Author Topic: Need some help outside home :(  (Read 361 times)

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Need some help outside home :(
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:14:57 PM »
Well were can i start.....

I had a best friend his name was Aaron i used to do everything with him, go everywhere with him and now its all gone......

It started out a few months ago Aaron had another friend his name was Andrew. Andrew was one of those people that i didn't get along with. Andrew always  fighted with me he made fun of me for having autism he talked behind my back all the time. He then start calling me swear words on youtube! After awhile i asked Aaron to just hang round me when Andrew was not around. He did for awhile but then he was with Andrew one day and i was with Aaron so then me and Andrew had a fight i got upset. And after awhile i told Aaron to not hang round him anymore. It may sound rude of me to say that to Aaron but i just did.

Aaron started to not hang round him but then a week later it happened again. And Aaron kept telling me that he was making fun of me behind my back. I told Aaron again why is he hanging round him and Aaron said: "OK i wont hang round him anymore!" Then it happened again and then again and again. It kept hurting me because Andrew always said stuff that just made me want to punch him round the mouth! But i didn't. I said to Aaron "Aaron you do know Andrew is really upsetting me by making fun of me and bullying me." Aaron said again OK i wont hang round him! But then he did again so when i saw him with him i said that's it Aaron im not letting you lie to me anymore!!! Andrew then step in you know insulted me sweared at me then he grabbed something and then trowed  it at me as a dogged it! I was about to jump over the fence and beat the life out of him but then i got in trouble with my stepmother. After it was over i felt so black inside so upset so angry.   

So i left Aaron but then Aaron started getting nasty. First he started fighting with me on Xbox and Facebook spamming my emails with him fighting. Then he started insulting my friends from school on Xbox. He also started making me feel really bad about leaving him. And the thing that worry's  me the most he has threatened  me. You see Aaron knows my secrets and its so Private that i would not tell much people only who i trust the most.

Im feel so threatened and frightened by him im scared in case he tells my friends from school and everyone i know!                   

Im sorry if i wrote too much its just hard to explain without so many words i just need some advise on what to do if you help i will be grateful   :'(
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 10:19:35 PM by RedJay »
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Offline KittehChibs

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Re: Need some help outside home :(
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 01:38:12 AM »
Sadly, this is a very common thing while growing up. You make friends, and some will move on from your life to make way for new ones.

But the most important thing is, you told your friend how another person's behavior was making you feel. A true friend would have stood up for you and told the other boy to knock it off. While its good for our friends to have friends of their own, its not ok for them to disrespect one another. So as far as your friendship ending with Aaron, it might be time to let go and move on.

A spat over XBox.. its best to simply brush that off, and his threats, as it is just a way for them to be in control. Chances are, your friend is following the influence of the other boy and he will have to learn himself where those actions will lead him. So long as neither of them actually try to physically harm you, just ignore them both. The best thing about being your age is that there is always something new coming up for the other kids to talk about, so even if he does blab, it will be forgotten. 

Hope that helps somewhat. =x
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Offline RedJay

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Re: Need some help outside home :(
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2012, 02:29:26 AM »
Sadly, this is a very common thing while growing up. You make friends, and some will move on from your life to make way for new ones.

But the most important thing is, you told your friend how another person's behavior was making you feel. A true friend would have stood up for you and told the other boy to knock it off. While its good for our friends to have friends of their own, its not ok for them to disrespect one another. So as far as your friendship ending with Aaron, it might be time to let go and move on.

A spat over XBox.. its best to simply brush that off, and his threats, as it is just a way for them to be in control. Chances are, your friend is following the influence of the other boy and he will have to learn himself where those actions will lead him. So long as neither of them actually try to physically harm you, just ignore them both. The best thing about being your age is that there is always something new coming up for the other kids to talk about, so even if he does blab, it will be forgotten. 

Hope that helps somewhat. =x

Your right i shouldnt be worrying over him he is just trying to get me down and i wont let him do that! Its happend to me before and im not going to let it happen again!
Thanks very much for taking a interest  and giveing me some advice  :)
*Hugs cookies and hugs*

Offline KittehChibs

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Re: Need some help outside home :(
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 02:41:49 AM »
Sadly, this is a very common thing while growing up. You make friends, and some will move on from your life to make way for new ones.

But the most important thing is, you told your friend how another person's behavior was making you feel. A true friend would have stood up for you and told the other boy to knock it off. While its good for our friends to have friends of their own, its not ok for them to disrespect one another. So as far as your friendship ending with Aaron, it might be time to let go and move on.

A spat over XBox.. its best to simply brush that off, and his threats, as it is just a way for them to be in control. Chances are, your friend is following the influence of the other boy and he will have to learn himself where those actions will lead him. So long as neither of them actually try to physically harm you, just ignore them both. The best thing about being your age is that there is always something new coming up for the other kids to talk about, so even if he does blab, it will be forgotten. 

Hope that helps somewhat. =x

Your right i shouldnt be worrying over him he is just trying to get me down and i wont let him do that! Its happend to me before and im not going to let it happen again!
Thanks very much for taking a interest  and giveing me some advice  :)

You're welcome. =3 Don't be afraid to ask for help or an open ear in the future.  ^_^
Keep the cheezeburger, I can has your soul?


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