07, 2010, 05:53:28 AM
I added onto the post.

I actually had ment for the sound of the shot to be a miss.... all you'd see is a medium chunk of snow suddenly fly upwards.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 08, 2010, 08:20:22 AM
Wheee, fun but busy weekend over... now back to hell XP
Anyone need a Commando? just made myself open for people.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 02:00:55 PM
actually, yugian, i could use a little action over here. wanna tango for a little while?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 08, 2010, 02:32:10 PM
Yes, you could totally meet up with her...she should be getting her butt over here sometime soon...if she can find a service station.  o.O  :P

Moon: But I wanna Commando!

Atreyu: Too bad:
a. We don't know him.
b. He's way out of range.
c. We don't have a radio.

Moon: Why you gotta be so pessimistic, huh?

Atreyu: Why YOU gotta be so much trouble? I should hang you from a tree with a sign that says: "Look, she's right here!"

Moon: Dust my ears this evening? Did you really just say what I think you said? *glares*

Atreyu: *glares back*

Moon: You wanna go? Let's take this outside, fool.

Atreyu: We are outside.

Moon: Then let's go! Right here. Right now. Genious conquers brawn.

Atreyu: Not if you don't know how to spell genius.

Moon: You know what? Shut your face!

ANYWAY, Yugian, you should get with Soria and I think it'd work really well. Unless, you guys like, killed each other or something..... :o Sorry about all that. I'm feeling stupid this morning...yes, I know how epically I fail. :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 08, 2010, 02:36:12 PM
we don't have to kill, but i'd like to see some real 1on1 fighting once in a while, you know?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 08, 2010, 04:08:15 PM
Moon: But I wanna Commando!

Atreyu: Too bad:
a. We don't know him.
b. He's way out of range.
c. We don't have a radio.

Moon: Why you gotta be so pessimistic, huh?

Atreyu: Why YOU gotta be so much trouble? I should hang you from a tree with a sign that says: "Look, she's right here!"

Moon: Dust my ears this evening? Did you really just say what I think you said? *glares*

Atreyu: *glares back*

Moon: You wanna go? Let's take this outside, fool.

Atreyu: We are outside.

Moon: Then let's go! Right here. Right now. Genious conquers brawn.

Atreyu: Not if you don't know how to spell genius.

Moon: You know what? Shut your face!

ANYWAY, Yugian, you should get with Soria and I think it'd work really well. Unless, you guys like, killed each other or something..... :o Sorry about all that. I'm feeling stupid this morning...yes, I know how epically I fail. :P
Eheheh... Moons funny :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 08, 2010, 05:35:40 PM
*achoo* I think all this testing is going to drive me into Dementia despite the fact that my town isn't being bombed by Nazis. In fact, I might partake in some early morning banging-my-head-on-the-desk games.  o.O :S o.O

And yes, Shinzuu, I can see why that would be entertaining and fun.  B)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 08, 2010, 06:13:49 PM
Very well, incoming Captain on your location shinzuu. >D

and i hear you there. Boring to just shoot at mooks... thats why i don't tend to kill mooks. XD
Course, that makes my kill list low buuuutttttt.....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 08, 2010, 06:27:31 PM
Very well, incoming Captain on your location shinzuu. >D

and i hear you there. Boring to just shoot at mooks... thats why i don't tend to kill mooks. XD
Course, that makes my kill list low buuuutttttt.....

Something is better than nothing, Yugian.  ;) Lol.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 08, 2010, 07:53:37 PM
Very well, incoming Captain on your location shinzuu. >D

and i hear you there. Boring to just shoot at mooks... thats why i don't tend to kill mooks. XD
Course, that makes my kill list low buuuutttttt.....

Something is better than nothing, Yugian.  ;) Lol.

Yeah, and its better to have PC (allowed) kills then 300 spar-mooks. >3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 09, 2010, 02:12:43 PM
True dat.  B)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 09, 2010, 03:17:19 PM
*achoo* I think all this testing is going to drive me into Dementia despite the fact that my town isn't being bombed by Nazis. In fact, I might partake in some early morning banging-my-head-on-the-desk games.  o.O :S o.O

And yes, Shinzuu, I can see why that would be entertaining and fun.  B)

lolz. i can see therebeunicorns doing that.

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 09, 2010, 05:52:12 PM
Lawlz.  :)

( (

Yes.....I think this is more accurate.

But I still don't know which is more painful....a concussion from banging my head on the desk, or the sweet ripping sensation of peeling the glue and desk off my cheek. All I know is I need some serious pain to keep me focused through this testing trauma.  >:( *game face*

(If nothing else....a concussion will get me out of this oh-so-evil-school-like-facility and into a hospital...and hospitals have...freeeee foooodd  ^_^)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2010, 06:24:49 PM
*pats therebeunicorns* its alright... no need to hurt yourself... o.o"
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 09, 2010, 06:28:11 PM
*breathes slowly and tries to calm down*  :'( Sorry you had to witness moment of mine...I do that a lot....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2010, 06:32:39 PM
Its fine, its fine, its how you work after all. Thats little compared to some people i know... got me a nice scar... XP
Still full out understand the testing thing XP
*is 15 and right smack middle of high school*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 09, 2010, 06:35:55 PM
Ahh, high school.  :) Fun times, no? Do you take standardized tests too?

...........Oh dear. It seems as though the evil people are going to take me back for three more hours of full-on testing very soon.  :S :'( *cries*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 09, 2010, 06:37:41 PM
I believe so. The entire point i've figured out is just to survive XP
and it is soooo VERY fun~ *sarcasm!*

*Hugs therebeunicorns* tis alright...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 09, 2010, 08:51:35 PM
Yugian, i'm still waiting on you.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 12:30:30 AM
No you are not.

(Gave you a chance to take the first move.)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 10, 2010, 02:33:51 AM
Yugian, is the radio to the outpost only, or can I make a reply?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 03:13:28 AM
it's short-wave radio. in other words, no.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 03:18:39 AM
yeah, Hams generally function by sending to a specific place, with a side effect of short range XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 05:01:24 AM
Well, since my buddie Yugian is playing, why don't I get him his right hand.

Name: Shiro Chann
World Power: The Libaration
Rank: Specialist Lieutenant
Main Tasks: Silent Assasinations, Covert operations, Sniping, Demolitons, breaking and entering

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: A fox with a wily spark in his eyes.
Clothing: Milititary Uniform specialized for stealth operations. Namely switching patches to get into the enemy bases.
Weapons: Dragonov SVD, .44 colt anaconda.
Accessories: Silencer, x40 scope, demolition charges, Computer Hacking equiptment, 2 smoke grenades, gas mask, Thermal.

Biography: Shiro was wily since Basic. There was no stopping him. When he put his mind to something, he usually got it. When there was a hide and go seek game, he was the one no one ever  found. Expert Marksman, Stealth operative, but not a very good firefight fox. He met Jonas in Basic, and had some fun times with him. They know each other as close buddies, and they have pulled each other out of some pretty messy situations. But, Jonas being the leader type surpassed Shiro in all accounts, making him a Captain instead. Shiro had no hard feelings. He enjoyed working with no one else. Now... Shiro got pulled back to this bombed out town as back up. He is looking forward to working with Jonas again.

Hey yugian, bet you recognize him, right?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 05:48:30 AM
indeed i do. welcome shiro >D
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 05:50:10 AM
Hehe... all I need is approving eyes and a message telling me where to report.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 05:55:23 AM
I can do half the first (Say the background is good on my part.), and can do the second if you'd so like me to?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 05:56:34 AM
well I still have to wait to be approved. Then you can tell me where to pop in. Probably by HAMS radio. SOmething along the lines of a meme we have.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 06:04:43 AM
Alright, and thats most likely hows its going to be done. Shepard Survived a nuke just barely and was been out for weeks. long enough for a 'K.I.A' status.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 10, 2010, 01:04:26 PM
Shiro Chan, I must admit that I have been warned by others about you...Sorry if I seem rude, I'm not trying to be, but I tend to listen closely to the advice of friends.

I accept your character and you can go ahead and play, but be careful because I will treat you with the same system as everyone else. So, in other words, welcome...just behave! (This welcome would have been a bit more friendly, but...heh heh) Still, I give you a warm smile.  :D

....and Moon is high on mercury and thinking about doing violent things with a fire prod...I don't even know what to do with that kid anymore she is soo lost.... :o o.O :o Thank god her body system gets rid of foriegn invaders so fast...

as for the home front............Day three of standardized testing....the final frontier.....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 02:00:55 PM
Well, since my buddie Yugian is playing, why don't I get him his right hand.

Name: Shiro Chann
World Power: The Libaration
Rank: Specialist Lieutenant
Main Tasks: Silent Assasinations, Covert operations, Sniping, Demolitons, breaking and entering

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: A fox with a wily spark in his eyes.
Clothing: Milititary Uniform specialized for stealth operations. Namely switching patches to get into the enemy bases.
Weapons: Dragonov SVD, .44 colt anaconda.
Accessories: Silencer, x40 scope, demolition charges, Computer Hacking equiptment, 2 smoke grenades, gas mask, Thermal.

Biography: Shiro was wily since Basic. There was no stopping him. When he put his mind to something, he usually got it. When there was a hide and go seek game, he was the one no one ever  found. Expert Marksman, Stealth operative, but not a very good firefight fox. He met Jonas in Basic, and had some fun times with him. They know each other as close buddies, and they have pulled each other out of some pretty messy situations. But, Jonas being the leader type surpassed Shiro in all accounts, making him a Captain instead. Shiro had no hard feelings. He enjoyed working with no one else. Now... Shiro got pulled back to this bombed out town as back up. He is looking forward to working with Jonas again.

Hey yugian, bet you recognize him, right?

you belong in Constellation. be with all the other Channs and Chans and Chens and Chins of the world!!

Post Merge: March 10, 2010, 02:02:24 PM
oh, therebeunicorns, i love the new elfin lied sig you got.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 10, 2010, 02:09:19 PM
Well thankies.  :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 02:57:39 PM
uh... i havent heard of this reputation... o.o"
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 03:17:01 PM
neither have I... Therebeunicorns, what did you hear about me?

And the Constellation is not in this fight.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 03:59:10 PM
i'm not saying anything about this fight. I'm just saying.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 10, 2010, 06:25:45 PM
Well, I won't just assume anything about you of course, but I just was told that you can godmod sometimes. That's all.

Don't worry about it too much.

Just mind the rules and I won't have a problem. I don't have a problem right now....all I'm doing is fishing for straws based on what I've been told and trying to be careful. *shrugs*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 06:55:42 PM
Uh, Shinzuu, i popped in a flash bang as well to the other side of you (thus why the 'frag' was used as a distraction) and ran towards you, using the fact that you would of gotten flashed as a blind to close the distance.
I left the house for a CQB.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 08:31:17 PM
Ok, I am going to post.

Probably I will come in and help Yugian get out of whatever mess he is inevitably in. Say I was called in to investigate damages and see if there are any survivors. Also he is going after Jonas to see if he is alive.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 08:33:27 PM
Only thing griff. im at least a few miles away from the city, with a K.I.A status XP
*been out for weeks*
Radios busted too.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 08:34:49 PM
sounds plausible. just give yugian and i like 2 or 3 more battle posts before you show up. i'm going to milk this for all it's got.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 08:46:29 PM
oops didn't read before post.
Changing right now.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 08:48:43 PM
ok. let me know when you've changed it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 10, 2010, 08:52:35 PM
Changed :D That should be better, and It explains how I got there and why the Heli didn't help Ian.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 08:54:15 PM
The first one got sniped actually... XD
*Points to shinzuu*
Oh yeah, you still need to change yours up as well XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 08:56:51 PM
what? that I shot down the first chopper?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 09:29:05 PM
Uh, Shinzuu, i popped in a flash bang as well to the other side of you (thus why the 'frag' was used as a distraction) and ran towards you, using the fact that you would of gotten flashed as a blind to close the distance.
I left the house for a CQB.
Nope. thats wayyyyy tooo late, and wouldnt want to change anywho XP
*points up*
Thats what im directing this towards
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 10, 2010, 09:34:34 PM
whatevs i'll get on it, later.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 10, 2010, 09:36:18 PM
Course. take your time.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 11, 2010, 01:56:10 AM
hey, instead of us changing our posts, shouldn't shiro have read what we wrote before writing his? Say, incoming on another chopper after the distress call of the other before contact was cut off?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2010, 02:11:37 AM
That could of worked... a little ill informed, but meh. live and let learn.

Though, if your talking about what i was saying before, thats was before. XD
with the CQB and all.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 11, 2010, 02:28:29 AM
well, either way, he's still walking in, in the middle of our fight, talking like nothing's going on.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2010, 02:45:26 AM
Yeah...he's never had the most...*ahem* graceful entry.
Sorry to say, but its true -.-
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 11, 2010, 04:10:14 AM
I failed again, didn't I.
How about it was a different chopper? Since it had no radio contact, My mission would have been sent before the distress call. My chopper wouldn't know that there was a fight. Anyway, Shiro could be anywhere. Probably across town. He is a pathfinder so he can make his way over there.

There. much better. That way we didn't know about the fight, the crash, or the plea for rescue. AND, it explains why isn't near the fight. He is on the outskirts!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2010, 05:50:00 AM
Actually, i wasnt bashing you on your last post... ^^"

Still, no one can interrupt a CQB easily due to the fact that its hard as hell to snipe the enemy with your buddy right there XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 11, 2010, 11:18:55 AM
I failed again, didn't I.
How about it was a different chopper? Since it had no radio contact, My mission would have been sent before the distress call. My chopper wouldn't know that there was a fight. Anyway, Shiro could be anywhere. Probably across town. He is a pathfinder so he can make his way over there.

There. much better. That way we didn't know about the fight, the crash, or the plea for rescue. AND, it explains why isn't near the fight. He is on the outskirts!

that's kinda what i had said and we're in an outpost, not a town.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 11, 2010, 03:04:24 PM
-.= *strike two*
ill change town to outpost.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2010, 08:02:50 PM
...And now for something completely different...

...kind of at a loss for my thoughts XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 11, 2010, 10:28:16 PM

you're crazy, Yugian.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 11, 2010, 11:06:55 PM
Cause i wanna play some mass effect 2. i teased myself with talis trial (one of my two crew favorite members >D)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 12, 2010, 01:03:47 AM
Yugian, you gonna reply anytime soon?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 12, 2010, 03:32:28 AM
Sorry, was in two tournaments XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 12, 2010, 04:39:25 AM
Well, I feel like an retard now. Have been completley misinterpreting everything Chrono said in his PMs.  -.- Still, I guess I'll find a way to get Maria and Chance out of there un-insane eventually. I don't even know where I'm supposed to stick Atreyu, though I have a good idea.  ;) But overall, Sasha is too tired to think or type right now...... -.-....she'll take any messages at the beep...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 12, 2010, 05:01:39 AM
*Phone beep*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 12, 2010, 12:01:42 PM
lolz, I have all the episodes and PSA's
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 13, 2010, 04:52:35 AM
And i realize i totally just forgot to bold some text to show i was speaking XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 14, 2010, 03:06:55 AM
Lol Entaru did NOT just pet her  :$......

Mondenkind is going to kick his butt sooner or later when she's not intoxicated.......would help if she knew how to use a gun, then she could jack it from him...but seeing as how she's clueless and likes to drop iron rods on her foot she might have to resort to more drastic measures.....


............*looks at the daunting list of posts she needs to make and shakes her head*............... :( I'd better get to them all. By the by, does anyone here know of a good site that will let you post webcomics for free? I've been searching, but of course, was just wanting to make sure I'm not missing out on something you guys know about.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 14, 2010, 03:17:47 AM
*pets therebeunicorns, his insane mate of awesomeness*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 14, 2010, 03:38:35 AM
Say what!!!! Sasha looks at Gabag. Did you just pet me, my mate? Cause Sasha doesn't get pet, no, no, must die now.....

*whips out a katana and slices him*

( (

Oooops....I think he's not all the way dead....he just might want to get me back now....Sasha pokes him with a stick, then when he stirs, she perks up and runs for her life, laughing all the way....XD bwahahahaha....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 14, 2010, 03:41:25 AM
uh oh

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 14, 2010, 03:48:36 AM
*places shotgun on the ground to pick himself up, bloodied he is, there's a large gash within his armor*


Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 14, 2010, 04:03:53 AM
Sasha "gets back here." Wherever here may be. And then she just looks at him...

He's gonna shoot me, isn't he?

She waits immoble for either the hug or the shot.....

(Random, off-topic moment...but it's sad times like these when you need a good friend......... ( 0:)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 14, 2010, 05:02:15 AM
Entaru figures that they see Nazis as bad people (and they'd be right).  There is no point in chasing and capturing them if they feel that the Nazis will just hurt them more.  He's thinking of the bigger picture.  Even if they capture them and they stay in Nazi custody for a while, as soon as they get the chance they'll turn on the Nazis and possibly join Liberation or Constellation.

Normally its join or die...unfortunately, die isn't an option for them.  He's simply trying to show her that they're not all bad...which is a complete lie but if things go according to his plan then they'll be just like him.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 14, 2010, 05:14:15 AM
I have a question, is Entaru wearing a gas-mask, or did he take some kind of immunity drug?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 14, 2010, 05:21:37 AM
Gas mask...I put it on in an earlier one is immune to the gas, besides the children.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 14, 2010, 05:25:45 AM
Shinzu, waiting for your's or Ian's post.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 14, 2010, 02:09:24 PM
I'm waiting on Yugian's post before I can do anything more.

Post Merge: March 14, 2010, 02:11:04 PM
Entaru figures that they see Nazis as bad people (and they'd be right).  There is no point in chasing and capturing them if they feel that the Nazis will just hurt them more.  He's thinking of the bigger picture.  Even if they capture them and they stay in Nazi custody for a while, as soon as they get the chance they'll turn on the Nazis and possibly join Liberation or Constellation.

Normally its join or die...unfortunately, die isn't an option for them.  He's simply trying to show her that they're not all bad...which is a complete lie but if things go according to his plan then they'll be just like him.

but aren't you an advisor for the Fourth Reich?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 14, 2010, 06:40:52 PM
Yes, but what does that have to do with it?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 14, 2010, 11:25:33 PM
idk. i'm just still waiting for yugian, but i doubt he'll post today because i saw him obsessing over Mass Effect 2 today.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 15, 2010, 12:25:23 AM
It's Mass Effect 2

no one would pass that up
i'd probably play the crap outta of it too if i had it
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 15, 2010, 12:50:26 AM
exactly how fast would a bullet have to move to punch through the entire tree?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 15, 2010, 12:51:10 AM
no idea

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 15, 2010, 12:53:17 AM
I planned on this rifle having armor-piercing capabilities without needing the specified ammo for it. Just imagine if he had armor piercing bullets going at 700 mph :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 12:55:41 AM
Yayyy video games! Mass Effect 2 looks really sweet.  :* unfortunatley, I don't own the platform for it unless I buy PC...  :( >:(

Oh, and I owe Gabag a hug for slicing him last night. *huggles*

Entaru figures that they see Nazis as bad people (and they'd be right).  There is no point in chasing and capturing them if they feel that the Nazis will just hurt them more.  He's thinking of the bigger picture.  Even if they capture them and they stay in Nazi custody for a while, as soon as they get the chance they'll turn on the Nazis and possibly join Liberation or Constellation.

Normally its join or die...unfortunately, die isn't an option for them.  He's simply trying to show her that they're not all bad...which is a complete lie but if things go according to his plan then they'll be just like him.

Moon: *starry eyes* Entaru, I've never known that you could spill your heart out so...Your plan is just...*sniffle* so inspirational....I am overcome by the desire to be one of you now. You have shown me the light....*utter sarcasm*

Me: You little sarcastic Pomeranian stop talking to him and get back in your time out chair! I'm mad at you.

Moon: What did I do to make you mad? Steal your sunshine? *winks*

Me: You exist........

Moon: Gee, I feel loved. Shouldn't you be nicer to your own creations? I mean, at least be sort of glad that I exist....or something....

Me: Time-out. Naow.

Moon: You will never make me sit in the time-out chair! *packs a suitcase and runs away for Disney Land*

Me: She does know Disney Land is gone.....? *shakes head* Sad day for you, little girl.

(Oh, me and my chars have these sorts of arguments every day in my know you're insane when your mind is full of talking characters....)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 12:58:22 AM
Lol...I know the feeling therebeunicorns.  That happens all the time with Entaru, Nero, Y, Yamataru, and myself.  I've gotten used to it.  ;)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 15, 2010, 12:59:37 AM
*returns the hug*

and thats why I love you therebeunicorns

and thats why Entaru I put up with your scary avatar that makes me cry inside everyday


now I NEED SCISSORS!!!! 61!!!!!!

except since all my characters are clones of the first

I argue with myself times 100000
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 01:02:56 AM

Wow...I've never really considered what it would be like to argue with a bunch of clones which are...clones of yourself....does that get confusing, Gabag?  o.O ^_^ :S
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 15, 2010, 01:04:19 AM
Yes it does

especially when the clones all like different subgenres of the same main genre

then after a couple minutes, stuff explodes and bullets, swords, halbreds, and for some reason parrots with bombs in their talons start flying
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 15, 2010, 01:09:59 AM
except since all my characters are clones of the first

I argue with myself times 100000

I got clones too... but they're all freaking mutated, so they look like different lizards. Yurian is probably the only one who is different from Chrono entirely.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 01:19:08 AM
Ja! Die Verrückten hat geflogen ihr Nest...... 0:) 0:) :'(

.....Aber ich mag Papageien ......

Carry on.  :$
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 01:36:44 AM
should I just slay Yugian since he doesn't seem to post anymore or even be online?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 01:41:52 AM
Give him two more days, if he doesn't post in that time then frag him.  That is if unicorns is okay with it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 01:51:19 AM
I would PM him and ask him why he is not posting. If he doesn't have a good reason, then go ahead with the two-day thing.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 04:51:00 AM
I'll go talk to him monday. I am pissed at him not posting.
We had something cool going there.

Ah, well, that is Yugian I guess. He could have had his privileges recinded, but I doubt it. He holds on to that laptop like it is a child.

I'll straighten him out. Guess that comes from being a best friend  :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 06:13:27 AM
...****. *Failpalm*
Been awhile sense this last happened/stuck someone...

I am full heartily sorry. Wraps up a pretty bad weekend on a bad note XP
*expecting a firing range now*

Saturday was the time we (tried with shinzuu and some other guys... you should remember this.) spent gaming (Which failed cause bungie thought it would be great to make more money for mircosoft. - . -) if i and sunday im generally AWOL for MOST of the day XP

This will not be a habit, last time i swear. >.<
Just asking shinzuu a question and finishing up... And i might of just failed there too. - . -
*just fridge logiced after the 5th reread or so*

...Ironically enough though, i got mass effect 2 on Saturday...

and i do not! i hold like its a super computer with the plans to the doomsday machine YOU FOOL!
...and thats at school. School computers suck. Macs all the more - . -
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 06:01:31 PM
Okay, I've been trying to live with it but it's driving me nuts.

Yugian, for the love of God, PLEASE stop posting in all blue.  You can color your character's quotes but the entire post is too much.  I'm not trying to be mean, but because of how they're colored your posts are ****ing hard to read.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 06:10:31 PM
Sorry... Gah...
Used to doing the entire post in a set color XP
This blue alright? i darkened it before.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 06:20:58 PM
Yes, that's fine.  Just for your quotes though.  You can color speech and thought, but not much else.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 06:23:03 PM
dude, can you just limit your quotes to color? and possibly something easier to read? I have to highlight your whole post to read it, and hold down the mouse and move with the text so I don't get lost...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 15, 2010, 06:24:44 PM
We've already established this Shinzuu.  His next post should be much more readable.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 06:26:57 PM
Again, sorry... Usually back on gaia, everything was color and stylized to hell. Most people would be yelling at me TO color it and maybe even italic it.
...meh. adapting to the times.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 06:41:17 PM
Oh, de colors of the rainbow... :3

+1 everything that everyone just said.......*smiles from the corner of the room*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 07:03:20 PM
Hey, Shinzu. How do you want to escape? I was planning on tagging your leg so you would be crippled and go in for questioning, but if you want to escape, just give me another target. I am trying to keep Shiro looking like a sharpshooter. Another, more dangerous target works.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:12:16 PM
oh, you'll find out. just wait until the duel reaches a tie, and walk in, pointing your gun at me, and I'll show you how I want this to end.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 07:13:29 PM
 that isn't really Shiro's style...
he would probably shoot you in the ankle. but if that is how it has to be...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:14:36 PM
well, feel free to shoot me in the ankle if you want, but expect to take a shot back, is all i'm saying. you won't die, and it won't be serious. but you will be shot if you shoot me. that's all.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 07:15:45 PM
that is if you know where it is coming from... i do have a silencer and am a Specialist Sniper...
AND i am hiding behind cover.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 15, 2010, 07:16:00 PM
Oooh....a showdown between East and West! I can almost hear the suspenseful music in the background  >:3....(Not like Jaws, but
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 07:19:46 PM

This work? XD
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:20:12 PM
that is if you know where it is coming from... i do have a silencer and am a Specialist Sniper...
AND i am hiding behind cover.

you'll see. Soria's not the one who's going to shoot you.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 07:21:27 PM
ooh great.
jet pilot....

please don't send predator missiles.... they aren't friendly... :(

and this is better than watching TV!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:22:33 PM
ooh great.
jet pilot....

please don't send predator missiles.... they aren't friendly... :(

and this is better than watching TV!

gulfstream is the fastest helicopter in the world. non-combatant
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 07:32:11 PM
Did you send one of knives into the arm? and are they both inert (not usable in current postion?)?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:37:46 PM
hmm, best way to say is that your knife facing down, mine up, and mine is more towards your handle, so that your blade's path to your arm is not blocked. I'm basically, using the normal reaction to push down when being pushed up. I'm still kinda guiding your knife's path by pressing it in between the serrated edges of mine. i hope that was understandable.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 07:40:28 PM
It was, thanks.
So when knives fail... >D
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:47:30 PM
oh, we'll see how this develops. i'm excited to see this fight through.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 07:52:12 PM
Ditto. just know i AM willing to take non-lethal hits XP
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 07:53:58 PM
stop talking about it and ACTUALLY STAB EACH OTHER !!!!!  :P
*god comes down and says to get on with it*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 07:54:06 PM
we'll see. you are my only competition in the world, after all.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 07:57:19 PM
Plus, theres far more then just knives in a knife fight.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 08:03:12 PM
Indeed, your move. what will you do?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 08:04:26 PM
um, landing on your hand like that would have broken your arm.
Trust me, it almost happened to me once.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 08:06:00 PM
<--- Martial Arts for 20 years... it's more like planting it and then making it the pivot for the momentum. I said landing for lack of a better term, as my charat's body is moving to that direction, anyway.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 08:07:33 PM
<------ 10, but yeah, i guess...

oh yeah that's right, you are an elite chinese ninja right,....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 15, 2010, 08:09:21 PM
Commandos a better term.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 08:14:20 PM
<------ 10, but yeah, i guess...

oh yeah that's right, you are an elite chinese ninja right,....

Ninja is such an insult for people like me. I've been a traditional martial artist for 20 years, I do not employ the tactics of a shinobi. I am a warrior in my own right, and I am the head sempai in both my arts. I've won state and regional tournaments all over the US. I am and have been brought up as a man of honor.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 15, 2010, 08:15:14 PM
*holds up hands defensively*
woah man, it's just an expression!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 15, 2010, 08:19:40 PM
But yes, I am one of the rare ones on this side of the world. My training is neither commercial, nor widely practiced. I study the strongest martial art in the world, as well as one of the oldest Japanese arts. My two masters are partially disgraced that I should choose the strongest arts from rival societies, but in the MA world, it is merely proof of one's commitment and skill.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 16, 2010, 04:06:07 AM
whoopie, i like paintball better, but hey... what floats...

anyway, your heli is on fire, but not destroyed. I gave it an option to land, and not to crash. If you were to run without Shiro noticing, either blow up the heli, or run within the next two or four posts. Shiro is a little preocupied. (and that is posts in our little battle, not the whole RP  :P)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 16, 2010, 05:01:08 AM
Course, when your considered K.I.A and your fresh out of a war zone, Survival tends to come first, with diplomacy as an intimidate option.... especially when there's a flaming 'neutral' chopper that was fine a minute ago...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 16, 2010, 01:40:02 PM
oh, i made it work... X)

Post Merge: March 16, 2010, 04:47:33 PM
i know we're supposed to post in english only, but I wanted to post in Japanese to show that there was a personal argument that the Liberation guys were not supposed to hear. Know what i mean? I did do you all a courtesy and posted the translations.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 16, 2010, 07:03:58 PM
Its fine. its translated so im good. and ONE of said soldiers can understand... to a degree. XD
*Jonnas knows russian, german and Japanese (first two are requirements for infiltration, the third is a hobby.)*

though... shiro calls BS.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 16, 2010, 07:35:02 PM
Shinzu! Let me post before going nuts like that!
And, number one... I am NOT on the next hill, I am in a blown out building aiming at an angle to the Helicopter, so he wouldn't be 
two The shot was silenced so no one would know that there was a sniper.
three, he is a specialist siper... i don't think his ears would be perked up over a ledge.
four he is in a blown out building. there is plenty of cover for him to use
five, you just posted about 5 times in the span that i was gone. that is hardly fair. would you wait for my response before sending the Chinese army?
six. just let me post first. My character is a STEALTH character, so I think he can hide, duck between cover, and snipe without being detected.
I am waiting for you to change your post before I post. Please wait so that I can react first.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 16, 2010, 07:38:45 PM
I justify my excuse for my sniper comments is because im GUESSING. i dont know for sure, but i didnt hear anything and the helicopter caught fire. most definitely a reason to believe that.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 16, 2010, 07:44:09 PM
well, it could have been a fuel malfunction. But it was silenced, so there would be NO way to find my character unless he was looking through a thermal scope.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 16, 2010, 07:54:39 PM
Fuel malfunction is possible, but it seems a bit...sudden... for that to have happened. again, just suspicions and assuming the worst.
and again, just a guess, not stated fact.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 16, 2010, 08:44:11 PM
There, edited. And I didn't post 5 times, I just separated Korius and Soria's portions.

Post Merge: March 17, 2010, 01:45:37 AM
well, it could have been a fuel malfunction. But it was silenced, so there would be NO way to find my character unless he was looking through a thermal scope.

thermal scopes won't work out here, it's the friggin' desert in the middle of the day.

Also, you friggin shot the fuel-line and it caught fire. Most high-performance aircraft of all categories have emergency fuel line cuts.

Post Merge: March 16, 2010, 10:35:36 PM
"Woah.... ok... jumping out of a flaming helicopter..."
Shiro watched the... now known Constellation Soldier... fly out with the pilot, land on the ground in front of Jonas, and pulled out his gun.
"Ok, time to take out the competition... Jonas is now outnumbered."
Shiro switched out of the Armor piercing to non leathal ammo, aimed at the stationary Constellation, and shot him through the head.

((You did not say that he had a helmet, so Headshot boom))

that's called god-modding, son.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 16, 2010, 11:01:59 PM
*cracks knuckles*
Chrono i never said I would be running,

and that armor was stainless steel olive green, now splattered with red and brown respectively.

Prepare for a glorious little battle!

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 16, 2010, 11:05:02 PM
Shiro, Korius and the pilot had landed on the roof of the building and was looking down. They are NOT on the ground. They're pretty much covered by the chopper. If you shoot at any of my charats, I shoot the unarmed Jonnas.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 17, 2010, 01:14:55 AM
Hey Shinzuu... can i post tommorow? i just hit by a FUGGIN car and i need some time...

and to correct you, i still have my knife and my MP5.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 02:09:44 AM
for the record, you said you dismantled it so it would be unusable. Furthermore, you have 2 guns pointed at you, one an automatic rifle with a 30-round magazine in it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 17, 2010, 02:19:49 AM
That was just the pistol. the MP5's still usable... and did i say i was going to do anything?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 02:31:51 AM
you were going to post. also, we need shiro to know that he can't god-mod on here.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 17, 2010, 02:39:12 AM
yeah... im going to hold off posting until tomorrow so i can think straight...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 17, 2010, 03:40:08 AM
I apologize. You did not post that you landed on the roof. If i had known that I wouldn't have tried to shoot him.
And, you were not effected by two flashbangs Jonas had thrown earlier, one of which was right under your nose.
I will change my post.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 03:46:00 PM
*le sigh* Entaru, your character is giving me technical difficulties whilst drawing him....I can't seem to create the proper diffrence between a wolf's snout and a fox's snout...*shakes head*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 17, 2010, 04:03:59 PM
wolf's snout it shorter and thicker. Foxes are longer and go back in from the nose.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 04:06:38 PM
so I guess we're waiting on yugian now, then.

wolf's snout it shorter and thicker. Foxes are longer and go back in from the nose.
fox noses are also smaller and cuter than wolves.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 17, 2010, 04:07:35 PM
eh, depends..

and Yugian got hit by a car yesterday, so I think we may have to wait a little bit.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 04:37:27 PM
yea, i know. I'm just asking a question, is all
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 17, 2010, 05:10:25 PM
Placeholder replaced with post. good to go.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 17, 2010, 05:21:03 PM
*le sigh* Entaru, your character is giving me technical difficulties whilst drawing him....I can't seem to create the proper diffrence between a wolf's snout and a fox's snout...*shakes head*

Entaru seems to have that effect on artists.  Phynix Valentine has been working on another version of him and says that she can't get the body right.  I'm used to it by now.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 05:52:37 PM
so I guess we're waiting on yugian now, then.

wolf's snout it shorter and thicker. Foxes are longer and go back in from the nose.
fox noses are also smaller and cuter than wolves.

Thankies you guys....for some reason I always thought wolves had the longer snouts....>.< shows my brainpower right there...

*le sigh* Entaru, your character is giving me technical difficulties whilst drawing him....I can't seem to create the proper diffrence between a wolf's snout and a fox's snout...*shakes head*

Entaru seems to have that effect on artists.  Phynix Valentine has been working on another version of him and says that she can't get the body right.  I'm used to it by now.

Hey now, I got the body down pat (after ten tries >.<), it's just that snout that's troublesome....but now that I know the cardinal rule about fox/wolf snouts I should be good to go! Hoohoohooho *brandishes pencil like a sword*  mwahahahahahohohooo....(Sasha's strange and pathetic version of an evil laugh that sounds more like santa than anything...)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 06:12:00 PM
well, physically, they're longer, but that's just because they're bigger. Where as foxes have the narrow ones of almost equal length.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 06:16:19 PM
I gots it! I gots it! Look! *shows you the paper* See, his nose is perfect now.... :3

Oh, wait, you can't see me through the computer screen, can you? DX  :( Still. Winnage.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 17, 2010, 06:17:48 PM
lol, I can't wait to see it.  :D
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 06:23:11 PM
I gots it! I gots it! Look! *shows you the paper* See, his nose is perfect now.... :3

Oh, wait, you can't see me through the computer screen, can you? DX  :( Still. Winnage.

actually, if you connect to me via Teamviewer, I can watch you work on it, unless you're drawing off the computer, in which case.... GET A WEBCAM ON!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 06:28:58 PM
Webcam? Me? Webcam?  :P I am too secretive a soul to own a webcam. . . . .

And I can't wait to see it as well, because right now its up in the air when my software will finally get here... :/
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 06:29:56 PM
if you get teamviewer, I can give you Photoshop CS3 or CS4 for free. I have multiples.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 06:34:23 PM
That sounds like an incredible offer that will save me $200.  :* Is it possible to save it onto a hardware disk and take it to another computer? I've got two going for me, one has internet and doesn't belong to me, one doesn't and does belong to me.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 06:36:51 PM
Yea, actually, it's a portable version, so you actually can just leave it on a flash drive or external hard-drive and run it. No install required. However, the font available on it will be determined on what fonts are available on the computer you're using it on.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 17, 2010, 06:42:33 PM
Oh boy oh boy! Major squeeee!!!! ^.^ You'd really do all this...for me?  :'( *dramatic face*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 17, 2010, 08:41:34 PM
le what?

therebeunicorns are you doing a group photo of all in the rp or just Entaru? (is a very confused mate of the unicorns who likes gunnery)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 17, 2010, 09:24:54 PM
Oh boy oh boy! Major squeeee!!!! ^.^ You'd really do all this...for me?  :'( *dramatic face*

yea, if it'll help you get done faster, i don't mind.

Post Merge: March 18, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
Hey shiro, the Gulfstream that we left behind has a long-range radio, but you prolly didn't know that since you don't enjoy reading my posts in its entirety
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 18, 2010, 03:16:14 PM
Alrighty then. I'll see what I can set up.  :3

And, Gabag, I'm doing individual shots of all our people.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 18, 2010, 05:50:00 PM
Alrighty then. I'll see what I can set up.  :3

And, Gabag, I'm doing individual shots of all our people.

so do you want photoshop?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 18, 2010, 07:36:46 PM
Oh boy oh boy! Major squeeee!!!! ^.^ You'd really do all this...for me?  :'( *dramatic face*

yea, if it'll help you get done faster, i don't mind.

Post Merge: March 18, 2010, 02:36:52 PM
Hey shiro, the Gulfstream that we left behind has a long-range radio, but you prolly didn't know that since you don't enjoy reading my posts in its entirety

Yeah, but my character doesn't know that. Your character didn't say that out loud for mine to hear.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 19, 2010, 12:09:14 AM
maybe your charat would think it strange how we got another set of chopppers, maybe?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 19, 2010, 01:54:55 AM
well, he is a little wrapped up in seeing his buddy again, so he hasn't thought that yet.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 19, 2010, 08:54:49 PM
Taking into consideration that my guy's only edge is his sniper rifle... can you please not break it?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 20, 2010, 03:43:41 AM
And my lappy brooooookeeeeeee!~~~~~~
...Waaaahhhhhh....  :'(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 20, 2010, 06:54:02 AM
Don't worry...we wont break it.  That would be counter-intuitive.  I plan to take it back with me to Camp Himmler, along with you.  Entaru is about the progression of the Fourth Reich, and this railgun technology is just the thing they need.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 20, 2010, 03:02:00 PM

The nature of the cloning has taken a bit of a toll on Phil's mind, and he's prone to violent outbursts and murderous rage. He is equipped with a shock collar to prevent any unnecessary fatalities, that automatically trigger when the wearer is above 'safe' levels of anger.

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 20, 2010, 04:04:31 PM
Don't worry...we wont break it.  That would be counter-intuitive.  I plan to take it back with me to Camp Himmler, along with you.  Entaru is about the progression of the Fourth Reich, and this railgun technology is just the thing they need.
Well, Yurian is the only one who has a slight idea how they got it to work... but he doesn't have the engineering know-how or the tools to fix the few remaining bugs  :S
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 20, 2010, 06:37:06 PM
Moon: YOU PET ME AGAIN OMG WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!! Stop it!... >:( grrr....

Burgandy: Hey, hey, hey, take the easy street, yo...relax....just go with it....

Moon: Yeah, I'll relax...when pigs get up and fly to the moon!

Burgandy: Well, you could always put a pig inside a rocket...then it would totally fly to the moon,,,

Moon: Shush. You are confusing my train of thought. And shouldn't you, like, get down from the roof? Unless you're planning on riding up there the whole way back. Nighttime can be quite cold in Tennessee.

Burgandy: I'll get down when I feel like getting down, you little brat!

Me: *looks up over her head* Ignore the voices coming out of nowhere, they but babble. *glares at them puts the tykes back in their box* And Entaru, your signature is sad... It makes me want to cry :'( I believe the Jabberwocky is an invention via Lewis Carrol, but I'm probably wrong... :/ On that note, doth anyone have some anti-psychotics to spare?

Luna: *raises her hand* can't guarantee the results, but...

Me: BESIDES the voices in my head?

Luna: *looks around and sees no-one offering anti-psychotics* Well, that is unfortunate...

Me: *goes and assumes the fetal position in the corner* :( I would wave a "yay" banner for the capturing of new gunnery technology by the Reich...but my entire being seems to have had the "yay" sucked out of it...T.T

Moon: Don't listen to her, she's evil and crazy...did you know on her standardized test in 8th grade she was asked to write an essay about her hero and why that person was a hero to her? She wrote about Hitler! Hitler I tell you!

Me: Look, cheeka bonita, I only said that Hitler was my hero because I felt spiteful and wanted to freak the test people out, okay? Besides, I justified all of the paragraphs and outright admitted some of the things he did I didn't support because they were wrong, might I quote: "How unusual that I could admire someone like Hitler, you ask? Well, I will tell you the reason my morale sways so. The reason I look up to Hitler is because that dude had more passion in his eyes than any of us could hope to achieve. I don't admire the killings and the bloodspillings, but what I can appreciate is his determination to just get up and take it all by force! Get what you want! Never give up! Take opportunities as they present themselves! Now let me elaborate for you poor confused, test-reading souls." 

Moon: I cannot believe you memorized lines from an essay you wrote. You probably have the rest of it in burnt in your brain too...

Me: I know, right? I just thought it was worthy of memorizing. Probably the best essay I wrote all 8th grade.

Post Merge: March 20, 2010, 07:07:31 PM
You know....I just now noticed that I have never looked back at my character sheets from the moment I started playing.  So I have completely neglected that I claimed Atreyu owned a shotgun and Moon was a play-time medic, whislt also ignoring Burgandy's weapons...and pretty much everyone else's weapons as well. Oh well. Apparently the story is flowing just fine without these things...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 21, 2010, 12:02:17 AM
And Entaru, your signature is sad... It makes me want to cry :'( I believe the Jabberwocky is an invention via Lewis Carrol, but I'm probably wrong...

Yes, you are correct, the Jabberwocky was created in Through the Looking Glass in a poem Alice read.  My signature is from a video game based on Alice in Wonderland.  It's called American McGee's Alice.  Alice has been in the Asylum for the last ten years or so because her entire family died in a fire, and Wonderland has warped because of it.  The signature is the conversation between the Jabberwocky and Alice, just before they fight.

And I pet you if I want!  Muhahahahahahahaha*cough*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 25, 2010, 12:12:56 AM
Been stuck for a bit... post ya bloody fox...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 25, 2010, 04:10:43 AM
Oh... okay, one sec!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 25, 2010, 04:11:38 AM
Don't forget to get on From The Woods RP as well, you tart. Kitt's been stuck, too.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 26, 2010, 03:38:30 AM
*laughs* Chrono just pwned Entaru... :P...I like that guy's attitude...

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 03:40:44 AM
Phh, Entaru is just playing dumb.  Yurian will eventually get annoyed and spill the beans to make Entaru sound like a fool.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 26, 2010, 03:42:34 AM
Dangit needles Interrogate him faster

i'm bored!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 03:47:16 AM
Boredom is the greatest torture of all.  A week in solitary can drive most people to the brink of madness.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 26, 2010, 03:51:29 AM
I'm sure you two...

Ugh. Why did I get stuck playing with a bunch of boys?  :P

Moon:What about ME?

Me: YOU are going to go to bed and stop trying to climb out the window.  >:( You wouldn't last more than, like, seven seconds in the parking lot...because you're tiny and non-fleet of foot like that...

Moon: There isn't a bed in here.

Me: Time to make a bed, I guess.......just curl up on that couch in the corner...there you go...

Burgandy: And what about ME?

Me: or something... :S
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 26, 2010, 03:52:08 AM
You drugged someone who hasn't rested for two days, tie him up, and expect him to stay awake to answer questions he doesn't want to answer...

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 26, 2010, 03:53:04 AM
I'm sure you two...

Ugh. Why did I get stuck playing with a bunch of boys?  :P

because babe

you love me, who doesn't nowadays  B)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 03:57:07 AM
You drugged someone who hasn't rested for two days, tie him up, and expect him to stay awake to answer questions he doesn't want to answer...


Don't tell me you never heard of "Sleep Deprivation".  They used to do it all the time in GitMo.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 26, 2010, 04:01:23 AM
I'm sure you two...

Ugh. Why did I get stuck playing with a bunch of boys?  :P

because babe

you love me, who doesn't nowadays  B)

Oh, whatever, Johnny Bravo... :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 26, 2010, 04:02:40 AM
If you say so...

but just a warning, Yurian will probably forget what you want to know if you keep it up long enough.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 26, 2010, 04:03:11 AM
Yea Momma

Let's do the Monkey!
*does the monkey*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 26, 2010, 04:05:00 AM
*Opens a door to a random female, who sends Gabag flying with a smack of her purse, then she walks back through the door Chrono opened* You seriously have bad kharma when it comes to dancing.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 26, 2010, 04:06:38 AM
*holds a Rail Driver to Chrono's head, now completely serious and in battle armor*

THen that means I have good Karma when it comes to highly overpowered rail cannons.

*clicks the trigger and a doughnut comes out*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 04:09:03 AM
so THATS where my donut went...

Fine...have it your way Chrono.  Things are going to get messy.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 26, 2010, 04:10:01 AM
See? See? This is why I can't stand boys, they always think it's nessacary to be violent.

Especially Entaru but that's....yeah...I don't even need to comment...

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 26, 2010, 10:33:16 AM
your the one who made an rp about the future and Nazis

what do ya expect?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 26, 2010, 05:05:06 PM
Moon isn't in a cell Shinzuu, she's in my office asleep by the door.

Entaru likes Moon, Uni.  Even if she was going to kill or maim him, the letter opener just made him like her more.  She's bloodthirsty, and he admires that in such a small child.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 26, 2010, 08:05:13 PM
kk, i'll edit it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 27, 2010, 04:52:57 AM
your the one who made an rp about the future and Nazis

what do ya expect?

All right, Mr. Smarty Pants, don't get cocky...

Moon isn't in a cell Shinzuu, she's in my office asleep by the door.

Entaru likes Moon, Uni.  Even if she was going to kill or maim him, the letter opener just made him like her more.  She's bloodthirsty, and he admires that in such a small child.

I seem to have noticed this....>.<; lol....but she no like YOU...

Moon: I might a little...

Me: *gasp* did I really just hear that?  o.O can't possibly...I mean, you kinda wanted to stab the guy in the eye........

Moon: *looks up*...Hmn? What? I didn't say anything...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 27, 2010, 04:54:26 AM
The best Denial is sarcasm :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 27, 2010, 04:59:29 AM
So true...tell that to my bf, please... >:(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 27, 2010, 05:42:16 AM
So true...tell that to my bf, please... >:(

Don't hate me because i'm a fun lovin guy!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 27, 2010, 05:43:12 AM
Not you, dork, my rl're
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 27, 2010, 05:44:27 AM

ruin'd my entertainment'

Oh well, Phil is having a lobotomy and Yurin gets lucky....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 27, 2010, 05:46:43 AM
Poor Phil.... :'(

I'll save you! *uses my ninja skills to sneak in then realizes the doctors pack some serious heat* Oh, crap...didn't think of that....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 27, 2010, 05:48:40 AM
It's ok



when it's really late at night, things start to get strange when I post
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on March 27, 2010, 05:51:25 AM
I believe I have noticed this about you, mate....XD....

....I wonder what Soria is up to....DX
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 27, 2010, 05:53:15 AM
give me 7 hours and I'll be back to normal....

maybe 10 hours
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on March 27, 2010, 06:15:05 AM
*tapping fingers*

Dodododo... wait on my fox wing man....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on March 27, 2010, 04:11:36 PM
Sorry yugian, i completely missed your last post! *rams head into brick wall repeatedly*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 28, 2010, 03:25:00 AM
Shinzuu, you're so mean, leaving Yurian tied up and without any means to cut the restraints...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 28, 2010, 04:25:51 AM
One problem with getting out of the ropes, Chrono.  You're hanging snout down.  Your arms and legs are suspended behind your back and you're looking at the ground.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 28, 2010, 04:30:20 AM
Unless I made a mistake in memory, my arms and legs are all in one bundle around the pole. He was looking down, but he had to stretch his neck back to do it. Thats because he was tied up like a caught animal, his legs and arms tied together, his back to the floor.

I've actually been posting based on the idea that he was tied to/around a pole in a permanent 'touching toes' stretch.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on March 28, 2010, 04:31:03 AM
still getting that lobotomy....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on March 28, 2010, 04:37:31 AM
You can ome out of it if you want Gabag.  I'm sure you'll feel quite refreshed.

We'll let therebeunicorns decide how you were hanging, though as advisor for Fourth Reich I'd say you were hung in the reverse.  It would be more painful that way, which is fine by them seeing as you are an enemy soldier.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 28, 2010, 04:39:10 AM
I chose the position because I felt like I wanted to at least humilate the bad*** I turned Yurian into, as well as showing the Nazi's had a sense of humor by tying him like a caught boar :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on March 28, 2010, 11:22:57 AM
You must remember, Chrono. We're on different sides.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on March 28, 2010, 06:02:51 PM
Yurian don't know that... hes just happy that someone let him out, and 'this' side of him is used to having guns pointed at him, its kinda like the dog equivalent to a spray bottle :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 01, 2010, 02:27:53 AM
Well, well, advisor vs an advisor.  This should be interesting.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 02:31:20 AM
That reminds me... whos the advisor of the Liberation?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 01, 2010, 02:41:28 AM
No one as of yet...I don't think anyone grabbed it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 02:47:35 AM

*looks around, then pounces on opportunity* I'll be Liberation advisor :D

*The heavens send lightning bolts and the earth gives way*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 03:57:06 AM
Hoo boy this is just what I need, a ginormous fight and Chrono as an Advisor. But he's been there for*sniffle*...I guess I'll give him the...the Liberty of being an Advisor...*bursts into dramatic tears* I think I'm just going to have Moon sleep through this...a little girl walking into the middle...just doesn't seem that brilliant to me. >.< Besides, if she hasn't slept in forever it's understandable.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on April 01, 2010, 04:06:37 AM
Since Ian is being lazy, and since I have to wait for him to post before I do, I am gonna drop out.
I will have words with my friend...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 04:09:14 AM
Alright. I have not been that assertive with him, have I?  >:(

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Alice The Necrofox on April 01, 2010, 04:10:35 AM
he is one of those types. jumps on to a forum, makes a big splash, then leaves. His allegence is with the Toutou (spelled right?) Fandom.

Eh, what can I say?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 04:17:09 AM
My only problem is, exactly how big of a force is Liberation number-wise?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 01, 2010, 04:19:40 AM
At the moment?  Not very big.  Bigger than Constellation (a squad at most) so far but not as big as the Fourth Reich (An invading force).  Liberation is still recuperating from the nuke.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 04:24:41 AM
Well, Liberation basically has control over North America and South America and a few island states. They are like the current United States Government times three in vue of power. They have a strong army, navy, air force, marines, etc. However, since the Reich invaded, the force in North America has been severely weakened, many of their numbers have been reduced, and they are kind of doing a double take right now...trying to gather themselves after the bomb, I guess is how you could put it.

Numbers...well....I'd say its quite a lot if they have control and residence over so much territory. Less than the Constellation (who has, like the entire right-side of the world under their thumb) but fairly close to Reich for numbers and territory....

Entaru, you are accurate as far as North America is concerned. But when I wrote all that above this line I was kinda thinking more entire world-wise.....

And I just blabbered stupidly, so....*instantaneous hammer to my head*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 04:29:08 AM
*stops hammer* No, you actually answered my question... Entaru just had it specified to the rp's location. :P

Although, if both Shrio and Ian are going to leave... that means we just lost a few good men :S

*pulls out a megaphone* All hands to battlestations Mr. Jennings, prepare to invade the camp and extract both Yurian and Project Sniper's Rail!!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 04:33:23 AM
I the math I guess.

More Nazis means yet another reason for me to look for a Nazi cosplay costume, though.... ;) Chuu.......

And I was, eventually, once this RP got a lot of ground, going to introduce some major Liberation NPCS for myself, and see if it was humanly possible to try and write something about Hitler and Choaw themselves....but we don't have enough pages for me to be that dramatic yet.  :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 04:38:40 AM
Hm... in order to discuss this in detail, we must PM the conversation, shall we... Missus Unicorns?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 04:40:25 AM
You take the lead, then...

cause I'm clueless unless you ask me the questions about what you need to know first.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 04:45:57 AM
You leave me no choice then...


Super Pwn Punch!!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 04:53:37 AM
And you leave me no choice either...It isn't nice to hit girls...


...This pink fog around my friend here is actually a deadly run!  >:3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 01, 2010, 05:14:02 AM
*pulls out a fan and blows away pink fog*

Muahaha :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 01, 2010, 05:16:46 AM
Why you... :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 02, 2010, 11:00:36 PM
Now would be a very good time to be saying "OH ****!!!!", Shinzuu.  By the way, I'm not killing Entaru off (as much as it looks that way).  I'm hoping to get him some serious prosthetics (never could spell that word).
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 02, 2010, 11:12:15 PM

I love that word.

Post Merge: April 02, 2010, 11:20:42 PM
At this point, I'm going to let the others catch up. Also, I don't care if I get a strike for this, but....

I'm holding a Free Art Raffle that is an Exclusive for TFF. XD
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 02, 2010, 11:38:49 PM
Alright, but Entaru has Moon now.  She is the preeeeeeeccccccciousssssss *gollum cough*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 02, 2010, 11:56:22 PM
*wiggles eyebrows* Omg you guys, do you, like, enjoy seeing my eyes widen in shock every time I check back here or something? Im on a road trip right now, but ill see if I can type something up for this on the way back. >.<

Post Merge: April 03, 2010, 01:40:36 AM
Ugh, forgot i was waiting on Howl...Ill post just for Moon then DX nows the time when speaking on her part would be useful but of course I can't do that. :(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 01:56:59 AM
Wah...that almost made me cry!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 02:04:47 AM
What did? Lawl. DX Didnt know Entaru was all.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 02:06:41 AM
*sniffle*  Entaru VERY sensitive...Entaru hide it under cruelty and sadism. *sniffle sniffle*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 03, 2010, 05:47:02 PM
Ok, Chrono, there is no way in Hell that you can do all that without Soria blowing your fraggin brains out, let alone just grabbing Moon and running. Very unlikely and Very Impossible.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on April 03, 2010, 07:11:22 PM
Since Phil's plan failed once again, because Yurian could somehow anticipate that he was the armored soldier from before. The area shook as Eurofighter Typhoons battled the MIGS from the Constellation. One Eurofighter shot down a MIG Easily, but then was flanked and destroyed by another. The dogfight would last quite awhile, but Phil wouldn't care.

Phil climbed over wreckage and corpses, and came to the door to Entaru's office. He saw a woman holding her gun to Yurian's head, but she wasn't in Nazi uniform, so she was a hostile. Phil sprinted towards her and tackled her to the ground.

someone forgot that I made a post, where I tackled you to the ground, giving Chrono an opening.

Very improbable, but not impossible
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 08:17:50 PM
If you want to talk about impossible, try grabbing me and Moon while we are in the crevice that I specifically said that no-one except the child and the half fox could fit in.  When I wrote it I meant it to be inaccessible to everything but bullets and heavy lifting equipment.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 08:24:37 PM
Looks like we have a dilemma here. Am I going to have to delete my post (and you could ignore it for now) or are you guys gonna work this out by the time I get back? I'm very confuzzled. >.<
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 09:04:35 PM
Hey Uni...I sent you a PM of how you can settle this REALLY quick.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 09:07:31 PM
Yes, that's exactly what I was planning on doing quickly if you guys couldn't settle on who got Moon. I might as well go ahead with it...*nudge nudge*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 09:41:01 PM
Okay, Yurian is still trying to get Moon out, and he nudged Needles away with his rifle while making a bigger crevice with his second-to-last round.

Come on, hes offering to take the nazi with him!!  :(
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 09:58:03 PM
Don't aren't going to be hurt, Yurian. Cause you're helping and all. UGH. I despise the limits my phone has on typing posts. >.<
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 10:06:25 PM
*evil giggle* Time to run children!  >:3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:08:56 PM
Hmm? What? I DIDNT SAY NOTHIN! XD Yayyy, this is the first time I get to do this with Moon *pompoms*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:09:12 PM
*evil giggle* Time to run children!  >:3

If she runs, Yurian is going to leave you in that hole to die...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:10:33 PM
She's not running away. Luna would not find any fun in that.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:28:08 PM
Uh, Uni, exactly how are you able to protect something if its out of your reach?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:31:11 PM
Ill tell you if you tell me what that crevice is constructed out of...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:31:45 PM
Cement....and steel...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:32:57 PM
Oh. I see then, I can do that...>.<
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:35:00 PM
Oh. I see then, I can do that...>.<
How about, drag his body out to where Yurian can pull him out, and I'll modify the post to where we're all (except Shinzuu and Gabag because they're getting intmate) making a run for the Liberation heli :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 03, 2010, 10:40:17 PM
I don't think he gets it yet. *evil cackle*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:42:21 PM
I don't think he gets it yet. *evil cackle*
Oh, so I am supposed to leave you there.. well that clears things up  >:3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:45:27 PM
How about you don't get cocky there,'re all going on about how I cant reach him, and now you say I can do it easily, what you want from a girl yo? Anyway, I'll post and get him out but I cannot gurantee you Luna won't go after Soria while the three of them are running. She kinda has revenge on her mind now...things have changed since we last PMd. I thought this would be easy, but nooo...
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:49:17 PM
How about you don't get cocky there,'re all going on about how I cant reach him, and now you say I can do it easily, what you want from a girl yo? Anyway, I'll post and get him out but I cannot gurantee you Luna won't go after Soria while the three of them are running. She kinda has revenge on her mind now...things have changed since we last PMd. I thought this would be easy, but nooo...
Okay... when I ment 'how can you reach', you went to my shoulder, and said you would protect Entaru, but not mention about moving him at all (yes, I know I'm acting like Shinzuu)

You could have got him within my reach before getting on Yurian's shoulder, so Yurian could actually get him and Luna out of the base.

Post Merge: April 04, 2010, 06:51:34 AM

wheres the transition between the crevice and getting on Yurian's shoulder?!
*Tears his horns off, and they regrow just in time to get torn off again*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:53:52 PM
Okay, see, but I was utterly confused because I have been going off the post that said you took them BOTH and ran. That means Im automatically on his shoulder and you're automatically running. Did you change your post to say something different? >.< UNI is LOST, EVERYONE. 
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 03, 2010, 10:55:59 PM
I changed my post after I saw:
If you want to talk about impossible, try grabbing me and Moon while we are in the crevice that I specifically said that no-one except the child and the half fox could fit in.  When I wrote it I meant it to be inaccessible to everything but bullets and heavy lifting equipment.
and then explained what I was now doing. Yurian is still trying to 'everyone' out, he has not even started running. He is waiting on you to get Entaru out enough for him to reach in and pull him all the way out.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 03, 2010, 10:58:02 PM is Uni's fault cause her phone is a dork and she didnt read your changed post. *puts on the Cap of Shame*

Post Merge: April 03, 2010, 11:09:31 PM
I'll just go with what you're saying. Feel free to ignore everything about the running and the being on your shoulder until I change my posts (which I cannot do right now). She still saw a broken mirror, but it was on the ground next to the crevice. And now she goes to pull Entaru out...and I still wear the Cap of Shame. D:
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 04, 2010, 12:50:34 AM
*eats cap of shame, then shakes her like a bottle of ceaser salad dressing* We both messed up, and Entaru takes the blame for not helpin' !!

*spits out the cap of shame, and crams its on Entaru's head*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on April 04, 2010, 01:06:33 AM
PLEASE forgive me, I was in Naples Florida, visiting my Grandfather who wanted me to see his new home (He moved from Natick, Massachusetts, close to where I live).

I completely forgot to tell you, but by the time I remembered, I was in the airport, boarding my flight.

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 04, 2010, 01:10:44 AM
Its okay...Ive never striked anyone and I dont think I ever will the way I've been going >.<
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on April 04, 2010, 01:16:06 AM
xD Thanks, I've been "striking" the back of my head for not telling you about my trip, so your covered on that one.  ^_^
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy on April 04, 2010, 03:21:00 AM
I changed my post after I saw:
If you want to talk about impossible, try grabbing me and Moon while we are in the crevice that I specifically said that no-one except the child and the half fox could fit in.  When I wrote it I meant it to be inaccessible to everything but bullets and heavy lifting equipment.
and then explained what I was now doing. Yurian is still trying to 'everyone' out, he has not even started running. He is waiting on you to get Entaru out enough for him to reach in and pull him all the way out.

if you didn't notice, Soria has no intention of letting Entaru live, or you to take Moon out.

Post Merge: April 04, 2010, 03:28:11 AM
Ok, since my character is somehow not allowed to do anything in response and ignored and somehow even magically warped away from the scene, I'm out. I no longer want to be a part of this RP.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: HowlTheGrayWolf on April 04, 2010, 03:31:48 AM
I'm saddened to hear that, Shinzuu, your story was very interesting. You'll be missed in this RP.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 04, 2010, 05:14:08 AM
I got your message, Shinzuu. :) It's all good and I understand. Thanks for breaking it to me easy, though I do believe I'll be the one that will miss you the most. ;_;
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 08, 2010, 07:45:41 PM
he is one of those types. jumps on to a forum, makes a big splash, then leaves. His allegence is with the Toutou (spelled right?) Fandom.

Eh, what can I say?

You can say your very much wrong. i am NOT like that, espically when i keep getting points delivered to me in the wrong fashion  >:(
Remind me to pull a nuke on your sorry behind later. you shall not taint my RP honor  >:3
and its Touhou, but thats not my only addiction...
SO yeah. problem solved, sorry again for AWOL'ing.
...So Yurin, you at a friendly or enemy base? was told a good point would be to meet up with you so... yeah.  :/
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 08, 2010, 08:41:30 PM
I just got extracted from the Nazi base, carrying Moon/Luna, and Entaru with me to the closest allied base possible
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 08, 2010, 11:25:45 PM
Then i guess thats the base then. thanks!
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Lone-Wolf on April 09, 2010, 12:21:07 AM
Name: Ross
Are they neutral or do they have a certain preference? Indifferent
How do they feel about the war? Has a general apathy for human/furkinds capacity for war
How did they react after they first were forced into the bomb shelter?
Ross was isolated when it happened, and his only option was to hide in an antiquated bomb shelter, and sleep with the skeletons.

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Look at my profile pic, I feel like being human in this one
Clothing: Dark Blue Jeans, black tattered shirt and frayed fingerless gloves
Weapons: A swiss army knife, and a .32 caliber revolver, but with only one bullet
Accessories: Ross was able to scavenge a few bandages and a (amazingly still in date!) chocolate bar form the bomb shelter, he also carries a solar charged MP3 player, which is currently turned off to preserve power.

Biography: A young boy who has seen much tragedy, Ross holds a great deal of empathy for mankind and has little faith in it or indeed himself, when he was a young boy his father left his mother and was replaced by a pathetic snivelling shell of a man, while his pyschologically damaged brother killed his mother and was awaiting execution in prison before the bomb went off.

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 09, 2010, 12:23:08 AM
Name: Ross
Are they neutral or do they have a certain preference? Indifferent
How do they feel about the war? Has a general apathy for human/furkinds capacity for war
How did they react after they first were forced into the bomb shelter?
Ross was isolated when it happened, and his only option was to hide in an antiquated bomb shelter, and sleep with the skeletons.

Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: Look at my profile pic, I feel like being human in this one
Clothing: Dark Blue Jeans, black tattered shirt and frayed fingerless gloves
Weapons: A swiss army knife, and a .32 caliber revolver, but with only one bullet
Accessories: Ross was able to scavenge a few bandages and a (amazingly still in date!) chocolate bar form the bomb shelter, he also carries a solar charged MP3 player, which is currently turned off to preserve power.

Biography: A young boy who has seen much tragedy, Ross holds a great deal of empathy for mankind and has little faith in it or indeed himself, when he was a young boy his father left his mother and was replaced by a pathetic snivelling shell of a man, while his pyschologically damaged brother killed his mother and was awaiting execution in prison before the bomb went off.

So...Liberation I'm assuming, or are you Constellation?
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Lone-Wolf on April 09, 2010, 12:24:32 AM
Liberation, coz I'm in Calberry  :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 09, 2010, 03:37:54 AM
Liberation, coz I'm in Calberry  :P

If you are reffering to Calbey, the town I talked about in the first post, then that town is demolished now...or not really demolished as much as turned insane and on its head.

But yes, I'm glad to have you here! Feel free to start posting.  :3
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 10, 2010, 05:45:26 PM
Chrono, you do realize it's not smart to try and force Luna to look at herself. right? even if she does turn back to Moon, she wouldn't leave the world without a fight.....>.< just be careful......
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 10, 2010, 08:40:48 PM
Yurian is completely ignorant as to who Moon is or why she was there.

So go nuts, but don't kill him :P
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Lone-Wolf on April 11, 2010, 12:19:32 AM
Is anyone even near Calby? Coz I'm just wondering aimlessly at the moment
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 11, 2010, 03:18:35 AM
Well, if Maria n' them can manage to get away, they want to go back and look for Moon even though she's not there. They could come across you while they're there and pick you up or something.

If not, then you can keep wandering until you get to a base outside of Calbey, and interact with Yugian's char, then Chrono's and mine once we get there.

Post Merge: April 11, 2010, 03:29:56 AM
Umm....I take that back after I've read your post. Seeing as how you're dying over there, you could probably make a post where you are picked up by a Liberation recovery team and head to a base right away. They''ll patch you up with a smile and get you feeling better again. It wouldn't be a good idea to wait for Maria's gang, though....she's going to be awhile...

Or you could be picked up by Nazis! They're all over Calbey now, and they'll save you too if you give them a good reason!  :D *is trying to be happy playing on all sides...again*
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 11, 2010, 07:37:38 AM
Im just chillin... XD

Whilst im waiting, is there any good RP's that need people? got plenty of time on my hands, and would like something to do.  :/
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Lone-Wolf on April 13, 2010, 10:52:39 PM
I think I'll be picked up by the nazis, coz I want one of them to say "Vee have vays of making you talk!!!!!" lol, jk but I think it'll be more interseting from a plot point of view if I get picked up by them
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 21, 2010, 03:39:53 AM
Why does everyone think Entaru's a pedophile?  :S  He sees Moon as a daughter...for reasons yet to be disclosed.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on April 21, 2010, 10:22:45 AM
he's a creepy man who performs 'medical' experiments (aka torture) on prisoners and developed a weapon that drives people insane

people can make assumptions


ner appearance of character if he was a commie, just remove the red stars for the one i want to use
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 21, 2010, 01:27:01 PM
Why does everyone think Entaru's a pedophile?  :S  He sees Moon as a daughter...for reasons yet to be disclosed.

Because you're awesome like that. And not to mention if you're a really creepy-ish evil-ish character, then people are going to assume the worst like Gabag said.

Though Gabag, I thought Entaru told Phil what he was doing and who Moon was when he went to that town in the first place, while they were driving there....otherwise one would have to assume Nazis go around picking up random kids and dropping random bombs.....they probably do do that, but still.....*goes to look it up*


Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 25, 2010, 03:00:56 AM
Alrighty, I am going to do something evil to Howl since he seems to have died, but I won't kill him, just in case he comes back sometime.

Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 25, 2010, 03:07:46 AM
Alrighty, I am going to do something evil to Howl since he seems to have died, but I won't kill him, just in case he comes back sometime.

can't be as evil as tying up a child and making her answer questions she apparently "doesn't remember". So I redeemed myself by giving Moon food, since Liberation soldiers are too dignified to just toss the child out of the base and leave her to defend herself.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 25, 2010, 03:14:59 AM
Gee, thanks.  :3

Though since I am GM, I know for a fact Liberation wouldn't be so nice to her anymore if they knew she was a Naxxi weapon....they're kind of angry and stuff at the Reich for nuking understand...... ^_^ I hope she gets out of there soon. (With Atreyu...and...not with Nazis! Then they can go be happy somewhere alone! Yayyy...)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 25, 2010, 03:30:14 AM
Gee, thanks.  :3

Though since I am GM, I know for a fact Liberation wouldn't be so nice to her anymore if they knew she was a Naxxi weapon....they're kind of angry and stuff at the Reich for nuking understand...... ^_^ I hope she gets out of there soon. (With Atreyu...and...not with Nazis! Then they can go be happy somewhere alone! Yayyy...)
You could tell that to Yurian, and he'll still watch out for her, since her age makes it obvious that she wasn't a willing weapon. Hes just gonna be a bit rough since hes always used to being either the silent one, or the one who goes alone.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: x on April 25, 2010, 03:37:02 AM
She kinda did just tell him.  :P Ish.

....So he'd be all nice and keep it a secret for her?

Yes! *punches air* She has an ally. Ish. Being a bit rough is okay, I suppose....
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on April 25, 2010, 05:57:55 AM
Knowing the Liberation and how nice they are Entaru

they might actually comply with your request without objection.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Entaru on April 25, 2010, 05:59:35 AM
*Shrugs* whatever works.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 25, 2010, 03:34:37 PM
Hmmm....your calling for a real officer eh entaru?
Im available. liberation yes, but officer rank which qualifies me for interrogation... >D
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 25, 2010, 09:34:37 PM
Hmmm....your calling for a real officer eh entaru?
Im available. liberation yes, but officer rank which qualifies me for interrogation... >D
Um, I think seargent and above are cleared for interrogation. But it would be more suitable if you had background knowledge of interrogation. Yurian would be a bad choice because he could care less if Entaru lives or not. His only concern is Moon's well-being, and that probably won't change even if you put him at gun-point :P.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 26, 2010, 01:44:24 AM
Hmmm....your calling for a real officer eh entaru?
Im available. liberation yes, but officer rank which qualifies me for interrogation... >D
Um, I think seargent and above are cleared for interrogation. But it would be more suitable if you had background knowledge of interrogation. Yurian would be a bad choice because he could care less if Entaru lives or not. His only concern is Moon's well-being, and that probably won't change even if you put him at gun-point :P.
Jonnas Makes a half decent choice. as a stealth unit and Captain, He'd of definitely received training in resisting interrogation, and some training in making some targets talk. Not a full formal training as an interrogator would have, but enough that if he needed to get some information he could get it by force or talking.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on April 26, 2010, 01:47:35 AM
Forget Ranks and interrogation skill.

Phil is still going to snap you in half to kill Yurian

no use in resisting a man on the edge, has people issues, powered suit of armor, a damaged control collar, and a lust for revenge.

Look out world, It's the one guy who will ruin your day, and week, and month, and year

Focus on what's important, like surviving the wrath of a crazed ex- liberation clone used by nazis who's now AWOL
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Chrono Blackwyng on April 26, 2010, 01:50:38 AM
If that is your reasoning, then Yurian is more qualified than you. He has had training in what you've mentioned, and hes a recovering psychopath, which thretening to bring out adds a little more to his resume'.

But go ahead and tell the interrogator to step down if you think he won't get the job done.

Gabag, you don't have even a clue where Yurian is, and won't reach it since they took a helicopter to the base. Plus Yurian has a score to settle for someone putting their hands on his gun without permission; yes, he still has that obession with his rifle, but anyone with that kind of power would be edgy if someone else tried to even touch it.
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Gabag on April 26, 2010, 01:56:17 AM
that aint stopping my omnicidial clone

he'll find a way, probably filled with brutal killings, interrogations, hostage takings, and beating up a few nazis for a helicopter.

Sounds fun
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Yugian on April 26, 2010, 01:57:42 AM
Jonnas survived the nuke, so if its a psychological thing, they both got scars... guess the factor that jonnas would CARE if he lives would make him a better choice... and jonnas has no clue about the AWOL guy. not on his mind.
He'll only intervene if the integration fails to produce valid information, or is danced around with too much. dont fix what aint broke.
(*Showering now, brb*)
Title: Re: Our Plagued Reality: Us and Them (OOC-OPEN)
Post by: Lone-Wolf on April 26, 2010, 11:16:23 PM
Gabag, maybe I could be hiding in a nazi helicopter you stole? You know, because I  would be attemting to escape from the nazi base I'm in :?