Author Topic: I Think I'm Spreading Myself too Thin  (Read 954 times)

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I Think I'm Spreading Myself too Thin
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:43:04 PM »
I think I'm trying to do too much at once. I'm taking difficult classes in school, I do martial arts, I am slowly improving my artwork, I'm learning Russian, I'm learning to play chess better, I'm a moderator on a Discord server, etc.

I don't know what to do now, because I've been piling new interests on top of one another and have been managing it pretty well, but there are two problems here. First, I don't feel proficient at all of these things at once. My schoolwork takes priority, so I've maintained straight A's this year, but I'm finding it difficult to make time for my other interests, and my short attention span makes this worse. Second, even if there's no problems other than what I just mentioned yet, there may be some in the future. Eventually I might have another really bad mood swing and drive myself insane or something.

The only thing stopping me is the fact that a lot of my friends know about all of my interests, and if I stopped some of them, I don't know what they'd think.

So, what should I do in this situation? How do I decide which of my interests I actually want to continue pursuing?
"and maybe we weren't put on this earth to rape and pillage and ravage
because god created puppy dogs and god created kittens
and our love creates a power plant
that generates this world
and if we stop now
then we'll just disappear into oblivion"

-andrew jackson jihad

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Re: I Think I'm Spreading Myself too Thin
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2017, 08:34:07 AM »
I am not a life coach, and in the end, it's only you who can decide what to do. But I can provide some insight if you like, you can take it or leave it.

First, it sounds like you are stressing yourself out far more then necessary. Do you have anything you like to do to unwind? Do you do it as often as needed, or is your time only focused on work related endeavours? I know your time is tight, but you will have to priorities and drop some things that will not bear you any fruit. (All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Or in your case, could make you go crazy.)

What is it that you truly enjoy above all the other things? If you are not sure, don't panic, you still have time. Making decisions while you are stressed can often lead to damaging results.

I will share an experience of something that may put things a little more in prospective for you, for I never forgot it; I was having my car fixed with a mechanic who owned his own shop. I was making casual conversation and inquiring if he was happy with his choice of opening his own shop and being his own boss. He said something along the lines "Not really. I really enjoyed fixing cars when I was young and enjoyed it for quite a while, however, now it's just a job and the passion is gone. I am getting older, and my friends who took jobs working for someone else are now starting to retire, where I can not." This is not to say that this will be your experience, this is only to point out that if you pursue your passion, you may end up not even liking it as much near the latter part of life. So pick carefully.

I am a little confused. Do your friends know about all your interests or not? Are you concerned about them finding out about something? You need to bounce ideas off people who know you best, and you trust the most.

Good work ethic is important, but an un-purposeful busybody will not find much fulfilment. Take some time, I am sure you will know what it is when the time is right. If you are religious, pray. Also, meditate on what it is you really desire in life. How do you want to live your life, and what do you want to be remembered for after you die?

Keep your school work as priority, you still have time.


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