Author Topic: Fight against a modern day frost giant?  (Read 4202 times)

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Offline Jaredthefox92

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Fight against a modern day frost giant?
« on: October 10, 2019, 12:12:56 AM »
(OOC: I'm looking to test out a old character I've revised, sort of an anti-dimensional doppelganger of this anthro frost giantess I have called Helga.

Anyways, the giantess in question is named Ubel and she's a 30m tall blond haired maiden with cryomancy. While she's from the Sonic fandom, you can envision her anthrophamorphsized or even methodologically like. However, she is a 'modern' day titaness as due to her lore, she was actually raised in a city that would be in Germany.)


Roleplay type: Somewhat over the top and silly, but could be considered serious. A tiny sentence or paragraph is preferred.

Setting: What would be like modern day Germany with some fantasy elements.

Scenario: Your character fights her, she could be attacking a city or town.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 12:19:15 AM by Jaredthefox92 »


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