Author Topic: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.  (Read 1379 times)

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Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« on: August 05, 2017, 05:06:42 PM »
My mind has become a warzone due to this. Lately I'm just struggling to find happiness. I'm watching the world go down the crapshoot. Humans keep causing more and more trouble while solving little of it, and I wish I could do something to help, but the little I can do isn't enough. I try to take my mind off of the dreary parts of life, but with what?

Every time I look forward to a video game, it blows up in my face. I am just begging for new games that star non-humans, but when Yooka-Laylee disappoints, Hat In Time's going to be there to rub the salt in my already bleeding wounds from years of frustration and disappointments. Same thing with movies, every time one comes out that I look forward to it gets bad reviews. But even worse: The **** that gets treated as perfect is typical "Humans are the absolute good" type garbage. Even with competitions I have a hard time watching them. The Patriots ruined football for me, Tombstone ruined Battlebots, and everytime I watch one, there's usually one team that pretty much cheats their way to victory. As a result, I've little to watch.

Sure, I could watch shows about animals, but every time I think about animals, I think about how many are endangered or on the verge of extinction, and many other bad things. Which brings me to another thing is that even when I TRY to think happy thoughts, it always links to bad ones. Even my one true current joy in life, which believe it or not happens to be fatfurs, can be linked to things that make me feel sad. I think about Dobbins the Bear, his soft huggable frame and his cute, hammy rap about himself, but then I think about bears and other animals dying out or the fact that fat characters are usually either villains or typical "Over-eaters who fart a lot" type characters.

I also feel like I've no one to talk to. The problem isn't that no one understands me, but that no one ATTEMPTS to understand. No one tries to understand WHY the things that anger me do so or WHY I'm misanthropic, they just label me as this horrible human being without even trying to understand misanthropy or anything. And every time I try to see the good in life and the human race, people just make me feel WORSE. And every time this happens, that just brings me closer to insanity.

I don't even know what to do or where to turn to anymore. I just wish I could have someone to talk to who won't judge me.

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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2017, 11:14:01 PM »
I also feel like I've no one to talk to. The problem isn't that no one understands me, but that no one ATTEMPTS to understand.
I tried to understand you, now you have to click "show post" to read this, right next to a lovely "this user is blocked" note.
I tried to help. You will undoubtedly deny this, but I'm sure anyone who reads those threads will agree with me.
You sound like me when I dye my hair back and wear eyeliner a little too heavily. One must be open to being helped for another to help them.

I'm not going to like someone who seemingly proudly admits to hating LGBT people, why would I like you when you (seemingly) proudly admit to hating literally every human ?
It's no hard to see
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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2017, 01:01:24 AM »
As far as I know there never was a time where everything was perfect, conflicts will never cease to exist, I say this because I believe you are referring to the world being on the verge of world war 3 perhaps? Which is not true by the way, and if you weren't talking about that then I ask you to clarify how the world is going down the crapshoot, we have been through so many periods worse than this. If you want to distract yourself from the bad things in life, which is absolutely normal, look for things you like and be engaged to them, but I will talk more about this later.

Video games are a business, businessmen invest in what people buy, and do you know what people like? In gaming, people prefer games with human protagonists because it's easier for them to empathize with someone who shares something similar with them, this is also the same reason why when you look for a relationship you want to find something you and your partner have in common, and when there is a non-human protagonist, this becomes harder because of the different species and there is no way around it. So, if you want games with anthros or animals as their protagonists, you have to look into indie games since indie developers are not as interested in business as big companies, the problem is... indie developers have less resources and not always their ideas are good, which means indie games may not meet your expectations quality wise. My suggestion for this is... expand your horizons, and if you want to play good games with non human lead characters there are hundreds of very good ones for older systems, just to entertain yourself while waiting for one that is good and new at the same time.

Something here doesn't add up. You claim to be misanthrope but you let reviews spoil movies for you? If you don't trust humans, why do you care so much about what they write about a movie that you were interested in? Also, if you don't trust people, you may think that they were paid by the competition to write those bad reviews, shouldn't this be a good reason to watch the movie yourself before giving up? And most importantly, don't say a movie is bad just because the reviews say so, watch it first so you have your own subjective view about it, there are some movies that I personally enjoy but are considered mediocre or bad by the critic, this happens because personal taste is a thing and changes from individual to individual, if you were excited about a movie it may be because your personal taste is not the same as the people who wrote those bad reviews. Also most of the times movies are made to be entertaining, not to portray reality, with some exceptions of course, if you put thriller-like elements in a movie like cheating, mysteries, a person to catch for committing a crime etcetera, it's done to make the movie more interesting and captivating, not to make you build a sense of distrust towards the subject of the movie. If that happens to you though, you are quite susceptible and it's not the movies' fault.

I'm 100% sure you love nature, but again, something doesn't add up. Extinction is a natural process, it happened countless times in the past and it's going to happen over, and over, and over, until there are no species left on Earth. Nothing lasts forever, even the things you enjoy and love are going to disappear or turn into something else, there are no exceptions and I can understand how hard it is to accept, but it's how it works. The key here is to accept and embrace it, once you do this you are not going to see it as a deal breaker anymore and you will enjoy the good things in life much better than now.

Again: death is completely normal, bears die just like humans, ants, bacteria, every living organism does, don't let this stop you from enjoying life. About fat characters, let me give you the example of superheroes since you mentioned villains: superheroes should have unique qualities and skills, something to make them in fact "super". This means superheroes should be positive figures with traits that the average person would admire, say a higher intelligence or super strength for example. I don't see how being fat would help a superhero being a superhero, and most importantly, I don't think promoting being fat as a good thing is a great idea, let me explain why: I know you enjoy fatfurs, but don't you agree that being too fat or even obese is the opposite of healthy? Don't you agree that it's dangerous and potentially life threatening? Let's be rational, obesity is not a good thing, if a person you cared about was obese you wouldn't encourage them into remaining obese but you'd fight for them to get better, because you want them to live a better and healthier life. This is why a fat person is not suited for a superhero, because being fat is not something you should be looking up to, instead, they are used as villains to do the opposite: create a character that yes may be stereotyped but at the same time doesn't promote an unhealthy lifestyle.

It's actually quite easy to understand why, just look at the definition of misanthropy:

If you come out as a misanthrope people will automatically think you despise mankind, which is not exactly what someone looks for when they want to make friends, isn't it? I don't think you are a horrible human being, there are people who kill and rape children, let's not compare tomatoes with computers. If you want others to understand your feelings don't let those feelings define you, because if you show a general distrust towards others you are not going to be approached by a lot of people and you are not going to receive much sympathy from them either. If you feel like there is nothing you can do, look for professional help, consult a specialist, a therapist, a psychologist, their job is to help people come to terms with what they are facing in their lives to have a better future, which is what, in my humble opinion, is what you currently need.

It's true that we were never the perfect species some media makes us out to be, but there are people trying to help. I guess my problem is that some of the people doing to most harm are also the most powerful people on Earth, like for example Donald Trump. (Opinion) As for "make my own happiness" I think that's the problem. I don't want to have to make my own in order to be happy. Yes, it's nice and it helps, but I also want to look for real-life happiness, like something to look forward to that won't blow up in my face.

This, I feel, is actually untrue. The people that generally care about what the main character is are actually somewhat of a niche, and the ones that do generally want non-humans. Most people couldn't care less what the main star is. There are some people who absolutely need to play as a human (like a lot of critics) but I think non-humans are an untapped potential. I think another thing is that they don't even need to be mains, but they can still be playables. In Ever Oasis, the majority of the playables are humans called "Seedlings" but there are also tall lizard women, small bunny foxes, and "Fat = Strong" type cyclops scorpions. ...I also have a problem with "older games." Thing is... I've played most of them, and I want to see some new games that are great staring non-humans.

I'll usually watch those movies and like them. I've seen a lot of animated movies and, honestly, most I've actually had a fond likeness for (Ice Age 5 is legit terrible IMO, though. ...I have a soft spot for Manny though). But at the same time, even if I enjoy movies with talking animals and games, reviews still make me feel bad. I guess it's not enough for myself to like them, but for the majority to as well. That may be my problem.

Now a days, sad to say, we are responsible for most extinctions occurring. That's not true for all creatures, though. I have a lot of sympathy for the Little Brown Myotis, a creature that is (or was) dying out but, you know, this one actually wasn't our fault. ...But then there are other creatures like several species of rhino who were hunted and poached to extinction. I know extinction is natural, and though we try to slow it down, extinction will happen eventually. Even humans will eventually meet their end someday. Nothing's immortal. It's still a very sad thought, but I accept it.

I have tried to explain this before, but yes I am aware that being fat is unhealthy, especially in real life. As for fat superheroes, while I can't think of any superHEROES who are fat (Maybe Bouncing Boy counts, I guess), the X-Men villain The Blob kind of has the same thing going for him that a lot of my characters have, in that they incorporate a fantasy element that fat things are much harder to penetrate and deal damage to than skinnier creatures. There actually is a little bit of truth to fat-armor, as it's used in the world of boxing, but obviously The Blob, Jiggler/Buyon, and a lot of my other characters greatly exaggerate this trope. But the reason I love them isn't because I want to be fat or want others to, but because they are so big and dense, like huge living walls, and that gives them the illusion of being a living wall. Some of the furrier ones are also kind of cute and look very huggable. As for realisim, a lot of my characters from Really Fat Hero live short lives due to their health, but at the same time, they are also like exaggerated sumo wrestlers, they are fat but also very strong as well, combining lots of muscle as well as fat. And bringing up Ever Oasis again, I have to admire the makers for creating the Serkah race. They're so... ugly. Their faces are asymetrical, they're very fat, they overeat... and I like them. I like the fact that they had the courage to make a race of goodguys who were fat and ugly looking, that would be doomed to be unpopular except to a small group of people, but the makers created them anyway. Fat heroes are definitely rare, but every time I see them (Snorlax/Po/Pango from Klonoa/And, yes, the Serkah) it makes me smile.
...But to reiterate, I treat these giant walls of fat and muscle as they are: fantasy characters. I know they don't reflect what it's like to be fat, and I don't want people to become fat or anything like that, but I still love my fantasy fatfurs. :3

While it's true misanthropes don't particularly like their own kind, that doesn't always make them evil, especially if they use their misanthropy to drive themselves to be the best person they can be. I cannot tell you how often I have the urge or desire to do something drastic, but I don't, and I never will and you know why? Because I want to be a good person. If I do drastic things, that will make me a bad person so I don't do them. I try to be nice to people I like, I love my family and my pets, I go into work with a good attitude (most of the time), and I always donate to charity when I get the chance. I even gave five bucks to the girl scouts once... without buying any of their cookies. And the man selling cookies started pointing me out to his daughters with comments like "that nice man donated to our cause." That kind of made me feel good inside. Yes, I don't like my species, and I may never unless we can really improve and get some new powers who can help us out as a species, but that doesn't mean I'm evilhearted or anything like that.

Edit: A few things I could argue about fat characters: You mentioned that fatness is an undesirable trait, right? That's why it can often be used in heroes who are supposed to be the biggest underdogs. Po fits this almost perfectly, as no one expect him to evolve into what he did over the franchise. You could argue that Po isn't really all that fat, but he's SUPPOSED to be fat, and it's used to create an underdog. Both Ricky from my Really Fat Hero concept and the Porcupine from Splendimals also have this somewhat going for him. Ricky's constantly belittled for being so slow and heavy that most villains can just run laps around him, and although his belly is heavily resistant to bullets (again, fantasy aspect), his head isn't. Ricky likes showing off against gun wielders who are idiots. ...But that makes it even harder for when he has to fight competent gun-wielders.

The porcupine from Splendimals (Who I'm leaning towards either naming Spike or Pierce) has... no real point. He's big and fat but a lot of his enemies are either bigger and fatter than him or wield lightsaber-esque weapons that just effortlessly slash through fat.

Another point I can bring up are creatures who are naturally fat. Hippos are an obvious one, and they're not as slow as you'd think. Rhinos can also be considered pretty hefty. Some pinnipeds like walruses and elephant seals actually rely on fat to survive. It may not help us hairless humans much, but it helps keep some animals warm and makes their skin thicker and more difficult to penetrate, so fatness isn't always undesirable. It may be among humans, but it's useful for bears and certain sea mammals.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 10:42:09 PM by BennyJackdaw »

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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2017, 01:47:07 PM »
As far as misanthropy goes, I dislike a lot of the things our species does and the fact that a lot of our problems we're sweeping under the rug, but I don't hate any one particular people. Rori, you said I dislike gays and lesbians, but I don't even know where I suggested that. I really have nothing against them. Again, I distrust our species as a whole, but I don't just outright hate a person randomly. If someone seems like a good person, I'll try to be friends with them. There are certain people I do have a genuine disdain towards, but usually I try to be reasonable unless I feel a person deserves being treated unkindly. ...Though I know people who would argue to treat all people kindly even if one thinks they don't deserve it. I'm not sure.

But misanthropy isn't the blind hatred of all humans, just the general dislike of many of the things our species does. And, like I already said, a lot of the worst aspects are caused by very powerful people and corrupt leaders and their henchmen.

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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2017, 04:09:44 PM »
I didn't say you hated LGBT (you missed the B and the T thereson ;) ), it was a mere example: "If someone openly hates x then I dislike them for the same reasons you openly dislike y" if that clears anything up for you.
As for you personally, there's a host of reasons I dislike you, mainly how you think I'm a right-wing hunting activist because I said there are benefits to it. I am the most left-wing person a lot of my friends know, yet you pigeon hole me as a terrorist because I said putting some lead in a few animals for money is alright once in a while

If you wanted no one to question you then you shouldnt be posting this online. Go back to your safe space if you dont want to be challenged.
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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2017, 07:42:46 PM »
I didn't say you hated LGBT (you missed the B and the T thereson ;) ), it was a mere example: "If someone openly hates x then I dislike them for the same reasons you openly dislike y" if that clears anything up for you.
As for you personally, there's a host of reasons I dislike you, mainly how you think I'm a right-wing hunting activist because I said there are benefits to it. I am the most left-wing person a lot of my friends know, yet you pigeon hole me as a terrorist because I said putting some lead in a few animals for money is alright once in a while

If you wanted no one to question you then you shouldnt be posting this online. Go back to your safe space if you dont want to be challenged.

I'm not even going to go into the ****-up details of hunting, I'm just going to point out why I hate hunting and hunters so much without the colorful bits.

I hate hunters because they feel the need to shove down my throat how "oh so angelic" hunting is when I try my hardest to find out what we're doing other then that. I look for things people are doing to help animals that isn't slaughtering them or hindering them in some way, because I want to believe there's more to humans that just destruction, but no. There's always going to be hunters who's life revolves around convincing everyone that slaughtering millions and millions of animals is oh-so helpful, and this tells me there's nothing else to our species: that we're parasites, that we're too selfish and lazy to find real methods of helping animals, so this is how we "help" animals while our own species overpopulates, destroys every other habitat just so we can have just a little bit more of our own habitat, and we won't even control our own population by cutting down on breeding, despite kids spending their lives in orphanages because people need their own child.

What also burns me about hunters is that any time someone speaks up against hunting, no matter how unjust it is, whether it's hunting a creature to near extinction or poaching, hunters will always find an excuse to defend it. Hunters will always be there to ruin my mood even when I FINALLY find something to look up to.

Another reason I hate hunters is because most I've met and talked to won't lift a finger for animals outside of it. They don't spread awareness of dying animals or go out and save injured animals or clean up the environment or donate to charities or volunteer for animal shelters or any of that, all they do is support hunting and every single cruel practice that sends hundreds upon thousands of animals to their death while also demonizing people who do other things for animals. Note: this is the vast majority of hunters I've met, and from what I can tell most of them do not have any genuine appreciation for other life cause, if they did, why do they only "care about animals" if they get to shoot them?

So pardon me for going off the handle every time someone brings up hunting, but honestly hunting is pretty much driving me insane. Sometimes at work all I can think about are all the animals who have done nothing wrong but exist that have to be put down that didn't need to if humans would just clean up their act, realize they're not perfect and find other ways of helping animal populations, as well as their own, without taking lives. I also lose sleep thinking about this stuff. So, yeah, it may sound like I hate you for no reason, but I've had to put up with hunters all my life, and they are one of the big reasons I'm misanthropic. They're not the ONLY reason, but they're a big one.

With all do respect, I'd rather not talk further about hunting. For once, people, please respect my wish to not want this shoved down my throat. ...For once, please.

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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2017, 07:47:21 PM »
I have a bed
I have shelter
I have security in where I live
I have access to information and knowledge
I have people who love me (I hope)
I have friends (I think)

I know most people don't share the sentiment, I that's all I need to be happy.
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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2017, 11:31:06 PM »
Now adays, I feel like I'm the only person who cares about animals. I try to do google searches on people who are helping animals, but all recent posts I get are "Caring about animals is evil" and "I don't care about animals" and pro-hunting. I try my hardest to look at the good, but where is it?

There must be people out there who are helping animals, people who are doing more than just kill them, animals that are coming back from the brink of extinction thanks to methods outside hunting and killing. ...But why can't I find them? Why can I only find people who don't give a **** and people who only "care about animals" if they get to slaughter them.

This has been driving me nuts for years, and I don't even know how much longer I can take with this burden. Please, help me see past the hunting and lack of consideration. There must be something else to the human race than destruction.

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Re: Having a hard time finding things to be happy about.
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2017, 11:56:38 AM »
I have a dog called Tom, he's well fed, I take him on long walks outside thrice every day, he's loved and cuddled almost like a baby. However, I eat meat. Does this make me a bad person? Does this mean I don't care about animals? There are literally thousands of videos and websites entirely dedicated to people who love and care about animals, are you sure you are Googling the right words? I have never seen anyone saying that caring about animals is evil, if they do they are either trolls or pretty dumb people, so why would you listen to them in the first place? Ignore them, this is the Internet, there are going to be a lot of people trying to upset you by saying lies like that, if they annoy you just look to the other side because believe it or not this world is not entirely rotten.

Why can't we find them? I don't know, I see them every time I type "animals" on Google, there are entire organizations which provide food and hospitality to hundreds of different animals, once again, something about what you Google is not right if the only thing you find are people slaughtering animals. By the way do I really have to point out how hunting has nothing to do with not caring about animals? We are natural hunters, get over it, it's how nature works: there are hunters and prey, hunters kill prey and feed themselves with them, I don't see how humans should be an exception since we are animals too, having the gift of reason doesn't change the fact that we are animals, our organism is made to metabolize and assimilate proteins contained inside meat, and any diet without meat in it has been proven to be not as effective and healthy as a "normal" diet where meat was distributed over different meals in a proper way.

Please, help me see past the hunting and lack of consideration. There must be something else to the human race than destruction.

There is and it's right in front of your eyes, but you decided to close them instead.

Meh, I guess not. I eat meat, I guess. I'm not as miffed by it as some other forums of killing. Sure, it does make me sad, but I understand it, I suppose.

Like I said, I don't want to go into hunting. You know my opinion of it, so there's not much more I want to say.

I'm still having a hard time seeing it. I tried typing in things like "I care about animals" and "animals brought from extinction" and I get the exact opposite of what I'm looking for. Is there a magic word to search for?

Back on fatfurs for a moment, I'm still working on my game, except I am having to redo the entire game. My comic, also, I'm still working on, but I'm struggling to get through writing some of the story to get to the parts where fatfurs are wailing on each other and absorbing blows, so I have to keep thinking to make every page interesting. Still, fatfurs are one of the few joys I have in life. I love drawing them and making things about them. I know they're fantasy characters, but I still like them.

On another note, I guess I can be happy knowing Sonic the Hedgehog actually produced a really good game recently for once. Sonic Mania came out and it's actually getting good reviews. ...Though Sonic's track record's hilly and tends to have periods where he gets good games and periods where he gets really bad games. He must have run up the hill, but how long till he runs back down.


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