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Author Topic: Trigonometry: The Pellicians Plight (Open)  (Read 1364 times)

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Trigonometry: The Pellicians Plight (Open)
« on: December 20, 2024, 06:09:26 AM »
Hello! I am new to this website and want to start a serious role-play about a city recovering from a war. Reply to this post with your OC pages and let me know if you want to join!

Roleplay Scenario Description:
In a twisted futuristic dimension, a world is barren in most places. Humans have thrived through their grand castles and agriculture until they stumble upon another race... Animals turned to human likeness. War proceeds their discovery and after half a decade the human empire is in shambles while the Animals have to find out how to live in a world devoid of war or be annihilated by the problems that come their way. Most anthropomorphic animals are synthetically made and now live in Pellicia and all were guaranteed to have fought in the war.


#1. No NSFW, fighting, and mild descriptions of blood are allowed but no gore
#2. You don't have to change your OC's but maybe we can add some military time to their backstory to help them fit in better.
#3 The narrative style is more book format, so dialogue and paragraph spacing are necessary.
#4 Have fun, I'll let you know if there is an update to the rules.  :3


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