Author Topic: What Is Going On?! (An Open-Ended RP)  (Read 19805 times)

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Offline Rayleonarde

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What Is Going On?! (An Open-Ended RP)
« on: January 01, 2021, 10:02:32 AM »
You've woken up in the quiet little town you've called home for years. The new year, 2021, has just begun, and things have started to get weird.

-Character Sheet-






-End Sheet-

In this RP, I will be playing as the world, as it were. I'll put up events, and you, player, can act as you would. This's gonna be a pretty un-serious Serious RP, unless it does get serious. If you've any questions or concerns, feel free to message me.

(To note, I'm writing this pretty late at night [or early, depending on how y'look at it] so if it's a bit weird to read, I apologize.)


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