Author Topic: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN  (Read 3405 times)

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Offline Arca Wyld

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  • I'd float away, but you're my gravity.
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  • Species: Canine (Long muzzle, pointed ears)
  • Coloring: Dark roan grey, white muzzle, white paws
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 130
  • Build: Toned, curvy
  • Currently: Check out my stream!
'The Legend of Shade' - An Adventure / Combat RP
Welcome to my first RP on The Furry Forums! I will do my best to keep it nice and tidy around here. I am Arca Wyld and I will be managing this forum, along with being a participant.

Let's go over a couple basic rules!

  • Private message me to sign up to join! Please send me a PM if you'd like to join! Include a brief character summary on your role in the tale, and your personality. Keep in mind Shade (the anti-ascended) and Bright (the ascended) are unavailable roles, as they are part of the backstory and should remain solid.
  • Absolutely no fursona / character shaming allowed! I will report any negative activities of this sort immediately, no warning or questions asked. We are here to give an enriching story to the site, and enjoy ourselves while we do it.
  • Your fursona is your character. This is a given but I mean I'll just put it here just in case.
  • Please be as literate as possible. I'm no 'grammar control freak' but at least do your best! The more literate, the easier it is for people to read!
  • One paragraph minimum per post. Let's keep the story flowing and full!
  • Enjoy yourself, and be yourself. Isn't that what this is all about?
How about some info on the story? Don't worry, more will be added as time progresses to keep new readers updated on what is going on!

  • The beginning backstory - The world has finally been allowed to freely use magic and has been refreshed, thanks to the ascension of the holy being known as Bright that protected the world during the darkest of times. For a few years, things have been peaceful throughout the whole world; warring villages finally reaching agreements, plenty of food and water for everyone, fair government and military policies. But even in happy times, darkness begins to brew and evil factions begin to return to the surface. This can only mean one thing: The Anti-Ascended has rose once again, and must be purified by a holy ritual so that it can ascend and return the right of peace to the world. Nobody knows much about The Anti-Ascended except those of the church and holy council, and is one of the most well-kept secrets of history. All that is known to the public is that it kills without mercy, has a dark following, and is known as Shade.
Here's some brief information on participants in the roleplay! The more we progress, the more will be added!

  • Arca Wyld - A young woman hailing from the holy land. With the white crest of purity marked upon her chest, she has been born with a purpose; she has the power to bond one evil spirit to herself, and acts as a holy vessel to take the evil spirit with her. She can use the power of the spirit bonded with her, and communicate with the spirit as well. However, she cannot communicate with other open spirits, so she must rely on the bonded spirit to act as an interpreter for her if she relies on information from beyond. Her two holy bracelets and white crest upon her chest mark her as the vessel, and will be obvious to onlookers and enemies. Personality consists of being quiet and serious, raised to represent the power of the holy people. Has a soft and passionate heart, but hides it with a strong outer stance.
  • Smithie Skies - A young male warrior who tends to stay alone and hunts within the forests, dealing with the passing of his sister. Being tall and muscular, along with having bright orange fur, he is very easily spotted. He seems to have a routine that he sticks to, and he's very talented in combat.
  • Dunyan v'Alashyr - He is a large, slender deer of 37 years with dark brown fur. He has a lighter underbelly and "socks" and large, impressive antlers. He bears a large number of black, ritual tattoos across his body and usually wears the ornate clothes of his Sept, complete with a number of veils and thin chains between his antlers and on his face, which also cover his eyes. Dunyan is one of the Aan'sharein, a religious group of warrior-priests from the Kingdom of Ishtar. Those Ishtarans who show to possess the Sight - the ability to communicate with spirits - are sent to the Aan'sharein monasteries where they are trained and subjected to hard, even gruesome trials to strengthen their connenction to the spirit world. Once their training is complete, the Aan'sharein veil their faces - whether they still have eyes or not is a mystery. However, thanks to their magical powers, they are still able to see, in a certain fashion. In battle, Aan'sharein invoke spirits and ghosts to do their bidding or blast their enemies with energy from the spirit realms. Dunyan himself was but a simple sheepherder when he was found to possess the Sight. Trained in a monastery for almost 20 years, he is one of the more powerful Aan'sharein of his monastery, yet lacking experience.
  • Weeshi Ro'Nil - A young adult mouse who keeps his involvement out of everyone's businesses as possible. Residing in Murr, serving a banker as the assistant, he chose to have magic of swiftness and trickery, gaining him the power to vanish and appear within a small amount of time, leaving behind thick clouds each time. This was given as a child, leaving him freedom to trick friends and commit thievery, before his adult guardians have befallen an unexpected fate. Weeshi has explored the lands as an orphan in hiding for the past few years as a teenager, before being adopted by the banker, named Tunsper Jae (minor character). He collected a daggar that he rarely ever used against a person, always hidden beneath his cloak wherever. As a young adult of age 20, he refuses to show emotion to anyone other than the banker, in order to be left forgotten after leaving a person in question. Weeshi prefers to be alone most of the time wandering the streets and alleys, reluctant to show friendship.
  • Maxwell Mourns A slightly thinner than average, but by no means weak, 31 year old. These are some of the few things which are known about the white wolf with absolute certainty.  His background, lineage and home are all things he keeps to himself for a simple reason. To him, they don't matter. He has pure white fur with a blue tinge around his ears and a pair of dull green eyes which seem to have a piercing quality, like he can look at a person and see straight through them. He remains composed and calm in most situations, adheres to the rules of decorum and expects others to do as such. More than a few have learned not to mistaken his politeness for kindheartedness. People who have beared witness to Maxwell losing his temper would describe him as ruthless, and nearly sadistic. He is cold and manipulative, more than willing to use or hurt a person to get what he desires. He desires one thing more than anything, it is his sole goal in life, the purpose with which he carries himself. He wants power. As a magic user, specifically a blood mage that can manipulate the properties of blood as well as control it as a separate entity from himself, he sees knowledge as the greatest source of power, the more he knows, the more he can use what he knows to become stronger. He hopes to be able to use blood magic without the draining effect it naturally has on him when he's forced to use his own blood. His cold, relentless pursuit for knowledge and power led to him being banished from his home and he has wandered from place to place, keeping an eye out for things he can use. Some would call him evil, he prefers the term pragmatic, he'd take up some "noble quest" if there was the right incentive, or if the types who usually do that weren't insufferable.
See you within the story!  ;)

- - - - - - - - - -

Post Merge: April 09, 2016, 02:28:58 AM

The night sky hung low and hid the stars from sight, and the air rolled about in a cold comfort as a light snow storm began to roll in from the mountains. The clouds billowed and swelled as they came down from the range's face, slowly encompassing the base of the range with thick cloud cover. The wild grasses began to frost over slowly as the storm began to unleash, slowly bringing a light layer of snow to the open plains. It was quiet; nothing but a high whistle from the storm sang aloud.


Obvious prints from a hundred soldiers began to cover the landscape, and looming shadows sprang forth from the cover of the clouds and charged loudly across the plains. Crazed men hooted and hollered as they began to light torches with dark magics and drag them behind, scorching the lightly frosted plains with a dark mark. They seemed scattered and crazed at the beginning of their actions, but slowly began to synchronize and chant dark tongues to the open plains. They had created an enormous dark seal, and the soldiers began to circle around the seal and bow to it as they chanted in harmony;

He has been ascended, it's been years of hiding.
Rise from Hell, and free us of His binding.
Take our blood to quench empty vein,
and take our bodies to fuel eternal pain.

The soldiers began to seizure and foam at the mouth as the dark seal began to fill the night sky with an intimidating purple light. The light bent and warped the incoming snow storm as it tried to blow though the evil that was commencing, and began to twist around as if to hide vision of the evil that was about to show. The armor of the soldiers began to melt off of their very bodies and flow to the middle of the seal, along with the draining blood and organs of the now melted and lifeless soldiers. The concoction of stolen life and protection rapidly warped around the vortex, and slammed into the central area as a shadow of a creature ripped from the depths, roaring out and howling as he gripped the sides of the void and pulled himself up. Everything began to flow into him, and soon he was complete.

Standing in the vortex was a tall wolf-like creature, roughly eight feet tall and lightly armored. His body was essentially made of pure black fire, and red eyes peered at the twister around him as he took his first breath in the new world. He exhaled a sort of smoke and began to slowly build himself into a wild laughter, piercing the night with the threat of his existence. He took a couple steps towards the twisting wall of energy, and he crossed his arms to his side to instantly disperse it. He stood tall and looked at the bodies of his followers, and let a wild grin splay his face as he began to hover his hands by his side.

'My dear followers, you look so lifeless.'

His deep voice emitted a low growl as his arms morphed out, striking through each body and emitting a shadowy being into each rotting pelt that lay about the land. Their eye sockets glowed purple like the aura from the dark seal, and the lamenting moans of the undead soldiers began to echo through the mountains as the began to slowly move ahead of their commander. His arms returned to 'normal' as he breathed out once again and smiled wide. He looked ahead to the flat horizon.

'Tell your victims of your leader who brings you forth. We have much work to do.'

He exclaimed a loud roar to the sky as he began to charge forth with his soldiers into the night, grass dying and dirt drying out as he stepped right through the light layer of snow.

'Tell them of death and true misery! Tell them Shade has returned from the depths!'

- - - - - - - - - -

The sun shined bright upon the small seaside village of Murr. The weather was a solid seventy-five degrees, bringing out plenty of local villagers and tourists alike. Yapping children ran around busy adults in a playful manner as the work day began. The world-famous market was bustling as the fishermen brought fresh catches to sell, along with the farmers from the outskirts of the village bringing fresh meat and produce. It was obvious business with everyone was just booming, as smiles crossed the faces of everyone as they talked about their day and their products to others.

Not too far down the road, the housing district was busy as well. There was plenty of foot traffic as everyone made their way to the market, making it hard for Arca to make her way through the crowd. She was in a hurry, with a letter clasped tight in her paws. She did her best to move around everyone as she went against the flow of traffic, pardoning herself along the way. Finding a break in the mayhem she took a breath, paws to knees as she bent over slightly. Knowing her apartment was just around the corner, she began to jog again, hoping she would make it in time.

Arca turned the corner, just about running into the postman before skidding to a quick stop. She blushed slightly and composed herself as he reassembled his bag that just about came apart from the close call. He looked up to her with an annoyed look on his face.

'Late to make your post call once again are we, Miss Wyld?'

Arca stood up straight and quietly handed the letter to the postman. He looked at the address and flipped the letter over, seeing the official seal of the Royal Church. His demeanor changed in a hurry as he nodded and bowed slightly to Arca.

'Ah I-I see Miss Wyld, official business back home. I'll send this off straight a-away ma'am. Have a good afternoon.'

Arca nodded and walked off, passing her home and beginning to walk up a path that winded through a small patch of trees and elevated up a hill. The postman watched her walk up the hill before turning around and hurrying off. Arca looked back to see him rush away, then turned back to head for the top.

A small church sat upon the hill, newly renovated and well landscaped. The courtyard was donned with various tropical flowers, and nuns sat about with orphaned children and the elderly. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the sunshine as they talked to one another, until Arca began to walk through. The nuns paused briefly and payed kind respects to her as she brushed through, whispering to the curious children to do the same as they looked on. Arca raised her left hand to everyone as to pardon them, and they smiled and nodded before continuing about their business.

An older gentleman sat by the door to the church, panting and wagging his tail as he looked over the gorgeous courtyard. His elderly eyes widened as Arca walked into his vision; he hurried to stand before she looked to him, pardoning him of his respects. He sighed a breath of relief, and continued to sit. He looked up to her as she faced the door.

'Is Father Tryn here at the moment, old dog?'

The man stopped panting and gave a serious nod as she began to open the door prematurely.

'Good. We have something to talk about.'

- - - - - - - - - -

The inside of the church was bright and colorful, with the cushioned pews laying still and clean. The windows were open, letting the scent of the ocean waft in from the warm breeze. Up ahead, a short feline was finishing with his cleaning of his stand, humming a holy tune as he swished his tail back and forth. Hearing the doors close from behind him, he turned quickly and let out a meow as he approached Arca. He threw his arms out and smiled at her.

'Ah, sister Arca! So good to see you once again. I hope Bright has been blessing you with all of His glory on this beautiful day, hmmm?'

He was a short and stubby black cat, standing at about 4'11" with a long tail. His yellow eyes peered up at Arca as he adjusted his holy robes.

'What do you need help with, sister? You hardly come here anymore unless you need a favor.'

Arca was not up for much small talk, and she stepped close to the father and snarled. He puffed up and took a step back as he looked back to her with a slight shiver rolling through his fur. She barked loudly as she let loose her tongue.


He instantly began to tear up, holding out his paws as he pleaded.

'S-sister Arca, please you must know how dangerous that is. You are here to be safe, we just have to make sure that you don't give your location before the letters are sent...'

She clenched her fists and shook them at his face as she restrained from picking up the small feline and tossing him out a window.

'I can handle anything that comes at me! Trust me! Besides, Bright ascended when I was a child! Everything is fine, why can't I just live a normal life now!?'

She turned around and huffed as she began to head back out of the church. Father Tryn trotted behind her, trying to reason with the upset dog.

'P-please sister! It's only to keep you safe, nothing more. The letters still make it home. I assure you! We do nothing more than check th-'

She placed her paws on the door and snarled as she looked back at Father Tryn.


She looked on as she returned outside to take a seat, finding a quiet corner in the courtyard. It was quite empty outside now, as mostly everyone had left to go to the market. As she sat down she began to fumble through her pockets, but looked up to see Father Tryn looking on to her. She pinned her ears and gave a dark look to him, and with that he nodded and turned around to return inside. He invited the old man inside with him and closed the doors, shaking his head and sighing as he and the old man began to walk to the community kitchen to prepare the meals for the less fortunate. Arca, now outdoors, had found what she was looking for; she pulled out some tobacco and began to roll a cigarette after looking around to be sure none of the nuns saw her. She lit it with one of the nearby candles that were strewn about the courtyard, and took a big inhale as she settled in to her seat.

'Maybe someday I can quit these things. At least they keep me off the drugs.'
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 06:14:49 PM by Arca Wyld »

Offline Smithy-The-Husky

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  • Species: Siberian Husky
  • Coloring: Luminescent orange and bright yellow with snow white hair on his head
  • Height: 5'11 feet
  • Weight: (Not sure yet)
  • Build: About medium..he is pretty muscular though
  • Currently: Feelin' Good
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APS / OPEN
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 09:55:59 AM »
The sun shines brightly overhead as  the tall husky does his work. He wished to be alone after his sister died but unfortunately money does not grow on trees, no matter ho much those con artists tell you! His muscular chest in the sunlight as he lifts boxes grunting as he lifts them over his head and gently placing them on the small ship with a tap.

Smithy was a 6'2 husky with bright orange and yellow fur which stuck out in the crowed due to the exotic nature of his birth. He was pretty beefy having big strong arms and legs with a nicely toned chest which added to the shine with the sweat. He grunted as he placed the last crate on the ship and listening to the skunk to his right said

"Alrigh’ lad you can go.."

The skunk hands the man a few gold coins as he walks down the street towering over most men as they look up in jealousy and fear for Smith's god like physique. As he truds down the path with his massive feet he passes Arc not seeing her as a child runs in front of him making him trip by standing in front of him. As he falls his mind looks for something to grab and he almost instinctively grabs Arc for cover bringing her down to by mistake. A massive thud is heard as he hits the stone path grunting

Offline Arca Wyld

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  • I'd float away, but you're my gravity.
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  • Species: Canine (Long muzzle, pointed ears)
  • Coloring: Dark roan grey, white muzzle, white paws
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 130
  • Build: Toned, curvy
  • Currently: Check out my stream!
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 04:30:46 PM »
Arca took the last drag off of her cigarette, and let out a sigh as she exhaled the smoke. She puckered her lip and gruffed as she threw the stub down to the dirt, stepping on it with her thick padded paws to put it out. She walked off and turned through the gate of the courtyard to make her way back down the hill. The seaside breeze ruffled her fur and caused her ears to twitch as the sound of the bustling market flowed through her senses. She could smell the meat, and she let a small grin come through as she passed her apartment once again to make her way to the market.

It was still just as crowded as ever; almost the whole community was there, and with everything being plentiful there was plenty to go around. Shouts of market stand owners competed with one another for attention as folks went around buying what they need. Numerous guards were posted about, but most of them were in conversation with one another or cat-calling at attractive furs as they passed by. Murr was generally a neutral and peaceful village; the guards were pretty much only there to be eyes on Arca. It drove her insane; the villagers believed they were there simply for their protection, but in all reality they would have to fend off foes with pitchforks if Arca wasn't calling Murr home. Magic bearing furs seemed to only pass through as tourists these days, and with all of the peace in the world, there wasn't much to do with combative magics.

Arca shook her head and composed herself from punching one of the guards that looked on to her as he smacked his flirtatious partner, and pointed at her. She walked about the market and looked at all that was offered, trying to find the most fresh meat available. She passed the fish market and scoffed her nose away with disgust as she continued to walk.

'Ugh, fish... Can't stand the smell.'

She saw one of her favorite meat butchers across the way of the bustling market and began to walk. She went against the general flow of traffic as she slowly crossed over toward the stand. However she was 'flat-tired' as she felt a big pair of paws get tangled up in her long tail. She let out a small yelp, but angrily turned around to snap at whoever trudged over her.

'Hey, buddy, I'm walking he-'

A pair of huge paws grabbed upon her shoulders, and before Arca could react she had been pulled to the ground with the tripping fur as well. A slight cloud of dust cleared, revealing a massive orange husky and the grey mutt canine tangled up with one another. Arca quickly rolled around to see eye to eye with the husky, showing his not so stoked facial expression. She blushed and bolted to her feet as she brushed herself off and continued to look at him. Her fur bristled up as she barked at him.

'You clumsy dog! What gives man!? What was th-'

She stopped mid sentence and looked around her. A small crowd had gathered around to watch her, but with a swing of her clawed paw and a snarl they hurried off, fearful of her wrath. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, sweeping her black bangs from her face and adjusting her ponytail. She looked back down at the husky, who seemed to begin to recover from the collision as well. She reached her paw out and huffed.

'I'm sorry about that. I haven't exactly had a great day thus far, here let me help you...'

She took a few steps closer to him, continuing to offer her paw.

'I'm Arca, Arca Wyld.'

Offline Smithy-The-Husky

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  • Species: Siberian Husky
  • Coloring: Luminescent orange and bright yellow with snow white hair on his head
  • Height: 5'11 feet
  • Weight: (Not sure yet)
  • Build: About medium..he is pretty muscular though
  • Currently: Feelin' Good
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APS / OPEN
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 04:51:57 PM »
Looks at her embarrassed a bit as he took the paw and stood up trying to smile "Smithy..Skies" he said as he looked at her brushing himself off as dust falls off his cloth pants. He was pretty tall but he tried not too look down on her..people found it annoying.

" is me who should apologize" looka at her and reavhes into his pocket as his massive furry hands fumble about within and takes out ea few shiny golden goons that glinted in the sunlight as he grunts a bit..he loved being a gentleman but sometimes politeness costs you. He shines in the sunlight as if heaven decided to touch him., though in the desert you would not see him but, city furs like to stare.

Offline Arca Wyld

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  • I'd float away, but you're my gravity.
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  • Species: Canine (Long muzzle, pointed ears)
  • Coloring: Dark roan grey, white muzzle, white paws
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 130
  • Build: Toned, curvy
  • Currently: Check out my stream!
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APS / OPEN
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 08:23:43 PM »
Arca looked up at Smithie with a small smile. She instantly grabbed his paw that fumbled with the money, folding his fingers around it. She patted his clasped paws and shook her head at him.

'No, no... I don't need that. Keep it.'

Looking at the husky, she could see he had been working hard. He looked worn out, and possibly hungry. She turned to walk to the butcher's stand and beckoned him to come with. She pulled out gold coins from her own pocket, and handed them to the butcher.

'I'd like two of the most fresh meat slabs you have, sir.'

He graciously accepted the money and wrapped two large slabs of meat in paper, then handed them to Arca. She smiled and nodded, and turned back to Smithie. She presented the meat to him with a grin.

'I'm taking these to my home to cook. You are more than welcome to come along. You may be tall and strong but you seem harmless.'

As she walked off to leave the market, she noticed sever guards beginning to follow. She knew they were worried about Smithie being close to her, and she stopped to look at the group. She snarled and waved her paw at them, and that was all it took to send them away. She sighed and turned back to Smithie.

'I'm sorry about the, uh... Unwanted onlookers. They seem to think I'm always in danger. We're in Murr, it's neutral here. Shouldn't have to worry about any bad situations occurring.'

She held on to the meat as they walked on. She looked out to the ocean as the sun began to sink lower and lower, with the birth of a sunset coming into view.

'I lead an interesting life. It's hard to explain, but it makes it hard to make friends. Maybe we can become friends, I can't really tell you anything until I learn to trust you.'

She turned back and walked quietly as they approached her home. She pulled keys from her pocket and spoke as she walked to the door.

'Invite is still available. I would be more than happy to make you some food. You look hungry.'

Offline Smithy-The-Husky

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  • Gender: Male
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  • Species: Siberian Husky
  • Coloring: Luminescent orange and bright yellow with snow white hair on his head
  • Height: 5'11 feet
  • Weight: (Not sure yet)
  • Build: About medium..he is pretty muscular though
  • Currently: Feelin' Good
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2016, 08:40:23 PM »
Looks at her smiling a bit as his husky tongue rolls out of his mouth and a great big smile appears on his face. Getting food was hard with the job he has, this was a miracle to him. He egerly follows her inside and sits by the fire on a chair his orange fur gleaming "Yes..warmth"

"why pick up a stranger and place him in your home?"

He asked as he looks at the steaks smiling at their raw juiciness aas he puts his hands behind his head "It's real dangerous"

Offline Arca Wyld

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  • I'd float away, but you're my gravity.
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  • Species: Canine (Long muzzle, pointed ears)
  • Coloring: Dark roan grey, white muzzle, white paws
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 130
  • Build: Toned, curvy
  • Currently: Check out my stream!
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2016, 10:40:09 PM »
Arca opens the door to invite the husky in, but before she could walk in he had sat by the fire in a chair. She grinned; it had been a long time since she had a guest in her home, let alone just be around another fur in general besides harassing Father Tryn at the church. She walked into her kitchen and turned on her stove to start preparing a meal for the two of them. She began to lightly oil a pan and collect some seasonings from a nearby cupboard, when Smithie spoke.

'Why pick up a stranger and place him in your home?'

She quickly paused and perked her ears to him.

'It's real dangerous.'

Her fur bristled up briefly as she placed the seasonings upon her counter. She took a breath and walked around the corner to him. She came around the corner and grasped her chest. She smiled as she opened her palm, still hovering her chest. The white cross mark glowed from under her black long sleeve shirt, and her eyes gained a slight glow as she looked on to Smithie.

'If you were a truly evil person, I'd steal your soul and control you for the rest of your days...'

She waved her paw away and canceled her powers. She returned to a normal state and smiled.

'Even if you don't have a soul I can take the negative you hold close and grasp your being...'

She turned back to the kitchen and hummed a tune as she placed the meat onto the pan, grinning happily at the smell and sound of the cooking meat. She looked up and perked her ears as she flipped the meat.

'I'd appreciate if you kept my ability quiet. I get enough strange attention already with the guards following me around.'

She let the meat simmer with the seasoning as she walked back into the room Smithie sat in. She opened a drawer and began to set the table for her and her guest, placing two plates and silverware across from each other. She walked to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of home-brewed beer, checking on the meat as she walked by, and returned to toss one to Smithie. She took a seat across from him by the fire and cracked hers open, taking a sip and looking on to the bright colored husky.

'So what's your story? Why are you in Murr? Just for work?'

Offline Arca Wyld

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  • I'd float away, but you're my gravity.
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  • Species: Canine (Long muzzle, pointed ears)
  • Coloring: Dark roan grey, white muzzle, white paws
  • Height: 5' 4"
  • Weight: 130
  • Build: Toned, curvy
  • Currently: Check out my stream!
Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2016, 05:34:34 PM »
Arca jerked forward in her seat with wide eyes, feeling her very own magic pull away from her. A small cold sweat brewed from the back of her neck as she clenched her teeth, and looked toward the window. She hadn't felt this feeling in years, not since her holy combat training as a child. She stood up quickly and ran to the kitchen, pulling the meat off the stove and turning it off in a haste. She re-wrapped both cooked slabs in paper and a cloth and ran to her bedroom. She opened a drawer and pulled out some important papers, the last of her savings, and threw some basic articles of clothing together into a small purse of hers. She ran out of her bedroom and threw one of the wrapped pieces of meat at Smithie as she shoved hers into her bag.

'Eat on the run, come with me. This is important.'

She was at the door and turned to Smithie again, seeing he was slightly confused.

'No time to explain. Let's go.'

Before she even knew it herself, Arca was back in the center of town. The market was pretty much gone now, with the coming of the night everyone retired to their homes or were setting up at the restaurants and bars. The air began to grow cold as the warming sun faded away with a painted sunset, and Arca's senses were going wild. She looked around as she walked by crowds with a crazed look in her eye, she knows this energy. She knew she needed to find them. She felt the pull guiding her, she began to run in a frantic.

She turned a corner and stopped in her tracks as the stag's silhouette loomed down the street. She heard the jingle of the charms he carries, the flap of his veil as the breeze whipped it about. His great antlers loomed high above him; she had finally found the source of the pull. It all made sense. She looked about to see that the street had pretty much cleared minus the three of them, and she knew it was because the civilians feared that of the unknown. She stood up straight and walked to the figure, looking him square in the eye - well at least where their eyes would be if they were seen. She placed her paw across her chest again as she spoke to the stag.

'You are an Ishtarian, are you not... You must be one of the Aan'sharein... I am not wrong.'

As the crest on her chest glowed, the light smoked about his antlers; even the glow from her eyes was attracted to the tall fur. He seemed to help strengthen her powers, as a small circle of light rose from her feet and moved gently around her and the stag. She canceled her ability and took a step back to give him some space.

'You need to state your purpose here. This is a neutral town. Those of the holy land are feared here, for good reason.'

She stood proud and slightly puffed her chest out.

'I am Arca Wyld, own daughter of Bright the Ascended. I serve as His purifying vessel and you need to tell me why you're here.'

She felt her fur puff up as she pointed to him, bearing her sharp teeth.

'Your kind does not come to me for no reason. What have you seen!? What is coming for us!?'

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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2016, 05:07:21 AM »
Raz was in a local Tavern/Inn, then a messenger came to Raz's Door and knocked on it, "Uh, M-Mr. D-Dracon?", the messenger asked, "I have another job f-for you.", Raz then threw a glass bottle at the door where the messenger was standing, nearly missing his head, "Eh, what is it, Messenger?", The messenger slowly walked towards Raz shaking, with a note in hand, "Stop, that's far enough, I asked you, What. Is. It?", "U-uhm, it says that... uh... uh-oh... that's not good... it's a warning... U-uhm, you need to leave, Now!", Razuel took the note and read it, "Aah Shit! Thanks kid... you'd best get goin' too... before something happens.", Razuel walked over to his room's window, grabbed his sword, and blasted off out of the window, but then a loud voice boomed and said 'FIRE' and when Raz looked back he saw a net flying towards him, and then wrapped around him, he then found himself quickly gliding down into a crash and hit into the market square, and into an empty stand, not too far from Arca, making a loud bang, then Raz's opponents came running, only 3 of them, at Raz and then sounds of kicking and punching could be heard, then Raz yelled some  spell and there was a large burst of fire and all three of the assailants were blasted back, bodies charred, and Raz was laying there, very weak from this ordeal in a charred booth, and whatever bit of clothing he had on mostly burnt away, and when Raz tried to get up he let out a loud swear word and simply layed back down on the charred both.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 05:23:07 AM by Razuel »
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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2016, 03:08:24 PM »
On the far other side of town, Weeshi Ro'Nil, a mouse always hiding his head under the cloak's hood from everyone, he sat in the bank as Tunsper, his overseer, handled an amount of money on his desk and writing, possibly someone else's to store. Not needing his vanishing trick to leave, he swiftly sneaks out the main door, while Tunsper's right ear tweaked behind at the sound of the hinges.

As he wanders the street, trapped in his pondering and endless thoughts, Weeshi tries not to turn his head to anyone upon passing by, looking straight ahead. He almost regrets choosing to ignore almost everyone in his life, but he refuses to show hypocrisy and erratic behavior. He must stay consistent and also stay away.

But upon hearing sounds of crashing and a distant voice, he ran to the source of the commotion. Weeshi could never falter his curiosity. Just as he arrived, there a bright, orange light, and a burning body has flung towards him, and he jumped to the side into an alley. He stood there for many minutes, as he did not want to be seen. Weeshi peeks over the corner to see a towering deer with particular looking marks and tattoos on his body, a person with burnt clothing lying on the ground, and... Arca? His instincts yell at him to retreat back, but he wants to know what's happening. No, not only that, he feels compelled to for no apparent reason. He feels like an invisible force is directing him...

Still by the corner of the alley, Weeshi vanished as he flung his hand downwards with powder. He thinks for a second he'll regret his decision.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 10:43:10 PM by WeeshiSniip »
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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2016, 03:25:18 PM »
Raz continued to get up, faltering continually but used his sword to prop himself up and began to limp stumbling frequently, with bits of smoke still coming off of his clothing, then he looked at one of the charred bodies and spat at it, "Idiots... They should really try harder next, GAH!", Razuel looked down to see one of the charred creatures grabbing his leg, Raz then used his sword and stabbed it in the head, it then squirmed and screamed then turned to dust, Raz then looked at his sword, " Huh... Didn't know you could do that."
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 01:02:04 AM by Razuel »
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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2016, 03:18:57 AM »
Arca looked to her side as she saw the collapsing market stand, but soon had to jump back as the soldiers began to charge at them. She growled and pinned her ears as she prepared to lunge out, but halted as she saw the stag turn to them. She slightly flinched as she saw them become next to nothing quite quickly, and grinned as the black dragon finished off the other. She held her head high and crossed her arms, ears perking back up.

'Well it seems you folks sure can handle yourselves. Even though you reek of booze, scaled one.'

She waved the scent away from her nose; she looked about the town as night began to fall, the street lights turning on as the stars began to come through the blanket of the dark. From the corner of her eye, a slight puff of smoke floated up. She squinted at it for a brief moment, but was soon interrupted. Father Tryn came charging through, desperately huffing and grabbing Arca by the arm.

'S-Sister Arca! Please, no time to explain. We must go!'

Arca nodded in shock as he lead her off. Arca looked back and beckoned everyone with her, as the breeze smacked her hair about.


The whole group comes running op the hill, following the holy black cat along the path. From the hill the dock could be seen reflected off of the water as flames began to engulf it in screaming explosions. Arca stopped and looked about in horror, but was pulled by someone to keep going. The reached the top to see a group of guards preparing to charge down the hill, and other guards began to yell for cover as they guided the group to the doors of the church, even going to the point of pushing civilians aside. Arca barked and turned as soon as she entered, wanting to yell at them for doing so, but was once again pulled away as she watched them close in front of her face. She turned to look at the front of the church and see a holy soldier; she wasa lioness, layed on the floor and dressed with white sheets as they prepped her to take her final breath. She was wounded, bleeding black blood as she struggled to remain conscious. Time seemed to slow as the noise of impendind war from outside melted away from Arca, the scent of death luring her to the soldier's body. The lioness turned to her, eyes widening and reaching up suddenly at Arca, the black beggining to pour away and stream to the mark upon Arca's chest. She was preparing to send the soul to heaven as she kneeled down and took the paw of the warrior. The recieving lioness purred and smiled as she grabbed Arca's paws. Black leaked from her eyes and teeth as she let out one last pitiful roar before passing on.

'Your t-time has come, Bright calls us all home...'

She grew limp as Arca gently lifted the soul from it's body, and lifted it to the heavens. It swirled about and wafted to the sky. For a brief moment, Arca felt total peace. She breathed in and smiled, but suddenly felt a cold pull on her shoulder, she turned and felt reality return to her forcefully. She screamed out as she looked to the doors of the church, now blown to flaming pieces as a giant shadow wolf came bursting through. Soldiers were thrown aside as bloody scraps of metal as the demonic force cut through the holy air like a sharp knife through butter. Arca's group had been blown about various parts of the room, as the rubble had destroyed all but the area that surrounded Arca's stance. She looked around in panic as the giant shadow wolf stood over her laughing. It split apart and became the one hundred undead soldiers that had made their way to the edge of the village, revealing the sevent foot tallarmored shadow wolf. He took an offensive stance as spoke to Arca.

'Holy being of Bright, my dearest child... Arca, how good to see you looking so fresh and young!'

He laughed evily as he ripped his head about in hysteria.

'Time to show me the holy way, is that not what your pathetic father spoke of!?'

He grew still and pointed crazily at Arca as she stood back in uncontrollable terror.

'Well let's see it then, just try and contain me! AHAHAHAHA!'

Arca stood up fully and pinned her ears back, looking on to the looming monster as starting to show her teeth. She slowly felt a new courage break loose and stir within her, fueling her body to be brave. She let out a majestic canine howl as she took a full offensive stance, ready to fight.

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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2016, 03:38:25 AM »
As Weeshi followed the group up the hill, invisible to the world, he stopped to notice the town suddenly in flames. He grew terrified, until he remembers Tunsper was left behind there... after accepting he was alone yet again, he runs up the hill, dodging flailing, screaming citizens along the way.

He watches in amazement the lifting of the soul unfold inside the church with Arca, and wonders how such a being like her could be passed powers such as this.

A tall, wolf of shadow bursted through the door, with Weeshi laying witness to the soldiers being flung back, and the undead soldiers moving. Bewilderment fills him entirely, as he slowly moves back into a corner, wishing to avoid combat. But as Arca announces her bravery and will to fight, he pulls out his daggar at last and is filled with ruthlessness towards that... thing.

Weeshi reaches for his tricks with his left hand, hidden away in his numerous pouches behind the cloak and on the waistline.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 04:11:15 AM by WeeshiSniip »
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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2016, 03:57:07 AM »
Raz followed the group as fast as he could with his injuries and when the beast burst through the door of the church, he was flung back by the force of it, and when he came to, he saw Arca, the Large Wolf and a large mass of dead soldiers.

Raz put a hand to his head and shook it, sealed his wounds with some fire magic, and then went to Arca and the large wolf opposing her. Raz made his way to Arca, slashing those who opposed him, and as he neared them he spoke to the large wolf, "Ya know, that's not very nice, pup, especially to be doing to a lady...", Raz then did a quick glide-sprint to infront of Arca, serving as a type of assistance, "Are you alright, miss?", Raz said as he looked back at Arca, his sword emitting a silver flame and surrounding his hands, "And if you are, miss, I'd suggest you take up arms to help or flee... your choice."
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Re: 'The Legend of Shade' - PM for Invite - ACCEPTING APPS / OPEN
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2016, 06:03:17 AM »
Arca took her paws from her sides and clapped, and pulled the dark matter from the being. It fell lifeless to the floor as she stored the energy; she grabbed a piece of metal debris and swung it around in her hand as she began to run around the soldiers. She clashed with a few and parried all of the hits, finding opening and pulling their energy away. She looked back to the dragon and grinned.

'Keep that monster distracted. If I gather all of this energy... We may have a chance.'

She then dashed off, so that she could begin harvesting the energy. She looked up to see a mouse with a blade, preparing to fight, and she took out a soldier that was coming for him from behind. She gave a brief nod before continuing to fight, for any help is good help at this point. She gasped and ducked as the leader began morphing shadow fire into spears and tossed them her way. He shot to the sky and morphed himself some wings as well, laughing as he hung in the air. He pointed to the black dragon and beckoned him.

'Ah the squealing princess has some friends, does she?'

He howled with laughter as he kept tossing spears at Arca, who was doing everything in her power to avoid them. He turned back to the dragon and the mouse, who were the only ones engaging thus far.

'Come and get me! I'll send you straight to the depths!'


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