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Author Topic: Burden of Heroes (Closed)  (Read 4275 times)

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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2017, 05:05:30 AM »
Sierra nodded to the wizard and put a glowing hand to his magical sore to try to heal it up a little, though it wasn't much considering she was focused on making it to the tower. Sierra took one last look at the castle and couldn't but feel something was wrong here...but she shook it off and kept going.

Sierra made it as far away from the castle as she could but her armor made running very strenuous on her body, so she had to stop and take a break to regain her stamina. Sierra put the wizard down and made sure he was comfortable and made sure they were out of sight as she starts removing her armor.

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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2017, 02:20:41 PM »
"My Queen, it is time" the queen's right hand man said. "The assassin's were informed of the general location, briefed on what to do, and sent on their way. They should arrive and the deed will be done within the next few hours" the man said with a sneer. The Queen couldn't help but grin in spite of herself. "I want that damned kings head on my mantle by tomorrow, tonight, their kingdom falls. You've done good, go take a night on the town" she said to the man. The man nodded, turned, and took his leave. As the assassin's traveled along the path, they all passed by a large abandoned looking tower. None of the assassin's paid it any mind however, for their prize would be much more rewarding than anything the tower could provide them.
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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2017, 04:29:51 PM »
[size=0px]2 sets of dense footsteps came close as Raz and Sierra came closer to a broken wooden mailbox.[/size][/size][size=0px]Suddenly, a gangly red oak leg stepped over the trail of former slaves and watched them pass, until the other Guardian, a fat bulbous one, kneeled down beside the trail and he perked up at when it saw it's master, then the red oak ent saw Raz, and it spoke in a British voice, "Master... You, madam, climb into my hands, I will get you to my master's tower.", the ent bent down and placed it's hands in the ground with a bowl shaping of their hands upwards.

The fatter one sensed evil in the area, the assassins, so it decided to go after it before the ent stopped him, "I sense it too... but we need to protect these people... then the master will tell us...", the golem grunted and walked along the former slaves.[/size]
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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2017, 08:11:24 PM »
Rick kept running, his sack making loud clinky noises from all the metal equipment inside, he glanced over at Sierra with awe, he had never seen such good looking armor.

He ran to match the paladin's pace and edged in closer and stopped in front of her

"Greetings" He said with energy, his huge bag of stolen goods sagging over his shoulder

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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2017, 08:14:05 PM »
Sierra was just about to take her armor off when Rick walks up to her. She looks him up and down, noticing the bag full of stolen goods, that probably clanked with sound of armor and weapons. Sierra has seen Rick's kind before as she was not some fool knight and put a hand on her longsword.
"I think it's best you keep moving, lest you want to start something." Sierra says moving over to keep Rick well away from Raz should he try to steal from him.
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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2017, 02:40:35 AM »
As the assassin's closed in on their destination, they all began planning. They determined that a third of them would all go into the main building and smite the royal family, while the rest plundered the city looking for anything valuable. Soon, they reached their destination. "We should wait until the moon is higher up, brothers" one of them suggested. With all of them nodding their heads in agreement, they decided to wait for one hour.
  • Avatar by: Alaskantwin
"I want money. I want power. I want women. I want to save this world. The way I see it, greed is no different than hope. You don't see a problem with having too much hope do you?" ~Lin Yao/Greed

"You've got a pretty warped view of ethics, don't you?" ~Edward Elric

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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2017, 02:54:42 AM »
The ent looked down at Rick, "Excuse me, cretin, but I'd very much appreciate it if you would leave the lady, and all these other people alone.", Raz suddenly woke up and started twitching and coughing violently, he looked up at Sierra, "Wh-where are we...?", the ent looked at his master, "Oh dear... Madam, please, climb into my hands, we must get my master to his tower! Quickly!", Raz then tried to get up from Sierra's arms, despite him showing that he was in so much pain, "N-no... S-something's n-not right... I-I must g.... g... go... ahhh...", Raz then passed out again, his human illusion fizzling and dissipating to reveal his bare body and his glowing soulstone in his chest, "Master!! M-madam! Please!", the ent cupped his hands again, extremely eager to go to Raz's tower.
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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2017, 03:27:23 PM »
   Carl was walking with the group of slaves as it seemed that most of the furs where becoming like scared cattle. Then more so, some where starting to blame the others for the whole day. And of course there was the one guy crying over his cabbages. While Carl was in some deep thought that now they where involved in something way bigger then expected. "Bess, old girl... I think we got our hands full of moldy dirt and old seeds." He told his hog as she seemed to nod in agreement with him. Though the golem was a frightful presence to the old squirrel, manly since he has never seen anything like it and the unknown crawls down his back like frosty ice. But kept his head low and hoped this nightmare of a day would just end....
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Re: Burden of Heroes (Closed)
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2017, 03:54:21 PM »
Rick looking rather annoyed, dropped his sack. It made a loud clunk as it hit the ground.

"Who's a cretin!?" He said, pointing to the ent "Hey, did you just call me a cretin?!"

He clenched his fists "You aren't getting away with calling me a cretin!". He cracked his knuckles, obviously trying to pick a fight "You damned tree"


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