Author Topic: On Rationality: Speech/rant addressed to irrational people.  (Read 346 times)

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This was actually a series of 8 comments on YouTube in response to Anti-transhumanist conspiracy theorists, but that dang character limit kept it from being easily readable without heavy editing. Here's the edited version. Please critique it.

Well now wait a moment, shutting it off is not the same as killing it. Do you not see the difference?
[/size]ScionDeTorquemadaXVI in reply to ZombiezuRFER 11 hours agoShutting off is one thing, but making it impossible for it to function at any level again is killing it. I know the difference.Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that the label human is not important. Its just an animal that has abstract thought, or what we call a mind. The mind is the important bit, not the biology or lack thereof. An AI can have a mind, and any animal can be given a mind like a human. Its being a person, or possessing a sapient mind, that matters. Steel or flesh doesnt change the mind, just the medium. Think of a mind as a painting , and our bodies as the canvas. We could scrape that painting off that canvas in its entirety onto a new canvas or piece of paper, but its still the same. Maybe not the best metaphor, but I think it gets the message across. Transhumanism is about making ourselves just what we want to be, and most people want to be smarter, better, faster, stronger (daft punk reference yay) While we can do that without implants, we can only go so far with training and education. There are things we can't comprehend, like the number of atoms in a cubic inch of aluminum. Transhumanism is about the individual conquering themselves, an almost spiritual experience for some, in fact, a truly spiritual experience for extropians and others who engage in religious body-modification. It is no blasphemy to any God or Nature, it is a part of being human to improve ourselves. Its just that now, we can take it further than ever before. We have the technology already, we just need more knowledge to make it work how we want.The brave new world and borg examples are really pitiable arguments aainst transhumanism. Brave New World is really the antithesis of transhumanism, as everybody was dumber, weaker, and societal pressures are too great for some. The Borg want happiness for all, but the modifications they make don't improve anyone, no borg is smarter or stronger than they were before, they are just reduced to utter stupidity. Transhumans will feel better about themselves, and everybody else. If the government uses implants to control us, for what purpose? If they did, there would be uprisings as it doesn't improve the quality of life. Transhumanism, at its basest level, is improving the quality of life on an individual basis while still letting people interact. There is no conspiracy, no plan to create dystopias. Those are the realm of fantasies, it makes you feel like you have purpose to have something to fight against. But we have a brand new purpose in life: To become who we truly are. We don't need religions to explain the world to us anymore, we have reason and community. Humans were always a mass mind before, like thoughts that battled each other. Now we have come to desire identity and individuality, but to keep us all as sheep for the slaughter from ourselves is to fight these desires. I suggest you watch Charlie Chaplin's speech from "The Great Dictator," but think of the dictator as ignorance and distrust. I'm sorry this string of comments is so long, I had quite a bit to say XDNow, I ask you abandon the notion that everybody is out to oppress everyone at once, as its silly. This video is fear-mongering, it creates those fantastic dystopias and gives something to fight against that never really tried to fight. Conspiracy theories like this video shows, they are a form of escapism taken too far, letting it consume any way you could enjoy this world. Join us in bringing the singularity, and we can give you the bountiful gifts that Science and Reason share with us.This lengthy string of comments was made by a 17 year old male with Asperger's Syndrome, with a genius IQ level. He is an avowed transhumanist, fighting to quell ignorance and unwarranted fear.Our modern world is the dystopia we dream of, filled with hate and intolerance. I want to change that, improve the system if you will, and we can all be free of the tyranny that is the human brain and body. Free your mind from them!ZombiezuRFER in reply to ScionDeTorquemadaXVI 1 second ago[/color]
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