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Author Topic: Going Home (Dead Thread)  (Read 2717 times)

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Offline Ginger Ale

  • Chatty Cheetah
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Going Home (Dead Thread)
« on: August 14, 2017, 08:31:51 PM »
All questions and out of character posts go here. Although it is the OOC board, still try to stay on topic.

1.) No godmodding, metagaming, etc. Look these up if you don't know what they mean.
2.) No romance between playable characters. Relationships with NPCs may be mentioned, but should not interfere with gameplay.
3.) Misspellings are acceptable only if the reader can understand what was written. Same with grammar.
4.) Colored text is fine as long as they don't distract readers (no dark colors, rainbow text, small font etc).
5.) No magic.
6.) No OP technology. Weapons and gadgets of playable characters have the same capabilities as we have in the real world.
7.) Before making major decisions with NPCs, bring it up in the OOC. Use common sense deciding if a decision is major or not.
8.) Thoughts go in italics, speech in quotations, actions in plain text, and foreign phrases in bold, with a translation in brackets immediately following.
9.) Normal text should be in third-person limited point-of-view, and in past tense.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 10:10:34 PM by Ginger Ale »
"and maybe we weren't put on this earth to rape and pillage and ravage
because god created puppy dogs and god created kittens
and our love creates a power plant
that generates this world
and if we stop now
then we'll just disappear into oblivion"

-andrew jackson jihad

Offline Ginger Ale

  • Chatty Cheetah
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  • Species: american badger/ground pangolin hybrid
  • Coloring: green
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: haven't measured in a while...
  • Build: A bit of muscle, but not a lot. Scales abound.
  • Currently: trying to make sense of everything
Re: Going Home
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2017, 04:56:51 PM »
Enormous as it was, the vessel that contained the first Earth-bound Areans had safely landed on the large terrestrial planet. As Lozenge had expected, both him and the rest of the crew were incredibly restless, wanting to get out of the ship as soon as possible. After all, they had all been living in it for nearly two weeks longer than planned, thanks to complications with landing. Upon closer inspection while in orbit, their initial candidate for landing was completely waterlogged, and the crew had to adjust their position drastically.

Lozenge had, upon landing, sent the message to the UMS of their safe landing. Along with being the ship's mechanic and repairman, he was responsible for communicating with UMS, and making sure everything went as smoothly as possible. After about 20 minutes, they crew received a message back from mission control telling them to deploy when ready.

"Alright everyone, this is what we've been waiting for. Get your suits on, ready your weapons, and don't stray too far from the ship. The danger of an attack is low, but still very possible, and very serious. Secure the area in a mile's radius and be careful," Lozenge spoke to his shipmates with sincerity. "Report anything unusual through the intercom, and don't use your weapons unless absolutely necessary. Now, let's make history."
"and maybe we weren't put on this earth to rape and pillage and ravage
because god created puppy dogs and god created kittens
and our love creates a power plant
that generates this world
and if we stop now
then we'll just disappear into oblivion"

-andrew jackson jihad

Offline Inb4Cloaker

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  • Coloring: He has white fur all around with the exception of his natural stripes, which are black. His eyes are light orange.
  • Height: 6'6
  • Weight: 157 Pounds
  • Build: Thin and tall, very dexterous and flexible. Not incredibly muscular but still in shape.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: All alone in a combat zone.
Re: Going Home
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2017, 11:16:33 AM »
Listened to his leader intently and nodded, having been sat on a bench nibbling on some rationed bread for the past few minutes. The wolf wasted no time filing back to the armory to retrieve his gear, having already been wearing the standard issue outfit he was given. Once he had reached his locker, the canine swung it open and silently withdrew his weapons and a plain, black plate carrier of his choice. Slipping it on over his standard issue grey shirt, the wolf tightened it before snatching a backpack and small medical pack from the table beside his locker.

"Ready?" The wolf asked to his fellow shipmates as he wrapped his grey shemagh around the entirety of his head. Now fully kitted, the wolf was prepared.
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“I’m gonna miss seventy-five percent of my shots one-hundred percent of the time.” -That guy with a ton of ammo.

Offline Dazed

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Re: Going Home
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2017, 12:22:42 PM »
Nexul would run to the armory, sparing no energy. Upon reaching his locker he would unlock it and remove his belonging. A tan cap he placed of his hand, Durable fiber gloves on his hands, hiking boots on his feet and a lightweight utility vest on his torso. Within the vest he place a cartography device that would trace a sillouette of the area around him- With a stylus for adjusting the map, detailing, and adding note. He left the adapter that would be used to put the map data onto other devices and for printing behind, as it was of no use to him yet. He placed his knife in its holder, located on his chest, and grabbed three loaded xm8 magazines with a 30- round capacity. He also grabbed an extra 20 bullets, just it case. He place the magazines in holders across his chest, and the bullets in a small pouch on his side. Finally, he grabbed his xm8- Unloaded, and with the safety on, and closed his locker, locking it.

He'd the re-join with the rest of the group, but instead of joining he'd already be walking off. Before heading too far, though, he stopped. He ran back in and grabbed a radio headset. Turning to the group, and the leader of the entire expedition, he asked
"A mile radius? That's not a whole lot to work with, but alright. And define unusual- Everything's going to be unusual, you know?"

Offline Ginger Ale

  • Chatty Cheetah
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  • Species: american badger/ground pangolin hybrid
  • Coloring: green
  • Height: 5' 10"
  • Weight: haven't measured in a while...
  • Build: A bit of muscle, but not a lot. Scales abound.
  • Currently: trying to make sense of everything
Re: Going Home
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2017, 01:58:28 AM »
"It's just a precaution," Lozenge turned to Nexul, "We can't ignore the possibility of ferals or intelligent creatures. Hopefully there won't be any problems with either. As for unusual stuff, just use your best judgement."

Lozenge addressed the whole group, "Once you've got your gear ready, head on out. Keep the line clear unless it's important."

The pangolin checked his headset and his gear, then proceeded outside, grateful that the humidity wasn't too much to bear.
"and maybe we weren't put on this earth to rape and pillage and ravage
because god created puppy dogs and god created kittens
and our love creates a power plant
that generates this world
and if we stop now
then we'll just disappear into oblivion"

-andrew jackson jihad

Offline Inb4Cloaker

  • Avid Aardvark
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  • Posts: 56
  • Gender: Male
  • Golpe De Estado.
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  • Species: Urban Tabaxi
  • Coloring: He has white fur all around with the exception of his natural stripes, which are black. His eyes are light orange.
  • Height: 6'6
  • Weight: 157 Pounds
  • Build: Thin and tall, very dexterous and flexible. Not incredibly muscular but still in shape.
  • Reference: [link]
  • Currently: All alone in a combat zone.
Re: Going Home
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 02:17:58 AM »
The wolf adjusted his the small headset underneath his shemagh and turned it out, allowing it to emit the quiet, encrypted messages that enabled him to be able to communicate with the rest of the team. Finally ready, the wolf filed out of the armory with the team and once again listened to his commander before heading outside. The canine let out a small sigh of relief as he gazed over the surrounding area. Finally, no longer a prisoner of that tin can... Speaking of prisoners;

"Hey, Comandante, what is the policy on the taking and treatment of prisoners? Cause I gotta' lot of handcuffs and I've been practicing my kicks a bit..." [Commander] The wolf spoke into the headset as he held down the communications button next to his ear. Victor noticed that his voice was distorted slightly when he spoke into the headset, but not overly so.
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“I’m gonna miss seventy-five percent of my shots one-hundred percent of the time.” -That guy with a ton of ammo.

Offline Dazed

  • Foxy Fox
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Re: Going Home
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 03:53:07 AM »
Nexul turned around, and started to head off to the wilderness again. Silently he flicked his cartography device on, and walked away. As soon as he had come in contact with the soil, he started to jog away. He'd avoid as much underbrush as possible, though would still encounter some slow-down due to the untamed environment. After a short while, he had stopped, and started to walk a circle around the landing point, allowing the cartography device to map out the area.


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